li ftved on the subject V cannot spare litm nt all Whatever vn shall do with tho factory law which was just from a dead letter becoming an active force with tho tenement house problem which moans life liberty ami the pursuit ol happiness to a million wngo oaruors with thotranchisosantl thotrustswhoni ho gave tho cold shivers hy proi osing to ileal justly by thom whntover the losses will do with us when hois none who dealt justly hy them also 1 dont know I lmuw what happened In the police department when he was gone May It help us to understand that the lloosevelts and tho Waring of our day nro sent to set the rest of us to work ami that for us to stand hy and hco them do it merely applauding and calling them good fellows is not tho moniiitiK f and not sense Only when wo grasp that is their real work done and we need have no further fear of tho bosses There I have said it and having said it shall do what It is tho business of ovory good Now Yorker and every good oltlon nnywhoTO to do take off my coat and help put Theodora Uoosovolt whoro the mass of IiIh countrymen want him oven though I have to give him up Ah I understand it that Is tho American plan I romembor well when wo Unit ran across each other Seen him I had bo foro heading an investigation commit too that camo down from Albany with tmo instinct to poko up tho police de partment I had followed his trial In tho legislature always exposing job bory fighting boss rule much to the ainuzotnont of tho politicians who be held this silk stocking youngster barely out of collego rattling dry bones they had thought safoly buried out of tho reach ot oven old hands at that business Llioy comforted themselves with tho bo liof that it was a fad and would blow ovor It did not blow over They lived to rue the day some of them when they picked him up as a handy man in a faction light They got rather more light out of him than they bargained for Hut they might have spared themselves their Nolf roproaohos They were not to hlamu Ho came to the Evening Star olllce one day looking for mo I was out but ho left his card with tho simple message that he had read my book How tho Other Half Lives and had come to help That was tho introduction It sooms only a little while ago and meas wrod by years it is not long hut what has ho not helped with in Now York wnco We needed to have tho police made decont and ho pulled it out of tho slough of blackmail it was in It did not stay out but that was not his fault Ho showed that it could bo dono with honest purpose While ho was t hero it was decent and by tho way lot mo say vight hero that there is a much larger percentage of policemen than many imjjgino who look back to that time as tho golden ago of tho department whon ovory man had a show on his merits mid whoso votes are quietly cast on elec tion day for the things Teddy stands for Wo had boon trying for 10 years to nohiovo a system of dealing decently with our homeless poor T woscoro years boforo tho surgeons of tho police depart ment had pointed out that herding them in the cellars or over tho prison of police stations in festering heaps and turning thorn out hungry at daybreak to beg their way from door to door was inde cent and iuhunian Siuco then grand juries academies of medicine com panics of philanthropic citizens had at tucked tho foul disgrace but to no pur pose Pestilence ravaged tho prison lodgings but still they stayod I know what that light meant for I was one of n committee that waged it year after year and suffered defeat ovory time until Teddy Uoosovolt camo and do utroyed tho uuisauco in a night 1 ro membor tho caricatures of tramps shiv ering in tho cold with which tho yellow nowspapers pursuod him at tho time labelliug him tho poor mans foo Tho poor umua foo I Why tho poor man never had a hotter friend than Theodore Roosevelt We una gouo through a season of excitement over our tenement houses Tho awful exhibits of the Gilder conimitteo had crowded remedial laws through tho legislature laws that permitted tho destruction of tenement house property on the showing that it was bad Bid meaut murderous The death records showod that tho worst rear tenements killed one in five of the babies born in them The Teuoment IIouso committee called them infaut slaughter houses They stood con demned but still they stood A whole year was tho law a dead letter until as president of tho police board Roosevelt became also a member of the health board that was charged with tho en forcement of the statute Then they went and quickly A hundred of thorn were seized and most of them destroyed In the June number of tho Roviow of Reviews I gave the result in tho case of a single row the Barracks iu Mott street which Mr Roosevelt and I per sonally inspected and marked for seiz ure I was at that time exeoutive of ficer of the Good Government clubs The death rate came down from 30 50 in the thousand of the living to 11538 loss than the general death rate of tho whole city That work stopped too They are seizing no more rear tenements since Tammany came back It has been too busy putting up tho price of ioe