The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 04, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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A 7
Untlck of 111kt Ground to Ilccc liy a
Special lrrltjlil
Tho following concerning the railwny
accident nt Pilger Wednebdny is tnkon
from n Stnntou dispatch to tho State
Yesterdny at tho railroad crossing
just enst of tho village of Pilger in this
county Ed Ustick whb struck nud
killed by a special freight Ho had been
in Pilger and was returning homo He
wns seen by a number going toward
tho railroad iu a wngon his team going
at a Bmart jog Ustick had his head
bowed upon his breast apparently giving
no attention to his team or tho surround
ings His team slowed to a walk ns
they approached tho track and just got
over it as tho train struck tho wagon
back of tho foro wheels Ustick was
thrown under tho engine and dragged
for the distance of over a hundred feet
HIb death was prooably instantaneous
HiB intestines stomach heart lungs
and liver were torn out of tho body and
lay EOiuo thirty feet from it The
right arm was cut on aud thero was
hardly a whole bone in tho body Tho
undisputed evidence showed that the
trainmen made every effort to avoid the
collision as soon as they discovered the
danger though at tho time of tho ac
cident the train was running at a
greater rate of speed than permitted by
the ordinances of tho village of Pilger
within whoso limits the accident hap
pened A broken jug which had con
tained whisky was found near the
corpse The coroners jury consisting
of C F Husbands Ed Barom Daniel
Matheson W S Church Jacob Oik
and J G Matheson returned a verdict
Betting forth that tho deceased came to
his death by having been struck by an
engine attached to the special freight
but neither exonerated or condemned
the railway employes
The deceased was a farmer about fifty
years of age He was married and has
a son some twenty years of age He
had seperated from his wife and family
and for a number of years had lived
alone on a farm which he had rented
east of Pilger in Cuming county
The front of the Richards block is re
ceiving a fresh coat of paint
L L McKira was a passenger for
Omaha yesterday on business
Dr Robert Johnson returned last
night from n trip to Colorado
A new approach ha been built in
front of the Krantz livery barn
Mrs W McBride of Madison is visit
ing Norfolk relatives and friends
Robert King has accepted the position
of night clerk at the Pacific hotel
H E Owen was in from Cheyenne
Wyo yesterday visiting his family
Sanford Parker of Spencer was in the
city on his way to Omaha yesterday
Mrs A J Durland left on the noon
train for a visit with Lincoln friends
Mrs Horace McBride and Mrs Willis
McBride will go to Omaha tomorrow
John H Crook of Meadow Grove has
been granted a pension of 1 7 a month
A P Childs went to Omaha today to
view the carnival and will visit over
Robert Utter will return tomorrow
from Omaha where he has been for the
past two weeks
H H Patterson was last night in
stalled as vice grand of Norfolk lodge
No 40 I O OF
Misses Ruth and Mamie Matrau and
Misses Julia and Kate Stafford will go
to Omaha tomorrow morning
Hon John R Hays is to address the
people of Dakota City on the political
issues next Saturday evening
A substantial brick walk is being
built about the Zuelow property on
Philip avenue and Sixth street
Editor Cunningham of the Wayne
Republican and County Superintendent
Lundbnrg were city visitors from Wayne
Jeauette the little daughter of 0 P
FariBh who has been visiting her grand
parents in West Point arrived in Nor
folk yesterday
Mrs Mae S Wheaton came up from
South Omaha last evening to visit with
her folks Mr and Mrs J E Simpson
for a week or two
Mrs Louisa Lucas died last night at
the home of her daughter Mrs Carl
Korth The deceased lady has been
sick about a week
Dr H T Holden went down to
Omaha yesterday and returned today
with his wife who has been visiting
there several weeks
Miss Agnes Pierre clerk for the John
Bon Dry Goods company left on the
noon train for Omaha to attend the
It iB announced that Governor
Poynter is to address the people of Nor
folk on the political situation on the
nfterncon of October IU
Miss Eula Wise has accepted a posi
tion in the law oflice of Mapes and
Hizen and iB prepared to do any work
in the stenographic line on short notice
Mrs Alfred Gerecke has been teaching
for Miss Margaret Morrow for the post
