J JfJ J yTJJfJ H 4 Hfj x H x x M i t rf 1 it 1 kf ItJ k v i V THEIR ONLY JOY i Til CVwrfuM ISM I CTutrfca HWi - 43 P t e By Charles Welsh i Ak r j x x x H x x x M II4 In tlio smoking room of the IMayers club Now York Frank Onyiiiaii IIowIiik nn mor mons cloud Iy love 1 must write to Cocllel Sho looks lor a loiter from mu every dnv anil 1 hate to disappoint lier She sajs my letters nie her only Joy and It must lie ptetty dull for lier down there at Nowpoit with ouly Hil da for n companion Writes My Dialing Wlile I have been so busy that I have not been able to get up town to thu bouse to dinner bo I have Just dropped in here Cnter Gunge his chum Husy Frank No onlv writing to my wife Oh drop that and como and have a game of billiards Well I dont care If I do They go to billiards After an hour play What do you say to a look In nt a roof garden for nu hour or two Frank Its too Jolly hot for anything else Im with you George At the roof gulden Why there nro the Dennis girls and alone The Dennis Girls together Oh you forsaken husbands This Is the way you console yourselves for the absence of your law fill spouses is It Yes Come along and join us Cooling liquids badinage and flirta tion for the nevt two hours later on supper for four at a ISoIiemitin rostau liuit Midnight Fiank at homo preparing to rutlie Gee whiz 1 never wtote to Uecile Seizes a postcard and writes At Home Midnight Impoitant business all day Too late for more Letter tomonow Yours Fisank Gnyman puts on hat and overcoat rushes out puts card In letter box re turns and soliloquizes as he gets into bed That was a lucky thought Only just saved my bacon that time The same day In the drawing room of a Newpoit cottage Now Hilda dear dont talk to me I must write to my husband You cant understand what we can have to write about every day Why I should be the unhapplest woman In Newport if I did not get a letter from Fiank every day nver since wo were engaged we have always CAYMAN HUSHES OUT AND PUTS CARD IN LETTEIt 1I0X done so when apart and whatever I do myself 1 make him keep It up Its only like keeping a diary and then I like to know Just what ho Is doing Poor fellow Ho would be miserable without my letters when ho Is alono like this He says they are his only joy amid all the worries of his horrid business Why yes of course I tell him all I do except the little things that might worry him Its only kindness to keep those nway from him The best of men are so funny that you never know what they will take It In their heads to wor ry about Writes My Own Darling Frank Hilda can you make me a nice J pen Thanks dear Do you like those writing cases They are awfully use ful This Is real Russia leather with scissors and all sorts of things Frank pave It to me last Thanksgiving but 1 wus awfully disappointed for I ex pected he would give mo that ring with sapphires and diamonds that we ad mired so much at Uaubles Dont you remember It Resumes writing Many thanks for yesterda s letter I wish you could Hpare time for a longer one Ab you tay you never go out after dinner you ought to have plenty of time to write me good long letters Looking up You seem very deep In that book Hilda What la It Oh The Langrnge and Poetry of Flow ers That emluds mo that I mean to go In for botany Mr Black says he will teach ne and there are all borta of lovely ramblea about here to botanize In I dont care for scientific men as a rule but he has nice manners for all he Is so learned I think he Is rather good looking too dont you No I always admire dark eyes Fronka are rather a light gray though Still mus ingly he Is ever so much taller than Mr Black Resumes writing Hilda and I are very busy as usual We never have an Idle minute We lead and bathe arid swim and botanize and lead a thoiotighly healthy and simple plain living existence Looking up again Where did oii put those chocolates Hilda dear Thanks I nlwnvs like to have candy near me to nibble at It seems to give one something to do Thats why men are so fond of smoking I mtpposo These are very good Fiank is so fun ny He bntes to see me eating sweets Says they ate bad for ones health Turns again to lier letter We have lots of riding and boating Hihjn rows tlnely now and we have great times on the water Oh by the way Hilda what nie you going to do this evening Nellie Vlberts coming to dinner Is she You two glils wont care to have an old married woman like me listening to all your talk so Ill go out with Baron von WE HEAD 11A1HK AND SWIM