The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 01, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Mux Lonser of Tildon epont Sunday
at liomo
Paul Nohow of Hnttln Crock win a
Sundny visitor In Norfolk
Dr Aldon of llorco was In tho city
today onrouto to Kullortou
Hd JunkiiiH of Cohunhtifl is vlsltliiK
with Ids brother O 1 lonkiiifl
Tho Infant child of Mr and Mrs
Lester Iurkor in lOportod to bo vory
Irvln loreclto Is nhlo to bo outiiKaln
his nttuck of sickness not praviiiK
horlous ns hud boon fonrod
ThoKarly Hour olub will rIvo its
second dance of tho souson ut Musts
hivll noxt Thursday niKht
Mr and Mm Willis MoHrido of Mudl
hon spent Sundny with his niothor
Mrs 11 MoHrido of this olty
KHon Ih confined to his homo
with nn attack of sickness which it Ih
fonrod will provo typhoid iiiiilnrlii
J V llopporloy tho nmtkot pirdnor
is nntiiiinllod to USO II OIIHO OWillK to II
Inula initio tho result of nit old sprain
Mrs L Sutton nnd Miss Anna Peter
son of Uloonillold who luivo boon visit
liiK frlonds tho past week wont homo
Tholittlosonof Mr and Mrs T 1
Jjiirrnboo was badly burned last nvoniiifr
by soino hot ten which was accidontly
Mr and Mrs Krod Hubert of Ilcrco
vlsltod with Dr llorthn Ahlman Satur
day Mrs llilgort nnd Mrs Ahlnian
nro sistoi s
Mrs M O Walkor ontortalnod a
number of HoiKhls people Friday even
ing at a boan bug party Tho occasion
proved vory enjoyable
Miss Opiil MiiilHon ontortalnod the
boys nnd girls bolouRinK to tho recently
organized club Inst Saturday evening in
a vory pleasant nianner
Mr nnd Mrs S K Doxtor arrivod
last ovening from Lowoll Muss to
visit friends whilo Mr Doxtor will
look nftor his cold storage intorosts
Tho housohold oconomio dopartmont
of tho womans club mot this afternoon
with Mrs T J Morrow who gave n
demonstration in tho nrt of cookery
Poles for tho extension of tho tolo
phono sorvico to Mngnot Wausa and
llloomuold have boou shipped and tho
work of building tho lino will soon bo
Dr II L Scoggin is packing his
housohold furniture and will store it
for tho winter Mr and Mis F G
Goryoll will occupy the house on Nor
folk avonuo being vacated by him
Superintendent O II Reynolds has
gone for n trip over tho Albion lino to
look after soino dnmago done by u
rocout storm About u tuilo of track
litis been washed out or damiigod nloug
that lino
Victor Seymour onino up from Lin
coln and spent Sunday with Norfolk
friends Mrs Seymour nnd Miss Reyn
olds who have been visiting ut tho
homo of R II Reynolds accompanied
hlui homo todny i
Tho ontortainment given Saturday
night by Victor Leo tho mugicinn wns
well patronized and those prosent were
dolighted with his mysterious acts in
legordomaiu all of which were vory
cleverly performed
J W Smith living on South Ninth
street iB seriously ill IIo served threo
years in tho war of rebellion being a
mombor of Jus A Gnrtlelds regiment
tho Forty Secoud Ohio Ho is but a
recent arrival in Norfolk
A company of about 85 ladies spout a
delightful afternoon Saturday with
Mrs J K Bon at hor homo on North
Tenth street and had tho ploasuro of
meeting Mrs Ellis of Dos Moiiw Iowa
who is the guest of Mrs Boa Doli
cioua refreshments wero sorvod
Tho union teniporouco meeting nt tho
Congregational church last evouiug
under the auspices of tho Anti Siiloon
league was largely attended tho build
ing being filled J II Oxuam presided
una tlio program as puolistieu was
rendered Tho talk of Secretary Hughes
of tho Y M O L was especially well
The work of excavating for tho now
Bishop block at the corner of Fourth
and Main streets was commenced this
afternoon tho water having been suttl
cieutly draiued oil to ndmit of it It
will rermiro several days to oxcavato
for tho cellar and foundation after
which tho unisons will begin tho ercc
