The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 25, 1900, Page 9, Image 10

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    Are You Going
to Build
2 No mnttcr whnt House Hani
en Coop anything If you uro
jnst remember tlint wo cnu save
yon money on tho material you
need We hnvo ono of tho best
stock of Lumber in thiH section
ami you can get our price by ask
ing for them X
VenuH lluebner of Pierce is u city vis
Dr Allien of PlaiuviowJ was hero to
see Mr Hnniu
Dr J T McNnlty of Niobram was a
city visitor yesterday
Mr anil Mrs Sloan were city visitors
yesterday from Pierce
Mrs Hydo aud baby returned this
morning from Minneapolis
Mrs I Powers has gono to Omaha to
vit it her daughter Mrs Whitney
Mrs E V Braosch of Tilden was tho
guest of Norfolk friends yesterday
Rudolph Chrischillis is in Tilden put
ting a roof on tho State bank building
P D Correll nnd Frank Holbert of
Plninview were in the city this morn
Will McDonald ono of tho leading
merchants of Meadow Grovo was down
to see Haunn
E A Crum of Creighton enndidato
for congress on tho populist ticket is in
the city greeting his trieuds
S T Skeen who has a position on tho
F E M V road is moving his fam
ily from Plaiuviow to this city
C A Reimers V Mason and Chas
Gates were Pierce people who camo
down on the early train to see Senator
Mrs J W Rose and Mrs 0 B Bur
rows went to Madison yesterday to
spend the day with Mrs T F Mym
Mrs II S Harrison who has been n
guest at the home of Mr aud Mrs J B
Maylard returned to her home in York
Felix Hales C E Burnham J A
DeWolf W S Gunninghnm wifo aud
two soiib and Perry Harris were among
the delegntes from Tilden
Mr and Mrs A F Euos aud son
Mrs W W Young aud Miss Nettie
Dortch were np from Stanton to see
Senator Hanuu Mrs Young went
from here to Wayne to visit friends
R F Beels of Galva 111 is visiting
his brother Captain W G Beels Mr
Beels went with Sherman to the sea and
like most of his comrades is n thorough
republican He thinks Mr Bryan will
carry Illinois about as he did in 1SJ
and says there aro great accessions to
McKinley in the small towns and coun
try although the democrats may have
made some gains in the cities
A sou was born yesterday to Mr nnd
Mrs Wm P Gamon of South Norfolk
Mrs Dr White of Grand Island who
is here on a visit was presented with a
son yesterday morning
A E Campbell brought to The News
office yesterday some fine specimens of
apples raised on his farm west of town
near Battle Creek They were of three
varieties Ben Davis Winesap uml
Geuetin His orchard produced lf0
bushels this year 1 1 bushels being taken
from one tree This is proof positive
that apples can be raised in this part of
Nebraska as well as elsewhere
The Norfolk High School Alumni as
sociation held a business meeting last
night in the high school room The
secretary reported that all expenses of
the association had been met and that
there was n balance of 2ii in the treas
ury Tho followihg officers were
elected for the ensuing year President
Miss Lillian Luikart vice president
1 Ionian Walker secretary and treas
urer Corl Jenkins
R II Day was hero yesterday from
Lincoln looking after business interests
He has secured new territory nnd will
hereafter have his headquarters in Lin
coin Mrs Day and Phylis will there
fore not return to Norfolk They are
now in Blonmfield Iowa and will visit
there until Mr Day has their new home
in readiuess for thpm Mr Day says
he regrets to leave Norfolk very muoh
but is rendy to go where his duty calls
little wedding took place iu the presence
of a few relatives and intimate friends
The contracting parties were Rot 0
W Davidson of Wuusa and Miss Ella
M Senrs of Plaiuview who arrived in
the city on the early morning train
The ceremony waB performed at 8 oclock
by Dr F M Sisson assisted by Rev G
H Main After the ceremony a dainty
repast was served and congratulations
extended Those present and witness
ing the ceremony were Mr and Mrs
Geo W Sears MIsh Minnie Sears sister
of the Jbride p m Sisson and Mrs G
H Main Rev Davidson is pastor of
the M E church at Wausa where they
will make their home
Made a Short but Effective Ad
