The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 18, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Ab lennln wtilktil ilown tlio corridor
riio hiiw iniiriJ ninl more ovliltiico of lliu
convulsion Tlin thick Iron IhhiiiiI dour
lay whcrii it hml fiilhii mill it liml not
boon stirred sincii It wim moved to net
ho two iniii fioin under It ItHpniiilrr
ouh hiiiKiH wcni twisted mh if they hml
Ix en tiwiilo of Khui mul h iim Hivii
twits wet n Htiiippid iicmsH Hkn hits of
glnsH All tilting the coiriiliir on tho
floor whh a thick routing of dust and
debt is llnily jiowilcrcd growing ilccpcr
mul ilccpcr until thn ontianco to tho
tooni wim rcnilicil There were no win
dows cither in cmriilor or chmulier mul
tlio way wan lit hy ciuhIIdh liehl hy sol
diers who ncconiiianicil them Thn
coriit crniifheil unilerfcot iih they walk
oil anil in the chauiher itHelf great
hcapi of iluHt wind mul pliiHtcr all fine
ly powilcicil lay in tho corncrH of tho
room ami on one sido wim piled up
higher than a iiiiiiih hcail Them hcciii
wl to he tout of this debris anil nH len
nio lookeil up at tho archeil ceiling re
Minhllug the roof of a vaultcililungeon
ho hmw that the stono itnolf hail been
ground to HnuiluHt with the treniondouH
force of the blast
Wheni are tho reninantH of the
treiiHtiru chest V hIid imked
Tho director shook IiIh head
Them are no reniniiutH not a vestige
of it Ih to 1x found
Of what wim it made
Wo used to havo an old trcamiro
chcHt licit nuiilu of oak bound with
iron hut hoiiid years ago n new recep
tacle being needed ono wiih especially
made of hardened steel coiiHtructcd on
tho liiodern principle of those burglar
proof anil fireproof HiifeH
And do you mean to nay thero it
nothing left of this V
Nothing that wo havo been able to
Well I havo neon phteon when dy
namite explo ioiiH havo occurred but 1
know of nothing to coinparo with HiIh
I mn Hum that if dynamite had been
tased ir any explosive now generally ob
tainable them would havo been left at
lontit Home remnant of tlio safe Ilnsnt
thiH pile of rubbish been disturbed Hinco
the explosion 1
Ych it Iiiih been turned over Wo
mnde a search for tho two niuii but wo
found no trace of them
And you found no particles of iron
Tho heap throughout is just as you
eco it on the surface a lino almost im
palpable dnst Wo liad to exorcise tho
greatest care in searching through it
for tho moment it was disturbed with a
nhovel it filled the air in suffocating
clouds Of conrso wo shall havo it re
moved by and by mid cart It away but
I considered it bettor to allow it to re
innin hero until wo had penetrated
wnnowhat further into tho mystery
thau wo have already done
Jennie stooped and picked up a hand
ful from tho heap Her action caused a
mist to rise in the air that made thorn
both choko and cough and yet she was
Instantly struck by tho fact that her
handful seemed inordinately heavy for
its bulk
May I tako some of this with me
ebo asked
Of course replied tho director 1
shall havo n packet of it pnt up for
I would liko to tako it with mo
now said Jennie 1 havo a curiosity
to know exactly of what it is composed
Who ie tho government analyst or
havo yon snch an ofllcial t
Herr Felts in tho Qranbenstrasso
la a famous analytical choinist Yon
cannot do better than go to him
Do yon think ho knows anything
about explosives
I should snpposo bo bnt if not ho
will certainly bo able to tell you who
the best man is in that line
Tho director ordered one of tho men
who nccompanied him to find a small
paper bag and 111 it with tho debris of
tho treasure chamber When this was
done ho handed tho package to Jennie
who said
I bhall go at once and boo Herr
My carriago is at your disposal
Oh no thank you I I do not wish
to trouble you further I am very much
obliged to you for devoting m much
time to me already I shall tako a
My carriago is at the door per
sisted the director and I will instruct
tho driver to tako you directly to tho
ehop of Herr Feltz Then no tinio will
bo lost and I think if I am with you
you will tie more sure of attention from
tbo chemist who is a very busy man
Jennie saw that the director did not
wish to let her out of his sight and al
though bho smiled at his suspicion sho
answered politely
