K CITY COUNCIL DOINGS UmihI Kun or lluMnr Trniiftiicteit by tlm lloiinl Ht Iti KtRiilnr MeetliiR LiiAt Night From Friilnye Daily Tho city council mot in rcgulor ses sion Inst evening with Mayor Roliortson nod Conncihncn Brumniund Book Dcgnor Grant Hecknian Spollmun nml Uhlo present Absont Bullock The minutes of tho last meeting wero road nutl npprovctl Councilman Grant was exensod and rotired Tho street and alley committeo ro ported that thoy had ordored another car of crossing stone Tho public works comtnittoo reported that the foundation under tho bell tower had been rebuilt also that after investigating a sainplo of Mr Cornells work on tho stand pipo it was not satis factory and ho refused to contract at price stated in bid and do tho work thoy required also that pipo nnd bolts at foundation of btaud pipo should bo re paired Committeo on nuisances reported that after investigating tho matter of complaint in regard to Mr Becks cosb podl they found no cause for complaint The report of tho nuisnnco committeo wah accepted and adopted Report of tho city treasurer for Sep tember was read showing balauces as follows General fund 0585 interest jund 204444 water fund 55b road fund20157sinking fund 2087 02 fire department fund 144 80 and on motion tho report was referred to the auditing committee The following bills wero read and allowed W H Widainan Balary for Septem ber 0 Martin Kane salary 50 W H Livingston salary 40 P E M V freight 090 C St P M O freight U 44 Nebraska Telephone company rent two telephones for October 425 S F Dunn sign boards SG70 Frank Salter janitor city hall 5 T A Ayers foundation under tower 10 Fred Klentz drnying 0 cents Fred Klentz street sprinkling bell for September 20 W H Law labor on streets and side walks 2550 J A Light labor on streets and side walks 750 Frank Roedel labor on streets and sidewalks 07 cents A Dean labor on streets and side walks 150 Perry Law labor on streets and side walks 0 Chicago Lumber company lumber for sidewalks J497 H H Patterson street lighting 100 C O Mauwiller salary 45 J E Simpson salary and postage 2050 Standard Oil company barrel of oil 1843 C W Braasch coal for waterworks 11737 H E Hardy coal for waterworks 12027 Sam Goon labor on streets 1 Councilman Bullock took his seat at this time It was moved that ordinanco No 253 be placed on its third reading Ayes Brummuud Beck Degner Uhle Nays Bullock Heckman and Spellman Carried Moved that ordinance No 253 bo now passed as read Ayes Brummuud Beck Degner Uhle Nays Bullock Heckman and Spellman Motion was lost and ordinance declared not carried FRIDAY FACTS Mr and Mrs Coryell went to Sioux City today Ray Hall of Plainview visited in Nor folk yesterday l 013 Burnham banker of Tildeu was a city visitor yesterday Dr J J Williams of Wayne attended the Roosevelt demonstration yesterday Mr and Mrs Henry Gietzeu of Humphrey are visiting friends in tho city Mike Andrus is building a five room briok house on Tho Heights near Dan Murpheys place Geo D Butterfield of Creighton was in the city over night leaving this morning for Davenport Iowa J B Henderson of Wakefield was in the city yesterday His sou Louis was also here as a member of the Wakefield band The Christian Endeavor state conven tion is in session at Lincoln the meet ings continuing from October 4 to 7 Norfolk is not represented Mrs Will Higeubotham of Emerson who is visiting her mother Mrs E D Perry at South Norfolk gave birth to a handsome son on Wednesday P R Walsh the new roadmaster of the M O was inspecting the yards in Norfolk this morning Mr Walsh was formerly roadmaster on the Union Pacific at Kansas City E A 0mm of Creighton populist candidate for congressman came in from Omaha yeterdy and remained over to Bee Roosevelt He weut home today W B ChrUtie who hiu boeu visiting the Gow brother left today for his home in Argylo New York Ho was much pleased with Norfolk ami the sur lounding country while hero A F Maltby who recently removed horo from Denver is got ting his family settled in tho houo recently vacated by Robert Utter which is owned by him A J Durlnnd is homo from his trip to Knox county whero ho has boon superintending tho cutting of his big fields of flax Ho will return week after next and look aftor tho threshing Tho funeral of George Grifllth tho young man who died in this city on Wednesday was hold from Trinity Episcopal church at lOoclock this morn ing Row J C S Weills olllclating Harry Hull ran a splinter into a finger of tho right hand yosterduy mid today his arm is swollen