The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 16, 1878, Image 3

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Communications to Insure insertion
In the next iuc, Miould be in band on
Mondar; if lengthy, on Thursdays
preceding iue-dav. Advertisements,
of whatever cla:s, should be in baud by
noon, Tuesdays. .
Advcrtisem nt under tins head l"i
ct.. a line firrt insertion, 10 cts. a line
each fcubse'ient insertion.
Deception in politics don't pay.
New corn meal at Lovcland &
Did you get your share of dust
David Anderson has completed
a new barn.
Mr. W. F. Kimclm of Osceola
was in the city Friday.
Fred Coan, lypo of the Norfolk
Journal, is in the city.
Don't forget the Republican
meeting to-morrow evening.
Head Bernard McTcggart's busi
ness card in another column.
Eugene Blodgett has purchased
his brother's threshing machine.
Mrs. Henry Scholcc of Sherman
precinct died Fridaj' last in child
birth. O. A. Stearns is building nn
addition of 12x30 to his photograph
Every species of hardware at
"Wiggins', prices away down, to suit
the timos.
E. U. Bond of Iowa passed
through the city Thursday on his
way to Utah.
G. "W. Shaffer was in towrt jcs
terday, alive, but not so well as
before the lire.
Herman Pieprr is building a
Ktablc, 18x30 with a twelve fool shed
attached, for cattle.
The foundation to the new
Prrphvtorian rhurch has been laid
and the building is going up.
"Wc have report in full of the
S. S. Convention in this county, but
too late for publication this week.
The M:innerchor had a dance
Saturday night at their hall opposite
the Court House. A lair attendance.
It is rumored that on Saturday Ducpy lost all his grain and
his dwe!liiig-hoiic by prairie fire.
"Win. Grant was in the city
Monday and in reply to our inquiry
for new said emphatically "E have
no bad news."
The Episcopal sociable will be
hold at Major Frank North's resi
dence, the evening of the 30th hist.
AM are iuvilcd.
There is a growing disposition
to prosecute to the uttermost limit
of the law, persons who wantonly
tct out prairie fires.
Marshall Smith returned from
the east the first of tho week where
he has been to purchase a new slock
of good and groceiies.
C. A. Speicc and II. J. Hudson
left on the 13th in-t., as representa
tives to the (iraud Lodge of I. O. O.
F's., which met in session at Lin
coln yesleiday.
Mrs. Minnie Drake returned
the first of the week from Chicago
where she selected a general assort
ment of millinery goods for the
Columbus market.
Franz English lost the stacks of
twenty-five acres of wheat by prai
rie fire on circus day. 11. V. Mon
otte of the same neighborhood lost
olHiie nursery stock.
Great attraction at Spring Lake
Landing next Sunday at 3 r. M.
"Lady of the Lake" is to go into the
water8. Many people arc expected
there to witness the solemn event.
Mrs. II. P. Baker left the city
yesterday for Golden City, Col., to
join her huoband, who has been
there sevoral days. "We wish our
young friends ucccss in their new
Mi'-s Thirza Smith, of New
York, accompanied her brother,
Marshall Smith on his return to this
city. "Wo learn that Miss Smith, if
pleased with Neb., will make it her
future home.
Mr. Courtright and wife of
Mich., who have been in the State
for a while past on a visit, started
for home Thursday last. Mr. C.
thought it not improbable that he
would return.
The Presbyterian Fociablc held
in the temporary church last week
was a complete success. Another
will be held in the same place on
"Wednesday evening of next week to
which all arc cordially invited.
Richard G. Dalton, in hurtling
a fire-guard the other day, allowed
the fire to get away from him. It
burned up his stable, and all his hay,
twenty tons. He had all he could
do to save his four horses from
the flames.
One of our subscribers hands
us a recipe for the cure of the dis
ease commouly called "hog cholera."
Last year a great many hogs died in
Nebraska, and it niby be well for
owners to make the experiment of
this remedy.
T. C. Ityan, though a compara
tively young man, is an old resident
of Nebraska, and his interests arc
identified with those of Platte comi
ty. Let every Kcpublicau be at the
polls on election day and see to it
that every Republican vote in his
precinct is cast for Ryan.