tiou of tho bUxk
Tho Nebraska Telophouo couipauy
has arranged to receive stato and mv
tional election returns for tho beueiit of
town aud toll customers Tho central
olHco is to bo especially fitted up for tho
purpose Arrangements which will
undoubtedly bo successful aro being
made to receive tho returns at tho Audi
torium A long distance telephone
will bo placed iu tho building aud tho
returns will bo thrown upon a largo
Bcreen by a stereopticou as fast as re
ceived and copied
For cleanliness economy nnd comfort
the Retort Oak has uo equal as a heater
See them at Ilamstreets
Iu order to voto intelligently you
should hear both sides talk of po
liticnl issues Atteud tho Meiklejohu
meeting tonight
Mrs Friend of lladar Is a city vis
Horbort Morey Is a city visitor from
A T Diirlnnd loft on tho noon train
for Watoitown S D
Mrs A Hitchcock wns n visitor In
Norfolk today from Piorco
lCmost Hamilton of tho sugar faotory
has gono to Amos for n few days
Goorgo Williams departed for St
Paul Minn today on a business trip
Mrs V Spencer of Alnsworth Is iu
tho olty visiting hor son W 15 Spen
W O Hall hns sold his trotting horso
Btirtwood to Mr McKollupof Sheldon
The Wcduosday club will meet with
Mrs V H Hucholz tomorrow afternoon
ut J 0
Editor O F Montross of tho Battle
Greek Republican hud business In Nor
folk yesterday
Mrs 110 Dlnginan has been called
to Iown by a message announcing tho
illness of hor mother
Mrs W W Roborts returned last
evening from Orolghton whoro she
had boon visiting over Sunday
B JudkiiiB of Egiin this stato who
has been visiting his nephew Ed Nor
ton loft today for St Paul Minn
Tho Y P S 0 E of tho First Con
gregational church will hold a business
meeting tonight in tho church pnrlors
Editor U E Foster of tho Plalnviow
Nows was In town this morning and
took tho Piorco county ballots homo
with him
A traluload of 1 1 cars of horses camo
In this morning over tho Union Pacific
onrouto to Sioux City and another train
Ion d of V cars passed through about 11
Fred Sidlor hns sold his dray lino to
MiJUrl Clreon who will operate it iu
corn i on with his own Mr Hldlws
iutontions for tho future hnvo not boon
definitely dotormlned
Miss Winifred Jodories has roturnod
from Webor Wayne county whoro she
has been teaching school aud will enjoy
a short vacation boforo rot liming to
take up hor work for tho winter
A good crowd nttoudod tho Ifallowocn
social given last night by tho Y M 0
L in tho rooms in tho Mast block Tho
entertainment proved wry onjoyablo
Cake and cofioo wero sorvod for refresh
Edwnrd tho son of Mr
and Mrs S W Spollmau died Saturday
night of luug fever and tho funeral wns
hold from tho houso yestorday afternoon
at It oclock iutormout being in Prospect
Hill cemetery
Tho Music Students club hold a very
onjoyablo mooting last evening at tho
homo of Mr and Mrs E A Bullock
A tine program was rendered and Miss
Nolle Gorocko favored thoso present
with a vocal selection
John Wnechter a former resident of
this vicinity but who now lives on a
farm in Boyd county is horo on busi
ness IIo reports that crops in his sec
tion of tho stato aro very lino and somo
of tho corn will go K bushels to tho
Tiik Nkw9 Is undor obligations to
tho Journal for tho use of its press
from which this paper was issued last
oveuiug Tub Nkws press was em
ployed iu making election ballots aud
it would havo been very inconveulont to
chango it for nowspaper work
Tho voting place for tho outside Nor
folk product has boon chaugod from
the old Daniel wall paper store to tho
building of Adam Rollaud on Main
street opposite Wiutor Shultz harness
shop Tho chango was mado uecossary
bocause tho Daniel building is now
rented and being used as n storehouse
for machinery
Iuvitatlons have boou received by