to the shoulder It is behoved to bo a case of blood poisoning but is not likoly to prove serious F L Culver has pnrchabed tho Blake man property on Madison avonuo that was occupied by W H Hull at tho time tho house was practically destroyed by tiro Mr Culver will rebuild tho Iioubo using as much of tho old material as is available with tho idoa of making that his homo in future Col D B Honderson of Iowa speaker of tho houso of representatives is billed for an address at Wayno on next Tuesday evening October 1 Horo iB an opportunity for Norfolk republi cans to reciprocate with Wayno for tho fino delegation sent hero yes terday Lots charter a train go to Wayno and hear Henderson G E Mooro who has been in tho banking business at Nurka Kan was here earlier in the week arranging to re move to this placo with his family He has rented tho Box property on north Tenth street lately occupied by B W Fisher and has now returned to Kansas for his family who will be horo in a few days In tho delegation from Wakelield yesterday waB a quartette of cam paign singers who were scheduled to sing after the address of Mr Fitch but before that time came the special train whistled and they wero obliged to leave This was a matter for re gret particularly on the part of tho Norfolk committee The C St P M O has arranged to run a special train from Sioux City tomorrow evening to all points on the Now Castle Hurtincton Bloomfleld and Norfolk lines leaving Sioux City at 11 45 p m to accomodate those who desire to return home from tho carnival The one faro rate that has been in effect during the carnival will remain good tomorrow Desirable houses to rent ore scarce in this city One real estate agent states that every timo he has a good placo to rent he receives from six to eight appli cations for it In fact whenever a com fortable house is offered there is a gen eral scramble for it Some of the idle money in tho community might bo well invested m more tenement nouses oi a good character At a meeting of the republican central committee held in this city yesterday afternoon James Nichols tendered his resignation as secretary of the commit tee and J F Knesel of Battle Creek was elected in his place Mr Nichols resigned because he has so many dates to make speeches before election that he could not give the committee work the attention that it deserves Geo Bishop of New Haven Conn is expected in Norfolk tomorrow to ar range for beginning work on his new brick block at the corner of Main and Fourth streets It is stated by those who are in position to know Mr Bib hops plans that tho foundation for the building will be laid this fall and if tho weather will permit it is likely that work will be continued through tho winter The address of Hon Edward E Fitch of Chicago which followed the Roose velt meeting yesterday was a strong pungent statement of the political situa tion delivered in au eloquent convinc ing manner Mr Fitch held his audience for an hour and a quarter and could easily have held them longer It was one of tho best political speeches that has been made here for years and the story ho told was given in an interest ing attractive style As Governor Roosevelt mounted the platform yesterday ho was presented with a beautiful bouquot of roses with tho compliments of Mrs J E Simpson on account of the close friendship between the governor and H K Love now lieutenant of the Thirty seoond U S volunteers in tho Philippines Tho governor seemed very much pleased that tho name of a favorite soldier who was with him at Santiago should be recalled iu this happy manner Wayne Republlcau Last Thursday evening W J Bryan spoko at Dakota City The time was when Bryan could have summoned a orowd of from 160 to 250 from this place to any point as near as Dakota City to see him and hear him speak It is dtffereut now Tho rail road company anticipated a crowd from hero and brought up two coaches from Emerson on the nioruiug tiaiu going west and loft them here These coaches wero taken oqt of here at 2 p m and contained just ono passenger for Dakota City how is that for a froet A reception wus tendered to Rev and Mrs G H Main in the parlors of theM TH K NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY OCTOIWK II 1100 K church last ovoniug and while tho members of tho church congratulated Mr and Mrs Main upon the fact that thoj aro to remain hero another year they also congratulated themselves that no change had boeu made in their pastor During tho e oning a fine Turk ish lounge was presented as