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17 11J 4 It 7 S 10 II 9 III 15 IS 21 211 2 R 1 7 H 0 10 n r2 52 52 ft2 fti 52 ri 51 ri rt ri Ml 55 55 55 rn I- VI I S7 III n iti ii si Ml ii 20 n u ii 11 IMI ni l m 20 t Hi rl V W HiirnoH Kourlli Addition ft tW I 18 I W HnrniM Ilfili Addition o lif 1 SI 8 tK III 8 J IX IW I 12 S 00 HI 20 lft IK III V W Huhim KUlli Addition 10 11 01 0 IS Mnndiunua Addition 0 71 t so 2 Ml Wycoira Subdivision of Muck 5 MHiida mm Addition 1 ii iliuidiimiu Addition u i ft i lif no H lif nw mid M lif IIW n lif and n lif i o n lif nw n hf HV nw v 7 8 12 12 il 89 7 ID lit il 25 1 05 01 Dittnmrs Addition s lif ns il 21 09 09 ItoborUonii Addition il I 87 Uowitta Audition 09 09 Haiichd Addition 4 87 3 B9 8 10 il 2 5 tl 3 19 II 57 8 I 1ark Addition fill 19 19 8 lfl M 8 10 15 12 95 15 52 Ik a 73 ColKgC Hill Addition Baacha Bocoud dltion 3J ill Ad- 3 25 40 Busus Vosta Tract 2 23 Weit Bido Park 18 19 20 pt SW 8W pt aa sw pt tw as pt w so pt BUT BW 32 32 32 32 32 32 99 40 IV 1 95 Unplatted lands in cltr Uulou Craok product Township 22 Ranso 1 description tec aint 1 f2 9 73 28 1 30 MlldON CITY Ililmi Crunk Ilocuirl V J Ilnrnnn Addition Dine J V i M lot lllk Ami 1 XII f VI i 89 oj Dtinrnli Addi lion 1 il 25 a mi 78 North Addition 1 22 2 22 il 22 22 22 ID ID III III lit 2 28 2 59 1rilz Addition I 10 21 r 2il 2lt 2l 20 Done Til NORFOLK NiWS THURSDAY OCTOHKK 11 1000 Lot lllk An 4 il 1 11 2 0 ii n nil n 55 fl lif nhf nhf u lif nhf llhfolif H lif n lif Hi 15 whf whf 7 ti II 21 21 21 25 2il 2H 27 2S 29 81 17 10 il iff II II fl ti il 51 31 I I ll 7 r in I oi it en in i 18 ID NollllAiwt Adililioll 71 71 71 77 70 79 H2 81 83 15 1 0 15 15 il Ml S SO il 80 ill 10 t ID I 01 Sim Itrvnkril lie Ilulo Homo tltm up llic czaiiuu a very pltlliuilliroplc anil rolltloiiH woniau niiitlc up tier tiilntl tlmt tltu luvlsh use of tobacco In IIuhhIu wan ilolujr harm Klto tlicruiiiion prolilbltetl tlio uso of tliu woliI iintl ospoelally of cigarettes In tlio court A few ilaya paBscii and Iter linpcrlnl majesty needed Boine money It did not come even after oho ltail Rent n conlldeiitlal Horvant to tho trcasiirj At laat In place of money came a white bearded old man from that In utltutlon with pleasant voice and at tractive address There must be a mistake your Im perial majesty Two weeks ago you prohibited the use of tobacco In tho court and so groat Is your Influence and so deep the love for you among tho people that the sales of the weed drop ped down to a fraction of what for merly was the case aud tho Internal revenue receipts became less than he expenses The government appreciat ed your high mitnlllcenco because un der the law of the hind your Income Is charged against the tobacco tax of this district and It was supposed that you hud concluded to give up your wealth In order to carry out your Views upon reform The following week bo tho story goes the rule was relaxed and the czarinas sudden poverty vanished ns If by magic Saturday Evening Post Blade to Fori nt Home One of the old time southern negroes went to Hoston to make his fortune After a week of walking up and down ho found himself penniless and no work In sight Then be went from house to house Kf you pleaso suit he began when his ring at the front door was answered cant you give n po cullud man work ter do or somepln ter eat And the polite nnswer Invariably was No mister very sorry but have noth ing for you Every one who answered his ring ad dressed him as Mr but shut their doors and hearts against him Finally he rang tho bell nt n brown stone front A gentleman appeared and the old man began Hoss I Is starvln Cant you glmmo Eotno vlttles You darned black kinky headed rascal exclaimed tho gentleman How dare you ring the bell at my front door Clo round the back yard way to the Kitchen and tho cookll give you something you black Hut Just there tho old man fell on his knees exclaiming Thank do Lawd I foun my own white folks nt las Thank do Lawd I foun em 1 done fouu em Atlanta Constitution - PolltpntMB Wanted A guileless rustle who wished to be come nttached to one of our railways emerged from tho examination rooin and informed the expectant relatives that ho had failed to pass tho sight test Why you cant have exclaimed tho father who was horrified nt tho thought Youre no moro color blind than I am Happen not but