10 MONDAY MENTION Mrs R K Lomk win n Stanton vis itor Kiitutdiiy Mrs Albert SttiinUinus who lnv boon lsltlnn rolatlvfs liori lotntnml to her lioino in rialnviow today J Hoyd of OiUililti riuitlitlnto for district J ml no on tho rvinihlliiin ttrkot NVivs in tho city ovtir Suiuiay O H Wiiniur wlio wont toliiH homo in Stanton on sick lonvo lias lottiiiiod to his clutlii nsclotk in tho utoto of Haiini Uros Although Mrs S K l onn now lias liur losidoiiiHi on South l oiitth rttrmit nlio still lias oIllcorooniH in tho Hottun Mock Mis Minnio Hinwn or Hiittlo Jioek wliolirtHliwiitlioKiuwt of Miss lcnrl Huoho tho iMHt wwkroturncd homo yos torday Dr 1 H Salter N jihuiiiliiK t 1llV0 for OhioiiKO tomorrow whoro ho will Mpuiul two wookH takiiiK ii whorl post Kriuhinti com ho Mm Ziiolio Historof Olmfl Iiuioh of JhwUu Mills was in tho oity bithlliiK lier fiionds Koodhyo provioiiHto hor do lurturo for her homo in lunoau Win Mr and Mrs V V Yuuhk of Stun ton weio tho k nest s or Mr and Mm N A Kulnlmlt Satutday Thoy wuio ourouto to iMeadow Urovo whoio Mr YouiiK spoko that ovouiiiK Norlolk people will ho gratified to know that neither 1j O IMttilntmU of thiBcity nor V O Toliver who for- moi ly resided heio RiilTered any loss by reason or tho Hi e at I j inrel an account of which appears in another column ViuIh candy kltchun and lunch loom has boon very nicely hod up locently Tho walls hao heen lopipoied and a lino partition has boon placed between tho stouuoom and ice oroam or luuoh pailor Tho pioprietor opoctn to do nioro in tho lestauruit and lunch Hue heieattor W V Hobeits who lor almost nino years has been connected with the Homo Firo Insurance company and has proven himself to bo one of tho best and most popular insuiinoo nion m tho Htato has nccopted a position with tho Oontintul Iiisurinco company as npeoial agont for tho noi th half or tho htato Tho union temperance service which was held at tho First OoiiKiegational oliurch laat night will bo repeated net Sunday liitflit Tho service was iiuito well attended the quality or weather being considered but it was tho opinion of those there that tho services merited a much larger attondunoo and thoreroio tho decision that it should bo repeated I M Muey the photographer has re contly purchasod a bill of goods undor ruther novel conditions that indicate a linn conviction by at least ouo wholo Kalo house and its ropiohontntivo that McKinloy will bo re elected He pur chased rrom tho traveling i eprohentativo of Robort Dempster cv Co of Omaha iflO wortli of card stock to ho paid for if McKinloy is olectod If Hryun is olectod no bill for tho goods will bo rondorod Funeral t orvices of tho late Cianett McDonald wore held in the Congrega tional chinch at Pieico Friday ceased passed away Wednesday aftor noon at 1 oclock arter suffering troni mciirablo rheumatism for nino years Tho immediate cause of Ins death was consumption which followed an attack of tho grippe in April lbiW Ho was a young man of many excellent qualities uuil well thought of by his many rionds both in Pierco and elsewhere in uoith Nebraska Tho Knights of tho Maccaboos aro to givo a dauco at tho Marquardt hall Wednesday night Tho Bohnort or chest will furnish tho music which is a sutlicient gimrauteo that this feature will bo all that could bo dosirod Tlioso having tho entertainment in charge expect a largo nuuibor of visitors from neighboring towns aud thoro will un doubtedly bo a good attendance from Norfolk and vicinity make it ouo of the evonts of tho bcnsou Thoy oxpoct to best amusement Tho ground in tho viciuity of Nor folk has boon thoroughly soaked since Saturday almost three inches of water having fallen Ootobor has beeu a dry month until tho last few days when tho rain god seoms to have boon en deavoring to make up for lost time and the prospocts are that tho total procipU tatiou for tho mouth will be more than tho averago This morning tho olouds broko away with every appoaranco of a general clonr up but tho barometer was very low nud the weather buroau pre dicted more precipitation so that tho rainfall may bo still iucreased beforo the weather settles J H Roe of Denver and D Ij Morgan of Omaha head men of tho Singer Sewing Machine company were hero today and made some important changes in that companys business affairs They re established a district office in Norfolk as it was when 11 S Wyatt was here A E Lawreuco was placed iu charge and wilUiave jurisdic tion over ten couuties in northeast Ne braska D is IjOO will contiuue as local agent but the local office iu Thompsons ttore will be discontinued or combined with the