The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 09, 1911, Image 6

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    -VtMr" $ ."" -5;V
Colnmbns TribnneJoflirBal
Home and Foreign Intelligence Con.
dented Into Two and Four
Line Paragraphs.
In the name of the states or Cali
fornia, Arkansas, Colorado, South
Dakota and Nebraska George Fred
Williams of Boston sent to Washing
ton a brief calling upon the supreme
court of the United States to hold
constitutional the initiative and refer
endum method of legislation adopted
by Oregon.
The elimination of chicken from the
army menu, the limitation of turkey
to Thanksgiving and Christmas, the
substitution of so-called "field bread"
for hard tack, and abolishment of the
field ration sum up the important
changes in the army ration Tor the
American soldier made during the
last year.
The legal host gathered in Wash
ington to fight before the supreme
court of the United States for the con
stitutionality of the initiative and re
ferendum methods of legislaion m
Lhis country was augmented by coun
sel representing the state of Wasn
ington. They sent a brief to the court,
but they are not expected to partici
pate In the oral argument of the point
which arises in a case from Oregon.
The state of Missouri took its place
among a long list of other states pro
testing to the supreme court of the
United States against the initiative
and referendum method of legislation
the board declared unconstitutional.
The constitutional problem will come
up in an Oregon case before the
court this week. Mr. Major, attorney
general of Missouri, explained that
Missouri is particularly interested be
cause it has adopted the amendment
to the Oregon constitution authoriz
ing the initiative and referendum leg
islation. General.
The government is to be well forti
fied when it begins its anti-steel trust
The postoffice department revenues
show a surplus for the first time
rince 1883.
Although an off year election, inter
est in the coming contests is growing
The vote of women will turn the
tide in the next municipal ballot at
Los Angeles.
Lady Colin Campbell, authoress
and journalist, died in London after a
ong illness.
The Iowa state federaion or retail
merchants was organized at Dubuque
by 250 retail merchants.
For the first time in ten year's Colo
rado is importing potatoes from Wis
consin, Minnesota and Illinois.
Secretary of War Stimson plans to
Inspect the service schools at Forts
Leavenworth and Riley, Kansas.
Edward F. Goltra,' an anti-Folk
man, was elected democratic na
tional committeeman in Missouri.
Catholic- archbishops who have j
been made cardials are preparing to
go to the consistory at Rome.
Charles W. Wood or Worcester,
Mass., was elected president of the
American dairy cattle congress at
A. R. Armstrong, a wealthy mer
chant of Tucson, Arizona, committea
Buicide by shooting himself through
the head.
The so-called steel trust lnvesigat
Ing committee of the house of repre
sentatives will resume its hearing in
Washington November 20.
Aviator C. P. Rodgers, in his coast
to coast flight, was compelled to
alight on the Arizona desert, sixty
miles east of Yuma, because he ran
out of gasoline.
The American dreadnought Dela
ware of the Atlantic fleet, leads the
other battleships in efficiency at bat
tle practice held off the Chesapeake
capes during last September, with a
score of 52.551. ""
The so-called "list of immortals' or
the United Stvtes biological survey
a roster kept by that bureau of all
hunting fatalities in this country
already this year has had added to it
forty-seven names.
A committee of three bishops of the
Methodist Episcopal church will In
vestigate at Topeka, Kas., the charg
es brought against Bishop David J.
Moore of Cincinnati, by Mrs. Carrie
E. Cope of Topeka.
Secretary of War Stimson is
strongly in favor of military training
in the public schools ol the country.
Special Examiner Smith took testi
mony in coal case and report will be
made to interstate commerce commis
sion which will make ruling.
Mrs. Ada Marshall of Philadelphia
was elected grand president of the
woman's auxiliary o the brotherhood
of railway trainmen.
Six Italians, said to be members or
a gang of church robbers which stole
$3,000 worth of diamonds, now -under
arrest in Los Angeles, must return to
Illinois and face charges.
Franklin H. Nicolai, a former Au
burn, Ind.. banker, left the federal
prison at Leavenworth, a free man.
The "Taylor system" of shop man
agement has been officially endorsed
by the war deparment of the govern
ment. The situation m Peking is becoming
worse. A veritable panic prevails
among the Manchus and the Mancnu
women are adopting Chinese dress.