M. OToolc, formerly of this
place but recently of Anoka, Minn.,
returned to the county about two
weeks since, and, with his family,
has located on his farm in Sec. 2,
Town 19, Stearns Prairie. He has
built himself a good, frame house
E'ncc he returned, and expects to
make that hi future home.
Rev. J. Q. A. Fleharty left last
week for Beatrice to attend confer
ence. F. Brodfeuhrer, who has been
sick for some time past, is reported
as better.
Mary Albright, the tailoress, may
now be found on 13lh street oppo
site the post-office.
J. N. Reynolds, Esq., of Des
Moines, la., has located in the city
as an attorney at law.
"Wm. Burgess, Esq., latoU. S.
Pawnee Agent, left the city Sunday,
for Leavenworth, Kan.
Mrs. Juo. H. Johannes left the
city Thursday for a few months'
visit to her daughter in Omaha.
Judge I. N. Taylor of the Oak
dale Pen and Plow, was in the city
Thursday looking in good health.
Mr. Hudson sold a bunch of
California grapes the other day
weighing three pounds and a quar
ter. Capt. "Wadsworth left at the
JovnsAi. office last week a nice
sample of pca-nuls grown in his lot
in this city.
"Wm. Draper says that Omaha is
the bcstmutton market for Nebras
kans a great deal better than the
Chicago market.
Every Republican should turn
out to-morrow evening td hear the
speeches of Gen. Cowin, "Mr. Hay
ward and Col. Chase.
Phil, and Frank Cain and How
ard Metz left the city "Wednesday
last for Philadelphia. Phil, expects
to return in about a month.
"Djck" Rossitcr is organizing a
new "gang." All those whp can
keep a secret and march to music
arc requested to call at his office.
A race for $50 has been made
between Lon. Clark's gray and a
horse from Tckamah to come oil at
the race track on the bottom next
One of our masons predicts that
brick will sell here next year at $o
a thousand. If that is the case there
will be more brick houses built than
The attention of our local read
ers is called to the change, in the R.R.
time-table, which went into effect
on Thursday last. You will find it
on the first page.
The friends of Mr. and Mis.
Kinney celebrated their tenth mar
riage anniversary last Monday even
ing. They caused a great surprise
and had a good time.
Of course local politicians will
read Mr. Gcrho'.d's announcement.
He feels justified in his course, by
the manner in which lio was treated
at the Democratic convention.
J. D. .Brewer has two aycSial
ways open to the practical. He is
now running hi engine with wheat
screenings. He hasn't any 'doubt
that this country can produce plcn
t3' of engine fuel.
David Junes was held by Justice
A. Rose on a charge of setting out
prahic lire, and on refusal to give
bail was sent to prison Saturday.
A writ of habeas corpus was applied
for and he will have a hearing to
day. Luther and Major North and
Chas. Morse returned Sunday from
Chicago, where they had heoji with
nineteen car-loads of fat cattle.
They struck a low market for their
cattle, but report a pleasant time at
the grand races.
The Sons of Temperance will
give a dramatic entertainment short
ly, (perhaps Oct. 23th,) tlie play to
be entitled "The People's Lawyer."
Such entertainments arc very com
mendable, in that they uot only
afford enjoyment to the public, but
also tend to develop home talent.
Generous-minded and liberal
hearted, T. C. Ryan, an ardent Re
publican will be able to accomplish
more in the legislature for Platte
county than any Democrat could a
Republican feels at home in a body
of Republicans, and as a matter of
course, has more influence with
"We learn of the following cas
ualties by prairie fire in Boone
couuty occurring sinco Saturday:
John A. Greene on the Cedar, six
stacks of wheat ; W. "W. Tolman, of
St. Edwards, three stacks of wheat
aud one of oats; James Hudson,
four stacks of graiu ; Joseph Rittel,
three stacks of grain.
The entertainment given by the
Cadets of Temperance at the old
school building in this city last
Saturday evening consisted of sing
ing, recitations, dialogues and selec
tions, were performed in a manner
that reflected credit upon all engag
ed in the exercises and rendering
the occasion very pleasaut and
Vote for T. C. Ryan for repre
sentative of Platte county in the
next legislature. As a man, he owes
what he has of learning and means
to his own exertions, and therefore
understands aud appreciates the
needs of the people, aud iu the en
actment of laws, will sec to it that
no harm comes to them through any
fault of his.