Knoblauch In his canoe I want to loam to navigate a canoe you know But I shant tell Fiank Hell only be nervous He always expects I shall get di owned or bieak my neck or something Oil no The baton Isnt leally a noisy fellow Its only his way I knew him ages before I was mauled Fiank 1 believe almost hates him but I cant help that Poor fellow Ho tells mo all his seciets and I give him the best advice I can You know we never met until after 1 was engaged to be mar lied Sighs I suppose It was fate Of course I never caied for him but It seems so stiange and so sad that one should be able to have such an Inllii ence over a persons whole life when one only likes a poison It seems so unequal But how can you help these things happening Whats that you say Its unsafe and compioinlsing to make such piot ostatiotis to a ghl that is engaged or married You ought not to talk like that about things you cant under stand I think its an awful mistake for a girl to try to be cynical Yes though you are older than I am you will alvvajs be considered a giil until you marry Im only frank like tills because I like you and I dont want you to stand In your own light It Is such a pity for a nice girl like you to got a reputation for being jealous and spiteful Now Hilda dont be a little goose I never said you were old and ugly You often dont look a day older than 23 and you are quite too effective In that last hat you had from Mine Lou bert Here have some chocolates and do let me finish my letter Writes I cant say I admire your tasto in playing golf with Amy Dear borne How ever I hope you keep your temper better than when you play with me and Im sure you dont say naughty words when you muff a shot when Amy DearbornoIs there I want you to get me some bright red chiffon do sole If I write for it to Jenklnsons they will scud me somo of last years rubbish and I want the latest sliado from Paris and you might nsk them f they liave anything good and new In TI1ERE THATS DONHl dress linens ginghams and organdies I will Inclose a slip about tho number of yards and tho names of tho shops where I want you to try at Hilda Hilda do listen to met I de clare you were asleep and snoring Are you sure that Taylor can make boating skirts nicely You know I cant possibly stand things that do not flt well Resumes writing Do try to re member to send me the housekeeping accounts every week Im suro you nro being robbed And do take caro that THIS NORFOLK NBWS THURSDAY HTOHKU that hoiilble gn em vou mo so fond m dues not i Inn go hav enough to teed two elephants Instuul of two horses You ought to be living for next to noth ing now and I consider U a dozen for Qillcklll whisky Is potfeetly sinful Surely jou can got a cheaper biand Hid vou send the can luge to be to painted V You dont need It while I am away l am sine You nlwajs Hay jou dont care for tiding alone and I should think jou would enjoy going about on your wheel or would Ibid walking healthy Thanks dear I shall be glad of another chock next week The mon ey seems to melt nway like Ice In the sun Dont be disappointed at not hear ing f i oin mo tomorrow Wu are going to a big picnic so I shant have tlnio to wilto And now goodby With best love vour over loving wife Ceciii Throwing down her pen There Thats done Yes It Is rather a bother wilting every day but I make a point of doing It for I know my letters are poor Franks onlv Joy And now I must run away mil change for 1 asked Baron vou Knoblauch to drop In to lunch You dont mind dear do you Htilicrxtllloiin Miimlio Few of the older down town colored residents can be Induced to cioss Washington square after nightfall says the Philadelphia Kccoid In fact some of them cannot be persuaded to pass the limits of the Kqunic after nlghttall under any consideration This fact led Policeman Skinner of the Nineteenth district Into a queer pie dlcamont Hie other night While on duty ho noticed an aged coloiod man acting in a very suspicious manner Tho old fellow timidly apptoaohed the square and hesitated about entering Tho policeman was about to step up and make Inquirv when the man asked a pissoiby what quiro It was Why Washington squat e was the icplv Without another wonl the old nian darted awav with the policeman In pin suit W hen caught he could give no explanation anil It was decided to lock him up Tills necessitated a trip acioss the squat c and the captive beg ged piteouslj Dont take me acioss dat mister policeman Dats itn old giavevaid and Ill done hub no luck