The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 18, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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1 4
Rpe You Going
I to Build l
Nomnttor what House Barn
Granary CoriiCribPigpeiiChick
en Coop nnythiiiK If you are
just remember that wo can save
you money on tho material yon
nofwt V liivvn mm nf tliu best
2 stocks of Lumber in this section
and you can get our prices by ask
T ing for them
Miss Alvina Dolfs of Pilgor was n city
visitor yesterday
A son was born yesterday to Mr and
Mrs J B Herman
Mr and Mrs Jnhii of Pierce were
city visitors yesterday
Mr nnd Mrs W 15 Sutherland of
Omaha nro guests of Mrs McKlm
A McKinley club has been organized
nt Hoskius with n membership of lit
Miss Nellie Gerecke 1ms gone to Ban
croft for a weeks visit with friends
Mrs David Baum entertained a com
pany of ladies today at a 1 oclock lunch
Mrs L R Pritchard of Meadow
Grovo ii visiting with Mrs Clms
Mr and Mrs II J Ciulfield returned
from Sioux Falls S D yesterday
A J Darland was a passenger for
Ewing last night where ho goes on a
business trip
T E Moolick of South Norfolk de
parted yesterday for Portland Oregon
on a business trip
Mrs C 15 Evans who has beeu visit
ing here returned to Meadow Grovo
Wednesday evening
C E Hartford returned last night
from Lincoln where ho attended the
grand lodge Knights of Pythias
Burt Mapes has returned from Omaha
where he went to attend a meeting of
the republican date central committee
A C Ridgeway tho new pension ex
aminer for this district has arrived in
Norfolk and taken charge of the work
Mrs Mable Bartlett who has been
visiting with Mrs Chns Rudat departed
this morning for her home in St Paul
this state
Superintendent D C OConnor is in
Lincoln attending a state educational
meeting at which he is on the program
for a paper
Superintendent C II Reynolds went
to Ainsworth last night to bo present at
the preliminary hearing of his assailant
Robert Rose
The city council of Madison has ad
vertised for bids for the erection of an
electric lighting plaut in thnt city the
bids to be opened October Jl
Miss Keating matron at the hospital
for the insane has been enjoying a
visit from her sister who returned to
her home in Columbus yesterday
Tas Nichols of Madison was honored
at Lincoln the other day by being elected
to the otileo of grand prelate by the
grand lodge Knights of Pythias
Leslie Leavitt who has been visiting
his parents here left yesterday for West
Point where he will visit his brother
Fred a few days before returning to his
home in Chicago
Rev P P Wigton was in the city
this morning on his way home to Os
mond from Central City whore ho had
been attending the Nebraska synod of
the Presbyterian church
Helen Gouger the Indiana orator
was a guest at tho Oxuard over night
She spoke at Battle Creek yesterday
will speak at Plainview this afternoon
and at Creighton tonight
Mrs Buckeudorf received a telegram
from her husband last evening announc
ing that while their sou William is
very sick his life is not endangered
He is sick in a hospital at Shell Luke
Chns Kuapp a stockman from Ewing
has arrived in Norfolk to make this his
home Ho will occupy the cottage on
the Heights recently vacated by Mr and
Mrs Williams which lie has pur
Local republicans are endeavoring to
ariange for excursion rates to Madison
next Tuesday on account of the Raukiu
rally If the rates are secured it iB
hoped that a large number will attend
from this city It will be a flno oppor
tunity for a half days outing
Fr Hoehne who has been runuing a
jewelry business in Koeuigsteins drug
store expeots to leave Monday for
Omaha and make that city his home in
fntnre G F McCormiok will move
into the cottage vacated by him corner
of Ninth street and Madison avenue
Madison Chronicle County Super
intendent Cram reports schools he has
visited to be in excellent shape aud that
there is more uuifonnity in the method
used especially in the primary depart
ment The method is the one Miss
Williams of Norfolk used in the insti
Governor Wm A Poynter and Hon