"We have several Democratic
politicians who very pertinaciously
button-hole Republican to vote for
them and work for them, and who
never show a Republican a favor.
It is not necessary for us to be per
sonal in this matter, but just think
of this little paragrph the next time
one of them approaches you. and
tell him you do your own thmkingJ
Everything "in the hardware
lino can be found at John "Wiggins's,
on 11 th street. He recently receiv
ed a car-load of stoves, a car-load of
iron, two car-loads of nails, aud has
the finest lino of heating 6tovos,
with and without ovens, ever
brought to the city.
Mr. A. Albrccht, the artist
painter of this city, had on exhibi
tion and competing for a prize at
the State Fair, specimens of his skill
in a couple of oil paintings, and was
awarded the first premium of $ 15.00
over numerous competitors. This
speaks well for Mr. A's skill as an
artist and paiutcr.
"We most earnestly entreat our
Nebraska readers to not set out
prairie fires. Perhaps -$30,000 worth
of property has been destroyed
within the last few days in this and
Booue counties by fires, uselessly
and carelessly set out. A few more
heavy losses, and sufferers will be
come so reckless that it will not be
safe for a man to bo caught or prov
ed, as a "burner."
If the Republican majority in
Nebraska were but one vote it might
become important to know just ex
actly whether Frank Peculiar Bur
gess (the Republican-Democratic
"Man up a tree" of the Era), would
vote for Valentine or Davis. Under
existing circumstances, it is not
perhaps, so important as it might
be, though we should feel very sorry
if such a good Republican should
desert to the political enemy, and
put his heart where his treasure is.
Monday Morning a team attach
ed to Jos. Buchcr's wagon broke
away from the mau who was hold
ing them by the bits near the depot,
and ran down Eleventh street at the
top of their speed. They brought up
at the hitching posts at the Cemetery
without any injury to anything or
anybody. At one time, while they
were dashing dowil the street, it
looked almost impossible for them
to pass the people and the vehicles,
without hurting some one, but for
tunately they did.
Frank Peculiar Burgess, pro
fessed Republican business partner
and scribbler for the Democratic
paper of this place, betrays jealousy
of his betters in a quarter-column
article in the last -Era, on the action
of the delegation from this county
to the late Republican Slate Con
vention. "When Frank Peculiar
can't have his own way, he is in
clined to kick out of the traces. It
would perhaps, be well enough
for him to learn to submit to the
inevitable popular will with what
little grace he can muster.
A Congregatioual Church Fur
nishing Society was organized hist
week, of which Mrs. E. L. Sherman
is president, Mrs. Benj. Spiclman,
and Mrs. A. A. Smith, vice presi
dents, Mrs. C. G.'llickok, secretary,
Mrs. Dr. Pol ley, treasurer. The so
ciety will hold a church fair in a
few weeks, probably Thanksgiving
evening, to which all our citizens arc
invited to contribute. It is expect
ed that the Congregational Society
will build a new church this fall or
winter for which a subscription will
be circulated iu,a short lime.
Memorandum of goods contrib
uted by the ladies of Columbus for
yellow fever sufferers, and forward
ed to Dr. A. W. Mitchcl, Director
of the Howard Association, at Mem
phis, Tenn., by Mrs. J. R. Meagher,
Scc'y Harmony Chapter No. 13,
O. E. S. : Men's wear, shirts 53;
drawers G; coats 4; pants 4; overalls
1; boy's pants and jacket 7; ladies'
and children's drawers 28; night
dresses, large and small, G5; sheets,
new and old, 42; pillow slips, new
and old, 128; 1 bed quilt; 1 bed
tick; children's waist 15; dress
skirts 3; 1 table cloth; towels 4:
polonaise 4; small dresses 2; vests
3; 30 pairs of stockings; other arti
cles too numerous to mention,
weight of box 40S pounds.
