The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 11, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Select rolling rinicn for Election Mm
C1ioimi to Morto on tlio l nrj
Hills Alloucil
Madison Nehr Oct a 1IK0I p in
Board of county commissioners of Madi
son county state of Nobrasko mot In
regular session lrctont II V Winter
J J Hughes mid Christ Kohinitt
Minutos of lust mooting rend mid on
motion approved
lotition of voters of Mudison pro
cinct asking for t ho division of the sudl
product into two polling precincts one
to contain nil of the territory lying
within tho corporate limits of Madison
city in said precinct and tho other to
contain all 1 ho balauco of tho territory
in said precinct was on motion
granted ns prayed for
On motion tho following bills wcro
J H Secor Co merchandise for
Mrs Caioy 1870
Ohr Schavlaud foos in case of John
D Haskoll vs Win Bruuimoud f I 58
iusauity case Win h Oakos 50
postago etc from May S1H total
Nobraska Tolophono Co rout to Do
combor III and toll 785
Horsfc Bros lock gasolineetclJ05
W Skala material mid work mend
ing Hag 1 00
Phil Bauoh salary as clork of board
third quartor 10000
Porkins Bros books etc from Janu
ary 1st 221 IK
M D Tflor salary for quartor ending
Soptoinbor 0 200 00
J V Altstadt road work 1150
J F Altstadt cash paid for help
with grader 11 25
L B Baker lumbor S1S2I
Honry Kaufmann I wolf scalps
000 applied on personal tax
Goo W Looy board and jailors foos
John Brown July 5th to August Gth
0000 bonrd and jailors fees Win
Marquardt 130 days 30 00 committing
biuno to jail 100 caso county vs
Geo Richardson et al 2 05 caso
state vs Leroy Alyea 17 -10 caso state
vs Cornelius Schmidt 2175 caso
state vs W L Oakes insane 20 -15
taking Donnis Sullivan to asylum
1000 attending district court 2 days
400 caso Haskoll vs Brumnioud
235 ollico and jail expenses from July
4th 22 85 total 225 -15
On motion the claim of Win Bates
for fees for guardian ad litum appointed
in cases of state vs Frank Davis and
state vs Fred Ayers 200 was rejected
on the recommendation of the county
attorney ho claiming that Judge Bates
had no right and no power to appoint a
guardian ad litum in either of said cases
Comes now Wm Bates county
judge and oxcopts to said ruling for
the reason that it is contrary to law
that said ruling is an interference with
and nn attempt to control tho oxorciso
of a discretionary right of a judicial
oflicor conferred by law that it de
prives minors of due process of law in
cases when tho parent or guardian or
other legal representation is tho adverse
party and thereby denies to them tho
protection of tho law
On motion tho claim of O A Wil
liams for 500 for carbon copy of evi
dence in caso of state vs Lelaud Spauld
iug was rejected
On motion board adjourned to 7 0 p
Board met pursuant to adjournment
On motion the following bills were
A W Gross fee insanity caso W L
Oakes r00
J B Donovan printing for county
superintendent 2350
Warroll Manufacturing Co 5 gallon
disinfectant and spray pump for jail
Dr Edward Tanner coroner to in
vestigating causo of death of J Lewis
and miloage 1200 to attendance and
medicine Mrs Mary Woods 1350
total 2550
Gust Kaul janitor salary for Septem
ber 3000
O P Montross blanks for county
treasurer 000 applied on personal tax
125 balance 47r
J J Adams material and labor put
ting floor in clerks vault 515 ap
plied on personal tax 205 balance
Madison Chronicle blank deeds for
county clerk 1500
Pardon Marshall work on rip rap on
Elkhorn 750
Otto Lindtstadt work ou rip rap on
Elkhorn 525
Carl Batlike work on rip rap on Elk
horn 000