T J Nolan of Omaha will address the
people of Norfolk tomorrow on the
iril issues of the day from n fusion
standpoint Tho meetings will bo held
in tho Auditorium ore nt oclock in
the afternoon aud the other at 8 in tho
Do not forgot tho Rankin rally at
Madison next Tuesday afternoon Tho
speaker is said to bo one of tho best be
ing sent into tho state and all who can
should go down and hear him Tho
Madison folks are preparing for a lively
demonstration and nro certain to have it
weather permitting
Mrs A J Durland nnd Mrs 0 11
Reynolds nio ixpeeted home this even
ing from Lincoln wheto thoy have been
attending thostnto federation of womans
clubs Mrs Durland was on yesterdays
program for n paper How may wo
interest women in this practical Houo
hold Keonoiuio department of club
Mndison Chronicle Dr Robot t D
Johnson of Norfolk a graduate of the
Rush Medical college 1ms decided to
locato in Mndison to practice medicine
Ho has leased tho building occupied by
Getters confectionery for an olllco and
will take possession soon Ho is a
brother of W H Johnson of the Norfolk
dry goods house
A choicer variety of fall weather
could not bo asked for than that being
enjoyed by tho people of this vicinity
during tho past few weeks It is sim
ply perfect It haB not been many Octo
bers since a well developed blizzard
swept down from tho north about this
time of tho mouth and winter stayed
snugly until tho next Bpriug
It is understood that Siginuud Fuesler
has purchased a building in Oklahoma
City O T and will engage in tho
grocery business there Mrs Fuesler is
packing her household goods and will
soon join him in that city with tho
children Tho Fuesler family haB a
large number of friends in Norfolk who
will bo sorry to have them leave tho city
Prof J A Boyce ot Nebraska City
chairman of tho populist state central
committee will address tho people of
Norfolk on tho political issues of tho
day next Wednesday evening October
lth The speaking will bo from the
Roosevelt stand corner Fourth and
Main streets if the weather permitB if
not the meeting will be held in tho Dur
land opeia house
The first meeting of the West Side
Whist club held Inst evening at tho homo
of Mr nnd Mis 15 P Weathcrby was
veryjnuch of n success there being a
large attendance of mombers The
club has adopted tho plan of meeting
at 0 iO when supper will lie served and
games at whist will follow Tho earlier
hour of meeting admits of members
returning to their homes in better
sensou and also admits of as much
amusement as uuder the old plan when
they assembled later
The Will or tli IVupln
Noufolk Oct 10 It is all bosh for
tho democratic parry to lay the growth
of trusts and monopolies at tho door of
tho republicans Tho growth of trusts
aud monopolies is rather a condition
brought about by the growth and quick
settlement of tho great American do
main Every intelligent voter let him
be republican or democrat appreciates
the fact that monopolies or trusts di
rected against the interest of tho masses
are injurious to the welfare of republi
can institutions The underlying foun
dation of monopolies aud Jthe cause of
their existence are the railroads and as
lone as they nro permitted to extend
special favors to the few and not to all
just so long will tho interests of a few
le furthered agiinst the ninsses Many
instnnces mny be cited On every baud
wo find those favors but the question
arises is the country today in a condi
tion to turn the railroads over to the
national governmentand run them upon
absolute nbBtract principles and the
thinker and reasoner must come to the
conclusion thnt wo nro not yet ready
for that While we in a gi eat measure
enjoy great nntionnl prosperity yet
many sections in our national domain
remain yet undeveloped Private capi
tal is needed for development nnd
everything thnt is great and good and
beneficial to tho development of man
kind has its origiu from selfish motives
and those opportunities ought not to be
abolished yet that in timo should be
I have ample confidence in American
patriotism and American manhood thnt
when tho time is ripe to subdue trusts