It is very kind of yon to tako so
much trouble and devoto so much of
your time to me I shall bo glad of
yonr company if yon aro quito certain
X urn not keeping yon from something
woro important
There is nothing more important
than tho investigation wo have on
hand replied the chief grimly
A few minutes later the carriage
stopped in front of the shop of Herr
Feltz in the wide Qranbenstrasso The
great chemist himself waited npon
tbein and conducted them to an inner
nd Drivate room
I should be much obliged if yon
would tell me the component parts of
the mixture iu this package said Jen
nie an ahe banded the filled paper bag
to tho chemist
How noon do yon wish to know tho
reaalt asked the man of cbemiculs
As soon as possible
Could you give me until this hour
That will do very nicely replied
Jennie looking up at the director of
police who in ddcil IiIh head
With that thn two took their leave
ninl once more the director of police po
litely handed the gill into his carriage
and they drove to the Palace Htein
heiiuer Hern she bade him goodby and
thanked him cordially for his attentions
dining the day The director answered
with i final suavity that his duty had on
this occasion been a pleasure and could
he have her permission to call at the
sanie hour tomorrow afternoon and take
her to the chemist To this Jennie as
sented and cheerily bade him good
The princess was waiting for her
wild with curiosity to know what had
Oh Jennie she cried who fired
the mint and who robbed the govern
Jennie laughed merrily as sho re
Dear princess what a compliment
you aro paying mo I Do you think that
in one afternoon I am nolo to solve a
mystery that has defied tho combined
talents of all the best detectives in Aus
tria 1 wish tho director of police had
such faith in mo as you have
And hasnt ho Jennie
Indeed ho has not Ho watched mn
every minute ho was with me as if ho
feared I would disappear into thin air
as the treasure did
Tho horrid man I I shall havo my
husband speak to him mid rid you of
this annoyance
Oh no princess yon mustnt do
anything of tho kind I dont mind it
in the least in fact it rather amuses
mo One wonld think ho had some sus
picion that I stole tho money myself
A single word from tho prince will
stop all that yon know
Yes I know but I really want to
help tho director ho Ih so ntterly
Now Jennio tako on your hat and
Hit down hero and tell mo every inci
dent of the afternoon Dont you see I
mn just consumed with curiosity I
know you havo discovered something
What is it
I am not going to tako off my hat
because I am going out directly again
but if you lovo mo get mo it cup of
that delicious tea of yonrs
I shall order It at onco but dinner
will bo Bcrved shortly Yon aro surely
not going out alone tonight
I really must Do not forgot I havo
been used to taking care of myself in n
bigger city than Vienna is and I shall
bo qnlto safe You will please excuse
my absence from tho dinner tnblo to
Nousenso Jonniol Yon cannot be
allowed to roam round Vienna in that
Bohemian way 1
Then princess I must go to a
hotel for this roaming round is strictly
necessary and I dont want to bring
the Palace Steinheimer into disre
Jennio Ill tell yon what wo will
do well both bring it into disrepute
Tho prince is dining at his club tonight
with some friends so I shall order the
carriago and yon and I will roam round
together You will lot mo come wont
you Where aro you going
I am going to tho Qranbenstrasso
to soo Herr Feltz
Oh I know Herr Feltz and a dear
old man ho is I Ho will do anything for
me If you want any favor from Herr
Feltz you had better tako mo with
I shall bo delighted Ah hero comes
tho teal But what is tho use of order
ing tho carriago Wo can walk there in
u very few minutes
I think we had bettor havo tho car
riage Tho princo would bo wild if ho
May I tahc some of this with mcT the
heard that we two went walking abont
tho Htreots of Vienna at night So Jen
nie we must pay some respect to con
ventionality and wo will take the car
riage Now tell me whero you have
been and what yon have seen and all
about it
Over their belated decoction of tea
Jennie related everything that had
And what do yon expect to learp
from tho analysis at the chemists Jen