that means life In Hicmi hot summer months to the poor mans babies whether In front or rear tenemont I should havo liked to see Theodore Roosevelt run on Ills record lu our state this fall against the lee trust conspiracy tho man who saved the poor mans bablos against tho villains who would see thorn perish with Indifference so long as It paid thorn n profit It would havo boon Instructive -mightily It was human that somoof tho laboring men should misinterpret Mr Roosuvelts motives when as president of tho police board he sont word that ho wanted to meet them and talk Rtrlko troubles ovor Willi thotn They got It into their heads I suppose that ho had como to crawl but they woro speedily unde ceived I can boo his face now as ho chocked tho llrst ono who hinted at trouble I fancy that man cansoeit too in his dreams lontlonion said Mr Roosevelt I have como to get your point of view and see If wo cant ngroo to help oach othor out But wo want to make it clear to ourselves at tho start that tho greatest damago any working man can do to his cause is to counsel violence Ordor must ho maintained and mako no mlstako I will maintain It I tingled with prido whon thoy cheered him to tho echo Thoy had como to moot n politician Thoy mot a man and they knew him nt sight it was after midnight whon wo plodded homo from that meeting through snow two feet duop Mr Roosovolt was pleased and proud proud of his follow citizens They aro all right ho said Wo understand each other and wo shall got along And thoy did got along with porfect confidence on both sides I read a story when I was a boy about a man who pursuod by a rolontless enemy dwelt in security bocauso of his bolief that his plotting could not hurt an honest man Mr Roosovolt constantly made me think of him He spoko of It only once but I saw him act out that belief a hundred times Mulberry Bt root could never havo boon made to take any stock in it When it failed to awe Uoosovolt it tried ts catch him Jobs innumerable were put up to discredit tho president of tho board and inveigle him into awkward positions Probably ho novor knew of one tenth of thorn I often made thorn out long after thoy were scattered to tho winds Mr Uoosovolt walked through them with perfect unconcern kicking aside the snares that wero sot so elaborately to catch him Tho politicians who saw him wnlk apparently blindly into a trap and beheld him emerge with damago to the trap only could not understand It They concluded it was his luck It was not It was his sonso Ho told mo onco after such a timo that it was a matter of conviction with him that no frank and honest man could be in tho long run en tangled by tho snares of plottors what ever appearances might for tho momout indicate So ho walked unharmed in it all Bismarck confounded the councils of Europe at times by practicing Roose velts plan as a trick Ho spoko the truth bluntly when tho plottors expected him to lie and rounded them up ensily One charge his eueiiuos made agninst him in which there was truth It summed itsolf all up iu that with a heat that was virtual acknowledgment of its being tho whole arraignment That there was always a fight whoro ho was Always trouble said men who counseled surrender when Uoosovolt was fighting for a de cont Sunday through the enforcement of the law compelling tho saloons to close Never any rest Not Thero was novor any rest for the lawbreakers when ho was around nor for those who would avoid trouble by weakly sur rendering to them Roosovolt guaged Now York exactly right when ho set about his turbulent program of enforce mout of law The scaudal was not that we were being robbed by political cut throats but that wo submitted tamely The formula wo heard so often from his lips iu the years that followed honesty manhood courage was the exact pro- flsription wo needed Wo in tne me tropolis aro abundantly nblo to run tho robbers out of town aud koop them out by just following the road ho made for us wheu ho rau thorn out of the police department But he made it fighting It was truo that thero never was nny rest while ho was at it night or day When he had battled all day iu Mul berry street ho would sometimes get up 2 oclock in the morning and go out on patrol to find out the policemen who were stealing the citys time It be came suddenly posslblo to find a police man any whero at any hour of the night in Now York Within a year after the old Tammauy regime had como back an opldemlo of uight fires that cost many lives brought from the firemen the loud protest that policemen were not awake aud the chief found it necessary to transfer half the force of a precinct for sleopiug ou post No thero was never any rest whon Roosevelt wae arouud Thero was none iu congress during tho six years he was a civil service commissioner uuder Har risou and Cleveland and as a result where there had boeu 14000 places uuder the merit and capacity rules of the commission when he came iu there were 10000 when he went out To that extent spoils politics had been robbed ot its sting There was even less repose in the navy department THE NORFOLK NKWR THURSDAY