they wont havo mo answered tlio niHtlc bitterly It nil comes o trying to bo polite nn obliging as you said I waa to be fey ther But I cant see how being pollto could umko any difference quavered tho father It did though said Ute rustic Tho old chap held something up nn gays This is green Isnt it Come now Isnt It green quite pleading like and though I could seo It wor red I couldut find It lu my art to toll him ho wor wrong for fear ho might take offense So I simply said It Is yer honor an they bundled mo out No more politeness for me It dont pay London Answers MarrluK For SI oner A decrepit old negresa with n de formed back and a few discolored fangs In tho place of teeth called one day upon a geuUeman who had boon her employer and announced MIstah Ise gwlno ter git mcrrted Gtt married auntie exclaimed the man Why Im surprised Isnt the change a little sudden Yes tolable sudden but bettah late than nebber Oh well answered tho friend po litely a lady Is never too old to mar ry I suppose If she falls In lovo But Izo not fallen In lub Going to marry for money sar castically Yes sah dat am do solemn troof Its money Ise gaged ter Billy Jones Why Billys only 25 and you must be 45 Yes sah dats so but Ize now pay In Billy fifty dollahs a yeah for rent nn Tn trwrlno tor mnrrr lim i dat ermouut Atlanta Constitution TWO TIGHT COMERS EXCITING CHAPTERS IN THE LIFE OF A POLICE CAPTAIN A llnrd StriiKKle 1nr Ilfe Hlalunrt rxnil u With n Knrrnw Kacnpr Prom Dentil nt tlio Ilunila of nn Armed 51 a nine Yes we have to deal with some qucur people and some dangerous peo ple Fiild a police captain and I must say but not boastfully that we now and then have to use Judgment that Is at once quirk and reliable I re member several years ago wo had a highwayman lu tho station house who had shot a man an 3 robbed him lie was a dangerous criminal nnd a mighty powerful man and he was In a good position to go down for life or bu executed for his victim wns at tho point of death One night ho asked that I be sent to his cell I had arrest ed him and had tried to get a confes sion from litm but all my efforts had been vain lie hud taken a violent dislike to me aud he had laughed at all my endeavors Tho deduction I made when I heard he wished to Bee mo was that he had changed his mind and Intended to confess so 1 went to the cellroom and talked with him Captain said he In a confiding way I want you to come In hero nnd flit down This secret Is making a wreck of me and I want to tell you everything lie seemed quite penitent nnd with out any hesitation I opened tho cell door and sat down on tho bench beside him Is Mr going to die was hla first question The doctor says he ennnot live I replied Then the dinners for my going to tho chair are better than good asked he I replied that they were The pris oner lapsed apparently Into deep modi tatlon and while the spoil was upon him ho paced up nnd down tho cell Suddenly be slammed the door of tho cell placed himself before mo and said In n rather fearsome voice Ive finished one and If I do t5vo I can get nothing worse than the chair Saying which he leaped at me lead ing out a powerful blow as ho did so I was of course up and ready for him and had a billy In my hand He had nothing but his big lists feet nnd teeth nny of which he was ready and anxious to um but he was twlco i match for me even up I dont know how I did It If he had got the best of mo Just for a second I would havo been pounded to death there Is no doubt of that I rapped him on the betid time aud time again with my billy felt his blood flying over me heard him snarl and also felt the im print of his powerful lists It took me five minutes to lay him out aud I must say that 1 never spent five busier minutes in my life Oh hes lu prison now Hes doing 120 years I remember another little experi ence I had that is not easy to forget I was sitting In my private otllce one afternoon when a well built stylishly clad young man entered bowed pleas nntly and sat down on the edge of tho sofa I never was down In this part of tho city before ho said and being here 1 thought Id stop In and visit with you Thats right I rejoined Im al ways glad to receive callers I looked closely at tho man I couldnt place him at nil It seemc that I had seen him some place too He wns about 30 years old was stal wart and had an attractive