I expect to learn something that
will startle the director of police
And what is that Jennie dont
keep me on tenterhook in this provok
i ing way How can yon act so I shall
write to Lord Donul and tell him that
you are here in Vienna if yon dont
I mind
I Well nnder such a terriblo threat
as that I supposu I must divulge all
my suspicious Bnt I really dont
knov uny thing yet I merely suspect
Tho weight of that dust when I plclccil
up a handful of it seemed to hull rata
that the gold is still thero in tho rub
bish heap
You dont mean to say sol Then
them has been no robbery at all
Thero may havo been a robbery
planned btii I dont think any thief
got a portion of the gold The chancer
am that they entirely underestimated
the force of the explosive they were
Using and unless I am very much mis
taken they am dealing with something
a hundred times more powerful than
And will the chemical analysis show
what explosive was used
No it will only show what tho
debris Is composed of It will not tin tho
question whether or not thn gold is in
that dust lump If it is then I think
the government will own mo hoiiid
thanks because the director of police
talked of carting tho rubbish away and
dumping it out of sight somewhere If
the government gets back its gold then
I suppose the question of who fired tho
mine is merely of academic interest
Tho caniagc is waiting your high
ness was the announcement niaile to
tho princess who at onco jumped up
and said
Ill bo ready in five minutes Im
as anxious now as you aro to hear what
the chemist has to say but I thought
you told mo ho wouldnt havo tho
analysis ready until 4 oclock tomor
row What is tho use of going there
Uecauso I am reasonably certain
that tho director of police will seo him
eaily tomorrow morning and I want to
get the first copy of tho analysis my
With that tho princess ran nway and
presently reappeared with hor wraps on
The two diovo to tho shop of Herr Feltz
on tho GraubenHtrauBsc and were told
that the chemist could not bo seen in
any circumstances Ho had left orders
that ho was not to ho disturbed
Disobey those orders and tako in my
card I said the princess
A glanco at tho card dissolved the
manB doubts and ho departed to seek
his master
To lio conl iiuinil next Tliiimlii M
General Alrurrr ninl HI Stair Together
With - Milillrr Taken IiNoiiith by
tlio AintrUuni Ncur OroiniUtii
Manila Oct 18 ruder cover of a
stormy night Captain Klllott of the
Fortieth Infantry surprised the Insur
gent hcailquiuters near Oroquiota Isl
and of Mindanao ami raptured with
out lighting Jeiieral Alverez with his
staff and J soldiers The capture Is
Important and will tend to pacify the
district Alverez had been for a long
time provoking hostilities In Min
danao It was lie who effected the dis
astrous attack on Oroquletn some time
Hgo and lie was preparing another
when he wur captured
DetachniPiits of the Twenty sixth
and Kightoenth regiments engaged the
Insurgents near Tubuagnn in southern
Painty routing them killing 20 ami
wouudlug many
Chlt itKu drain mul 1rotinlunH
ClilriiKii Oet 17 Wheat was higher earl
oil eulilef lint reieteil Inter on poor sup
pint Deeeinlier ehivliiK He lower Coin
iIommI VdtKe ninl iiiiIh ii c down
IslotiH elu etl iiiclmnietl to Oo depressed
thiohi piiees
Wheat Det 7lie Nov 74M77 ic nee
Cmn Oct Nov aTTic Doe
3V4e Miiy iiee
lltitM IKt HIV Nov JIMiC Deo JITS
Tl2 lc Mnv
Im k -let UOO Nov 10X Jan
11 J4
Iniil Oer J077H Nov fOG7Vfc Dec
UI7l Jnn il7j
i let il7V Nov Urji6 Dec
fdOll Jan VI7
CiMi iiil t Unit Xo J red wheat 74Ji
71iVs No led uheat 7Uiii7IVfec No
fpiliiK wheal Its 4i7lil4e No liit d wheat
71fii7J4ii No II haul whejt UMaT e No J
en li nil n No II eahh corn 401JC
No - jellow i in a 414e No II yellow coin
WVmic No - ci h utN No J
white outs J4HiLie No 1 white outs uai
rt 1A
Clili HRii Iju Murk
ChlciiRO Oct UecelptH 17000
InelinlliiK Jstx u extern and 7M Tcxuiip
good medium Meeis M router heavy and
low westerns Miong to Hie higher Tex
unt til m nut he hex on nlel toduy one
onload at rO poor to medium JIiVn
YIO piline Mccih jt tViKi t eleeted feeil
eic i holi e Mciidy otheis hlow Jl N4r0
mixed hloeleit Mow J7Viitsi cons
- 7Vn4 -JO lielreis LCpOw4iIi canaeis
lWuAS hulls mil li rilxes 400i
