The Norfolk fieuas No out iustions Mr Hrynnn sliicor Ity In his divslro to 1m provident In 1 Sim you voIimI for prosperity nnd got It Aro yon going to voto ngatiint it this join Having praotteod tho rvcqulsition of territory for Hourly lUI yoara tho quos tlon of constitutional power to do ho U no longer an opon on with u Abra ham liincoln Iiuporialisin doesnt uppoar to bo any closer hnn it was in Andrew lank noils lino when that worthy HtatoHinnti was caricatured as King Amlrow tho flrnt It in an old dodgo Tho Hoo is at pnwmt ongngod in ex posing a few of tho fakos that occasion ally or FumboocaHlonnlly nppour in tho World llorald coliinum Tho World Herald is not flighting its roputntlon as ho fukory Governor Hoosovolt ontortainod a crowd of aaOOl pooplo at Kimihah Oity Mo Saturday It would sooin from his hat tho ono man is about hh much of a drawing onrd as tho ontiro doino cratio convention of last Fourth of July Many who votod for Hryiui in I8l did ho with tho honost bollot that only undur his policos would tho country prospor It has provou othorwlHO and this class of oitluns will voto for a con tinuance of tho policies under which they havo prospered lu tho campaign of 1851 the democrats also clmrgod tho ropubllcaus with im perialist io designs and thoir favorite epithet of disrespect to Abraham Lincoln was tho mock tittlo of Abraham as I while much of hoir campaigu matter was of an unprintable oharnctor Fusionists would glvo a good deal to Kido traok Kugeno V Debs who is en listing a largo number of labor votes in tho interest of social democracy Along with other indepondonts who rofuso to bo longor lod by tho fusion gang ho Is considerably down in tho estimation of ho Uryanites John G Carlisle socrotary of tho treasury under Olovolaud was elected president of the Liwyors Sound Money Campaign club of Now York Friday Tho resolutions declare that In our opiuiou tho defeat of Hrynu and Steven son is essential to tho ponnanont and ef lioioutmniutoiiiuico of the gold standard of valuo in this country St Louis Globe Democrat Tho New York Hvouiug Post savH that no candi date for tho presidency was over troatod with such contempt as is Bryan in tho nouth during the prosout campaign Nevertheless ho will got a large part of tho southern voto so that tho contempt in the caso has a bearing on unreasoning prejudices and farcical olectious Bobs Croker of Now York endeavor to dodgo his connection with tho New York ico trust by saying that tlioro aro also republicans interested This is uo oxoubo for Crokor and his associates who have gouo into tho campaign with nnti trusts as ono of the paramount is sues A party takiug this stand should bo prepared to provo its consistency It is said that the Nebraska fusiouists ore planning an oxtousivo raid on tho natiouul slush fund of their parties Why this should bo nocossary in tho faco of thoir oxpressed belief that Mr Bryan will carry tho state by 20000 majority has not beou explained It is evident that they are not as confident as thoy would havo people believe from outward appearances Mr Bryan occasionally makes an aa nult against tho republican taritV in his speeches indicating that if his party is placed in power this priuolplo will bo again assailed by tho free tradora Ho is hoping that the pooplo have forgotten tho disastrous experiments along that lino following tho campaign of 18113 and recognizes that he may have to fall back on the tariff for an issue before tho cam paign clOBOS Why shouldnt Attorney General Smyth clean out tho trusts in his homo city Omalia before goiug into othor parts of the state For instance there is the silver trust represented by the Omaha smelter works It might throw n few men out of employment and in jure the silver cause somewhat but what of that Mr Bryan says they are interested in the enforcement of the law and not to destroy manufacturing interests Idaho democrats nominated a man for presidential elector who acknowl edged tho honor by announcing himself in favor of MoKinley and in harmony with the repnbliucan platform It would seem from repeated instances of this kind that the democrats would do well to sound the political beliefs of members of their party before placing them in nomination It is a habit dem ocrats have lately of concealing republi can ideas in their heads to use at a pro pitious moment It is announced that an orator is com ing over from England to mako cam- pilgn speeches for Bryan It Is to bo expected Tho money lenders of Kng lnnd viow with some alarm tho power ful lliiunclal rival that Unolo Sams country is becoming and if thoy could havo a Inaucial legislation hero that would admit of a monoy panic and allow thorn to oxchango their silver for our gold thoy would bo highly delighted and tho prospootsof tho United States as a monoy power would go glimmering Thoodoro Hoosovolt was not afraid to stato his convictions on tho luauoiat plniik in ho west Can Mr Bryan say as muoh Will he toll tho pooplo of tho oast or west north or south what ho will do with tho finances of tho country If elected Ono colonol should not bo brnvor than another Oomo Mr Bryan you havo not rocontly said whether you will favor froo coinage of silver or not You