tho gift of tho congregation tho presentation be ing mndo in a happy vein by Dr Slsson to which Mr Main feelingly responded Iu addition Row W G Heels presented Mrs Main witli a 500 gold piece as the gift of hlniBolf and family An enjoy ahlo evening was woll rounded out when rofroshiuontH were served iu tho church basement by the ladies Mnnngor Spear is to bo commended for tho class of entertainments that ho has thus far given to theatre goers Last night the Auditorium contained one of tho largest audioncch that has ever been within its walls to witness tho presentation of Wood A Wards Two Mtfrry Tramps which in point of actual merit far exceeded tho expecta tions of the most sanguino Tho presen tation was more n farce comedy than a play but tho specialties were all bright clean and wholesome The Klmoro sisters are especially meritoiious in everything they do while tho two tramps aro a whole host within themselves If tho other attractions booked by Manager Spear contain any whero near the merit of that given last night or those prosonted before tins fall ho may confidently look for a prolitablo business season I will pay 10 reward for tho arrest and conviction of the patties who drove through and damaged my garden on the night of October 1 O B Hazin AN ODD CHARACTER former Inmiito of lloHpllul MakoH Morn Trouble Mrs Estolla Wurtzberger who wiib confined in the Norfolk hospital for tho iusauo for about a year boine years ago has again showii symptoms of insanity by shooting at a neighbor who quarreled with her about a fence and she is now confined in ono of tho coIIb of tho Dakot City jail Tho Sioux City Journal gives this brief Bketch of her Mrs Wurtzberger came to Dakota City about six years ago an entire stranger but in a little timo tho whole countryside knew about her Sho was pretty not more than 2 1 or 25 years of age and better still very myBtoriouH She bought a home in a secluded spot on Walkers island and built herself a little cottago there Then her possessions came trunk upon trunk and box after box until the eyes of the curious began to bulge out in amazement And it is said that in each of these trunks nnd boxes there was a wealth of fine dresses and apparel magnificent silver costly jewelry and expensive houso f urnibh ings all indicating that Mrs Wurtz berger had at some placo and at some timo been somebody with plenty of money at her commaud The community might have forgot ten all this but the womans conduct would not allow it Sho would take night rides through the country mounted on horsobrck and attired in mens clothes mad rides that set every body talking Now and then sho be came bloodthirsty about some renl or fancied grievance against somo man and then a fusillade of bullets would surprise him and the community Sho lived alone except for a hired man who looked after her property and in every dealing with the outside world she was strange and unusual This made tho community wonder and wonder became curiosity arid then oamo tho investigation of her past Little by little it leaked out Mrs Wurtzberger was left au orphan in tho east when a little girl Sho was adopted by a wenithy New Englaud banker who educated her finely and spent money freely upon her When sho became a miss of 17 or 18 ho placed every confid ence in her and made hor cashier of tho little country bauk that ho owned Suddenly he died and then came the girls first manifestation of her uuusual strain Ou tho day of his death she disappeared aud with her went all the available cash of tho bauk and its books and papers Whero sho had gone was for a long time a mystery but sho was heard of at Donver Col three orfout years later where she was married to a man of con siderable means She soon got tired of him and after a year or so of married life came to Dakota City with htr money and her possessions Two or three years ago she employed a man named Ferdinand Moon to work for hor He lived with her until troublo came between them and sho drove him away with pisiol shots Several times since then she has made him tho targot for her weapon Ackmni Irxlgtt IIoHiiltal Douutlou The following received today by Mayor Robertson iB in acknowledge ment of a subsequent remittance sent to the Texas storm sufferers Executive Office State of Texas Austin Oct 2 W M Robertson Norfolk Neb Dear Sir I am directed by the governor to acknowledge the receipt of your remittance of tho 17th ult for 2145 contributed by the ofll cers and employes of the Norfolk hospi tal for the benefit of the storm