district office which will bo opened iu the room re cently vacated by tho Norfolk Shoe company in the Martin building That the Innes baud may outortaic the people of Not folk anil vicinity on TliankKliiK night Noeinbor it is noces miy that Manager Spear gimtan tees a certain amount of business to the company ami lie has decided to ask tho people of Noi folk for a voluntary expul sion on this point During this week thercfoie blank lists will bo loft lit Leonards drug store and tho music loving people of Norfolk are roqmstod to nail there and indicate how many seats they drslro This guarantee niUHt be made not later than November 1st ho that the company may govern itsolf accordingly Manager Hpear expects that other towns will contribute to the guarantee but or nocossity expects the linger part or it from Not folk people It is strongly rumored that a carload of people will bo brought up from Albion to the enteitalninent and other towns will also help swell tho crowd It will be tho leading musical event of the season ntul Norfolk people should not only maku tho guarantee good but should ill oven tho standing room of the Auditorium For cleanliness ecouoiny and comfort the Ketort Oak has no equal us a heater Seo them at lianistreets FOR STATE SENATOR KuiinoiiM AVIi Voter Should Cunt Their lliitliitn for W W 1 oiinjr It is with genuine pleasure that Tun Nis addresses its readers soliciting thoir support for tho subject of this sketch V V Young ol Stanton the republican nominoo for stato sonator Sumo among us had tho honor of Mr Youngs acqiiaintaiico piovious to his nomination Othors huvo slnco mot him in person or huvo been pormittod to listen to ono of his masterful uddiosses Othors may not huvo dono so and owing to the sio of tho distuct and tho short tnno intervening boforo tho elec tion may not be ablo to do so Thoso who have made his acquaintance or hoaid him speak nppieoiute Ins ability tocteditublv fill tho position of statu senator It is to those who have not that this iu ticlo is pat tioulurlyiuldiOHsed and to them wo say unhesitatingly that no more capable or deseiviug man ovoi stood boforo the otors of tho Eleventh souiitoiiil district as the noinineo of any party soliciting your support Physically ho is an excellent speciinon of robust American manhood command ing iu appearance and dignified in hearing Mentally ho is equally btiong thinks and acts readily and with de cision and giasps ideas readily and clearly The coming session of tho legislature of Nebraska will bo ono of unusual im portance Tho work to bo done calls tor men of brains and perception Tho oloctiou of two United States senators though important is but ono of tho many impoitant acts which that body will bo callod upon to perform Work of importance to tho state and which lisos above politics must bo dono Tho stato must bo lodistrlcted for congres sional judicial and legislative purposes Thero are laws to be mado matters of utmost importauco to tho state must receive thoir consideration and action It is to tho direct interest of every De i m tmt ms tnstnct K1 well represented as it will be with Mr Young as its senator His opponent may possess somo cleri cal ability so does Mr Young Moro than this ho is an orator a statesman and a scholar who possesses a clear and penetrating vision As sonator his voico will be hoard on nil subjects of importance calliug for oral discussion Iu framing laws in council chambers wherever thero is important work to do whorever brains and sagacity are re quired ho is sure to be iu demand Such nion as ho always command tho lospoct of their associates and aro never pigeon holed and hoard of ouly whou a ballot is cast aud thou oy a simple yen or nay Elect W W Young aud no senatorial district iu the stato will be moro ably represented than tho Eleventh No constituency will have greator cause to bo proud of their representative iu the upper houso of tho state legislature than will wo of tho Eleventh fitmiug Machine Content The judges accouut of the vote cast October 22 to 0 a m for the respective candidates in J D Sturgeous Colored Porters Sowing Maohino Contest Wo the undersignod judges appoiuted to count the votes cast iu the abovo named contest hereby certify that tho votes cast to date are as listed below Al Johnsou 210 Dave Shores 197 P F SlltECHEK Oscar Uhle Judges Letter Lint List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postofneo October 22 1000 James Backer Wm Blair August Bumhard Mrs Carson Brown Elmer Ellis Geo Garduer Sam Harrisou Dan Hall Mr Hoes James Innes J D Kelly Frieda Kirch Maymie Lund Mrs Carrie