hint that you will lu tho wost and your record stands that you will but will you boldly go into tho enemies country of tho east and toll them sol1 Not on your llfo I Tho gon tlomau expects a few votes from tho oast by staying away and keeping silent on tho tssuo Intelligent democrats in all parts of tho country havo uo high regard for Mr Bryans ability and occasionally snoor at him in a biting way Thoy support him for tho solo purposo of maintaining their party organization but would bo groviously disappointed should ho bo elected Tho Montgomery Advorttsor tho most iutluoutal journal in Alabama commenting upon tho rocont claim of Mr Bryan that the colungo of silver dollars by tho MoKinloy administration is a vindication of tho 10 to 1 doctrluo says For tho sako of tho party wo wish Mr Bryan would stop making suoli statements Mr Bryan knows thnt such coinage has has absolutely no connection with free coinage at 10 to 1 Theres uo excuse for such statements Iloury Fottor of Grand Island a and a candidate for of lice on tho fusiou ticket thinks this country should havo more militarism and that ovory young man of 21 yenrs of ago should bo givou a military train ing aud compelled to join tho army and tho country should havo an army of n million mou This only goes to show that tho bugaboo about militarism isnt frightoning Germana as badly a9 tho fusiouists try to mako out Horo is at least ono Gonnau who would favor tho inovoiuoiit providing it was attempted which ho does not concede There are many Gormans who are proud of tho German army and beliovo it is practi cally invincible because of tho militarism that produces aud sustains it but oven theso do not concede that tho United States is on tho point of ndoptiug mili tarism It is a scaro of tho fusiouists without any scaro to it In tho first place bocauso it is not a probability and in the second becauso many who know what militarism is would not opposo it if it was before tho pooplo The Omaha Trade Exhibit which is a non- partisan publication devoted solely to tho interests of wholosalo and manu facturing establishments has this to say on tho trust question aud while Mr Bryau is gradually dropping the para mount imperialism question and devot ing more time to tho trusts It appears that ho will not much more than get in terested until tho question settles itsolf Tho Trade Exhibit says The trust craze Is undoubtedly on the decline Not nearly as many combinations are now being formed as was the case a yoar ago owing in part no doubt to the fact that business is not growing as rap idly as it was a short time ago It ia probably true however that many of tho largest trusts have not proved as ad vantageous as their promoters antici pated aud for that reason it is more dif flcult to obtain tho proper financial sup port At tho same time tho number of independent companies is ou tho in crease and it is thought by many people that tho trusts havo seou their best days From all accounts it appears that Mr Bryan and Mr Smyth the trust smashers wore uot recoivod at Nebraska City as conquering heroes whose mission it was to kill the ootopus that had tho people of that city In its grasp It seems rather that the peoplo objected to their Interference as many of them receive their bread and butter from the Argo Starch works The factory em ploys 250 hands Iu three years It has paid out 150000 lu wages and paid 801000 for a million and a half bushels of corn and In one year alone the pre mium paid abovo tho market prices for this cereal amounted to 33000 which weut as additional profit to tho farmers in the vioinlty of Nebraska City and removed so much of tho crop from the market to the benefit of other farmers of the state It is little wonder that the people of that city held an Indignatlou meeting and adopted resolutions which were signed by a thousand citizens objecting to the closing of the works Inasmuch as J Sterliug Morton is inter ested in the works and as he is a pollt cal euemy of both Mr Bryan and Mr Smyth their action has much the appear ance of being done In a spirit of venge ance The trust may be a fearf al thing viewed a long way off but when the fight is brought home to tho pooplo there are many ready to defend it THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY XTOM3R I 1900 Tlioro may boa few on tho fusion side of the fouco who beliovo this coun try Is drifting toward imperialism but thoy aro growing beautifully loss It lias boon tho standard scaro of oppo nents of the controlling administration over slnco ho country was organized and the policy 1ms not yet boon adopted A correspondent to tho loudor Itopul Ho duds that not all who own allegl unco to democratic principles will not voto for Mr Bryan thla yoar Ho givos thisas an iiiHtauco Horo is a funny lit tlo dialogue by two Flournoy product democrats Hoo horo now Mr Im not going to voto for Bryan Ive been voting tho domocrntio for many yonrs nnd Im dono Thats my tlckot Ill mako om beliovo Ill voto for Billy but Ill not do it all tho snmo Tho writor vottchoB for ho correctness of tho abovo Htatomont Tho populists oloctod Holcomb for Bryans sako thoy havo sacrillcod almost all tho principles upon which thoir party was