few days and Miss Ruth Matrau has
been teaching Miss Edith McClarys
Bhort ber vices over the remains of the J
late W U Fisher were held nt tho
hotiso this morning Rev 1 J Parker
officiating nnd tho remains were taken
to Red Oak Iowa for interment s
Thero will bo preaching services nt
tho Free Methodist church next Sun
day morning nt 11 oclock by Rev J
Chnmberlain assisted by Rev Gould of
North Platte Tho public Ib invited to
The Knights of tho Maccabees nro ar
ranging for their first numml ball which
is to be given in Marquardts hall on
tho evening of Wednesday Octobor 2 1
Good music is to bo provided aud a fine
time is anticipated
Louis Smithberger of Stauton has
been renominated by tho republicans of
tho Seventeenth district consisting of
Stauton and Wayne counties for stnto
representative Tho nominee was
elected two years ago nud was renomi
nated unanimously
Dr P H Salter nnd O Johnson
were out hunting yesterdny nud while
suenking up on n Hook of ducks tho lat
ter gentleninn slipped iu somo way nnd
fractured one of tho small bones near
his ankle The result is n painful limb
which will conflno Mr Johnson to tho
house for several days
Fremont Tribune iT A mnrriago
license was issued this afternoon to Bur
leigh E Hacker aged 2 and Miss
MelisBa P Witherspoon nged 21 The
marriage is to tnko plnco at a late hour
this afternoon Rev Mr Buss will per
form tho ceremony The young people
will make their homo in Norfolk
J lNeidig who lives near MadiBon
is at work turning about GO acres of
sugar cane into sorghum molasses Mr
Neidig raised -15 acres of tho crop on his
own place Tho Chronicle says the
capacity of his factory is between 200
aud 1300 gallons per day and the output of
tho season about tiOOO gallons but in
ability to secure needed help has pro
vented him from running to the full
The golden cymbals for the parade on
Roosevelt day have arrived and S L
Gardner will bo in charge of the brigade
that will handle them ArrangementB
will be made for a special train over the
Verdigre branch and a large crowd is ex
pected from towns along that line It is
understood that Hon C J Green of
O Jiaha will address the people on Roose
velt day after the governor haB finished
his address
Dr Scobee wns a passenger for Omaha
yesterday noon
Geo B Ckristoph has returned from
his visit to Omaha
L J Speck has returned from a visit
at Ottumwa Iowa
S O Campbell was a city visitor from
Madison last night
Hon John S Robinson of Madison
wns a city visitor yesterday
Mrs G W Box went to Plainview
yesterday to visit relatives
Mrs Gardels of Battle Creek was
visiting Norfolk friends yesterday
Mrs C C Elgin will return this
evening from a five weeks visit with
relatives and friends at Chicago
Hon J F Boyd of Oakdale candidate
for district judge on the republican ticket
ket was m the city over night -greeting
the voters
A light frost last night nipped some
of the more tender plants that were
still growing
Miss May Morris returned from Ohio
last evening where she has been the
past two years for an extended visit
with her brother M R Morris
Mrs A D Cole returned yesterday
from Cody where she has spent the
past three monthB This week she sold
out the A D Cole store businsss at that
place to her son E C Cole and Charles
Manager Spear anticipates a grand
rush for seats for A Wise Woman
Monday and it will probably be the part
of wisdom for those who want to attend
to be on hand and secure their seats
early Monday morning
Tub News stated last evening that
John R Hays would address the people
at Dakota City this evening This was
a mistake his Saturday evening speech
will be made at South Sioux City He
talked to the people of Thurston last
A horse attached to a two seated
buggy started to run away rom in front
of the Fair store this morning The
buggy rau into another vehicle and the
horse and it were separated No dam
age beside the breaking of the harness
was done
Pierce Call T S Richardson re
turned from Norfolk last Saturday and
tho same evening was taken with a sud
den attack of the heart and for time
was in very dangerous condition His
wife arrived from Fullerton Tuesday
evening and is now taking care of him
Battle Creek Republican Wm
Yolk a prominent farmer of Highland
was in town Saturday Mr Yolk says
the farmers in his community many of
whom voted for Bryan in fid are now
almost Bolidfor MoKinlev Will savs
they dontpretend to know much about
militarismimperialism and other isms of
demo pop invention but they do know