Luecke Master Henry Mathony O E Mewharter Gus Markotan package Sallie A Rice Miss Mary Spear Wm Wilkiusou Ohas Wheeler If not called for iu 30 days will be sent to the dead letter office Parties calling for any of the above please say advertised P F SlRECUER P M TIIH NORFOLK NUNVK THURSDAY XTOliKR 2f 1000 CHAS CROUCH KILLED Itiiiloiiiiiii llingged lur Him I uuil ltod IrlKliltillU MihikIiiI ill Sioux Cltj Tu II HurliMl In Norfolk OliailosCtotich who formerly resided iu Norfolk lost his life Saturday night about 10 oclock while working iu tho yards of the lilcngo Milwaukee and St Paul nillroad lit Hloux Oity Mrs Unwell was foimerly Miss Annie Apfel who has a sistei employed in the steam laundry Tho deceased also has u brother in Norfolk Tho remains will bo biotight bore for interment Tho Sioux Oity Tribune of last evening con tains tho following account or tho ac cident It is thought a brake chain gave way when Crouch threw his weight against tho wheel causing him to rail between two cars I lo was ground to pieces Tho crow had started fioin tho Mil wivukoo passenger station with tho switch engine backing and drawing two box cars behind it They wore go ing to tho Linseed Oil works to sot u car on a switch After tiio switch at tho linseed plant had been thrown and tho car placed the body of Orouoh was found as tho engine started back Ho was lying on tho track and was man gled and crushod in an unrecognizable miinuer Fioin an investigation it hcoiiis that Orouoh fell betweou tho two cars near Pierco street for parts of his lantern woio found not far from tho depot Tho body was caught on tho brake beam tu such a way that it was dragged for tho entire six blocks It remained se cure until a stiip ol tho clothing caught in tho frog or tho bwitch and tore it loose Parts of tho mans body woro found along tho entiro distance Tho lemains were taken to Westcotts under raking rooms after Coroner Wulo hud been called Crouch was comparatively young and camo to Sioux Oity from Omaha about two yens ago with his wife whom ho hud just married Thoy lived at Seventh and Morgan streets and tho news of tho tearful death of Oionch prostrated his wife Tho coroners jury returned a xerdict utter n session of three hours exouerat ing tho railroad company from any blanio in connection with the death From tho testimony of tho men oin ployed oil tho train at tho time it was ascertained that one of tho cars had a dofectivo brako beam and it is possiblo that Crouch came to his death by means of it Evidence was introduced show ing that ho must havo fallen from tho top of ono of tho cars at Second and Piorco streets and was dragged over six blocks along tho ties His hat lantern a shoo and pieces of lesh were fouud on Piorco street Miss Apfel wont ovor to Sioux City this morning in response to a message announcing that her sister had beeu prostrated by the shock Tho remains aro to bo brought to Norfolk tomorrow or Thursday aud tho f uuoral held here TUESDAY TOPICS Niel Honiskoy is on tho sick list at tho homo of his parents F L Miller of Des Monies Iowa is in tho city enroute to Schuyler Miss Idelle B Taylor of Battle Creek was a Sunday visitor iu Norfolk A J Durlaud returned last uicht from his business trip to Knox county Mrs Walter Ellis and sou from Des Moines Iowa are visiting Mrs J K Boas Miss Rose Hughes of Battlo Creek visited with Miss Kato McNeil over Suuday Miss Maud Dingman xvho is teach ing at Meadow Grove was home over Sunday Paul Stantou xvout to Omaha this moruing to take tho position of bell boy in the Her Grand Miss Lillian Dingman of Council Bluffs Iowa is visiting hor cousin Miss Nollio Dinguiau Tho total ralufnll siuco Saturday was 201 inches lacking but four huudredths of an iuoh of reachiug the three iuch mark G W Martin au old and respected resident of Norfolk died quite suddenly late this afteruoou after n fow days sickness Mrs R A Stewart eutertaiued n company of ladies today at 1 oclock luncheon in houor of Miss Etta Stewart of Mercer Pa Tho Womans Relief Corps will serve thoir usual chicken pie dinner ou election day also a supper aud lunches until late in the eveniug L U McKee general agent for the National Life and Trust coinpauy of Des Moines Iowa Is in the city iu the interests of his coinpauy W H Wigtou of Omaha was iu the city today ou his way to Plaiuview to settle a death loss for the Des Moines insurance company with which he is connected The mother of Mrs Jas Covert of this city died at her home iu Ewiug last Friday and was buried Suuday Mr aud Mrs Covert who ntteuded the funeral have not yet returned A company of uine young