. t3be Conservative. 13 1850 Honoro do Bnlznc , French novelist , dlod in Paria ; born 1700. 1S01 The great comet appeared ; noted for Its great dimensions ; the war had just begun , and the comet was considered u bad union. IfcCC President Johnson proclaimed a Mate of peace , and this is judicially t alien us thu end of the war. ISCfl Ann Sophia Stephens , American novelist , died ; born at Derby , Conn. , 1S1U. lSS8-Soth Green , "father of the fishes , " dird at Rochester ; born there 1815. l&ro Guinry hotel , in Denver , destroyed by an explosion followed by fire ; 25 deaths. 1807 AiiRiolillo , the assassin of Senor Cunovas , prime minister of Spain , executed at San Sebastian. This Date In History Aug. 21. 1702 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu , noted for eccentricity and letters from Turkey , died ; born 1C90. 1703-William IV of England born ; died 18S7. l OS Jules Micholot , nn eminent French his torian and writer , born in Paris ; died 1874. 1878 Ex-Queen Maria Christina of Spain , con sort of Ferdinand VII and mother of Isa bella II , died. 1883 Tornado in Minnesota ; 80 lives lost. 1&8G Fire in San Francisco destroyed $2,000,000 worth of property. 1800 Guatemala and Salvador signed a treaty of peace. 180& Dr. C. C. Raue , distinguished physician , teacher and author , died in Philadelphia ; born 1820. This Date In History Aug. 22 , 1485 Battle of Bosworth and death of Richard III ; end of the Plantagcnot dynasty and beginning of the Tudor with Henry VII. 1752 William Winston , translator of Josephus , died in London , aged 85. 1818 Warren Hastings , noted governor general of India , died nt Daylosford , Worcester shire , aged 85. 1844 George Washington Do Long , American naval officer and arctic explorer , born in New York city ; died in Siberia in 1881 while in command of the ill fated Jeannette expedition. De Long graduated from the United States Naval academy in 1865. In 1873 ho served on the Juniata in the Polaris boarch. Under command of Lieutenant Do Long the Jeannette boiled north from San Francisco in 1870. The vessel never es caped the ice pack and after drifting with it over 600 miles air line , or about 1,200 by her devious course , was crushed in June , 1881. The party journeyed southward by sledge and boat. Do Long traveled over 2,800 miles and perished with his compan ions. 1801 Hien-Fung , emperor of China , noted for his antiforeign policy , died. 18tX5 John Chamberlin , a noted Washington landlord , died at Saratoga. 1897 James Reynolds , one of the leaders of the old Fenian Brotherhood , died in New York city. This Date In History Aug. 23 , 1723 Increase Mather , fanatical Puritan , etc. , died in Boston ; born 1639. 1745 Louis XVI of France was born ; guillo tined 1703. 1785 Oliver Hazard Perry , American naval hero , was born in Newport , R. I. ; died on the same date in 1810. 1789 Silas Deano , American diplomat and agent in Franco of the Revolutionary colonies nies in 1770-7 , died in Deal , England. 1863 Bombardment of Fort Sumter by the bat teries under General Q. A. Gillmoro ; 410 shots struck the fort. Gillmoro'a chief of artillery reported : "Tho demolition of the fort at the close of this day's firing ( Aug. 28) ) was complete , so for ns its offensive powers were considered. Every gun upon the parapet was either dismounted or seri ously damaged. The parapet could be seen in many places both on the sea and chan nel faces completely torn away from the terreplein. The place , in fine , was a ruin and effectually disabled for any immediate defense of the harbor of Charleston. " 1687 Rear Admiral Thomas Tingoy Craven , U. 8. N. , retired , died at Charleston ; born 1808. 1804 Judge Norman L. Freeman , the oldest court reporter in the United States , died t Springfield , Ills. This Date In History Aug. 24 , 1481 Alfonso V of Portugal died. 1572 Massacre of St. Bartholo mew and murder of Admi ral de Coligni. 1680 Colonel Thomas Blood , famous for attempt to steal the crown and jewels of England , died. 1682 John , duke of Louder- dale , minister of Charles II , beheaded. 1750 Letitia Kamollni , mother of Napoleon Bonaparte , MME. HONA- born ; died 1830. PAKTK. 1814 Washington city captured by the British and the capital and ether public buildings burned. 1841 Theodore Hook , the erratic humorist , died ; born 1788. 1855 The famous Bartholomew fair , or Lon don saturnalia , suppressed after flourish ing over 700 years. 1870 End of the Rod river rebellion in Canada. lfaS3 Count Chambord , last of the Bourbon line and heir to the throne of France , died ; born in the Tuilories 1820. 1802 The two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of Gloucester , Mass. , was celebrated there. Lite bas become a ausaen to Van Wyck of Now York since he res cued two young ladies from drowning recently Bushels of letters pour in on hitn from all parts of the land. It is worse than the endless chain. He will think twice before he goes further in the business of saving young women's lives. That is to say , unless the girl is very handsome , and then the bachelor mayor will naturally take his chance of blushinkHobsqns ! reward. Commissioner General Peck assures the public that notwithstanding the limited amount of money and space the country will bo admirably represented at the Paris fair. The extra $500,000 for which the president will urge an appropriation , according to the latest news , should make assurance doubly sure. Spoiul Aiif-iist in tlu ; Itliick Hills. Go first to Hot Springs. There you can bathe , ride , bicycle , climb moun tains , dunce and play tennis to your heart's content. It' your limbs are stiff , your ludneys out of order or if you are troubled with ccxoma or any other form of sltin disease , a month nt Hot Springs will niako ( i now man of you. Sylvan Lake and Spearflsh are within a comparatively short distance of Hot Springs and everyone who visits the Black Hills should see them. Sylvan Lake is the prettiest and coolest summer resort in the west. Spearfish is reached after a railroad ride that ranks among the experiences of a lifetime. There is nothing like it anywhere else on the globe. During August , the Burlington ro\ito will run two low-rate excursions to Hot Springs ; one cm the 9th , the other on the 26th of this month. Tickets will be sold at ono faro for the round trip half rates and will bo good to return any time within 5JO days. Organize a party. Arrange about your hotel accomodatious at Hot Springs. Get your tickets from the Burlington agent and pass the most de lightful month in the year in the most delightful suuimerlandon the continent. QUAIL OATS BREAD. Two large cups of QUAIL OATS , three tablespoonfuls of molasses ; half a yeast cake soaked in half a teacupful of tepid water ; a pinch of salt. Pour over the oats sufficient boiling water to thoroughly moisten them ; put in double boiler and steam fifteen minutes. Make a sponge of the yeast with white flour , and let it rise as for wheat bread. When the oats are cool and the sponge light , mix them together , adding molasses and salt , and beat well. Add enough white flour to mould into loaves , and bake about twenty minutes longer than other bread. JOY MORTON cSfc CO , MANUFACTUHEHS AND DKAI.EUS IN ARdO STARCH SAL , SODA SALT CEREALS , SODA ASH General Office , Pier No. 1 , Chicago. Shipping Docks and Soda Factory C. B. & O. SLIP-I. C. PIER 1 , CHICAGO. BELT RY. , C. R. I. & P. SO. CHICAGO. SaltWorks : WYANDOTTE , MICHIGAN , HUTOHINSON , KANSAS. Starch Factory and Cereal Mills , Nebraska City , Neb. I