Norfolk friends to the wedding of Miss
Graco Muror daughtor of Mr and Mrs
Johu Murer formerly of this city and
Goorgo Wilcox of Griswold Iowa the
wedding to ttiko placo Novombor 8th
Miss Laura Durlaud is to bo brides
maid Mr Wilcox is a hardware mer
chant at Griswold
Tho Quo Vadls company hns ar
rived iu tho oity and will give tho per
formance this evening nt tho Auditor
ium the prospects being that tho build
ing will bo filled Tho work is intousoly
interesting aud if tho company can give
ovon a faint conception of tho spectacu
lar features described it will bo well
worth attending Tho couipauy brought
a large amount of sconory
Tho republicans of Battlo Creek aro
arranging for a grand rally next Friday
night aud expect that outhusiasm iu
largo chuuks will prevail II 0 Bromo
of Omaha ouo or tho best political
speakers iu the state will furnish tho
principal address whilo a torch light
procession with lire works will bo tho
demonstrative effort of tho ovoning
Norfolk people should help swell tho
crowd on tho occasiou
Arrangements for tho Meiklojolm
meetiug at tho Auditorium tomorrow
evening nro nbout completed and it is
oxpooted that thero will bo a largo mid
enthusiastic attendance Tho commit
tee on recoptlon is Mayor W M Rob
ertson Burt Mupes and Judgo J B
BitrueS Ou decoration N Hills J S
McGlary and W II Rish Mr Molklo
John as assistant secretary of war is In
position to give now and interesting
facts concerning tho administration
and its plans aud purposes Ho Is a
good speaker and all who nttotul will bo
woll repaid for their time and troublo
Tho musicians of Norfolk mot last
night and orgunlzod tho Norfolk Mili
tary band and orchestra Gus Mar
unrdt was chosen as leader and mana
ger Max AfltmiH Is secrotury and treas
urer Geo Hollor W 0 Ahlman and
Rudolph Clirlschillos compose tho board
of mnnngors Tho boys tiro prepared to
furnish good music for nil occasions
Tho band will consist of from 10 to 11
pieces while an orchestra of from fi to i
plocos can bo furnished Tho people of
Norfolk know that tho mombors of the
organization aro fine musicians nnd with
a pornmnont organization thoy will fur
nish music unequalled by the best
Norfolk was vlsltod hist ovenlng nnd
today by a nuinbor of noted sugar nion
connected with tho American Boot
Sugar company who arrived last night
to look after tho companys intoretts in
Norfolk They wore Robert Oxntird of
Sun Francisco Gal las G Hamilton
of Now York City j E O Howo of Los
Angolos Oal W S Pardonnor of Now
York City Mr Hnscho of Oxtinrd
Gal and Mr Farrar of Grand Island
Tho party was accompanied by A II
Merchant of Omaha assistant general
freight agent of tho F E M V
railroad company Tho party except
Mr Oxuard aud Mr Howo departed
this noon
Word has boon rocoivod that Dan
Whltnoy proprietor of tho Elkhoru
Valloy houso at Tildon died last Satur
day aud has boou buried Ho has boeu
sick for somo time and as ho was woll
advanced in yoars his recovery was
doubted from tho first Mr Whitney
was an early sottler iu Norfolk nnd pro
vious to coming horo had boon iu tho
employ of nn eastern railroad Uuclo
Dan was woll known to n largo num
ber of pooplo and his hostelry was par
ticularly popular with tho traveling
public Ho was eccentric on political
nnd religious subjects and was particu
larly fond of playing tho violin with
which ho nmuscd his guests day and
night His childron aro all musically
inclined and at ouo time they had a
fnmlly orchostra that rondercd very
good music IIo leaves a wife four
sons and threodaughtors
Rov W R McKim has recently ro
coived from a friend a copy of tho Gal
veston Toxns Sunday News of tho 21st
which contains an account of the storm
us observed by Dr Isaac M Olino local
forecast oillcal and section director