OCTOHKR I 191W when ho went thero ns assistant secre tary fresh from tho fight iu Mulberry street to flharpon tlio tools of war It had a familiar sound to us in New York when wo hoard tho cry go up that Roosovolt wantod a row nnd didnt care what It cost Ho was asking If l roinombor rightly for something loss than sMiOOOtXX for target practlco on tho big ships Tho only notico ho took of it was to demand another 500000 about tho timo ho got Dowey sent to tho oast I was iu Washington at tho timo and I roinombor asking him about that Commodore Dewey was some times spoken of iu those days as If ho were a kind ot fashion plato Aud I romonibor his answer as wo woro walking up Ojiinocticut avenue Dowoy Is nil right ho said He has a lion heart Ho is the man for that place Not many of us quarrol with him nbout that now or about tho wisdom of shooting away that million iu target practice It mado tho man behind tho gun of whom wo nro all bo proud Tho fact Is that Roosevelt so far from bolng a hasty man given to Hiiap judg ments is ono of tho most far sighted statesmen of any day Ho has shown it in ovorythlng ho has taken hold of It was iu Washington as it was in Now York Tho thing that beclouds tho judgment of his critics is tho mans amazing capacity for work Ho can weigh tho pros and cons of a caso and got at the meat of it iu loss timo than it takes most of us to state tho mero prop osition Aud ho is surprisingly thor ough Nothing escapes him His judgment comes sometimes us a shock to tho man of slower ways Ho does not stop at conventionalities If n thing is right it is to bo done and right away It was notnbly bo with tho round robin in Cuba asking tho govern ment to recnll tho perishing army when it had won tho fight People fihook their heads and tallied of precedents Precedents It has beenRoosovolts business to make them most of his timo But is thero anyone today who thinks he set that ono wrong Certainly no ono who with mo saw tho army como homo It did not come a day too soon Whon ho had done his work for tho ships and resigned his olllco to tnko tho field tho croakers shouted that at last ho had mado tho mlstako of his life all to got into a scrap His men didnt think so whon ho lay with thorn iu tho trenches boforo Santiago Bhariug his last biscuit with thorn Thoy got to know him thoro aud to lovo him I know what it cost him to leave his sick wifo and his babies I wanted to keep him at homo but I saw him go with prido becauso I know he went at the call of duty Ho thought tho warjust and right Ho had dono what he could to bring it on as the only means of stop ping tho murder in Cuba nnd ho wont to do his share of tho fighting as a mat ter of right nnd of example to tho young men to whom ho was a type of the citi zen nnd tho patriot As that typo when he enmo home wo mado him our gov ernor iu New York stato Wo ran him on tho pledge of his record tho pledgo of honesty manhood aud courago and ho kopt tho plodgo I sballjlet souio ono else toll tho story of that Just lot me recall tho last trip wo took together be causo it was so much like tho old days in Mulborry stroot Thero hadarisou a contention as to whether tho factory in spector did his duty by tho sweat shops or not and from tho testimony ho was unable to decide So he camo down from Albauy to see forjhimsolf It was a sweltering hot day wheujwe made a tour of tho stowing teuemoutsou tho down town east 6ide I doubt ifjony othor governor that ovor waawould at tempt it I know that none ever did But he never shirked ono of itho Jtwonty houses wo had marked out for Jexplora tion Ho examined thoovidcuco in each whilo tho touants wondered who tho 6trangor was who took so much interest in thoir affairs and as the re sult he was ablo to mark out a course for the factory inspector thnt ought to double nnd treble the efficiency of his offico and bring untold relief to a hun dred thousand tonement housojworkers if it is followed when Roosevelt is no longer iu Albauy That will be our ond of it to soe to it that ho did uot labor iu vain That is Roosevelt as I saw him daily during those good years wkeuthings wo had hoped for wero done Thoro stauda upon my shelves a row of books more than a dozen in number beginning with the Naval War of 1813 written when he was scarcoly out of collego and yet ranking as an authority both here and abroad including the four stout volumes of Tho Winuingof the West aud ending with his Rough Riders the picturesque account of that pictur esque regiment in tho last war which testify to his untiring energy as a re corder as well as a maker of history The 6ecrot of that is tho story of the police force aud tho sweat shops over again his enjoyment of the work If I wero to 6um the man and his aohiovo inents up in a sentence I think I should put it that way But that would not mean au accident of the Dutch und uugueuot ana insn blood that go to make up his heredity It would mean of itself an achievement Theodora Roosevelt was bom a puny child He could not keep up with tho phy of other children or learn so easily as they He had to make himself what he is aud with