i i ft i i THE JOURNAL. "WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 17, 1870. Call for Republican State Convention. The Republican electors of tbe State of Nebraska arc hereby called to send delegates from the several counties, to meet in State Convention at Omaha, on "Wednesday, October 1, 1S7S, at "o'clock, p. ii., for the purpose of placing in nom ination candidates lor the following named offices, viz.: One Judge of the Supremo Court. Two Regents of the State Unhersity. And to transact such other business as may properly come before the con ventio'n. The several counties arc entitled to representation In the State Convention as follows, based upon the vote cast for E. C. Cams, Lieutenant-Governor, for 187S, (except Madison, whose represent ation is based upon the vote cast for Governor in 187S,) giving one delegate to each 150 votes, and one for each frac tion of 75 votes; also one delegate at large for each organized conmy Conutr. Adams Antelope Boone . , Vote. . 757 1C ,.251 ...551 . .404 491 .Its" . 12$ Del. (! Count j. Tote. Del. Kearney, . . 200 22 249 Keith.. Knox Buffalo .. Burt. . . Butler Cass . . Cedar.. Cheyenne Clay... . Colfax ... Cuming Custer .. Dakota Dawson . Dixon Dodge .. Douglas.. Lancaster 1SS0 Lincoln. 299 Madison. 350 545 908 2ai Merrick Nemaha . 194 84!) 45!) . 378 no .1I2 154 349 . .915 ) "S79 . 313 40 17G G12 . 74 . 9 Nuckolls Nance . Otoe. 1213 504 170 24 530 523 Pawnee Phelps . . Picice. Platte . Polk . . nn.Ml'ttlnur V 52 10 3 Uichards'n 1073 Fillmore Franklin Frontier.. Furnas . Gage Greeley Gosper .. Hall Hamilton. Saline . . Sarpy Saunders Seward. Sherman Stanton . 930 347 821 S18 99 122 410 171 1 Thayer alley.. . 45G Washing'n 94G Wavnc. . OS Webster.. 4SO York.. . C07 Total . Harlan 400 Hitchcock 20 Holt . . 71 Howard... 292 Jefferson ..471 Johnson . . 599 It is recommended, First That no proxies be admitted to the Convention, except such as are held by persons residing in the counties from which the proxies arc given. Second That no delegate Khali repre sent an absent member of his delega tion, unless he be clothed with authority from the County Convention, or is in possession of proxies from regularly elected delegates thereof. By order of the Republican State Cen traf Committee. James Y. Dawes, Ch'n. II. M. "Wells, Sec'y. Lincoln, July 30, 1S79. Call for Republican Judicial District Convention, 4th District. The Republican electors of the Fourth Judicial District of Nebraska are here by called to send delegates from the sev eral counties composing said district, to meet in District Convention, at Co lumbus, on Wednesday, September 24, 1879, fur the purpose of placing in nom ination one candidate for the oilice of Judge of the Fourth Judicial District, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the conven tion. The several counties in said district are entitled to representation iu said convention as follows, based upon the vote east for E. C. Cams, Licutcnant Governor, for 1S78, giing one delegate to each 150 votes, and one for each frac tion of 75 votes; also one delegate at large for each county: Conntjv Vote. "o. Del. Butler 494 4 Colfax 459 4 Dodge 915 7 Hall 755 0 Hamilton 45(5 4 Howard 292 3 Merrick 545 5 Platte 530 5 Polk 523 4 Saunders S21 0 Seward 818 G York C07 5 Total 59 By order of the Fourth Judicial Dis trict Republican Central Committee. R. S. Noiival, Sec'y. Seward, Sept. 1, 1S79. Republican Convention. The Republican, electors of Platte county, Neb., arc hereby called to ecuil delegates from the several pre cincts to meet in Couuty Convention at the Court House in Columbus, on Saturday, Sept. 27, 1879. at 2 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of placing in nomination .i full ticket for county offices; for selecting delegates to the Republican State convention, and for the transaction of any other business that may prop erly come before the Convention. The several precincts are entitled to the following number of delegates, the apportionment being based upon the last Republican vote for cou- Columbus Butler Monroe Shell Creek "Walker Humphrey Stearns Sherman . v-r csiuri . . . Lost Creek e Burrows Looking Glass . Granville "Woodville .10 . '. 3 . 1 2 1 f . 