which side their bread is buttered on
and he thinks anyone possessed of that
knowledge cannot reasonably bo ex
pected to vote for W J Bryan
Tho Crane Killed mill Allot Iter lilt Upturn
tlicj lot out of ItuiiKP
F C Mttchol relates to Tin Nrws
tho following story of some remarkable
rifio shooting
On the J5th of Soptombor while Mr
Harper of Iowa nnd 1 wero crossing
tho prairie nbout 17 miles northwest of
Norfolk enrouto to Niobrnrn wo saw a
mnn cautiously walking toward n small
lako with a gun iu his right hand
When ho was within a hundred yards
of tho pond three largo white crnnes
How up Quick ns thought tho sports
men brought his rille to range nnd as
tho sharp crack rang out one crane
camo down Without lowering his gun
ho pumped nunther load nnd fired aud
the second bird camo whirling to the
earth Tho third bnllot cut feathers
from tho Inst crane but ho flopped on
With surprise nnd curiosity wo drove
up to where the man was gathering up his
trophleB Wo offered him -1 50 for the
two birds which measured eight feet
from tip to tip of tho wings He
lnughcd and said All right Pretty
good for threo cartridges nnd invited
us up to dinner
Upon lenrning his nnme T O
Warner wo remembered of having
henrd of him iu I own ns nn export rifle
shot Ho says thoy give him tho fancy
name of Old Grizzlytho Wolf Hunter
Robert Utter returned from his visit
to Omaha last night
Lee sou of Mr aud Mrs Roy Hight
ii suffering from an attack of typhoid
Mrs O F Tappert nnd Mrs C F
Shaw visited over Sunday with friends
iu Omaha
Mrs C D Jenkins returned Satur
dny from a Bhort visit with her mother
at Nevada Mo
Miss Anna Seymour returned last
night from Omaha where she attended
the festivities
Miss Kerkow trimmer for Miss
Bender went down to Fremont Sntur
dny noon nud returned today
Ticket No 1711 held by Joe Ylazuey
drew the wheel rallied oil at Ahlmuu
Bros bicycle shop this noon
M Carberry grain dealer at War
uerville was in tho city yesterday He
will attend the theatro hero tonight
Mr and Mrs J N Bundick have
broken up housekeeping nnd hnve taken
rooms at theOxnard hotel for the winter
For the past few days this vicinity has
experienced ideal Indian summer
weather with tho air as balmy as spring
Mrs R D Scott Mrs F J Hale
Mrs J E Kuesel aud two daughters
were in the city from Battle Creek Sat
A right healthy breeze from the south
nas prevailed today and has raised con
siderable dust to the annoyance of people
Geo DButterfield camo in from Chi
cago last night and visited with his
parents while enrouto to his home in
Mrs Joe Shoemaker of Salida Col
is iu the city for a months visit with
her mother and sister Mrs Warrick
and Mrs Weathorby
Mrs Joseph Schwartz left at noon
today for Lincoln where she goes ns
delegate to the Grand Lodge D of H
which convenes tomorrow
Hereaftet Baum Bros store will be
open in the evenings until nine oclock
On Wednesday however the store will
be closed during the day until 0 oclock
in the evening on account of n holiday
Miss H C Wood will give a theatre
party this evening to a number of her
friends complimentary to Miss Ruth Ma
trau The party will be chaperoned by
Mrs C EDeuel After the entertain
ment the party will lunch with Miss
The Norfolk fire boys have not been
called out by an alarm for so long that
it is doubtful if they would know how
to act should they be called But the
season of fires is almost here and it is
probable that the firemens summer va
cation is about at an end
All the boys belonging to the Norfolk
Rough Rider brigade are requested to
meet at the furniture store of Hoffmnn
Smith Wednesday evening nfter
school to arrange the final details for
Roosevelt day Members are requested
to be present whether they have ponies
or not
Free of Charge
Any adult suffering from a cold
Bettled on the breast bronchitis throat
or lung troubles of any nature who will
call at A K LconnrdBwill be presented
with u sample bottle of Boschees
German Syrup free of charge Only
one bottle given to one person and none
to childreu without order from parents
No throat or lung remedy ever had
such a sale as Boschees German Syrup
in all parts of the civilized world
Twenty years ago millions of bottles
were given away and your druggist
will tell you its success was marvelous
It is really the only throat and lung
remedy generally endorsed by physi
cianB One 75 cent bottle will cure or
prove its value Sold by dealers in all
civilized countries
The Retort Oak has the only positive