Prairie fires are raging north
west of the city along Shell Creek,
in Lost Creek precinct, and Sunday
evening were in the vicinity of the
city as close as Pat Murray's place.
Rumors of damage (o all kinds of
propcrt)', including live stock arc
rife, but up to going to press we
have been unable to get particulars
except as follows: Geo. Scheidel,
barn, some farm implements, corn
and hay, and a tenant upon the
farm, whose name we did not learn,
had a span of horses burned in tho
barn. From Thomas Rossitcr we
learn that James McDonald lost
three stacks of hay and Pat Murray,
two ; G. "W. Shaffer lost four stacks
of wheat, and in fighting the fire,
inhaled the flame, so that he has
probably received a fatal injury at
least this is now reported.
No doubt S. L. Barrett, the
Democratic candidate for State
Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion, would like to be gratified by a
large vote in this county from his
Republican acquaintances. If Mr.
Barrett had remained true to his
first political love he might have
been elected Sup't of Platte county
and of the State, but we fail to see
what claim he has upou the Repub
licans of old Platte for their votes.
Not because he was once a Republi
can, surely, and certainly not be
cause he is now a Democrat. There
is absolutely no reason why Mr.
Thompson should not receive the
vote of every Republican. He has
long and successfully been engaged
in school work in this State, and
has given universal satisfaction. The
people of the State can real assured,
that under his .next administration
of schools affairs as uniler'his last,
no harm will come to 4hoso interests.
Police CoHrt.
F. J. Myer for sweeping paper in
the street was fined oO.cts. and costs,
C. A. Ham, for disturbing the
peace was assessed by the judge
$2 aud costs.
M. Gross was arraigned on a
charge of sweeping paper in tho
street, but was found not guilty.
Louis Peterson, for druukenncss,
was fined $2 and costs.
Rudolf Smith for one plain drunk,
was asked to contribute to the
school fund, iu the sum of $1, and
pay costs of trial, which he did.
Paul Glaus was too caieless about
his lodging quarters and was found
ftBlccp on the street; wa3 taxed $1
and costs.
Chas. Rittcr for drunkenness and
disorderly conduct was fined ?4
and costs.
A Card.
Columbus, Oct. 14th, 1878.
To the mauy kind friends and
ueighbors who have shown snch
wonderful kindness to the wife, aud
mother, whom we have this day
laid to rest, our heartfelt thanks arc
due, for their ministrations during
her protracted illness, and in follow
ing her to the grave. ."We can only
say, may it be long 'ere the shadow
shall cross your threshold, and wo
be enabled to reciprocate iu kind.
S. J. Edwards,
Celia L. Stillmax,
Clemastine Field.
In consideration of the fact that I
was bulldozed out of the nomina
tion for County Commissioner, and
in view of tho fact that my friends
arc persistent in their entreaties, I
now offer myscll as an independent
candidate for the office of County
Commissioner of District No. 1,'
Platte county. I ask all mcn,whcth
cr Republicans or Democrats, to
consider well, and give me their
votes, as a farmer, and therefore
one well qualified to understand
their interests,
lp "William Gekhold.
Political Meeting.
Hon. M. L. Hay ward, Judge John
M. Thurston and Capt. J. C. Cowin
will speak in this citv, October 17,
at 7 p. m. All arc invited to attend
and hear discussed the political is-,
sues of the day.
Oct. 10th, by Rev. Schuelskj . ilr. Louis
Schwarz and Miss Wilhcmina Wilke,
both of this city.
the parsonage, on Tuesday, Oct. 8, 187S,
by Rev. D.i is, Mr. Robert C. Carpenter
to Miss Jennie Doughertv. Butler Co.
JPress. ' i-
day, Oct. 13th, 1 r. si., at the Upton--!
House, bcliuylcr, by .fudge II. C. Itus
sel, W.N. Iiensley, Esq.. editor of tho:
Columbia Era, and Maggie MeAllister,
both of thin city. '
"We congratulate the happy couple,
whose fortunes, for weal or woe, have'
thus been joined. Roth of them being
sensible, practical -minded and consider
ate, with a favoring Providcnce.-.theiM
lives will be serene and useful.
NORTON On last Saturday night, a
little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norton,
of this city, aged 14 months.