1 Pleasant Valley 2 The following resolution was adopted by the Committee : Jtesolced, That it is the sense of this committee that it is not wise nor judicious for delegates selected, to pledge themselves for any can didates. By order.of Committee. D. C. Lovelaxd, Ch'n. AU. K. Turner, Sec'y. Call for Special Meeting of the Repub lican Co. Convention. A special meeting of delegates select ed Saturday, Sept. 13th. to the County Convention to be held Sept. 27th. is hereby called to meet at the Court House, in Columbus, 2 r. M., Saturday. Sept. 2ttth, as Platte county must be represented at the Judicial Convention, Sept. 21th. By order of Committee. D. C. Lovklaxd, Ch'n. Jay Gould contributed on the 12th another $5,000 to aid the fever suf ferers of lemphis. Tex families of Russian Mention itcs arrived in Xeu York on the 10th, booked for Nebraska. Blaine's renewed hold on the re publican party is duo to "Maine strength." Omaha Republican. Bex. Butler has been nominated for govcmor'by the National Green back Labor party, of Massachusetts. IT. S. Graut, Jr., went west last week to San Francisco, to meet bis parents on their return from Japan. President Hayes and party were at CbilHcothe, O., on the 8th, and will go forward to be present at the Kansas State Fair. From present indications the North will be as solid as the South. Two of the considered doubtfuls, California and Maine, head tho col- BBB. Hamilton- Long and Sullivan were killed the other day at Mon treal by the falling of a scaffold. TV. K. Bell, who robbed the Adams Express Company at Kansas city, was arrested the other day at St. John's river, aud $2,500 of the money recovered. He will be bro't back. "The democratic party of Neb raska, in convention assembled, reaffirm all the old time-honored principles of the party, and lake no step1? backward." That includes evert hing of democracy. A slack rope performer at Og den, the other day, while perform ing dropped a boy who was assist ing him in the exhibition, aud he fell sixty feet. Tho boy will not recover from his injuries. Two patients from the hospital for the inpane at Lincoln escaped on the 10th. The frequent escapes from that institution indicate something wrong in the management and care of the unfortunate inmates. Ax old German couple from the cast, while stopping at a hotel iu Rising, Butler county, claimed to have been robbed of $1,500 in greenbacks. No discovery of the thief, or further explanation. The Times says that the Exposi tion building at Chicago "is infested by 'mashers' of both sexes and all grades of civilization. Even the remotest rural "decstricts" contrib ute recruits to this gallant army. It is a grand and extensive pic-uic for this sort." The time, let us believe, is in the near future when railroads will be built where there is business suf ficient to justify the investment, and will be conducted on the basis of the general welfare coupled with a reasonable remuneration to the stockholders. JosEnt Banks shot and killed George Graham and wounded Geo. "W. Green and a man named Ander son, the other day at Council Bluffs. The trouble grew out of a supposed insult offered to a colored .woman who came into the saloon where the shooting occurred. Cavt. Goldsmith and wife, crew of the miniature boat "Uncle Sam" from Boston for Europe, were in a disabled condition and picked up at cca and brought to Liverpool on the 8th inst. They met with a very rough sea, and their little boat could not weather the storm. David Benjamin of Ohio, a min ister of the Christian Union church, was beaten to death the other day by John Sharp, his son-in-law. Sharp was beating his wife and Benjamin interfered. Sharp turned on him, knocked him down, and then kicked him in the stomach. The Supreme Court on the 9th granted an alternative writ in the case of tho E & M. railroad against the board of canvassers of Gage county, to bo heard at the October term, at which time the board can cither count the vote or show cause why the vote shall not be counted. The north span, 125 feet, of the bridge across the Kansas river at Lawrence, gave way the other day under the weight of a drove of cat tle, precipitating them into the river, killing many and wounding others. Two men in a wagon who jumped from the falling bridge, struck the rocks below, and were badly in jured. A bolt in the Democratic State convention in New York resulted in tho nomination of a second ticket. Tho regulars nominate Lucius Rob inson for governor, and the Tam mauy bolters nominate John Kcllcy, who accepted in a brief speech in which he revived some of tho politi cal acts