check known in stove construction
The control of fire is absolute Ham
street will answer all inquiries
Sctioolft Irntilnt ii lliilf llolliluv on
ilt liny dcrllKn or lllrin lor
Onul ol It 1 1 In Alloiwri
Regular meeting of the bonrd of edu
cation wns held on October 1 1000
Present Luikart Dean Salter Mrueg
gemau aud Matrau
Meeting was called to order by Presi
dent Luiknit The reading of minutes
wns dispensed with Tho following
bills were read mid ordered paid
Aug Hellorniun supplies 55 cents
S G Dean by Heath and Millegau
supplies 8 12
Aug llelleimau labor on repairs
W P Dixon mowing 1 00
J H Herman repairs 12 115
Herman lhuinniuiil binding books
A Morrison repairs 1120
11 U Matrau secretary freight paid
118 1
John Fiiday supplies 8 00
Monthly pay roll ft Will -15
Reports of John Friday treasurer
for months of August and September
showing balance on hand September
110th in tho general fund of 5Sr 12
with unpaid outstanding warrants
amounting to 1 1 Mil SO were rend and
referred to auditing committee
Communication from Col Simpson
water commissioner relative to the use
of city water wnsrend and referred to
tho committee on buildiugsnnil grounds
It was ordered that teachers when
absent aud employing substitutes shall
pay such substitutes nnd that such
absences and employment of substitutes
shnll be subject to tho approval of tho
superintendent It was ordered that
sealed bids lor coal for tho ensuing
school year be advertized to bo opened
on October 15th at 8 p m the board
reserving the right to nceept or reject
parts of bids or entire bids or all bids
iu their discretion successful bidders
to pay for weighing on scales to be
designnted by tho bonrd and to deliver
all coal nt tho various school buildings
as may be required
It was ordered that n half day holiday
bo granted the Fchools on tho afternoon
of October 1th
On motion tho board adjourned
H O Maikav Secretnry
W J iow went to Meadow Grove
today on business
Mrs C E Green returned yesterdny
from n visit to Omaha
E B Keuyon returned this noon from
a business visit to Lincoln
Mrs C O Manwiller has gono to
Iowa for a visit with relatives
M R Morris departed thiB afternoon
for a business trip into Wisconsin
Mrs M R Morris returned last even
ing from a mouths visit in Chicago
A new variety store ill tno Richards
block opened up for business last Satur
The regular meeting Jof tho Masonic
lodge will be held this evening nt 8
Miss Fannie Norton returned Inst
night from the festivities
at Omaha
Wm D Ctiristy of Argyle Is Y is
expected here this evening to visit with
W J nnd C C Gow
H E Holt has returned from an ex
tended visit to California Oregon and
other western states
Mr and Mrs J J Harrington wel
comed a daughter to their home in South
NorfolK this morning
Leslie Leavitt came in from Chicago
last evening to visit his parents Rev
and Mrs Wm Leavitt
N A Raiubolt and A E Campbell
went to Battle Creek today to hear
Mary Ellen Lease speak
Mr and Mrs C D Jenkins drove to
Pierce thiB afternoon to see T S Rich
ardson who is reported to be very sick
The city has received another car of
crossing stone and tho work of putting
in permanent croob walks goes merrily
F P Hanlou waB up from Omaha
yesterday to attend the meeting of tho
board of directors of the Norfolk Na
tional balik
juito a number of Norfolk people
went to Battle Creek to hear Mary
Ellen Lease talk on the politicel issues of
the campaign
A J Niquette of St Paul Minn a
nephew of Mrs O B Holahan haB
taken a position as clerk with tho ex
press companies
Dr and Mrs G F Keiper will spend
a month in Norfolk having taken rooms
at the home of Mr nnd Mrs J S
McClary for that time
A bouncing nine pound boy was born
to Mr and Mrs O J Stockwell today
It will be utterly futile for nuy demo
crat to endeavor to convince Jeff that
there is no prosperity in the laud
Tho Beatrice blood hounds were
brought iu from that city last night and
D D Brnnson took them aud their
trainer as far as Pierce starting from
here nt 12 oclock At that place an
other conveyance was in waiting to
hurry them ouward to Plainview where
it is hoped they will succeed in tracking
the murderer of A D Aikeue who was
killed near that place Sunday night It
was the desire of tin1 trntitT to get onto
the ground us early ns possible so Hie
scent would be fiosh
President Simpson of the MoKinley
KooMivelt club leceived n telephone
nicRMigo from Orestou Inst night which
conveyed the information that n troop
