The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 18, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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t 1 i
Armored Cruiser
for Boys Wear is made from tho best
selected upper stock tested for sorvico
Tho solos and heels which aro tho host
loathor will produce are illlod with
protect tho bottom aud assure the wear
er doublo tho service of auy shoe made
for boys
Davenport Bros
Why Glasses are Worn
For a long time glasses were used
only to assist in reading or near work
but with increased knowledge of
the eye we are able to adjust
glasses to improve the sight thereby
curing chronic headaches neuralgia
and many nervous afflictions
caused by eyestrain
The thousands who wear property
adjusted glasses are the living
testimonies to the truth of it
Examination free
I Steam Laundry
Only First Class Laundry
In Northeast Nebraska
Every ciTort niailo to pleaFO patrons nml
Rivo entifnctlon Latest improved inn
T chiuory used in nil departments Work
not satisfactory will ho relnuudorcd free
or churBo if returned unworn
X DAN CRAVEN Proprietor 1
For Breakfast Foods
Thompsons Gash Grocery
These are a few
Pillsburys Oat Food per pkg 10c
Wheat Manna two for 25c
Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit
twc for 25c
Pillsburys Vitos two for 25c
Quaker Oats two for 25c
Waldorf Oats two for 25c
Oremola two for 25c
Wheatling each 10c
Grape Nuts two for 25c
Wheat Plakep two for 25c
Granose two for 25c
Wheatose two for 25c
The Weather
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a in to
Maximum nperature 73
Minimum temperature U8
Average r5
Preoipitation 00
Total preoipitation for month 00
Earometer 20 70
Forecast for Nebraska Fair to
night and Friday
Hon John R Hays spoke at Wisner
Tuesday night to a good audience
The ladies guild of Trinity Episcopal
church will meet at the rectory tomor
row afternoon at 3 oclock A good at
tendance is desired
The beautiful brand of Indian sum
mer with its accompaniment of flies
mosquitos and other summer like acces
sories is here stronger than ever after a
few evenings of frost and cold
Dr Englehardt addressed tho German
people of Norfolk iu his uative language
last night at the Bryan club rooms his
remarks favoring the fusion side of the
political question The room was well
Z T Fisher of Red Oak Iowa ar
rived in the city last night to take
charge of the hardware store left by his
late brother W B Fisher The stock
that Is left will be packed the lost of
tho week and hipped to Red Otk I own
whore it will bo placed ou salo
Mr and Mrs O J Chapman enter
taincd a company of friends at agrapho
phono concert last ovoningut their homo
in South Norfolk Tho entertainment
was much appreciated by those attend
Mrs M A McMillan will ontortaln
a company of ladion at 1 oclock
luncheon tomorrow previous to her
departure for West Point and Missouri
Valley for nu inilollnito visit with
A corps of tho Volunteer Army was in
Norfolk from Sioux City last night con
ducting religious sonicos on tho Htreots
and had a very good crowd Intoiostotl
They will conduct services hero tonight
and tomorrow night
Tho McKinloy Hoosovolt club will
hold its regular meet ing tonight iu tho
G A R hall over Sponcor Ovolnmn8
shoo storo Everybody it invited to at
tend Arrangements for the Hanna
mooting tomorrow are to bo complotcd
and tho workers should bo tlioro
Wayuo Republican Down in Bronna
product which has always boon consid
ered tho fusion stronghold of Wayuo
county ii vote was taken of a threshing
crow of IS men aud McKinloy received
17 votes and Bryan ono voto Straws
of this kind indicate tho direction of tho
wind Keep tho good work going
Miss Lillian Chesuutwood left on tho
noon train for Marcolono Mo hoiug
called thure by tho uuuounconiout of
tho serious illness of her sister Mrs It
W Iloyt bettor known hero by iter
maiden namo Stella Ohosuutwood
Her Norfolk friouds will hope for Mrs
lloyts early aud complete recovery
Quo Vadis Is to be presented nt
tho Auditorium Tuesday evening Octo
ber 30 This play is similar to tho
famous passion play with tho advantage
that no ono can chargo its rendition as
saeriligious If it can equal iu interest
tho work from which it was taken there
is no question but that those attending
will be thoroughly ontortninod
Mr and Mrs O V Rish returned
yesterday noon fiom a trip over tho
Black Hills divihiou of the F 15 fc M
V Mr Rish hit been doing some work
toward tho betterment of tho water
supply system aud has received tho
appointment of formau of that part of
the work on that division with head