of Gov. Robinson, iu the use of plain, strong and emphatic lan guage, that it was time he should be removed from office. - The democratic State couvention met at Lincoln on the 10th and nom inated for Judge of tho Supreme Court Judgo E. Wakely, of Omaha. Regents, Dr. Alex. Bear, of Norfolk, and A. J. Sawyer, of Lincoln. The nominations for District Judge were: First District, "W. II. Connor, of Fairmont; Third, J. W. Savage, of Omaha; Fourth, "V. II. Munger, of Fremont ; the remainder of the Judges to be nominated by the dis tricts in separate convention. M. C. Barrows, a postal clerk on the Uuion Pacific, was arrested the other day, charged with robbing the mails of money letters. He had an examination aud was held to auswer to the charge before the United States district court at Laramie ; his bail was fixed at ?2,000, which he Was uuable to give. lie is the ton of Rev. Barrows, of Tccumseh, this State, aud has been iu the mail ser vice about three years. Myron "Wheeler, a son of Maj. Wheeler of Plattsraouth, Neb., last wek shot and dangerously wound ed n man by the name of Mr. Schlo gal. Young "Wheeler, tho night before, thought he heard burglars about the house, aud his father being absent at Ltncolu, the lad con cluded he would be ready to meet them the next night, and loaded his father's shot-gun, aud sometime Mr. Schlegal had received a note from Mr. "Wheeler at Lincoln to be deliv eacd at Mr. "Wheeler's residence he approached the house and knocked atthe door,and MyroOjSupposing birn to be a burglar, fired at him, (he fibot takiug effect in the left sbouj-l dcr ami breast of Schlegal. " i "; Why we especially make mention of the fact that Thos. H. Cavanaugh, of Salina, Kausas, exhibited his herd of Hcrefords, at the State fair at Lincoln, is that we believe the stockmen of Nebraska have not turned their attention particularly to the many good points contained iu this class of stock. The reports from our recent fair agree that there never has been a better class of stock exhibited in the state than at the late fair. To show in what light the stock of Mr. Cavanaugh was held at the State fair we learn that all of his stock on exhibition were awarded first premiums. It is stated that Mr.Cavanaugh's attracted much attention at the fair, on ac count of their great beauty and merit. The 3'eliffh U. P. Scheme. Oakdale, Sept. 11, 1879. Ed. Journal: I was somewhat amused in reading an extract in the Journal last evening of a letter from Neligh stating that the U. P. had hired and were hiring all the teams and men they could get, to commence grauiug to Battle Creek. There is about as much truth in that as there is in their building from Columbus. The surveyors have surveyed up the valley to this place aud up (he Elkhorn as far as they can go before cold weather, and, as the contractor at work at Scully's bridge told one of our citizens, they did not intend to come to Antelope cnunty unless they were obliged to. Oakdale precinct votes on the third of October to give the E. V. R. R. ten thousand dollars to come to this place, and there is no doubt but the bonds will carry, if outsiders will keep away from us. The Neligh people or a portion of them are do ing all they can to defeat them, even sending men to speak in the differ ent school districts, against the bonds. It would look a little more like men if they would let our af fairs alone, and attend to their own business. Yours, &c., II. If our correspondent thinks that the Journal meant to convey the idea that the Union Pacific were about to construct a line of road direct from Columbus to Neligh, or anywhere else, for that matter, just now or in the very near future, he is mistaken. If they construct the road referred to by "II" it will prob ably be from some point on the Jackson extension, in a direct line between Columbus and Neligh. This we believe, and also further that Columbus will find herself abund antly able and exceedingly willing to make the most of any and every scheme of railroad that comes this way, or points in this direction. That is just the position she is in. She has not consented to be bound, hand or foot, and led captive, but out of that which was, perhaps, in tended as an injury to her, will be able to reap lasting benefit. Concerning any local strife there may be between Oakdale and Ne ligh, we have nothing to say, it is none of our affair. We published the words of a man whom we re garded as truthful, and relating to a subject which is certainly of gen eral interest. Continued from last wee:.' Commissioner's Proceedings. Tuesday, Sept. 2nd, 1S79. Election Proclamation, according to Election Act ja.?.st't at the ten sion of 1879. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 4th day of November next, at the Court House in Colum bus Precinct; At the school house of District No. Tin Butler Precinct; At the school house of District No. 2 in Bismarck Precinct ; At the school house of District No. 46 in Sherman Precinct ; At the school house of District No. 43 in Crcston Precinct; At the hchool house of District No. 4 in Shell Creek Precinct ; At the school house of District No. 21 in Stearns Precinct ; At the school house of District No. 19 in Humphrey Precinct ; At the school .house of District No. 11 in Lost Creek Precinct ; At the school house of District No. 14 in Burrows Precinct ; At the school house of District No. 52 in Granville Precinct ; At the school house of District No. C in Monroe Precinct ; At the school house of District No. 31 in Looking Glass Precinct; At the residence of Cornelius Koch in "Woodville Precinct ; At the house of Bennett Olson in Walker Precinct; At the house of Henry Gilsdorf in the village of St. Bernard in Pleas ant Valley Precinct, An Election will he held for one Judge of the Supreme Court, Two Regents of the University, One Judge of the District Court of the 4th Judicial District, One County Judge, One Sherifr, One County Clerk, One County Treasurer, One Coroner, One County Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction, One Count j- Surveyor, One County Commissioner of Dis trict No. 2, One Assessor for each Precinct, One Road Supervisor for each road district, Two Justices of the Peace for each Precinct, Two Constables for each Precinct, Three Judges of Election for each Precinct, Two Clerks of Election for each Precinct. Which Election will be open at 8 o'clock in the morning and will continue open until 0 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. On motion the Clerk was instruct ed to prepare notices of said Election and deliver the same to the Sheriff according to law. The Board adjourned till Tuesday October 7th 1879 at 10 o'clock A. M. Attest, John Stauffkr, County Clerk. London, Sept. 11. A new asso ciation of capitalists has been form ed in Hamburg, with a view of starting an additional line of steam ers to the United States aud West ludies, which will compete for goods traffic only. A Hfevr IMsense of Horrible Anpcct Ilroken out iu Parte ofGcorgiu. Atlanta, Sept. 11. A special says: The reports of fatal fever raging in the counties of Polk, Spaulding and Harrison have not been overdrawn. Within a few days over filty meu have died iu the exclusively rural population, the victims being mostly young men. Those attacked suffer horribly, the tongue turning black and swelling to double the size, and blood oozing from thejr mouth and ears. Imme diately alter death the bodies be come spotted and discolored. Of 29 cases under one physician's treat ment, not one recovered. The great est alarm aud distress prevail, aud it is steadily spreading. Another Party of IVebrasUu Laud iluyurx. Yesterday Mr. J. F. Aglar, the St. Louis agent of the Union Pacific, arrived in the city with a party of about fifty men from southern Indi ana and Illinois, who came here to purchase lands upon which to locate. These men are all well-to-do and some of them arc quite well oil, and will prove a valuable acquisition to Nebraska. This evening about fifty more arrived in the city, and then proceed to various sections of the State to prospect and purchase lands. This is the tirst excursion of the kind from Indiana, and it will be fol lowed by several others betwen now and spring. Nebraska immigration is now being quite generally agita'cd iu the southern part of Indiana. Bee. "A Free ami Sovereign Stutc." Among the resolutions adopted by the recent Democratic conven tion of Clay county, Miss., was the following: Resolved, That the State of Mis sissippi is "a free and sovereign Slate," and has the constitutional right to manage and control her own affairs without intermeddling on the part of the Federal Government; and we hereby denounce all inter ference upon the part of the Federal Government in any election for any officer, or set of officers, as an out rageous usurpation of power, un warranted by the constitution, aud subversive of the fundamental rights of the people. State Fair. Lincoln, Sept. 13. Treasurer Ilartman paid bills mid premiums to those living at a distance to-day amounting to $2,800. The remain ing expenses of the fair will be paid on Monday. Receipts of the five days: Cash, $5,400; from coupon tickets, $1,000, making with the $2,000 by the state, $8 500. The expesises of the fair (exclusive ot salaries of officers ol state board) are somewhat in excess of .