EDWARDS At 3 o'clock Sunday 1
morning last, of dropsy, Mr. Lydia A.
Edwards, wife of Solomon J. Edwards
of this city, aged .r8 years. '
The deceased formerly resided at New
Berlin, Chenango county, New York, at
which place and at others where she
was known, the intelligence of her de
cease will bring recollections of tender
ministrations at the times of sickness
and distress, the appeal for which she
never disregarded when it was possible
for her to respond.
Her last sickness, the effect of a com
plication of disorders, though painful in
the extreme, and extending through a
period of months of acute suffering, was
borne by her with christian fortitude,,
almost entirely repressing manifesta
tions of sutTering through regard for the
feelings of her family, and at the last,
surrounded by her family, and sustain
ed by the christian faith, she pased
to her ret.
City and New Berlin papers pleaso
copy. .
Advertisement" under this head five
cents u line each insertion.
yC lcntal JSotico.
As I expect to bo absent from
Columbus a" portion of the time this
winter, I would advise all wishing
my professional services, to call at
my office at once, remembering at
the same time, that my advertised
rules apply to all, "both great aud
small," rich and poor, as my work is
well known. No one need apply
for work that is not willing to com
ply with my terms, as I endeavor to
serve all alike. After this week the
photograph department will be un
der the management of Mr. O. A.
Stearns, my successor, he having
purchased the 6ame; also the dental
work in my absence.
440-x. J. S. McAllister.
y Estrny Notice.
Came into the herd of the sub
scriber, on Sec. 17, Town 17, Range
3 "West, Friday Oct. 4th, 1878, the
following described cattle, viz: One
roan cow, about 7 years old, one
roan cow about 3 yrs. old, one black
spotted cow 7 yrs. old, one roan
heifer 1 year old, one black spotted
steer 1 year old, one roan steer calf.
The owner is requested to prove
property, pay charges and take them
away. Jonas Hedmax.
Keatskotoos, Oct. 7, 78. 439-5.
Y- Kelly bland Wine.
I offer to the public the choicest
Kelly Island "Wine, at.$1.30 a gallon,
or by the dozen bottles to families.
"Will keep also on hands fresh lager,
liquors, cigars, &c. 11 th st., op
posite Schupbach &JaeggiTs lumber
440-5. "Wm. A. Schrosdeb.
A buffalo robe aud an overcoat
between Browner'? bridge and Co
lumbus. The finder will please
leave the articles at the Journal of
fice. Geouge W. Bnowsr. "
Maple Syrup warranted pure at
L. Cockburn'a. 440-x
Shirts at 25 cents at L. Kramer's.
Go to M. H. O'Brien's for gro
ceries. 0
Boys bootB $1.00 per pair at Bone
steel Bros.
Don't forget, but one price at
Galley Bro's.
Old Government Java coffee at
Geo. Rieder's 43S-2t
Boy's suits and coats cheap at
L. Kramer's.
Mens' boots $1.75 per pair at
Bonusteel Bros.
Wanted 500 doz. eggs at Bui
lard & Smith's. 436-x.
. "When you want Boots cheap go
to Bonesteel Bros.
Good chambray 15 cts. per yard
at Bonesteel Bros.
Fine-cut tobacco, 60cts a pound
at Geo. Rieder's.
Bleached muslin 4 cents a yard
at Bonesteel Bros.
3 --Undershirts and Drawers 25 cts.
each at L. Kramer's.
Threshers' notes in book form,
for sale at this office.
A new lot of print 5 cts. per
yard at Bonesteel Bros.
Fall stock, of men's and boys'
clothing at Galley Bros.
Baskets of all kinds at M.
Smith's in Central Block.
Good "Water proof Cloth for 50
cents a yard at L. Kramer's.
Canned fruits and confectionery
of all kinds at Hudson's.
If you want all goods at straight
prices call on Galley Bros.
It pays to trade at L. Kramer's
New York cheap cash store.
Good water-proof cloth at 45
cts. a yard at Bonesteel Bros,
Ladies' and childrens' shoes
cheap and good at L. Kramer's.