foundod for Bryans sake thoy havo accepted whatovor oillces tho domocrata chose to give them for Bryans sako they havo permitted their candldato for vlco president to withdraw for Bryans sako What has Bryan givou in return Nothing but ropoatod roquoats for thoir votes A friond who will ask othor friouds to sacriflco ovorythiug for his sako i9 at tho best vory selfish Tro World Herald is dobating Abra ham Lincoln against the republicans and in support of democratic doctrines How tho worthy old statesman must feel about lauding his traitorous ouo niios of tho sixties nnd rebuking his oomrados and supportors of thoso days can hotter bo imngined than described But ho cannot object Ho is dead aud his language can bo twisted and turned aud garbled and misquoted to suit tho purposo of his old time ouomios If thoy can win by that mothod thoro will bo somo hope for their argument of tho sixties that tho war was afalluro Govoruor Beckham of Kentucky un wittingly porhaps has admitted that ho is an usurper aud is occupying a position which ho concedes rightly be longs to tho republicans In a speech the other day tho governor used theso words Fellow citizens and follow democrats I want you to come out in force this yoar so as to overcomo the republican majority of last year Tho announcement was made with much warmth and the governor has loft those who thoughtMr Goebel duly elected in a mystic maze of doubt Truth will out oven from democratic sources somotimes In his Dakota City speech says tho Sioux City Journal Mr Bryan repeated his belief that God uover mado a people incapable of governing themselves but he did not answer some questions touching upon that matter which Sen ator Boveridgo propounded iu his Chi cngo speech Does Mr Bryan say he would havo India back under the bestial tyranny of native rulers as it was before Euglaud took it Does he say that the Boors should give tho Transvaal back to the Zulus from whom they wrested it Does ho deny that Egypt is better off to day than while It was enjoyiugselfgov ornmout Did tho white men do well when they substituted their government for that of the Indians in the United States Daniel Webster was one of the lead ing statesmen of his day and age Yet he made mistakes That he was an auti oxpansloulst Is shown by a speech made iu the United States senate in 1814 In tho light of modern history his arguments are laughable just as the arguments of anti expansionists of today will be laughable 50 years hence Ho said What do wo wantjwith this vast and worthless area of savage and wild beasts of deserts of shifting sand and whirlwinds of dust of cactus and prairie dogs To what use could we ever put these great deserts or these endless mountain ranges impenetrable aud covered to their bases with eternal snow What can we ever hope to do with the western coast of 3000 miles rookbound cheerless and uninviting with not a harbor on it What nse have we for suoh a country Mr Presi dent I will never vote one cent from tho publio treasury to place the Pacifio coast oue Inch nearer Boston than it Is today For a consistent man Mr Bryan has a very queer record In 1800 the burden of bis song was that the country needed higher prices for the farmers Prioes wont up and now his sympathies are all with tho men who are compelled to pay the higher prices that he domandod In 18 He used his best Influence in getting the Paris treaty ratified now he Is using his most earnest endeavors to discredit that instrument He eagerly sought for military honors in the war with Spain now he is harping about the militarism of this government and seeking to discredit the administration on every point made In the war In 1800 his sympathies were with the bor rower who was compelled to pay a high rate of interest Now ho is condoning with the capitalist because ho cannot get better rates and is brought to the abject necessity of loaning his money to European countries A person might go on indefinitely to prove that Mr Bryan doesnt know what ho wants and can uover bo satisfied Tho groat difference between tho re publican nnd domocrntio parties is that whllo tho former stands squarely on Its record tho latter ovados what littlo rec ord It has had during tho past 10 years About tho only thing of note tne demo cratic party has dono iu that time was to establish tho Wilson tariff And is tlioro a democratic politician or news paper going before tho people now ou that record Woll hardly I Tho misery and ruin wrought through tho workings of thnt bill aro toofrosh in the minds of tho American peoplo Can thoy show any unti trust legislation to which thoy can point with prido Tho republicans appear to bo responsible for whatovor laws iu regulation of trusts havo boon passod Is there any wiso financial legislation to which tho democrats can dlrocttho attention of voters Scarcely 1 Is it any wondor that they prefer to mis load tho voter through tho aid of vug arios aud frighten thorn with silly crea tions of a fertile fancy A wiso voter will support a party of doeds not prom ises of facts not fancies a party of action not fault finding a party that can look to tho future with confidence not with halting faith a party of cour age not of fear a