The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 25, 1900, Page 12, Image 13

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Ho Jh working tit tlio nnnlyslH now
Ill warrant wlilmioreil the prlnceeM to
tier cotiimninn In i nliort t lino 11 err
Felt hiiiifnlf iippiiirril Ho renteri tin
princtNH with iiinnt deferential renped
but neelned nslotilslKMl to llml In her
coittinny tilt young woman who Inul
culled upiwi lit nt n Tew bourn irnviotiHly
Willi the illreetor of police
1 wiin teil to auk yon mild Trunin
to HiiImIi your imnlyHlH wunowliiit ear
lier than -I oeliick tutiioriow I HiippoHo
it enn hit dune
The niaii of miiiieo mulled mid look
ed at her for a uitiinniit lint did not
Yon will ohligo my friend I hope 7
mild the priiir ens
1 Hhonld he delighted to oblige any
friend of your liigliniHH replied the
rheniistHlowly but unfortunately in
thin iiiHtiiucu 1 have ordeiH from an nu
tliorlty not to lie disjiuted
What orders deinanded tho priii
I proinlHed thu nuiilyHin at 4 oclock
tomorrow and at that hour It will Iw
ready for the young lady I am ordered
not to rIiow tho aiialyHlH to any ouo bo
fore that tinui
ThoMoorderH camu from tho director
of police 1 HiippoHoY
The chemiHt lmwed low hut did not
1 understand how it Ih Jennie lie
enmu hero immediately after wooing you
home I mipporio ho viHited you again
within the hour after he left you with
HiIh young lady Ih that thu case llerr
Felts- V
Your hlglmcKH dlBtreswcH mo by iihIc
lug ipicHtioiiH that I am under pledge
not to niiHwer
Ih tho analyslH completed 1
That ia another question which I
sincerely hope- your highness will not
Very well Herr Felts I shall ask
you a question or two that yon will not
bo frightened at I have told my friend
hero that you would do anything for
mo hut I see 1 have been mistaken
Thu chemist made a deprecatory mo
tion of his hands spreading them out
nnd bowing It was plainly apparent
that his seeming discourtesy caused
him deep regret He seemed about to
speak but tho princess went impetu
ously on
Is thu director of pollco n friend of
yours llerr FeltzV 1 dont moan mere
ly an olllcial friend but a personal
friend V
I am under many obligations to
him your highness and besides that
liko any other citizen in Vienna 1 am
compelled to oboy him when ho com
What 1 want to learn continued
tho princess her anger visibly rising
nt this unexpected opposition is
whether you wish the man well or notK
I certainly wish him well your
In that enso know that if my friend
leaves this shop without seeing tho
analysis of the material she brought to
yon tho director of polico will bo dis
missed from his ofllco tomorrow If you
doubt my iulluuucu with my husband
to have that done jnst try tho experi
ment of sending us away unsatisfied
The old man bowed his white head
Your highness ho said 1 shall
tnko tho responsibility of refusing to
obey tho orders cf tho director of police
Excuso mo for n moment Ho retired
into his den and presently emerged
with a sheet of paper in his hand
It must bo understood ho said
addressing Jennie that tljq analysis
Is but roughly made I intended to do
vote tho night to a more initiate scru
All I want tonight said Jennie
iH a rough analysis
There it is said tho chemist hand
ing her the paper
She read
Calcium 20
Iron 4
Ouartz I
J VUHiinry
Oold SflH
Ttiuxm of utluir Hubstiinoct ii
Total 100
Jennies eyes sparkled as Mio looked
nt tho figures before her She handed
the paper to tho princess saying
You see I was right in my Miriniso
More than one third of that heap is
pure gold
I should explain interrupted the
chemist that I huvo grouped tho
quartz feldspar and mica together
without giving tho resp ctivo portions
of each because it is evident that the
combination represents granite
I understand said Jennie tho
walls and loof wero of granito
I would further add continued
tho chemiBt that 1 have never seen
gold bo finely divided ns this is
Have you the gold and other in
gredients separated V
Yes madame
I shall take them with mo if you
