? "' -IV- jr 1 -S.I r-i 3 SHE SUFFERED FIVE YEARS finally Cured by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Erie, Pa. "I suffered for five years from female troubles and at last iras almost helpless. I went to three doc tors and they did mo no good, so my sister advised ma to try Lydia E. 1 'ink ham's Vegetable Compound, and when I had taken only two battles I could seo a bi? change, so I toot six bottles and I am now strong and well again. I don't know how to express my thanks for the pood it has done ma and I hope all suffering- women v. ill Five Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabla Compound a trial. It was worth its weight in gold." Mrs. J. P. ExDLicn, It. F. D. No. 7, Erie, Pa. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases wc know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, such as inflamma tion, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every suffering woman, owes it to herself to give LydiaE. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you want special advice writo Mr.s.linkliam, Lynn, Mass., for it It is free and always helpful. ESflBBBEHSBI QUICK RELIEF SOKE CYES In Sunday School. 'What can you say of Cain?" 'He was the first boy scout. Mrs. Whitlow's Roothmp Syrup for Children terlhitiK. MftrnK the (turns, reduce intljuiimii tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, Sc a bottle. Definition of Velocity. Teacher What is velocity. Johnny? Johnny Velocity is what a chap lets go of a wasp with. I)r. I'ierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate arul invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Su par-coated, tiny granules. Easy to take ju candy. The time a man begins to fear for the future of his country is when he fears he is going to lose a job in the election. CHRISTMAS POST CARDS FREE Srcd 2c stamp for tire samples o my very cboic rst t.old BmtxisMxl Christmas and Nrw Tear i'ust Cards: bciuliful cuktrc and loTcllest designs. Art Tost Lard Club. 721 Jackson Su, Tupeka. Kans&a After a roan has been married about n year he begins to wonder why his friends didn't get busy and have him locked up before he did It. Blood Poisoning i often cauel bv j light cuts or wound. Death may result, llamlins Wizard Oil will draw out the poison. Ileal the wound and prevent se rious trouble. Right Place. "Henry may be a bad student, but at least he is consistent." "In what way?" "I caught him swearing over his profane history." Distemper In all its forms anion; all ages of horses .mid do;, cured and others in the same stable prevented from having the di-ease with Spolm's Dt!tc:npcr Cure. Every bottle guaranteed. Over 750,000 bottles fold lasi year. .50 and $1.00. Good drug j;its. or fend to manufacturers. Agents wanted. Write for free book. pohn Med. Co., Spec. Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. Elemental Error. Judge Stevens was angling in the Mantiowish waters, and just after din ner became involved in an argument with his boat companion. The debate lasted some minutes, and during that time the judge had his baited hook dangling in the air over his shoulder. The guide took r hand. "Judge." said he. peremptorily, "drop your line in the water. There are no flying fish around here." Chi cago Pest. Urgent Necessity. A distinguished theologian was in vited to make an address before a Sunday school. The divine spoke for over an hour and his remarks were of too deep a character for the average juvenile mind to comprehend. At the conclusion, the superintendent, accord ing to custom, requested some one in the school to name an appropriate hymn to sing. "Sing Revive Us Again, shouted a boy in the rear of the room. Life. Arms Made to Order. A United States senator, worth mil lions which he made rapidly, has a coat-of-arms recntly acquired. He gave a large dinner party one night His coat of arms was emblazoned in gold on the top of the dinner cards The lady who went in with tho sen ator, the wife of another senator, ob served the insignia when she picked up her dinner card and exclaimed: "How pretty!" "Yes." replied the senator proudly, "I think it is rather neat My wife in vented it " Saturday Evening Post. COLDS Gured in One Day As a rule, a few doses of Munvon'e Cold Remedy will break up any cqlti and pre vent pneumonia. It relieves the head, throat and lungs almost instantly. Price 25 cents at any druggist's, or sent postpaid. If you need Medical advice write to Munyon's Doctors. They wil carefully diagnose your case and give you advice by mail, absolutely free. Address Professor Mutton. 