all my life If I step tin detn dead men The polio man brushed up his his tory a lilt ami loimd that tho old man was light about the giaveyaid and let him go ids wav A number of Revolu tionary soldieis nie buried In the squaio St Paul Pi ess Tlir Itpvlver Baby was taken very bnd whlla you wete out mum said the new servant gill Oh dear said the young wife Is he better now Oh bos all right now but he was bad at llrat He seemed to come over quite taint but I found his medicine In tho ciipboaid Found ills medicine Good gracious What have jou been giving the child Theies no medicine in the ciipboaid Oh yes theie is muni Its written on It And Hint girl triumphantly piodueort a bottle labeled Kid Reviver Lon don Tit Bits Mulilnu tin- MitNl of It In Hull tecently a little girl was In vited to a patty at a tliends house After tea difleient games weie engag ed la until it was time to go home As the guests were leaving the hostess of fered the little girl a bun No thank jou maam said the girl I could not eat any moie The hostess then told her to put It in her pocket I cant rolled the mite Its full nlreadv but the next time I come I will brin u basket Hull Times Where They Went The piofessor was demolishing as he believed Dnrwin and his theories a task which lie frequently engaged In when ho triumphantly wound up with the question If we are monkeys where are our tails The lecturer who had been speaking his full hour wns startled to hear In reply from one of the audience We have sat on them so long that they aie worn off IIoraeiiliocM Horseshoes nre of uncertain dnto and havo caused somo discussion nmong military historians Nailed shoes were not known by tho Greeks for Xeno phon gives minute Instructions for hardening the hoof Nor did the Ro mans use them Nero had mules shod with a plate of silver fastened by crossed thongs to the hoof With Pop piea his later wife It Is said these plates were of gold Tho earliest posi tive evidence of nnlled shoes Is fur nished by the skeleton of n horse found in tho tomb of Chllderlc I 458 81 at Tournny In 1053 Tho very people who talk about vul gar trade are usually the ones who never pay their bills Philadelphia Record Dignity may stoop to conquer but It never grovels In tho dust Chicago News Wonders of Xew Hampshire Tho average reader will bo nmazed to learn that llttlo New Hampshire with less than 10000 square miles has no less than 400 lakes and ponds 154 brooks 58 rivers and 204 niountnlus This mnkes Iowa look saiall Colora do a big state has 550 crooks Texas has comparatively few rivers lakes and creeks Alabama has GG3 creeks and 87 rivers Iowa cannot approach that record Minnesota has 222 lakes and 140 rivers New York Tress In the Crimen the British left 00000 corpses which are Interred In 130 cemeteries on ground occupied by the troops during thut long and disastrous wu i 11 ID HUBS ISM 1MM Wheat 4le tl c Coin lJc 2Se Rye 20c Itic Oats Sc 17o Hogs 250 t 50 Labor 75 Iloises 25 1 M tf15 00 Cattle lat sr SI 45 Cattle leedeis SI 11 si15 Sheep line S2 15 TIiIh menus Hint the Nebraska ei tilling Kill acres of laud and that Is not consiiiciod ti lingo I arm In Ne braska will leielve tit least SSH inoic for the siiine amount of slock and grain in Ihio than he ion hod in iSHi Theie are thousands ol lCOacic farms and thousands of luimois in No bftihliii so t can be soon at om o that tills hit lease in pi ices In the nggiegiite amounts to a huge sum These llguies tue umiiiKweiablo They deal staggeiing blows to Deinoc nicy and thej at the same time attest the wisdom and leveal tlio substantial beuellts of Republicanism It can be seen hv tills that Republican piospei ity lias In lour yunis iiu leased the value of eveiv cow steer sheep horse and cvciv bushel ol ginin in Neluaskii more mini hi pel em n tins In ci eased the value ol oveiy neie ol In nil land and aside tioni household effects litis In many instances doubled the value of all the personal piopoity on Nobtaska larins The Republicans in Nebraska pin their lliitll to tills reooid They sue willing to stand on It confident in the intelligence and judgment of all the people Under such conditions is it possible that Bryan and the Democratic cam paigu oratois can mislead the people into deposing the Republican ptuty and voting the Democrat- back Into pow ei Is It possible that the voteib ol Nebiiiska can by the seductive ami al luring stialns ot the political sileii be duped into voting lor Bryan ami a leturn of the ilepiession and