The chemist shortly nfter bronght
ber the components in little glass vials
Have you any idea Herr Foltz
what explosive would reduce gold to
such fluo powder as thisV
I have only a theoretical knowledge
of explosives and I know of nothing
that would produce such results as w
have here Perhaps Professor Carl Seig
fried could give yon sbine information
on that point Tho scienco of
tipir lias been big life study nud he
riaVhcad and shoulders above his fel
lows in that department
Can oh giVeuiehisaddrsa
The chemist wrote the address on a
beet of paper and handed it to the
young woman
Do -von happen to know whether
Wnfesior Heigfiled or hi hhmImI il 11 1 ti
have Ikcii caUnl in during this invchti
What investigation inadaino
The investigation of the recent ter
rible explosion
I have heard of no explosion re
plied the chemist evidently bewildered
Then Jennie remembered that while the
particulars of the disaster in the treas
uiy wero known to tho rest of tho
world no knowledge of tho catastrophe
had got abroad in Vienna
ihopiofcKsor continued thochom
1st noticing Jennies hesitation Is
not a very practical man llo Is deeply
learned and has made some great dis
coveries in pure science hut ho has
done little toward npplying his knowl
edge to any everyday useful purposo If
you meet him you will Unit him a
dreamer and n theorist Hut if you onco
succeed III interesting him in any mat
ter he will prosecute it to tho very end
quite regardless of tho time ho spends
or the calls of duty elsewhere
llo is just tho man I wish to see
said Jennie decisively and with that
they took leave of the chemist and once
more litetcd the carriage
I want to drive to one more place
said Jennie before it gets too late
Hood gracionsl cried tho princess
You surely do not intend to call on
Professor Helgfried tonight 1
No but I want to drive to thu ofllco
of the director of pollco
Oh that wont taku us long said
tho princess giving thu necessary order
The coachman took them to tin night
entrance of tho central jkiIIco station by
thu lloheustaufengasso and leaving tho
princess in thu carriage Jutiuio went
alone to spunk with thoolllcer in charge
I wish to hoo tho director of thu po
lice she said
Ho will uot ho hero until morning
He is at homo Is it anything impor
Yes Where is his residence V
If you will havo thu kindness to in
form mo what your business is madame
wo will have pleasure in attending to
it without disturbing Herr Director
1 must communicate with tho di
rector in person Thu Princess von
77ic cicWt shortly offer brought her tho
eoiiijioMCiits in little ulnss vltilx
Steinlieimer is in lier carriage outside
and ldo not wiBh to keep her waiting
At mention of tho princess the ofllccr
bestirred himself and became effusively
I shall call tho director at once and
ho will be only too happy to wait upon
Oh I Have yon a telephone hero
And can I speak with him myself with
out being overheard
Certainly madame If you will step
into this room with mo I will call him
up and leave yon to speak with him
This was done and when the chief
had answered Jennie introduced herself
to him
I am Miss Baxter whom yqn were
kind enough to escort through the
tieasnry building this afternoon
Oh yesl replied tlio chief I
thought we wero to postpone further
inquiry until tomorrow
Yes such was the arrangement bnt
I wanted to say that if my plans are
interfered with if I am kept under sur
veillance I shall be compelled to with
draw from the search
A few moments elapsed beforo the
chief replied and then it was with
some hesitation
I should be distressed to have you
withdraw but if you wish to do so
that nuiht be a matter entirely for your
own consideration 1 have my duty to
perform and 1 must carry it out to tho
best of my poor ability
Quite so 1 am obliged to you
for speaking so plainly I rather sur
mised this afternoon that you looked
upon my help in the light of an inter
I should not have used tho word
interference continued tho chief
but I mnst confess that 1 nevur knew
results to follow amateur ellorts wnich
