the Conservative. WITH TIIK OM > During Hie last STAMiAKi ) . presidential ( Hi m- paign a public speaker seeking high office said : "The promulgation of the gold stand ard is an attack upon your homes and your firesides and you have as much right to resist it as to resist an army marching to take your children captive and burn the roof over your head. " But under the gold standard during the last half century imprisonment for debt was abolished. Under the gold standard most states , of the American Union have passed laws exempting homesteads and largo values in personal property from execu tion for debt. Under the gold standard , liens have "been provided for mechanics and labor ers that secure their wages iipon the jwwjwty 'Whereon they put forth their oll'orta. Under the gold standard , laws have been passed permitting poor persons to sue in the coxirts , state and national , without the payment of costs or the giv ing of security for costs. Under the gold standard , laws have been passed providing for the appoint ment of attorneys to defend at the cost of the state impecunious persons in criminal courts and in some instances in the civil courts. With the gold standard , laws have been so constructed that courts are com pelled to enter judgment in favor of laborers who have to bring suit to recover - , cover wages , or enforce their rights against a corporation , for a stated sum to reimburse them for attorneys' fees. Wjth the gold standard , the wages of "lilbo ) ' Juive been made preferred claims in tibe administration of estates. With njjo gold standard , laws regula- . tting passenger and freight rates xipon railroads and other transportation lines , # nil likewise regulating the charges of -warehouse-men and elevator-men have been instituted. This shows how false and flagrant the charge is that legisla tion in this country has been dominated by corporations during the last fifty years. With the gold standard , in full vigor , national and state commissions have been created for the supervision of rail way traffic ; and the charges for carrying passengers and freights under this gold standard have constantly declined. Under the gold standard in the state of Nebraska and throughout the North west , and in fact throughout the whole United States , the rates of interest upon money have declined and the rates ol wages have increased. In another issue CONSERVATIVE will depict further disasters that have como to the country because of the gel < standard. Man in all his civili/ed career luus never successfully used anything as money which did not have value as i commodity before it became money. VAi/trKi , > iN.simQUERY : "What is a A > ' < ! ; i oiicn-s. : Valued Policy of In surance V ANSWER : A Bad Trnp for Honest It would appear that the customary ittempt has been in Nebraska to force ire insurance companies to issue what s called a "valued policy , " in place of a rue contract of indemnity. This effort nay have been successful and if such in act has been passed it is probable hat all prudent underwriters have vound up the insurance companies or ganized in the state and that the pru- lent insurance companies of other states ind of foreign coiiiitries have with- Irawn their agencies , leaving the peo- ) le of Nelmiska without the benefit of my safe contract of indemnity on loss jy fire of any kind. No insurance eom- > any which will consent to issue what is called a "valued policy , " except at a ate of premium excessively high , can exist or transact business under a valued ) olicy law. The reason is that by way of what is called a valued policy law the safe contract of indemnity contem- ) lated under policies of insurance is converted into a mere gambling con- ract or bet of a so-called premium re ceived against the chances of a fire de stroying the insured property at a fixed value. Someone may ask : "Why , is not that exactly what an insurance company exists for 'i Are not all conTacts - Tacts of insurance in the nature of jets or wagers ? " Such questions simply jxpose the ignorance of the person who usks them and lead up to the question : What is indemnity 'i The true contract of insurance is a contract of iixh-iiniitij. It is a contract ntered into by a corporation in con sideration of a given sum of money under the name of premium to pay for property destroyed by fire nt it mine ut the thin1 of tin' Jii'i' whnterer ( lint nilni' mity then In1. Let us take an example. John Smith owns a house in Nebraska City which he thinks is worth five thousand dollars. He may be right and ho may bo wrong. It may bo worth five thousand dollars to him. It may not be worth five thousand dollars to anyone else. Ho insures it for five thousand dollars , paying , say , twenty- five dollars premium for one year. Dur ing that year the house is totally de stroyed. John Smith presents his claim against the insurance company for five thousand dollars. Where there is no valued policy law John Smith and the president of the insurance company agree upon two men who shall appraise the loss and if they do not agree a third will bo called. This board of three ap praisers finds that although John Smith had valued the property at five thous and dollars it was not worth over foui thousand dollars. They then awar < John Smith four thousand dollars ii cash and that gives him a just measure of indemnity for the actual loss by fire That is a payment which is consistent with public interest. John Smith then gets mad. Ho says 10 has boon cheated. Ho says that ho mule a bet of twenty-five dollars igainst five thousand dollars that his louse would not be burned. It has joon burned and ho now says that he is entitled to five thousand dollars ; that if 10 doesn't got it he will go to the leg islature and compel insurance com panies to make that kind of a bet. That may have happened in Nebraska. Yet John Smith is all wrong. Such a gambling contract is against the public interest. "What has the public to do with the matter V" someone asks. The answer is : Svorything ; because the public in one sense pays John Smith the amount of lis loss. An insurance company distri butes losses upon the community. Nearly every person who has any pro perty insures it against loss by fire , pay ing a premium thereon. The losses and expenses are paid out of the premiums , lot out of the capital of the insurance company. The capital of the insurance company is only a guaranty fund. If the losses are so 'great as to exhaust the premiums and to impair the capital no one will subscribe to the stock in an insurance company. The object of a stock insurance company is to put in capital in order to make an income or profit. This capital is invested and constitutes a sinking fund or safety fund to be drawn upon for the benefit of the assured in case of need. If the premiums do not cover losses , expenses and profits , and the capital is impaired or lost , then the insxirance company is wound up and the stockholders lose their money. When the insurance company is well managed the premiums charged are suf ficient to pay the losses and the expenses and also to leave a profit , bo it more or less , for the benefit of the stock holders in the insurance company. Someone then asks : "Why don't in surance companies issue valued policies for a profit ? " The answer is : That there are a sufficient number of rogues in every state who would insure their property for more than it is worth whenever they could get a chance ; then set it on fire , let it burn and claim on the valued policy the full sum named. The rogues would get the temporary benefit , the underwriter that made such bets would bo ruined and the honest members of the community would be deprived of any safe method of distri buting honest losses among themselves. Someone will ask : "This is very plain talk ; what 'does the writer know about it ? " The writer will reply that in the last twenty years ho has boon the president of a factory mutual insurance company which has issued true con tracts of indemnity against loss by fire to the amount of seventeen hundred