The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 09, 1911, Image 5

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    -V VV '
If it's done up satisfactory we must
have done it. We have not heard of
any work being done equal to ours.
We suggest you
Make a Change
to the Herring laundry, if the work
done by others is not pleasing.
i olmtilMix Markets
The following poullrv market is n
oorted on No. 2. l!ll lJrice sub
ject to i-liange:
Hen-. M"i- lb '
Old Rooster.- 3
Spring Chickens, per lb
liutter. kt Hi 20-23
Krs. per dozen 22
Potatoes &
Stock asu Gieajx Makkici
Wheat, per bu !
White i'orn. per bu 58
Yellow and ini."d corn i8
Oatr., per bu 4U
live 75
Hoga. per 10i lb- 5.-J $5.50
Or. E. H. Nauaiaiin. dentist
Or. Vallier. Osteopath. Harbor Clock
Dr. L. P. Carstensen. veterinarian.
!r XV. M. Slaier. veterinary. Both
City Scavenger, independent tele
phone. '121.
See Leavy's new line of toilet .-els
for presents.
Wanted -Hoomers, iiuiuire S14
West 13th Street.
For Rent two unfurnished rooms.
Inquire at this ofliee.
Be sure and see the live and ten
cent goods at the China store.
Miss Gwendolyn Garohv is spending
the week with friends in Omaha.
Mrs. Mable Swift, public stenogra
pher.. Room 1 State Bank Building.
Leavy's Cold and Grip Tablets do the
work or mrney refunded. 25 cents.
Don't forget that the China store
.has put in a line of five and ten cent
Hillard Wilson, who is stationed at
Hastings spent Sunday with home
Mrs. Barkley Jones will entertain
the Alpha Kensington club Thursday
Mrs. Wood Smith entertained Mrs.
Kemp, of Fullerton. several days last
Try Herring's C. O. D. Laundry.
Satisfaction Guaranteed North theatre
Mrs. George Whaley of Omaha, ar
rived Friday for an extnded visit with
Mr. and Mrs. George Leham.
Mrs. E. Rinesmith is spending the
diy in Spalding visiting friends, and
also attending to business interests.
Miss Dora John-ton. of Oakland,
California, is visiting her aunt, Mrs.
EJ. Newman. having arrived the
first of the week.
The second of the series of dances
arranged for by the Elks will take
place Friday evenng at the lodge
rooms in the Rickert building.
For sale Some very desireable
properties for persons wanting to re
tire butstiil do a little gardening, raise
chickens, keep a cow. etc. Chas.
Dickey State Bank Building.
Edward Rossiter has accepted the
local agency for the National Fidelity
and Casualty Company, and is now
prepared to wait on all the old cus
tomers of the company, and also to
write new business for them.
Rev. Meisler is spending the week
in Lexington on church business.
For sale Well improved 160-acre
farm. Sandy loam. Cheap. Chas.
L. Dickey, State Bank Bldg.
For Sale Choice Barred Rock
cockrels, 75 cents if taken soon. Mrs.
W. C. Wade, Route 5.
Miss Hazel From is confined to her
room this week with a severe cold.
It is reported this morning that her
condition is some what improved.
Edward Johnson was called to Ful
lerton Wednesady to attend the funer
al of Mr. Cyrus Gilmore, Who died
Tuesday mornnig. Mr. Gilmore was
over seventy years of age and one of
the earl settlers in that locality.
Do your policies give you proper
protection? We issue farm policies
in the strongest company in the world
for the same charge the weaker com
panies make. Becher, Hockenberger
and Chambers.
Mrs. C. ,E. Newman moved back
to her old home in Fullerton, the
latter part of last week, where she
will become manager of the Dewey
hotel. Charley will retain head
quarters in Columbus for the present,
and travel out of here for the Saxon
Grocery Comraiy, of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs J. F. Gettig, of Wod
ward, Oklahoma, were in this city for
a few hours Monday, on their way
home from Fullerton. While here
they were guests of Judge and Mrs.
Reeder. Mrs. Gettig's mother, Mrs.
Jones, of Fullerton. died last week
and it was this sad news that called
them to Nebraska.
Miss Marguerite McTaggart enter
tained in honor of her sister. Miss
Anna, Thursday evening. At this
time the approaching marriage of
Miss Anna to Mr. R. S. Washburn,
which took place Sunday was announc
ed. Several of the guests had guessed
the all important secret and had
brought with them gifts of china and
linen. A dainty two course lunch
was served.
Hair swiches and puffs made by
Mrs. R. T. Herrington, David City,
Furnished rooms for light house
keeping; inquire at 404 11th treet.