quarters at Chadrou Ho will soon
move his family to that city
Columbus Journal I 15 Doty now
at Sherman Wyo working for the
Union Pacific took a poll of his work
ing force tho other day nearly nil of
them Nebraska men aud of GO only two
for Bryan the rest being for McKiuley
Iu two passenger coaches out of 28 vot
ers 20 of them were for McKiuley and
tho newsboy told him that was about
the usual ratio Mr Doty was here last
week and wo got these items from
Georgo Barnum who had a talk with
Potatoes at tho Fair ritoro only CO
cents a bushel
Wasted A girl for general house
work Mits J Younoek
All travoliug meu are cordially invited
to join us iu the grand parade to be
given iu honor of Marcus Hanna Fri
day afternoou October 19 Club will
meet at tho Lincoln hotel at 4 p m
Tkvvblino Mens Rkpuulioan Club
Lincoln Nebraska
Dressed catfish at Glissmaus
Choice celery at Glissmans
Everyone should drink Mellowrich
coffee It is without an equal
Special Fur Sale
Tho representative of McKibbin
Co St Paul will beat the Fair Storo
from noon October 19 until noon
October 20 with a full line of fur gar
ments coats collarettes storm col
lars and everything made in turs
Will take measurements and make gar
ments to order at especially low prices
The trip to Salt Lake City or tho
Pacific coast via Salt Lake City by way
of the Rio Grande Western Railway in
connection with the Denver Rio
Grande or Colorado Midland roads is
the grandest in America No Europeau
trip of equal length can compare with
it in graudeur of scenery or wealth of
novel interest Then Salt Lake City
itself is a most quaint and picturesque
place and well worth the journey to see
Its Mormon temple tabernacle tithing
oHice and church institutions its hot
and warm sulphur springs within the
city limits its delightfully temperate
suuny climate and iteJGreat Salt Lake
deader and denser than the Dead Sea
In Palestine are but a few features of
Salt Lake Citys countless attractions
There are parks drives canyons and
beautiful outlying mountain and lake
resorts Imagine if you can a bath In
salt water a mile above sea level and in
water in which the human body jcannot
sink Inquire of your nearest ticket
agent for low tourist rates to Salt Lake
City or write for information and copy
of Salt Lake City the City of the
Saints to Geo W Heiutz General
Passenger Agent Salt Lake City
Uuiou Iuclllc Kxcursloti
One way and round trip settlers ex
cursion rates The Union Pacific will
sell on October November 0
13 20 27th to Ogdeu Salt Lake City
Spanish Fork Utah Garrison and
Holona Montana one way 3 I 00 round
trip 10 00
To Spokane Tacotua Seattle Wash
ington Portland Oregon ono way fJS
round trip 11 WK
Tho ono way tickets continuous pas
sago from starting point to destination
Tho round trip tickets with privilege of
stopping off ou going ticket and con
tinuous passage on return ticket Final
roturn limit thirty days from date of
sale For Information call on
F W Junkman
Sauerkraut tit Ulissuians
Sturgeon is the piano man
DrKrank Salter Dirmhoh of chlldroti
Mrs Sadie Hart Miller Osteopath
Rooms over tho Hayes jowolry storo
Hours from 10 a m to 1 p in Con
sultation and examination free
John Mooro of Maryvillo Mo Is in
tho city with a carload of apples
M Youtit returned yesterday front a
trip to Laramio Wyoming and is yot
utideoidod as to whore- ho will locate
R Nightingale is now located in
rooms at -101 South Third street whuiu
his friends aro invited to call
Julius Jankowsky of Omaha is still in
this city Hois doing some effective
work under the auspices of tho republi
can state central committeo
G 15 Mooro of Narka Kansas is in
tho city and will make this his homo
occupying tho Box liouso on North
Tenth streot soon to bo vacated by Mrs
W B Fishor
W W Young of Stanton candidate
for stato sonator is iu tho city today
Hero as elsewhere Mr Young is meet
ing with onoouragoinout and tho pros
pects ure llattering for Mb oluctiou
Miss Mao Phillips tho evangelist and
her singer Miss Nelson wore tho guests
of Mr and Mrs 11 L Snyder last night
They were on their way to Lindsay
whero they will conduct a series of re
vival meetings
Nicl Horriskoy who holds u position
as telegraph operator at Cheyenne
Wyo is in the city for a visit with his
parents and friends His brother Too
who holds a like position iu the samo
city is expected hero in n fow days
Mellowrich cotloo sells rapidly conse
quently tho supply is always fresh For
salo by A J Bohuort agent
Pitted cherries for pies only 20 cents
per cau at Parishs
Lake trout at Glissmans
