The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 20, 1911, Image 1

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(Columbus Unbmtcontmi
Historical Society z
Volume 42
Columbus, Nebraska, Wednesday, September 20, 1911
Number 25
of the times, according to some of our best
statesmen, is the reform of our currency and
banking laws.
Nebraska has gone a long way in solving
the problem by passing the Guarantee of De
posits law.
The benefits of this law are yours if you
do business with this bank.
4 per cent interest
Progressive Columbus.
Max Gottberg is happy this week,
and there is method in his happiness.
Last week the Motor Club made a run
over the state, in which Max entered a
small Ford runabout, which was the
smallest car entered in the entire run,
and when the points had beer, all cal
culated, it was found that Gottberg's
little car had won the first prize of
$250 for having the fewest points reg
istered against it in the endurance con
test. As a matter of fact, the Gott
berg car had not a single point mark
ed against it as a road car, but was
charged for the simple reason that it
was in the way of a big touing car
which ran into it at North Platte, and
damaged it somewhat, which appears
hardly fair when it was no fault either
the car or the driver. The second
car in the run was a Marion, which
was charged with thirty-three demer
its, while the last car as to merit was
givMi a rating of 253 points oil" of
perfect. Twelve cars were accounted
for as having finished the run, and
the showing made by Mr. Gottberg
is certainly gratifying when the adver
tised class of some of the cars and
the size and weight of his own car are
besides Mr. Gottberg, there is an
other happy man here also. His name
is John A. Reece, manager of the
Iteece Shoe Company, who had his
windows arranged in such a manner as
to attract the attention of the metro
politan motorists. Yesterday, Mr.
Iteeee received the following letter
from E. II. Sprague, president of the
Omuha Rubber Company.
Dear Mr. Reece:
1 was in Columbus last Tuesday in
the World-Herald Automobile endur
ance run, and while passing a street,
my attention was called to one of the
most attractive windows in a shoe
store that 1 ever saw, and upon look
ing further found the sign read "The
Reece Shoe Company."
I want to congratulate you on the
up to date appearance of your store.
1 do not know when 1 saw a store that
impressed me more than yours did;
and if the citizens of your town and
city can be affected in that way,
success is surely yours.
Regretting I did not have the plea
sure of meeting you krsonally, and
with best wishes, 1 remain,
Yours truly,
Do not such things as these make
Columbus citizen feel glad that he has
the good tortune to live in a city that
attracts such attention from such
sources? That this attention is thor
oughly deserved is shown in one in
stance by ottic'ud disinterested mark
ings of merit only; in the other by the
f&ct that the merchant receiving the
compliment was an utter stranger to
the man who paid it.
A number of people have asked to
nave books reserved at the public
library. Hereafter books will be re
served for two days after their return,
upon request, and the payment of one
cent for iostal notice to the borrower
desiring the book.
Miss Nettie LeGrange, of Fuller
ton, spent Tuesday with her sister,
Mrs. Wood Smith. Miss LeGrange
was enroute to Lincoln to enter the
Wesleyan Universty.
80 Acres
of land within
2 miles of Col
umbus is offer
ed at a bottom
price for a
quick sale
Inquire of
Elliott -Speice-Echols
paid on time deposits
State Bank
Dr. C. D. Evana. West side Park.
Henry Brandt made a business trip
to Monioe the first of the week,
A. R. Miller is attending the ban
kers convention in Omaha this week.
Wanted roomers and boarders.
Inquire 315 West Nineteenth street
M. and Mrs. John Hooper went to
Omaha Tuesday for a brief visit with
A eight pound by took up his resii
dence at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
O. Sullivan Monday.
Mrs. Z. A. Weldin returned the
fiist of the week from Gibbon, where
she has been visiting her daughter.
Otto Walters left this morning for
Chicago, where he will enter the law
department of the Chicago Universty
for the coining year. I
OLUMBUS women realize
the distinct advantage in
selecting their suits and
2g hats at LaBook's, where variety
Q admits of an almost
55 selection.
0 Correct hats for women. Our New
2 York winter models on display for the
first time Thursday. Smart White
2 Beavers. Lace and fur combinations.
JJ Large black hats trimmed in willows.
