The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 11, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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VI The Explosion in Hie Treasury
Vnilil lf00 by llolirrt I1rr
When lennlo returned to Vienna nntl
wns once more iimtiillrd in her ltixuricniH
rooms nt thn Pnlncn Hteinholinir she
received In dun time a copy if The
Daily Hugh forwarded to her under
cover ns u reglstried letter Tlio trl
could not complain tlmt the editor linil
failed to nmkt tlio iiiohI of tlitwmwH hIio
lind nent lilm As she opened out tlio
paper she hiiw the gient hlaek heiidlines
Unit extended across two columns and
tlio nowH itself dated not from Venice
but from Vienna wiih in type a nliailu
larger than that ordinarily lined in the
paper and wiih double leaded Tlio head
lugs were startling enough
nivvroM ISOLD
Thr Mont IJlKmille llnlilierj of JMoil
cru Tliiim
Tiic Alixtrliui Wnr tlunJ 1 iiiiiiiIIimI
ThoiiI SI
II I Ion roiiiiiln
IHnnntcr ill Hie
In Vlrniin
Hi lolil
1n n r Mrn Klllril linil Slilren Others
Jin re or lrsa Mrrlotisly Injured
Dear mo tlio princess cried in
looking over Jennies Mionlder at these
nninylng headhiKH how liko homo that
looks Tlio Bugle ilooMit seem nt all
like a London journal It reminds mo
of a Chicago paperH account of a Imso
ball niiitcli a biiHtilmll mntch when
Chicago wiih winning of course when
Anson had lined out tho ball from tlui
pinto to tho lako front nml brought
three men in on a homo run at a crit
ical point in tho gaino
Good graciouHl cried Jonnio
What language aro you speaking Ib
it slang or somo foruign tongiiOT
It iH pure ChlcagooHo Jonnio into
which 1 occasionally lapse oven hero in
priih Vienna 1 would liko to neon good
tuiHobnll match with tho Chicago nino
going strong LotiiH abandon this effete
inoiiiirchy Jonnio and pay a visit to
Ill go with pleiiBiiro if yon will toll
mo first who looted tho war chest If
you can placo your dainty forolingor on
tho spot that couoealH uuouuouuu lior
ins in gold Ill go any whuro with yon
Oh yen that reminds mo 1 spoko
to my iinslmnd this morning nml ask
ed liiin if he could get you enrolled iih a
special detective and ho said thoro
might bo some difllculty in obtaining
uncli nn appointment for a woman
Would yon havo any objection to dress
ing up as a nico young man JonnioV
Id very much rather not 1 hopo
yon didnt suggest that to tho princo
Tho princess laughed merrily and shook
lier head
No I told him I believed that you
could solve tho mystery if any ono
could and remembering whnt yon bud
done in tlmt affair of tho diamonds my
hnsbund has the greatest faith in your
powers as an investigator but ho fears
tho authorities here will bo reluctant to
allow a woman to havo any part in tho
search They havo very old fashioned
The headings were startling enotioh
ideas about womnn in Austria and
think her proper placo is presiding over
u tea table
Well if they only knew it said
Jennio archly some things hnve been
discovered over a teacup within our
own memories
That is quite true replied the
princess but wo can hardly give tho
incident as a recommendation to tho
Aiihtriiin authorities I3y tho way have
yon noticed that no paper in Vienna
said a single word about tho robbery of
the war client It must havo been tele
graphed here very promptly from Lon
don and yet they do not even deny it
which is tho usual way of meeting tho
While they were talking n nieesngo
tame from tho prince iibking if lie
might take tho liberty of breaking in
upon their conference A few moments
after tho prince hhubelf entered tho
apartment and bowed courtly deference
to tho two ludieg
I Jiave succeeded he said be
yond my expectations It seems that a
newspaper in London has published nn
account of tho whole a flair aud the po
lice who were nt their wits end be
fore are even more fluttered now that
tbo account of tho robbery has been
made public
Jennio has just received a paper
from Loudon bitid the princess hur
riedly which says the wnr chest of
Austria has been robbed of 200000000
florins but there is nothing about it in
the Vienna press
No replied the prince nor is
there likely to be The robbery is now
known to nil the world except AiiPtrln
nml I imagine nothing will bo siiitt
alHint it here
Is there then any truth III tho re
port 1 nsked the princess Innocently
Truth Its vll truth that is just
where the trouble l There is little iiho