Good farms to trado for town property
G R Siiuk
Bulk oysters at Glissmans
Aoksts Wanted For Galveston
The Horrors of n Stricken City by
Murat Halstoad a fearful tale of a
beauteous city swept into tho sea Do
maud enormous Splendid book Only
51 o0 Agents selling from 10 to 100
daily aud clearing from to 75 daily
A bonanza for agents Only endorsed
book Freight paid Credit given
Outfits free Send six two cent stamps
for postage Big commissions Send
for outfit aud territory today Tho
Dominion Company Dept A Chicago
New shipment of Gilt Edge canned
goods just received at Parishs
Wanted A good girl in a family of
three Apply at The News olllco
DroHKlug KitrqueH
We are showing the finest lino of
dressing sacques ever seon iu Omaha
Nice quality of eiderdown saoquos
for 83 cents red or gray all sizes
Fancy eiderdown sacques 100 125
up to 250
Handsome applique trimmed sacques
from 250 up
Kamouas or tokios 300 to 450
New waists coming in every day in
silk french flannels albatross and mer
cerized plain or fancy open front or
back prices 150 up
See the new styles in dress disteuders
A large lino of mercerized skirts
prettiest silk iu colors or black
Special handsome 150 pockotbooks
for 115 in real seal alligator un
dressed and burnt leather
Mns J Benson
South 10th street
Omaha Nobr
Everybody keep an eye on J D Stur
geons Colored Porters Sewing Machine
contest Now is the time to vote
Tours Iu the Hooky Mountain
The Scouic Liuo of thefcWorld the
Denver Rio Grande railroad offers to
tourists iu Colorado Utah and New
Mexico the choicest resorts and to tho
transcontinental traveler the grandest
scenery Two separate and distinct
routes through the Rocky Mountains
all through tickets available via either
The direct lino to Cripple Creek the
greatest gold camp on earth Three
trains daily with through Pullman
palace and sleeping cars between Chi
cago Denver San Francisco and Los A n
geles and Denver and Portland The
best lino to Utah Idaho Montana
Oregon and Washlugtou via the Ogden
Gateway Dining cars service a la
carte ou all through trains Write S
K Hooper G P T A Denver
Colorado for illustrated descriptive
Farm land aud city property for 6ale
by G R Seiler
Extra fine mackeral at Glissmans
1 11
Norfolk to Receive a Visit From
the Chairman
Hitiuttiit III A 1 1 hi loniumiM Mm hIiir ill
I t ill from Sliinv City A Hiilil Tmlli
Will ItiltiK ii Croud from Mm Wiml
Stinting nt NillKi
Tomorrow is Hanna day in Norfolk
Tho distinguished minimum of the re
publican national committee will arrive
from Sioux City at 1 1 20will get off the
train at tho union depot aud will be
oscot ted to a temporary stand to be
erected at the corner of Fifth audMain
streets where he will talk for 10 or li
minutes aud will then proceed to Madi
Tho weathor promises lino and there
will undoubtedly bo a largo crowd pres
ent as people of all politics have a desire
to see Mr Hanna whether thoy euro to
hoar him talk or not
A special train will bo run from
Nolighon tho west by tho F 15 fc M
V leaving that city at lllfi It will
loavo Oakdalo at i 28 Tlldeti at I 111
Moadow Grovo at 151 and Battle Crook
ut 1013 arriving in Norfolk at tho city
depot at 10 I5
It is understood that Mr Hanna dons
not lay much claim to oratorical powers
and wouldnt have time to show it here
if ho did but he is said to bo able to
present telling facts in a convincing
manner Ho is a thorough business
man and his ability iu this direction
has given him his success as a campaign
manager He has entertained large
and enthusiastic crowds wherever he
has appeared Ho spoko iu South Da
kota Tuesday to great numbers of
There will probably be no attempt at
ii demonstration in Norfolk tntuoriow as
the time alloted to this city is too slant
nod the featuie of tho day will bo INI r
1 lamias speech
Tho people of Norfolk have shown a
willingness to decorate on tho occasion
of visits from pooplo of stilto and na
tional reputation and this should bo
done tomorrow as tho visitor is a loading
man iu the politics of tho nation His
campaign management was undoubtedly
largely responsible for tho election of
President McKinloy four years ago and
tho same success will bo his this year
so that it behooves all to see and hear
him for ho is an unquestioned success
iu all his endeavors
Wall eyed piko at Glissmans
Everything iu tho fruit and vegetable
lino at Parishs
Farm aud city loans
The Duiiland Tkuht Co
Wo mako loans on real estato at
lowost rates Elkhorn Building and
Savings association T 15 Odioiine Sec
Kullwiiy Farm IhiiiIk For Sikh
In northern Wisconsin tho Chicago