53d and J5eron streets. Phtlade";.i:&. Pa. NOTES xo MEADOWBROOK Late in the fall is a good time to hatch spring chicks in some sections. Shorts are more economical feed for sow3 and growins pigs than corn. The deepest mudhole and steepest bill measure the real distance to market-Turkeys will soon become weak and subject to disease where inbreeding is practiced. Drenching is a poor way to give doses of liquid medicine to any farm animal. Where there is plenty of skimmed milk, beef scraps for hens need not be bought. When the hogs fail to gain at least a pound a day it is time to say good by to them. Get your cows started right for the coming cold weather and they will do well all winter. Build a warm, dry and otherwise comfortable room for the calves for the cold weather. When selecting a cow for the dairy look and see if the eye of the ani mal Is large and full. This 'is the time of the year when dairy cattle require better care and more liberal feeding. A mule is no more prone to kick than a horse unless he is taught to do so by bad treatment. Always have a great deal of respect for the bull. His past conduct is no guarantee of future gentleness. When fattening for the market, do it quickly; push all the feed down the hogs they will stand for. To thoroughly clean milk utensils they first should be rinsed with cold water, to remove all particles of milk. The successful feeding of lambs de pends largely on their being offered great variety of food while in the yards. It is now a well known fact that the average pure-bred will produce more milk than the average grade cow. Peach trees can be planted any time between last and first frost; the earlier In. the winter they are planted the better. Keep all the rotten fruit well cleaned up around the orchard, as these constitute the winter quarters ! of numerous orchard pests. If all of the garden space is to ' grow profitable crops, no large trees must stand closer than thirty to fifty feet from the garden fence. The calf that Is expected to develop into a strong and profitable cow should be given all the chance possi ble during its early period of growth. The best results are usually obtain ed from the work that is systematized and most carefully planned. This 1b not always the hardest work on the farm. The best way to stop a bog from eating chickens Is to nut it on the market as soon as possible, since It will soon lead other hogs into the bad habit The best milking pall is the one so constructed that it will reduce to a minimum the amount of dirt falling into the milk during the process of milking. An old horseman says that the chief cause of colic in horses, or the cause of the largest per cent, of these cases. is brought through long abstinence from water. Do not neglect to secure a good supply of fine dust for the fowls dur ing the coming winter, while the ground is yet dry and there is dust In the road. j There is much difference in the In l di vidua lity of cows and their powers to produce milk as there Is in men and their powers to perform certain j kinds of work. The profit In a cow comes from the extra amount of milk she will yield over what she ordinarily gives on common pasture or the coarse feeds usually given her. I The poultry raiser who notes his j flock carefully, taking Into account what they are doing, and capable of I doing, ought to know more how to feed and what to feed, than anyone advising at long range. Poultry ex-vrts claim that the ordi nary hen averages only eighty eggs per year, whereas she ought to lay at least one hundred and fifty. That is. Bhe ought to lay twice as many eggs as she does now. The aim of the fancy poultry man has always been to in crease egg