face that bore slight traces of dissipation Beg pardou my friend said I but I really cant Just place you I know weve met but where No we havent met before I never saw you before today In my life Im from Baltimore Ivo heard of you a lot of times Tho dialogue lagged for a few mo ments and In that tlmo I scrutinized the stranger Ho mystified mo In a small degree and I wns Interested In him lie broke tho silence Say captain Ivo got something very Important to seo j ou about Ill Just close this door and Its Just as well that no one knows what wo do or say Now I wish first to Impress you with tho Importance of this mooting It Is the most momentous occasion of my life nnd on Its success or failure de pends my future Captain the stran ger leaned over and whispered In my ear Im going to cut your throat I was sitting with my profllo to tho Btranger and ho was leaning toward me Casting my eyes sldewlse I saw that ho helu an opened razor In hit right hand I did not inovo Immedi ately So youre going to cut my throat I said quietly turning part way around Yes captain I havo been com manded by Jod to do so Im sorry but It must bo done Get ready Thats ail right my friend Im perfectly willing you shall carry out your mission but to tell tho truth I hate to got blood all over my furniture here It wouldnt be nice to dirty up the office would It Suppose we go In tho back room Thatll d Come on rejoined the maniac quickly I got up Tho maniacs back was toward me With ono bound I had my arms shout his waist and his arms pinned to his side I then called for help and two officers rushed Into my otflco It took four big men to put that maniac In a cell Hes In nn asylum now Buffalo Express A wedding ring should fit Uie finger If It Is too large It 19 a Bign of shal lowness of purpose If too tight It suggests that the union pinches some how A perfect fltUng ring Is sym bolic of a perfect harmonious union A DIPLOMATIC LIBRARIAN lie Ilenaeil lie Inllt lelan Wltlmnt ililiiU III Irleiul u lonltlon When Mr Putnam was the head of the Public library In Boston a ward leader of Unit city called on hint to rec ommend a henchman for a place In tho library Thuro was no reason why the llbrn rinn should not hnve refused nt once nnd peremptorily to appoint htm but hu chose to follow another course After n few minutes talk with tho politician Mr Putnam asked him whether ho had ever been through all the departments of the Institution I never have but Id like to seo It replied the politician It will give tne much pleasure to go with you bald Mr Putnam Mr Putnam took him behind tho counters and through tho building from top to bottom explaining tho character and the magnitude of tho work In detail lie further pointed out without seeming to do so the varied duties of the employees nnd the attain ments they must possess to do tho work When tho tour was ended Mr Putnam said Im pleased to hnve had n chanco to show the library to you and If your friend will fill out nn application blank nnd Bend It nnd If he passes the neces sary examination I think thero will bo no difficulty In placing his name on tho waiting list Tho polltlclnn however hnd soon enough of library work to convlnco him that his constituent could find no plnco on tho stair nnd Uie blank was never filled out But to Uie day ho left Boston Mr Putnam had no warmer ad mirer In that city than this same ward leader Colliers Weekly HOW TO LIKE WAGNER Scenlo AceeBKorlen Arc rfeccminiT to ii Perfect Kenllcutlon The strict Waguerlte refuses to hear the music of bis favorite composer In Uie concert room It was never Intend ed he will tell you to be performed by Itholf but to be played ns an accompa niment to the action for the purpose of heightening the effect of the intense ly dramatic situations coupled with gorgeous stngo pictures that are In separable from Wagners famous art work The most Important part of a Wag ner opera according to tho composer himself Is not tho music but the drama which Indeed the beginner should closely follow with the aid of the book of words since the music is usually sung In German words The Intending Wnguerite should also begin with tho masters most popular works Tannhauser and Lohengrin He will then at once recognize the fa miliar music he has already heard so often nt concerts and struck by Its beauties he will attend many