Sol Smith Sol Smith' brother Lemuel, a young actor, was killed in Augusta, Ga. His murderer, Flournoy, was acquitted by the jury on the plea that the killing might be classed as the result of a duel. After hearing the verdict, Sol Smith said to the homicide : Before God and man I charge you with murdcriug my brother! The sleep of tho innocent will never more be yours. You arc a murder er, aud will ever more earn the mark of homicide upon your brow. From this time forth in this world you will never s leep again. Two years later Sol was accosted by an abject-looking wretch, who stood before him in au attitude of eupplication.JIt was "Win. Flournoy. "Why do you follow me?" said Sol. "Because I want you to shoot me right here." ".No it is not for me to punish you," was the reply. ''It is not punishment I ask you to inflict that 1 have received already, in full measure; it is vengeance 1 flhl: you to take, for your brother's j?iurdcr upon his murderer. I en "'avored to pfff'igdc myself I com mitted 'Lc tlcetl in sci.'-dcfencc, but know betuAr llovr' I am n nUM'dwcr. You said 1 woV,ia cvcr fclccP ,,,orC and I never have. lmvo c:3C1 mv eyes at night as "wxl, have btccped my senses in bran v U't unconsciousness came, but .uat blessed sleep you drove away has never returned to me for one mo ment. My life is a burden to me. Take it. Let me die by your hand, and then 1 may feel your brother may forgive me. I will die to night!" he said impressively, as Sol turned away and left him. The ncxtjuiorning Flournoy'.sbody was found at his country place. It was riddled by bullets and scalped. An Indian war had just broken out, and he had becu the first victim. Sunny South. Utile ofTiililM S:ii;uottc. Do not keep others waiting for you cither at the beginning or the close of a meal. Don't sip soup from the tip but from the side of a ppoon. Be careful net to spill or drop anything on the table-cloth. Keep your plate clean ; do not heap all sorts of food on it at once. In passing your plate to be refilled re tain your knife and fork. "When asked for a dish, do not thove but hand it. "While drinking, do not look around. Instruct the servant to hand tho cup at the left side, so that it may be reccivpd with the right baud. Do not drink your tea or coffee without first removing the teaspoon from the cup to the saucer. Use the knife for cutting only ; never put it to the lips or mouth. Break your bread into small pieces and rest them on yotir plate while spreading. Do not cat too fast; be sides giving one the appearance of greed, it is not healthy. If you find anything unpleasant in your food, put it aside as quietly as possible, without drawing the attention of others to it. Do not open the lips or make any unnecessary noise in chewing. Do not touch the head. Do not rest the elbows on the table. Be thoughtful of and attentive to the wants of those about you. Con Tcrso on pleasant subjects with those Eitting near you. Do not say anything not intended for all pres ent to hear. Leave your plate with the kuifoaud fork parallel, the han dles pointing to the right. Never leave the table before others, without asking the lady or gcutlcmau who presides to excuse you. Allenii to Nothing but ultimate ruin stares that man in the face who docs not pay personal attention to all the most minute details of the farm. There arc a thousand small leaks about an ordinary farm, that if not closely attended to will surely bring tho most .hardworking farmer to ruin and bankruptcy. Nine-tenths of tho sinking farmers can attribute their present distress to no other cause than a lack of closo attention to the small details of the farm ; a closer supervision of machinery aud tools, the stock and their feed, a place for everythiug in its place. Xo one is as much interested in attend ing to these details as the boss. Such a courso will in a few months;, or a year or two at most, enable many farmers who arc now on the down grade to agaiu begin to as cend. If heroically