In our denying it boriiumi this London
sheet Ih evidently well informed and to
deny it wo should have to publish
Homething nl ion t tlio robbery Itself
which wo are not Inclined to do It in
known however who tho two corre
spondents of tho London piijier nro and
1 Imliovn tho jiolice nro going to make
it ho interesting for those two gentlo
men that they will bo glad to leave
Vienna for a lime at least Of course
nothing can bo dono openly because
Kngllslimon make such a fuss when
their libPi ties aro encroached upon
One of tho young men has heen lured
ncroHH the frontier byalxigUH telegram
and 1 think the authorities will hoo
that ho does not get back In a hurry
tlio other we expect to bo rid of boforo
long Of course wo could expel him
but if we did it would be thought that
we had done so beeiuiHO he had found
out the truth about the explosion
How did you lenrn about the explo
sion 1 nsked tho princess
Oh 1 hnve known nil there wns to
know ever since it hnpponodl
Tho princess gave Jonnio a quick
look which said nri plainly ns words
Hero was tho howh wo wanted in our
own household and wo never snspoctod
Why didnt you tell me nbout it
cried tho princess indignantly
Well you sue my donr yon novcr
took any interest in politics and I did
not think tho affair wonld hnve any nt
trnctlon for you Besides ho ndded
with ft Binllo wo wero nil cautioned
to keep tlio matter ns secret as possi
And wonderfully well yon hnvo
managed itl exclaimed tho princess
That shows what coiiich of trusting n
secret to a lot of men Hero it is pub
lished to nil the world
Not qnito nil tho world my denr
Ah 1 have said Austria will know
nothing about it
Tho princess tolls me said Jennio
that you wero kind enough to on
doavor to got mo permission to innko
somo investigation into this mystery
Havo you snccoododT
Yes Miss Baxter as I bnve said I
havo succeeded quite beyona my ex
pectations for tho lady detectivo la
comparatively n now thing In Vlennn
However tho trnth is the police aro
completely in a fog nud they are rendy
to weloomolielp from whntever qnnrtor
it conies Hero is a written permit from
tho very highest nnthority which yon
aro not to uso except in n cuso of
emergency Hero is nlso nn order from
tho chief of police which will open for
you ovory door in Vienun nnd finally
horo is u bndgo which you cun pin on
some not too conspicuous portion of
your clothing This badge I under
stand is rarely given out It is partly
civil nnd partly military Yon can show
it to any guard who will ou seeing it
givo you the right of way In enso ho
does not nppeal to his superior officer
and allow him to read your police per
mit Should that fail then play your
trump card which is this highly im
portant document
Tho director of the police who is n
very shrewd man seemed unxions to
make yonr acquaintance before yon be
gau your investigations no imked mo
if you would call upon him bnt seemed
taken ubuck when I told him that yon
wero my wifes friend Hnd a guest at
our houso 60 he suggested that you
would in nil probability wish first to
seo tho scene of tho explosion nnd pro
posed thut ho should call hero with his
carringe nnd nccomrmuy you to tho
treasury Ho wished to know if 4 oclock
in tho uftemoon would suit your con
Oh yes replied Jennio I nm
anxious to liegin nt once nnd of courso
I shall bo obliged to him if ho will act
us my gnido in the vaults of tho treas
ury and toll mo how much they havo
already discovered
Yon must not expect information
from the polico in fnct I doubt if they
have discovered anything still if they
havo they are more likely to keep it to
themselves and 1 imagino they will
hold a pretty closo watch on you and bo
more anxious to learn what you find
out and thnB tako tho credit if they
can than to fnrnish yon with any
knowledge of tho affair they may hap
pen to possess
That is qnito natural nnd only
what one has a right to expect I dont
wish to rob the polico of any credit
there is to be gained from this investi
gation and I am quite willing to tnru
over to them whatever clows 1 may hap
pen to chance upon
Well if yon can convince tho di
rector of that yon will havo all tho as
sistance he can give you It wouldnt
be bad tactics to let him know that yon
nro acting merely in nn amnteur way
and that you have no desire to rob them
of their glory when it comes to tho solv
ing of tho problem
Promptly at 4 oclock tho director of