President, as a lawyer, sees a solu
tion to problems in enforcement or
the laws. He declared his intention
of enforcing the law equally against
labor unions and "trusts."
Rev. Anna Howard Shaw was re
elected president of the national
woman's suffrage association.
Advocates of the initiative and re
ferendum say it is a question for
congress, and not for the courts to
decide. '
The Italian rear admiral says he is
master of the situation in Turkish
A fifteen-story club house, costing
$2,500,000, was dedicated in New
The call for the republican national
convention will provide for 1,064 del
egates. The United States has gained Cana
dians almost as fast as Canada has
gained Americans.
An estimate is made that it will re
quire two months to secure a jury for
the McNamara trial.
""George E. Robertsrdrector"rofthe
mint, says President Taft will be re
nominated and re-elected.
A negro ran amuck in Algiers, La.,
and shot two policemen and several
citizens before he was killed.
Yuan-Shi-Kai, the masterful mind
of China, is hereafter to guide the
ship of state of China.
The massacre of natives at Han
kow, China, makes the problem of
Premier Yuan Shi Kai more difficult.
The grand jury at Washington re
turned a white slave indictment
against Robert Davidson of SL Louis.
Former admirers from -all over the
United States attended the unveiling
of a statue in honor of Robert G. In
gersoll at Peoria, 111.
George Wright tied himself to car
trucks at Rollins, Wyo., and made
trip to Grand Island. Had J175 in
gold on his person.
A reward of $1,000 for the solution
of the mystery surrounding the death
of Dr. Helene Knabe of Indianapolis,
is offered by the city.
Frank H. Nicholai, former assist
ant cashier of the Cfty National bans:
of Auburn, Ind., will leave the fed
eral prison at Leavenworth on parole.
A dispute over 6 cents between a
taxicab owner and the driver was the
direct cause of a walk out of 6,000
drivers and the paralyzing of Lon
don's taxicab service.
Eddie R. Morris, colored pugilist
and mebber of the famous Mabray
organization, was released from the
county jail at Council Bluffs upon his
own recognizance.
The arraignment of Allison Mac
Farland on an indictment, charging
him with murder in the first degree
in causing the death of his wire by
poison, was up at Newark, N. J.
A bequest of $750,000 is made to
Bryn Mawr college by Emma Carola
Woerschofer, who died last month
and whose will was admitted to pro
bate. The funeral of Joseph Pulitzer,
owner and editor of the New YorK
World, was held at St. Thomas
church, New York. The public were
Naval officers will have to take the
prescribed walking test more often
than in the past in compliance with
orders made public at the navy de
partment. Among the four brightest men in
Harvard, according to the annual
award of the Sears prize, are Robert
A. Taft, son of the president, and
Charles E. Hughes, son of Justice
Fort Worth and Denver passenger
train No. 5, northbound, was wrecked
one mile west of Bellevue, Tex. En
gineer Cunningham is dead and his
fireman and a number of passengers
were injured.
Matt McGrath of the Irish Athletic
club threw the 16-pound hammer 187
feet and 4 inches at Celtic park in
New York, thus breaking the world's
record held by John Flannigan, by
three feet.
The spot on the parapet of old Fort
Stevens where President Lincoln
stood exposed to confederate fire our1
ing the attack by General Early on
the city of Washington, is to be
marked by a huge boulder.
Louis Waelchli of Allentown, Pa.,
alias Lieutenant W. L. Norton of the
United States army, was arrested at
Duluth by John M. Bowen, a secret
service man, on a charge of imperson
ating an officer with intent to defraud.
James Marsh of Kansas Ciy and S.
S. Embrey of Grainvalley, Mo., were
accepted as talesmen in the Hyde
case. Aitnougn ne nau uvea in mat
city for seven years, Marsh said he
had never heard. of the Hyde case un
til when he was summoned as a
The Rev. Mr. Richeson was indict
ed for murder at Boston.
The Illinois fish commission Is to
figure in the Lorimer .nqulry.
Ex-President Roosevelt celebrated
his 51st birthday on Oct. 27.
The greatest crowd of his itinerary
greeted President Taft at Pittsburg.
An affidavit asking the recall of
Mayor Henry F. Avery was filed witn
the city clerk of Colorado Springs.
Chief Justice White of the supreme
court of the United States last week
celebrated his sixty-sixth birthday an
niversary. Xormau J. Coleman, the first secre
ary of agriculture of the United
States died a few days ago.