Christ Back work on rip rap on Elk
horn 500
Henry Back work on rip rap on Elk
horn 525
John Back work on rip rap on Elk
horn 525
G F Fox work on rip rap on Elk
horn 1800
Wm Brummond bridge work 5150
Antelope county grading ou county
Hue bridge 1500
L W Lyou work with grader
Smith Premier Typewriter Co type
writer for clerks ofllco 10750
Wm Brnmmund appropriation for
asylum road 10000
On motion the petition of S II Grant
et al asking for tho appointment of P
H Palmer as road overseer for district
No SO was granted and Mi Palmer was
On motion doik was instructed to
notify tho Canton Biidgo Oo to build
a 20 foot bridge 111 foot tod codar piling
on west Mdo of section 30-21-2 according
to contract
On motion board adjourned to Octo
bor J at s a in
Board mot pursuant to adjournment
Ou motion tho clerk was instructed to
call tho gonoral elect ion for Tuesday
November 1 100 and the several voting
plucos woro doslgnatod as follows
Norfolk First ward city hull
Norfolk Second ward A Bucholz
Norfolk Third word West Side hoso
Norfolk Fourth ward Junction hoso
Norfolk precinct outsido city Dr
Diulol paper and seed store building
Valley precinct Hay school house
Deer Creek precinct Hughes school
Burnott precinct Kiorstoad hall
Grovo precinct Mullly school house
Highland precinct county poor house
Battlo Creek precinct opora house
WaruervUlo precinct Warners hall
Union precinct Snyders Bhop
Sholl Creek precinct ongino house
Fairviow precinct Hod School houso
Schoolcraft precinct Throckmorton
school house
Emerick precinct West Emorick
school houso
Kalamaoo precinct Jenkins school
Green Garden precinct Schmitt
school houso
Madisou precinct iusido city city hall
Madison precinct outsido city G A
H hall
On motion tho following bills in mis
demeanor cases wore allowed
Ohr Schovland witness and olliccis
fees in case ot John D Haskell vs Win
Bruuimoud 1020
D McNiel witness fees in caso of
John D Haskell vs Win Brummond
210 applied on personal tax 1110
balance 80 cents
W S Obriuofeo case of John Brown
1 15
Wm Bitcs fee in case of Ralph J
Wilson 210
S W Hayes fees in caso of A N
Eddy 375
S W Haves foes in case of Charles
Curtis 555
S W Hayes witness and juror foeB
in nbovo caso 0
S W Hayes fees in caso of John
Thompson 395
S W Hayes fees in caso of C Clark
Arhtur J Koeuigstein deputy sher
iff fees in cases state vs Willis stato
vs Hirsch stato vs Clark stato vs
Thompson and state vs Charles Curtis
J S Curtis fees m stato vs Brown
Martin Kauo fees in caso stato vs
Wm Marquardt and stato vs Chas
Curtis 915
W II Widaman foes in caso stato vs
A N Eddy 015 was allowed less 1 00
for assistance Amount allowed 515
On motion Glaus Young was allowed
a warrant for 5000 on soldiers reliof
On motion following bills were nl
Edwards Bradford Lumber com
pany lumber 10290
Olo Johusou hauling lumber 100
On motion clork was instructed to re
quest tho count- attorney to furnish
board at their next meeting a written
opinion as to what their powers may bo
in the matter wherein tho county
bought laud at tax sale and let their
rights lapse
On motion board adjourned till one
Board mot pursuant to adjournment
On motion Ohr Schavlaud Geo W
Losey R O Miles Wm Bates O W
Crum and Phil Baucn wore appointed a
committee with power to roceivo bids
and enter into contract for tho painting
and papering of court house
Committee from Battlo Creek made
report of work done on road south or
that town showing that donation work
to the amount of 45750 has been dono
On motion roport was approved and
warrant ordered drawn in their favor
according to agreement for 280