that American voters will be nble to
handle that questiou satisfactorily and
when thattime comes I would rather
look to such men as our president Wm
McKinley than to the theorist Bryan I
would rather look to the great intrepid
Americau Roosevelt than to Boss
Croker I will rather look to the sea
soned men from the northern states than
the emotional aud hot heads from
southern climes At all times with
the ballots in their hands tho Americau
freemen have nothing to fear from the
future It was only a short time ago
when the American voter made up his
mind that the Louisiana lottery was a
nuisance and had to go and it went
Refused the benefits of mail and express
it was doomed There is uothiug
greater in tho country thau the will of
tho people M
The Retort Oak has the only positive
check kuown in stove construction
The control of fire is absolute Ham
Btreet will anBwer all inquiries
Governor Poynter and T J
Nolan Speak
lli Hpiiildtit Artl In tlii City from
MihIIkihi tin the Noun Tnilii Ixccirttil to
tli ii Auditorium liy tliu lliinil Mum
SpiiiUIng Tonight
llimi HMtiNlnjti DiilK
Tills is fusion day in Norfolk and quite
a number of people are In town to at
tend tho demonstration Tho crowd iB
not so largo nor tho enthusiasm so
miuked as that of Roosevelt day but
this may bo accounted for by tho fact
that tho speakers do not pretend to so
largo a reputation in national polities us
Roosevelt nevertheless Norfolk demon
strated that it was willing to extend tho
courtesies of the occasion to the visitors
Tho streets were swept clean of rublndi
this morning at an enrly hour nnd Hags
wore Hung out from tho business houses
Tho bnnner Welcome to Norfolk was
stretched across tho street nnd tho city
generally given quite a holiday appear
ance Tho went hor was nil that could
bo desired with tho exception of a rather
disngrecnblo wind blowing from tho
Governor Poynter T J Nolan nnd
other members of tho governors party
arrived from Madison on tho noon train
nnd wore escorted to tho hotel where
thoy received visits from ninny of the
locnl politicians They afterward Wont
about tho city meeting many of tho
business men
Shortly before i oclock tho crowd
was assembled by tho baud which
marched from tho east end of Main
street to tho Bryan club headquarters
where tho club foimetl in lino nnd pro
coded tho band to the Auditorium
Tho speaking is being held in the
Auditorium this afternoon tho stage
having been decorated with Hags for tho
occasion Tho building was well filled
at 1 oclo3k tho hour set for tho speak
ing by pcoplo of all political parties and
as Tin Niws goes to press the speaking
is still in progress Owing to the late
hour tins paper cannot hope to review
the addresses
Another meeting will bo hold in tho
Auditorium this evening at S oclock
when a good attendance is looked for
Rev S F Sharpless will preach in
the Presbyterian church on Sabbath at
tho usual hour
Martin Hoagland one of Colfax
countys prosperous farmers was n
Norfolk visitor yesterduy
A new son hns been received at the
home of Mr and Mrs Frank Lamoor
who live south of tho Junction
Mr and Mrs Iauch of Bazile Millsaro
in tho city to meet her mother and
sister from Wisconsin who nro coming
to visit them
Miss Pearl Mackey of Stanton came
iu from Sioux City last evening nnd is a
guest at tho homo of Mr and Mrs 15
P Weatherly
Mrs E P Weatherby and Mrs 7
Shoomakor leave tomorrow for Des
Moines Iowa where thoy will visit
relatives a few weeks
Rev Carl Siegler will bo installed as
pastor of the German Lutheran church
at Stanton tomorrow and a number will
go down from Norfolk to be present at
the ceremonies
Miss Clara Moldeuhauer was 15 years
of age yesterday nnd last evening about
10 friends surprised her spending a few
hours most eujoyably and wishing her
many happy returns of tho day
Mrs J W Humphrey and son
Graham left on the noon train for Lin
coln where they expect to spend the
next three mouths as that city will be
Mr Humphreys headquarters during
that time
Tho M Q M club composed of young
Indies held its first anniversary meet