President Taft has approved the
dismissal of Midshipman S. Roberts
of Illinois at Annapolis.
Former Speaker Shurtleff told the
Lorimer committee ex-Mayor Busse
was responsible for his" election.
Joseph Pulitzer, editor of the New
York World, died suddenly from heart
State Senator H. S. Magill of Illi
nois has announced his candidacy for
United States senator to succeed Sen
ator Shelby M. Cullom.
President Taft says there will be
no let-up in the prosecution of trusts.
Lucian Adams, for twenty-five years
county judge in Rock Island, HI., died
of apoplexy.
Mr. Harrison of Lincoln is looking
after the La Follette boom in Ne
braska. After having lain in a Mexican -prison
since last March, Abraham
Saleeby, a merchant, returned to
Kogales, Ariz.
The first complete woman jury to
be empaneled in California was sworn
for duty in Justice of the Peace Cas
sidy's court In Watts, Cal.
The Bennett Co. of Omaha Joins
"Syndicate" Which Buys and Sells
Entire Overproduction of Seven
teen Makers.
The largest single purchase of pi
anos ever made or contracted for west
of the Mississippi, has just been
brought about by Mr. W. M. Robin
son. General Manager of the Piano
Dep't of The Bennett Co. of 16th &
Harney Sta, Omaha, Neb.
Piano manufacturers throughout the
east are feeling the inroads made by
player pianos, automobiles, etc., and
have concluded that "first loss is best
loss," and have therefore sold their
entire overproduction to a syndicate
of huge distributors, The Bennett Co.
of Omaha being one of the largest of
all concerned.
Mr. Robinson, acting for The Ben
nett Co., has purchased as Bennett's
share or the "Syndicate Buy," 1,000
new pianos, and, with a shrewd busi
ness ability fostered by years of ex
perience Mr. Robinson has purchased
these low enough to enable The Ben
nett Co. to resell them at prices that
will cause a furore.
Brand new, full sized, absolutely per
fect pianos of excellent make will be
offered at as low as $124, but, owing
to the exceedingly close margin, these
must be sold for cash. (The regular
lines carried by The Bennett Co., how
ever, will be sold on very easy pay
ments just as heretofore.)
Bennett's own stock of "used" in
struments will go for a proverbial
"song" of a price, first-class upright
pianos being offered at $88 and used
organs as low as $12.
Those addressing a request to The
Bennett Co., 16th & Harney Sts,
Omaha, Neb., will receive circulars
naming and pricing all of the pianos,
etc., tOvbe sold at cost and less for
He You're worth a million and Fin
penniless. Will you marry me?
She No. Why did you ask me?
He I wanted to see how a man
feels when he loses a million dollars.
Three years ago this winter I had
a breaking out that covered my whole
body. It itched so it seemed as if I
should go crazy. It first came out In
little pimples on my back and spread
till it covered my whole body and
limbs down to my knees, also my arms
down to my elbows. Where I
scratched it made sores, and the ter
rible itching and burning kept me
from sleeping. I tried several reme
dies all to no purpose. Then I con
cluded to try the Cutlcura Remedies. I
used the Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura
Ointment, also the Resolvent, for
about four months, and they com
pletely cured me of eczema. I have
had no return of the disease since. I
never had a good night's rest after the
skin eruption first broke out till I com
menced using the Cutlcura Soap and
Ointment I had only used them a
few days before I could see they were
beginning to heal, and the terrible
Itching was gone.
"Those that lived in the house at
the time know how I suffered, and
how the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment
cured me. I never take a bath with
out using the Cutlcura Soap, and I
do not believe there are better rem
edies for any skin disease than the
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment.' (Signed)
Miss Sarah Calkins. Waukegan, 111.,
Mar. 16, 1911. Although Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment are sold by drug
gists and dealers everywhere, a sam
ple of each, with 32-page book, will be
mailed free on application to "Cutl
cura,' Dept 5 K, Boston.
What Travelers Needed.
A traveler's outfit 300 years ago
was somewhat different from the
present day. In "Touring in 1600,"
by E. S Bates, the following list is
given: "First among requisites is a
book of prayers and hymns effective
for salvation without being so pugna
cious, doctrinally, as to cause sus
picion. Next, a notebook; a watch,
or a pocketsundial; if a watch, not a
striker, for that warns the wicked
you have cash; a broadrimmed hat.
gaiters, boots, breeches (as if his
friends would let him start without
any!), gloves, shoes, shirts, handker
chiefs, etc.