persevered in, will surely make headway against what now seems so hopolcss. A fear of sunburnt hands and face, dirty clothes and boots, and a desire to havo a rcputatiou that he docs not work on the farm, has been a fruitful source of loss to many farmers. A course of this kiud ouce entered on will be hard to de part from. Farm and Fireside. A man's first difficulties begin when ho is able to do as he likes. So long as a man is struggling with ob stacles, he has an excuse for failure or shortcoming; but when fortune removes them all, and gives him the power of doing as ho thinks best then comes the trial. A man was killed by a circular saw, and in his obituary notice it was staled that ho was a "good citi zen, an upright man, and an ardent patriot, but of limited information in regard to circular saws. The Soul's 1'rogrcns. The spirt or soul of man knows itself to be capable, I will not say of unlimited, but of continuous pro gress and development. However vigorous the tree or the animal may be, it 60on reaches the point when it can grow no more. The animal may have done its best, it may have reached a high condition of strength and beauty, but when its limit is reached it can grow no more. With the soul of man a liviug and think ing power it is far otherwise he I has never exhausted himself. "When the man of science has made some noble discovery, when the literary man has writ en a great book, when the statesman has carried a scries of important measures, wo cannot say that he has exhausted himself. Tho spiritual man ia indeed depen dent on the material man, and as the body moves on toward decay mid dissolution it extends something of the lullueiicu of its weakness and in capacity to its epiritual companion ; but even then tho soul resists this and asserts its tcparatc existence; the mind of man knows that each separate effort, in&tcad of exhaust ing his powcrSjltends to strengthen them, and so he will go on contin ually making larger aud nobler and more vigorous efforts. So, too, is it with conscience aud duly; with these tiiv-jc is no finality. One great act suggests aether, ono sacrifice makes another easier; the virtuous impulso in the soul is not like tho growth in a tree a self-exhausting iofce but it is always moving on, nlwaws advancing. "Be not weary I in wcll-doi."?5" tins i& the language of the Eternal iC the human will; but never is "Be not TFoary of grow ing" said to tho tree or iho animal, because organic matter differ? from spirit in this ; that it does reach the limit ol its activity and then turns backward towards nonexistence. Canon Liddon. Muturduy iTtight, Saturday night makes people more human, and sets their hearts to beat ing softly, as they used to before the world turned them iuto war drums and jarred them to pieces with tat toos. The ledger closes with a crash, the iron-doorcd vaults come to with a bang, up go the shutters with a will, click. It is Saturday night, aud business breathes free again. Homeward, ho I Tho door that has been ajar all the week gent ly closes behind him ; tho world is all shut out. Shut out? Shut in rather. Here are his treasures af ter all, and not iu the vault and not in the book savo in the record of the old family Bible and not in the bank. Maybo you arc a bachelor, frosty and forty. Then, poor fellow, Saturday night is nothing to you, just as yon arc nothing to anybody. Get a wife, blue-eyed or black-eyed, but above all, true-C3cd. Get a lit tle home, no matter how little; a sofa, just two and a half, aud then get two and a half in it of a Satur day night, and then read this para graph by tho light of j'our wife's eyes, and thank God and take courage. Children have curious idca3 about many things. One day last summer? a minister was scaled in his study writing, and his little three year old daughter playing near, a hail storm came up and he said to the child, " Ida, go out on the porch and sec what funny rain is falling." She ran out aud soon came back with both little