TliMim Willi lliirimTurn Out to lm
Very Iriilnl SuliMmitlul Mini of AlUil
who Tnlkft or tlm lolll 1c nl Slliiiillon
Prom ii Common SriiMi Stttixl point
From Kritlnyt Daily
If Mark Haunn brought tho notion
with him from the east that was en
tering the cneiny9 country he hud ocu
lar demonstration this morning that
quickly dispelled that idea At every
place he has stopped during the day he
has met with a rousing reception and
by the time he reaches Bryans home
this evening ho will be thoroughly con
vinced that for u pop state Nebraska
gives a mighty warm welcome to tho
chairman of the national republican
Tho Haunn train came into Norfolk at
11 I0 this morning 10 minutes ahead of
schedule time and was greeted by an en-
itiusiUHiic round oi cneers nesuioi
Senator Haunn the party consisted of
Senntor Win B Fryo of Maino and
Victor B Dollivor a brother of Senator
Dolliver of Iowa who was hero with
Roosevelt Tho party was in chnrgo of
Mr R B Sohuoidor national commit
teo man for Nebraska and was nccoin
pnnied by a representative of tho Associ
ate Press and special correspondents of
leading papers
Only Mr Hanna and Mr Dolliver left
tho train hero as they were scheduled
to remain but 15 minutes These gentle
men were escorted by a reception com
mittee to the platform which had been
erected at the corner of Fifth and Main
streets whero a crowd extending a great
distance in overy direction greeted tho
mnn who is charged by tho popocrats
with running the universe to suit him
self and causing the rain to fall or not
as suits his pleasure
While no attempt had been niado by
local republicans to make a demonstra
tion todny thero being no parade or
other spectacular features yet the num
ber of peoplo who camo to hear aud see
Senator Hanna made one of the largest
crowds that has been in the city this
year somo even going so far ns to place
tho estimate of peoplo in town at as high
a figure as wore hero on Roosevelt dny
It is doubtful if this is true but outside
the Roosevelt demonstration no crowd
has equaled the one of today during the
present campaign Tho morning train
from the Verdigro line brought a largo
number of peoplo and tho special from
west nrriviug nt 10 -15 was well filled
Bssides these hundreds of teams kept
bringing people all the forenoon
Instead of a man with horns tho
peoplo saw Mark in Hanna an ordinary
looking business man somewhat stout a
little past middle ago clad in striped
trousers and a daik sack coat Tho face
of Mark Hanna is tho most disappoint
ing feature of the man to those who bad
formed an opinion of him from the pub
lic prints Instead of having tho hard
grasping face that his has been pictured
he is possessed of a most gcuinl counte
nance kindly good natured and respon
sive to the evidences of good will which
greeted him At the close of his ad
dress he was beset on all sides by those
anxious to shake his hand and utilized
every minute of his time to good ad
vantage in that direction using both
hands and shaking as many as his broad
palms could grasp at a time Just be
fore entering the train he stopped mid
shook hands with a bevy of school giris
chatting with them a few moments in n
happy sort of way He seemed to en
joy thiB proceeding as thoroughly ns
did those who greeted him his genial
face lighting up as he renlied tho cordi
ality of the reception tendered him in
Bryans home state
Mayor Robertson introduced the sena
tor in a very brief manner and Mr
Hanna began to speak The following
is an epitome of his remarks
Fellow citizens I feel more than
grateful for the compliment that has
been pnid mo on my visit to this state
I appreciate it all the more fully because
I understand I have been ndvertised to
appear with horns I hope I shall not
be a disappointment but as a matter of
fact I am nothing more than a plain
American citizen i uonr claim to use
different methods than those used by
other American people but will endeav
or to toll nothing but the truth
If my experience with largo busiuess
interests entitles me to form an opinion
on political questions it is that if we
want a continuance of prosperous condi