with a diagram showing tho barograph
tracing produced by the atmospheric
pressure Tho report says Tho ba
rometer commenced falling during tho
aftomoou of tho Oth and continued fall
ing steadily but slowly up to uoon of the
Sth when It read SiNU inches The
barometer fell rapidly from noon until
S 0 p m of tho Sth when it registered
JS4S inches n fall of prossuro of about
ono inch in oight and one half hours
After S iO p m tho baromotor roso at
tho samo rapid rato that had character
ized tho fall Tho roport also gives n
map showing tho damngo iu tho city
nearly one half of which was totally de
Tomorrow uight tho 31st is Hallow
oou tho unme popularly given to the
ovo or vigil of All Hallows or festival
of All Saints which is tho 1st day of
November Iu former times it was tho
occasiou for various kinds of amuse
ments a popular practice in Euglaud
being tho cracking of uuts ducking for
apples iu a tub of water aud tho per
formance of other harmless fireside
revelries The people of Scotlaud en
joyed tho evening iu about tho same
way but tho ceremonies partook of a
more superstitious character with
witches aud hobgoblins as entertainers
aud fortune tollers to poiut out the fu
ture to tho lads aud lasses This sort of
thing was evidently too slow for young
America aud it has been the practice
for years for youths of this country to
play mad prauks out of doors No one
objects as long as a certain amount of
diBoretiou govorus their actions but
wheu it comes to tho willful destruction
of property aud positive aunoyauco aud
discomfort of people it is time that the
practice should bo discouragod nnd the
early stops looking toward the supros
slon of lawless acts on tho part of the
police should recelvo tho hearty approval
aud support of tho people Norfolk
1rio of Charge
Any adult suffering from a cold
Bottled on tho breast bronchitis throat
or lung troubles of any nature who will
call at A K Leouardswill be presented
with a samplo bottlo of Bosoheos
German Syrup freo of charge Only
one bottle giveii to ouo person nud none
to childron without order from parents
No throat or lung remedy ever had
such a salo ns Boscheos German Syrup
iu all parts of tho civilized world
Twenty years ago millions of bottlus
woro giveii awny and your druggist
will tell you its success was marvelous
It is really the only throat nnd lung
remedy generally ondorsed by physi
cians Ono 75 cent bottlo will cure or
provo its valuo Sold by denleis iu nil
civilized countries
Tho Retort Oak has tho only positive
check known iu stove construction
Tho coutrol of lire is absolute
stieet will answer nil inquiries
Sheriff Goo W Losoy wns a oity vis
itor yostorday
Mrs Hulbert is quito sick at her homo
In South Norfolk
Mrs J W Hawk of Plalnviow is
visiting Mrs W W Roborts
Tho infant child of Mr nud Mrs
Lowis Stewart died last night
Mrs G S Martlu hns returned from
Oinalia where she wont to bury her
late husband
L C Cramer had his foot tmlto badly
crushed yestorday wiitlo unloading steel
rails at South Norfolk
Tlio Ladies society of tho Congrega
tional church will meet tomorrow after
noon at a iO with Mrs II J Colo
Frank Russols little dnughtor who
has been very hick with rheumatism nt
tho homo of her father on South Second
street is inipioviug
E D Perry has disposed of his res
taurant iu South Nortolk to u man from
lowing named Corner who is to take
possession a week from today
1 11 Oonloy wont to Wayuo yester
day alter a bicycle which was stolen
lroinhtni recently Tho follow who stolo
tho property is under urrest iu St Paul
Albert Alders who livos threo miles
east of Pierco had his shouldor dislo
cated last Saturday during a runaway
It was reduced yestorday by Drs Salter
and Boar
Guy Barnes has been appointed by
tho commandant as captain of company