- Not for Him.
Fanner Hayseed (in the city) 1
want ter find an eatln'-bouse.
Accosted Pedestrian Are you look
ing for any particular place?
Fanner H. WelL not too durned
ptickler. Boston Transcript.
The love of the beautiful is becom
ing not only the possession of the rich,
but the desire and possession of the
very poor. Rt. Hon. John Burns.
Lewis Single Binder, extra quality to
bocco, costs more than other 5c cigars.
la order to become a nuisance you
have only to bunt up a grievance.
VJ2 ymmmw" if 1BM
j9QhMrA Rssss???frjMsssSaTs'
am fs fl ' sEcssnViRHraRsssf
HH"u3rtf0R59. M
'M . vV'gs'X w
5! a,
Cures all humors, catarrh and
rheumatism, relieves that tired
feeling, restores the appetite,
cures paleness, nervousness,
builds up the whole system.
Get it today in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs).
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver is
right the stomach and bowels are right
pel a lazy liver to
no its duty.
Cures O
tipatioav la
After Eateig.
Genuine must bear Signature
Lamest stock, lowest prices. Benilnetons SIX
Salih Premiers Hi. Chicago S3. Underwood SO,
L.C Smith SMUMururch Wtt. Uanunond S15. FoxlU
full Guarantee Bond fur Catalog A.
B. V. SWANSON CO 1316 Farnasa St, Osssaa, Keb
II afflicted with
era eyes, uso
ThtapsM's Ey Wattr
first Tramp I always get under a
tree when there's a thunder storm.
Second Tramp Ain't you afraid uv
First Tramp Well, yea but I'm
more afraid uv water.
Summoned as Witnesses.
Whenever Rev. Solon Jefferson
called on Aunt Candace it was her
custom to set a plate of gingerbread
before him and then ply him with
what she called " ligious 'spoundin's."
"Wha fo" does de Lawd send epi
demics into de land? she asked him
one day.
"When folks get so bad dey must be
removed, some of 'em, Sist' Candace,
den de Lawd permits de coming ob an
epidemic," said Mr. Jefferson, and
took a large bite of gingerbread.
"Uh-h!" said Aunt Candace. "Ef
dat's so, how come de good people
gets removed along wid du bad ones?"
"De good ones are summoned fo'
witnesses," said Rev. Solon, fortified
in spirit and clarified in mind by the
gingerbread, although slightly embar
rassed in bis utterance. "De Lawd
gibs every man a fair trial." Youth's
Curative Treatment.
In his reading lesson Bobby had
come to the word "punishment," and
it was too long and hard for him.
After puzzling a while, be asked the
teacher what the word was.
"You ought not to let that puzzle
you, Bobby," she answered. "What
does your mother give you when you
have been an unusually naughty boy?"
"Castor oil!" he exclaimed, sure
that be had guessed It Youth's Com
panion. Subjective.
"I see somebody has Invented a
'noiseless' soup spoon. In what way
Is it noiseless?"
"Why, madam, it's constructed In
such a manner that er you dont
make a noise when you're using It,"
It's the Red Blood Corpuscles That
Proper Food Makes.
An Ohio woman says Grape-Nuts
food gave her good red blood and re
stored the roses of youth to a com
plezion that had been muddy and
blotchy. She says:
"For 10 years I had stomach trouble
which produced a breaking out on my
face. The doctors gave it a long Latin
name, but their medicines failed to
cure it Along with this I bad fre
quent headaches, nervousness and us
ually pain in my stomach after meals.
"I got disgusted with the drugs,
stopped them and coffee off short, and
quit eating everything but fruit and
Grape-Nuts, with Postum for my table
"The headaches, stomach trouble,
and nervous weakness disappeared al
most like magic, which showed that
when the cause was removed and
good food and drink used nature was
ready to help.
"My blood was purified and my com
plexion became like a young girl's,
while my weight was Increased from
90 to 120 pounds in a few months
good, solid firm flesh, where it used
to be soft and flabby.
"I recommended Grape-Nuts and
Postum to one of my friends, who was
afflicted as I had been. She followed
my advice and In a short time was re
stored to complete healtn and in about
8 months her weight increased from
100 to 148 pounds.