Best 'Norfolk Flour at $2.50 at
M. Smith's in Central Block.
Sush "Weights at the Foundry
2lZ cents per pound. 4t
Ladies' Dresses and Wrappers for
fall and winter at L. Kramer's.
Fruit, canned and dried, at bot
tom prices, at Geo. Rieder's.
Grain bags $2.25 at L. Kramer's
New York cheap cash store.
Grapes, plums and peaches by
the pound or box at Hudson's.
M. H. O'Brien sells good gro
ceries at very moderate prices.
The place to buy Teas is at Mar
shall Smith's in Central Block.
White Blankets $1.50 a pair at
'the Revolution Dry Goods Store.
Ladies' cotton hose 6 pair for 25
at the Revolution Dry Goods Store.
'. Ladies' felt skirts at 50 cts. a
piece at I. Gluck's Revolution Store.
Morrissey & Klock will sell you
a good, all-wool suit of clothes for
Choice apples by the barrel or
peck at Hudson's, opposite the post
office. Horse Blankets at 1.00 at L.
Kramer's New York Cheap Cash
Store. 137.
You can always depend on get
ting the lowest prices at Galley
Woolen yarn 50 cts., a pound at
I. Gluck's Revolution Dry Goods
Socks at 5 cents a pair at L.
Kramer's New Yrork cheap cash
Heavy gray blankets at $1.00 a
pair at the Revolution Dry Goods
Ballard So Smith will pay cash
or exchange goods for farm pro
duce. Men's heavy woolen suits at
$4.50 at the Revolution Dry Goods
Good Handkerchiefs for 5 cents
at L. Kramer's New .York cheap
cash store.
Men's woolen hoso at 10 cents a
pair at I. Gluck's Revolution Dry
Goods Store.
Boots aud Shoes at bottom fig
ures sold by Marshall Smith iu Cen
tral Block.
Half bleached table cloth at 25
cts. a yard at tho Revolution Dry
Goods Store.
A good pair of boots for $1.75
at L. Kramer's Now York cheap
cash store.
18 yards Cotton flannel for one
dollar at L. Kramers New York
cheap cash store.
Canton flannel 8y yards for
one dollar at the Revolution Dry
Goods Store.
Unlaundricd shirts, New York
muslin aud linen,bosom aud cuffs for
$1.00 at Galley Bros.
Bonesteel Bros.arelosing a lot
of laces, Fringes and other dress
trimmings at very low prices.
Waterproof that beats anything
in town at 50 cents a yard at the
Revolution Dry Goods Store.
A good suit of clothes, coat
pants aud vest, for $5.00 at L. Kra
mer's New York Cheap Cash Store.
I am selling shelf hardware,
tinware, nails and cutlery at reduced
prices. Robert Uhlig, 12th street,
ucxt to bank. 38-4
One qnirc note paper, 25 envel
opes, 1 penholder, 1 bottle cf ink, 50
cents worth of stationery put up iu
a new box lor 20 cents, at F. W.
Ott's. 439-G.
Geo. Rieder has just received
a nice assortment of glass and
bronze Lamps which he will offer
at bottom prices. Give him a call
on Nebraska Avenue. 438-2X
li. jxramer oi me ixew xotk
Cheap Cash Store, sells all goods at
the lowest possible prices, and has
one uniform low price, for all.
Doland & Smith are closing out
their present Btock of wall paper at
cost, to make'' room for au immense
new stock. Give them a call 2t.
Call and see those women's
leather shoes at 75 cts. per pair at
Bonesteel Bros., they are the best
bargain iu the market.
Go to S. T. Hill's to get your
watches, clocks and jewelry repair
ed. First door south of C. L. Hill's
book store, Olive street.
Canned fruit, 10 cents a can at
George Rieder's.
The best placo to trade is at
Bollard & Smith's.
Bonesteel Bros, are soiling a
good pair of kid gloves at 30 cts.
Sash Weights at the Foundry
2. cents per pound. 439-4
Best Albion flour at Bullard &
Smith's, at $2.50 per hundred.
Save 25 cts. by buying your
flour at Bullard & Smith's.
15 bushels nice tomatoes, fresh
from tho vines, at Bullard & Smith's.
Good Warranted No. 1 Flour
at 2.50 per Back at Geo. Rieder's.