Price of room, 25 cents per day.
Heat your home with a Perfection Oil
Heater. Costs ten cents per day to
run. For sale by Johannes & Krum
land. Mothers wishing to take advantage
of the Crechgarden for one day or
more may seej Miss Wilbur at 512
14th St. or telephone 1741, (new No.
Ind ), or Black 95 on Bell
Use a Perfection Oil Heater to take
the chill from your rooms before base
burner weather. Cheaper than coal.
For sale by Johannes & Krumland.
Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Kramer entertained a few of their
friends informally. Five hundred
was played at three tables. The out
of town guest was Mrs. Julian Olseen,
of Lincoln.
Hugh Hughes expects to leave today
j for Los Angeles, California, where he
i will spend the winter. He will not
. go direct, it being his habit in making
his annual trips to the west to spend
J several days enroute, stopping at var-
, ious places of interest on the way.
The china store on Thirteenth street
has again changed hands, this time J.
' H. Hollingshead. of Arcadia, being
the purchaser. Mr. Hollingshead for
merly lived at Monroe, but for the
past twelve years has been conducting
a general merchandise store at Ar&c-dia.
Although election week, and a busy
week Judge Ratterman found time to
issue marriage licences to Joseph Mik
os and Miss Agnes Curno, of Colum
bus ; James Larson, of Leigh, and Miss
Nora Kincaid, of Creston; Frank
Lamb, of Monroe and Miss Edith Beth
scheider, of Platte Center, and Davis
Brown and Miss Florence Belor, of
Clarks. The last named couple were
married by the Judge.
B. Ewing Crain has brought suit in, ""fT - ... , .
dstrict court against his wife. Maggie ' UyB '"'"" "" -"
D. Crain, asking for a divorce on the j duties this week. All except four of
grounds of her being too friendly with . ty teachers are in Omaha this
nlLr n,n H olrums tliilt thnv WHr ,vcelv "'u'6 - -.-"-
......... ...V... ... V-..... ........ J .
married in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Jan-
with a guarantee of the strongest kind.
When we finish a bathroom or the
plumbing of an entire building you
don't have to accept the work until
you are entirely satisfied of its com
pleteness and thoroughness.
and get his opinion of our work.
Association, which is in session today
ad Friday. Misses Brugger and Duke
Kindergarten teachers, and Misses
Weave and DeVoe, primary teachers,
will not close their rooms this week,
but will visit Omaha and Lincoln
schools next week. Professor Camp
bell is one of the prominent speakers
at the convention and gives an address
on "Agiculturral High Schools"
Consderable surprise was occasioned
in the city this week by the news of
the marriage of Miss Vera Stevenson,
daughter of F. N. Stevenson, to Her
man Stein, a well known Cincinnati
merchant.. The marriage took place
in Covington Kentucky, and the news
was broken to Columbus relatives and
friends through the Omaha newspapers.
Members of th- familv stated Wednes
day evening that they knew nothing
of the marriage more than the story
published in the papers. The many
friends of the bride will wish her the
best that life can afford in her new
home. The young Jcoupe will make
their home in Cincinnati.
In last week's issue, we unintention
ally omitted mention of the Hallowe'
en entertainment given by the ladies
1 Guild at the Orpheus Hall. The de
corations here were very eleborate
Jack o' lanterns alternating ith palms
were used in place of the usual foot
lights. They decorated the balustrade
surroundidg the gallery, they lighted
two gaily decorated fortune tellers
tents, which were presided over by
local talent, who "dipped into the
future as far as human eye could see"
and started a few partrons by their
unexpected display of ability in that
direction. A cake walk was a fea
ture of the evening entertainment.
Three impartial judges awarded the
prize, a cake, to M. D. Karr and his
partner. Late in the evening the
coffee booth presided over by Mrs.
George Thomas and Mrs. Homer
Robinson was the most popular corner
of the hall. Dancing continued until
midnight. The entertainment was
such a decided success socially and
financially that the Ladies' Guild hope
to make it an annual affair.
One of the most unique opening
this city has seen, occured last Fri
day afternoon when the Misses Rusche
threw open the "Ye Gift Shop" to the
public The first impression as the
visitor stepped into the room made them
exclaim, "Oh how beatuiful". The
wall were hung with- picture of every
size in water colors and pastel work,
fancy work, tooled leather and Hand
painted cards filled the cabinets,
indeed as some one said you could find
every thing there frorr a magnificient
picture to as small hand painted sach
et bag. fo add to the beauty red
carnations were used effectively in the
decoration and each guest was present
ed with one of the beauites. The
young ladies are certainly to be con
gratulated on their splendid work.