$7,000. The society will have a few hundred dollars when all ex penses are paid. The receipts arc about equai to those of last year, making a showing creditable to the managers iu every respect. EtcpublicauN Elected in Cali foruui. San Francisco, Sept. 10. The following is a correct list of the state officers elected, all Republican, except Morrison, Democrat and working-man. Governor, Geo. C Perkins; Lieu tenant Governor, John Mansfield ; Secretary of State, Daniel M. Burns ; Comptroller, D. M.Kenfield ; Treas urer, John Weil ; Attorney General, A. L. Hart ; Surveyor General, J. W. Shaukin ; Clerk of the Supreme Court, Frank W. Gross; Superin tendent of Public Instruction, F. M. Campbell; Chief Justice, Robert F. Morrison. The associate justices are not yet determined. The Sen. Serpent Again. New- York, Sept. 9. The steamer P. Caland, which arrived to-day from Rotterdam, picked up the ship wrecked crew (twelve in number) of the Norwegian bark Columbia, bound from London for Quebec. The bark was struck by a large fish or sea monster aud had a hole knock ed in her bottom, which caused her to fill and sink in half an hour. The water around the vessel became bloody immediately after the shock was felt. The men had barely time to escape iu boats. An Official Statement. Washington, Sept. 11, 4 p. m. Secretary Sherman's attention hav ing been called to the published statement that he had directed that silver dollars should not be received by the treasury, says the law makes the silyer dollar legal tender for all purposes and it has always been received by the treasury on pay ment of demands of every kind as fully and freely as gold coin. Georgia's State Treasurer. Atlanta, Sept. 11. After three weeks' investigation of the official conduct of J. W. Henfioe, treasurer of the state of Georgia, the special committee of the house of represen tatives reported resolutions that he be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors. It is claimed Rcn froe has been drawing interest on the state's money. The resolutions were postponed one week. The Influx of Foreign Coin. New York, Sept. 10. The steam er Wieland, from Hamburg, brought $1,290,000 in French and German gold coin ; the Wcser, from Bremen, brought $-150,000 in foreign coin and bars; the Algeria, from Liverpool, brought $1,55(5,200. and the St. Lau rent, from Havre, $1,595,000 iu specie. Silver Iiscdvercl in IVer Hampshire. Meridith, N. II., Sept. 13. A rich vein of silver has been discovered here. Four feet down the ore as sayssilver, $62 to the ton, lead $59. At six feet depth the vein is much richer. C-.x icrnif Son) O Tl ?o ocl tmn twl that thirty thousand persons arc still uui ui wui h. iieic. ii mi unties oiuy are doing well. Building trades are in the worst condition aud it will be necessary again to make provision to assist the unemployed during the coming winter. Paris, Sept. 12. Sabrille Morales, the well-known actresp, was ranr dered nnder circumstances of singu lar brutnlity, by a jilted lover, who immediately committed suicide. Tho affair creates a great sensation. Failure of Canadian Spring Wheat. Toronto, Sept. 11. Spring wheat in Ontario has been a signal failare. It was injured by midge, weivel and rust. New York, Sept. 12. Gen. Mc Clellan was attacked yesterday with a serious illness, and was no better this morning. Three physicians are in attendance. .. Frost. Beloit, Ks., Sept. 12 Thi sec tion of the country was visited by a heavy frost this morning. .' More Gold. New York, September 12. The steamship Douaii, Irom Bremen, brought $900,000 in gold. o Paris, September 12. Twenty eight million francs worth ot French gold will leave for the United States this week. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our quotations of the markets are ob tained Tuesday afternoon, ami are eorreet and reliable at the time. Owing to expected changes in freight rates, wc can give no certain quotations on grain this week. PRODUCE. Butter, 710 Eggs, 4 .... 