On motion board proceeded to seloct
60 names from whioh a jury for tho on
Buing term of district court shall bo
drawn Tho following names were
Norfolk procinct P W Hull Honry
Ueoker P Ueokorman Aug Kaun O
D Jenkins I G Westervelt W J
Gow D D Walker O F Eiseley L
L Reinbe O P Haoso G W Leo
Wm Lehman Frank Winter O W
Lemont O P W Marquardt Fred
Krantz and W E Spencer
Valley precinct Owen ONeil Elmer
Warnervile precinct W II Boyd
Chas Lodge
Battlo Creek procinct Nioholas Lund
Thos Wade Sam Kent jr W B
Union procinct Alfred Dover L W
Lyou A A Bley
Fairviow procinct Phil Every John
A Moore
Green Garden precinct Henry Maur
er jr Daniel Kuapp
Kalamazoo precinct Theo Beltz Jo
seph Stibley
Madison procinct Herman Fricke sr
K 1 Prince KianU Hoist 1 G Cleve
land Clevo Beeves 1 L Hyniursou J
II Rlhor
Schoolcraft precinct John Wester
velt R K Wariick
Highland precinct P 11 Scott
Frank Wright
Deer Crook procinct 1 II Harding
Chas Crook
Burnet procinct B H Baker Frank
Mullly Walter Palmer M L Howard
Grovo procinct A W Whitohoru
Wm Hayden
Kuieriek precinct Id Austin John
Sholl Crook precinct C R 1 Human
G Vaugo Honry lacolnon M Strand
On motion lxmrd adjournod to Novem
ber 7 1900 at ono oclock
IMiu BUoii
County Clerk
Hupftrlntfliiilfmt K until Struck ly
rliiirgiil rniployfi at I one Ilim
Kniin WimIiiiIiIiijh Dully
Superintendent O II Reynolds of tho
Norfolk division of tho V K Ss M V
railroad was tho victim of a cowardly
assault at Long Pino this morning by a
mail named Rose formerly a brakoman
mid conductor in tho employ of tho
road but who was discharged sovornl
mouths ago
Mr Reynolds was on tho depot plat
form when ho was approached from
behind by tho follow mid on turning
around was dealt a stunning blow on tho
right side of tho faro which knocked
him down and after he had fallen his
cowardly assailant struck him two or
three times Tho first blow cut nn
ugly gnsh in tho superintendents right
cheek and rendered him unconscious
while tho assault after ho was down
also produced sonio ugly wounds
Tho train was delayed 10 minutes
while Mr Reynolds wounds woro bung
After his assault tho follow was
caught by the conductor of tho passen
ger mid an etlort made to find the mar
shal but he was not at hand and the
conductor roleabcd tho man
It is said that Hoso has boon waiting
for a chauco to assault Mr Reynolds
for some tune because of that which he
imagined to bo a wrong and after tho
attack ho mado tho boast that ha had
money in the bank to settle with tho
court nnd that ho now considered him
self oven
A ooniplanit for his arrest has boon
sworn out and ho will undoubtedly ro
ceivo a speedy and just punishment
Mr Reynolds was brought homo and
is now resting as comfortably as could
bo expected
Tlio superintendent is of slight build
while Rose is said to bo a burly rullinn
which conditions will in no wiso tend to
any sympathy for him
lottrr IiHt
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postoflico October 8 1900
Miss Mollio Anderson Ralph Ashton
August Besk Geo Carter Aug Caul
Mrs Mary Campbell Miss If atio Collins
Elmer Ellis 1 P Espingor Prank
Evertit Miss Kate Goilo Miss Lottio
Hamilton Jacob lloosoh Miss Lena
Howard H B HuusickorMrs GALuco
Pawers Sisters Miss Anastntia Ryan
Mrs J L Smith Mrs W D Stum
baugh D A Swishor Jane D Taylor
If not called for in 110 days will bo
sent to tho dead letter ollice
Parties calling for any of tho above
please say advertised
P F SiKECitnn P M
Positively no hunting or fishing al
lowed on tho promises of tho under
signed Parties trespassing will be
Lrwis Ray
John Ray
Hexiiy Massman
S T Nappkk