tho polico put iu appearance nt the
Palace Steinheimer He proved to bo a
most obsequious highly decorated old
gentlemun in a very resplendent uni
form and he conld hardly conceal his
surprise on learning that tho lndy do
tectlve wns n womnn so young nnd bo
pretty Charmed us he was to fiud him
self in the company of one so engaging
it was nevertheless evident to Jennie
that he placed no very high estimate on
the assistance she might be able to give
in solving the mystery of tho treasury
TIiib trend of mind she thought had
its advantages for the director would
be less loath to give her full purticnlarb
of what hud already been accomplished
by the police
Jennie accompanied the director to
that extenbive mass of buildings of
which the treasury forms a part The
carriage drow tip at u doorway und here
till riirpptnr nnrl liiu wimnntiinn irti nni
He led the way into the building then
nenctmded n stair entered nn nrchrd
corridor nt tho door of which two sol
dlerH stood on gnnrd who saluted ns
tho chief passed them
Does this lend to thn room whero
tho explosion look plnco nsked Jennio
And is this tho only entrnnrot
Tho only entrance inndamo
Wero the men on guard in this
doorway Injured by tho explosion
Yes They wero not seriously in
jured but were rendered incnpnblo for
n time of attending to their duties
Then a person could huvo escaped
without their seeing hlint
A whole regiment of persons might
Jinvo escaped You will understnnd ox
nutly the situation if I compare this
corridor to n long cannon the room at
the end being the breechloading cham
ber Two guards wero insldo tho room
nnd two others outside the door that
conimiiiiclnted with this corridor Theso
four men wore killed instnntly Of the
guards inside the room not a vestige
iBJfpgjM t
A nWHlHHlli I RisllcV V
lie proved to be a most ooscrufu high
ly decorated old gcntlcirum
lias been found Tho door ono of tbo
strongest that enn bo made somewhat
similar to tho door of a snfo was flung
outward and crushed to tho floor the
two guards who stood outside it in the
corridor Between tho chamber in
which tho chest lay and tho outside en
trance were 10 men on guard Every
ono of those was thrown down for the
blast if I may call it so traveled along
this straight corridor liko the chargo
nlong tho insldo of n gnn barrel The
guards nearest tho treasure chamber
wore of courso the inoro seriously in
jured but those fnrther out did not
escape tho shock and tho door by which
wo entored this corridor while not
blown from its binges wns nevertheless
forced open its strong bolts hunpping
liko matches So when you soe the
groat distance that intervenes between
tho chamber and that door yon will
hnvo somo idea of tho forco of tho ex
Thero is no exit thon from tho
treasure chamber except along this cor
No mndanio Tho walls of the
chamber nro of enormous strength be
cause of courso it was expected that
if an attempt at robbery wero ever
made it would be from the outside
and it is scarcely possible that even the
most expert of thieves could succeed in
passing tho two guards at tho door
10 unurds and officers along the cor
ridor two outside the treasury door
and two in tho chamber itself Such a
lnrgo number of soldiers wero kept here
bo that any attempt at bribery wonld
bo impossible Among such a number
ono or two were sure to be incorrupti
ble and the guards wero constantly
chnnged Seldom was either officer or
man twice on dnty here during tho
month With snch nn enormous amount
at stake every precaution was taken
Are thero any rooms nt tho right or
left of this corridor in which tho thieves
could havo concealed themselves while
they fired the mine
No tho corridor leads to the treas
ure chamber ulone
Then said Jennio I cant see
how it was possible for a number of
men to have made away with tho trens
nro iu such circumstances as exist
Nevertheless my dear young lndy
tho treasure is gone Wo think thut
the mine wns laid with tho connivance
of ono or more officers on duty here
Yon see tho amount nt stake was bo
large that a share of it would tempt
any nine human beings out of ten Our
theory is that tho train wns laid possi
bly electric wires being used which
would bo unnoticed along tho edgo of
tho corridor and that tho bribed ofllcer
exploded tho dynumito by bringing tho
ends of tbo wire iuto contact Wo
think that tho explosion was n great
deal more eevero than was anticipated