could not have been reached much more
speedily and effectually by the regular
force uudor my 0011111111 ud
Well the regular force under yhnr
command has been at work several
weeks and has apparently not accom
plished very much I hove devoted part
of an afternoon and evening to the
matter so before I withdraw I would
liko to give you some interesting infor
mation which you may impart to the
goyernment and lam quite willing
that yon should take all the credit for
the discovery as I have uo wish to ap
pear in any way as your competitor
Can yon hear mo distinctly
Perfectly madume replied the
Then in the first rlacet inform the
government that there has been no rob
No robbery 1 What an absurd state
ment if1 you will excuse me for speak
ing so abruptly Where is the gold if
there was no robbery tJ - j
I am coming to that Ndxt inform
the government that its loss will be
but tiitiiug That heap of debriv which
yon propose to rrirt away contains
practically tin1 whole of the missing
10U Kill fl HorliiH More than one
third of the heap Is pure gold If you
want to do a favor to a good friend of
yours and nt the same time confer a
benefit upon the government itself you
will advise thu government to secure
the services of Herr IYltz so that tho
gold may bo extracted from the rubbish
with the leat possible loss I put in n
word for Herr Felts because I am con
vinced ho is 11 most competent man
Tonight his action saved you from dis
missal tomorrow therefore you should
bo grateful to him And now I have
the honor to wish you good night
Walt wait a moment I enmo in
beseeching tones through tho telephone
My dear young lady pray pardon any
fault you havo to Unci with mo and re
main for a moment or two longer Who
then caused thu explosion and what
was its object
That 1 must leave for you to find
out Herr Director You see I nm giv
ing yon the lesults of merely a few
hours inquiry and you cannot expect
inn to discover ovurything In that time
1 dont know how the explosion was
caused neither do I know who the
criminals wero It would probably taku
me nil day tomorrow to find that out
hill as I am leaving thu discovery in
such competent hands as yours I must
curb my impatience until yon tend 1110
full particulars So onco again good
night Herr Director
No nil Dont go yet Ishallcomo
at onco to tho station if yon will bo
kind enough to stop there until I ar
Tho Princess von Stuinhoimer 1b
waiting for 1110 in her curriago outside
and 1 do uot wish to delay her any
Then let 1110 imploro you not togive
up your researches
Why Amateur efforts aro ro futile
you know when compared with tho ef
forts of tho regular forco
Oh my dear young lady yon mnst
pardon an old man for what ho said in
a thoughtless moment I If yon knew
how many useless amateurs ineddlu in
our very difficult business yon would
uxenso 1110 Aro you quito convinced of
what yon havo told 1110 that tho gold
is in tho rubbish heap
Perfectly I will leavo for you at
tho office hero thu analysis mado by
Herr Foltz and if I can assist yon fur
ther it must bo on thu distinct under
standing that you aro not again to in
terfere with whatever I moy do Your
conduct in going to Herr Foltz tonight
after you had left mu and commanding
hiin not to givo 1110 any information I
should hesitate to characterize by its
right name
My commands seem to havo offered
littlo obstruction to you Herr Foltz
doubtless gave you the information
when you asked for it
No ho did not llo gavo 1110 tho in
formation only when ho was assured
that if ho withheld it longer Princess
von Steinlieimer would have procured
your instant dismissal from tho forco
Yon havo every reason to bo grateful
to Herr Fritz and I want you to un
derstand that
1 do understand it and I am grato
fnl to him Am 1 to havo tho pleasure
of seeing you tomorrow
I hope not When I havo anything
further to communicate I will send for
Thank you I shall hold myself al
ways at your commands
This telephonic interview being hap
pily concluded Jennie hurried through
the main office to tho princess stopping
