The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 25, 1900, Image 2

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Powder Magazine at Proving
Grounds Probably Destroyed
Trcinrniloii Com UxiIiiua Minlu lliilltllni
Im ill MIIih 1 nun tilt Si fin Alter
Which 1liinirn nf a in it lire WVrti
I DMIml sluiLks IVIt
Washington Oct 115 - Ati explosion
ocelli icd tit the Indian Head puiviiiK
giuuuils lust night A fluli of light
lbllk some distance nccoinpinletl th
explosion which was lollowed liy n
tiro The tMiloslon shook the win
dows of houses In Alcinililii 10 miles
fiom liullnn Head TIiimo Is no dliect
communication with the piovlng
grounds by which details enn be hnil
The giouuds me 25 miles down the
Potomac river from Washington and
ninny of the bin nuns ami much of tin
armor is tested there It Is believed
the powder magazine was deployed
The llrst shock wns felt over a ii
dins of JO miles A number of other
explosions followed nt recurrent inter
Tills Illuminating the siirioundlng
country At Quant ico ten miles he
low Indian Head one explosion alter
imother was henid and bricks weie
phaken from ehlrnneys Torts Unit
and Washington 11 miles noith of In
dian Head weie shaken by the ex
The tug Triton left the navy yaid
pooh after the explosion for the prov
ing grounds There are several otll
ceis and a number of enlisted men and
woikmen at the place
CIiIucmc General Htloks tn the ClljNo
Pitched Battle Pouelit Yet
Canton Oct 25 Accoidlng to ofli
clal icpoits all the cities in the IInl
Chow prefectuie aie still holding out
the rebels confining themselves to cap
turing vilas and sluughteilng isolated
bodies of Imperial troops The rebels
tire also ncthely recruiting and aie now
estimated to iiumbor 10000 Then
Las been no pitched battle The Chi
nese general commanding at Hui Chow
Is atraid to leave the city for tear of
being cut off
Power a Acting Imlcienilcntlv
Victoria 5t The steamer
Kihshin Main ni rived yesteuliy witli
advices that late engagements result
ing In the occupation of Pei Tang and
Lutui forts and other actions have
been made Independently and show
that the alliance of nations has been
dissolved Russia Germany and
France alone attacked Pel Tang and
Lutal giving no notice but simply oin
niunicating the lesult to the coni
niuuders of the other poweis
fiklrinlnliFH Between KuhbIiiiih anil Chinese
St Petersburg Oct 25 Sklimlshes
continue between the Russians and the
Chinese at vaiious points along the
Mniichurlan railroad The Amur Ga
zette which is published nt Blagoves
tensck capital of the Amur govern
ment asset tB that the Chinese bank
of the Amur river will be offered to
Russian settlers It is leported that
the construction of a railway between
Blagov estensck and Tsitsikar has been
decided upon
Chicago Official Iote Their Job
Chicago Oct 25 As a result of an
Investigation by the Chicago civil
service commission that body yester
day dibchaiged Superintendent of
Streets M 1 Doheity for alleged lack
ot executive ability and Chief Side
walk Inspector John Panock accused
of Incompetency Rupeilntendent of
Sewers R O S Burke and Superin
tendent of Special Assessments lohn
A May were censured for laity in
the conduct of their departments
IHtInIuii Iii Huuuimrti Diim Cnxe
Des Moines Oct 25 The supieme
com t decided the famous Boiiapute
dam case against t lit people and the
lish and in lav or ot the Mi eks who
own the dam under a Mate and grant
contiact Action was biought by the
state on account ot the people above
the dam to liavo It lemoved because
being without a lislnviy it was a mil
baine This petition was dismissed
and the supreme couit nllirms
reelfuilii Trnniiit Kitten
Denver Oct 25 The Tiuns Mlssourl
fielgbt bureau concluded a two days
session in thin city The pioposltlou
to evoke rates on
live stilek was favored by a majoilty
of the lines but action wan deferred
In consequence of the strenuous oppo
eitlon of the Colorado Hues on the
ground that It would greatly injure
trade in this teirltory by placing pro
Libltlve rates on sheep
Ilepnrt on Union Printers Home
Indlnnupolls Oct 25 The teport of
the tieasurer of the Union Pi inters
Lome for six the months ending Aug
81 1000 shows a balance In the treus
ury of lt0S72 pf tills sum 22407O
Json depdslt Inthe Fletcher National
Lank Indianapolis tDiexel Co