Miss Catherine who graduated this
fall from the Chicago Art Institute
with high honors, certainly upheld
that honor in her work. Some of the
i iuiciuusi. aiusia sputie wry llJgniy OI
uary 21. 1907, and that she started
the downward path in October 1910,
at Lincoln.
William J. Crozier is made the de
fendant in a divorce suit started this
week by Carrie J. Crozier. In her
petition she asserts that they were
married March 23. 1903. and that for
some time past he has been neg igent
of her and bestowing his time and at
tention to other women.
A middle aged widower would like
to marry a good, respectable lady be
tween the ages of 40 and 65 who would
like a good husband. No bad habits.
$25,000 worth of property. Has no
relatives. Address John Kindler,
communicator for party, Columbus,
Angelis Diamanitiz, a Greek labor
er, died last Saturday as a result of
injuries received on Wednesday pre
ceding in a railroad accident at Scuy
ler. He was a member of a section
gang, and with other members of the
crew, was going from Benton to Schuy
ler, when the hand-car on which they
were riding ran into an open switch.
He leaves a wife and two children,
and was thirty-three years old. The
funeral was held Monday morning from
the Gass undertaking rooms, the serv
ices being in charge of a priest of
the Greek orthodox church, from Oma
ha. Interment was made in Colum
bus Cemetery.
One of the most delightful of the
numerous parties, given recently, was
the one o'clock luncheon given Tues
day, by Mrs. E. H. Chambers and
Mrs. C. D. Evans, at the home of the
former. The affair was in honor of
Mrs. Williams, of Omaha, who is the
guest of Mrs. Chambers. The decora
tions were pink and white carnations
and southern palms. The new winter
sun parlor, just compel ted. is a most
attractive spot. Daintily draped white
curtains, subdue the glare of the sum;
hanging baskets, climbing vines, and
birds, suggested an ideal summer day.
Instrumental music was a part of the
afternoon's entertanment. The out
of town guests were Mrs. Williams
andMrs. Whaley, of Omaha, Mrs. Ol
seen, of Lincoln, and Mrs. Miller, of
Clarinda, Iowa.
Saturday evening Miss Anna McTag
gart, accompanied by her brother
Thomas, left for Denver, where Sun
day at 12:30, Miss McTaggart was
united in marriage to Mr. R. S. Wash
burn, formerly of this city. The cere
mony was performed at the Catholic
Cathedral, and was witnessed only by
Miss Marguerite Mahon. an aunt of the
bride, and Mr. Thomas McTaggart, a
brother. The bride wore her travel
ing gown of blue, with which she wore
a white beaver hat. Her only ornament
was a beautiful lavileer, a gift of the
groom. Miss McTaggart is well
known in this city both in social and
in business circles. For two years
after her graduation from the Colum
bus high school she taught school but
for the past year has been associated
with her sister Marguerite, in the dress her work while in the east, and Col
making parlors. Mr. Washburn is umbus has shown in the last few days
not an entire stranger to Columbus ' that they too can appreciate an artist,
people having been employed as book- J Miss Eleanor, who is associated with
keeper at the Columbus Merchantile her sister in the work deserves a large
store until two months ago, when he share of the credit for the "Gift
left for Denver to take a position as ' Shop", as most of the fancy work
bookkeeper in the May Company store shown as the work of Miss Eleanor.
Coulmbus ought to be proud of their
Frightened Both Judge and Spec-
tatprs by Removing Part
of Her Clothing.
Pittsburg. Pa. While passing upon
the usual stream of cases the other
morning police judge Natal! bad be
fore him a complaining witness one
Mrs. Ben Carpi, known to Pittsburg's
olive oil circles as the most beautiful
woman in the Italian colony. To dem
onstrate that she had received a beat
ing as alleged. Mrs. Carpi Insisted on
disrobing to show her scars.
Men and boys cast aside respect for
his office and were trying to get out
before the judge could. The jam at
Insisted on Disrobing.
the door continued, as those who had
got out turned on their heels and tried
to peek in again, thereby colliding
with those who were in and wanted
to get out.
Mrs. Carpi still insisted that the
judge examine her scars and bruises.
The judge is a married man and Mrs.
Carpi has a husband.
Finally. In desperation, the judge
summoned a jail matron, who closed
all the doors, and in about a half an
hour made Mrs. Carpi put her clothes
back where they belonged.