sufferers on the TexuB coast and to express to the contributors his sincere thanks for tho donation Very truly yours N A Chavens Private Secretory SATURDAY SIFTINGS August Neltko is millering from attack of pneumonia Rev 15 lluhii of Humphrey was a city visitor yestoidny Miss Myrtle Lyons of Madison is in the city visiting friends Mr and Mrs Alono Tucker wero shopping iu the city today Mrs M A Hutonbor and boh Kobort left this noon for Chicago lorry Trulock has returned fioin a visit to the Siou City carnival C D ileukiiiH has been on a hip west looking for a shipment of potatoes The people of tho Congregational chinch ate oigauiiug uohildionHchoir Mr and Mis I liury Buck rejoice over tho arrival of a new daughter this morning- Mrs S K Dunn returned this noon from n mouths isit in Mem or Colo rado Airs II 15 Austin departed on tho noon tiam tor Sioux City to visit friends Misses Emniu Slneino and 15va Mhor of Pierco wore city visitois today in Norfolk Mrs M A Hills and Mrs II C liu man went to Sioux City this morning to see the carnival Tho young Indies of Stanton have or ganized a club winch they lmu named thoLafalot Row S F Sharplobs will preach in tho Prehbyteiitn church Sabbath Octo ber M instead of tomorrow O R Eller is expected hero this even ing from Lincoln Hound Miss Kuth Matrau will bo married Monday A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs O R Miller who hvu four miles east l1 Norfolk last Wednesday October 3 Miss Mamie Crawford of West Point was in tho city today on her way to Madison to visit her sibter Mrs Earl Dawson A driver named Smith has arrived iu the city from Now Yoik to tako charge of tho oil wagon of the Standard Oil company A dance in Railway hall South Nor folk hibt evening was enjoyed by a number ot worshipers at tho shrine ol Torpsidoro J M Phillips the advance agent of tho Black Crook Ir company is in the city arraugiug for tho appearauco of his attraction at the Auditorium Tuesday evening Miss Iva Alliuhon is entertaining a number of her young lnends this after- noon from 3 to 0 at tho home of her par ents Mr and Mrs A II Allnibou on North Ninth street Theodore Quick of Morgans Valley Iowa ih in the city visiting his biother John who is showing him tho sugar factory asylum aud other sightb of tho city and vicinity Quarterly meeting will bo held tomor row at tho M E church Dr Sisson presiding eldor will preach audndmiii ister tho bacrament of tho Lordb supper iu the morning and Rev Main will preach iu the evening Tho West Side Whist club held a bus iness meeting at the home of Mr aud Mrs C S Bridge last evening and de cided to play whist every two weeks during the winter Tho first meeting will lo held next Tliurbday evening at the homo of Mr aud Mrs E P erby Mrs Morris Mayer is enjoying a visit from her father M Becker of Albion Mrs Becker is in Detroit Mich caring for her daughter Mrs Strauss who has been very sick for eight weeks with typhoid fever but is now convalescent Mrs Strauss will bo remembered by Norfolk friends as Miss Irma Becker As Governor Roosevelt was leaving Norfolk Thursday ho was presented with a basket of magnificent brook trout caught by Geo A Brooks of Bazile Mills and presented by that gentleman Tho gift was undoubtedly appreciated and probably constituted ono of tho delicacies of tho governors tablo at a subsequent meal Tho 1 1 -months-old boy of of Mr and Mrs Adams living at South Norfolk accidentally got hold of some concen trated lye this morning with which its lips and tongue wero badly burned The child did not swallow any of tho stud howover by which it escaped a serious condition Doctor Frank Salter was called and mode tho baby as com iortablo as possible The wind this morning voored to the northwest aud cooler weather is ex pected Tho temperature during tho past week or more has been yory high for this season almost equaling tho hot days of summer and a change is not un desirable to the mass of neonle One light frost that scarcely hurt a vino is all that has been experienced thus far in this vicinitybeiug an unusual boosou Store rent seomB to bo a serious pro position in Madison Thero is suoh a demand for buildings that owners of suoh property aro getting quito aristo cratically iudopendeut Tho Chronicle states that Postmaster Arnett was served with a notice of a 100 per annum raise on tho building occupied by Uncle Sam As this was more than the amount allowed for rent ho looked for another location The owners finally reduced their demand 00 and a petition is now being