on her way to give the pliper contain
ing the analysis to the official in charge
and telling him to give it to tho director
when ho retnrned to his desk This
done she passed out into tho night
with the comforting consciousness that
the worries of a busy day had not been
without their compensations
To lo continued next Thursday
llihlyH Celery Nrv Compound
or all uovous diseases neuralgia rheu
matism nervous debility paralysis
biliousness dyspepsia costiveness piles
liver complaint kidney troubles and
female coniplnints If goes to tho seat
of tho diseiio and cures thoroughly and
speedily Sold by Geo B Chrittoph
loll Couldnt Stood II
If hed had itching piles Theyre ter
ribly annoying but Bueklens Arnica
Salvo will cure the worst cace of piles on
enrth It 1ms cured thousands Forin
juries pains or bodily eruptions its the
best Fnlve in tlio world Price 215c a
box Cure guaranteed Sold by the
Kieau Drug Co
When you havo no appetite do not
relish your food and feel dull after eat
ing yon need a dose of ChiiniberhinV
Stomach and Liver Tablets Price 25e
Samples free at tho Iviesau Drug Co
It lllilipf iifd Iiih Drugstore
One day last winter a lady came
my drug store ami linked for a brand
cough medicine that I did not have
6toclr says Mr O RGrandiu the pop
ular druggist of Ontario N Y She
was disappointed and wanted to4 know
what cough preparation I could reeoin
mend I said to her that I conld freely
recommendOhainberlains Cough Rem
edy andtlmt she could take a bottle of
the remedy and aftPr giving it a fair
trial if she did uot find it worth tho
money to bring back the bottle and I
would refund the price paid In the
course of a day or two the lady came
back in company with a friend in need
of a cough medicine and udvised her to
buy a bottle of Chamberlaius Cough
Remedy I coutider that a very pood
recommendation for the remedy It is
for Mile by the Kiesau Drug Co
Ladies deeiring a traupparent com
plexion free from blotches blemishos
and blackheads should use Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask your druggibt
IJorMloll AllMlornl
Yes ugustFlower still has tho larg
est Falo of any midieino in tho civilized
world Your mothers and grand
mothers never thought of using anything
else for indigestion or bilioumiem Doc
tors wero scarce and they seldom heard
of appendicitis nervous probation or
heart failure etc They upuI August
Flower to clean out tho system nnd stop
fermentation of undigested food regu
ate tho action of tho liver htinmlate tho
nervous and organic action of the system
and that Is all they took when feeling
dull and bad with headaches and other
aches You only need a fow dosi H of
ireons August Flower in liquid form
to make you satisfied there is nothing
serious tho mathr with you Get
Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug
A new remedy tor Mllousm hb is now
on sale at the Kiesau Drug Co It is
called Chamberlains Stomal h and Liver
Tablets It gives quick relief and will
prevent tho attack if given as i onn as
the first indication of tho deseaso ap
pears Price 25 cents per box Samples
lloltitiH ToHtliiiony
Albert Heller living nt llirFnrnham
St Omaha says 1 havo tried most
everything that is used as n preventa
tive or cure for headache but nothing
did mo so much good as Krausos Head
ache Capsules Others who havo used
them snv tho snmn fhlnir Prieu
Sold by Geo 13 Christoph
ItlMimrkrt Iron Nitvo
Was tho result of his splendid health
Indomitable- will and tremendous energy
nro not found whero stomach liver kid
neys nnd bowels nro out of order If
you want these qualities and tho success
they briuir uso Dr Kings New Life
Pills Only 25 cents nt thi Kic mu Drug
Ouliiliin fur ColdN
Manypeople who use quinine lor the
euro of coldsfsay that the effect of this
drug is nioro disagreeable than tho dis
ease Krausos Cold Curo is prepared
in a convonieutcapsulo form and will
curo tho most deeply sooted cold in 24
hours without any interruption to busi
ness They are pleasant to tnko and