When the case was resumed It de
veloped that Mrs. Carpi's husband had
given a party to several friends, and
to show that the party was a success
In every way. some one started a
friendly argument which left the house
standing but badly shaken. During
the festivities, Mrs. Carpi came in
violent contact with several lists and
pieces of furniture. The celebrants
were arrested and she appeared as
complainant. The men were fined for
disturbing the peace, the case was
closed to the evident relief of judge
and attaches; but Mrs. Carpi., who by
the way is of an aristocratic family
(she says) still wonders at the justice
which refused to consider prima facl
at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Wash
burn will be at home to their friends, two new business women and their
after December 6, at Denver. J splendid shop.
Bruin Had Taken Possession of Ton
sorial Parlor and Was Dis
patched With a Rifle.
Xashwauk. Minn. C. E. Hilhrade, a
barber of Swan Lake, seven miles
east of this city, one morning recent
ly noticed that a window In his barber
shop was open. Upon entering the
building to close the window he was
Bear In a Barber Shop.
astonished to find a large black bear
asleep in one of the chairs. Mr. Hill
wade immediately obtained a rifle and
dispatched his uninvited guest. The
bear had broken many of the bottles
about the shop, and done considerable
damage generally.
Kissed Wrong Wife.
Plainfield. N. J. William Smith,
who occupies part of a double house
on South Second street, was ar
ranged in the city police court on
complaint of Mrs. Alice Gudgeon, who
resides in the other half of the build
ing. She claims that Smith, one night
recently, while her husband was
away, entered her apartments and
tried to kiss her. Smith says that
he got injp that part of the house by
mistake, and for a minute thought
it was his wife he was greeting.
Don't forget- the Orpheus
dance Wednesday evening,
November 8th.
For Sale Ten Acres of
land, good buildings, shade
trees and orchard. Will ac
cept part cash and rest on
time, if sold soon. Inqure of
Mrs. Shaffer, Meridian HoteL
509 WEST 1 1th STREET
It's going to be a long hard winter and nick
les may look as big as horse-collars before
spring. Wiggle your fingers in the dandruff
a few minutes and think these prices over.
2KSuits $4.50 to $8.00
75atMCmvercoat8 $4.00 to $8.00
XSS 25c to $1.00
2SsTrousers $1.00 to $2.50
250 pairs of Ladies and Misses 7Ra
Shoes, your choice lUv
25 Ladies Suits sizes w Q Eft
your choice 0vU
30 Childrens union suits sees 10 lo i -,- O C a
at, each OvU
OU LadieS JaCKetS out of date but good and warm ll flfl
your choice .UU
Yours in haste,
P. S. The above is all out of the J. H.
Galley stock, and while not right up-to-date,
the quality is there.
509 WEST 11th STREET
Methodist Church Notes.
Our morning service begins at 11 a.
m., and closes at noon. Sermon top
ic. "The Christian A Light in the
World." Bible school convenes at
noon. Epworth League at 6:30 p. m.
The leader is, is Miss Edith Boyd.
The evening sermon subject is, "Sell
ing the Birthright." You are invited
to make this your church home every
Chas. W. Ray, pastor.
A Household Medicine
That stops coughs quickly and cures !
colds is Foley s Honey and Tar Com
pound. Mrs. Anna Pelzer, 2526
Jefferson St., South Omaha, Nebraska,
says I can recommend Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound as a sure
cure for coughs and colds. It cured
my daughter of a bad co'd and my
neighbor, Mrs. Benson, cured herself
and her whole family with Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound. Everyone
in our neighborhood speaks highly of
it." For sale by all druggists.
will be sold under the ham
mer at the Court House in
Columbus on Dec 12, 1911.
These two farms comprise
the Rivet. land, being 320
acres the north half of Sec
tion 22, in Joliet Township.
Easy terms.
C. M. Gruenther, Trustee.
The Rivet 320 acres will
be sold to the highest bidder!
December 12, 1911. Easy
terms. For particulars ad
dress C. M. Gruenther,
Mule footed hogs are immune from
cholera, and when crossed with the
Poland China makes one of the very
best breeds. Mr. A. J. Thomas, in the
First National Bank Building, has a
few male mule foots for sale.
Laxative Tablets, ten
For coughing, dryness and tickling
in the throats, hoarseness and all
coughs and colds, take Foley's Honey
and Tar compound. Contains no
opiates. For sale by all druggsits.
For rent Two or three rooms for
i light house-keeping furnished or un
furnished Inquire 1410 W 13th St.
An nouncement
HAVING purchased the Furniture and Un
dertaking business of Mr. F. W. Herrick, we wish
to assure the people that by courteous treatment
and hone3t goods we hope to merit the same
business confidence as did our predecessor to re
tain the former customers and add many new
ones to our list. We have taken possession and
will be glad at any time to welcome you at our
new business home.
W. F. Herring