The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 11, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Impii aim OtcinoiM lit 1i lull ipl opjil
Chilli li Hit MllllllllR
From Mniiiliij IV1II3
Mr Otis Header Ellor and Miss Until
Matrait woio unltotl in mariiago tltin
morning it 10 oolonk in Trinity
KpUcupnt ohuroh Kov 1 C H Wellies
tlm pastot ollloiatlng
Mlssllittlo Allbory proshloil nl the
organ and to tlm stialiiH of Mondols
holinH wedding maioli tlm litlilnl putty
ontouul tlm saoiod odlllro
Tho party was preceded ly Spoiiror
Bnttoillold Kugono Huso llaiolil Colo
and Hoy Lutkuit who carried wands or
white tibboii which tlmy nnwonnd an
thoy wont lining tlm nlslo thiough
which tlm party marched
Graham ltnmphroy milled tlm whlto
prayer book fioni whloh tlm service was
toad and which was u gift to tho hiido
liy hot mot nor
Agnes Matron sister of tlm bride ear
rind tlm wedding ting whloh tostod up
on u white satin cushion
Sim was followed by mint mr sinter of
tlm bride MIhh MainloMutiauaH maid of
honor who wan diossod In navy blue
with pink yoke and trimmings and
carried a bouquet of plnlc carnal ioiiH
Then canto t he bride loaning upon tho
null of her luthor who gave her away
Him was boautlful In a dress of mode
bioadoloth with yoke and trimmings of
nppliquo She can led a handHOino
bouquet of brides rosoH
Tho gi oont awaited tho party at tho
altar and tho beautiful and impressive
horvicoof tho ohuroh wuh ptonouncotl
by Mr WoillcH
Tho olmncol or tho uhuioh wuh taste
fully deootatod with palms and fonts
After the ceremony tho patty pro
ceeded to tho honm oft ho btideH parents
on South Fouith shoot Bofoio enter
ing tho lioitbo tho bndo was bhuilfoldod
and hurtoundod by a ohclo of girl
frionds gave away hor bouqitot tho
gift going to Miss Mumio Ctnwfoid of
West Point who ucooidlng to Until
turn will be tho next bride
In tho house tables were not in tho
patlor dining loom and llbtary Pink
and wluto nbbons etonded fiout tlm
coinots of the tables convoiging at a
point on tlm coiling above 1iult and
whlto carnations woio also used in tho
A dainty wedding bieakfast was
Mirvod after whioh Mr and Mrs Ellor
departed on the oast bound F K i M
V tram to visit Niugata Washington
and points on the Atlantic coast Thoir
frionds freoly dn ponsed nee and old
ohoes while tlm trunk wns caiefully
marked to indicate a bridal couplo
Tlm couplo will bo at honm in Lincoln
aft or November 15th
The giooin is very well known in
Norfolk as a worthy young num Ho
holds the position of mail agent on tho
run botweon Lincoln and lacillo Junc
Thobndo is tho oldest daughter of
Mr and Mis II O Matiau is well
and favorably known uiNoifolk having
iiiudo this city her homo since early
childhood Sho bus boon organist at
Trinity church for several joars and
has boon untiring In hor oftoits to build
up tho choir Her son ices have been
gratuitous and the congregation and
choir tiro under many obligations to
hor for tho help sho has given them
which has often demanded no small
amount of holf saeritico She has
taught several terms in tlm public
bchoolh of the city Hor swoot unaf
fected ways havo won hor niauy frionds
who are sincere in their woll wishes
Mrs Kllor ntul hor niothor will hero
after celobrato tho snmo anniversary
this boing tho thirty third annual ro
currouco of tho wedding day of Mr and
Mrs Mitrau
I M Macy was lu Battlo Crook today
oil business
Mrs G B Holahau is visiting in
Fort Dodgo Iowa
Judge J II Barnes wns a passougor
for Lincoln this morning
Guy Kicrstoaa the Tildou jeweler
wns in tho city today ou business
Mrs Desmoud returned last ovouiug
from a weeks visit in Sioux City
O S Hayes is expected homo today
from his business visit to Chicago
W B Mullen of Blooinfiold was a
bubiuoss Msitor in tho city yesterday
Fred Frey Frauk Morton and Harvoy
Miller of Pierce spent last night iu Nor
Mrs Topo of Iowa 13 a guest ofher
6ister Mrs G W Lee on South Second
Mrs J B Maylard is enjoying a visit
from her friend Mrs H S Harrison
of York
Mrs P Duffey of Ohadron is the
gnest of Mrs J A Mullen iu tho