"Our doctor, observing the effect ot
Grape-Nuts and Postum in our cases,
declared, the other day, that he would
hereafter prescribe these food prod
nets for gastritis." Name given 07
Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich.
Read the little book. "The Road to
Wellvllle." la pkgs. "There's a reason."
Ever rem the afseve letter t A aest
ate atfraw twmm tlsae I tlate. Tmej
wssIh t-rae. aael ran ar an
iHMfiM. .sssssVOSssVW I SB FILLS.
sick flr Wia
"-b Bmmmttmml7fnPmmmm 7 SKsSsSMRssTd
ma ! i avrr..3s im
News Notes of Interest from Vsriout
Hallowe'en pranks in Lincoln, It is
ja!d, will cost that city about 500.
The Omaha-Plattsmouth bridge
spanning the Platte, is to be opened
November 10th.
' There is more trouble on at the Mil
ford home and the governor may
have to take action.
Fairbury is to have a new pass
enger depot for use of the Rock
Island line. The old structure was
destroyed by fire some time ago.
The bounty of $25,000 appropriated
by the last legislature for glandered
horses is going fast, .about one-third
of the amount having thus far been
Elaborate preparation is in making
for entertainment of the state teacn
ers association when it meets his
Mrs. Lowery Jones of Fremont Is
looking for her husband who was In
Omaha Ostober 20 with $200 in his
pocket and has not been seen or
heard from since.
Buffalo BUI, the great showman or
Nebraska fame, has retired from the
amusement arena and will spend the
balance of his days in the Wyoming
Big Horn country.
A small frame building in Nebras
ka City, occupied by Mrs. Catherine
RIcker, aged 77, was burned. After
the fire the remains of the aged wo
man was found in the embers.
The Nebraska State bank of Ver
digre has been chartered by the state
banking board. It has a capital or
$17,000, exclusive of the $680 set
aside as its part of the guaranty fund.
The Holbrook Telephone company
has refused to submit to a physical
valuation by the railway commission
and unless its attitude is cbanged,
prosecution will be begun shortly.
Washing dispatch: Nebraska pen
sions granted: John L. Clark, $20;
John Bs3, $20; Samuel Funk. $20;
Josiah Gray, $15; Robert McFarland.
$15; Huldah M. Marquett. $12; Marl
on G. Morrill, $15; John E. Meyers,
$15; Fred K. U. Spink. $15; Horace
Kronkright, $20; Sarah J. Shintal $12.
Proposed changes in the regulations
as to carrying baggage on Nebraska
railroads are to be considered by the
state railway commission at a hearing
called for November 14 at 2 p. m.
Both the railroads and interested
travelers are to be given an oppor
tunity to present their views on the
proposed curtailment of baggage
At Grand Island, George Wright
was removed from the trucks of a
passenger coach on Union Pacific In
almost a famished condition. He had
tied himself to the trucks underneath
the coach at Rawlins, Wyo., and re
mained in that position until the ar
rival of the train here. The authori
ty, in caring for him, discovered
that he bad $175 in his pocket
The epidemic of typhoid- fever
which exists at the State Institute
for Feeble Minded at Beatrice is little
relieved, according to a report re
ceived by state officials. Superin
tendent Thomas, who had been ill for
several weeks, is mending, but Mrs.
Thomas, their daughter, the chief en
gineer, two nurses and a stenographer
have been taken ill. These are in ad
dition to several inmates wno are
critically ill. A number of inmates
Lloyd S. Lapsley, charged with the
forgery of a $200 check on the First
National bank of Beatrice, was bound
over to the district court and was re
turned to the county jail where he
will await hearing before a jury at
the November term, which opens on
November 13. Mrs. Blanche Lapsley,
his wife, who was also made a defend
ant in the case, having cashed the
check at the First National bank, was
The bankers of Franklin county
and of the town of Wilcox in Kearney
county met in Franklin for the pur
pose of organizing a county bankers
association. Twelve bankers, repre
sening eleven banks, were in attend
ance and formed a temporary organi
zation, with W. S. Marr of Hildreth
as president and G. E. Hall of Frank
lin as secretary.
State Game Warden Miller has
been notified that a full grown buck
deer has been seen repeatedly in the
vicinity of Sterling. Johnson county.