Fred Brown wont to Hamburg Iowa
Tuesday to visit his parents
H J Varuor of Seward county is tho
guest of his brother-in-law Nate Row
W M Olmstead made a business trip
to Sioux City and La Mars la last
Fred Terry has purchased the quartor
section of land ho has boon farming tho
past three years
Milo Ouplin who has been in Wyom
ing and Idaho tho past four years has
returned and expectsto pass tho winter
here with his mother
W H Loomls has bought tho thesh
iug maohino that Reed brothers ran
last year and pulled up noar Battle
Greek Tuesday to commence work
Frod Odell left for Kama City Mon
day morning as a delegate from the M
B A lodge here to tho convention of
the supreme lodgo to bo hold the 10th
Couldnt Help Saying It
Dearest asked thu confiding girl
after her usual manner am I really
your first and only love
No darling said tho young drug
gist but yon aro something just as
good Indianapolis Journal
IIoo JIoos Meet at Dull a
Dallas Tex Oct lO Tho ninth an
nual meeting of tho Order of Hoo
Hoos assembled here yesterday Two
thousand mombers aro present com
ing from all parts of tho United
States The session will last throe
days and will be followed by an excur
sion to the City of Mexico
Blood Trouble
As the blood contains nil the dementi ueeeswry to sustain life it is Impor
tant that it bo kept ftee of all Itupittitiii or it become a soiuce of disease
pointing instead of notitislliug the body and lusi of health is sine to fnlbiw
home jxasous eutet the blood from without through the skin by absottillon or
inoculation othets fioin within as when waste piodueti nreiituulate in the
system and fettuent allowing disease genus to develop ami be taken into the
circulation While all blood troubles have one common oiigin carh bus some
peculiarity to distinguish it fiotu the other Contagious Mood Poison Sitoftila
Cancer Rheumatism Keenm and othei blood diseases can be distinguish d by
I Cettaiti son iilrn iiittlii tw iil1ittiiiHi il i i
OM Sores
BSooil Poison
Chronic Ulcers
I ii jii i tl mi- T TI 1HH
---- mums wHJiier or im r on uie otllstoe anil on lite weakest pint of the body ot it finds the lennt resistance
Many mistake the soie oi oittwaid sign for the teal disease and attempt a iiuc by the u salves liniments and other
external applications Valuable time is lost and no petiuaiicnt beuelil leiived fiom mieli u it
etiidieated the blood reinforced putlfied and ileansed ot the disease goes do i r and ips I he veiy life Meicury
potash nnd arsenic the tteattuetit usuallj tucsetibed ill this class of diseases me violent pi even when taken in small
Hoses never cine but do much liuiu by adding anothei poison to the alteady diseased blood
fi m rt iNniute s own tenieily matte ot toots and In ilis attacks the disease in
the blood antidotes and fotccs out all iinpiiiities tu ikes weak thin Mood neb strong
and healthy and at the same lime builds up the getietal health S H K is the only
purely egetable blood putiliei known and the only one that enn tench deep seated
Mood tiotibles A lecoid of 50 eais of nticecssful elites piovcH it to be n tellable
unfailing specific fot all blood nnd skin tumbles
From Motllaal Troatmunt -Our Medical Department 1h in charge of
skilled physicians who have made blood and skin diseases a life Htuily no If jou nave
f mlillftltlla 111nul llait rVt Cr1 OI I I MllL IH
r viiivi iwiiim wii iiiiiuii iui i i urn mi win ouir ur i ucr
or any similar blood trouble write them fully for advice about youi ease All concHondenec Is conducted in strictest conn
dencc We make no chat go for this service Hook on blood and skin diseases fiec SWIFT SPECIFIC CO Atlanta Ga