0 All nion errant nntt nt lnurac!- nnrat
M.F . Bitner left Saturday evening'
for a visit of ten days with relatives '
and friends in Michigan and Toledo, 1
Frank Ratterman came up from Om
aha yesterday for a visit of a few
clay at the home of his father. Judge
Mrs. P. F. Luchsinger and child
ren, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCray
and Christ lossi spent Sunday with the
lossi brothers near Platte Center.
Mrs. C. C. Hardy is entertaining
her two sisters this week, Mrs. Heniy
Knudson, of Newman Grove, and Mrs.
Rnuth. of Crowell, who arrived Mon
day. Mrs. Irve Speice and daughter
Katherine returned Sunday evening
from a six weeks' visit with relatives
at Boston, Massachusetts, and Port
land Maine.
Mrs. E. M. Newman spent Satur
day in Omaha, returning Saturday
evening. She was accompanied home
by Mrs. Hensley, who had been spend
ing a week with her son Jay at Neb
raska City.
Mrs.M. W. Langley and Mrs. Nel
lie Hargrave will go to Gibbon the last
of the week for a brief visit with rel
atives. Mrs. Langley will continue
her journey from there to her home in
Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Mr. and Mrs. Wlliam Albers ar
rived today from an extenedd trip to
their old home in Germany. During
their absence they visited the scenes
where their childhood days were spent
and report having had a very pleas
ant visit abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Dehart and
children left Tuesday for Superior,
where they will make their future
home, Mr. Dehart bought the Macy
studio at that place. Mr. John Ad-
amy, a graduate of the Effingham Art
school at Effingham, Illinois, has
bought the Dehart's studio. Mr. Ad
amy is not a stranger to Columbus
people, having been raised in Platte
county. He is a son of Nick Adamy
one of our well known farmers, and
will be heartly welcome into business
Dickinson For Congress.
During the past few days there has
be the candidates for congress on the
two tickets in this district, to com
plete the unexpired term of the late
Congressman Latta. It appears to
be a foregone conclusion that Dan V.
Stephens, of Fremont wtuld be the
democratic candidate, although it is
said there are a number of democrats
throughout the state and district who
are inclined to frown upon the pro
posed scheme to railroad him into con
gress. Other democrats whose names
have been prominently mentioned in
this capacity are Chris Gruenther of
this county, and W. L. Rose, of Nance
Among the Republicans, there has
been considerable sentiment expressed
in favor of a Platte county man, al
though other names that have been
spoken of in connection with the posi
tion in addition to those mentined
last week include those of Former
Congressman J. J. McCarthy, of Pon-
ca, J. C. Elliott, of West Point, and
R. S. Dickensnoo, of this city. The
boom of Mr. Dickenson did not take
tangible form until today, and after
consulting a number of local republi
cans, he announced that he would con
sider the matter, and consult with par
ty men in other parts of the district.
While Platte county republicans
hope that Mr. Dickenson will finally
decide to enter the race, it is not cer
tain that he will do so, but there is
good reason to exect that if he does
he will have no trouble in securing
the nomination.
Miss Ethel GofF, of Omaha, arrived
in the city Thursday for a visit of two
weeks with old-time friends here.
She reports that the family is doing
well in the metropolis.
r WE
Junior Post, who has been in the
employ of the government, at Mitchell,
is spending his short vacaton at home
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
The large barn and house on the
farm of Louis Luckey, two miles east
of the city were completely destroyed
by fire Saturday night. The fire ori
ginated in the barn, but how it started
will probably never be known. A
strong winds wa blowing from the
southeast at the time and carried the
fire to the house,. The only way
there was to fight the fire was by a
single pump, and that was located be
tween the house and barn, and it was
impossible to maintain even a bucket
brigade. A considerable amount of
furniture in the house . was saved by
the neighbors, while everything in the
barn was lost, including several hun
dred bushels of grain, a large quantity
of hay and straw, two horses and a lot
of tools. The barn was the largest in
the vicinity of Columbus, and was
built two years ago. The loss will
reach several thousand dollars, and
is partly covered by insurance.