ciiculated to have tho rent mi allowance hunch ionic required amount lake Wahl tho harness mini has been twice forced to move during the Hum mer and was compelled to Htore his goods for a month because no building was obtainable A lug black horse belonging to a peddler created considerable excitement about 1 oclock this afternoon by run ning away The horse which was at tached to a light buggy started near the Catholic church and after taking a short spin around dashed furiously down Braasch avenue up Thiid street to the railroad aud then made a bee lino to waul the iior with the apparent inten tion of taking a swim It changed its mind however about that and came back to Thud street and was stopped at Buinsons barn arriving tlicio with the buggy wioug Mile up and its contents strewed along tho street lor mueral blocks The horse was uninjiiicd but tho harness and buggy did not faro so well Tho animal donionstmtod that it should bo given a placo on hit race truck MONDAY MENTION 11 1 Howell was a city vlHltor yes terday from Randolph Mis 1 Laugtry of Madison is the giiOHt of Norlolk friends Mrs OliUN Stittof Fremont attended tho Ellcr Matrau wedding today The Norfolk Womans club is mooting this afternoon with Mrs I Bantu Mis Geo B Cliristoph is visiting with her sister at Arnold his state Miss Ethel Kmli or Madison is the guest ol her friend Miss Claia Ruiliit Miss Ora Criini of the hospital snout Sunday with her parents at Creighton It is reported that tho wild violets iu this vicinity aro indulging in their sec- and bloom of tho year Tho regular meeting of Damascus chapter No 25 K A M will bo held at Masonic hall this evening Mr and Mrs W II Blakoinan and their guest Miss Myrtle Wood returned yesterday from tho Sioux City carnival Thero was a lively runaway at South Norfolk Saturday afternoon about 5 oclock No serious damage resulted Mrs Venus Iluebner who has Iwou viBiting her parents Mr and Mrs 11 II Miller returned to hor homo m Pierce today Mrs J D Cullom o Wayno was a guest at tho Eller Matrau wedding to day and will visit friends in tho city this week Mrs C 11 Reynolds will go to Lin coln tomorrow morning as a delegate from tho Norfolk womans club to tho state federation Mrs P F Collins and two children of St Louis Mo arrived in the city today to spend a month at tho home ot her mother Mrs O Mudsun Harvey Eller one of tho proprietors ot tho new vanoty stoio ami a cousin of U R Eller departed today for Iowa whore ho will bo married tomorrow Wm Stouller of West Point candi date lor htate treasurer on tho republi can ticket is iu tho city today renow ing old acquuiutauccs and making now ones Mrs Amanda Carpenter of Foster who died of consumption was buried at Plainview Saturday Sho was the daughter of J W Peed an old and re spected resident of Pierce county D Rees goes to Lincoln tomorrow to attend a session of tho grand lodgi KnightB of Pythias which meets Tues day nnd Wednesday Mr Rees is one of tho trustees of tho grand lodge The minimum temperature for the 21 hours ending at 8 oclock this morning was 28 degrees the lowest record since early last spring and the first time tho mercury has got below the freezing point Row S F Sliarpless goes to a meeting of the synod of Nebraska which holds its session at Central City tho Oth 10th and 11th of the month Mr Sliarpless is synodical chairman of tho board of church erection Mr and Mrs J W Gibson enter tamod a company of friends at whist Saturday evening complimentary to Mrs J Shoemaker Dainty refresh ments were served and a very pleasant evening was passed by those present Owing to various causes the Norfolk sugar factory did not start on its annual campaign this morning as expect ed but tho wheels will begin revolv ing promptly at 7 oclock tomorrow moruing enough beets having been re ceived to warrant a start hoiug made Farmers on tho freo mail deliver routes out of Fremont besides having their mail delivered at their doors ovory day recoivo the government forecast of tho weather for tho succeeding 30 hours The forecabt is received and printed in Fromout m timo to send out to tho farmers along tho routes Tho pumpkin viue has gone out of business The heavy frost amouutiug to a freeze last night did it Tho frost was so heavy that a quarter of an iuch of ico was formed on vobsels containing water that stood out of doors It was the ikbt killing frot of tho 6eason but it did no half way business While playing base ball on tho Grant school grounds this morning Edmund sou of Mr and Mrs W J Gow hnil the