production and he is suc ceeding to a great extent, for the two-hundred-egg a year hen is now no lon ger a rarity. Winter is coining, batten the cracks. Sour milk la caused by dirt and warmth. What water Is to. a persot. a doit bath is to a hen. See that your fowls axe absolutely free from vermin. If the feathers are to be sold, ducks must be dry picked. There is profit in breeding turkeys up to the fifth year. The value of butter increases as the quality improves. A good horseman never trots a draft horse, even when be has no load. Laying hens need from 15 to 25 per cent meat scraps added daily to their mash. Don't feed hay or -other forage. which wil raise a dust, before or dur ing milking. Tainted, musty or mouldy feeds should never be served in the dairy herd rations. If we have not access to road dust., we may take some field earth, fine and free from lumps. The best market for skim milk on the farm Is afforded by good dairy, calves and quick growing pigs. If the cream in the churn foams up and runs over, the churn is too full or the cream is improperly ripened. Simply because a calf is given her ration of milk each day. it does not signify that she docs not need water also. Cholera and other diseases of swine attack herds which are in poor condi tion and consequently most suscep tible. If your horse is troubled with in digestion have the animal clipped and its teeth attended to by a veterin arian. Until recent years the poultry busi ness, especially on the farms, was of so little importance that cot much at tention was paid to it. The egg production of the United States is given as 1400.000,000 for the. past year. The entire poultry pro duction ih put at $600,000,000. Prune out old canes of raspberries and blackberries and burn them. Thin the bills to three or four shoots. Cul tivate, and add some manure to the soil. The red mites or lice do cot stay on the fowls during the daytime, but bide in cracks during the day. sally ing forth after dark to seek their prey. Orchardists who have never used dynamite should be sure to get all. possible information from the manu facturers of the explosive before at tempting to use It. If celery Is to be brought into the cellar for winter storage cut the top root, lift it from the ground and then with a strong knife cut off the branch ing roots and most of the earth. Lousy fowls are necessarily weaker than fowls that are free from lice, and strength and vitality are quite im portant factors while the fowls are. producing their new suit of clothes. If your fowls have the range of the fields and orchards and can pick up a number of insects and worms daily, you will not need to bother much about the meat supply in the ration. Although flying about and appar ently of mature age. birds may be dis tinguished as squabs by the squeal ing noise they make, which is always the call of the squab. The raising of poultry on the farm or in conjunction with fruit growing.' can be made very profitable with the same kind of management that is de voted to raising good stock or good grain. Everything should be kept as clean on the little chicks' feeding floors as if It is on the floor of the kitchen.' If this is done the little birds will never have gapes or many of the chicken diseases. If you are feeding clover, remem ber to cut down the bulk. This is a hearty food and you can't use as much of it as you can of timothy without doing your horse barm. In filling a silo attention must be given to the outer edges, for when the silage begins to settle there Is al ways a draw away from the wall, leaving an air space that makes the silage spoil. There is no better germ slayer than an ounce of carbolic acid added to a pail of whitewash. Give the walls and ceiling of the hen house a good coat ing, working it in rather thick in al! cracks and crevices. There is not a farm In the country where farming is seriously attempted at all where it is necessary to try to raise chickens without decent provis ion for the safety of the flock and for the convenience of the attendant Have a gunny sack soaked with crude oil hanging over the hole made for the pigs in the