Lowest Prices
Rock Springs, Maitland,
Canyon City, Hanna,
Pennsylvania Hard Coal,
All kinds Steam and Fur
nace; Franklin County,
Illinois, Coal.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Geo. A. Hoagland
Qrmi B" a
and along with it you will want COAL
ior your comiorc. see us auout it
and you will have
after your coal is bought. Coal of all
kinds for range, furnace or heater.
T. B. Hord Grain Co.
PHONES: Independent 206
Bell 188
Dr. Vallier. Osteopath, Darner Block
J. D. Stires made a business trip
to Oakdale the first of the week.
Second annual ball of Spanish War
Veterans. Orpheus Hall, Monday Oct
ober 2.
Miss Mable Ryan, of O'Neil, arriv
ed the first of the week for an extend
ed visit with her cousin. Miss Nellie
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Malone return
ed Saturday from a six Wceks"pleasure
trip through out the east. Cleveland.
Chicago and Milwaukee receiving a
share of their attention. j
Winter Opening
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
September 21st, 22d and 23d
Miss Gladys Kemp, of Blair, arriv
ed the first of the week and will spend
the winter with her aunt Mrs. C. C.
Sheldon. Miss Kemp will take up
High School work during her stay,
fitting herself for teaching.
Miss Geneveve Reece entert ained
Misses Elizabeth Scott, and Elsie
Goodfellow, of Ashland, and Miss
Geneveve Parkhurst, of Lincoln Sat
urday. Sunday the young ladies ac
companied by Mis Reece left for
Kearney, where they will attend the
Normal the com ing year.
Mr. John Reece is looking forward
to a visit from his brother P. L.
Reece of Netcong New Jersey the
last of the week. Mr. Reece is a
member of the firm of Waltz & Reece
construction company and has been in
Billings, Mntana, on business for sev
eral months but is now enroute home.
Monday evening sixteen young peo
ple met at the home of Miss Grace
Lubker and organized an evening Five
Hundred club. The club will meet
every two weeks at which time two
members will play the part of hostess
and host. The-members are Misess
Margaret Becher, Rose Gass, Matilda
Schneider, Clara Bloedom, Stella
Becher, Minnie Glur, Sophia Moerson
and Grace Lubker; and Messrs. Walter
Heuer, Ned Janes, Herbert Clark,
Will Stubblefield, Earl Gossard, John
Speicher, Frank Moersen, and Carl
Gossard. I
About midnight last Wednesday
night the fire department was called
to the coal sheds of the Hord grain Co.,
which had taken fire, presumably from
spontaneous combustion of a quantity
of slack in some of the bins. The
nature of the fire made it very diffi
cult to fight it, because of the heat
and cool smoke. The sheds are cem
ent floored and covered with sheet iron
and this fact probably accounts for
the fire being kept confined to the pre
mises, as the high south wind might
have carried sparks to the wooden
blacksmith and implement houses on
the north had it not been so. The
loss is estimated at about $500.
Manager Rush showed his appreciation
of the work of the department b in
viting the boys to a lunch at one of
the restaurants after the fire.
Dr. L. P. Carstensen, veterinarian.
Wood Smith left Sunday for Chic
ago, where he goes on business.
Second annual ball of Spanish War
Veterans. Orpheus Hall, Monday Oct
ober 2.
Oscar Baker returned to Nebraska
City Tuesday after spending a week
with his mother, Mrs. O. L. Baker.
Miss Helen Wise will arrive the last
of the week for a few days visit with
her cousn, M. S. Binney before re
turning to her home in Denver.
Mrs R. M. Campbell spent Tuesday
in Omaha. She was accompanied
home Tuesday evening by her mother,
Mrs. C. H. Sheldon, who had been
visiting relatives there for a few
Miss Mamie Elliott left Monday
for Lincoln, where she will attend
the University. Miss Elliott gradua
ted from the University with the
class of 09, but returns this year for
special work.
Patrons of the library desiring cer
tain books which the library does not
contain are encouraged to leave the
name of the author and the title of
the book wth the librarian. It will i
then be presented to the book commit
tee, and, if possible, purchased.