ladies who met with Miss Laura Darlaud organized Bachelor Girls club with Miss Lillian Luikart as presideut Ihey will meet each Saturday evening aud will discuss late books This weeks meeting will bo with Miss Edith Morrow A thoioughbrcd Shorthorn cow weighing 2il7 pounds and measuring six foot in height passed through tho city today over tho Union Paclflcentouto from Denver to Minneapolis Tho animal belongs to the International Stock Food company mid is bolng used for mhertising purposes It is said to bo tho largest cow in the world Louis Huckondorf who lias been at tending at the bedside of Ins sou Wil liam in a St Paul hospital retiiruiil to Norrolk today having left tho joimg man very much rtcjvcrcd from his attack or typhoid with tho prospects or being nut In u short time Mr BuckondorfH niece Miss Lena Kohl niorgen or Minneapolis accompanied him homo for 11 visit Miss Nolle Gorecko has returned Trout a weeks tour with tho Hamilton Con cert company composed or Mrs Hamil ton pianist or Coleridge Alf Larson violinist aud who also plays tho clarinet of Alta Iowa and Miss Gorecko as vocalist Thoir tour took iu tho towns of Bancroft Tekainiih Blair Fullorton Wisnor and Stanton Miss Gorecko has decided to open a studio for voico culture at homo and givo tho people of Norfolk and vicinity tho bouoflt of hor musical oducatiou A trio or young men from tho country belonging to a threshing gang who gave tho names or Wittenburg Krugor aud Mabos woro up boforo polico court yes t onlay on charge of flghtiugjund disturb ing the peaco Each ploadod guilty and tho lues and costs assessed amounted to 1010 apiece xvlnch was paid by a mutual friend and tho disturbers dis missed Fioin tho most reliable ac counts obtamablo it seems that owing to the rain tho young men had n day oil and had come to town to have a good tune As with many other men both young and old their conception of a good time was to till up on booo and this thoy did in quite a thorough man ner In H Loders place they got into to a dispute which finally ended in u light iu which it is generally believed that knives were used ono of the com batants having quite n bad cut on tho hand and another a cut and bruiso on tho head After tho melee a common jack knife was picked up and placed in Chief Widaniins hands but at tho trial neither of the participants would claim it so it probably could not bo proven who used o kuife Ouo of the men how over was confident that ho knows and can prove who did tho cutting and it may bo possiblo that a criminal action will bo commoucod WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Mrs C E Green is sick with malaria A H Bohauou of Madisou was n city visitor yesterday Mrs J Baruett was a passeuger for Council Bluffs today The front of T E Odioruos office is being nicely repainted Lolaud Dean went to Omaha yester day to visit with Wm Braasch Dr Frank Salter was called to Pierco yesterday to consult ou an important case Dr P II Salter left for Chicago yes terday for a two weeks post graduate course The front of the Koeuigsteiu block including tho postoilice is being re painted E A Luudburg of Wayue was a visitor iu the city yesterday ou political business Tho daughter of Henry Kennedy liviug south of tho Junction is reported quite sick The West Side Whist club will meet with Mr aud Mrs Robert Utter tomor row oveuiug Rev A M Mcintosh of Laurel passed through the city today ou his way home from Madison J W Bush au old creamery man of this county died very suddenly Monday evening at ins hmue iu Madison It is reported that Mrs Bernard Grant who is spending the wiuter with her daughter iu Salt Lake City Utah is very sick There will be o special meeting of Boulah chapter Order Eastern Star to morrow eveuiug Members are re quested to attend E P Weathorby was a passenger for Omaha today aud will return Friday with Mrs Woatherby and Mrs Shoe maker who have beeu visiting in Des Moines Gottlieb Heckmau was up bofore police court charged with disorderly conduct and was given the customary fine which with costs amounted to about 10 Fields Brewer who had his leg broken Saturday uight white wrestling was this morning removed to the home of Fred Krantz two and one half miles southwest of the city Gordon Journal The prettiest thing seon on a Nebraska prairie at this season of the year unless it be a Sheridan county school maam is a cottouwood tree clad in its golden autumn suit A sou of Wm Kaul of Madison was thrown from a horse Friday aud had his wrist brokeu A son of Paul Peter son of the same place had his collar bona broken by a kick from a horse Heury