of 115 rough riders would come over from
thero to attend tho Roosevelt demonstra
tion Tho coinpnny expects to ride
across the country nud hopes to reneh
Norfolk tomorrow night They re
quested thnt arrangements be made for
curing for their hoiscs This Is but one
of the Hovcrnl slmilur organizations
that have expressed their determination
of ntteiidiug the rally
Tho Auditorium wns well filled last
evening to see Mario Lainonr in tho
three act farcical comedy A Wise Wo
man The play was full of mirth-provoking
situations nud the audience wic
kept in good humor fioin start to finish
Thero wero many clever specialties
Miss Ianioar as Honor Rachel nnd
Francis Jones as Peter Chicner weie
especial favorites Tho play brought
out much clever repartee work At de
ception tho play developed situations
that would give The Liars pointeis
Tho company went from here to Fio
Norfolk postolllco receipts continue to
show ii gratifying upward tendency
The increases of the lust fiscal yenr were
marked but the new ilscul year bids
fair to rival that of last in tho matter of
increase in receipts Tho first quarter
of tho present fiscal year wns completed
October 1st The receipts nro bhown
by the records to be lrllh2 The
receipts of the first quarter of the last
fiscal yenr wero 2II2IUI showing u
gain of 201 IIS over those of the last
year This is the light business quarter
of tho year and if tho present ratio of
increase keeps up it may lo expected
that the present year will show a record
A disastrous flro at Foster in Pierco
county Sunday night destroyed about
half of tho town Tho whole west side
of the town iH today in ruiiiB The
destruction was caused by n prairie lire
Among tho business property destroyed
was tho Edwards Bradford lumber
yard and ollico Geo V Mitchells
general merchandise store the post
office telephone ofllco F Synovecs
blacksmith shop a limo house A II
Holmes implement warehouso and the
snloou Tho saloon keeper had just
received his license from tho county
board but had not opened up for busi
ness The citizens made an unsuccessful
attempt to fight the flro but wero hiiudi
enpped by lack of fighting facilities
With tho close of September N A
Raiubolt severed his connection with the
Norfolk National bank as its president
in accordance with tho terms of his res
ignation tendered somo time ago At
n full meeting of the bonrd of directors
held yesterday afternoon W H Bucholz
was unanimously elected president to
fill the vncancy nnd until tho annual
meeting of tho board in January he will
remain tho acting cashier of the bank
Although Mr Bucholz is a compara
tively young man for a bank president
yet ho has in fact been engaged in active
banking a greater number of years than
any other man in Norfolk After n
short experience in the old Norfolk City
bank ho went with tho Norfolk Na
tional bank as teller in Jauuary 18SIJ
and in fall of that year he was made as
sistant casnier a year later ho was
elected cashier which position he has
held continuously since His experi
ence of H years as a banker well quali
lies him for the place to which he haB
now been elected Patrons of the bank
will be glad to know that the resigua
tion of Mr Raiubolt does not carry with
it any radical changes in the manage
of the institution
A New Store Iu Tom n
We wish to announce to the people of
Norfolk and surrounding country that
we have opened up a line of notions
tinware queenBware shirts and overalls
hats etc etc a t prices that will tonch
your hearts through your pocket book
Come in and see us and get acquainted
The Balloon
In Richards Block Norfolk
We wish to thank the people of Nor
folk and vicinity who so lirjerally jxit
ronized our opening last Saturday Wo
feel safe In saying that every purchaser
ut our opening received the greatest bar
gain ever had in footwear We shall
continue special sales every Saturday
On Saturday October II our bargain
counter will bo loaded with bargains
Yours for business
Norfolk Shoe Co
Peoples Popular Prices
The lieit AitvertUliiK
Philadelphia Record When a busi
ness man admits by a painted sigu or a
display window that he wants business
he can give one of but three reasons if
he foil to advertise in tho newspapers
viz That the amount of business in
his line iu the community is too small
to warrant tho expense that he lacks
jhe money required for the best form of
advertising or that bis judgment is bad
nnd is not influenced by obvious fncs