AumiHt Ilowitr
It is a tun prising fact says Prof
Hotitou that in my travels in all pails
f the woild lor tho last I en yoitis
have met more people having used
Greens August Flower than any other
remedy for dyspepsia doianged liver
and stomach and for constipation I
find for tourists mid salesmen or for
persons filling ollico positions whore
headaches and general bad feolings from
irregular habits exist that Greens
August Plowor is u grand remedy It
docs not injure ho system by frequent
use mid is excellent for sour stomachs
and indigestion Sample bottles flee
ut A K Loonaids Sold by dealers in
all cmlied count lies
Dr Sudio Hint Millci a riiiduutc
the American J ehix 1 U Ostc nntiy
Kiiusu e ilissouri iis ot e i
ollico hi hot folic ioi il nraetico
1 1
Hi s now Hvsieiii oi healing Boom
i ver i in yes jewelry ui iiurs
i loin 10 hi the mottling to n tli
afternoon Consn tin ion an i x
animation free
Tho complete service of The
Special via Union Pacific
enables passengers to reach tlio princi
pal cities between the north and Pacific
coast and Missouri river not only in tho
shortest possible spico of tinio but also
in the most comfortable and enjoyable
maimer The dining cars on this train
nn stocked with tho best tho market
ullords All meals served a la carte
Farming In Coloiuilo anil n lloxlco
Tho Douvor Rio Grando railroad
Tho Scenic Lino of the Woild has
propared an illustrated book upon tho
nbovo subject which will be sont frco to
farmers desiring tochango their location
This publication gives valuable informa
tion in regard to the agricultural hoili
cultural and livo stock interests of this
section mid should bo in the bauds of
ovoryono who desires to become ac
quainted with tho methods of iarming
by irrigation Write S Iv Hooper G
P T A Douvor Colo
If you have neuralgia St oils
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil
will feed the nerve that is cry
ing for food it is hungry
and set your whole body going
again in away to satisfy nerve
and brain from your usual food
That is cure
If you are nervous and irri
table you may only need more
fat to cushion your nerves
you are probably thin and
bcotts hmulsionof Cod Liver
Oil will rive you the fat to be
gin with
Cure so far as it goes
Full cure is getting the fat
you need from usual food and
Scotts Emulsion will help you
to that
If you hnve not tried it semi for free sample
Its agreeable taste will ou
409 415 Icarl Street New York
50c auu 1 00 all druggists
Michaels Studio
Wo shall bo ploasod to see yon ovou if
you do not need any work in our line
Come in and got acquainted and see our
lovely line of photos whero you will
find tho very latest in styles of mounts
and Quish All work guaranteed satis
factory Wo have a flue lino of Oil
Paintings water Colors Pastel and
Crayon Work A largo stock of Pic
ture Pramos aud MouldinKB Amateur
supplies always on hand und your work
douo prompt aud reasonable Your
trade is wanted nt tlio ttuest gallery m
this country
Yours for Business
Guaranteed OlipiipoHt und Iesi A Slip rbilivn Cond t inner and Put toner
Livestock Prices 1 ccnte nun 1 tils 1 or p uui iiotnid Imus
Keeps fowls hen il y M m h hie t pifv IMiiIti h liens lay Prevents
tOllltl 1SMSI s Pi 10 1 IIMIH nei I acknuO
I or Sa I
Sugar City Cereal Mills
Norfolk Nebraska
1 iiiilariind pamphlet fee
IOK II S V S liidiamipdiH Ind
Free from All Disease Breeding Germs
Important Important Important
It is not only important hut absolutely necessary to have pine blood if you
wish to get rid of Kidney Liver or Hladdor Tumbles Kill tho genus purify