hands full of the hail and exclaimed, "Oh! pa, look! look! God's ico-hoiisC has busted." An other three year old girl, whose home is in the sunny south, awoke one morning after a long railroad ride, to find herself in Indiana and tho ground white with snow, which she had never seen beforo, and in great excitement called to her nurse," Oh! sec Biddie! there is milk all over the ground." Young man ! Thy mother is thy best earthly friend. The world may forget thee thy mother never; the world may willfully do thee wrongs thy mother never; the world may persecute thee whilo living, and when dead, plant the ivy and the nightshado of slander upon thy grassless grave, but thj' mother will love and cherish thco while living, aud if she survives thee, will weep for thee when dead such tears as none but n mother knows how to weep. Tho following from an exchange hits the nail on the head : " Intel ligence means thrift, honesty and rational enjoyment. Ignorance means vice, poverty, crime, wretch edness. Money spent educating the people will save ten-fold the ex pense in jails, almshouses and crim inal courts. It is the duty of every one to encourage education in every possible way." A young girl asked her mother's consent to engage herself to her beau, showing her at the same time a piece of her own haudiwork, a pretty match-safe. Her mother drew down her spectacles aud ox claimed : Mary, you can makea match-safe, but I have my doubts whether you would make a safe match." Mary sighed involuntarily, and sought consolation in singing "The Heart Bowed Down." Don't linger "where your love lies dreaming." Wake her up and tell her to get the breakfast. " How did you know her? " asked a mother of her little girl, as she saw her bidding good bye to a poor ly dressed child iu the church door. " Why you see mamma, she came into the Sunday School clone ; and I made a place for her on my Feat, aud I smiled, and she smiled and then we were acquainted." Before beginning the second psalm of the day, a Glasgow minis ter reached down iuto his pocket and took a pinch of snuff. Even yet ho can not understand what there was In the first verse of tho psalm to mako the congregation smile when he read, "My soul clcav cth to the dust." As two ladies were walking along the street, ono exclaimed, as the sky suddenly darkened: "There's a thunderstorm coining on. I'm so afraid of lightning 1" To which tho other calmly replied : "Very well my dear; then let us step into this car, which seems to 'have a good conductor." At a festival of lawyers and edi tors, a lawyer gavo a toast: "The editor he always obeys the calls of the devil." An editor responded: "Tho editor and tho lawyer the devil i9 satisfied with the copy of (he former, but requires the origin al of the latter. Little Johnnie rs't iuto the house tho other day whilo the mercury was hugging "95," with tho perspi ration steaming from every pore, and shouted, "Mamma! mamma! fix me ; I'm leaking all over !" Cin cinnati Breakfast Tabic. A ventriloquist fell overboard in Luke Eric the other day, and was drowned. When the cry of " Help ! fcojpl" came from under the bul warks, Uc deck hands said "he couldn't fool thorn," and wont on with their work. Say nothing respecting yoursclT. either good, bad or indifferent, noth ing good, for that is vanity ; nothing bad, for that is affectation ; nothing indifferent, for that is silly. A celebrated philosopher used to say. "The favors of fortune aro liko steep rock3 only eagles; and creeping things mount to the sum mit." The individual who called tight boots comfortable, defcuded his po sition by saying thoy made a man forget all his other miseries. Live on what you have; live if you can on less ; do not borrow cither, for vanity will end in shamo and the pleasure in regret. Make no haste to be rich, if you would prosper. Small and steady gains give competency with tran quillity of mind. The Germans have (his good pro verb : That thefts never enrich : alms never impoverish : nor prayers hinder anv work. The evil which we do docs not draw upon us so many persecutions and so much hatred as our good qualities. The young man who took a scat near the object of his adoration ex claimed. "This is juxtaposition that suits me!'' o 5 a a H 1 -a; a . W - c o o 8 o V tr. o w F5 0 VUi O .