New Voik have ii831 10 of tiie
funds The expenditures in the six
months were 22150
Cape Tunn Wulcomrs Iluller
Cape Tom ii Oct isAslr Redvenr
Iluller who landed yesterday en route
tv England wan accorded a uiiignill
Norfolk Weekly News
i cent reception The major of Onp
Town piesented to him an addiess lit
the presence of thousands of eltlscns
I unionizing his gieat services to ape
Colom and to the einplie Speeches
l In the same strain weie made b lead-
liii public tueu
Order of 1nnti rn Sim lMrti tu Itrini ti
il lli OIIU
Des MoiucH t 25 The grand
ehaptei of the Older of the Eastern
Stai at Its meeting yesteiday ieceled
the icpoits of the ginnil seeieliiiy and
tieastiier ami oi the committee on con
stitutional itison Addicsics by the
giaud inatiou ami gtaml potion opened
the meeting at the Ainlltoilum Mis
Olive 1 ltcikvvlth woithy matioii of
the Des Moines chapter dellveied an
addiess of welcome Mrs Freda Op
penheinier associate grand matron
ponded The tepoil of the gland see
retaiy showed a total membership in
the state of ltJlbU being a net gain of
ltrVi since thu last piecedlng tepoit
Theie aie now UJI0 ehaiteied chapters
and til chapteis under dispensation
making a total of 201 chapters lm
piessivo memorial services weie con
ducted by the grand chapter at the
Audltoiiuin last evening The sei vices
weie behind closed doors hs are all
services of the chapter
Guneml French Column Kiieotinter -
liontliiii llohertu UflerH Ilherty
tu Thonu Suncntlerliif
Cape Town Oct 25 Gueirllla at
tacks by the Hoeis are still giving
gieat tiouble General Flench en
couuteied continuous opposition In his
maich from Caiollna to Bethel his
casualties numbering 30
Alter the arrival of Lord Methucn
ut crust theie was a reconnnlssance
in loice noithward which resulted on
Sunday in the discovery of large num
bers ol Hocis who were only dis
lodged after artillery and rltle liie last
ing lour hoius The British had four
killed and ten wounded The Boeis
take shelter in farm houses which aie
ciowded Avlth women and childien
Loid Roberts is distributing a tresh
chcular to the cftect that Boeis vol
untarily sunendeilng who huve never
taken the oath of neutrality will not
be exiled but will be permitted to ie
tuin to their iaims at the conclusion ol
llHlanre of Truth AgnliiNt tlie Country and
Drain In lleclnnliiK to lit IVIt
Stockholm Oct 25 The extiaoidi
naiy scarcity of money which has been
growing moie acute lor a month is
so seriously aflectlng commeicial cir
cles as to tin eaten a cilsis The bal
ance of toieign trade continues
against Sweden and the iepeated con
traction of gold loans abioad fails to
palliate the situation Industiles aie
daily launched but adequate capital
is not available and the nevvspapeis
me tilled with appeals from manuiact
uieis in desperate straits for money
K tahlluli lttirul Sen Ire
Washington Oct 25 Ituial flee de
livery will be established at Odell
Neb on Nov 1 The setvlce will cni
biace an area of 40 squaie miles
The Giorgia legislature convened
tioveinor Beckham of Kentucky hns
nppioved the non partisan election bill
passed at the extia sesblon of the
A negio woman named Cnirie Cald
well who lived near Chailotte N C
killed hei thiee childien with a laxoi
nnd committed suicide
Joseph hesser a leading lumbei
dealer was assassinated at Noiton
Vn while going out of a hotel The
assassin has not been arrested
Dr Campos Snllos piesldent of Bra
zil has anlvcd at Buenos Ayies The
object ot his visit is to cheek the ag
giessive policy of Chile tovvud other
South Aineiican states
Ai tides ot Incoiporation weie Hied
nt Santa Ie Wednesday lor the Fl
Paso Pecos alley and JJasicin rail
wav extemllng tioin Itosvvell to LI
Paso a distance ol 175 miles
The steamer Ainliy bound for Val
paiiiso was gutted by llie and aban
doned oil Montevideo One boats
crew was picked up but the fate of
the otheis has not been ascei tallied
George Muleaster aged 17 was shot
nnd instantly killed Wednesday by Ar
tliur Anderson aged 10 by the accl
dental discharge of a gun while the
boys weie out hunting near Murphys
boro Ills
Advices from Ominlca confirm the ie
port that the parties woikingon the
Dawson telegraph line failed to con
nect owing to au en or in the survey
mid tlyit it will bd Impossible to com
plete the work befor next summer