Recently a doe was killed at Wahoo
and the slayers of the animal were
fined for violating the game law
which provides no open season for
killing deer. It is supposed the two
animals seen in the eastern part of
the state were mates and that they
came from some of the western states
ar from western Nebraska where
there is a small herd that feeds with
range cattle.
While trying to keep a crowd of
boys and young men from soaping
his windows Hallowe'en night Land
lord Parks of the American hotel,
Kearney, was struck over the head
with the butt of a buggy whip, felling
him to the ground unconscious.
A federal typhoid expert has been
seuL to L.1UIUIU iu lutcaiifiaic lut
malady in that city.
Mrs. Marks Bowling, a pioneer or
Madison county and a woman or
much prominence, died last week.
According to he report of State
Treasurer George for the month or
October the state or Nebraska is
nominally in debt $54,990.S1. alter
being out of debt for considerable
more than a year. The general funds
show a balance of only $516,43. and
the state treasurer has $55,507.24 or
general fund warrants on hand regis
tered in the permanent school fund.
The Christian church or Beatrice
celebrated the payment of a $3,000
pledge by the aid society by publicly
bu-ning the pledge. When the new
church was built a few years ago the
aid sociey pledged themselves to raise
$3,000 of the cost. They have finished
their task.
A man who gave his name as
Harshenbarger was arrested in Ash
land under suspicion of having stolen
a quantity of men's furnishings from
the Wahl general store at Memphis
in Saunders county. He was arrested
for Omaha. Stolen goods were found
In his possession.
)aTvrsm Wonderful in its raisinc A
fll MmjSy k never hhwte9uks,k k
I 1 ISkrT Wonderful in its economy. I
1 till I cot k tnan fcigh-pnea
M V 1 1 1 1 trust Drand wortB W
k anuch. It coats a trifle more thawV
L V cnaP an b2 can kinds W
L Vi l U II k is worth more. But proveskx AW
sv is Av ratTatTkBrBsTr
wenarsnara Vbw. -a(BiaaBTatWBwJBBW
spzAfi- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Liaisssss Ik
Member of School Board May Have
Had Deep Thoughts, but Anyway
He Was Satisfied.
The athletic young woman who
taught the district school was on trial
for soundly thrashing seven unruly
"You you think you can control
the situation, do do your Inquired
the president of the school board, who
"I can," replied the young woman
with considerable decision.
"Well. I don't know about this."
grinned Silas Weatherwax. "If any
boy needs a lickin' I can give it to
him myself. I don't believe in mis
cellaneous lickin's."
The teacher smiled.
"Neither do I." she said. "If thrash
ings are to be administered I think it
much better for one person to admin
ister them. And after I have cleaned
up the school I may decide to go out
and clean up the township."
A moment later when a vote of con
fidence in the teacner was called for,
the "aye" of Silas Weatherwax was
the loudest of all.
Most Fickle Man.
When Col. William M. Howard, now
a member of the tariff board, was elec
tioneering for congress one autumn
in bygone days, he struck a back
woods county in Georgia, and got very
busy talking softly to the voters. He
was much concerned about a man
named John, who was now for him.
then against him, and always change
able. "What's the matter with John?" the
colonel asked one of his constituents.
"Aw, you can't tell nothln' about
John, colonel." was the assurance. "He
is the most fickle man you ever see.
Why. he has had religion so many
times, and been baptized in the creek
down here so often that the bullfrogs
know him every time he's 'mersed."
Test of Real Greatness.
Columbus had made the egg stand
on end.
"But could you unscramble it?" de
manded the mortified courtiers.
Which merely accentuates the great
truth that nobody is springing any
new puzzles nowadays.
A town that pays the preacher and
supports the editor Is mighty close to
heaven. Atlanta Constitution.
Early Training.
"She claims that her ancestors
stood torturing with red-hot pincers."
"I believe It. She can wear shoes
three sizes too small and look happy."
Harper's Weekly.
Sunday School Teacher Wiy was
the fiery furnace seven times heated?
Tommy I suppose it went out be
tween times.
The young mother and manr an old
one. too Is often puxzled to know the
cause of her child's HI nature. The
loudness of Its crying does not neces
sarily indicate the seriousness of its
trouble. It may have nothing more the
matter with it than a headache or a feel
ing of general dullness. It cannot, of
course, describe its feelings, but as a
preliminary measure you are safe in
trying a mild laxative.