12i:i Potatoes, 15(020 Onions , bu .')i'7r LIVE STOCK. Fat Hogs, 2(K-2.-)0 Fat Cattle 2 oO&S HO Yearlings, 12 0J&15 00 Calves 4 OOgO 00 Sheep " Good veal, per hundred 4 00 Hides, green salted 14.)' MEATS. Ham-, 010 Shoulders, 47 Sides, F3S Corned Beef 0(&7 Steak SWt LUMDER. Finishing SSO 00l.' 00 Flooring 25 00(0.3 on Siding 10 00fJO 00 Drop Siding 2.1 00027 00 Ship Lap 20 00&22 00 Framing ( 10 to 20 ft) 20 00 Sheeting W 0 Well Tubfng (per bunch) . 1 3" Lath (per 31) 3 "0 Shingles ( per 31 ) 2 o0 ." 25 Doors 2-SX0-8, 1 thick . . 1 05 " 2-0x0-0, V,4 ' 1 30 " 2-fixO-C, 1 ' . . 1 00 Windows 1 0U 2 00 Felt (per lb.) 4 c?nts. Tarred Felt (per lb.) .. 3$ ' FINAL. PKOOF. Land Oilice at Grand Island, Xeb.,1 September 10th, 1370. ) NOTICE is hereby given that the liillowing-naiiicil settler has tiled notice of his intention to make linnl proof in support of hi claim, and secure dual entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from tho date of this no tice, viz: Jacob Bodmer, Homestead No. 372C, for the N. yx. N. W. y. Section 1 1, Town ship 10, north, Range I wi-t, and name the following at his witnesses, iz: Charles Kohlrust, of Platte Co, Neb., and Jacob Maurer, of PJ.itte Co., Xeb. 4S8 5 Al. B. HOXIK, Register. FINAL. PROOF. Land Otlicc at Grand Island, Xeb., September 10th, 1870, f NOTICE is hereby given that the followinjr-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make filial proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration or thirty days from the date of this no tice, viz: George Henry Ucver, Homestead No. 4229, lor the E. H S. E. i. Section 24. Township 20, Range I west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: John A. Fulton, of Platte Co., Nib., and Souke I. Souncdreii of Platte Co., Neb. 478-5 M. B. IIOXIE, Register. FINAL. PROOF. Land Oilice at Grand Island, Neb., ) August 2Cth. 1879. ) NOTICE is hereby giveu that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days" from the date of this notice, viz: Evan R. Bisson, Homestead No. 42SG. for the N. W. y.. Section 0, Township 18, Range 1 cast, aud names the following as his witnesses, viz: John J. Schrfc der, of Platte Co., Neb., and Diedrieh Brunker, of Platte Co.. Neb. 4S0f M. I!. IIOXIE, Register. FINAL, PKOOF. Land Oilice at Grand Inland, Neb., ) August 20th, 1879. ) "Vf OTICE is hereby given that the fol JlS lowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty dayV from the date of this notice, iz: " Omar Rose, Homestead No. 3120, for the N. E. y,, Section 21, Township 19, Range 1 east, and names the following as hi-witnesse", viz: Calvin Uabcock or Colfax Co., Neb., and E.3I. Norton, of Colfax Co.. Neb. 4S0-5 M. ii. HOXIK, Register. NOTICE ' IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed pro posals will be received at the olliee of the County Clerk of riattc county. Neb., until Tuesday, October 7th, Im79, :t 11 o'elock a. in., for the construction of four bridges at the following points: One bridge across Loscke Creek at Jacob Hold's. One bridge across Shell Creek at Pat rick Bark's. One bridge across Shell Creek at Pat rick Gleasons. One bridge at Martin 3Iahcr's in Look ing Glass precinct. Plans and specifications for each bridge to be seen at the County Clerk's oilice. Bidders are requested to bid for each bridge separate. Bids for the lour bridges together will be considered. Bond to guarantee the fu.hllment of contract will be required in double the amount of contract price from the suc cessful bidder. County Commissioner, reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Payments to be in warrants on special bridge fund. By order of the County Commission ers, Columbus, Nebraska. August 19th, 1879. JOHN STAUFFER, 435-5 County Clerk. COLUMBUS DRUG STORE. A.W.DOLAND, (SUCCKSSOR TO DOLAXD t SMI HI,) M X I11U1I1 aiXU""'" J Wall Paper, Toilet Articles, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., KTC, KTC. Essi 01 Goods And Low Prices, :o:- MR. SMITH will still he found at the old stand, and will make prescrip tions a specialty, as heretofore. 401-x A GOOD FARM FOR SALE 1SG acres of good land, SO acres tinder cultivation, a trnod hotipe one and a half stnrv hirrh. a trood stock ranire. nlcntv ol water, and good hay land. Two mi lee east of Columbus. Inquire at tbe Pioneer Bakery. 