Charles Pilger is confined to his home
on South Fifth street with an attack of
A number of young people enjoyed a
hay rack ride last evening through the
etreet e of Norfolk
Misaee Ella and Ahoe Mullen returned
lust night from Sioux City where they
attended the carnival
Mr6 T E Odiorne aud Misi Mtttie
Davenport returned last evening from a
visit with relatives aud friends iu Sioux
Mr aud Mrs W If Blakeuian outer-
tallied a partj of friends last evening In
honm or Miss Wood who Is lslting
The Larly Hour club will hold their
list meet or the season next Monday
night at Mast hall when dancing will
bo enjoyed
Kev F V Wlgton or Osmond was In
tho city today on his way to Cential
City to attend tho session or tho Piesby
lorlan synod
In a letter to Norfolk fiionds Mr E
0 Hurls writes fiom Cliadion that
thoy are now nicoly settled in their
homo In that city J
InvitatioiiH hae boon Issued by Mr
and Mis 9 F Hharpless for tho cele
bration of their silver wedding anni
versary tiuxt Sutuiduy oonliig
Or Brown and Dr Martin of Fio
intuit wore in tho city last night to see a
demonstration with the x rny machine
at tlm olllce of Drs Salter and Salter
las G Oxnard of the American Boot
Sugar company was In from tho west
yesteiday to look Into tho allalrsof tho
N01 folk factory Ho started west again
after a short stay
Judge and Mrs Powers Mr and Mrs
N A Uainbolt Mr and Mis V II
Bucholz Mrs G F Keiporand Mrs 1
W Hose coniposod a party that drove
to Plerco today for 11 Unit
The Norfolk boys at the state univer
sity aro receiving sonto of the honots of
that educational institution Wm
Daillngtou having recently boon olectod
vice president of tho Freshmen class
Utissell Thompson is coming homo
Thursday to take a position in his
fathers stoio Ed Dion who has
been helping Mr Thompson Iiiih ac
cepted a position in the sugar factory
C E Hartford wont to Lincoln today
to attend the grand lodgo Knights of
Pythias Ho was accompanied by Mr
Welsh of Randolph also a member of
the oidor and a dologato to tho gtand
Tho Wednesday club will hold its
llrst meeting tomoirow afternoon at
2 ISO with Mis Uainbolt Thoio will bo
leading from Hamlet and inoinbois
aro requested to bung their books and
Dr Ohas C Crawl of Randolph died
Sunday morning of injuries received in
a runaway accidont September iS and
tho funeral will bo held 111 the Metho
dist chuieh this nftornoon Hi Crawl
is the third Randolph physician who
has died since last January
Miss Clara Horner wns suiprisod last
evening by a compauy of schoolmates
and friends tho ocasiou being hor llith
birthday Tho 0 veiling was most on
joyably spout by the participants and
an abundance of refreshments wero
served that wore highly appreciated by
tho young folks
The fnsionists expect to opon their
campaign 111 Not folk noxt Saturday
with speechos by Governor Poynter aud
TJ Nolin Tho details of tho demon
stiation have not beon learned but it
will undoubtedly bo one fitting to the
1 auk of tho spoakers nnd a good crowd
will probably attend
Dr P HS liter roturnod yostorday
noon fioni Chadron where ho had been
called to see Conductor Bobby Ingalls of
trams No I aud 1 who had iccoived in
juries iu a raihoid accident boing run
over by a switch engiuo Tho injuries
proved fatal before tho doctor arrived
however The deceased was woll aud
favorably known to all tho railway men
along tho hue of the F E it M V and
his death is sincorely mourned Dr
Salter met at Ohadron Dr Dickinson of
Load aud accompanied him to that city
goiug over tho companys uarrow guago
lmo from Piodmont This was the doc
tors fust visit to tho Black Hills and ho
oujoyod tho visit hugely visiting the
minos aud other points of interest Dr
Dickiusou is 0110 of the F E M V
companys surgeons with hoadquartors
at Lead whoro he has resided for the
past S3 years and has becoino quite
wealthy not alono through his practice
but through somo fortunate investments
in mining property At nu onrly day
ho aud a friend purchased a hill near
Lead investing 100 a piece His
friond came to him 0110 day aud stated