Nine times out of ten. you will find it
Is all the ..-hild needs, for Its restlessness
and peevishness are perhaps due to ob
struction of the bowels, and once that
has been remedied the headache, the
sluggishness. and the many other evi
dences of constipation and indigestion
will quickly disappear.
Don't give the little one salts, cathar
tic pills or nasty waters, for these will
act as purgatives, and they are too
strong for a child. In the families of
Scientifically constructed to give
most light for the oil they burn.
Easy to light, clean and rewick.
In numerous finishes and styles, each the
best of its kind.
Ask your dealer fo show yoa bis Mae of Rsyo Lamps asi
Laaterss, or write for illustrated booklets direct
to say agency of the
Standard Oil Company
TrrO) Only Kswtoy iMtJtirt In Msorasdui 4TTianav NOD.
Always ready & ate. SJesc and most reaaUe.
The Perfection Smokde Oil Heater k just
lie a portable areplace.
fcaywaqakk,alowiaiseat whtswT.wlusHnx.ys waatk,
A aeceaaiy m f sU aad spriag, wlsea k k aot ceU caoaak far
taefanacc laralaaHr aa as aanliary beater m awdwiner.
Draaw of Use asaaal cr plasa steel, with akkei tdssauags.
Ask tow desbr to aW rm Psifcctiaa SsssUest OB Hester,
ec writs la ssy sasscy ef
Standard Oil Coanpaay
At the Dance.
"Ah say. Miss Mandy. am you' pro
gram full?"
"Lordee, no. Mr. Lumley. It takes
mo'an a san'wiclf an' two olives to fill
mah program."
Facetious Conductor Young wom
an, is this your sister?
Prim Little Miss (with large doll)
No, sir; she's my adopted daughter.
The wife of the man who knows it
sll gets back at him occasionally by
saying: "I told you so!"
Sloan's Liniment is a relia
ble remedy for any kind of
horse lameness. Will kill the
growth of spavin, curb or splint,
absorb enlargements) and is
excellent for sweeny, fistula
and thrush.
narv s nuus.
" I used Sloan's Liaimeut on a srale for
'mgB lameness,' and cured her. I am
ever without a bottle of yonr liniment ;
bave bought more of it than any other
sssaedy for iSHns." Baily Kirby,
Cassadr, Ky.
Sloan's liniment b the best made. I
krre removed very large shoe boils off a
horse with it. I bare killed a quarter
crack on a mare that was awfully bad. I
kave also healed raw, sore necks on three
bones. I hare healed grease heel oa a
sure that could hardly walk."
A.VTHONY C. Hiysm, Oakland, Pa.,
Route Ko x.
is good for all farm stock.
"My hogs had hoc cholera three days
before we got your liniment, which I was
advised to try. I have used it now for
three days and my hoes are alnost well.
One hog died before I got the liniment,
but I have not lost any since."
A. J. MclAitTHY, idartue, lad.
Mi by all
Me avtl.tO
CI 111 as twsoKflea lbs bass.
Tnmuttm m luxuriant STowta.
Ifavsr Sail to . store- Gray
Hair so its xoewrai voior.
Mr4iMMt nmir Winn.
JscaadaiXO Prsathts
Mrs. J. E. Harmon. 606 Star Ave.. Bur
lingtoa, Iowa, and Mra. E. Morse. Council
Bluffs. Iowa, the only laxative given is
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It lias
been found to answer most perfectly alt
the purposes of a laxative, and Its very
mildness and freedom from griping
recommend It especially for the uselof
children, women, and old folks genOjr
ally people who need a gentle bowel
stimulant. Thousands of American
families have been enthusiastic alwiut tit
for more than a quarter of a century. '
Anyone wishing to make a trial of this
remedy before buying It In the regular
wav of a druggist at fifty cents or one
dollar a large bottle 'family size) can
have a sample bottle sent to th" home
free of charge by simply addressing Dr.
TV. B. Caldwell. 201 Washington St..
Bfonticello. III. Tour name and address
on a postal card will do.
Lamps and
Tries mmm
We 4ll-MAw B
su'i Baok oa Horns, H
Cattlo,HagsasdPosltiy 1
aeatfimAaxoa H
Dr.EariS.SkMB BH
llSsRsP '
Without a Rival for DRUNKENNESS and
DRUG USING. Address or CaH on
" . ft , U