Shoupka living 11 miles out of Columbus was married last Wednesday and dropped dead Satutday Ho was a inombpr of Company K of tho Fighting Firstnud saw servicoin the Philippines Tho guarantee lists for the Innes band aro being quito readily signed by Nor folk pooplo and it now looks as though thoio would be littlo difficulty iu got ting the amouut of patronage necessary pledged Dr Litdlngton of Omaha n warm personal irlendof 0 D Jenkins and who wout on a hunting trip with him this full ha teen appointed to a position ab 8tirgeoi iu the army and will go to Manila J F Boyd or Oakdalo caudldato for district judge ou tho republican ticket was it the oity ovor night while ourouto to Pierco Mr Boyd is greatly encour ngoJ over tho prospects of Ills election aud looks lorward tq tho results with confidence Hon Geo D Meiklojohu assistant secretary of war is to address tho people of Norfolk and viciuity on tho evening or October ill at tho Auditor ium Mr Meikli John is a pleasant and interest nig t pakt r aud will undoubt edly hi greeted by a largo audience Tim Nkws was in orror last ovouing iu ropoi ting that tho fight of Monday was iu Geo Hollers saloon As a matter of fact tho fight occurred in II Loders Trocadero and tho item was given to tho reporter incoiroctly This coiroctiou is mado in justi o to Mr Heller who has never had troublo of this character in his place sinco ho hns been running a saloou hero Battlo Crook Royublican Miss Mar garet Wright tho affable young lady who for sovcral weoks ably assisted in the inachiuical departmeut at tho office of this grout family nowspapcr left for Norfolk Sunday to accept n position in tho stato nsyluni for tho insauo Cap able and accomplished Miss Wright will not bo fouud wanting in any posi Hon and while her mauy friends will lilies her greatly at tho same time they ieel like congratulating her upou se curing such a desirable position Nowman Grovo Herald James Nichols and Major C A Yickers of Madison were iu this city last Saturday Tho major was traveling iucog It is said ho has renounced tho populistic idea aud is preparing himself for a full membership with tho grand majority by attending tho rallies aud speeches of tho Hon Jim The majors disguise is tho result of a scrap with a gasoline lamp in tho armory iu which tho major came out second best losing his mus taohe aud a quantity of cuticle on one side of his nose The Rev Theodore Moruing was in stalled pastor of the Presbyteriau church of Madisou last oveuiug Rev S F Sharpless of this city presided aud pro pounded the constitutional question and also delivered the charge to the new pastor Rev A M Mclutosh of Laurel preached the iustallatiou sermou and Rev Oscar Bostrotn of Elgin delivered tho charge to the people A reception was given to the pastor after the iubtal latiou services which was highly en joyed by tho large assemblage that participated The ladies decorated the church xvith flowers aud vines aud a luncheon was served Final nriaugemeuts for the funeral of the late Geo S Martin havo not yet beeu announced but it is probabe that tho remains will be interred at his old home near Omaha Mr Martin was 78 years of age at the time of his death aud had lived in Norfolk 17 years His death came as very much of a surprise to a number of Norfolk people as it was not generally known that he had been sick in fact he was not takou sick until Monday morning and died yesterday afteruoou Besides an aged wife the deceased leaves a family of four grown children two sons and two daughters Ouesou Chas F Martin and a daughter Mrs Georgo Ostler reside at Washing tou near Omaha Another daughter Mrs Douald Brown lives at Rushville and Wm Martin who formerly lived here now resides at Deuver Col where he is ouglueer iu the Globe smelter The three first named children wore ex pected here today aud the latter will probably arrive tomorrow The de ceased was highly respected by all hon ored with his acquaintance Ho was scrupulously honest and conscientious in all his business dealings Soon after his arrival here Mr Martin formed a partnership with B W Jonas in the grocery business couductiug it in the building over which is tho family resi dence The firm was afterward dis solved aud Mr Martin continued tho business for a while alonobut closed out several years ago Receutly he has not been actively engaged iu business but has beeu supported by au iucome from his accumulations of a lifetime and leaves a property that will abundantly provide for the needs of his wife as long as she may live Hud lruotlcal Experience In a Columbus special to tho Omaha Bee a