that ho was going away aud that he
wautod to purchase tho doctors share
of the property for which ho offered
65000 Tho offer was accepted and
active operations wero commenced
Tho first shipment was two carloads
takeu from the surface at tho top of the
lull which proved to contain 200000
worth of the precious metal
ChrUteuo Their Hikes
A story of political significance is go
mg the rounds concerning a trio of
young ladies who had beeu out ou a
bicycle trip They stopped at a farm
house to get n driuk of water and one
of the girls spriukled her wheel with
the remark
I christen thee William McKinley
because you havo made a good ruu
Another of the girls sprinkled the
saddle of her wheel sayiug
I christen thee Theodora Roosevelt
because you are a rough rider
The third youug lady sprinkled the
tire of her machine with the formula -
I christen thee William J Bryan bo
cause you are full of wind
The Retort Oak has the only positive
check kuowu iu 6tove construction
The control of fire i absolute Ham
street will answer all inquiries
Norfolk Factory Begins
Annual Grind
A 11 A ill mini Ktniil oT AIikIi liitiiriHt to
Not folic Mtlmm NiiRiir Will hn
Mini 1 lluforn Mot nlng Mull oflliit llin
ptojtiH urn Old IIiiiiiU
from TiitiKilii it Dull
It is with pleaKimt anticipations that
the people of Norfolk look forward to
tho opening of tho juigar campaign
The aiinouucemeiit that tho factory has
started is to thoiu a regular autumn
teaturo in tho commercial world and
they aro not unjustified iu giving to it
more consideration than would bo ac
corded commotcial imtioiuicomonts of
far more importance to tho country at
The announcement moans that tho
greatest manufacturing institution in
the vicinity if not iu this section of tho
stuto has started on a campaign dm ing
which thousands of dollars will dud
their way into tho channels of trade of
Norfolk tin ough the pay rccoivod by
fanners for their crop ami laborers for
their woik
Tho sugar campaign is ou at a ptopi
funis tlmo ol the year When tho
farmers rush work for tho summer has
ceased he can tutu his attention to
harvesting his crop of beets It is so
with laboring men Demand for their
help is ordinarily at low ebb during tho
winter months and woio it not for the
sugar fact 01 y it is probable that many
would be out of employment tho greater
part of tho season and tho factory is
theiofoio of importance to theso classes
as woll as others depending on thoir
This annual event took placo this
morning and n few minutes after 7
oclock tho list installment of saccharino
roots passed from tho washer into tho
sheer Tho factory whistle horalded tho
coninioncoinont by long and igorous
toots which sounded the joy felt 111 the
henrts of thoso directly and indirectly
interested iu tho institution
Tho machinery started with a smooth
ness and regularity that was most pleas
ing to thoso lesponsiblo tor its condition
Tho start was ns though the machinery
had beon idle but a few hours instead
of months so free was it from frictiou
of kind
Tho juices of tho first boots of this
morning wero this noon well on their
courso toward tho comploted product
and tho llrst pan of sugar will havo beon
niado hoforo another morning whilo it
is probable that a shipment of the fin
ished product will bo inndo tomorrow
Tho factory has beeu receiving boots
by team and rail for nioro than a week
Owing to the excellent ripouing weathor
of tho past few days tho roots are
testing very satisfactorily both to tho
management and tho growors whilo
the tonuago promises exceedingly well
Tho piospocts aio that tho campaign
will bo of tho usual duration and it may
bo oven longor than ordinary owing to
tho fact that the crop producod at
Grand Island is being worked up hero
Ouo reason that ovorything about tho
factory was in such excellent order for
the start is that tho management aud
thoso who labor thoro throughout tho
year have given such careful attoutiou
to the details of tho business aud as with
each passing year they bocoine tuoro
familiar with the uoeds of the institution
thoy aro quick to soo nud roinedy nuy