Last evening at the home of tho I tiou8 wo Bnouiu vote t0 iet well euough
brides brother Geo W Soars a quiet alone
I understand you have a candidate
for president living in this state I
believe he has got it bad so bad that he
would be willing to sacrifice all the ma
terial interests of the peoplo and his
country for the gratification of his per
sonal ambition You aro not called
upon to sacrifice your own interests for
his personal gaiu but should sustain
your interests and that of your country
I doubt if there is a sane man iu the
country who desires a return to the
conditions of four years ago when prices
for farm lauds and produce were only
about half what they are now
That waB a time when the democrats
thought they would show us how to run
tho country anil they did show us iiiom
elVecthely They began by tiaring
down the structutes that the republicans
had labeled for years to build but I
dont believe tho people are willing now
to unite with any man or set of men or
party In tearing down what has been
accomplished in the last four years
Who is better fitted than our own
beloved president to see that present
conditions are maintained
What wo want is sound conservative
business policies Capital is always
timid and is constantly on tho watch
for any sign of danger when it will
retire to the ban It vaults and stockings
When money is idle men am idle Con
fidence underlies all business activity
When peoplo have confidence in the
future and no disturbing inlluences ap
pear on tho business horizon then capi
tal is employed and labor is employed
and when capital aud labor are em
ployed thete is a demand for farm prod
ucts and the prices are better Nothing
cau better illustrate the bond between
tho capitalist tho laborer and the
farmer aud no sign of prosperity Is as
conclusive as the consumption of wheat
per capita Four years ago the average
amount of whent consumed per capita
by the people cf the United States was
IP j bushels During the years from
18117 to and including IHIMI when the
wheels of industry were turning when
all wanting work got it when capital
and labor were busy tho per capita con
sumption of wheat was P bushels It
shows the dillereiice between good and
bad times that this extra consumption
of wheat gave an increased demand in
the markets for wheat of more than
lOOOOOOOO bushels per annum You
cannot separate the interests of the
consumer nnd the producer and Mr
Bryans endeavor to array class against
clnss is an argument of last resort that
shows their desperation Tho argument
of imperialism is all rot an insult to
Aniericnn citizens whoso hearts contain
no imperialistic tendencies and McKinley
lias no intention or desire of being
crowned king It is less ellective than
the argnment for free coinage and a fid
cent dollar made in IblKi
A voice Did you ever boo ii W cent
Yes hero is ono holding it np but
wo will not talk free silver It is a
dead issue It isnt being discussed by
any of tho democratic speakers not oven
by Mr Bryan especially in New York
As lor imperialism its seed has not yet
been planted in tho heart of an Ameri
can citizen aud this argument falls by
its own weight As soon as Mr Bryan
found that the people not excepting the
people of Nebraska favored expansion
ho begnn talking imperialism out it
dont go down
Thero is n pntriotic side to that ques
tion As a sequence to the war with Spain
and Deweys victory in tho Phillipino
nrchipelego that country has come into
our possession by every right of treaty
and purchase Tho soldiers have
planted tho American Hag on those
islands and it will not bo hauled down
nnd tho man whoadvocates hauling it
down will be snowed under by the votes
of patriotic American citizens
Lately they have been terming it
commercialism that rules the desire of
tho Philippines
If tho possession of tlint strategic
point givesthe peoplo of this country a
foothold toward opening the doors of
tho far east to our products 1 thus
benefits our farmers then for Gods
sake let ns have commercialism
Tho democrats wont admit that there
is any prosperity and dont want McKin