ing in Orrs hall last night tho evening
being very pleasnntly spent Refresh
ments wero served and other enjoy
ments went to round out tho occasion
most thoroughly
Tho funeral services over tho remains
of the late August Neitzke will be held
from Christ Lutheran church tomorrow
afternoon at 2 oclock Rev J P Mueller
officiating There is likely to be a large
attendance at the services as Mr
Neitzke was an old aud well known
resident of this vicinity
Judge Guy J Graves of tho Eighth
district held a term of court at Niobrara
Thursday to decide on tho merits of the
receut election to remove the county
seut of Knox county The court held
that the election had beeu illegally
called An appeal will bo taken from
the decision to the supremo court
Meadow Grove Press A republican
club orgauized last Monday night with
78 members S A McKay was elected
presideut of tho clnb and Wm McDon
aid secretary Tho club will meet every
Monday evening in Beechs hall I G
Alyea informs us that he will have 100
names on the list by next meeting night
Senator Marcus A Hannn will make
24 addresses in Nebraska October 19 and
20 Norfolk is to le favored with one
of these the chairman arriving in the
city at 1120 n in next Friday The
senators Itinerary ia likely to prove
scarcely loss popular than that of Thro
doro llooMxolt who bus not boon quite
ns widely adveitised by his polltionl
enemies as has Mr 1 huum
Tiir Ni us bns been faoicd with a
route list of limes baud Ho begins his
fall tour with a performance ill tho
Americau academy of inusio at 1ltila
delphia on October it Ho has 12 dates
In Nebraska four of which nro in
Omaha Ho gives n matinee in York
oil tho afternoon of November 2l and Is
to bo iu Norfolk on tho evening of that
day Kioto heio ho goes to Grand Is
Hooper Sentinel One of tho slickest
swindling schemes wo have heard of is
a sot of men going through ihc couutiy
with blanks similar to those of tho cen
sus taker with a claim to want some ad
ditional inloiniation At tho lower end
of tlie paper is a blnrh space under
which the fanner is icquticd to sign
This blank pint Is cut oil and a nice
neat promissory note is printed in tilled
out iu ink and sold it tho ueaiest bank
Dakota tlty I5igIo Some farmers at
this early date have protected their corn
Holds from lire by plowing fireguards
around them and others might provide
against loss by doing likewise While
cornfields weio generally fieo from
weeds and grass in July when the final
plowing was given tho late heavy rains
caused wild vegetation to spring up us
it seldom does thus Into in tho season
aud tho consequence is u heavy growth
mostly fox tail When this becomes
dry fire will run over tho fields if once
started as readily as over prairies
Tho jury for tho November term of
court was drawn at Mndison this morn
ing nnd will bo summoned to appear be
foro the court on TuosdnyNovoinlor20
at II a in Tho following wero tho
names drawn Theodore Holt Chas
Crook C F Kisoloy Herman Frieko jr
W B Kueist W J Gow J H Hard
ing R Hinman Frank Worst M L
Howard Henry Jncobson August Kami
Sam Kent jr 3 W Leo Chns Lodge
Nicholas Lund John Mahouey C F
W Mnrquurdt Frank Mullley Owen
ONeill F II Soctt F Uoikerinan I
G Westervelt and John Wcstorvolt
11 r mill 11 rn S F MiiuiIphh fuloliriilii
Thi lr I unit y 1lfili Ainilrniy
From MiimlniH Dully
Mr and Mrs S F Sharpless very en
joy ably celebrated their 25th or silver
wedding unniversnry Sntnrdny evening
at their homo on West Norfolk uvenuo
They wero nssisted in observing tho
event by a huge company of relatives
nnd friends who enjoyed tho evening
most thoroughly Tho worthy and re
spected host nnd hostess wero the recip
ients of many beautiful and useful pres
ents that will Fervo to refresh their
memories concerning a pleasant event
during tho years to como The gifts
were Bcnrcely Icsb acceptable however
than tho sinciro wishes of their guests
for many happy returns of the day
During the evening dainty refreshments
wore served
Samuel Froomo Sharpless and Mar
garet Ella Reckard wero united in mar
riage at Mariotta Ohio October ll
I87i They went to Cincinnation their