farrowing pen to run through, just high enough to rub ttieir backs as they run through. This will be sufficient to keep them disinfected from lice, etc Power farming Is as certain to come as is next Fourth of July. It means a lowered cost of production, and an in creased profit It makes possible the large farm well-tilled, and substitutes expensive horsepower for reliable and GOLDS BREED CATARRH ItwPeiiiaSlmMltiiE-my mm ft rrwttrt Nk Mrs. C. S. Sagerser, 1311 Wood land Ave., Kansas C i t y, Mo., writes: "I feel it a duty to you and to others that may le af flicted like myself, to speak for Pcrana. "My trou 1 1 e first came after la g ri p p e eight or nine yearn ago. a gath ering in my head and neuralgia. I suffered most all tiie time. My nose, ears and c y e were badly Mrs. C 8 Sagtraerti affected for the lar-t two years. I think from your description of internal catarrh that 1 must have had that also. I suffered very severely. "Nothing ever relieved me like Pe runa. It kee; me from taking cold. "With the exception of some deaf ness 1 am feeling perfectly cured. I am forty-six years old. "I feel that words are inadequate to express my prif for Fmna." DIET FOR THE TUBERCULOUS General Idea That Too Much Food Cannot Bs Given Is Shown to Be Erroneous. Many traditions with regard to the feeding of tuberculosis patients and with regard to iood in general, are given severe blows in a series of ar ticles published in the October num ber of the Journal of Outdoor Life, the official organ of the National As sociation for the Study and Preven tion of Tuberculosis. Dr. John R. Murlin of New York, assistant profes sor of physiology at the Cornell uni versity medical college, holds in an article entitled "The Dynamic Princi ples of Nutrition." that a consumptive will gain weight and do well on three pints of whole milk, eight ounces of cream, five ounces of milk sugar, six eggs and two slices of buttered toast as a ration for 21 hours. The entire diet, with the exception of the bread ! and butter, could be prepared in ad j vance and served for a cost of about i'flffv fonts frr tho riar Mica footlin Flick of the Henry Phipps institute of Philadelphia also o'ffers some sample diets which the ordinary family can prepare for even less than fifty cents a day. Dr. David R. Lyman of Wallingford. Conn., and Dr. Paul B. Johnson of Washington. D. C. both agree that the ordinary person eats too much, and that the old notions about stuffing a tuberculosis patient at all times and seasons have been proven false. Dr. Lyman holds that eggs are not a nec essary article of the consumptve's diet, but that a tuberculosis patient should eat anything that agrees with him that is nourishing. He thinks that a tuberculosis patient should eat only a little more than a person in ordinary good health. Her Infinite Variety. A woman smoked a cigarette, ;nd made thereby a sensation. Such a sensation, in fact, that short ly another woman was smoking, and then another. But as more and more women smok ed the sensation they made grew less and less, until at length they made no sensation at all. That ended it "Well, what next?" quoth woman kind, for age could not wither her nor custom stale her infinite variety. Puck. Natural Ending. "Our cook's dead." "Indeed? Did she die a natural death r "Yes. the natural death of a person who tries to light a fire with kero sene ! Stray Stories. To Be Pleasant In the Morning Hav e some Post Toasties with for breakfast The rest of the day will take care of itself. Post Toasties are thin bits of White Indian Com cooked and toasted un til deiicicusly crisp and appetizing. "The Memory Lingers" StM ay 6rcsn Pestmn Orral Co.. Lid., Battle Creefc, SUch. rsssssssssswssssssssssssssV tSSBSSSSSr- P :VmBSBSBSBSBB .. vftBMBBBBBBBBBT VwBssV jiv- : x:J9rRbSss vVmSTC-SBBBSSw! Xirisssssasssssssssssssl t; 'SBSBSjSMBMBMBMBSSBJ BELSHAZZAR'S FEAST AND FATE SamUy Schawl Lama far Mev. 12, 1911 Spatially Arranged for This Paper LESSON TEXT-Danlel 5. MEMORY VERSES-3. 