ley prosperity but we will make them
take it whethor thoy want it or not
The leaders in the campaigns furnish
the issues Tho democratic leaders
seem to believe that if they cnujoriginate
a catch penny issuo to distract tho at
tention of the voters they think it is a
good thing but the voter will not be
It seemed to be a great disappointment
to the crowd when tho engine of the
specinl whiBtled and Mr Hanna hur
riedly closed his remarks Many were
heard to wish that he could talk an hour
or more Those who camo not expect
ing to hear a good address were most
thoroughly disappointed Tho senator
proved a most pleasing speaker nnd his
remarks went straight home
Fret of Cliarui
Any adult suffering from a cold
settled on the breast bronchitis throat
or lung troubles of any nature who will
call at A K Loonnrdswill be presented
with n sample bottle of Boscheos
Gormau Syrup free of charge Only
one bottle given to one person and none
to ejiildron without order from parents
No throat or lung remedy ever had
such a sale as Boscheos German Syrup
in all parts of the civilized world
Twenty years ago milliona of bottles
were given away aud your druggist
will tell you its success was marvelous
It is really the only throat and lung
remedy generally endorsed by physi
cians One 75 cent bottle will cure or
prove its value Sold by dealers in all
civilized countries
A Mouutulu Tourist
In search of grand nnd beautiful
scenery finds Buch a profusion of riches
in Colorado that before planning a trip
it will bo well for yon to gain all the in
formation possible The Denver Rio
Grande railroad publishes a serieB of
useful illustrated pamphletB nil of which
may be obtained by writing S K
Hooper General Passenger and Ticket
Agent Denver Colo
P F Mohr of lu ice was a city
itir over night
E 15 llulstead a Poncn banker
a city visitor yesterday
Miss Bertha Howe went to Madison
today to spend Sunday
Pol 1 15 Simpson went to Niobiara
this afternoon on business
Mrs V II Patskill and two ehlldicit
of Pierco were city visitors this morn
Miss luella Homy of tho Journal
has returntd fiom a months visit iu
F Jcger of Oakland has puichascd
the Hon Ton ic tuuiunt and took pos
session yesteiday
The Pleasant Hour club of South Nor
folk had another enjoyable dance Iu
Railway hall last evening
Hon Geo 1 Mclklt John assistant
secretary of war will speak iu tho Nor
folk Auditorium on the Mist
Miss Phut lot to White ex county
superintendent of Wayno county was
tint guest of Norfolk friends last night
Joseph Johnson and wife who have
been visiting his hi other A J Johnson
left this noon for Verdigie to visit u
Han Murphy was in the city yester
day from Omaha He was tint engineer
of the special that brought Chairman
Hay Kvans drove down from Meadow
Srove last evening and returned home
this morning accompanied by his sister
Miss Anna
Mrs J C Waterman who has been
visiting her sister Mrs P J Stock
well returned to her home in Council
Bluffs today
Willard Kriukio has resigned his posi
tion as clerk at the Fair store and de
parted this morning with his mother for
Mankato Minn
The item that Mrs C B Holahan
had returned home which appeared last
evening was an error She will not re
turn for a month
Dr I E Scobee osteopathist has
moved his office to tho rooms in tho
Robertson block formerly occupied by
Drs Pluett and Coons
Mrs J G Troutman ontertninud a
company of ladies at tea last evening
complimentary to her sister Mrr P J
Collins of St Louis Mo
Theobald brothers dry goods men of
Wayne passed through Norfolk yester
day enrouto homo from tho Yellowstone
park where they have spent the past CO
Wm Buckondnrf who is sick with
typhoid fever at a hospital in St Paul
Minn ib reported very much better and
his father expects to return the first of
tho week
John Krantz is making substantial
improvements to his homo on South
Ninth street principal of which is tho
addition of a commodious kitchen The
building is also being repainted
Mrs W B Fisher and childien left
todnyfor Red Oak Iowa where they
will make their future home G E
Moore and family of Narka Kansas
are moving into the house on North
Tenth street vacated by Mrs Fisher