Columbus has had a new restaurant
man in business for the past week,
Charles Smyers, of Monroe, having
purchased the place formerly conducted
by George Milliard, opposite the depot.
The past two winters Mr. Smyers has
attended school in Columbus and in the
meantime putting in his spare time
working at the Thurston hotel and the
Home restaurant, as a result of which
he has received a good insight into
the business.
gold and
use inese exclusive moaeis in inis city
Mrs. Hall and son Harry of Win
ter, South Dakota, spent several days
last week at the home of S. J. Ryan
They were enroute to Spalding where
Harry will enter Spalding college for
the coming year.
FOR SALE 640 acres of land in
Wheeler county, four and one half
miles N. W. of Bartlett the county
seat, 320 acres fenced and crossed
fenced Improved, plenty of hay, 120
acres in cultivation, priced low for a
quick sale; price $10.50 per acre, a
good clear deed given. Address D. G.
Brewer, Spalding, Nebraska.
A $7.50 Pure Silk Um
brella for $5.00
In Both Men's and Ladies
assortment of 12
styles of silk HULL
UMBRELLAS, with de
tachable handles, which
fare being advertised in
the Saturday Evening
Post as the "Sterling
The handle of the
"Sterling Hull" is im
ported Pimento wood
with 26 guage solid silver
inlaid ornaments, and the
cover is a pure silk no
loading and sizing which
is put into the average
silk umbrella. They will
therefore wear and give
absolute satisfaction as
it is this loading that
cracks out ordinary silks.
Take advantage of this
Ed. J. Niewohner
Jeweler aid Opttaetrist
Jonas Welch.
The people of this city were shock
ed Sunday to learn of the death of
Jonas Welch, which had taken place
during the previous night. Although
he had been in bad health for several
months, and his death was not wholly
unexpected, people were hardly pre
pared to learn of his taking away at
the time, as he had been feeling as
well as usual Saturday. Indeed he
had spent the day at the home of his
son, W. J. Welch, west of Monroe,
where he had gone in an automobile
Saturday morning, and returned in the
The following account of his life
is taken from J. Streling Morton's
"History of Nebraska"
"Jonas Welch was born in Dorset
shire, England, August 22, 1840, the
first son of a family of seven children.
His father, Moses Welch, a native of
the same city, was born in 1815, and
was a blacksmith in moderate circum
stances. His mother, Harriet Raw
lings, also a native of Dorsetshire, was
born in 1818. As far back as the
written records of the family extend,
the ancestry of both branches had liv
ed in that part of England. When
Jonas Welch was seven years of age
he came with his parents to America.
They landed at New Orleans in the
fall of 1847, after an ocean voyage of
eight weeks and three days. They
went on to St Louis, and after a. resi
dence there of two years, moved to
Alton, Illinois and four years later
to a farm near Brighton. Illinois,
where Jonas acquired his education in
the common schools. In March, 1857,
the family started for Nebraska, tak
ing the Overland trail with three yoke
of oxen. They arrived in Florence,
April 24 of the same year. After a
period of rest in that important pioneer
place, they went to Genoa, in Platte,
ABOOK'S hats and suits are X
fall style aristocrats. See Q
our window of flaming k
all the very latest Q
We wish to remind you today of g
our new arrivals in the stunning tai- v
lored suits, the long black velvet coats jj
and the heavy mannish effects in J
English twedes. You will find nothing H
(now Nance) county and settled there
May 19, 1857, among the first white
settlers in the county. For the first
two years following his arrival at Gen
oa he was engaged in breaking prairie
for the settlers, and was then empoy
ed for one year as a farm hand at the
Pawnee Indian agency. In 18G0 he
went with others to the mountains of
Colorado, in search of gold, but re
turned the same year and re-entered
the service of the government at Genoa,
and for four years was employed at
the government blacksmith shop and
four years as government miller. In
1869 he left this service and preempt
ed land on Looking Glass creek in
Monroe Township. About that time
he formeed a parnership with J. P.