wedding trip and then to Orawfords
villo Iuil where they made their home
occupying rooms in a doublo dwelling
tho other portion of which was occu
pied by Mr and Mrs George Reckard
It is one of tho happy coincidents of
life that Mr and Mrs Reckard are a
quarter of century later their next door
neighbors in Norfolk
At the time of their marriage Mr
Sharpless was a minister of the Presby
terian denomination ami served several
charges throughout tho middlo west
beforo removing to Nebraska Ho is
now pastor nt largo of the Niobrara
V W HrHiicrli liitM tlie Contract tor Fur
iiInIiIiiK IohI to the Srlioolw
An ndjoumed meeting of the board of
education was held last evening and
bids for furnishing coal were opened
nnd read
W Braasch oHored to furnish Rock
Springs lump at 7Ji a ton Rock
Springs nut at r0 Rock Springs
slack nt 1 85 Glen Rock lump at 4 75
Hocking Valley lump at ft 10 Canon
City lump at UttA Illinois lump at
fri 10 Lost Creek Iowa nut at Utf and
Walnut block nt 175
H 15 Hardys bid was as follows
Rock Springs lump 508 Rock Springs
nut 5i Rock Springs slack f lOl
Hanna lump 578 Hanim nut fAai
Hoc king Valley lump fli28 Illinois
lump at 5 03
The bid of C W Bniasch was no
cepted the weighing to be done ou the
Salter scales
The salary of S T Adams janitor at
the Lincoln school was fixed at flit n
mouth while eight roomB nro occupied
by schools
Goshen 111 Gen esse Pure Food Co
LeJRoy N Y Dear Sirs Boino days
siuce a package of yourrain 0 prob
ation was left at my ollico I took it
home aud gave it a trial aud 1 have to
say I was very much pirated with it m a
substitute for coffee We hare alwajB
used the best Java and Mocha in our
family but I am tree to say I like tho
Grain 0 as well as the lies coffee I ever
drank Respect fully your
A O Jackios M D
fcW yT a depends utpon what you want in a soap
j If you require simply a dirt remover almost
any soap will do but if you care at all about
the thinp which is to be washed you must
think twice before you act Any soap will clean linens
and muslins but Ivory Soap leaves them as white as
snow Any soap will clean sheets and table cloths but
Ivory Soap leaves no coarse strong odor Try it once J
rrrmiAH f ttt mkim mii m riniH
lames Diincun of Tildon is the guest
of Norfolk friends
Judge Valentino of West Point spout
Sunday in Norfolk
Burt Mapes was u passenger for
Omaha this morning
Mayor W M Itohcrtsou was u pas
senger for Lincoln today
Knox Tipple wasiu town Saturday to
hear Governor Poynter talk
Mrs Win Khweit forger went to
ing last night to visit friends
Col 15 II Tracy returned yesterday
from u business trip o Neligh
The Black l at club mot with Miss
Mny Diirluiid Saturday evening
Superintendent C II Reynolds went
to Omaha this morning ou busimss
Mrs Walter Wiber of Wayno was a
guest of Mrs Robert Utter Saturday
The music stinloiits club will meet
with Mis Buoholz Tuesday evening at
H oclock
Mr and Mrs S K Long are now
nicely settelvd in their new homo ou
South Fourth stieet
The young son of I5mil Koehn who
bus lately recovered fiom a severe attack
of appendicitis is again quite sick
Tho early Hour club will hold its first
dance of tho season in Masts hall to
night and a good time is anticipated
A J Durland went to Knox county
today to superintend tho threshing ot
his flax crop which begins tomorrow
Tho ladies guild of Trinity church is
preparing to hold a sale of useful and
ornamental articles in tho near future
A company nf young lads nnd lasses
met with Miss Helen Bridge Saturday
evening and organized a dub which is
to meet once a week
Upon the invitation of Miss I51iabeth
Sharpless a company of 15 young ladies
will go out serenading tonight and after
ward will lunch with their young
Gordon Journal Ida Fritz is able to
lie out again after a prolonged attack of
typhoid fever Her sister Clara is still
quite sick but is reported some better at
this writing
Mark Hannn is to visit Norfolk at
1 1 20 a iu next Friday Those who
wish to see tho distinguished chairman
of tho republican national committee
should not forget the day and hour he
will bo hero