--' . t:C3 o FOR SALE. The undersigned oilers at private sale liis farm two and a half miles north of the city'consisting of S0 ACICKS OF JLA.IVU, fifty acres uuder cultivation, and sixty acres of as good hay land as can be found, and under a "portion of it i a very excellent quality of brick clay. The improvements upon the place area two-story concrete dwelling, "20x30 ft., a comfortable and convenient house; a wind-mill: a large, substantial shelter for stock; shed and yards for hogs; corral for cattle; granary; tool house, etc., etc. Also 133 HEAD OF SIIEEI, mostly eweSjbesidcs horses,cows,stcers, heifers, hogs, farming implements, &c. The location i a very excellent one for farming and stock raising near the city with easy and quick access to mar ket; a fifteen minutes' ride to the post oflice, the railroad depot, the telegraph office and church. The site of the dwelling-house com mands as line a view as can be had of the country, for twenty miles in ccrv direction, and the place would not be offered for sale except that my increas ing business in the city renders it desirablo to give it my exclusive at tention. For further particulars call on or Aaddress 31. K. TURNER, Columbus, Neb. Book-keepers, Reporters, Operators, Teachers, QreatUcrcajitilo.CollcBC,Eeokak,Iowa "Be Wise and Yon will be Happy." FARMERS ! LooJc to Your Own Interest AND BUY YOUU DEY GOODS READY-MADE CLOTHING Hats, Caps and Trunks AT I. GLUCK'3 Ami Save thereby from 10 to 15 per cent DAILY ARRIVALS OK NEW GOODS 1'KOM II! I can sell, I have sold, and will continue to sell Goods as good as the best, and cheaper than the cheapest. i. gkltjck, East of Spcieo ,fc North's. One Door 310-x JOHN WIGGIN S Wholesale and HAEDWABE, ST0YES, IRON, TIN- Ware, Nails, Rope, "Wogon Mate rial, G-lass, Paint, Etc. Corner Eleventh and Olive Streets, Columbus, Nebraska. o. B. STTLLMAN, "Wholesale aud DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AVESTDOAV GL.A.SS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. Keeps on hand all articles usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. Der'crs in surrounding countrv will find it to their interest to purchase from him, as he can and will give RED'-ROCK PRICES. Prescriptions Carefullv Conrpoun&ed. flGTA GOOD ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER ALWAYS KEPT IX STOCK. 006 Ufcja&il 5iiSa, J&tkT rAtWfKl tSsxiJ eM The Celebrated Diebold, Norris & Co's (I.ntc I'cboM & lilcnxlc,) Fire and Burglar Proof! HAVE THE BEST RECORD OF ALL. All leading Rilroad SI Espress Companies and Bankers in tie Northwest btiem. Not One Lost in the Two Great Fires in Chicago; al-o preserved the contents iu every instance, at Independence, Iowa: at Central City, Col.; at Oshkosh, AVis., and at all places have atooil the test, without failure. All Sizes for Sale .ind Made to Order. Old Safes taken in Exchange. County and Rum It Work: n Specialty. Prlcen tin loiv us Uood Worlc cuu be ITIutlc. D. S. CO VENT, GENERAL AGENT, CHICAGO. WILL. B. DALE, Agent, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 231 COLUMBUS E'Eie E-ist iQS JiSTS?.-. Fall Belivesy. Apple trees, in variety, l to G ft., 3 year, Iowa crown, per 100, $18.00 Apple tree. 1 yrs., crown in Antelope Co., 3 to'-l fl., per 100, f 10.00... Siberian Crah. in variety, 3yn.., 1 to o ft Cherries. early and late Richmond, 4 ft., Iowa crown riums, ilinoc and Wild Goose, 4 ft., Concord Grape, firht-class. 2 year, per 100, .)..'K) Mackbcrry, Kittatinny and Snyder. 2 year, ner 100. $-"j.00 Kaspbcrry, Doolittlc, Mammoth, Cluster 1UU, "fi.VU. Gooseberry. Houshton, 2 years V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.V. .'..'...'.'.'. .