D iu tho cadot batalliou of tho state
univorsity Kimball is first sorgeant in
tho same company
Dr Frank Suitor authorizes tho stato
mont that Colonel Tracy Miles and
Richardson Drug Compauy Loouard are
wading the Piorco sloughs iu pursuit of
tho elusive duckliug
A lottor from ouo of the Norfolk boys
ns Rocky Ford Col stutos that Fred
Roberts is sick with typhoid fever and
that this disease is quite prevalent in
that part of tho country
Miss Ethol Campbell eutortained a
company of boys aud girls at n party
last night at hor homo ou South Elevouth
street The oveuiug proved very en
joynblo to tho30 attending
Mr and Mrs Davo Shores aro tho
proud pnrents of a baby boy born this
morning It is said that Davo claims
ho looks like Mark Huuna nnd will bo
named William McKiuley
J S Shurtz has recoived word an
nouncing tho death of his brother in
Ohio which occurred Sunday at the
ripe ago of 75 years Tho old gentleman
was a I achelor nud loaves an estate val
ued at 100000
Misses Hattio and Mattle Lensor who
havo beou visiting at their homo ou
South Thirteenth street left this morn
ing over tho Union Pacific for New
York City aud will visit friends in Iowa
aud Illinois enrouto
Mr and Mrs O R Eller expect to nr
rivo at Lincolu today nnd will nt once
commeuco keeping houso Their trip
included a visit to Washington Old
Poiut Comfort and other prominent
cities aud places of interest iu the east
Tho tea given by the members of the
Womans homo missionary society at
tho homo of Mrs L M Beoler last
evening was very well patronized re
gardless of tho fact that tho weather
was most unfavorable and the
cleared a uoat littlo sum
August Sjhulz and brido formerly
Miss Bertha Sohelen of Bazile Mills ar
rived hut evening and will make their
home in Edgewator Park Mr Schulz
is vory popular among tho young folks
of Norfolk being a member of St Pauls
Lutheran choir His bride is also well
and favorably kuown hero Their
friends unite in extending best wishes
for their future happiness
Hon Geo D Meiklejohu assistant
secretary of war is to address tho people
of Norfolk and vicinity on the political
issues of tho day at the Auditorium
this oveuiug and all who attend will be
woll entertaluod Ladios aro especially
invited to bo present He is a pleasing
talker in close touch with the admiuis
trntiou aud uono who desire to keep
posted can afford to miss hearing him
A large audience filled the Auditor
ium last oveuiug iu spite of tho storm
to seo Quo Vadis and tho production
was fairly well rendered tho characters
of Caius Petronius Ohilo Ohilouides
and Poppooa being especially well takou
Tho play is spectacular aud intensely
interesting and requires a lnrge amount
of special scenery One notable lack iu
last ovonlngs performnuco was tho
number of pooplo iu tho cost With
such a play tho moro porsous taking
part tho better it is nud it nppenrod uot
more thau n dozen were on tho stage
Tobias S Richardson for a number
of years bookkeeper at the Norfolk hos
pital for tho insane died yesterday
morning nt his homo iu Fullertou of
heart troublo produced by overwork or
a strain received when working for the
telephone compauy His remains will
bo brought to Norfolk tomorrow even
ing ou tho 0 oclock Uuion Paoifio
train Thoy will be met by niombers of
the I O O F aud K P lodges to
which ho belougod nud taken to tho
homo of Mr nnd Mrs O D Jeukius
uutil tho next dny when tho body will
bo taken to Pierce for interment Mr
Hichurusou has many menus mjsortoiK
who will groatly regrot to learn of his
Tho pooplo of Norfolk aro convinced
that Prospect Hill is ono of tho most
boautlful cemeteries in tho stato now
and whoti tho association nunouueos Its
intoutiou of still further improving tho
property it would soem that thoro is but