Miss Clnra Bruggemann was 15 years
of age today and last evening was
very agreeably surprised by a company
of young friends The time was pleas
antly spent in playing games and other
enjoyments Nice refreshments were
served during tho evoning
The train out of York yesterday was
polled a gentleman on the train giving
the result as followfl For McKinley
15 Bryan Hi Wooley -1
2 The train was loaded with
people returning from a state meeting
and were from all ports of tho Btnto
The Meadow Grove Press contains an
item concerning Roll Lewis short cut to
wealth Hotookh eo had f cattle
belonging to S W Deuel and sold them
to the Mendow Grovo butcher Ho
aftorward changed hiB mind returned
the money to tho butcher nnd drove tho
animals back home Ho then disposed
of them to some men driving a lunl
of cattle through Mr Deuel discov
ered tho theft andwentjto Lewis
ing him to return the cattle iu i1 hours
When ho bronght the cattle kick Sheriff
Losey nnd County Attorney Tyler were
awaiting him nnd ho was arrested and
taken to Madisou for trial
The Norfolk delegation to tho grand
lodge I O O F consisting of O F
W Marquardt Geo N IJeela aud H L
Spauldiig and Mrs O F W Mar
quardt representing tho Rebekah lodge
returned from York yesterday They
report a well attended and pleasant
meeting nudcordial entertainment by
tho peoplo of York Goo N Beels was
elected assistant historian of the Past
Grand Masters association while Pas
Grands Maiquordt and Spanldiug dis
tiuguished themselves as veteran
workers on the floor The endowment
fund for the Odd FellowB home was
increased from 0OO to over 2500 dur
ing the year with about 3000 iu
pledges not paid in An other inter
esting item in connection with official
reports was that 3000000 had been ex
pended for relief by tho order last year
throughout the supreme jurisdiction
P O Johnson of Holtnesville was
elected grand master O A Randall of
Newman Grove deputy grand master
i -
OU remember the old lady who rode for the first
time on a railway train There was a frightful
collision but when the rescuers reached her
she was quite calm She said she supposed
they always stopped that way The story well illus
trates why so many women arc satisfied to live without
Ivory Soap They have never tried it I Naturally
enough they think that annoying odors sharp chemi
cals and wasteful grcasincss are common to all soaps
N V Harlan of York grand warden
I P Gage ot Fremont grand secretary
F B Bryant of Omaha grand treas
urer I W Nornsof Beaver Crossing
and O O Snyder of ONeill grand rep
lroHitit lor ItipiilillniiilMiii KnriiiiiiiK
hiK at niciiiliiu fn
Encouraging news of a political na
ture from a republican standpoint was
brought down yesterday from Meadow
Grove which was formerly quite strong
ly populistic by tho delegation from
that place There have been about Jit
changes from llryan to McKinley in
that neighborhood while not oiiecliange
the other way is known The republi
cans huvo a standing llur of I each to
men in that neighborhood who will
make affidavit that they voted for
McKinley in lSllC and will vote for
Bryan this fall hut not one has been
W P Evans publisher of the
Meadow Grove Press has come out for
McKinley and is a member of the re
publican club Ho is the son of C S
Evans publisher of tho Times Tribune
One of the delegates who has been a
democrat all hs life yentcrday bet 10
to 1 that McKinley would bo elected
and the gentleman who took his bet
said he didnt want any more even at
those odds
Meatlow Grove is a fanning
community and tiiis shows the trend ot
sentiment among that class of people
It is asserted that there aro not more
than six fusionists iu the village
Allien llruiKllf ln Jim Vaill11
Never has a more wholesome play
more intelligently acted come to this
city than Chas W bases dramatiza
tion of Quo Vadis which will be pre
sented by Aiden Benedicts capable
company at the Auditorium on Tuesday
October JSOth Necessarily many of the
strongest portions of the book had to be
slighted by tho adapter for tho entire
novel of seven hundred pages cannot bo
crowded into a htage performance of
