ii I ! AUCTION OF Farm Implements Will offer a number of new Farm Implements at auction at residence of Geo. Kohler, 3rd house west of U. P. branch track on West 13th street, SATURDAY, OCT. 28, At 2:30 p. m. Here's a chance to save money on Feed Grinders, Gang Plows, Well Pumps, Walking Plows, Manure Spreaders, Cultivators And a number of other articles. Terms cash or note 'till March 1st. without Interest. EB.FEASTER. Remember Sat. Oct. 28. Colnmbns Markets. The following poultry market is re ported on Oct. 26, 1911. Prices sub ject to change: Hens, per lb Old Roosters,.,.. Spring Chickens, per lb Butter, per lb Bergs, per dozen A (MftliwvSf Stock and Grain Market Wheat, per bu 93 White corn, per bu .....62 Yellow and mixed eorn 62- Oats, per bu 40 Rye 75 Hogs, er 100 lbs $5.555.65 7 3 9 20-25 MM 90 Mrs. C.H. Campbell will entertain the Lullabies Friday afternoon. Mrs Edgar Howard entertained the bridge club Monday afternoon. Presbyterian Church. Sabbath school at 9:45 a. m. Professor Huffaker will tell the initial story of a series at the begnning of the Sabbath school hour. He has chosen Dr. Van Dyke's classic, "The Lost Word' ' Mornng service at 11 :00 a. m. The subject of the sermon will be, "The Business Instinct in Relig ion" This sermon is to, and for men and deals with Christ's need of them in presenting a stalwart gospel to the world. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. The sermon will be entitled, 1 4 The King With the Reed. ' ' Profes sor Munson, Baritone soloist, and the Presbyterian Male Quartett will pre sent the special music Come to. a church whose grip is real; whose en ergies seek to be employed in bringing you to the Christ. Samuel D. Harkness, pastor. Duncan Doing: Ernest Berehtold, accompanied by two ladies, wsa driving in our neigh borhood with a new auto last Sunday. M. and Mrs. John Eggli visited with Mrs. Gerber Sunday and Monday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs Ar nold Gerber last week The young man starts out in life with a credit of thirteen pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gerber had their young son christened last Sunday. His name is Albert. Miller Brothers shelled corn for Will Glaser this week. A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heggi was christened Sunday. a a Wanted Roomers, West 13th Street, inquire 814 Cabbage Cabbage Cabbage -Cabbage Columbus Merchantile Company. The New Goods Sale still continues to attract large crowds to Gray's. Columbus Wins From David City 3t In a battle royal the Maroon and White again triumphed over her near neighbor last Saturday to the tune of 3 to 0. With five minutes left in the third quarter and the ball on David City's twenty-five y aniline, Rector dropped back and with Colton holding the ball, sent a beautiful place kick between the the bars for the only score of the game. The Columbus rooters went wild with delight and for five minutes their wild victorous yells rent the clear cool air. About forty rooters accompanied the home team. The day was ideal for football, with a slight wind blow ing from the southwest. Spectators from Shelby, Osceola and several other surrounding towns witnessed the game. At one o'clo-k the Columbus boys arrived on the field for a little secret CHINA, GLASSWARE AND HAND PAINTED CHINA, CUT GLASS IN A VERY INTERESTING DISPLAY. The leading arteries of the China world have fed this assemblage with their newest and best. It is brilliant sparkling China and Cut Glass and all discriminating folk of Columbus are cordially invited to attend. After assur ing ourselves of its quality leadership we have added to the display's interest by exercising a nominal grade of pricing. The wide range of designs and figures will please the most exacting tastes. 100 piece dinner set, white and gold decorat ed, $14.00. 100 piece dinner set, white and gold Johnson Bros. Semi-porcelain. - - - $24.60 100 piece dinner set white Haveland, $35.00 Star cut Tumblers, (Straight or bell shape) 10c Star Cut Water Set - $1.50 8 inch heavy cut glass bowl (this week) $2.48 This is the last week of the New Goods Sale. Be sure and attend at least one day. f :: :: I :: :: :: Ask for the McGEE fitted top Petticoat Moofa TIK LATEST THE NEW AMUE SXIIT MATEIMLS SEE WINMW A STORE yOU Can dePend uPon-one that permits no misrepre- v sentrntioii where honesty and fair dealing prevail a store where loyalty and faithfulness to its customers is a guarantee to YOU of abso lute and complete SATISFACTION in every transaction. A NOTABLE EVENT Sale of