The most successful business men are
the most persistent of newspaper adver
For cleanliness economy and comfort
the Retort Oak has no equal as a heater
See them at Hamstreets
W Wiinner clerk in Bnuiii Bros
Is on the sick list
Telephone No 55 has been placed in
the residence of Mis II Mollrido
A II Dillon of Oakdnlo was n pleas
ant caller at Tin Nmvs this afternoon
Miss Lizzie Mueller relumed last
night fioin u weeks visit with friends
nt Pierce
Itov Fred W Lavitt of West Point
was visiting nt the home of his parents
over night
A son wns bom to Mr nnd Mrs Ghns
I Mriggs nt their homo on South Third
stieet yesterday
Mrs T 13 Odiomo nnd Miss Martha
Davciipoit went to Sioux City yeslerdny
afternoon to visit friends nnd attend
the carnival
Mniit I WNoler engineer on the F
K V V toad who resides in The
Heights 1h to lomovo to Ohudronas that
cll will be more convenient to his run
John Stou breeder headed a party of
Ml excursionists who left yesterday over
the M V O lor Spooiinr Wis to look
at Home iiiilioad lauds that are now on
the market
W M H ibeiisnn returned lust night
from liincdln whom he had been to
argue Hie Kpuiililiug case before tho
supremo eouit but as tho state was not
ready the heating went over until tho
About 20 young friends assisted
Uhiionco Mc Fitrlnud in celebrating his
birthday yesteidnv afternoon at his
homo on South Sixth street It was a
most enjoyable parly to those participa
Mis Mary Stanton is packing her
household goods aud will go to Omaha
where she Iiiih a position for tho winter
lay and Paul will make their homo
with their siter Mrs Thos ONeill
during her absence
Hurley Widainan iH taking a courso in
steam and clcctrinl engineering iu a
les Moines college and is well pleased
with the work and tho school His
father has iu his possession a steol rivet
ing hammer a sample of his llrHt work
in tho school
Upon Dr Sissons return today from
Laurel where ho had been to look after
some details of his work he found a
telephone message awaiting him to go to
Pender to preach tho funeral sermon of
Ex Congressman W E Penblos who Iiiih
just died there Dr Sihboii departed for
Ponder on the next train
Tho son of F Griffith of Mittle Creek
wiis operated on at tho sanitarium
yesterday Tho entire lower part of tho
bono of one of his legs was removed
He stood the operation well and is rest
ing quite comfortably today Tho bono
was diseased owing to a kick he had
received from a horse somo years ago
Today is u Jewish holiday that has been
observed by people of that religion for
tho past 11000 years It is tho most im
portant holiday on tho calendar to
people of that faith as upon it hangs tho
fabric of their religion It is the feast
of Yom Kippur or day of atonement
aud it is said that its observance was
established by Moses
David Ciiy Neb April 1 1K0
Genessee Pure Food Co LcRoy N Y
Gentlemen I must sny in regard io
Grain O that there is nothing better or
healthier We have used it for years
My brothor was a great coffee drinker
Ho wiw taken sick nud the doctor said
codec was the cause of it aud told ns to
use Grain O Wo got a packuge but
did not like it at first but now would
not be without it My brother has been
well ever since we started to use it
Yours truly
Liliie Sociior
In good condition she is sweet and lovable
and sinks lifes song on a Joyful harmonious
string Out of order or unstrung there is
discordance and unhapplness Just as there
is one key note to all music so there is one key
note to health A woman might as well try
to fly without wings as to feel well and look
well while the organs that make her a woman
are weak or diseased She must be healthy
Inside or she cant be healthy outside There
are thousands of women suffering silently all
over the country Mistaken modesty urges
their silence While there Is nothing mcre
admirable than a modest woman health If
of the first importance Every other con
sideration should give way before it Brad
fields Female Regulator Is a medicine foi
women sills ills
est way to cure leu
corrhea falling of
the womb nervous
ness headache
backache and gen
eral weakness You
will be astonished
at the result es
pecially if you have
been experiment
ing with other so
called remedies
We are not asking
you to try an uncer
tainty Bradfields
Regulator hasmade
happy thousands of
women What it
has done for others
It can do or you
Sold in drug stores
tor 7 a bottle
A frre Illustrated
nook will to brut
to all wlioYtrilrto
t 1 3 H
ll III irtT J