perform ances of these two Next year ho will want to hear these again supplement ed by Tristan und Isolde that won derful music drama so charged with intense emotion nnd passion Having heard Tristan and liked It he there upon becomes n full fledged Wagnerito In the true sense und Uie season after ho attends performances of the Ring der Nibelungen or he mny make a supreme effort to get to Baireuth From Balreuth he returns tho ardent disciple of a musician whose name he terrifies his friends by pronouncing In the German fashion not Wagner but Vaachkuer London Mall Mexican letter Writers Perhnps thero is no more character istic sight In Mexico than the so cnlled evnngellstas who ply their trade In tho Plnzuehi do Belem and the Plazuo la of Santo Domingo Those who oper ate In the former spot make a specialty of writing letters to tho Inmates of the prison for their Illiterate relatives on the outside but the evangellstns who may be seen nny day In the Plazuela of Santo Domingo do a genernl business They write love letters blackmailing letters nnd all sorts of letters for thoBO who do not know how to write at n rate of 3 C 0 or more cents according to tho length of tho missive They also undertake without extra chnrge to write the address on Uie envelopo and to attach tho required stamp but for tho lntter they make an extra charge of a cent It Is hardly necessary to state that only very lgnornnt people who nre totully unncqualnted even with Uie simple formalities of mailing a letter In addition to not knowing how to write have recourse to tho evangellstas for stamps Mexican Herald nil Seen Them All Before Once whllo Jumes Whltcomb Riley was visiting n southern town where ho was booked to give a reading a com mittee called to take him in a carrlago over tho city In acknowledging tho compliment he said Ill go with you genUemen provid ed you promise that you will not show me the new courthouse the new town hall tho new bridge tho new gas well the now school building and tho new Jail for Ive seen them all a hundred times In as many towns and they In variably wear mo out before Uie tlmo arrives for the curtain to rise on the evening entertainment Atlanta Con sUtutlon A rinlabed Speech Miss A When Im asked to sing I dont say No I cant sing nor wait to bo coaxed but sit right down at tho piano and Miss B Leave the company to find it out for themselves Philadelphia BnlleUn The Goat Didnt Knovr Oh my dear daughter to a Httl girl of 0 you should not be frighten ed nnd run from tho goat Dont yoa know you aro a Christian SclenUst But mamma excitedly the billy goat doesnt know It Trained Moth erhood INSPIRED BY DREAMS TRIUMPHS OF THE BRAIN ASLEEP OVER THE BRAIN AWAKE Drnmntlo Achievement Thnt Ovrc Tlielr Ilclntr to the Stj atcrtou AVorklfiRN of tlic Mind Under the Subtle Inflncncc of Slnmlirr There ore numerous authentic cases In which Inspired by n dream a per son has achieved In sleep something thnt he had utterly failed over when awake ami certainly more than ono where nn artistic triumph has resulted No doubt too there havo boon In stances of the kind where the mystery of such an achievement has remained nn Irritating problem ns very nearly happened In respect to nn artist whose pictures sold well and whoso genius for color comblnaUons was considered as astonishing ns his output The painter used to tell the creepy story of how going into his studio aft er breakfast ho would often stand spellbound nt the fact that soma super natural double had boon hard at work upon his canvas during tho night more tliau once obtaining cleverly an effect In scheme or coloring that he had strained after for days In vain Here was something to make the strongest brain reel As It continued nt Intervals after ho had tried locking tho studio door and placing the key under his pillow the effect can be better Imagined thnn de scribed and It was only a chance acci dent that at length burst the bubble He got up one morning to find his dressing gown streaked with a dry car mine pigment and fragments of the same material lay strewn about his easel below Impelled by a dream he had gone down there In tho night tc paint trodden upon the pigment and nutomatoullke picked up the pieces be fore retiring again Aud precisely the same thing Is known to havo happened to a well known worker In mosaics some years ago