2S. GOLDEN TEXT "God sIiaII brinn ev ery work into judgment, with every se cret thlnj;. whether it be good or whether It be e vlL"-Eccl. 12:H. TIME The event described belong to the last years of the exile. H. C. 535., when Babylon was taken by Cyrus and' his Kenerals. The decree of return, and the first re turn, occurred a year or two later. PLACE Babylon the capital, enlarged, beautified and fortified by Nebuchadnez zar. Under the great Nebuchadnezzar Babylon rose In grandeur, power and extent, till it became the most mag nificent and beautiful city of anti quity. In those days Babylon was the metropolis of the world, the center ot commerce, art and wisdom. "The A'ealth of the world poured into its coffers. Babylon was the strongest fortress in all the world. Belshazzar was the acting king of Babylon at the time of this lesson, while his father Nabonldus was the nominal and legal king who lived and warred outside or the city. Cyrus had been advancing toward Babylon. He gained a decisive victory over Nabonidus, on his way to the capital, and his army entered the city without fighting, and peace was pro claimed. A portion of the city, prob ably the citadel including the royal palace, held out for some time, being occupied by the army of Belshazzar as a rallying place. Two or three weeks later Cyrus made his triumphal entry into the city. Seven days later, the general of Cyrus stormed that part of Babylon which had held out against his army, and on that night Belshazzar was slain. It was during this week that Belshazzer made a magnificent banquet to encourage his generals and princes in their struggle with the Medo-Persian foe. At his feast, therefore, Belsbazzar sought to remind his warriors of the old campaigns their forefathers bad fought. He had. In his possession the treasures which these forefathers had carried from Jerusalem when they, conquered Israel and. as it seemed to them. Israel's Jehovah. His conduct thus was not merely that of a drunk en debauchee, but partly of a cool politician, when amid the applause of a thousand courtiers and army com manders he ordered the sacred ves sels of the Temple of Jerusalem to be brought into the hall of feasting. Such a scene would fill the hearts of the wine-inflamed warriors and nobles to overflowing with daring, and also bring a worthy occasion for the di vine interference to encourage his people on the eve of their deliver ance. In the midst of the carousal, the king saw the fingers of a man's hand writing strange words, "letters of fate and characters of fear." on the wall in the full blaze of the candlestick, perhaps the great golden candlestick taken from the temple. There is something blood-curdling in the visi bility of but a part of the hand and its busy writing. No wonder if the riotous mirth was frozen Into awe. and the wine lost flavor. Belsbazzar. in his terror and horror, summoned his wise men to declare what the strange apparition and the blazing letters meant, and promised great rewards to the one who should interpret them; but all failed. Either they could not make sense of the let ters, or could not perceive what mean ing they had. Even if they bad under stood, it is not likely that one.of them would dare to speak it out before the king. Then the queen mother, mother of Belshazzar. came in and spoke of Daniel as one who had shown great gifts at Interpretation to his grandfa ther Nebuchadnezzar. It took place before this boy king was born, and he. naturally, knew nothing about the story. Daniel was sent for, and came into the festival hall. He heard the king's offer, and spurning it. spoke brave and true words which might easily cost him his life. He told the story of Nebuchadnezzar's fall from the height of pride, and accused him of dishonoring the true God. Then he interpreted the message written on the palace walls: "Thou art weighed In the balances and found wanting." The want of religious restraints and motives, exposes one undefended to the powers of temptation. Belshazzar would enrich the splendor of his feast by the sacred goblets and dishes of gold that Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple at Jerusalem. They were brought, and made to be instru ments for drunken revelry and lust, and worship of idols, thus