misfortune to be struck on the nro by the ball the blow breaking the 0 bridge of his nose It was n puluful hurl and the aid or a physician was re quired in put the member iu sliapo again Tlio first Sunday availing norvieo for about a year and a half was hold in tho First Congregational church last ovon iug Tho childrens choir composed of about 10 little folks from tho intermedi ate department of tho Holiday school mado Its first appearance while short talks wore mndo by dllloienl members of the church Sal unlay was Mrs S I lunlnorn llilth birthday anniversary nnd a score or nioie of hor neighbors and old timu friends improved tho occasion to all up on and surprise her Hovotal nlco gills wero pnsonted and light refreshmente woio served Tho gnosis departed wishing their hostess many happy ru tin iin of the day Mi Donald who had his log cut oil b bung inn over by au engine on tho 2 Hi ol July died yesterday moi mug In a hospital at Sioux Kails H I Ills mother Mis Maim McDonald or this ell departed yesterday mm ning to attend tho lunorid Tho lomaiiiH will bo taken to Ionca for In terment Tho deceased has been mar lied about a year Mr McDonald was well known on tho Milwaukee ronl and was a favorite among his companions Battle Creek Enterprise While Mr and Mis Malou Andersons infant son was playing on tho door Sunday after noon ho bogan choking and all efforts to relievo him proved unavailing A phyMoiun was called who decided that tho child had tried to swallow something which had lodged in its tin oat and tho customary methods to romovo It met with failure Its condition Monday morning was pitiable It could not tako nourishment and its in eat lung was labored Nothing loss than a dolicato operation could save its life and tho child accompanied by its mother and Dr I J Daniel was taken to St Jo sephs hospital at Omaha Monday At 7 IK oclock in tho evening Dr Loid was found who assisted by Dr Duniol made au incision iu tho wind pipo re moving after considerable dilllcully a largo sandbar from the babys throat Influniiiintion had been induced neces sitating tho insertion of a tulm in tho throat but at last accounts tho little out was improving rapidly and iinlesB home unforeseen complication arihes its ultimate recovery is assured David Ciiy Neb April I lK0 lenessee Pure Food Co LeHoy N Y Gentlemen I must suy in regard to iraiu O that there is nothing better or healthier Wo have used it for years My brotln r was a great coil eo drinker Ho wan taken sick and tho doctor said collco was tho cause of it and told us to use irain 0 Wo got a package but did not like it at first but now would not be without it My brother has been well over since wo Martcd to uso it Yours truly LlMIK SOfllOll Iren of Any adult suffering from a cold settled on tho breast bronchitis throat or lung troubles of any nature who will call at A K Leonards will be presented with a sample bottle ot Bosohoos German Syrup freo of chaigo Only one bottle given to ono person and nouo to children without otder from parents No throat or lung remedy ever hail such a sale us Boseheos Gorman Syrup in all parts of tho civih d world Twenty years ago millions of bottles were given away and your druggist will tell you its snecess was marvelous It is really tho only throat and lung remedy generally endorsed by physi cians One 75 cent bottle will cure or prove its value Sold by dealer in all civilized countries For cleanliness economy and comfort tho Retort Oik has no equal as a heater See them at Hamstreets I After He Comes I 5 he has a hard enough time Every- 9 thing that the expectant mother 2 tt can do to holt hor child she should S do One of tile greatest blessings JJ she can give him is health but to m do this she must have health her- JJ belf Shu should use every means 8 to improve her physical condition She should by all means supply herbclf with Mothers Friend It will take her through the cusis easily a n d vag yj r5 is quickly It is a liniment which gives strength muscles are which bear the btrain tho less pain there will be A woman living iu Fort Wayne Ind says Mothers Friend did wonders for me Praise God for your liniment Read this from Ilunel Cal Mothers Friend is n blessing to oil wc nit u who uiidcreo natures ordeal of childbirth Get Mothers friend ut the drug store SI per bottle n f a f rl n H it it it rf it rt f it it nnl - I muscles Com- inon sense will t snow you t n a t t li o stronger the THE BRADriELD REGULATOR CO Atlanta Ga 5 Write for our Iter illuttiatril book Refore 2 lUI y llurn 2