t3be Conservative , T. Sterling Morton Df the United States has just hurt ii very great mark tif HuiitJr shown him by a foreign nation. frlio Argentine Republic of South Amer ica , desiring to organize a bureau or De partment of Agriculture- that state , modeled on the United States Depart ment of Agriculture , has informally invited Mr. Morton to organize the de partment. It is said a satisfactory com pensation would be forthcoming should the first citizen of Nebraska undertake the arduous journey across the equa torial zone , and the difficult task , of un certain termination , at the other end. It is not certain , however , that a pot of gold is a seductive allurement to one who as a Nebraska democrat has at least three times engaged in a rainbow chase. But to have been thought worthy to lay the foundation of the governmental Department of Agricul ture in an ambitious foreign state is an honor any American would appreciate , and would not refuse without excellent reason , even though it should expatriate him during the whole of a political cam paign. Nebraska Farmer. When Po3'nter shall have been elected governor and a populist legislature shall have re-elected Allen to the senate and that great and good man , who would not vote for another cents' worth of an interest-bearing United States debt , shall have purchased all the railroads with the money out of his own pocket and given them to the United States , to man , operate and control ; and then with the small change which shall have been left in his capacious pocket shall have purchased the South Omalui stock yards and presented them to the state , what delightful flush times , with loads of silver dollars being dumped into everybody's cellar , all bright and fresh from Uncle Sam's mint , the dear people will revel in and enjoy. And then when everybody has been made rich by legislation the joys of Paradise will be unable to compete for patrons with the beatitudes of populism. Railroads in Nebraska bought by the government and managed by the leaders of populism , in connection with the South Omaha stock yards , which Sena tor Allen and Mr. Poynter propose to purchase and operate , are destined to be come a great economic success. The railroad department at Lincoln , it is rumored , will be placed in charge of a board of officials which is to include the the warden of the penitentiary ; Mr. Schwind , the champion fee-and-salary drawer ; and the superintendents of the insane asylums of the state. Under such excellent control , and managed by such rare , experienced and formidable abili ty who can doubt the coming betterment of the railroads , the benefactions to the public and the tre mendous reduction of rates ? MAGNIFICENT TRAIN SERVICE . . VIA . . THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Two Trains Daily to Denver unci Colorado Points * . Two Trains Daily to Utah and California. One Train Daily to Portland , Ore. Che Colorado Special To Denver and Colorado Points. Loaves Onmhn 11 Bg everyday at llwjr-jj Arrives Denver next day 2:55 : p. in. Colorado fast DalL ) To Denver and Colorado Points. Leaves Omaha stm 35 every day at ' " pTM. Arrives Denver next day 7:85 : a. in. Overland Cltnifed. To California in Two Nights. Leaves Omaha C > KO every day at 5 T X7M Arrives Ogden next day . 110 : p. in. " Salt Lake City next day a :10 : p. in. " San Francisco third day . .8:45 : p.m. CDe California fast mail. Quick time to San Francisco. Leaves Omaha / | 9 3S every day at ' " P.'M. Arrives Ogden morning second day. .2:00 : a. in. " Salt Lake morii'g sec'd day. . ! 550 : ! a. in. " San Francisco morn8rd day .0:45 : a. in. CDe Portland Fast l aiL Quick Time to Portland only 2 days. Leaves Omaha s4 m 3S ' * "f" every day at p. Arrives Ogdeii morning second day. .2:00 : a. m. " Salt Lake morn'g sec'd day. .8:80 : a. in. " Butte second day . 1:45 : p. in. " Portland morning third day .7:20 : a. in. Double Drawing Room Pullman Palace Sleepers , Buffet Smoking and Library Cars , Pull man Tourist Sleepers , Free Reclining Chair Cars , Dining Cars , Meals a la carte. For Rates , Tickets , Sleeping Car Reservations and full information , call on your near est Union Pacific Agent or address , p ? * L.O1VI.A.X Gen'l. Pass. & Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb. THB SECRETARY SOMETHING NEW IN PLOWS Plowing and Subsoiling in one Operation. Save the Rainfall for your land , in stead of allowing it to run to waste. A perfect Disc turning Plow , stirring the furrow bottom at from t\vo to eight inches below the plow ; breaking vip the gla/ed furrow bottom ; admitting the free absorption of rainfall. "Better than any irrigating device. " Send for descriptive circular. DBBRB CO. Moline , Illinois. EUMORE < & COOPER , ( Established 188O. ) LIVE STOCK COMMISSION BROKERS , KANSAS CITV STOCK YARDS. KANSAS CITY , 7VIO. CAPITAL $125OOO.OO. Furnish money to responsible farmers for feeding cattle in Missouri river ter ritory. Also offer investors a limited line of secured cattle feeders' paper , with the firm's indorsement , at current rates of interest. JOY AlORTOIN & CO. MAMTPACTintKliB AND DKAUCIIB IN AROO STARCH SAL , SODA CEREALS SALT SODA ASH General Office , Pier INo. 1 , Shipping Doclcs and Soda Factory SaltWorks : 0. B. & 6. SLIP I. C. PIER 1 , CHICAGO. WYANDOTTE , MICHIGAN , BELT RY. , C. R. I. & P. SO. CHICAGO. HUTCHINSON , KANSAS. Starch Factory and Cereal Mills , Nebraska City , Neb.