declaring that the idols had given them the vic tory over the God cf the Jews. He little realized the power of the God whom he was defying, nor the reason why he had permitted the Jews to be disciplined by exile, and the victory of Cyrus over Babylon was one of the means by which the exiles should be able to return home, and carry those very golden vessels back to Jerusa lem. The church in the wilderness was like the burning bush that Moses saw; and like the three heroic men in Nebuchadnezzar's fiery furnace, un consumed because God was with them. The true religion, the princi ples of the kingdom cr heaven, and the laws of Cod. are certain to tri umph at last over intemperance and all its evils. The social power of the wine cup, its connection with feasting, comrade ship, hospitality, good cheer. Is one of its most dangerous attractions. And one of the chief defences against its power lies in showing that good cheer, fellowship, sociability, eating together, may be enjoyed in the highest degree where men "eat and drink and in communion sweet quaff immortality and joy." without the fascination of the wine cup. Belshazzar lost his city and his king dom. So still by Intemperance are men continually throwing away the kingdom God has prepared for them, the kingdom of manhood, the kingdom of self-control, the kingdom of the world is which we live and of its laws which we can compel to aid us in all that is good. Place the MOTHER'S OATS firekss Cooker a It will be ready to tenre when yow get laoane This advertisement is good for 10 cou pons cut it out and you have a big start. Then in every pack age of Mather t Oats you will find a cou pon. Save the cou pons and get the cooker free in a hurry. Only one ad vertisement will be accepted from each cus tomer as JO coupons. Buy a package of Mother's Oaf today. Send a postal for complete preniua book. Address MOTHER'S OATS," CHICAGO u RATHER PLEASANT. Dunn Ah, you are in this Urns. I've called five times with this bill, ' but you've been out. Owens Indeed? Well, you are out this time. Fine morning, isn't it? IN HOSPITAL NINE MONTHS. Awful Tale of Suffering From Kidney Trouble. ! Alfred J. O'Brien. Second St., Ster-' ling. Colo., says: "I was in the Bal timore Marine Hospital nine months. The urine was In a terrible state and some days I passed half a gallon of blood. They wanted to operate on me and I went to St. Joseph's Hospital at Omaha, putting in three months there without any gain. I was pretty well dis couraged when advised to use Doan's Kidney Pills. I did so and when I had taken one box. the pain left me. I kept on and a perfect cure was the result." "When Your Back Is Lame, Re member the Name DOAN'S." 50c a box at all stores. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Appetite Not a Necessity. Dr. John R. Murlin of New York, as sistant professor of physiology at the Cornell universsity medical college, in an article in the October number of the Journal of the Outdoor Life, com pares the food we eat to the fuel used In furnishing steam and power fcr an engine. In selecting our food be says that we should eat enough to furnish energy for the day's work, but that much more than this is not needed. He holds that the appetite is not a ne cessity for good digestion. "There is no fallacy of nutrition," he says, "greater than that which supposes that a food cannot be digested and utilized without appetite." Most of the food we eat. fully four-fifth?, goes to supply energy for our every-day tasks, while less than one-fifth goes to sup ply building material. Shipwreck Up to Date. "Captain, is there much danger?" "Not a particle. A moving-picture outfit will soon be along and rescue us after they have taken a few Ulms." A woman may not be able to make ' a fool of every man she meets, but she ; can make something just as good. saafktdJIll mm JzEjmmm mm ISiB Mil KBPIfe r' Bwake. TaaBaTiaaTT SrShJl1- Woman's Ills Mbbt worses swRer aeedletalr from hood and from motherhood to old ae with fhackache, dizztaess or headache. She becomes birokea-down, steep les, nerrotrs, irritable and feels tired from moraine to sight. When pais end sebes rack the wosusly system at frequent intervals, est yemr mri:Lbr Jaf Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription TMl Prescription kss, tor over GO yemrm, bm emrtmg efecaft jreatr. palmfwrmcked wmmtm, by Me AssafMafs of tMmsamtla mm tmia t Im UtB mriraer mt their iabh Mfra.nr ... a. .. mmm sm mauMwts ro immeuemtm owesfioatwja wicawsv wvmmmnmm exmaumatit Si7" "ti! t..COrt:J5l?H,fide"c T letter free. Address WvdlD,$p?"