llJi TexuiiH iccilptN 70 heM on Kile to
dnr one eaiload lit S4r0 Teas fed Mocis
1 IKVilllHI IVXIK kwisi steels iVii 110
Texiih hulls Si Hois Itecelpts to
di IIoimi tomoirow iitinoo estimated
left owr sOOO 10ile lowei top f4li
mixed ami liutelieis SI MIiM tooil to
cliolic heavy jfllMi I IK kiiikIi heavy 4i0
it I Ml Unlit MrOn I lio hulk of sales 4 7
ftHss lieep OlHUl sternly
i liolee ami feedliiK lumlis MininrT others
tciidj kooiI to choice wetbeis il0r4
fair to eliolie mixed llli4 XI western
sheep IINKl4lll Texas sheep
mil he lambs 4 rti00 western lumlis
Kiitn City Live Stork
Kiinsns City Oct 17
0400 mithes ltMMI Texaus 000 enlcs
Impuned ileuinnd for all clusses at steady
to lle hlchei niitlw bteers f4ivr54u
Meckel and feeders liutelier
cows ami lielfciK fiKf4 7V dinners fJKS
full 00 fed westerns fiiiiii35 Texans
fLhrGt 41 cuUes 1Vrj 00
KlOOO limit slow pilcen ruled 10c
lower heay mid mixed 4 7OTHS0 Ilpht
4 Wi4 Ml piss 4 Ml
4000 at live tit til in prices lumlis
1IWiVM inuttfllih iMVjMil Mocker
ami feeders l VSM 11 culls fJMVTiHri
South Oiiitttni Lite Stork
South Oimihu Oct 17
isikI stead uutlte heef steels M tlKQI XI
wtslein steels f 41 KKrl lCr Texas steers
f Vu4 00 cows and helfeis W0iVjH70
aimers f 7vtl 00 stoikeis uml feeders
UHKi4N inhes jHKillOO hulls HtUKH
If fMIiM Mors Itecelpts 7MK
7 illc lowe hemy 4 ti407Ii mixed
4LVl4ll1 Hirtil f 4 tllfiH - plkH W W
44 Ml hulk of sales 4UJVii4l1 Slieep
Hetelpts UIIKKJ steady western inuttouH
X lllViMOO stotk kliffti ji5Liy75 luuilis
4 OOiiO1
Kliiinieriitloii Ha llreu Ilhlliril and tin
lni I are Nmv lleliii Taliultiti il
Washington lit IS The eiiuinera
tloti work of the l tli coiihiih Ih coin
liletcil anil the eniiiueratoiH arc irac
tleally all paid Thcio weie oIMMKl
immciiitnrH anil Ld7 supervlsorM The
cost of the ruuineiallon will he aboil
4 The factory work also Is
about Mulshed All of the special Held
agouti In the maiiuraetuilng ami In
dust rial lines will complete their work
ami he paid ofT hy Nov 1 The cost of
tills wink will he about fLTt
The whole force of Ihc ceiium bureau
Is being coneeutrateil on the wotk of
tabulating the statistics already gath
eied The leporl of the census bureau
when completed will occupy eight vol
utnei of lOM pages each The work
of the pioiont coiimim Is heavier hy sev
era I million Inhabitant than ever be
fore but Director Merrlnin thliiks It
will lie tenily for the imblle six week
earlier than heretofoto
Yellow Ceter In lluvanu
New Yoik Oct IS -The icnlng
Tost inlntM accounts received by mall
of yellow fever in Havana The Itwt
article says In part that the tllsclos
uios niaile by mull aihlcei show a
startling condition of the health of Iia
vana anil suburbi also an apparently
concerted attempt of the authorities
and hotel proprietors to suppler the
facts The facts are that yellow fever
Is now raging not only in the districts
where It Is yearly expected but in
places that havo been considered safe
from Its raids
Whan you havo no appetite do not
relish your food and feel dull after ant
ing you need n doso of Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets Price Sfic
Samples frco at tho Kiesau Drug Co
Ioes it Iay to liny Cheap
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right hut you want something
that will relievo mid euro the more
sovero mid dnngerous results of throat
and lung troubles What shall you do
Go to a warmer and more regular cli
mate Yes if possible if not possible
for you then in either case tako the
only remedy that has been introduced in
all civilized countries with success iu
sevoro throat and lung troubles
BoBchees German Syrup It not
only heals nnd stimulatestho tissues to
destroy the germ disease hut allays in
flammation causes easy expectoration
gives u good nights rest and cures the
patient Try one bottle Recommended
many years by all druggists in the world
Get Greens Prize Almanac Ixiebau
Drug Co
Biliousness is earned by a Iryy liver
permits food to sour in your stomach
makes you cross llocky Mountain Tea
makes you well and cheerful Ask
your druggist
Ooesllon Aiihu ciril
Yes AugustJFlower still has the larg
est sale of any medicine in the civilized
world Yonr mothers and grand
mothers never thoughtof using anything