nis mind continued to work out schemes nfter his body had struck and he would proceed to his workroom nnd arrange designs the effect of which simply stupefied him next morning At least one enduring piece of music owes Its Inspiration and production to a dream In tho same dramatic way Tho singular distinction In fact is claimed for several It occurs at the end of a fatuous Russian opera For weeks the composer had struggled with his finale and had all but given It up In despair The spirit of a certain theme danced vaguely through his overworked brain but always eluded him when he went to sot It down for tho orchestra One night ns ho lay asleep It came to him grandly definite Ho dreamed that It was an accomplished fact on paper Events showed that ho must have gone down stairs played It tri umphantly over on his organ several times and then written down the chords that had caused him so much anxiety Next morning the score sheets were found neatly dotted and the finale a groat success but although bis wife had heard the organ going nnd even remembered the tune played the com poser himself could only recollect tho dream Itself and was absolutely at a loss to account for the position In which he was found fast nsleop over the keys The brain hnd succumbed Immediately tho dream inspiration had taken n practical shape Equally dramatic again Is the sto ry often told of a struggling musi cian who hnd written a song which he could not induce nny music publisher to risk publishing The fact had prey ed on his mind One night he dreamed that he had written a pathetic letter to a popular singer Inclosed It with his scorned masterpiece walked all tho way to the vocalists house at Hemp stead und pushed his envelope through the letter silt there He recollected lit tle of it next morning not having oc casion to miss bis manuscript and stoutly denied his landlords assertion that bo hnd left his bedroom and gone for a nocturnal stroll Shortly after ward however ho was astonished at receiving a check and a ticket for a concert and then especially when he heard his own song rendered nt tho concert It nl Hashed back to him He had unconsciously acted upon his dream owed his stroke of luck purely to a somnambulistic Inspiration It goes without saying too that the most humorous things aro occasionally done by persons who retire to rest with a fixed intention for tho morrow In their minds and are discovered work ing out the scheme in their Bleep Tho writer knows a gentleman nev er suspected of acting upon Inspira tions evolved In his slumber who had laid In a stock of enamel paints with which he Intended to decorate his rooms after a pattern not yet decided upon Somo fantastic noUon presum ably must have presented itself as be Elopt All unconsciously he proceeded down stairs In tho small hours mixed all the colors together In a bowl and started to daub Uie doors and walla with considerably more determination than taste The result was a maUc chaos to say nothing of a bad shock for the gentleman who sprang out of his dream at Uie sound of a cry from his startled wife Philadelphia Times An Austere Philosophy Keep working 6ald Senator Sor ghum earnestly Dont be discourag ed by failure but try try again Re member that good old maxim Persist encys a Jewel Are you sure Its persistency in quired tho young man mildly Isnt It con Instead of per Well he answered thoughtfully as life goes nowadays I suppose theres got to be more or less con in it But It Isnt considered polite to lay too much stress upon it Exchange TWO TIPS ON RACES The ttcclplcnt Telln Why He Not ItnnkerliiK After Anr More No sir Bald a New Orleans denUst tho other day when Uie conversation hnppened to turn on sports no sir I wouldnt play a racing Up under nny circumstances I wouldnt play it if I know it wns a copper bottomed doublo rivlted cinch nnd a 100 to 1 shot But why wouldnt you asked a listener Have you been thrown down so bad I haveut been thrown down nt all replied the dentist On tho contrary Uie only two tips I ever hnd lu my life were both perfectly straight but well Ill toll you what happened to mo Personally I dont enre for racing and never go uenr tho track but during tho winter season I did a good deal of work for horsemen nnd got well ac quainted with Bevernl Ono day a Louisville man for whom I had put In a rather