St Paul Minneapolis Omaha railway
has for sale at low rates and easy terms
of payment about -100000 acros of choice
farm lauds Early buyers will securo
the advantage of locatious on tho many
beautiful streams aud lakes which
abound with fish and furnish a never
ending and most excellent water supply
both for family uso aud for stock
Laud is gonorally well timbered tho
soil fertile aud easy of cultivation
Chicago Milwaukoo St Paul Minne
apolis Duluth Snporior Ashland aud
numerous other thriving cities and
towus on tho liuo of the 0 St P M
O railway aud other railroads in tho
same torritory furnish good markets for
farm produce
For further particulars address
Geo W Bell
Laud Commissioner Hudson Wis or
G H Mac Rae
A G P A St Paul Minn
Houses for sale T E Ooiosnk
Through Colorado
The Denver Rio Graudo railroad
with its numerous brandies penetrating
tho Rockies has two distiuct and sep
arate liuos across tho mountains
Tickets readiug via tho Sconic Lino
Denver and Grand Junction in con
nection with theRio Grando Western
railway between Grand Junction aud
Ogdeu aro available over tho Denver
Rio Grando either via its main line
through Lcadville aud Glonwood Springs
or via tho line over Marshall Pass aud
through tho Bluck Canon Tourists to
and from Salt Lake City Ogden or
San Francisco will find it to their ad
vantage to have their tickets read in
both directions via Tho Sceuio Lino of
the World thus being able to uso one
of tho above routes going and tho other
returning Write S K Hooper G P
T A Denver Colo for illustrated
Tho Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
and Omaha railway has mado a rato of
5 for the round trip to and from Min
neapolis and St Paul for Saturday
October 20 The oxcurslou will leave
Norfolk at 0 80 Saturday morning ar
riving in St Paul at 1 -15 in the even
ing and in Minneapolis at 7 1C Return
ing tho excursionists may leave Monday
or Tuosday from Minneapolis at 7 10 in
the morning aud St Paul at 7 40 This
is an excellent opportunity to visit the
twin lake cities at the closing of the
summer season and those who go will
undoubtedly be well repaid for their
time and money The rato is very
cheap and there will undoubtedly bo a
number of excursionists from Norfolk
One of tho chief uttiaelions at our
will lie genttiiio
New York Patterns
We have 100 different styles iu
Street Hats
wo will positively 111
otohI you We cor
dially invite you lo in
spoei our display and
compare prices Wo of
foryou tho lowest prices
and host qualities to bo
obtained anywhere Wo
carry the finest lino of
Tips and Plumes iu the
city Ask to see thorn
See our Art Depart
ment liiif est designs in
Sofa Pillows Madagas
car Batten burg ier
man Hand Kmhroidcrod
Linen a u d Mexican
drawn work
For Up-to-Date
Ho has an elegant lino of
Fall and Winter Goods in Stock
Good Work and a Perfect Fit Guar
anteed at tho
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on
Brauch Avenue J
and Third St
Oil and Gasoline
Ladies Baths
Rooms on North Ninth Street
W 0 Halls Barter Shop
North Western
F E A W V R R Is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska
in Mind
That our very bust of
forts will bo put forth
at all limes to help you
to the selection of a
Hat that will be suitable
for you whether it be a
cheap or an expensive
one Wo cheerfully
meet any competition
from anywhere Our
hats are all made in our
own work room hon
estly made We arc not
gifted with second sight
are not mind readers
and if after pur chase
you make no complaint
we must conclude that
you are satisfied but if
not so please report
promptly to us and we
will make all satisfac
Invites yon to Compare Prices
Tomatoes per nm 80
Ioas per can 50
Corn ter can 80
Java JoliVo host por 11 15c
Oat Meal por 11 2C
Soup 10 liars 25c
1 j pound can Halting Powder 20c
HiHt Prunes per lh 8c
Hlueing 4c
Soda por lh 3c
Starch per lit 3c
Crackers por lb 7Uc
Clothes Lines c
Lyo por can 4c
Mixed Candy por lh 7c
Poarline por package 4c
Rico per lit 7c
Lamp Chimney 4c
Wo have a hig line of Tinware Gran
itowaro and Grockory which wo aro
selling very cheap
Are essential to health
handles only pure groceries
free from adulteration and
sells them at
You get what you pay for
at Uhlels
For IlambiDg Stoam Filling Pumps Tanks
Wind Mills
And all work iu tliia liuo call on
SbtUfactiou Guaranteed
First door SoutU of Tue Duly Nbws Offloe
Iron and Brass Works
All Wndi ot machine frnma lawn mower to
a urinttutf prosa auccejafully ropalrod Hot air
gtaam aud ht water heating Special attea
tlou utvmi to UoUerarid Engine Repairing
Opp Paiewalk4 Iuipleuieut liouso