party of optimism not pessimism a party for the people uot for ofllco seekera a party of pro gress not of decline Tho voter should give a good careful study of facts in this campaign and not depond on superficial knowledge of cam paign arguments from which to base his conclusions Tho presidents instructions to the Taf t peacocouimlssiou to the Philippines discloses no imperialistic tendencies Tho following is quoted from tho docu ment Upon ovory division and branch of tho goverumout of the Philip pines must bo imposed those inviolablo rulos That no person shall be deprived of llfo liberty or property without duo procoss of law that private property shall not bo taken for public use without just compensation that in all crimiual prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial to be informed of tho nature and cause of the accusation to be confronted with tho witnesses against him to havo compul sory process for obtaiuiug witnesses iu his favor and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense that oxcesslvo bail shall not be required nor excessive fines imposed nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted that no person shall be put twice in jeopardy for the same offense or bo compelled in any crimiual case to bo a witness against himself that the right to secure against unreasonable searchers and seizors shall not be violated that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist except as a punishment for crime that no bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall bo passed that no law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or tho rights of the peoplo to peaceably assemble and peti tion the government for a redress of grievances that no law shall be made respecting tho establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof aud that the free exercise and enjoy ment of religious profession and wor ship without discrimination or prefer ence shall forever be allowed Com menting on these instructions the Chi cago Times Herald says Tho change is like a jump from medievalism to the best civilization of the twentieth cent ury aud it is hard to understand how any sane American can ignore its mean ing and advocate a course which would deprive the people of its blessings No one it would seem could doubt that it would bring the happiness peace and prosperity which tho president antlcl patesaud that these would disappear In anarchy if Aguinoldo were triumphant Furthermore tho admirable provision which is made in the Instructions for municipal self government and an ad ministration founded on that of our fed oration of states disposes effectively of tho imperialistic scarecrow The Fili pinos have everything to hope from and nothing to lose by American rule German Deserts Bryan The following interview with a Ger man farmer of Grand Island was pub lished in yesterdays Bee The corres pondent says it was submitted to Mr Felmliu and given his hearty endorse ment It but goes to show that all Germans ore not frightened by iin periallsm and militarism bugaboos Yes sir I voted for Bryan in 1890 and it is true that nothing can induce me to vote for him again I will tell you what I think In 1803 I voted for urovor uieveiana i was naturally a democrat They told us that the repub licon party was robbing the people through the robber tariff I voted as I said for Cleveland and the formers were injured by the polioy of the ad ministration inaugurated by that elec tion In 1890 when Bryanohanged the issue and told us that the gold standard was making bard times I gave the mat ter careful thought and I believed him I voted for him I remember bis prom ises and his prophecies When the election came on and MoKinley was elected I prepared to see still harder rimes Bat in a very short time I saw that the hard times were at least not getting harder and when the price of my farm products began to rise I be gan to believe that Bryan was mistaken I mm THE TRICK TRICK may involve deceit or it may be a display of peculiar skill There is deceit in some soaps but there is none in Ivory Soap it is a display of peas liar skill It will stand any test and can be relied upon to do all that is claimed for it IVORY SOAP IS 99 PER CENT PURE MPVaMHT IH1 f TNt MWTt QtlHI CO CtROtaiuTI For tho last two years the prices of farm products hnvobeeu such that I am fully couviucod that the policy of the republi can party is best for me Mr Bryan told me that I conld not get better prices for my corn my wheat my oats etc if we did uot opon the mints Mr Mo Kinley told mo that I could get better prices if home consumption would result from tho opening of the mills to American labor I believed Mr Bryan but his prophecy has uterly failed Mr McKinleys promises and prophecies have been fulfilled How any farmer can vote for a return of the times of 1895 and 1890 I cannot see I was born and reared in Germany I know what militarism is 0 and when a democratic politician tolls me that I must be afraid of militarism I tell you he is totally ignorant of what militarism is or he is totally dishonest in attempt ing to make me believe something which he cannot believe himself The little fragment of an army this country has