Becker and engaged in the milling
business on hell Screek in Colfax
county, the firm being Becker &
Welch. They opeiated the pioneer
grist mill of central Nebraska and
drew a large trade many miles from
every direction. At the same time
Mr. Welch operated a farm of 320
acres, and engaged extensively in
feeding cattle and hogs. Their mill
was operated by water power. This
business they continued until 1886,
when they sold the mill, and Mr.
Welch moved to Columbus. The firm
of Becker & Welch continued until
1892 in the grain and coal business,
when Mr. Becker died. Mr. Welch has
been a life long democrat. While
living at Shell creek he served as
postmaster and was for many years a
member of the school board. He was
also for a number of years a member
of the board of supervisors of Platte
county, has frequently represented his
ward on the Columbus city council, and
has served as a member of the board of
education of that city. He was a
candidate for the legislature in 1876,
but was defeated by N. W. Wells, a
Colfax county candidate. He repre
sented the third district as a delegate
to the national democratic convention
at Kansas City in 1900, and was se
lected on the notification committee to
advise the vice-president of his no
mination at Indianapolis, Indiana, in
September, 1900. He has been one
of the directors of the Commercial
National bank of Columbus, since its
organizaton, and president of the Col
umbus Sewer company. He has been
member of the Masonic order for many
ATV cm UumHyL
mW Alabastlaa tar
v the trade Marie, feat ya A
m caa't tmy appreciate a the WA
V reaooM why ya sImmM
MertHy ft unlets yow
H Call at v stora ml lat wahaw H
youUM V
AkWrrtMbirriMmj M
B1 In Uwt hcum tapir wondartal
nuatUla m woaOartaUj alm wmy Aw
years, and belongs to Wildey Lodge,
I. O .0 . F. Mr. Welch was married
on Christmas Day, 1862, to Miss Mar
garet Shackelton, who is also a native
of England."
Mr. Welch is survived by his wife,
three sons, William J. and Robert M.
Welch, of Monroe, and Charles A.
Welch, of Columbus; and four daugh
ters, Mrs. Willam Fox, of Spalding,
and Mrs. Harry Newman. Mrs. Geortre
Galley and Mrs. Martha Watts, of
The funeral was held yesterday
from the Presbyterian church, Pastor
Harkness conducting the services, and
the Masonic Lodge being in charge at
the grave.
St. Francis Academy Notes.
Rev. Father Sigismund left for
Duncan ths morning to assist in some
parish work.
Sunday, October 1, will be the
opening of the Rosary devotion at St.
Bonaventure's church. On October 4
the Feast of St. Francis will be cora
memmorated. Venerable Sister Rufina, of Lafay
ette, Indiana, arrived at the Academy
Tuesday evening. She will make a
brief stay, and will return to Indiana
about the middle of the week.
The pupils of the Academy received
Holy Communion in a body this morn
ing, it being the wish of the Pope,
and at the same time to commemmor
ate several important events in his
Mrs. H. A. Fritz will entertain the
Alpha kensington club Thursday after
toon. W. J. Walters left Monday for
Chicago where he will visit friends
and relatives for several weeks.
Basil Geitzen, who has been spend
ing the summer on his farm near Cen
tral City, is in Columbus this week.
Mrs. E. M. Newman is entertain
ing Mrs. I. J. Housely, of Elkhorn,
who arrived Tuesday for a weeks vis
it. Mr. and Mrs. Redman have moved
into their new home on 17th street,
which has just been completed by J.
E. Kaufman.
Messrs. Andrew and Theodore Brug
ger, who have been visiting at the
home of their brother M. Brugger for
the past two weeks, left this morn
ing for their home in Portland, Ore
gon. Mrs. J. E, Peterson returned Tnes
day from a brief visit at Silver Creek.
She was accompanied home by her
mother, Mrs. George Merrill, and
aunts Mrs. Watts of Terre Haute,
Indiana and Mrs. Berger, and daugh
ters Ruth and Mable, of Clay City,
Indiana. The ladies will leave the
last of the week for their homes.
See the demonstration of
corn shelling by transmission
of automobile power at Dun
can, Saturday, September 23.
Fine land, fine improve
ments, two miles from
Silver Creek
for sale at a very reas
onable price.
Hockenberger &