?.ry Mc"1 A" n 1.V. Pieree. M. D., Pres't, Butelo, N. Y. xma'' t f?.i Pocrom. Book, The People's Common Sense aVf!r r A?-,sr ewl7 reused up-to-date editios 1000 pages, asswere ruin EugltsM riotts of delicate qoes'ioti which every woman, aiaale or married outlt to know about. Sent free tc any nddreaa as receipt of 31 one-cens stamp to cover coat of wrapping and mailisg r, in Presch doth binding. W. L. DOUGLAS 2.50. 3,00, 3.50 4.00 SHOES Meet asm Women wear WXJogIaa asoa harasi they are the beat asoes proefecedia Om r antiy for the price. Insist kav sec usees. Take so other saaka. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS Tie assurance that goes with aa estab irepoUtkmkycaauracKembHiykg W. L. Doughs W - n1 C?!U "fey00 y - foaorie. at Brctktoo. MatL. and show yo how cafcWIDc-jfjas shoes are RMrJe,Da w-Uturdaslawbytrjeyarewajw ffSntSwl In hnlrl ska ak. L. I weaTloBfttfuWairyotfaerswJ'ef UtfllHH w. i. )If von eaanoe owUn W. L. iv.u. yonr tows, write for eatalnc. Saoea seat mm awonsffSxastBi Dinner in a Get a MothetVOats Cooker Free in a Hurry 44 Bu. to the Acre b beaTT yield, but that's what Joba Kenedy mt nonunion, Alocrta. Westers Cftoadit, sol from otSprtr irui wncatiBHH Vt Kcporta xrei i other district la that pre' Inco bowed other escel- lent rcsnltft cues aa . M basnela or wheat f roai IJB acres, or S3 Kl ha. per acre. aaMOaaaet boshcl j iehto were -eriD8. Am his as IX bus beta of oata to the acre were tares awl froai Aiaeftatwaiamw. TUSilmeo at the teceat Bpohaao Fair waskwaraM to the Albert UorefBoMat for Itenhlbltof KTmlBB.nae.es aa Vegetable. BepectaetescelleBt yiene xur im eueo mv itobi rWkatehewaa juaa MaaMoba la Try owaaajeaiflBjaf awtloaa eMM t awweraewarw u m bmmb ha Om choicest aanncta. rjrwair cwawestaawt. aaat zcaUewt, eell yrT.waat,rMw I. ipmaiv .tMl DW HI proem rttB aa to heat alaea Sor aet- tleaieaf acttlera' low railway rates, weserlpttTa lltaalrateil "LartBestWesfaamt freo eo app licaUoa) aaw ether iBronaa tlon. to Beat ot taiailirraUoB, Ottawa, Cb., or to the tttaawlaa tioTefBBeatageat. (IB) W. V. rtOWETT 1. write to the agoaia rertyca ! f m BKAcnnt. Christmas Fast Cards Ta Qtrfekly fatiulata on If.. -.-Illlutl,. , LtoHael atelyaad seed 3e strap for postage-Theae lovely ArtTtrrt Cards ia baaatifal colors aad exquisite cold embossed deslaas. eoapriee taeprettlest mad wet attractive eoUeeUon ever ewered.With each etweiaelaae awr. special advertlerac-plaa for catttac a Wc Peat Card Alaaaaaad ditteaal extra one earoe or your own mmscuob rust. jtrt for taw cvaw, wpt. lat.mwi, LIVE STOCK AND MISCElrLAIvEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FOtto SALE cAT THE LOWEST PRICES BY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION 521-331 W. Adams St, Chicago Ferttsw mx ef CI atJlewa,aB- ilolwtlTlervMercwrlaltlcera,WhM8w'eU- , XUk Lew. Twwr Horee.aU M aa FvLLaSr " PegiAw. at. IVBI. BTBSUOS PATENTS fill Want! lactoo.I.C BooJcKfrve. llitcb- W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 45-1911. girlhood to W OHEPAntotmvBOT5i'it.saoor acres imMaiBB m i aaalBaa-Paiaapaaaaw I I ' af 1 1 aa9"VsSasfi i arSTaW entile ntiawat i vav & av r aai ww miMer aaw a am reaw iu a iaaa 3r-r tM water ' aLta m. WLaaafl ally . waixaa am a-mM s aaaatV VeWamal aaaaB aaa FREE fla fScs-H'awBWBwSawawawaVYV c3MaaaT?,ra-Bar"rBrrjaaai ftVfajasaSsnUawBrj KawawawawanHtajuHcEaawaa't faMYMYapSSSSKSll"SBaaaaaaaa mWl XHfcliL mCfe Vsmra?1. awaH?:; Sff?. PI? wu wm .Wj Jbsssssssssssh9b m SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSbbm mSBSBSBSBSBSBBSBSJr.'.V TssBwEiwB'v.V'r I mmammmamu&:::-: W. bbsbsV I SK"---i amwmsW BBSBBSw I W.!J.!& ' .fSSSSSSBV mwssaswsj -'.' lmsBSsassswl SmSSSS 8HOE8 will noeltlvelvwct wear I