difficult filling told me In an offhand fashion to put 5 or 10 on a certain horse that was going to run next day I thought It over decided I would and decided I wouldnt and finally didnt Tho horse came gallop ing In first 12 to 1 I was so asham ed of myself that I hadnt the face to tell tho Louisville man Uie truth and when he asked me how much I hod gathered in I said a hundred nnd thanked him wnrmly Later on he got broke and came around to borrow 50 I wouldnt ask you he sold but you know I put you next to winning that hundred What could I Bay I hand ed him the money and have never seen It since That was tip No 1 The other tip was given mo by a gambler here in town continued tho dentist I yanked out a molar that was setting him crazy aud In n burst of gratitude he swore me to secrecy and told mo to bo certain to bnck a horse well call him Snow King which come3 near to his name thnt was to run that afternoon I couldnt go out myself that dny but I determined I wouldnt get left twice so I sent for a friend raked up 20 nnd told him to go and make the bet for me This friend of mine has a bad impediment In his speech and late that afternoon ho rushed In with a face like a funeral me he stuttered mo Why whats wrong I asked greatly startled With much difficulty he managed to tell mo that he had got the names mixed and hnd bet on King John Instead of Snow King Snow King wns a winner of course at 20 to 1 nnd King John wns nowhere My messenger was so heartbroken over his blunder thnt I didnt have the heart to reproach him and when ho pulled out 20 mostly In small silver and tried to make me take It I refused No my boy I said you cant afford to make that good Its vexatious of course but mistakes will happen so keep your money and sny no more about It That made me feel so fine and magnanimous that It sort of reconciled me to my loss nnd my friend was almost tearful lu his thanks About a month afterward as near as I remember a bookmaker came In to get a set of false teeth and while we were waiting for the cast to dry we got to talking about luck He said It wns strange how often grcenbutslders walk up andi call the right horse Why not long ngo he said all tho talent was backing the fnvorlte In one of tbr events where It looked like a moral cer tainty that nothing else could win Just before the race was called up comes a gawky young follow to my box and puts down 20 on an old skate of the name of Snow King He got 20 to 1 and might Just as well have hnd 100 to 1 Hold on I interrupted be ginning to foel a little sick did you no tice anything peculiar about that young man Nothing particular said the bookmaker except that he Btuttered so bad I thought ho would never make his play before the race was over So thats why Im sore on tips add ed Uie dentist I got two straight ones nnd I figure It out thnt I lost 150 on Uie first the 100 I didnt win and Uie 50 I lonned nnd 420 on Uie sec ond tho 400 I won but didnt get and the 20 I was fool enough to tell my stuttering friend to keep total 570 Wouldnt that Jar you a lltUe New Orleans Times Democrat Wanted Them Lively Talking about the queer ways some people havo of sizing up a mans capa blHUea for a Job Bald a New Jersey man tho other day thore recently died In my town a boss carpenter who had one question which he always ask ed of Journeymen who applied to him for employment If the applicant was found to possess all the other neces sary qualifications he would ask M What are your favorite tunes f Why what do you want to know that for You whistle and sing some at your work dont you Oh yes Well what tunes do you generally whistle or 6lng Oh theres Old Hundredth and Auld Lang Syne and Down by Ui Weeping Willows and ThafB enough Uie boss would ex claim You wont do for me These tunes are too slow for me Good day On Uie contrary if Uie applicant an swered Oh I generally whistle Yankeo Doodle or The Flshera Hornpipe or something of that sort the carpenter would say at onco I think youll do Take off your coat If you want to and go to work Washington Star Mllltarr Cntforma Military uniforms were not originally especially splendid It was Uie Prus sian army and then Napoleon who set Uie example of adorning Uie soldiers dress all over with fur gold lace and o on The Napoleonic armies suffered from a perfect mania for ihowy trap Vlngs tm j h W P h f l