German resident of Humphrey formerly of this county announces his conversion to republicanism The item says Matt Klasstm returned one day last week from a four months trip through Europe Mr Klassou has been eugaged iu farming just over the Platte connty Hue in Madison county the last twenty eight years and two years ago retired and moved to towu locating at Hum phrey You may say for me said Mr Klasonthut I wout away from No btasku a pretty good deinociatbtit I havo returned a good republican Contin uing he said -While traveling through Germany Austria Franco mid other Eu ropean countries I learned that it took moro of somo kinds of nionoy to pur chase tickets than it did of others but whou I preseuted United States monoy of any kind at tho window thero was no discount mid the lowct rate was named Mr Klusou is an intelligent German mid reasons lor himself In tho community where ho lived yo long ho says there aro many others who will vote this fall for a continuance of tho present admlnist ration I If a Woman w o I wants to put out a fire she doesnt heap on oil and wood She throws on waterknowin that watcrqusnehes fire When a woman wants to get well from diseases peculiar to her sex she should not add fuel to the fire already burning her life away She should not take worthless drugs and potions composed of harmful narcot ics and opiates They do not check the disease they do not cure it they simply add fuel to the fire i PI i i 0SM WSm Bwv CHICAGO EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING B rati lie Id s r emaie Regulator should be taken by every weman or girl who has the slightest suspicion of any ot tne mi niums whkh af flict w o in i n They will himply bo wasting time until thuy tnki it The lU Kiilntor ts n purifying httenn th enl n k tnnit hkh ets ut the roots of the disLnse ami o res the cruise It iloos not ill ug the pain It eradicates it It stops falling of the i mnb leucorrhta mil iinmation and periodical sulTeiinj ir rciua sianty or panful iiiiiibtruation andb iluin nil this driis nn the hundred ntul one nchis and pains wlilth drain health and beauty hippiness and iunO temper mm man n vomanb life It is the r no itiniily above alt others w liu i e v w in in bhould know nbi ut and use SlO per lmttlo at liny liui store Semi fi r nur free mutinied book The cBzdficld cjulator Co Atlanta Ga o ii ti o o o o FCCORSETS MAKE American beauties FCCORSETS Made in all the newest models and leaders in strictly exclusive designs They have a national reputation for genuine corset worth Send for our illustrated price list KALAMAZOO CORSET CO Sole Maktrt Kalamatoo Mich For salt bv ROLAND eV WILKINSON SHURTZ JENKINS Illinois Central R R ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WINTER TOTJHISTS Tho Illinois Central flealrtM to call attention to tho unuxcollod Burtlcu that is olTored by ita lines to the oouth for tho season of 1S99 1500 c A LI FORN I VIA NEW ORLEANS A Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars FROM Personally oiidnct eel Uuuj iroiiKh to Jj i AuboIus nml Sin triincibco la New Orleans in connection with the Southern li cillo liming Chicago on tliu Controls fust New Orleans cinl connection also made b this train with daily trains out of New Orleans for tho Pacific Const Tho Limited from Ciilcairo otor oveu Iiik connects on Mondays and Thursdis at Nun Orleans after December IH lsyD with tlio SUNSET LIMITED of tho Southern Pacific glvinc special through Eunice to ban Irancioco F LORID VIA NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA THROUGH SERVICE FROM ST LOUIS A Double dnil serv ice is maintnlnod out of St Louis tin tho Illinois Control unit connecting linos to Nflslu illoChnttauoo Ka ami Atlanta thro sleoiuiii car to Juci sonillo Florida bolng carried on tho DIXIE FLYER lonins St Louis every moiling This train as well as tho Du Express loaiug St Louis in tho morning are both solid trains to Naehrillo haiug through coaches mid sleeping cars run ning through Mnrttu Teuii ami tho N C Ac St L It Connection ia IhU lino for all princi pal imints iu the Southeast such as Charleston Wilmington AiLiu aud bataunuli aud for all IKjitits iu Florida TWO SOLID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Daily from Chicago to Memphis aud Now Or leans HOMESKKKERS EXCURSIONS to certain points in tho South on the linos of the Illiuois Central and iAM V railroads will bo run on the first and third Tuesday of each mouth dur iug the wiuter season Full particulars couceruiug all of tho ulxivo cau bo had of ageuts of the Illinois Central or by uddresslug A 11 Liuiuoa U P A Chicuvo i if