two and a half hours To the lasting
credit of Mr Chase however he it said
that in his six act version ho has not
lost sight for a single instant of the
religious sentiment Always conspicu
ous iu the book it is pre eminent iu the
play And all lovers of uplifting drama
uro thankful for this foresight It
makes Quo Vadis a play which no
body can see without being decidedly
the better for it It is not strange that
clergymen in all sections of the land
have bestowed upon it their unqualified
endorsement Every member of the
cast is iu true syinpnthy with tho piece
Nothing ran illustrate this moro con
vincingly than the respectful attention
given by tho gallery habitues who
might reasonably bo expected to exhibit
marked restlessness during six acts of
such a production in which comedy is
almost an unknown quantity and glar
ing sensationalism has no plnce Each
role is taken care of worthily
The play is of interest not only to
those who hnvo read Sienkiewiczs
wonderful Btory from which it has been
dramatized for it has been so arranged
that auybody cnu follow its trend under
standingly throughout Its scenery
aud stage settings are beautiful and ap
propriate and the costumes correspond
faithfully with the period Everywhere
people attend this performance who
seldom enter a playhouse and none have
been heard of who have regretted beiug
present We predict for the company
in this city one of the mon successful
engagements of the season
The Retort Oak hab the only positive
check known in stove construction
The control of fire is absolute Ham
street will answer all inquiries
Iiuiim Hi ImiiiiI Nult A liiMiintx
OIKI uml Sxviiul IViikiiin Mum
or tri liijini il
IMUiel Neb Oct -Ii A duiigcroiiH
flic Salimliiy night alarmed the till
zciih or Hie town who feared the entire
city was about to be wiped out The
Hie was gotten under control however
lifter a whole half block had been
burned ami a loss of about iOOUO
An unknown mnn was arrested on
The lire started nt 7 oclock In the
evening In Chris Hansens harness
t shop It Hptend inpldly and before tho
flames eoiild be subdued the lHik
hotel Al S Ilnughcrlys hardware
store fiilliiglicr Meltrldes huIooii
Seh wnbln nils pool hall Bowlings Im
plement building and a number of
smaller IniJldlimH were iu ashen
ICail Scott Hiincrcil a fiaeitiied rib
A number of people were slightly
burned ami others were overcome by
heat hut none of these wen seriously
City iiiinill
The city council mot in tegular ses
sion last evening with Mayor Robertson
and Coiiueilmen Bruinmuiid Beck
Dcgnnr Grant Spcllmaii and Uhlo
present Absent Bullock and Ifeck
iijii i
Minutes of the regular meeting of
October I were read and approved
Committteo on nuisances reported
that complaint had been made about so
much hay being stuck d inside tho
Moved by Briinimund and seconded
by Uhlo that a special committee of
three be appointed to confer with tho
Electric Light and Power company in
reference to contract for electric light
ing and report at next mooting Car
ricd Tho mayor appointed as such
committee Messrs Bruminund Beck
ami Spollman
Mr Spollman culled attention to tho
fact that most of the sidewalks ordered
on South Fourth street had leen laid
but somo had not and tho residents
wished to know what could bo dono in
the matter Referred to tho street
Council adjourned
WAMiiNcnov I O Genessoe Pure
Food Co Lo RoyN V Gentlemen
Our family realize so much from tho
use of Grain O that I feel I must say a
word to induce others to use it If
people aro intertsted iu their health and
the welfare of their children they will
use no other beverage I have used
them nil hut Grain O I have found
superior to any for the reason that it is
solid grain Yours for health
O F Mvkks
to tmi
Is that traversed try the
Orcat Ccntrrl Southern Trunk Lino
in Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mis
sissippi Florida where there are splen
did cuanceB for everybody to make
Come and see for yourselves
Half Fake Excursions First and
Third Tuesdays ok Every Month
Printed matter maps and all informa
tion free Address
General Immigration and Industrie
Ageut LoufeYiLLK Ky