Republicans should bear in mind that
a mass convention will lie held at the
city hall this evening to place in noini
nation n precinct ticket It is impor
tant that this bo attended to tonight as
it is tho last evening allowed by law for
making such nominations
Tho joint meetiug of the republican
club and the traveling mens McKinley
Roosevelt club was adjourned Saturday
evening to Imi held in two weeks and
those present repaired to the Audi
torium to hear the fusion addresses
Regret was expressed that no one linil
thought of tho fusion demonstration
when tho meeting was called for Satur
day evening
Tho Union Pacific railroad has granted
a rate of one and one third fare to and
from Madison tomorrow for the uccom
mediation of those who wish to attcid
the Rankin rally tomorrow afternoon
This will afford a splendid opportunity
for Norfolk people to visit Mndison
enjoy a half days outing or vinit and at
the sniiio tune hour u gootl political ad
dress and see a demonstration
Tho I O O F delegation from Nor
folk to tho grand lodge session at York
this week is composed ot Ir l
Murquuidt and wife H L Spautditig
and Geo N Heels The session lastn
from Tuesday until Fnduy The moft
important businc on is the ccusiili
turn of a revisi d constitution for giuuil
nnd sulxirilinato lodges and the prelim
inary stops for uu Odd Follows homo
A fellow with lusty lungs aud uiiioli
blull has lieeuarouud town otVerlug to
bet that Mr Biyan would carry Ne
braska by I7MHI majority It shoiiih
that he did not really waul to bet Ills
game being merely one of blutf for
when hts bet has been called ho has as
gracefully as possible hacked wator anil
withdrawn Ins oiler A person may
oiler to bet millions but not bet u cent
Ir Itoberl Johnson departed this
morning lor Madison with a wagon
load of ollico luruiture where he will
practice bis profession Mr JiiIiiihou is
a graduate ol Itush Medic il college be
sides possessing a blight mind and being
a very courteous ami obliging gentle
man lie has hostsof friends In Not folk
who expect to hear that ho has eilteicd
upon it cry successful euieei III his
ellOHOU culling
The limits to which some advertisers
will go have not yet been dellnod and
the lurtlior they go tho Inttor results
they appear to have The I low Clothing
company ot Sioux City is employing a
met boil that cuiiint fail to bo popular
With every 1 1 purchase thai company
giics a ticket good tor cue oh nice ou a
fiiooo Sioux City property known as
ll e John Pit rco home Tlie person who
holds the lutky ticket will ceitniuly
haw a fortune
J C Jenkins one of tho leidiug io
publicans ol Antelope county elphoues
from Neligh that there will be a delega
non of CO to 2H from Neligh Oakdalo
and Tildeu to attend the I latum demon
stration next Friday pruwding them
are arrangements made foi a special
tram to bring them down us tho regular
passenger will arrive too late He ug
gests that tho hjhimii start ft out ONeill
An ellort will undoubtedly li iniwlo to
comply with the wishes of tho niplibll
ems to the west of Norfolk
Irr of rimrtje
Any adult sulleiiiig troiii it cold
settled on tho brenst bioneliitis throat
or lung trdiihlc of any nature who will
call at A K LeonardMwill lie prvneiited
with a snmplo iKitlln of Bocheos
lernian Srup free of i hiugn Only
one bottle given to one tmiii and none
to children without order from parents
No throat or luiik temedy ever hail
such n sale iih HtiHheeh German Syrup
in nil parts of the civilized world
Twenty yearn ago miliums of lottlni
wero given away and your drnggUt
will toll you lis succihs was marvelous
It is really tho only throat and lung
remedy generally endorsed by phy
cians One cent Isittlo will cure or
prove its value Sold by doilet III all
enillei ciiuntlicH
io ritii
I lint troernd t III
tlifit Ctnlrrl oulhtfn Trunk lln
in Kentucky Tcnuesee Ahtlniiun MU
sissippi Florida where there aro nplrn
did chances for everybody to uiuko
Come and see for youmdven
Hmv Faiii Kxitkmonh Fihut xnu
Printed matter map and all informa
tion fn e Addiesc
General Immigration and IndnHrU
Agent lAHUVIIXic nY