Probably it was expected that the shock
would break n hole from Uio treasure
chamber to the street but 80 strong
Did they sec nny vehicle standing
or driving near tho treasury If
No that Is tho stmngo pnrt of it
nnd moreover tho sentries although
pacing outside the walls of this build
ing heard nothing of the explosion be
yond n low ruinblo and those who
thought of the mutter nt nil itnnglned
nn explosion had occurred in somo dis
tant pnrt of tho city
Then tho outsido doors In tho lurga
hull nboTo wero not blown open
No the officer reported Unit they
were lockojl nnd bolted when ho exam
ined them which wiih somo minutes of
course after tho disaster had tnkon
place for ho tho ofllcer in charge had
boon thrown down nnd stunned sectn
ingly by the concussion of nlr which
took plnco
To lo continued uoxl Thuritilny
llentriilhi il Iroiu Di HtrMiiithig Chluigo
Hoard of Tmda yuntutloin
Chicago Oct II A temporary In
Junction was Issued by Judge Ivohl
Hiiut In the United States court prohl
biting Oscar M Stone and otheis from
obtaining selling ami distributing the
quotations of the Chicago bonrd of
trade The compluliiiint was the Clove
luiiil Telegraph company which bus
the right under Its cent met with the
board to disseminate the quotations
ranting the title to the news
Is right the court sulil It cannot be de
nied thut the complnlnuut was greatly
damaged by the broadcast scattering
of the quotations by puiioliiors who
by reason of having to pay nothing
for them could obviously render the
coinplulniintH right of property value
Another Nnnm Added to the llnt of Vic
tim of tihlciio
Score Implicated
Chicago Oct 11 Laura Carroll Is
named ur another victim of tbo Insur
ance conspiracy syndicate said to be
headed by Dr August M Lnger TIil
physician used her it is said as a sub
ject on whom to take out policies sim
ilar to thofee attempted with Marie
Dcfenbach The Carroll womnn dis
appeared four or live months ago nnd
none of those with whom she asso
ciated have seen her since During
her residence she was an intimate
friend of Miss Defcnbueh nnd is al
leged to have been a patient nnd sweet
beurt of Dr Dnger There are Indica
tions that the organization hud a widei
scope than at first thought It is as
serted by detectives that at least two
score of people are criminally con
nected with it
Lutheran Sjnod Confi riiice
Concordia Mo Oct 11 The confer
ence of the Western district dermal
Evangelical Lutheran synod of Mis
souri Ohio and other states convened
here yesterday for a six dnys session
Professor Pierce of St Louis presi
dent of the entire synod delivered
the synodlcul sermon In the morning
The conference was later formally
culled to order by Uev Hosener of Al
ternburg Mo president of the west
ern district
Meiklrjohn n Cimdldiite Tor Srnstor
Washington Oct 11 SecretnryIloot
returned to Washington yesterday but
did not take up any of tho affairs ot
ollice Secretary Meiklejohn leftfoi
Nebraska where he expects to take an
netive part In the campaign Mr
Meiklejohn will be n candidate for
senator if the Itepublicans control the
Nebraska legislature
Ti rrorlzeil by AIyteriou Slurdereri
Winnipeg Man Oct 11 Feople in
the district of Uoissevaln Manitoba
Compound is an invaluable specific
Sold by Geo B ChriBtoph
Ilclity Celery Nerve Compound
for all nevons diseases neuralgia rheu
matism nervous debility paralydB
biliousness dyspepsia ooetiveuesB piles
liyer complaint kidney troubles aud
female complaints It goes to the seat
of the disease andcures thoroughly and
Bpeedily Sold by Geo B Christoph
Heller Teitltnony
Albert Heller living at lll4jFarnham
St Omaha says I have tried most
everything that is used as a preventa
tive or oure for headache but nothing
did me bo much good as Krauses Head
ache Capsules Others who have used
them say the same thing Pric 25c
I Bold by Geo B Christoph
Tiled Them
The Norfolk Builfe and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
of menstruation They nro JLI
womanhood iiidinc doveloninnnt
Kolihril The Orus
A startling incident is narrated by
John Oliver of Philadelphia ns follows
I was in an awful condition My skin
was almost yellow oyes sunken tongue
conted pain continually in back and
sides no appetite growing wenker dny
by day Three physicians hnd given mo
up Then I wns advised to nee Electric
Bitters to my grent joy tho first bottle
made a decided improvement I con
tinued thbir ubo for three weeks and am