fnult iu machinery or arraugomout
Tho force of workmen employed is of
the usual size aud it speaks well for tho
merits of tho busiuoss that a very largo
per cout of thoiu ore experienced em
ployes who wero eagor for the start of
the campaign Thoy liko tho work and
tho pay and uiauy of them surrendered
steady positions to tnko a placo at the
Tho now uieu employed are very few
and uuder tho direction of compotent
ovorseors aud working with other mou
of oxporienco thoy take hold in a man
nor that might well lead au onlooker to
beliovo them experienced
Tho institution has hung out its sigu
of a propitious start and that is ungrace
ful lino of black smoke curling from the
tall smoke stack and visible for miles iu
almost auy direction This morning it
extended far over tho couutry iu n
southeasterly direction but owing to a
different condition of tho atmosphere
aud au absence of breeze it has siuco as
cended aliuoets perpendicularly
The Kent AitvertUiiiR
Philadelphia Rocord Wheu a busi
ness man admits by a paiuted sign or a
display wiudow that he wants business
he can giro one of but three reasons if
he fail to advertise iu the uewspapers
viz That the amount of busiuoss iu
his liue iu tho community is too small
to warrant the expense that ho laoks
jhe mouoy required for the best form of
advertising or that his judgment is bad
and is not iutluouced by obvious facts
The most successful business mou ore
the most persisteut of newspaper adver
Ou October 11 13 aud 13 the F E
M V U R will sell excursion tickets
to Kansas City Mo at one fare plus
200 for the round trip good to return
until October 20
Burt Mupo was a passenger for
Oinalm today
Judge Mackoy of Stanton was n city
visitor today
Mrs Blmoro of Stanton was shopping
in Norfolk yostorday
Tho two Misses Wurbackor of Til
don aro visiting Mrs C G Soinors
Arthur Stoinbreclier was a busino8
visitor to iMoadow Grove yisterdny
The Sliakcspoie club met last veil
ing with Mr and Mis R A Stewart
Mrs S W Haves and Mrs L
slons aro spending the day with Pierco
W Sncer of AiiiHvorthisoxpoctod
heio this oenlng to visit his son W E
Mrs W A Connolly has returned
from Grand Island where sho has been
ou n visit
M Becker who has been visiting his
daughter Mrs Morris Mayor has re
turned to his homo in Albion
Mr nnd Mrs A Ziomor woro city
visitors today from Hoskius Mr
Zioinor is postniastor iu that villago
S O Campbell of Madison was in tho
city today advertising tho Rankiu rally
which takes placo Tuesday aftoruoou
Boulah chapter ordor Eastoru Star
hold a special nioetiug Inst night at
whioh therowas nu initiation coremouy
Calvin Burns and fniuily dopartod
yosteiday for Eugono Oregon whero
thoy expect to make their homo in tho
H Vi Ellor roturnod to tho city today
with his brido fioni Glonwood Iowa
vheie thoy weie niairiod last ovoniug
at 8 oclock
A blind man with two children and n
baud organ was soliciting donations
from tho charitably inclined on the
streets of Norfolk yesterday
Mips Pearl Bubor who has boon vis
iting Mss Goitrudo Austiu leturued to
her home in Fullertou yostorday Sho
was accompanied by Miss Austin
Mr and Mrs Geo H Spoir went to
Lincoln today Mr Spoar goes as a
dolegato to tho graud lodgo Kuights of
Pythias which is iu session there
Tho hour of tho meeting of tho demo
cratic precinct convention which is called
for the 10th has been chaugod from 2
iu tho afternoon to 8 iu tho ovoniug
Joseph Siuodynes au sou
of n Wnhoo saloon koopor was captured
in Omaha Sunday with 78 ou his per
son Ho had tapped his fathers till nnd
olopod with S5
D D Brunsou Goo B Christoph nnd
L M Boelor representing tho K P
lodgo of tins city wont to Pierce yostor
day to soo T S Richardson who is very
sick Thoy found him improving
Mr and Mrs J T Thompson aud
children went to Columbus yesterday to
moot Mrs Thompsons brothor who
was onronto to his home iu California
from Iowa They loturnod last night
Hon John R Hays and Col J E
Simpson woro over to Wayuo last night
to hear Speaker Houdersou Mr Hays
departed this moruiug for Columbus