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Currant's, Victoria, Cherry aud White Grape, 2 vears Strawberry, Wilon, Monarch of the West, per 100, 73 cents Pie Plant. Strawberry Mammoth, (extra) Kilmanock "Weeping Willow, well formed heads G feet, Wisconsin " " " " " " Box Elder and Soft Maple, 1 year, per 1000, S2.50 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'. " for street, G ft., "White Pine and Norway Spruce, per foot, Snowball, Flowerinc Almond, Lilac, purple and white, 2 ft., ltoses, Moss, June and climbinc. in varictv, 2 vears Trumpet. Vine, Honeysuckle, "Wistina and Vircinia Climber, Pwonies. Tulips, Tube Io-es and other bulbs 10 to im nursery was csiaDiisucu one year aco, and I have a ceod assortment of small fruit growing here, and have made arrangements with neichbinc nurser ies so that I can furnish anything in the above price-list. Parties engaged in fruit crowing will find it to their interest to civc mc a call before buying of traveling accnts. I am permanently located here, and expect to do a home busi ncy. Satisfaction guaranteed. Correspondence solicited. l-lJ J. JI. JLL,L,IS03f, C'olumbu, Nebraska. a YOU BET. )) L W. LAWRENCE, AGENT FOR TIIK fcxJ WIND MILL, "Will hereafter be found THUKE DOOUS SOUTH of the Post Otlice, where he keeps a full line of every style PUMP, PIPE, HOSE, Anil the Celebrated I X L FEED MILL. Ah he keeps a rump House exclusively, he is able to sell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. Pumps for anv depth well. Pumps driven or repaired, and Rods cut. GIVE IIIM A CALL AND SAVE MONEY. Retail Dealer in Retail Dealer in NURSERY. Each. Dor. ?: ."JO ! 1 00 3 00 4 m i no l t.- 1 oo 20, 40 40 15 10 and Philadelphia Kcd per 1- l ro l so i; 1 -.n ' Jo 10 2.-1 SO CO 48Lk 1878. tiie alun(bus Journal Is conducted as a FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to tho best mutual inter ests of its readers and its publish ers. Published at ColumbtusPlatte count), the centre of the agricul tural portion of Nebraska, it is read by hundreds of people cast who are looking towards Nebraska as their future home. Its subscribers in Nebraska arc the staunch, solid portion of the community, as is evidenced by the fact that the has never contained a "dun" against them, and by the other fact that ADVERTISING In its columns always brings its reward. Business is business, and those who wish to reach the solid people of Central Nebraska will lind the columns of the Jolkxal a splendid medium. JOB WORK Or all kinds neatly and quickly done, at fair prices. This species of printing is nearly always want ed in a hurry, and, knowing this fact, we have bo provided for it that we can furnish eu elopes, let ter heads hill heads circulars, posters, etc., etc., on Very short notice, and promptly on timo as we promise. SUBSCRIPTION. copy per annum $2M) " Six months I oo " Three months, 50 1 Single copy sent lo any address In the United States for fl cts. BI. K. TURNER & CO., Columbus, Nebraska. GQE-.T3,SEST3"S STATE BA1TK, Ci::eu:r: t: Ccrr:ri & Scsl ai Izszit Esh. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. CASH CAPITAL, $50,000 i:i:kctohk: Lkandku GisiifcAici), Prcs'I. (Jko. W. IIur.sT, Vice Pes' Jumus A Kbed. KmvAiMi A. Gkimiaki). AitNcu Turner, Cashier. Htsiiilr oF BN'poNlt, SI.coiiiU unci tv.cli:iiiir' CoII;clioiiMlroii:tly33:il:oii nil l'olnt. I'ny Futcrcht on Time Iios it. Ill A. BECKER & WELCH, PROPRIETORS OF SHELL CREEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS & WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND ftTEAL. OFFICE, COLUMBUS, NEB. Dr. A. HEINTZ, DKALEK IN II WLVES, i.Miuoie.s, Fine Soaps, Brushes, PERFUMERY, Etc., Etc., And all articles usually kept on hand Uy Uru'ihtd. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Comjioundcd. One floor I-luxt of GnllcV, on Eleventh Strcef, COLTJMJJUS. NEBRASKA UAIOM PACIFIC LAND OFFICE, SAMUEL C. SMITH Agent, ATTENDS TO ALL BUSINESS per tainininL' to a ireneral Ileal Estate Agency and Notary Public. IIac in structions and blank" furnished by lnitcd States Land Olh'ce for making iinal proof on Homesteads, thereby -savin- a trip to Grand Island. Have a large .number ol farms, city lots and all lands belonging to U P. R. U. in Platte and adjoining counties for Bale very cheap. Attend to contesting claims before 17. 6. Land office. Ofllco one Door West or IUmniond Home, COLUMBUS, NEB. 1 . OTT, Clerk. Speaks Gcrmcn. 1870. CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN Tho Gront Trunk Lino from tho "West to Chicago and tho East. It la the oldest, ehortwt, most direct, convenient, comfortable and In every respect the best line yoq can take. It Is tho greatest and grandest Hallway organization In tho United States. It owns or controls 2100 MILES OF RAILWAY TUIXMAX HOTEI. OAKS aro rnn alono by it through between COUNCIL BLUETS & CHICAGO! No other road rnns Pullman Hotel Cars, or any other form of Hotel Cars, through, between tho Missouri Kivcr and Chicago. PASSENGERS GOINO EAST should bear in mind that this la tho SEST ROUTEWCHICAGO AND ALL TOIXTS EAST. Tapscnccrs by this route have cholco of FIVE DIFKEKENT KOUTl-S and tho advantage of Eight Ifcitly Lines l'alaco Sleeping: Cars from CHICAGO to PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, AND OTHER EASTERN TOINTS. Insist that tho Ticket Agent ecllsyon tickets by the North-Weetcm Koad. Examlno your Ticket?, and refuso to buy if they do not read over thin Koad. All Agents ecll them and Check usual Daggago Free by this Line. Through Tickets via this Ronto to all Eastern Points can be procured at the Central 1'aclCc Rail road Ticket Office, foot or Market Street, and at 2 New Montgomery Street. San Francisco, and at all Coupon Ticket Offices or Central Pacific, Union Pacific, and all Western Railroads. New York Office, No. 415 J'roadway. Boston Office, No. 5 State Street. Omaha Office, 2 15 Farn ham Street. San Francisco Office, 2 liew Mont- ornery Street. Chicago Ticket Offices : C2 Clark trcct, under Sherman IIouso ; 75 Canal, comer .Mauisou fatrect ; Klnzlo btrcot JJepot, corner went Kinzio arm canal streets ; Well. lL) Street Depot, corner n ells and Kinzle Streets. For rates or Information not attalnablo from your home ticket agents, apply to Marvin neuiirrr, W. II. Steoett, Ucn'l ilaas'r, Calcaso. Ccn'l 1'ae a. Agt, CMcrtgo- T II K Albion Mills. SA.CKET & CROUCH, Albion, "Neb. The proprietors are e pi iraelicnl millers, attend to the gn Milim; themselves, " and they DEFY COMPETITION! FtiritWhi'i! with the latent improved machinery, they are prepared to do all kind- of OUSTOM 111 BYE AND FEED CKOrXI) EVKKY DAY. CORN MEAL CONSTANTLY ON HANI). "'e make -evcral hrandd of frzs "5 as n ?"v -WW -SK J. SLM. JL 9 Hut recommend to the trade our AL MON 31 ILLS ( t STAR" BRAND, It it a superior article mado CIIOIUK SKLECTi:i) W1IKAT. from &3&$ItS8? NEW STOKE ANI- New Stock. A full, fresh supply of groceries, STAPLE AND FANCY, Just opened, and for aale at low-down prices. 3ITHvc Street, opposite; the 'riittcr:ill." JAMES JIcALLLSTEK. CITY MEAT MAEKET, ON oi-iva; st., sown or i. . A"i 1 1 keep on hand all kiwN of Krexh and Salt Meat, al-o Sausage, Poultry, Fresh Fish, etc., all in their season. Cash paid fur Hide, Lard and Ha- con. Ill l Ml Jilius. CENTRAL MAT IARIET,! KV Ilth STKEET. Dealers in Fresh and Salted Meats. &c. Town Lots, Wood, Hide, .fcc. .1. 1:ICKLY, Agent. Columbus, June 1, 1677. NEBRASKA HOUSE, S. J. MARMOY, Prop'r. Nebraska Ave., South of Depot, coiu.ii it us, :i:it. A new hoiKc, newly furnished. Good accommodations. Hoard by duy or week at reasonable rates. tSTSutti a Iirt-G'laM Tabic. 3Icals,. . .2.3 Cants. J LnditmBS. 2tf 2 Ct C" w M te"1 ft M 55 0 loo r 4f a .3- ofo (J o fcSU . m o o -STl p P KM aS3J feci 3 2B t4 2S kzjri a &3 O Q3 )52S jKSS UJ 0 -J Mart P pot o Msi. fit P' txmf -WWgj 0 fl 0 Q (J) M L oaMS H F q w 0 0 H g J5 E. H 0 C ft as -5 W I H K itrw h :r?o gn, Gd en WMK C& Q- jjj H H P? vi ff A "W t oPQ o m' ? SB I ? a 1 -! y YA hi