tho iudomitablo will that character ized the boy as it does tho man ho sot about It Ho became nt onco nn nthloto and a sttidont Whon ho Joins tho two ho is at hie best Ills accounts of life ou tho western plains of hunting in tho Bad Lands of Dakota whoro ho built his ranch on tho banks of tho Little Missouri aro written out of tho mans heart Mr Roosovelts rocout protest ngalnst tho impertinent Intrusion of tho camera fiend upon the socluion of lm home life nt Oyster Bay was perfectly char acteristic of him nnd of his w y of say ing the right thing nt the right timo Tho whole couatry applauded it In his homo Mr Roosevelt coascs to Lbo governor if the Einpiro stato nnd bo conies husbind ntidfatlior tho compnu ion of his children who treat hinfliko thoir big overgrown brothor His lovo for children eieelally for those who havo uot so good a timo as somo others is as instinctlvo as his championship of all that need a lift I doubt If ho is aware of it himself Ho does uotjrecog ulzo as real Sympathy what ho fools rathor as a souse of duty Yot I havo seon him whon school childroucrowdod around tho rear platform of tho train from which ho had boon making cam paign spoochos to shako hands catch tho oyo of a poor llttlo cripple girl in a patched frock who was making frantic hut hopoloss ofForts to reach him in tho outskirts of the crowd and pushing aside all tho rest mako a way forhorjto tho groat ainazomont of tho curled darlings iu tho front rowr And on tho trip homo on tho last night of the can vass of 188 when wo wero nt dinner in his privato enr busy reckoning up majorities I saw him got up to grcot tho engineer of the train who canto in his overalls und blouso to shako hands with such pleasure as I had uot scon him show in tho biggest mooting wo had had It was a coincidence nud au omen that the namo of tho engineer of that victorious trip was Dowoy That bent of his is easily enough ex plained Thero hangs in his study at Oyster Bay apart from tho many tro phies of tho chase tho picturoof a mnu with a strong bearded face Thnt is my father said Mr Roose velt Ilo was tho finest man I ever know Ho was n merchant well-to-do drovo his four-in-hand through the park and enjoyed lifo immensely He had such a good timo nud with cause for ho was a good mau I remember seeing him goiug down Broadway staid and respoctablo business man that ho was with a poor littlo sick kitton in his coat pockot which ho had picked up in tho street Tho elder Theodore Roosevelt wns n man with the same sano aud practical interest in his fellow man that his sou has shown Ho was tho backer of Charles Loring Brace in his work of gathering tho forgotten waifs from the citys streets nnd of every othor sensible charity m his dny Dr Henry Field told me onco that ho always occupied us ho was with tho management of a successful business ou principle gave ono day of the six to visiting tho poor iu their homes Apparently tho au alogy between father and sou might bo carried farthor to include even the famous round robin for upou the samo authority it was the elder Theodore Roosevelt who went to Washington after tho first Bull Run aud warned Presidont Lincoln that he must get rid of Simon Cameron ns secretary of war with the result that Mr Stnntou the Orgauizer of Victory took his place Whon the war was fairly under way it was Theodore Roosovolt who organized the alottmeut plan which saved 4to the families of 80000 soldiers of New York stato more than 5000000 of their pay and when tho war was over ho pro tected tho soldiers against the sharks that lay in wait for them and Baw to it that they got employment That was tho father I have told you what tho son was like A man with red blood iu his voins a healthy patriot with no clap trap jingoism about him but a rugged beliof in America and its mission an intense lover of country aud lag a vigorous optimist a believer iu men who looks for tho good in them and finds it Practical in partisanship loyal trusting and gentle as a friend unselfish modost as a woman clean handed and clean hearted and honest to tho core In the splendid vigor of Ills young manhood he is the kuightliost fieure in American politics today the fittest exponont of his countrys idea aud the model for its young sons who aro coming to take up the task ho set them For their sake I am willing to give him up and set him where they can all see and strive to be like him So we shall have littlo need of bothering about boss rule aud misrule hereafter We shall farm out the job of running the machiue no longer wo shall be able to run ourselves When it comes to that the vice pres idency is not going to kill Thoodoro Roosevelt It will take a good deal more than that to do it Large Attendance at Unl erslty Washington Oct 4 The Cuthollc university of America opened for the coming BCholnstic year yesterday with the largest class ot clerical anu lay students ever enrolled by It Nearly every section of tho western hemi sphere will bo represented during the current session Besides tho leading archbishops of the American hierarchy nearly every bishop of prominence in the