473-Gm. ti-lC;iL- I 1TTI 11 i IMPORTANT NOTICE. L. KRAMER, OF THE ISTIEW YORK CHEAP CASH ST0EE ! IS NOW RECEIVING THE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS CLOTHING, Boots & Shoes, HATS and GAPS. CARPETS, ETC. THAT HAS EVER BEEN EXHIBITED IN THIS SECTION OP COUNTRY. WHILE THE MARKET IN THE EAST HAS ADVANCED OX A FEW Styles of Goods I HAVE CONCLUDED TO BE SATISFIED WITH A STILL SMALLER PROFIT AND SHAM. CONTINUE TO SELL AT THK Old Low Prices EVEN REDUCING THE Prices of Some Goods. 'Small Profits and Quick Sales" Has always been my 3Iotto, and I shall continue to live up to it. Call and be Convinced ! L. KRAMER, 11 tli Street, NEXT DOOR to JOURNAL OFFICE COLUMBUS, NEB. LUMBER GIVEN AWAY ! AT THE YARD OP JAEGGI & SCHUPBACH, COLILIIHUS, ISTCall and got price-list. LOWEST KATES ever known in CantralNitrad ka. TO SAVE .MONEY is the easiost way to MAKE MONEY. C. B. STILLMAN, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer In DRUGS, MEDICINES. PALYES, OILS, AVTNDOW GLASS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC Keeps on hand all articles usually kept in a lirst-clas? Drug Store. Delr? in surrounding eomitry will find it to their iaterest to purchase frem him, sw lie can and will jjive BED-ROCK TRICES. Prescriptions Carefullv ConrpoimdecL ETA GOOD ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. THE REVOLUTION Dry Goods and Clothing Store Is nov ready for the Fall and Winter Campaign with an immaase stock of Ready-made Clothing, iPry Goods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc. At prices that were never heard of before in Columbus. tSf Dry Goods have taken a big tumble in the Eastern Markets lately and as I buy my goods strictly for cash, I will give my customers the be n efit of it, and supply them with anything in my line at much lower pricos than they were ever known to be heretofore. AH I ask for is, give me a friendly call and con vince yourself of the facts. i.g-luce:, v 437, Proprietor of the Revolution Dry Goods Store K'WAI, S'KOOF. Land Office at Grand Inland. Nel August 19th. VT.'J. f NOTICE is hereby iven that the following-named settler has filed notice of hi intention to make Hnal proof in support of his claim, and secure linal entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days irom tne uate of tim no tice, viz: Thcodor K. 3Iatzen. IIo:ne.ted No. 51.V.. for the S. , of N. W. K. Seetien 20, Township 20. Rtingp 1 cnt, anil names the following .is his witnesses, viz: An drew Iverou, of Platte Co.. Nel., and Saml. J. Wheeler, of Platte Co.. Neb. 4S1-5 31. R. IIOXIE, Register. FaXAK.. PKOOF. Land Office at Grand Inland. Neli. August 18th, is;$). "VTOTICE is hereby given that the J3l following-named settler has Hied notice of his intention lo make linal proof in sunnortof his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty day from the date or this no tice, viz:" Simon Kinton, Homete.id No. 5121, for the N. E. J4, Section 8, Townhip 12, Uanirc ."west, aud names the following as his witnesses, viz: 3Iartin Rnhen, of Platte Co., Neb., and John Sulivan, of Platte Cu., Neb. TSJ..-I 3I.lt. IIOXIE. Kegi-aer. FI.VII VKOOI. Land Office at Grand Inland. Neh.. August Stk, 18TJJ. ) -yr-OTICE is hereby given that the Li following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his clsini, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirtv davs from the date of this no tice viz: Jacob Vcber, Homestead No. 542, for the E. J, N. Y. . Pection 11. Township 20. north of Range 1 west, and names the following a his witnesses, viz: Edgar Leach, of Platte Co.. Neh., and F. "V. Fromholz, of Platte Co.. Neb. 4S5-' 31. It. IIOXIK, Register. DELINQUENT LAND TAX. Notice to Resident and .Non-Resident Real Estate Owners. ALL PERSONS interested are hereby notified that the County Commis sioners of I'litte county. Nebraska, have determined to purchase all lands not nold for want of bidders, at the next annual delinquent land tax sale, in No vember, ln.y, :m provided oy irw. Ity order of Hoard of County Commis sioncr--. Columbus, Neb . Aujr. 10. M70. JOHN STAUFFKR, 4S5 C'oiintv Clerk. FI.-VAI, PKOOF. Land Office at Grand I-land, Neb.J September 2d, l.VJSJ. f "VTOTICi: is hereby given that the UN followiug-unmed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure linal entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this no tice, viz:" Leopold Pfeifor, Homestead No. 4210, for the W. X.otZ. W. 14, of Section 30, Township 20, north, Range I west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: August Weiser. of Platte Co., Neb., and John Pliefer. of Platte Co., Neb. 48G-5 31. It. IIOXIE, Register. FI.VAI PSSOOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., August 2Cth, 1379. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure linal entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this no tice viz: Thomas O'NieJ. Homestead No. 5300, for the S. A, N. E. K. Section 4, Town ship 19, Range 2 west, and names the louowin as ins Miiiies'cs, iz: i.j. 3 uiun, of Platte Co., Neb., and irank wens, ot I'latte co..eu. 10U-O Jl. X. UU.VlIi, J.l'gOtCl. IT-ELLEY & SLATTERY, IIonso Moving: and bouse building done to order, and in a workman-like manner. Please give us a call. JSTSbop on corner of Olive St. and Pacific Avenue. 4$5.tf IN'ERRASKA. FIX A I. PKOOF. Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.,1 AuKtist2tftH, U-.0. f --rOTICE i-, hereby given that tfce J4 frllowiug named Hauler has JWnl notire of his intention to Make Mnal proof in supporter his claim, ami sire final entry thereof l the expiration of thirty days from the ditte of this no tice, "viz:" Charles AVjilker, Hometeul No. M87, for the S. . S. E. M. Section 3& Town ship IS. Ranee ,'! we-l. ami hmm tne following as his witnesses, viz: John N. LawsoH. of Platte Co.. Nen., and George Willard, of Genoa, Neb. 4S-5 31 . It. IIOX I E. Kegf?tr. LEGAL NOTICE. STATIC OF NEBRASKA J .. COUNTY OK PLACTX. ) s Clara L. llarnnm, PbtlnttC i vs. IIenrv O. Itarnum. Defeniiont.1 I To Hpnrn O. Barttwn. greeting: Yon will please take nottte that ln depositions ol ueonce K. anrrM nnl Mrs. II. II. Lord, en behalf of the pfcin titl" in the above entitled action, to b used on tbe trial thereof in the Dfetriel Court within and for Platte eonnty.ssM State, will be taken before WillfeuH P. Chase, a Notary Public at bi in the toHH of Fairnort, In the eont4y of M oh roe, State of New York, on too ih day of September, tSTS. between tb hours of 10 a. to. and tf p. nt. of that djr, with authority to adjourn from tiny day till all su'eh depositions shall kirre been taken. Dated this !hn day of Ang., tsar. WlllTilOYBK, C.KKKAKD & FlWT. 483-3 Attv's for Plaint!-. FIAAii PKOOF. Lnnd Office at Grand Island. Neb.. August 2Wh, WTO. NOTICE is hereby given thtt tbe fellawing-nnmed settler k Oted n. tice of his intention to muke ftnol proof in support of biseluim. and secure linal entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this no tice, viz: Andrew Ilenrteh, Homestead No. MP, for the N. $, N. K. A. SeetioH 2, Town ship 1, Range .1 w-st, ami Humes tbe following a- hi" witnesses, viz: OotM Thom;n, of Platte Co.. Neb., nnd Robert Lewi", of Platte Co.. Neb. 4S5-3 31. It. IIOX ( E, Register. FIAAI.-PKOOF. Land Oftce at Grand Island. Xeb.. August 11Kb. UTJt. I -fOTICE is hereby given tbwi taw jLN following-named s tiler bas nfed Hotiee of bis intention to nMtke ftnwl proof In support of his claim, and seemre final entry thereof at tbe expiration of thirty day9 front tbe date of (Ms u. tiee, viz:" Andrew O. Donnell. Home-tend No 5W, for the P. X. S. Yf. , Section , Town-hip 20, Range 2 wet, and nonte the following as his witnesses, vhs: Dn Jones, of Platte Co., Neb., and Wiifcert Foitune, of Platte Co Neb. frt-5 31. It. HOXIE, Register. Fia'AI PKOOF. Land Office at Grand Island. Neb..) AUKUst 10th. ISTO. f NOTICE Is hereby given that tb following-named settler ha-, flted notice of his intention to make MnI proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at tho expiration ol thirty days from the data of this no tice, viz: Samuel J. Wheeler. Homestead No. 3344. for the S. E. &. Section 22, Town, ship 20, Range 1 cast, and names the foi Iowini; a his witnesses, viz: 1 header K. 3Iatzen, of Platte Co.. Neh.. and An drew Iverson. of I'latte Co., Xeb. 4SI-5 31. B. HOXIK, Register. FJXAI PKOOF. LaHd Office at Grand Island. Neb..) August 28tb, 1379. f NOTICE is hereby given that tbe following-named settlor has Mod notice of his intention to make thiol proof in supportofhisclaim,iind secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this . tice. viz: neinrirh Schulz. Homestead No. 4810, ror ibe W J. N. E. i. Section 6. Town ship 19 north, Range 1 east, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Herman Ludtke, of Platte Co., Neb., and August Kraue, of Platte Co., Neb. 483-5 31. B.nOXlE, Register. N r . n 1 H