listless of four years ago A vote for Bryan means that and nothing else Nor Is this any mote true of Nebraska than of the i est of the agricultural staton The report of the bureau of statistics of the agricultural department just is sued shmvs to what extent the farm ers have profited in the last four years on live stock values alone Here aie the liguies Jan 1 ISfWi Inn 1 1000 Horses 5001 I01WJ IfliOSniiO 112 Mules 10i201 157 111117002 Milch cows jSi55545 511812100 Other cattle 5080284 10 80185200 Sheep 551C775 12200591 Total i54ioii 2042810815 This shows a net Increase In values a clear and clean piolit to the farm crs and stock owners of 501444471 Adding to this the Increase in the value of swine and farm cereals which Is even a greater amount nnd It ks found that the entire gain amounts to the enormous sum of moie than 1000 000000 Have a Hlclit to Know The people of Nebraska have a right to demand of Governor Ioynter an explanation of his conduct In connec tion with the management of the va rious state Institutions They have a right to an explanation as to why ho has permitted offlcluls to transgress the law without oven so much as a public protest or reprimand Within tho last few weeks reports of otllcittl corruption have been published charges upon which prompt Inquiry ehould be mado yet Governor Ioynter has refused to act and has mudo no apparent effort to stop theso abuses tho gravest cnarges nnve not even commanded official attention yet these charges are of such a nature as to bu of the utmost Importance to tax pay ers Involving as they do a reckless dissipation of the public funds With wholesale pilfering going on In many of the state Institutions It Is no wonder that a large dollclency conservatively estimated at 100000 Is staring the Poynter administration and the people of Nebraska In the face For this cud for demoralizing tho 11M management of the public Institutions Star bv the rtrptnfnient of pel I Urol adher ents luespectlve of Illness Governor Pnyntei will be held to answer Propel mituirgotiiont of public IiihIIIii tlous Is not a piiftbiau qucstUm All What Republicanism Has Done political pintles profess To favor it for the Farmers of Nebraska How Iriris for Pann Protliirli Ilmrt IucraiMtl tlio IiiM Four Wars IinpiirtHht Im In Hi in lilt On Imul Amilr In Count t Inn Willi I lie Ilijnlin AilniltiM intlnn Otnahii Sept a Slowlj et suioly public soul Intent In Nobtaska Is civs Utilizing against BimiiiIsiii llaid times ami low pi Ices under Demncial Ic rule nie so llitnly Impressed on tho memory of the votots that the attempt of Bryan to tllvctl attention thtotigh tho Instrumentality of vtihtcinhlc and fallacious docttlucs has lalleu Hat The pimple of Neluaska nie too In tolllgeiit mid too discerning to be do reived bj the inooklng blids of Democ racy on the question of mllltatlsm mid rfnpoilallsiii and thoj havo only to take their pencil ami paper and do a little quiet llguiiug to dotoiiiiluo what Republican victory leallv means for them Till liilit lliiti ft The following llgtiies will show the real dllloionce between applied Demo cratic ami Republican ptiuclplcs the first column showing the prices under Domoci title nile In IS it 5 and the see olid tho ptlces pi ev ailing now under Reptiblliau uile What shall be said oi done with a patly or nlltclal who proves locietiut to his 1 1 iim 7 Thai Is thi piohlcm hit fore the votots of Nobtiiskii and that Is the 1 hat go upon which Gov el nor Pov titer and Ids puttv must stand trial In the high com I of public opln Ion Biouomv In the administration of public nffalts Is a matter of dollarn nnd cents to every tux pavei and lite fact thai with gotioial appiopi billons appioxliuatlug moie than JiMiHH thete Is an appaicut shoitago of IM 000 of Itself piowi that Gov ei nor Poynter has not pincthcd It Itliii lllli lulu ilniiiKiinl Governor Poynter Is not the only fu nlou ollliial who lias fallen shoit of piuly ptombes and public expecta tions The mimes of Stale Tieiisuior Meserve Attunoj General Smv th and Lund CominlHloner Well may also be lidded It Is no Hrcrot Mint a portion at least of the state school fiiuibi has been farmed out to favot Ho pat ions Theie Is at least 200000 or school funds upon which the stale U locolvlng no lutoicst and which Is no doubt depos ited with such coiiioiiiH as aie liicudlv to the admlulstiiitlou Dili gent iuqiihy has thus Inr lulled to dis close whole this money Is 01 why the state Is not diawlug lutcicst 011 It This