The Loughllu shovel works at Mar
tins Feny O employing HOO hands
closed Indefinitely Piesldent Gless
ner lefused to confirm or deny the ip
port that the American Axe and Tool
company trust jias bought out the
William A Paulson convicted at
Chicago of recolving a deposit in the
Central Tiust and Savings bank of
which hevrafe piesldent while kndw
ing the banV to be insolvent
day waa aentenced to serve au iudeUr
uiluate Kcateucc in prison
Proceedings of the Protestant
Episcopal Council
lllirnttnl le nf the Chiir h IlK ln rciril
Aiioii liitlim Inr V1IiiIiiiiiii v WoiU
Woniiin AlUloimi leu ol he Mi lliinllit
Cliunli Ami nilile In liiuiiit Won unlet
Louisville Oct 2i nishop Whipple
picslded at the seiond days session of
the mlsslonaiy mum II ol the Pioles
taut Lplscopal chinch A lesolutloti
olliud liv G K Fail banks ol Illinois
eniloislug the action ol lie lioaid of
manageis piovlding tor an lueieased
appKipilatlou for uilssioiiaiv woiU
was adopted Theie was a genet al
sentiment In linor of renewed aitlvjty
In nilsslouaiy vvoik
The geneial topic lor discussion was
Missions the Vocation of the
At noon theie was a special prayer
service alter which Bishop Holly of
Ilaytl made a statement concerning
his vvoik He was followed bv Bishop
William Mc Gee who spoke ol Ills woik
In Cuba
At the afternoon session the topic
was Pnoehlal Oiganlation for Mis
sion Woik
Bishop Tuttle spoke veiy pointedly
though good naliiredly on the tailuie
of ceitain piulslies to contilbute to
missions Bishop McKiui of llaltliuoie
offeied a iesntlon sti Iking out t lit
wind loieign in the name of the otli
clal inisslonaiy society The icsolu
tion piovoked lively discussion Tin
point was ialsed that Clnlstlan nils
slonarles could not lie sent to Cliilslian
couutiics like Cuba and Biail
Woniiiii Mlmlnnery Society
Won ester Masw Oct 25 The 11st
annual convention of the Womans
Missionary society of the Methodist
church ot the Putted States opened tor
a session to last eight ilnys in Tiluity
chinch yesteiday About 2000 women
weie piesent including prominent mis
sion woikeis and missionaries fiom all
pints of the world The addiess of
wekoine was by Mis William Butler
and the lesponse by Mis M S Hus
ton of Biiillngton la Theie weie ml
di esses by missionaiies on the topic
Incidents of Lvangelistlc Touts
Flity DiIiKHti Atteml he TiicnlUtli An
iiiii1 Conn ut Ion at ltluli
Blair Neb Oct 25 The 20th an
nual convention of tlie Neluiska
Lquiil Sutliage association opened
yesteiday About 50 delegates fiom
all over the state aie heie tally tvvn e
the number Miss Gitgg suite seiie
taiy expected
The national officers Mrs Canle
Chapman Cutt and Miss Hay aie heie
Both iddiesed the conventton
The foiennon was taken up with iou
tine llusilles and the afternoon with
pnpeis Miss Oicgg of Oinaha and
Mis Cotton of Table Rock made tlie
principal spcechl lelnfoned by Mis
Dorii To well of Berwyn
The state ofliieis elected for the
nest year aie President Mis Chna
A Votiiig of Bioken Bow vice piesl
dent7Mis Amanda 1 Maible of Table
Hock eoliespoinllug seitituv Miss
Nellie Tiivlm of Biol en Mow its mil
lug set letaii Mm Ida I Dcimv of
Tkamali tieiiMiier Mis Gtoigt
Sullieilantl of Ilnli A fund of M Mlt
was itilsctl In ui minutes for tin pio
motion ol the vmiiK In NibuisUa
Hoot Spink ut union
Clinton O Oct 2i Secietniv Itootn
meeting heie last night was an Ini
pioinplu aft ill The Giand Aiiiiv
baud and the anion Itepiibllt au
league iiiiiicImiI to the Mi Mnlcv home
to i si ot the siiictniv n Immense
inwtl followed noil llnir was an eu
thiislaslic Invasliin nt tin MiKiuhv
lawn I lie pieslilcul himself esi oiled
the siiciai to the uiiilagc Seitc
taiv liiinl tlellvetid an elniuslve ad
diess luveilng nil Hie quesilons In
volved III Hie eiimpaigii lie was fie
iiinllv liilenuptiil l applause l
one ioiiit In his speech lie leiievved the
tliaige that the hope ol and a deslie
to aid in Mi Ii vims elect lou lusplicd
a loiillnuauie ol the light In the Phil
lliiriexl lliiine Dllllli l ill Mill quel Ie lull
Chicago Oct 25 The Miiniuelti
dub held a piospci itv hines hoim1
festival nt the CnlNeum last night
Ivventvlhe bundled people sat at the
banquet tables on the iiinlii tloor be
sides a number of speclatois In the
gnlleiies The Immense hall was dee
mated with gialn fi tilts pumpkins