give you a clear frosh sensation whilo
operating Price 25c SoIdby Geo B
A TIioiimiihI TdiiKiieR
Could not express tho rupture of Annie
E Springer of Philadelphia when Dr
KiugB NowDi6covory cured her of a
hacking cough that for nmuy years had
made life a burden She says After
all other romedies and doctors failed it
soon removed tho pain in my chest and
I can now sleep soundly something I
can scarcely remember doing before I
feel like sounding its praises throughout
tho universe Dr Kings New Dis
covery is guaranteed to cure all troubles
of the throat chest or lungs Prico 50c
and 1 Trial bottles free at the Kiesau
Drug Co
Bilicumefs is cnurtd by a Inzy liver
permits food to sour in your stomnch
makes you cross Rocky Mountain Tea
makes you well and cheerful Ask
your druggist
UotH It ly to Buy CIh hji
A cheap remedy for coughs nnd colds
is all right but you want something
that will relieve and cure tho more
severe and dangerous results of throat
and lung troubles What shall you do
Go to a warmer and more regular cli
mate Yes if possible if not possible
for you then in either case take the
only remedy that has been introduced in
all civilized countries with success in
severe throat and lung troubles
Bosoheoa German Syrup It not
only heals and stimulates the tissues to
destroy the germ disease but allays in
flammation causes easy expectoration
gives a good nights re6t and cures the
patient Try one bottlo Recommended
nmuy years by all druggists iu the world
Get Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau
Drug Co
Uolihed Tim 5rue
A startling incident is narrated by
John Oliver of Philadelphia as follows
I wns in nn awful condition My skin
was almost yellow eyes sunkon tongue
coated pain continually in back and
sides no appetite growing weaker day
by day Throe physicians had given me
up Then I was advised to use Electric
Bitters to my great joy tho first bottle
made u decided improvement I con
tinued their uso for tlireo weeks and am
now a well man 1 know they robbed
the grave of another victim No one
should fail to try them Only 6O0
guaranteed at the Kiesau Drug Co
For three days and nights 1 suffered
agony untold from an atta6k of cholera
morbus brought on by eating cucum
bers says M K Lowther clerk of tho
district court Centerville Iowa I
thought I should Rurely die and tried a
dozen different medicines hut all tor no
purpose I sent for a bottlo of Chamber
Iains Colio Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and three doses relieved me en
tirely This remedy is for sale by the
Kiesau Drug Co
Wlittt hlmll We Have for Irneit
This question arises iu the family
every day Let us answer it today
Try Jell O a delicious dossert Pre
pared in two minutes No bakiugt add
hot water and set to cool Flavors
Lmon orange raspberry and straw
berry At your grocerB 10 cents
When you cannot bleep for coughing
it is boidly uecertary that any one
Tried Them
The Norfolk Buiidine and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
motts rsriimnriUMi mi 1 n
should tell you tint you need a few doses
of Chamberlains Cough Remedy to al
lay tho irritation of tho throat and make
sleep possible It ii good Try it For
salo by the Kiesau Drug Co
Men can bo cured privately and posi
tively at homo of all weakness and dis
ease Write for new free book
Dr J N Hathaway
21 Commercial Block
Sioux City la
For FViuitle CnintitlntH
nnd diseases arising from on impuro
stato of tho blood Lichtys Celery Nervo
Compound is nu iuvoluublo specific
Sold by Geo B Christoph
Ladies if you want a refined oud
brilliant complexion free from blemishes
uso Rocky Mountain Tea Never fails
sk your druggist
For spraiiiB swellings and lameness
there is nothing so good as Chamber
lnins Pain Bulm Try it For salo by
the Kiesau Drug Co
For more than twenty iivo years Dr J Now
ton Iliithuway lias niado a specialty of leinalu
Diseases Durlnt tliit tlino lio luus hurt amnnu
ills patients over ten thous
and women biillerlnc from all
tlioso many dlllcrcnt com
plaints peculiar to tho sex and
has completely and perma