Newstylcs Bourcttes and Knick
erbocker dress goods 10 cents a yard
at L. Kramer's. 437.
Baskets, and wooden ware of
all kinds at bottom prices at Geo.
Reider's. 437-2.
Gray aud White Flannel 15 cts.
a yard at L. Kramer's New York
Cheap Cash Store.
Leave your orders at George
Rieder's for true Michigan apples
for winter use. It.
Cabbage, onions, potatoes, toma
toes, mellous, and in fact everything
else at Bullard & Smith's.
L. Kramer has opeucd a branch
Store at Silver Creek and will sell
goods there at tho same low prices
that he docs here. 438.
Those who want to put up saner
kraut, remember that you can get
the kraut knives at Robert Uhlig's
hardware store. 38-3
The finest line of cooking stoves
at a reduced price, that can't be
beat ; come and convince yourself.
Robert Uhlig, stove dealer. 38-4
AVhite Shuttlo Sewing Machine
The best aud cheapest machine ever
offered to the public. Can be pur
chased fom $20. to $75., at my resi
dence opposite the Tattersall, Co
lumbus, Neb.
438-x. Mies. J. R. West.
Make your home happy, and
get you a nice hcatiug stove; on
quality, beauty and low prices they
can't be beat. Be sure and call at
Robert Uhlig's Stove House. 12th
street, next to bank. 438-G
School hooks at F. W. Ott's.
8HO A VI 1n sooq looqos
See F. W. Ott for your school
sjiooq looqns snos o AY "
I will bo at my office in Colum
bus the first and last Saturdays of
October, for the purpose of examin
ing applicants for teacher's certifi
cates. S. L. Bakuett,
436-6. County Sup't.
For Wale.
A farm of 159 acres, 125 broken.
One mile west of Barnum's. Please
call on A. Haight ou the Big Island.
Terms easy. 361-x
Ulent ill nrlcet.
Jacob Shotwell, having purchas
ed the meat market lately owned
by Frank Gillett, is prepared to fur
nish, beef, pork, &c, &c, equal to
the best aud at prices to suit the
times. 437x.
ioNt nog.
A little female dog, black and tan
terrier, eight years old above each
eye a little tan spot; all her feet
tan ; eyes bad. She is fat as a seal.
Lost Monday, Oct. 7th. A liberal
reward will be given for her return
to John IIuiiei:.
The Tattersall Livery Stable is an
excellent place to stopat when you
are in town with a team. Good ac
commodations. Reasonable charges.
On Olive street, one door south of
Coolidgc's hardware store. Try
them. 268.x.
""P everyone would preserve their
Lx health during this warm
weather they should use concentrat
ed essence of Jamaica Ginger. It is
cooling and refreshing, tonic and in
vigorating and not expensive. Pre
pared and for sale only by Doland
& Smith.
Notice is hereby given that the
co-partnership heretofore existing
between A. N. Burgess and C. E.
Cliapin, doing business under the
name, style aud firm of A. N. Bur
gess & Co., iu Columbus, Nebraska,
was this day dissolved by mutual
consent, and all the accounts of said
firm have been assumed and will be
settled by A. N. Burgess, who will
continue the business at tho same
place. A. N. Burgess,
C. E. Ciiai'ik.
Columbus, Neb., Sept. 30, 1878.
An AKtoHUliiHff Fnct.
A large proportion of American
people are to-day dying from the
effects of Dyspepsia or disorderd
liver. The result of these diseases
upon the masses of intelligent and
valuable people is most alarming
making life actually a burden iustead
of a pleasant existence of enjoyment
and usefulness as it ought to be.
There is no good reason for this, if
you will only throw aside prejudice
and skepticism, take the advice of
Druggists and your friends, try one
bottle of Green's August Flower.
Your speedy relief is certain. Mil
lions of bottles of this medicine have
been given away to try its virtues,
with satisfactory results in every
case. You can buy a sample bottle
for 10 cents to try. Three doses will
relieve the worst case. Positively
sold by all Druggists on the West
ern continent.