littlo room for work along that lino
But tho organization la a progressive
ono and if thoy make an nnuouncomont
of this character it may bo depended up
on thu Mmiothlng beneficial will bo
dono T lunty Surveyor W H Lowo
has bee ngoged to survey somo moro
lots on i io north sldo and if tho weather
pornilts tho south fonco will bo moved
back 15 or 20 feot as It Is now in the
road Noxt spring othor cxtousivo im
provements aro contemplated Tho as
sociation is now out of debt aud what It
makos now above expenses it is under
stood will bo spoilt for Improvements
Wliu Kill till Dinner 1nll
Every lull dinner pall contains those
nrt ides
2 hum sandwiches fi conts
52 1ggH ceuts
Brend and butter 2 conts
Tomato 2 conts
Pio or pudding 1 conts
Sugar salt aud popper 1 cent
Fruit 2 cents
Drink 2 cents
Total 20 cents
Tho farmer prod ucesiall Jof theso ex
cept tho cofleo or tea Jaud perhaps net
all of tho sugar
It is to tho iutorest of the farmer to
see that tho wago earner has a chance
to live such Jas ho has enjoyed during
tho ropublicau aduiiuistratiou Ex
Thoro will bo a dauco in the hall Fri
day evouiug November 2d
One of Goo Wheelers children is
seriously ill with typhoid fover
Roger Cirborry pleased his farm to
Charlos Underwood foruoxt season
Violets daudelions and strawberry
vines are all iu bloom here October 50th
R W Liuu is making preparations to
build a now houso ou hisfarm south of
W H Loomis has loasedhis farm to
Fred Pettitt and will move his family to
Norfolk iu the near future
Roger Carberry weutto Guthrio
county Iown last week to see his
brother who is sick with typhoid fever
Ed Creamer who weut to Capo Nome
iu search of gold iu thospring returned
last week Ho says he brought back
moro rheumatism thau gold
Thero will be a republican rally in the
hall Thursday evening November 1st
James Nichols of Madison and others
will nddress tho people upon tho politi
cal questions of the day
Several of our farmers havo finished
husking corn Thoy report tho yield at
85 to 18 bushels per ncre Tho Elevator
company is paying 25 cents per bushel
for new corn a higher price thau has
beeu paid for several years at this sea
X lluy Treatment for Cancer
The treatment of cancer has nlwnys
beeu considered of such doubtful result
aud accompanied with such suffering
oud disfigurement that any authentic
record of a euro without the use of the
kuife is of not ouly professional but
ladies eral iutorest
We noted some mouths ago that Mrs
B H DeNico was taking X ray treat
ment for a cancor Time enough has
now elapsed since thejcompletion of the
treatment to anuouuee a complete cure
Mrs DeNico had a well defined cancer
on her lower lip so diagnosed by seven
promiuent physicians of Southern Cali
fornia who told her that the knife was
the ouly hope She finally decided
howevor to take tho X ray treatment of
the English and German expert special
ists of Los Angeles She took the first
treatment on June 14 aud the last on
August 18 when all evidence of tho can
cerous condition had disappeared The
two months since that time have uot
brought any reappearance of the symp
toms and it can reasonably be called a
completo cure Tho only meaus used
was the X or Roentgen ray directed up
on tho caucor which gradually was over
come uutil tho tissues were entirely
This use of the Roentgen ray is quite
now and is a most wonderful adaptation
of this wouderful form of electrical en
ergy Other physicians who diaguosed
and watched the progress of this case
have expressed their satisfaction with it
and their intention to socuro au equip
ment for X ray treatment Mrs DeNico
has authorized the strongest recommen
dation of tho trentmont Ohiuo Volley
IV I tut u 1rlntur Doe Not Do
A printer doesut rush to the doctor
when he is out ofsorts Nor will ho go