alone leptesoulH n clean loss to the state ol f lnoo per youi In tegaid to the attorney generals depai lineiit lie iccomIh show that that dcpin tnient has not alone been ex travagant but has made excessive de mands on the ticiiMiuy The constitution expiosslv piovides that the utlorticv goueial shall locelvo 11 salary ol Sjoun a yoai ami 110 mine II declares Inillici ilia nothing shall lie allowed that ilepai tuieiit lor depu ties or eleik Idle The 1 coords show how openlv Ills has been dlsiogaideil Tho lollowlug llguies show to what extent the tieasuiy has been milked dining the pi event Icim ol two veins- Attolliev geiieial 101111 W D Oldham IDiiin Assistant attorney 2 Kit Slonogiapher 2 Mil Pi iiitlug bilels SO Postage leleiaph telephone clc 1110 Tiavellng expenses lid Though this Is a much linger amount Mian was ever holme lequlied by the attorney goiioials dopailmout It oven was mil sulllcleiil The lecoitls show that the 5000 piosooullou I mid placed nt the disposal ol the governor lias been ntlaikod and of this amount neatly I Kill has been used a poll ion ol it as follows 1 Smyth fi7t W D Oldham 55 20 IMP Smith 02500 G P Corcoian 2t7S0 Other allowances have been made in addition to Mils so Hint upon the whole tills depm Intent under the pi event ad mlnistiation has been the most extiav agiiut and expensive In the states his toiy More or 1h odium Is ntlnched to the land commissioners depai liiienl The manner in which building eouti iets have boon 11 winded and executed al most approaches a public scandal Cot tain eouti actors have been award ed contracts mid have signally failed to piopeily t ill fl II them yet after li v tng failed at one place the botnd has turned light around and awarded them conttacts at another In somo Instances the bondsmen of the con tractors have been requited to com plete the work and In each and all In stances the state has sustained pecu niary loss Contracts for groceries and piovlslons aro now largely awarded to Lincoln parties attending which action Is cir cumstantial evidence of rank favorit ism Those contracts have been ma nipulated In the Interest of the friends of the state house ring nt Lincoln and against the Interest of the business men of the towns In which the Institu tions nre located Commissioner Wolf and Governor Poynter are directly re sponsible for this as the foimer Is chairman of the board of public lands and buildings and the latter chairman of the state hoard of purchase and sup plies boards that have direct charge of these matters It may be claimed by the state house officials In Justification of their acts that the state Is getting Its groceries and supplies cheaper on this account Nothing could lie farther from the truth In tho list place the way business is managed prices become a secondary Issue The principal Issue now Is that of weight and quality There Is scarcely an Institution that has a weighing scale and there Is scarcely nn official at any of the In stitution competent to judge us to quality va The Tramps Advice She was standing on tho front porcb reading the story paper which had just como in tho mall Madam said Meandering Mike did I 6co you brush away a tear jea now Sposlu I did sho returned Ita no business of yours I spoko In kindness lady You aint treatin yerself right to cry an read both at once Its a double strain on yer eyes au you might as well listen to my hard luck stories an savo yer eyes exclusively fur do weeps If you likes touchln stories lady heres yer chunco to havo em brought to yer door an you neednt pay 2 a yearB subscription In advance neither Its de chance of yer life lady to trade off cold victuals for pathos Washington BRYANS GUI KNIJACK IDKA In S I ml til 1 In Nlllliinnl lli ltt Ill I nit vchiiii tun IImiIi In I MIS The lb v an Hit mini seheine ii ippir rally the giMml old idea Hint eiurlrd tlio diiiioouiov of OhiiiolT tin Ir feet in isiiS it tul Unit was ulutply to print cuiiiigli grioiili nils to pi of ho na tional debt and have done wIMi it Ihls In iiillfnl Muiiighl Inula majority lu the ooiuriilloa that nominated Sey uioiii anil III Mi Tlio iiotiinl comeisi tion I ifi 1 tril to was thin Bikini 1 1 liccnhiichci opened the talk bv sn mi llelln oii heie doul v nn 1 I1111I nt want uninc nioi e money V Dont vou lliluli we till ought to have noiiii ttioi v 11 oiiiv V S 1 mill idin speaking mildly Will Ms I lliiak Id like to have some moie uioiii v and Piioigitn Illon and Loading Dem ociiil Will thou li dont vou help us