We Will Serve I Iro:cs Ub
Notice is hereby given to all
whom it may concern that from and
after this date, we, the undersigned
officers of Platte County will serve
no process without the fees first be
ing paid in advance, or security giv
en for costs, in accordance with the
provisions of Sec. 34, page 385, of
the revised statutes, as follows :
"The clerks of the supreme court,
and of each district court, tho regis
ter in chancery, probate judge,
sheriff, justice of the peace, consta
ble or register of deedc, may in all
cases require tho party for whom
any service is to be rendered, to pay
the fees in advance of the rendition
of such service, or give security for
the same, to be approved by the of
ficer." Benj. Spielman, Sheriff,
John HunER,Dep'y Sheriff,
J. J. Rickly, Constable,
Chab. Wake, Constable.
Because our expense arc very small compared with other stores In Co
lumbus, which enables us to sell
At TRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT. "We have one of the best Mocks of
CLOTIlliXC;. all of the latet styles, that ever wan brought to Columbus
and at lower price than Clothing was ever sold for before.
We Lave a full Hue of
BLUE FLANNEL SIIIRTS, and a Complete Line of
White Embroiders, Millinery Goods, Prints,
Store Opposite M. H. White's Harness Shop, Olive Street.
Pocket and Table Cutlery
Nebraska Avenue.
Have alwav been the Motto of
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Caps, G-loves and Mittens.
"We are also Headquarters on
Millinery, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, and Ev
erything kept in a First-class Millinery House.
Talk is CJieap, but We will not he undersold by any
Straight Dry-Goods House in tlie West.
A Child can Bay as Cheap as a Man. One Price lo All is Our Motto.
(Successors to A. Henry)
Oak Lumber and all Kinds of Moulding.
at rnicEs
Ranging from $7? $12.50
N VT X, E K or S W X and
N W of S VT X
N E K and E 4 of N W K
N Jand EKofSE. -
All of ..
VT M or S Y X and SEX
S E yv and E or S VT yx
and S WorS WJ4
N E X, S E yx of N W X,
N 14 and S EjiorSWli
and 'VofSKK
N X, N 4 of S X and "V
O )U yi .. . . ...
1 c
1 e
S X of N E X and N X ofl
Mof N
ts vr x.
S W i and S W K. of
i v .i ii va -i j- y "b
S M XV IS "V V 1 nf
Improved Farnui.
S "W 1 .8
E X and NW Ji'oV NW k120
IV JandNEJ 20
J. A. TtEE
T. K.
IK 2w
10 2w
10 2w
14 3w
X"U"QnP business yon can cngaze
X Jli)J JL In. ft to ?20 per day made
by auynvorker of cither sex, right in
their own localities. Patictilar9 and
Famplea worth $5 free. Improve your
spare time at this business. Address
Stineon & Co., rortlana, Maine.
Great chance to make
money. If you can't
get gold you can get
ereenbacks. "We ncd
a person in every town to take sub
scriptions for the largest, cheapest aud
best Illustrated family publication in
the world. Any one can become a suc
cpsrul aent. The moit elegant works
or art given rrce to subscribers. Th.
price is so low that -almost everybody
subscribes. One agent report- making
over $150 in a week. Vlady agent re
ports taking over 400 subscriber in ten
days. All who engage make money
fist. You can devote all your time to
the business, or only your snare time.
You need not be away" from home over
night. You can do it as well an others.
Full particulars, directions and terms
free. Elegantand expensive OutfitTree.
If you want prolitable work end us your
address at once. It costs nothing to try
the business. No one who engages faiN
to make great pay. Address "The Peo
pled Journal," Portland, Maine. 3S2-y
Teams of
Horses or Oxen,
SADI)I,K PCKVIES, wild or broke,
at the Corral of
Threshers, Beware!
OF payinir high prices for Machine
Oils till you have called at the
Red Front Drug Store, opposite the Post
Office, and you will get a benefit. Six
kinds. 4333m
"JOoHt If OH IlCl,"
For if you do you will lose money by
purchasing ?n expensive Wind .Mill,
when you can buy one of J. O. Shannon
for about onc-baif the money that any
other costs. Call on J. O. Shannon, on
11th street, opposite 31ahlon Clother's
etorc, Columbus, Neb. 411-13