to tho baker when he is out of pio Nor
to Hades when ho wants the devil Nor
to the Bible wheu ho wants a good rule
Nor to tho gunshop when ho wants a
shooting stick Nor to tho cabinet shop
wbou ho wants furniture Nor to a
bank when ho wnuts quoins Nor to a
girl when he wants a press Nor to a
lawyer when he has a dirty case Nor
to the butchor when ho wauts phnt
Priutiug Times
Seului Machine Content
The judges1 aocouut of tho vote
Ootobor 29 to 0 a in for tho respectivo
candidates lu J D Sturgeons Colorod
Porters Sowing Machine Contest
Wo tho undorsigned judges appointed
to count tho votes cast In tho nbovo
named contost heroby certify that tho
votes cast to doto aro as listed below
Al Johnson 21 I
Davo Shores 205
Oscaii Uiiu
Mrtinbors ot either fusion parties
should conio out and hear what Assis
tant Secretary of War Goo D Meikle
johu has to say at tho Auditorium to
Every woman In the country
ougnt to know about
Mers Frieitf
Those who do know about it
wonder how they ever got along
without it It hns robbed child
birth of its terrors for many a
young wife It has preserved her
girlish figure nnd saved her much
suffering It is an external lini
ment and cariies with it therefore
absolutely no danger of upsetting
tho system as drugs taken intern
ally are apt to do It is to be
rubbed into the abdomen to soften
and strengthen tho muscles which
aro to bear the strain This means
much less pain It also prevents
morning sickness and all of the
other discomforts ot pregnancy
A druggist of Macon Ga says
I have sold a largo quantityof
Mothers Friend and have never
known an instance where it has
failed to produce the good results
claimed for it
A prominent lady of Lam
berton Ark writes With my
liist six children 1 was in labor
from 24 to 30 hours After using
Mothers Friend my seventh was
born in 4 hours
Gut 31 others at lriiR
slum ttlnt 1 t iotilc
Write for oar tree lllctmli 1 took BEFORE BADV
13 lJUHa
American beauties
Sole Aftiktrs
Made in all the newest models and
leaders in strictly exclusive designs
They have a national reputation for
genuine corset worth Send for our
illustrated price list -
Kalamatoo Mich
For salt bv
Illinois Gentral R R
Tho Illinois Central ilosiroa to call attention
to tlio unuxcolleil survico thul is olToroil by ita
linos to tho south for tho soason of 1S99 KI00
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
Personally conduct
ed Kuqs mrouirh to
Los Angolos and San
Kraiiuisiii via Now
Orloans in connection
with tho Southern lu
cillc limviinr Chicago
on tlio Cent nils fast
Now Orleans Sno
cinl connection also mnilu by this train with
daily trains nut of Now Urloaun for tlio Pacillc
Coast Th Limited from Chlcauo ovory ovon
iiitf connects 011 Mondays and Thursdays at
Now Orleans after Decombur 1 K9 with tho
of tlio Southern Pacific uivlnn special through
sorvico to ban Inincisco
Double dally sorv
ico is maintained out
of St Louis via the
Illinois Contra ami
connect um linos to
pa and Atlanta thro
sleeninir rnr In ImpL
sonville Florida boiiiK carriod on tlio
loaviin St Louis ovory orcniin This train a9
woll us tho Day Kinross leaving St Louis iu
the morning aro both solid trains lo Nadivillo
having through coaches aud sleeping cars run
ning through Martin Tenii aud tliu N V St
L Hy Connection via this lino for all piinci
pal points iu tlio Southeast such as Charleston
Wilmington Aikin aud Savannah aud for all
points 111 Morula
Daily from Chicago to Memphis and Now Or
points iu tho South on the lines of tho Illinois
entral and M railroads will ho run
tho llrsl and third Tuesday of each mouth dur on
ins tho winter season
Full particulars concerning all tho above
can bo had of agents of tho Illinois Central
by addrotsiiiB A H Huiieou U l A t hicauo or