else for indigestion or biliousness Doc
tors were scarce and they seldom heard
of appendicitis nervous prostration or
heart failure etc They used August
Flower to clean out the system and stop
fermentation of undigested food regn
nto tho notion of the liver stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the system
and that is all they took when feeling
dull and bad with headaches and other
aches You only need a few doses of
Greens August Flower in liquid form
to make you satisfied there is nothing
serious tho matter with you Get
Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug
Ladies desiring a transparent com
plexion free from blotches blemishes
and blackheads should use Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask your druggist
When you cannot sleep for coughing
it is hardly necessary that any ono
should tell you that you need a few doses
of Chamberlains Cough Remedy to al
lay the irritation of the throat and make
sleep possible It is good Try it For
sale by the Kiesau Drug Co
It Happened luu Drugstore
One day last winter n lady camo to
my drug store and aked for a brand of
cough medicine that I did not havo in
stock says Mr C RGrandin tho pop
nlar druggist of Ontario N Y Sho
was disappointed ami wanted to kuow
whit cough preparation I could recom
mend I said to her that I could freely
recoinniendChamberlains Cough Rem
edy and that sho could take a bottle of
tho remedy nnd nfter giving it a fair
trial if sho did not fiud it worth the
money to bring back the bottle and I
would refund tho price paid In tho
course of a day or two tho lady come
back in company with a friend in need
of a cough medicine and advised her to
buy a bottle of Chamberlains Cough
Remedy I consider that a very good
recommendation for the remedy It is
for sale by tho Kiesau Drug Co
Ilclity Celery Nerve Compound
for all uovoub diseases neuralgia rheu
matism nervous debility paralysis
biliousness dyspepsia costiveuets piles
liver complaint kidney troubles and
femalo complaints It goes to the seat
of the disease and cures thoroughly and
speedily Sold by Geo B Chribtoph
loll Couldnt llitxe Mood It
If hed had itchiug piles Theyre ter
ribly annoying but Bucklens Arnica
Salve will cure the worst case of piles on
earth It has cured thousands For in
juries pains or bodily eruptions its the
best salve in the world Price 25o a
box Cure guaranteed Sold by the
Kiesau Drug Co
Railroad and Business Directory
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
m l
Omaha fl f n
I lilciiKo lxpiese lJ40pi
lifciiK hxprcm 7 0 n tn
Omaha ltn uwr 12IUpm
w KHi nriAKT
Hlnrk Mllln rXireR 7 m p m
bite U IOiun
erdlKro Accommisintioti 0Unm
Hlnrk Hills Kxiircsp
12 JO p in
Verc iKM lWmer
a m
nllKfn Arciimmodntlon 7 Unm
Unit liicntiii mul Hlnrk Hills Impress nrrHes
mul iIi iuirH from Junction ilejiot 1 lie Onmlin
and VerillKio rnuib irrive mul ilepnrt ftnin city
ilulOt II C M M iiac AKint
Union Pacific
onimlitiN Arcomniodntlon fisapra
Omnlia Denver ntui Pacific Count 11 OOnm
Columbus Ace mmodntlon Hltfupm
OmiiliR hemormid 1ncillc ronut HOOiim
CoanertB at Noifolk uitli K K t M V koIiir
went ami north mid with tho 0 Bt P M A O
for iiolntu north ami eact
F W JlSEMAN Aficnt
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Blonx City mill Omnlia PneecnRer
Hionx ltylaBDenKor
1 00 i in
Sloinc ity PmwnRPr lOrSmm
blonx City and Oinahrt PnnHDKer 730 pm
InunecU at Norfolk vtitli K E A M V koIiir
went and north and with tho U P for points
ninth F W Junkman Aniut
Daily except Sunday
Fine Watch
Her llnuin Hrop Store
Spenoep Ovalman
Boots and oes
Repairing Niatlj Ocre
Contractor and Builder
117 Fourth Street
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Avetitip
Cheopent nnd tlcnt
Norfolk Avenue
The Norfolk Horseshoer
All Wobk Jtabanteed
Cor Ilrnnfcli nc and 4th St
Tried Them
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
They overcome Wealt
ness irremilaritv nnrl
omissions increase vie
rw w1 lnl It
of menstruation They are LIFE SAVERS to girls at
womanhood aiding development of organs and body No
known remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm life
becomes a pleasure 100 PEU BOX BY MAIL Sold
by druggists DR MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio
A new remedy for biliousness is now
on sale at the Kiesau Dmp Co It is
called Chamberlnius Stomach nnd Liver
Tablets It gives quick relief and will
prevent the attack if given as poon as
the first indication of the desease ap
pears Price 25 cents per box Samples
Koltbel The Grave
A startling incident is narrated by
John Oliver of Philadelphia ns follows
I was in an awful condition My skin
was almost yellow eyes sunken tongue
coated pain continually in back and
sides no appetite growing weaker day
by day Three physicians had given me
up Then I was advised to ubo Electric
Bitters to my great joy the first bottle
made a decided improvement I con
tinued their use for three weeks and am
now a well man 1 know they robbed
the grave of another victim No on
should fail to try them Only 50c
guaranteed at the Kiesau Drug Co
Ladies if you want a refined and
brilliant complexion free from blemishes
use Rocky Mountain Tea Never fails
Atk your druggist
Oulnlue for Coll
Many people who use quinine for the
cure of coldssoy that the effect of this
drug is more disagreeable than the dis
ease Krauees Cold Cure is prepared
in a couvenieuteapsule form and will
cure the most deeply seated cold iu 24
hours without any interruption to busi
ness They are pleasant to take nnd
give you a clear fresh sensation whilo
operating Price 25o Soldby Geo 13
llellorh TeKtliiioiiy
Albert IIellerliving at llllFarnham
St Omaha says I have tried most
everything that is used as a preventa
tive or cure for headache but nothing
did me so much good as Krauses Head
ache Capsules Others who have used
them say the same thing Price 25c
Sold by Geo B Christoph
For IFeuittle CoinplulutH
and diseases arising from au impure
state of the blood Lichtys Celery Nerve
Compound is an invaluable specific
Sold by Geo B Christoph
For sprains swellings and lameness
there is nothing so good as Chamber
Iains Pain Balm Try it For sale by
the Kiesau Drug Co
For three days and nights I Bartered
agony untold from au attack of cholera
morbus brought on by eating cucum
bers says M E Lowther clerk of the
district court Centerville Iowa I
thought I should surely die and tried a
dozen different medicines but all to no
purpose I sent for a bottle of Chamber
lains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and three doses relieved me en
tirely This remedy iB for sale by the
Kiesau Drug Co
1ViiU Mmll WIlHe for Desert
This question arises in the family
every day Let us answer it today
Try JellO a delicious dessert Pre
pared in two minutes No baking add
hot water and set to cool Flavors
Lmon orange raspberry and straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
ItiMmirkH Iron -Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach liver kid
uoys and bowels are out of order If
you waut these qualities and the success
they briutr use Dr Kings New Life
Pills Only 25 cents at theKie6au Drug
wmmmm 1 t va
1 liEllliI
v mum i
orMii V
rEMAiriRRrftflflomrc I
N t
arc punny
lUw 0
AruA crrccrr
I YuNquAuriEC
I CNDonstruvi
ornCRV PMveinu
roU0llSlUtf WITH THE
r rownuL
- UL3 r lOINLlOW
For Sale by George B ChriBtopli
irttm uie
THE 1 S 1i jfimCjb
Made a
Well Man
u of Me
producet the above result In 30 days It cU
powerfully and quickly Curei wben all otheri tiL
Voungnen will regain their loet manlioodandold
men will recover their youtliful vigor by using
BEVITO It quickly and urely reitorea Nenona
pen Loat VlUllty ImpoUncy Nightly Emlationa
Lort Power Falling Memory Wastioc Xleueiao
all effecta of aeUabuM or exeeMand IndiacretlOB
which unfit one or itudy boilneu or marriaga It
pot only cure by starting at the seat ot diaeaae but
U a great nerve toole and Mood builder bring
ing back the pink low to pale checks and ta
iloring the Ore of yooth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on baring KEVIVO bo
other It can be carried In vest pocket By Ball
l0O per package or six or mSJOO with a posl
WrtttSMi a Banustaa to etar or rotas
the Biooey Book and artrlm free Addrees
For sale iu Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B Christoph druggist
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
frlce 35 cents Never sold
oaa vwan rktajg HW 0UUIU
KoupcKAiiciMi tuU Ak yuvir drvgcUI
i I