nently cured more than SO per
cent of tho cases he has
Hy his exclusive method
which ho has perfected durlnp
tho twenty five years of hl
most extensive practice ho Is enabled to cure all
of theo different diseases Including painful
profuse or suppressed menstruation prolapsus
all ovarian trouble tumors and ulceration lu
fact overv form of those diseases which make a
burden of llfo to tho preat majority of women
Ho has so perfected this system of his that ho
can treat those cases by mall without any per
sonal examination to which every tnsltlvo
woman naturally objects and wfthout any oper
ation with Its consequent pain and necessary
Uls system of treatment Is taken In tho pri
vacy of tho homo tho curo Is painless and It Is
Write hlra a letter statlncbrlelyyour condi
tion and he will send you a blank to he filled out
llo will give your caso his personal attention and
care and mako his foo to moderate Includlngall
medicines necessary that you will not feel the
burden of tho payment and ho will guarantee
ou a positive euro Address
Dr Mutliuway St Co
Commercial lllnek Sioux City Iowa
They overcome Weak
ness irregularity and
omissions increase vig
or and banish nainn
of menstruation They arc LIFE SAVEHS to girls at
uuiuiiuuuii uiuiug uuvciopinuiii 01 organs and bod v No
known remedy for women equals them Cnnnot do hurm llfo
becomes 11 pleasure 100 PI3K BOX BY MAIL Sold
by druggists DR MOTTS CHEMICAL CO CloveltJud Ohio
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis it
kerps you well Our trade
innrk cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
In bulk Accept no
eoiiHTtDi tuff Ak your aruuuist
A J I l
The Quick Trains
uT UL rwVH ii
Union Pacific
10 Hours Quicker to Sot Lake City
15 Hours Quicker to Portland
15 Hours Quicker to San Francisco
niOM Missquui hive
All Trains Wide Vestibnled
Splendid Equipment
Pullman Palace Sleepers
1 Dining Car Service
Pullmau Ordiuary
Bleeping Cars Daily and
For full information call on
Y W Junkman Agent
- OCT-
TMt - X
rVTHl rn t rv
nt xv
V vo
fx Artrn rrrtttt
I VUNquAiintC
I T CNDonstmwi
orevcav physician
Fqr Salo by George B Christoph
aajaaja notorrepked
rhk tola lift
f LiBaTATfl S
fp M rTknmf L
Made a
Well Man
1 of Me
produces the aboro results In 30 days It sets
powerfully and quickly Cures when all others fslL
iounginon will regain their lost manhood and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
REVIVO It quickly and surely reBtores Nervous
ness Loet Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions
Lost Power Falling Momory Wasting Diseases and
all effects of self abuso or excess and Indiscretion
which unfits ono tor study business or marriage It
cot only cures by starting at tho seat of disease but
isasreat nerve tonlo and blood builder bring
ing back tho pink glow to palo cheeks and re
storing the flro of yonth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on having REVIVO no
other It can bo carried In vest pocket By mall
8100 perpackageor six tax fiOO with posi
tive written guarantee to euro or refund
the money Rook and nctvisofreo Address
For sale in Norfolk Nebraska
Geo B Christoph druggist
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
Oilico Citizens National Hnnk Iluilding
Telephone 101
Sanitarium and Residence Main nnd 13th St
Telephone D
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Kolierttoii ISlock
Norfolk Neb
Olllce over Citizens National Hunk Resilience
one block north of ougreKttionaJ church
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
Otlico over Leonards DniK Store
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Fiihliionnlile Dressmaker
Up 6tnlre hi Vittnu block otor Himme etore
Firtt clatb work Kuaiuuteeil
AtfomejK at Jiinv
Hoomt 10 11 ami 12 Man hJock
UmlerUkerN and Kinliiilniere
Setdons Illk Norfolk Ave
Nprf o - J NVljrfts ka
J H Bnrnei
I M v
Attorneys at Law
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Mast Block n Norfolk Neb
Attorney at Law
Rooidb I und 2 Robertson h Wilton
Block Norfolk
- A