aud will spenk this ovoniug nt Genoa
Tomorrow night will bo the regular
meeting of tho McKiuloy Roosovolt
club at the G A R hall Judge J B
Barnes will addrosB tho nieoting and all
members should bo iu attoudance as the
speaker will interest thorn
Will McOumo who has beon driving
the wagon for tho Standard Oil com
pany at this placo goes to Missouri
Valley Iowa to tako possession of a
lOO ncro farm and all its improvements
presented to him by his father
A new turu table large ouough to no
commodate tho large ongines now being
usod by tho Union Pacific nnd M O
roads will soou be plnced near the
round house between Sixth nud Sevonth
streets The largo steel frame to sup
port tho ougiuea was unloaded yester
A ninu named Metcalf who boards at
tho Norfolk house was quite badly
scalded whilo at work at the sugar
factory this moruiug He was handling
a hoso through which was discharged
hot water and steam wheu the uolo
blow off nud he was severely burued
about the face and left eye He was
given prompt medical attendance nud is
uow resting quite comfortably
Hon A O Rankiu ex congressman
from Pennsylvania aud oue of the most
powerful aud convincing orators uuder
the direction of tho republicau national
committee is billed to speak in Madisou
uext Tuesday afternoon Ootober 10 nt
a 30 oclock The republlcnns of Nor
folk should improve this occasion to
reciprocate tho favors of Madison cu
Roosovelt day There will bo n grand
parade at 1 oclock in whioh rough
riders bauds and other organizations
will participate
Roadicks Black Crook Jr was pre
sented to a very good house at the Audi
torium last evening and exceeded all
expectations of the amusement loviug
public The stage Bettiugs costumes
aud light ettects were undoubtedly the
best ever shown here Fairy landwas
a scoue of veritable splendor almost
dazzling in its brillianoy whilo other
effects were as Btartliug The acting
was also very good while tho specialties
were very flue Two fiuely illustrated
spugs pleased the nudleuce immensely
It is safe to predict that if the company
DROP of ink will color a whole glass
of water It is an inch of yeast which
makes a pan of bread rise and a single
cake of soap containing unabsorbed
alkali can ruin a hundred times its cost in laces
and fine embroidery After all is it wise to take
such risks with common soap Of course you
can get along without Ivory Soap So can a
wagon without axle grease but it goes hard
should agaiti visit Norfolk the Auditor
ium wouldnt hold the people desiring
to ntteud Thoso who missod it will
havo something to regret Thoso who
saw it will romombor it for a lifo timo
Henry lnltl iO lor Witch Worth
75 0 ii OroHH
Tho Omaha correspondent of tho
Sioux City Tribuuo recites tho following
interesting story of tho trials aud tribu
latious of a young Wayuo bouedict aud
his experience with tho cou meu of
tho city
Honry O Wilkius of Wayne though
but a plaiu farmer lad had road iu tho
nowspapors about con men flim
llnm artists gold brickjpeddlers and
greon goods agouts so wiieu leaving
Wayuo on his weddiug tour his frieuds
warned him agaiust sharpers generally
ho thought tho admouitiou entirely
uncalled for
Ouo day last week while his brido was
visiting with friends ou the south side
Houry sauntered down to see tho sights
Ho had a half -formed idea too that ho
might buy something for his wife beforo
ho returned A lot of flash jewelry iu n
pnwushop caught his oyo Tho propri
etor seeing ho wns iuterested invited
him in
Something in the lino of a ladys
watch Cortaiuly Heres a beauty for
40 solid gold case Elgin works full
jowoled aud tho rest of it
After tho usual dickering and irreso
lution Henry said hed take tho watch
for30 But he added I waut you
to come with me to a jewelry store up
town nud if tho jewoler says tho watch
is all right the bargain is closed
Henry and the pawubroker watched
tho uptown jeweler as ho scruti
nized the little yellow chonometer aud
hoard his report with satisfaction
This is a rather old watch ho said
Five years ago it would hnve sold for
G0 and its worth about 15 now