tho blood and tho cause is eradicated the disease cured und In alth icturns
Jhese little disease bleeding germs float about 111 itiipuio blood mid traveling
throughout I ho body alight on any spot that is weak mid when the Kidneys
Liver or liladdor have hiieh hpols they become allected Unless lulled at once
and tho blood ledeemed f 10111 these genus of death tlmy multiply rapidly until
tiio tissues bocomo so invohed that thu organs failing to do their duty tho
whole structure suffers
Swarms of these living germs finally got tho upper hand destroy these deli
cate organs altogether mid tho result is death Ono of the greatest remedies
antiseptic and a germ destroyer is Cramers Kidney and Liver Cure Safe but
Hiire it goes to tho mot of the evil A vegetable compound scientifically made
especially to net on tho blood becoming a component part ol it destroying all
the living germs of any kind it noes right to the seat of the trouble killing
tho little pests aud restoring and htiengthening tho tissues until relief and a cure
is affected Tho bright eye tho appetite and ambition will again bo yours
Omii Nob April i lHX
UontH I limn Iiiioii 11 uruiit HiilToror from
liiiliii tmiililiri tor Kirn i Hun 1 watt mi IiiiI
I could mil lift mijtliiiiK or hIooii al all M
iiintllo uiih poor ami I vsnu comilitol run
ilouu I look tun ImiIIIob of CriiinorV Kiilimj
Cmo ami now I mil nltlo to do i IiIk duy uork
I haw a ood iippuliti anil I can locouiuiitml
our iiindlciiii to iiujouu iilllictoil willi I11I110J
dleaiso Ilisiu Koiiiii North lMli Si
Aiiiim N V Toll li00
Cimmi it Ciiimk w Co
imilh I Inn 11 liiiii a Kriuil BiilTuror from
klilncj ililllculiim fur 11 iiuiiihurof jimrs Ilnvo
tiiliiin nil kinilrtiif romodiiit Mithoul Ixinnlll 1111
III I liiiiinl of CnniinrK Kului Chid I IxuiKlit
liio IhiUIdi mid iihoiI tut dirnctod mill tlio mont
unilifiiiK KtuiltH I 11 m nou Miitirol Inn from
liDiidiiclio from ulncli I huh a ronfluul Hiif
furor mid run hiifnl hm tlml Ii Hid rouliuuoil
iii u ot our iiiluulilo rumoil tlio uorxl tonus ot
MiIiid ilfiioiifo mil rnrlainl bo cured
Viirj rosipictfiill
Joillli M iix Hulall Clolliiur
Insist on having CRAMERS Take no substitute Sold by all druggists
Manufactured by
Missouri Pacific Ry
Iron Mountain Route
To certain
points iu
PLUS 200
October 2 nud 10
ON TUESDAYS November 5 and 20
Decombor 1 and lb
Final Limit of Tickets 21 Days
Stop overs will bo nllowod within
transit limit of fifteen days going after
reaching first homeseekers point on
for furtW information or uihertUiiiK mat
ter nddrobtt uii nitoul of tho compandor
A G F amir A T PA
Southeast Cor litu and Uouulas Sti
Dr Humphreys
Specifics euro by acting directly upon
tho disoaso without oxciting disorder in
any other part of tho system
no cent nucai
I Krrrri CnitloM Inflammations US
VJ Wormi Worm Kovor Worm Colic JS
1 Terthlnit Colic Crying Wakefulness 33
1 niarrhea of Children or AdulU US
7 Cuugha Coldi Ilronchltls J3
H puralla Toothaclw raceacha 35
Sick Htwiacht Vertigo 33
10 lvpeplaIuitlcNtlonWeak3tomach31
11 hurerd orPalaful Perledi 35
13 Whllen Too Prof use Periods 33
13 Croup Iaraillli Iloartoaeas 33
1 1 Hall BhruiB ErjiliwUi Eroptlou 35
10 llhrumallara Ilhtumatlo fnlut 33
10 Malarla Chilli Kerer aud Ago - S3
10 Catarrh Influenza Gold la tbUad 33
30 VbeopliigCouth 33
37 Kldiiey Dlieaar 33
JH erou Iletilllly lo
30 lrlnary Weakuew WetUajBd 34
77 Orlp HayFoTer 35
Or Humphreys1 Manual of aU Dloeaaei at roar
DrtuotlalD or Mailed Free
8ola by dniKKiBta or wnt on receipt o prW
rtumnhrejii Jlod Cot Cor William Join Bu
Now York