now a well man 1 know they robbed
the grnvo of another victim No one
should fail to try them Only 60o
guaranteed at the Kiesau Drug Co
When you cannot sleep for coughing
it is hardly necessary that any one
should tell you that yon need a few doses
of Chamberlains Cough Remedy toj al
lay the irritation of the throat nnd make
sleop possible It is good Try it For
Bale by the Kiesau Drug Co
A IhouHund Tongues
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E Springer of Philadelphia when Dr
Kings New Discovery cured her of a
hocking congh that for many years had
made life a burden She says After
all other remedies and doctors failed it
Boon removed the pain in my chest and
I can now sleep soundly something I
can scarcely remember doing before I
feel like sounding its praises throughout
the universe Dr Kings New Dis
covery is guaranteed to cure all troubles
of the throat chest or lungs Price 50c
and 1 Trial bottles free at the KieEim
Drug Co
Onlnlne for ColiU
Manyjpeople who use quinine for the
cure of coldBjsny that the effect of this
1 drug is more disagreeable than the dis
ease KrauBes Cold CureJ is prepared
in a convenientcapsnle form and will
cure the most deeply seated fcold in 24
hours without any interruption to busi
ness They are pleasant to take and
give you a clear fresh sensation while
operating Price 25c Soldby Geo B
Biliousness 1b ennfod by a lny liver
permits food to bout in your stomach
makes you cross Rocky Mountain Tea
makes you well and cheerful ARk
your druggist
Job Couldnt Bnve Stood It
If hed had itching piles Theyre ter
ribly annoying but Bncklens Arnica
are In a state of terror Yesterday the Salvo will cure the worst case of piles on
dead body of uii unknown woman was
found in a well making three bodies
including those of C Daw and J
Smith discovered on Sunday No mo
tive for the murder of the woman can
be found
It Unopened In a Drue Store
One day last winter a lady came to
my drug store and nsked for a brand of
cough medioine that I did not have in
Btock says Mr C R Grandin the pop
nlar druggist of Ontario N Y She
was disappointed and wunted tojj know
what cough preparation I could recom
mend I said to her that I could freely
recommoudiOhamberlains Cough Rem
edy and thatBhe could take a bottle of
the remedy and after giving it a fair
trinl if sho did not find it worth the
money to bring buck tho bottle and I
would refund the price paid In the
course of a day or two the lndy came
back in company with a friend in ueed
of a cough medicine and advised her to
buy a bottle of Chamberlains Cough
Remedy I consider that a very good
recommendation for the remedy It is
for sale by tho Kiesau Drng Co
For female Coiiiilulnts
i anil uiseascs nrisiuK iruiu nu imwuio
were the walls that no impressipn was Btate 0f the blood LichtyB Celery Nerve
mudo upon them und a cabman who
was driving past ut tho time heard not
a bound of the explosion although he
felt n tremble of tho ground und thought
for n moment there had been a shock of
You think then that tho thieves
were outside V
That seems the only possible eola
The ontside doora were locked and
bolted of course V
Oh certainly I Bnt if they had n
confederate or two in the large hallway
up stairs they would see to it that thero
was no trouble about getting in Once
inside the large hallway with guurda
stunned by the shock the way to the
treasure chamber wns absolutely clear
There were eeutries outside the
bnilding I suppose
earth It has cured thouiands For in
juries pains or bodily eruptions its the
best salve in the world Price 25c a
box Cure guaranteed Sold by the
Kieeau Drug Co
When you have no appetite do not
relish your food and feel dull after eat
ing you need a dose of Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets Price 25c
Samples free at the Kiesau Drug Co
Ladies if you want a refined and
brilliant complexion free from blemishes
use Rocky Mountain Tea Never fails
sk your druggist
IIUinarkH Iron Nerte
Was the result of his splendid health
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found whero stomach liver kid
neys and bowels aro out of order If
you waut these qualities and the success
they bring ubo Dr Kings New Life
Pills Only 25 cents nt thoKiosau D rug
ItullMH 1 ui in LhikIh For Sale
In northern Wisconsin the Chicago
St Paul Minneapolis Omaha railway
has for sale at low rates and easy terms