On the way back to the pawnshop the
broker switched watches giving
Henry n cheap filled case and iuferior
The chances are that Henry would havo
beeu slow atjdiscovering the cheat had
it not boon that the notion struck him
within tho next hour to have his uamo
aud his wifes eugraved upon this token
of his affections With this purpose iu
view ho took it back to the uptown jew
oler The work was ordered aud the
engraver began upou it at once
So you decided not to buy tho watch
you showed me observed the uptown
Why yes thats the oue
Not much What did you pay for
this one
Thirty dollars
Well watches like the one you just
brought iu aint worth 30 a gross
The next day Honry took the time
piece back to the pawubroker There
was another man bohind the counter
who denied all knowledge of the trans
action and said tho ticker didnt
come from that shop This so confused
Henry that ho was not quite certain but
that he had made a mistake iu the
pawnshop thero are so many of them
in that quarter of the city Ho appealed
to tho polico to help him out but so far
they have been uuable to locate tho
J D Sturgeons Colored Porters
sewiug machine contest ends with tho
end of this mouth and the frieuds of the
two coutestauts should uot delay iu ex
pressing a preference Tho coutest has
become very interesting much spirit
beiug shown ou both Bides nud it ap
pears that thero will be merry war be
fore the close Neither is far onough
in advance of the other to have a cinch
and a lively finish is looked for
KiithiiHliiHtlc Ilerciitlou to tho Sppitkar of
tho IIouhu of ISuproHontiitlMK Mr
Hhjh SpouhH Alxo
From WohiP8ln8 Dnilj
The republican rally at Wayuo last
night at which Hon David B Hender
son of Iown spenker of tho house of
representntives was tho principal orator
was very much of a success
The speaker arrived fioin Omaha at
7 I0 nud was mot at tho depot by tho
Wakefield baud a torch light procession
aud a largo assemblage of citizens He
was at ouce conducted to tho opera
house which was literally packed with
people aud hundreds could uot gain ad
A soug by tho Wnyuo glee club was
woll received nnd nccorded a hearty en
core Tho Wakfiold glee club followed
with auothor song aud wns also vigor
ously encored
Hon J D King of Wayuo presided
at the mooting and introduced Speaker
Henderson iu a felicitous manner nud
tho well known Iown stntesninu opened
his nddress iu a characteristic mauuer
Ho gave particular nttention to Mr
Brynns paramount issue swhicli change
about every day Ho held the close at
toutisu of his audience about nu hour
aud a half aud wns at times euthusi
nstically cheered
Tho Wakefield glee club again favored
tho audieuce with a choice campaign
selection and Mr Henderson in a char
acteristic way callod for n speech from
John meaning of courso Hon John R
Hays whom he said would be tho uext
congressman from tho Third district aud
whom he wanted with him iu tho uext
cougress as he had particular use for
Mr Hays who was present as a spec
tator was takou somewhat by surprise
but arose to the ocension and held the
close attention of tho audieuce for about
1 minutes
Speaker Henderson departed on the
early train this morning for Fairmont
Tomorrow night he will speak at Oxford
Junction and will speak nt Lincolu be
foro going iuto Kansas He is feeliug
very well and his voice iB in good con
dition He was particularly pleased to
meet aud talk with n number of old
Iowa acquaiutances at Wayne and the
people of that city feel that they were
highly honored by receiving a visit from
tho speaker of tho house of representa
M T Kryger at Eberharts restau
rant is ngeut for n first class steam
laundry at Wayne Give them a trial
Satisfaction guaranteed
Is that traversed by the
Oreat Centrrl Southern Trunk Line
in Keutucky Tennessee Alabama Mis
sissippi Florida whoro thero aro splen
did chaucos for everybody to make
Como and see for yourselvos
Half Fahk Excunsioss First and
Thikd Tuesdays ok Evebv Month
Printed matter maps aud all informa
tion free Address
General Immigration and Iudustria
Ageut Louisville y