have II What ate vou Hlaudliifr mound feu Ulty dont 3011 coine and go wltli us S on want mote money ami I want tunic moucv If we nil say so we can haw it cant weV Aint the pi oph filing to rule litis count tj any moii V If wo nay pilot the money tin l I piltil It wont thev Vou be long I Illl with us Si i nnd Cltieii Ittil how about re deeming 117 How about pnv inglt up Stiilwatil Ditiiootiit again Kedeem ill What lite devil do vou want to le dootti it lot 7 I e I went out and pt hit mot o of It Now tlin I wts Mu gut nil old wav of paving I ho national ih DI in AS It dm snt look unlikolv that Mi Itijtin will have to iiinke that I he p 11 innoiint Issue in this campaign nllei all for lllile will be wlldliie ill tlio woods about the pioti 0I01 ate in lite Philip pines and the Mom oe doot t lae in Asia Mm at llalsii ml COKN CONSUMPTION Wlinl IIikIiiiv Veil It lliiim li Iminiit WI111 IVi il Million- il VV urn- VV 111 liii 1 The coin ei op of I lie I tilled SI ties Will bl big to I lie hit tin I s nioi e uiottey ill Illiil III ill 1 Ml belole i lie depai t liietil ol agi tcitlt 111 e icpoils the pi ice ol coin timing the llixl wiek of Sep teiiilici as tool cl ban double what it was 111 IHiii atnl much higher titan at 11113 cot 1 espondiitg date since I lint time This mci cased pi ice i due hot h to the 1 n ci 1 us 1 i 1 on stt nipt 1011 at It omit and I he ellot Is itiade liv Stcictiny Wtl sou lie piisint head of lite dcpatl ineiil of agrlctili in e fot an cnlnigo iiient of tnciicin mill kels tin o id With business act iv il and people in cci line of tniliiKliv nclhcly 0111 ploeil the home mat kit is l fart lie most inipoilant out to the farmer while with business di ptessioa fac ilities closid mines luuiiiii on half time tailwavs witlt light cm mugs and 11 itiltieliou of employ es the consitmp tion and pucis 111 the home niailut ate cot 1 cspondinglv 1 educed i his is illust 1 ateil hv the lae that the home consumption of coin fell oil slfiflOPfl mo 111 Isll us coinpiied Willi Is J and that the pi ici of coin rn hieao in isMl at t lie close of t lie democratic mid low laiill piiiod was less l linn one half what it is o dus The table winch billows shows the home consumption anil 1 xpot talion of coin in ISU isM and IS and the expoi tnlioti onlv in Is1 the home con sumption liguies lot that year of coin si not being obtain ible COItN Home Consumption Exportation Yonr Mu toiiMiiiiiil Iiu exportnl tsj tiitvr wj 71 mum isit i 7Hiis mi ri iw Si IVi 1 1711 Jll7si 177 tWitr lyot kjuivjtj Export IlKiires 11 n for llsral years GROWTH OF COMMERCE Iiicreiiiil Volume of Imili ivMli Trtiili il niiiilrlrn Umlcr McKlulc Two especial feituies of the growth of our foieign eoiiniiorct under Presi dent McKiiilev have been the liicreni in the importation of tioplcal and sub tropical pioiluets mid the increase in the importations to those countries which furnished those tropical and sub tropical products The people of the United States are spending a mil lion dollars a dav for classes of mer chandise which thev ennnot ptodtice or at least aie not at present produc ing in the United States These in clude coffee raw silk India rubber fibres fruits and nuts tobacco of high grades tea guilts cocoa and chocolate spices rice cabinet woods dje woods Indigo and certain chem icals all of them of tropical or sub tropical production This class of ar ticles form a constantly increasing proportion of our imports both be cause of the Increased demand through our manufacturers and through an en larged consumption by the people and also because of the reduced Importa tion of manufactured goods In 1895 the importations of this class of ar ticles amounted to 31S707CJ3 and in the fiscal year 1CKX amounted to 351 3532tfi A large proportion of thess articles reach us from Asia and Ocean ia The proportion of our sugar im ports which is furnished by the Ha waiian islands and the Dutch Has 1 1 ti dies ia constant increasing while the bulk of the raw silk tea Manila hemp jute gums spices indigo and dje woods come from the countries of Asia and Oceania and the remaining irtlcles of the list are furnished by tropical and sub tropical countries If Maximo Gome the late command er of the Cuban urmy should take to the wilds of the eastern part of the island something which he will not do what in Mr Hrvans opinion should this country do1 Should it get out and leave the Island to anarchy or thould it fulfill its pledges made ia I good faith to the Cuban peojde I