of payment about 400000 acres of choice
farm lands Early bbyers will secure
the advantage of locations on the many
beautiful streams and lakes which
abound with fish and furnish a never
ending and most excellent water supply
both for family use and for Btock
Land is generally well timbered the
soil fertile and easy of cultivation
Chicago Milwaukee St Panl Minne
apolis Dnlnth Superior Ashland and
numerous other thrivincr cities and
j towns pn the Jiue o the Q St PMt
o railway ma otner railroads in tne
same territory furnish good markets for
farm produce
For further particulars address
Geo W Bell
Land Commissioner Hudson Wis or
G H Mao Rae
A G P Af St Paul Minn
For three days and nights I Buffered
agony untold from an attack of cholera
morhns brought on by eating
bersV eayeM Lowtber clerk of the
JL1F13 SAVliliS to girls at
known remedy for women eounls them
Cast0 or I
They overcome Wcalt
ucss irregularity and
omissions increase vig
or and banish niinn
of oriraus nnd bodv No
io A
w r
ormi V
rr mai r innrciN turn re
Cannot do barm lifo
becomes a nleasurc AlOO lKI itrtv iv mih
by driifftflsts Dll MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio
district court Centorvillo Iowa 1
thought I should surely die and tried a
dozon different mtdlcineB but all to no
purpose I sent for n bottlo of Chamber
lulus Colic Cholera nnd Diarrhoea
Remedy and three doses relieved mo en
tirely This remedy is for sale by the
Kiesau Drug Co
A now remedy for biliousness is now
on Bale at the Kiesau Drug Co It is
called ChnmborlainB Stomach and Liver
Tablets It gives quick relief and will
prevent the attack if given ns soon ns
tho first indication of the deseose ap
pears Price 25 cents per box Samples
Washington D C Genossee Pure
Food Co Lo Roy N Y Gentlemen
Our family realize bo much from the
use of Grain 0 thnt I feel I must say a
word to Induce others to use it If
people nro interested in their health and
the welfare of thoir children they will
use no other beverage I have used
them all bnt Grain 0 I have found
superior to any for the reason tliat it is
solid grain Yonrs for health
C F Myers
For sprains swellings and lameness
there is nothing so good as Chamber
lains Pain Bulm Try it For sale by
the Kiesau Drug Co
Ladies desiring u transparent com
plexion free from blotches blemishes
and blackheads should use Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask your druggist
Notice of AdmlnlHtriitorH Srtlo
In the matter of the estate of M
Audrus deceased
Notice is hereby given that in pursu
ance of an order of the Hon Douglas
Cones made on the 17th of September
1900 for the sale of the real estate herey
inafter described thero nill be sold in
front of J S Hershisers drug store iu
Norfolk Junction in Madison county
Nebraska on the 13th day of October
1000 at 2 oclock p m at public ven
due to the highest bidder for cash the
following described real estate towit
Lots One 1 Two 2 Three 3
Four 4 and Five 5 of block One 1
of Rees subdivision of block Fifteen 15
of Dorsey place addition to Norfolk
Junction in Madison county Nebraska
Said Bale will remain open one hour
Dated this 10th day of September
Bukt Mapes
Administrator de bonis non of the
estate of M E Andres deceased
Firet Publication September 19
MHQk ton lit
ArtCA crrccifc
I VUNquALinttt
For Sale by George B Christoph
Made a
Well Man
of Me
produce tbe above rott In 30 day J
powerfully tad quickly Core when all other fall
Young neawlllregtln their lost rnuhoodudold
men will recover their yonthfui vigor by wlni
BEVITO It oulckJy n4 Barely restore perron
B6Lott Vitality1 Bnpoteoey Nightly muloa
i let Power Felling Memory WMtln DleuMvd
Ul effect ot aeir aMHe or excess ana inaucreuon
which unfit one for study bnulneaa or mtrriig It
not only cores by starting at the eett odleMbnt
it great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring
ing back the pink glow to pale ohaekaaodra
ttorlng the fire of youth It ward off Innalty
and Contumptlon insist ou having BE VIYOi M
other It can be carried Invest pocket Br snail
I SIOO per package or six for 9500 with
Hvo wmttoi nrMM to cut or imom
me money book ana aavise Tree Aaarets
For sale iu Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B Christoph druggist
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madlton McdU
doe Cok MadUoa WU It
kei p you well Our trade
Mrk cut p6 pact i psttfcf
Price 5 cent Nvr sold
la bulk Accept o iutttl