and other piotliicts ol the tin in giving
tlie appeal mice of the tloial building
ol an olil lashloueil touutv fair The
siippei lonsNicil of t lit Ki pink and
lieails iloiighnuts elder and othei i tit tt 1
viands lames II Whedon piesldent
Jot the Maiquetle club picslded ant1
speeelies w i ie tlellv ei cd li Senator M
A llauiiii 1 K Ctihhlsun o Knnstts
and lleiiiv I Lstalnook ol Chhago
Iilxh -ii llltB ill Ni IiiiikIiii Cttv
Nfhinska II v Oct 25 loliu I
liish ol Caliliu ilia Imlhu a latnpalgu
ot the sinte hoie is night speaking
tinder he atlsplics ol the gold Demo
tats ol the state but in ttilltv In the
liiteiests ol the licpuhlli an national
tltkit He was Intiodtiied bj tinnier
Setielnii of Agildilluic 1 Steiling
Moi ton
IIkIiI lor Control of Iji illr Hull
New Yolk Oil 25 -The Mall and
Lxpiess ii s that four tiansconti
neutil iailloads aie llghllng to seciiie
conliol of the Pacific Mail Steamship
company and tlie ontcst is going on in
the open niatket This light Is said
to be between the Atchison 1nlnn Pa
cilic Missouil Pacific and Southern
Pacific to obtain absolute contiul o
the stcanhip lompany
Major lioti Caution
Maiseillcs Oct 25 M llalssleres
mayor of Maiseillcs on being invited
to paiticipatc in manifestations on the
anlval heie ot Mi ICruger asked foi
time to icllect explaining that he de
siicd to know tlie exai t natme of the
deinoustiations and dccluiliig that hi
did not intend to take any nitloii like
ly to cicite diplomatic dllHcultles
1TnaMlnen at Contaiillnoilr
London Oct 25 Gieat uneasiness
was ci cited In palace elides says
the Constantinople correspondent of
tlie Dally Mall by the report that an
Aineiican squadron was approaching
nnd the censor was Instiucted to
fotbld Hie piess fiom mentioning the
093 i
oil Vmmm u
kH I m iaH I afl m Mm
No other aid so great to the housewife
no other agent so useful and certain in
making delicious pure and wholesome
foods has ever been devised
oW jU Ja iiLLlri lsy iitijiO o Ji
sowmr rim
t I f
There are imitation baking powders sold clibap by
many Krocers Tliey jire made from alum
ousdru which renders the food injurious to health
5W Hlk4jlQfvi nir iwftrnmvSrJifKxi Jtvmk UJ
liliiX Ltam bBbv Lj 1W bIbbwbv JlRnKiaPaWBHSBIEl AN
3 mE
Make Out a List of What You Need
lu the way of Lumbei and Ituihling Material Then
come in ami let us tell 3011 not how mill h but how
iliiir It will cost 3011 We an icnlly make you a
very low pi ice on any kind ol it bill Lower pel haps
than you can gel elsewhere Them s no question about
the quality we oil en
B ptroWv
3k irr
N A UAlNHOliT Irnnlilnnt
AtKXANDKlt II I All Vlcn 1ronlilnii
W II IllirilOl Ciinliliir
1C W YAVW ArhihtxiiK itHliior
National Bank
Capital 10000000
Surplus 2000000
Does a General Banking Business
Hiiy ami Sells Kxelianc
Ditercst Paid on Time Deposits
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any 1olnt In Kurope
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage MuhIiicss TraiiHiicted
0 A liOIKAHT liiKHilsr
HAS H llltlDliK Vic 1 1urHiDKNT
V II JOIINBON iahiiikb
It ilHAAHCH Ahht CvHlllbB
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 1 Surplus 5000
liny nnd hi II itxrhniiKi on tliih roiinlrj 1 ml nil pnttH nt Knrojio Intni Limne
llrfctor Asmlh W II Ioiinmin iiah b IIiuwii J V Hiiaahi 11 J M
Hvvank i A Lt iKAtn T K Mimmimii 11 U Hihhionh
Exelublve unent lur the Celebraterl Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the
best in the uiurket
Kcranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONK 1
The Nurfolk Iieycle Men Proprietors
Miiiiifactuicis iliililii rt anil Dtnli n in
Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs
AKiiir fur Wnltliiini MiiiiufiirliiruiK V Oriint tlio Iini pt StroiiKnst
nml In i 1 in lllcji lis in tlio Wnrlil i nlho I111111II11 I lie Ainu WorM Trillium Hi uIjo
Sjrninorii IiiIKm nml our own mitki Dither lIimih nr clininlii h ulili Ii v ill hu known its
tin Aklimiu btcInlA
We do Repairing Promptlyand Reasonable
ti J I
Time is Money
j a i 1 j 1 1
Missouri River to Salt Lake City
1 1 1 i
Hissouri River to San Francisco
Missouri River to Portland
Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with Rarber Shops nnd Pleasant
Reudiug Rooms Double Drawiug Room Palace Sleepers Diniu Cure
Meals a la Carte Piut6ch Light
For lull information cull ou or address
1 u uit ni -