neither endangers the republic nor can cause the fine increase in the price of my farm products I am goiug to voto for MoKinley and Id like to see the man that can stop mo Letter List List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postoflice October 1 1900 Abraham Abohigeley Andrew Ander son Mrs Kate Armstrong Linett Alyinglady Mrs Will Beck Will Black Mrs Wm Bryan Miss Emma Braosch J W Bnrlis Rev John Chamberlain Miss May Duvey Stephen A Daily Elmer Ellis 2 Miss May Fenton Jas H Gare Mrs Sophia Johnson J Sion Likens Mrs F P Newport Geo Nor dyke T L Radford Mrs R T Shock lock Geo Thompson Julius Viokers Elmore J Wolzmittle O E Wilson Henry Wright Harry Ward H H Youm If not colled for in 30 days will be sent to the dead letter office Parties calling for any of the above please say advertised P F Sprecher P M CROWD AT LINCOLN Roosevelt ny at the Nebraska Capital a IIuiumerQoveruor Speaks to a large Audience Lincoln Oct 3 Nothing equal to the demonstration nccorded Governor Roosevelt here yesterday has yet been seen during tho progress of his Jour ney which has now extended somo 0000 miles aud covering a period of 30 days The line of march of the carriages from the station to capltol house square something over a mile nnd a half was lined with people everywhere and tho wide streets were filled almost the entire distance to such an extent that In many places it impeded the passage of the carriages and the mounted escort Arriving at the capltol square the governor was conducted to a review ing stand on the street aud a grand procession passed in review occupy ing more than an hour There were many unique and amusing features In this parade One was the number of women on foot that took part In It Some of the banners displayed were amusing and others were significant A German club passed bearing aloft a full dinner pall with bread and sau sage Another column boro this banner Eight more years of the full din ner pall four for McKlnley and then four for Teddy After the procession had passed In review Governor Roosevelt was con ducted to a speakers stand where he addressed as many of the crowd around the stand as his ntvong voice could reach His remark Were punc tuated by frequent cheers At the couclUlqn of h8 gpoch qb bis way from the stand to his cnrrlngo be was fairly mobbed by a wildly eager crowd who wished to shnko his bund He reached his carriage somewhat bat tered In nppeiiranco but In fine spirits on nccount of the extent and the for vldnoss of the reception The train pulled out for Flattsmouth where an evening meeting was held Tho even ing meeting nt Plattsmoutli was also a success in point of numbers and In terest This meeting closed the days Itinerary Tickets on Ionu Ballot Des Moines Oct 3 There will b seven tickets on the official ballot at the election four weeks from next Tuesday in Iowa These are the tickets of the Republican Democratic Peoples Party Prohibition Social Democratic Socialist Lubor and Unit ed Christian The time for filing nom Inatlon papers expires on Saturday THE HOST ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY TO THE FARnER STOCKRAISER MANUFACTURER INVESTOR Is that traversed by the Louisville and Nashville Railroad The Q re at Centrrl Southern Trunk Linn in Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mis sissippi Florida where there are splen did chances for everybody to make money Come and see for yourselves Half Fart Excursions First and Third Tuesdays op Every Month Printed matter maps and all informa tion free Address R J WEMYSS General Immigration and Iudustria Agent Louisville Ky Illinois Genital R fi ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WHSTTER TOTJUISTS The Illinois Central doslros to call attention to the unoxcollod service that is offered by Us Hues to tho south for tho seasou of 1S99 1900 c ALI FORNI VIA NEW ORLEANS CHICAGO EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING CLORID U VIA NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA A Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars FROM Personally conduct ed Runs through to Los Angolos and Saa Francisco via Now Orlpaiisiu connection with the Southern Pit cine leaving Chicago on tho Central fak v A cial connection also made DW by this vneaus train w spe th dafly trains out of New Orleans for the Pacific Coast Tho Limitod from Chicago every even New Orleans after Decombor 18 1S9U with tho SUNSET LIMITED LLUrtrcfc lvIu fleolal roub A THROUGH Ttnnkl 1- SERVICE lci8 maintained out FROM 5fUnois1Ton8trVa1fatn1d0 ST LOUIS O I LUUIO b and Atlanta thro sonville Florida being earrtoSSJ K Jucl DIXIE FLYER leaving St Louis every evening This train well Rt tlin Tlav K I TVtrafl as the morning are both solid trans toNuSlm having through coaches nml ii llrli niug through Martin Tonn and the N r a run TWO SOLID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Daily from Chicago toMomphia and Now Or HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS point iu the South on tie linos of tl2 rmtaIu Central and V 4 M V railroad will i IUioolB the first and third Tueday JSCS lug tho winter season o itu moniu Uur CV haurdtIoTiUronUOQofteQfilll1loi0sf l8 avo by addling I B luafu0 a0 t i