Women's Samples TAILORED SUITS 100 Sample Tailored Suits bought from a New York maker at one-half their value. Every garment is exclusive style and has no duplicate. Suits made to sell for $45.00 at Suits made to sell for $35.00 at $25.00 $20.00 Suits made to sell for $25.00 at Suits made to sell for $15.00 at $15.00 $7.95 GREAT SHOWING OF LONG COAT from a recent big purchase. The very latest styles in double faced coats $15.00 Coats made to sell for $25.00 at Long broadcloth coats fOO C A selling for $35.00 at ... . jZZ.uU Handsome plush and car acule coats $14.50 to. . . Girls coats from $3.50to $21.00 $10.00 We have in stock only a limited number of these coats. LaBooK's is the store where you can buy your FUR in perfect confidence Blue and black wolf sets OC All at $15.00 to. jZj.UU LaBOOK'S REPUTATION IS Gray fox sets at $30.00 to Natural racoon sets at $35.00 to. $45.00 $45.00 BEHIND EVERY FUR REAL BARGAINS in Trimmed Millinery TriHMod Hats Values from $7.98 to $10.00 Each SPECIAL Balance of our entire stock of trimmed bats at less than one half. Special in silk velvet turbans $2.75 and $3.50. Girl's trimmed hats at 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. Triune Hats m Values from $12.00 to $15.00 Each signal work before the crowd came. For the past week the team had worked long and hard under the efficient coaching of Clifford Galley and Pro fessor Huffacker. The former, at one time a student at Purdue, has dur ing the past week given the boys several trick plays which the large western teams use and which he has finally taught them to master. The coaches had drilled night after night to perfect a place kicker, and as a result Columbus won the game. Galley is not being paid for his services, but just the same deserves credit for the work he has done in preparing the team for this game and those to come. Although Professor Huffacker as re ftree came in for his share of the roasting as an official in the game, was fair in his decisions and his penalties were justly inflicted on friend and foe alike. There wasa noticeable ditfere nee in the way the two teams practiced. Captain Ptacek and his team were the first to take the field for practice. They seemed to lack the pepper and dash of the home boys. At 2:30 Captain led his team onto the field with the precision of a company of drilled soldiers. They were full of ginger and their work was snappy. The line-up was asfollows: Columbus: Glur, R. E. Kinsman, R. T.; Taylor, R. G.; Cady, C; Hartman, L. G. Kaufman, L. T. ; Brown, Hagel, L. E. ; Colton, Q. B. ; Cassin, R. H. B .: Rector, L. H. B. ; Schmocker, F. B. David City: Recce, R. E. ; Ninds, R. T. ; M. Stod dard, R. G. ; Bede, C. ; Schewser, L. G. ; F. Stoddard, L. T. ; Ptacek (C), L. Ptacek, L. E. ; Hale, Ball, Q. B.; Warren, R. H. B. Gettys, L. H. B. ; Peschek, Ball, Ptacek, F. B. Referee Huffacker (Columbus) ; i Umpire Hosman (David City); Field Judge Outapalik (David City). I'ltOttATE NOTICE. In the Comity Court of Platte county. Ne bra.sk a. In the mutter of the etatef Nikolo Ka. tich. deeeaseu. Notice of tln:i settlement anil account. To the creditors, heirs, legatees ami others interested in the estate of Nikolo ltatieb. de ceased. Take notice that Henry Gas, jr.. has filed In the County Court a report of his doings as administrator or the estate or Nikolo lta ti'h. deceased, and it is ordered that the same stand for hearing on the 11th day or Novem ber. 11)11. before the court at the hour or II) o'clock a. m.. at which time nny person inter, ested may appear and except to and contest the same. This notice is ordered ifiven in liie Columbus Tribune-Journal three eonseeutive weeks prior to the 1 1th day or November. KM I. Witness mv hand and the seal or the County Court at Columbus this Slth day or October. 1911. JOHN KATTKKMAN. County Judu'c r 509 West Eleventh Street. 509 West Eleventh Street II You ought to see the Bunch my Father-in-Law has handed me. J. H. Galley has rented the building two doors west of his store, and put in about $3,500 Worth of Men's Clothing, Overcoats, Shoes and Furnishing, Also a great many Ladies' Coats, Jackets, Suits and Furnishings and told me to sell them for him. Now watch me. I am going to sell this stuff if I have to give it away. Gome in and look it over and if you see anything you can use we'll make the price right. Come early and get the best selection, as this stock is going to move pretty fast. No worn or Soiled Goods Yours in haste Open for Business Fri. Afternoon, Oct. 27 MARK R RATHBURN -k ,1 .1 Y K : rz