country has commissioned priestly atudeuts to take post graduate courses ii m in Express Messenger Uses His Rifle With Deadly Effect HOLD UP KANSAS 0IT Y TRAIN Tmi Itolibem Compel Crnwr to Cut OJT ruM Mer CuhcIicr mill Attempt to Dynu iiillo KxprcM Car Near ouiiill 111 mis Oiiu of the Itnutl tta lriipe Council Bluffs Iu Oct Two high wiiyinuii held up the Kansas City St Joseph and Council Bluffs train this tilde of Mosquito creek bridge south of Council Bluffs last night mid Express Messenger Baxter from nnibush whero lie had concealed himself shot onu of tho robbers through tho heart The two men boarded tho train nt tho Union Pacific transfer and climbed over tho tender Just us the train was crossing the Mosquito creek bridge Engineer Donnelly und Frank Holmuu urotnun who were In charge of the en gine were ordered to slow up as soon us the trnln hud crossed the bridge While the lend inun held u revolver on the engine crew his compnnlon went back und cut off the huggngc und mall cars leaving the day conches and sleepers stndlug on the tniilti Hue Acting on orders the engineer pulled the train half a mile down tho track where u stop wns mnde Here the rob bers approached the express car and ordered Messenger Baxter to open the door Up told them to go to h 11 Under compulsion Engineer Dounnelly uttnehed n stick of tlynninlto to the Hide door of tho car nnd blew it open In tho inountline Messenger Baxter seizing his gun csenped from the door on the opposite side of the car As soon ns the door wns opened one of the robbers entered the car while his com panion mnrched the engineer aud lire man back to the engine Baxter crept around In front of the engine und seeing the robber standing guard over the engine orew fired one shot killing him instantly As soon us tho shot was heard the robber in the car lumped to the ground nnd lied through a cornfield The lend man was picked up placed on board and the train was backed Into this city The body was searched but nothing wns found on it by which it could be identified It Is thought the dend robber Is a barber who worked for Bombard In Council Bluffs about a month ago ARCHBISHOP KEANES PLANS llciiri f Dubuque See Talks to Ills Irh sU at a Dinner Dubuque la Oct 4 Archbishop Kenne revealed his plans to the 205 priests who dined with him nt the Hotel Julien yesterday Ho declared for n campaign of Christian education Praising the late Archbishop Ilon nessys stand on this question and ac cepting the policy of the stute us set tled he nnnounced Ills purpose of es tablishing n Roman Catholic high Hchool in Dubuque and of erecting the seminary for which the late arch bishop left a liberal sum St Josephs college and the parochinl schools throughout the archdiocese would also be objects of his care He nnnounced a synod about n year hence niter the completion of his con firmation tour nt which the division of the archdiocese among others would be considered Ho declared his own willingness that the urchdiocese should be divided nnd his responsibilities lessened but a pro test against division circulated dur ing dinner wns quite generally signed Littlo Chuuga In New Parliament London Oct 4 The results of yes terdays polling In the parliamentary general elections were less striking than those of Tuesday Tho Conserva tive majorities still show Increases In numerous contests but In a less marked degree Ou the other hand tho Liberals have gained additional Beats On the whole the Indications this morning are that there will not be much change lu the complexion of the new parliament Altogether tho Lib erals have gained ten seats and the Conservatives seven Nebraska Couple Killed by lloxers Mllford Neb Oct 4 News of the death of Mrs Alice Troyer Youug nnd her husband who were murdered near Peking Chluu by the Boxers on July 10 has been received by her parents Mr nnd Mrs John Troyer of this place Five years ago Miss Troyer left here and cutcred tho missionary work of China About a year ago she married Mr Young also a missionary Mr nnd Mrs Troyer havo lived here many yenrs and their daughter was well known WolMley Pleads for Sobriety London Oct 4 Lord Wolseley the commander-in-chief in an open letter asks the public wishing to honor the returning soldiers to refrain while ex tending them a hearty welcome from offeriug them Intoxicating liquors as like all of U8 thoy are open to tempta tion The commander-in-chief also ays he trusts the greeting to the brave soldiers will bo something better than an Incitement to excessive driuk Japs Going After lloxeri Peking Sept 27 After the return ot the German expedition to tie south ward yesterday a small Japanese force left Huang Tsun for Tslng Yang where the Boxers are supposed to be congregating The Russians remain ing Ik Peking are two battalions of In fantry and a battery of artillery Col onel TrotUkoff consmaadlog They will hold the summer palace aud MacbUpo railway tennlaiu BRYAN DENIES THE CHARGE kn llu Dill Not ltecelvo Money fur lu nlitlug on tint Kilter Plunk Portage Wis Oct 4 Mr Bryans attention was culled to u statement made by n Mr Kingman that he e ceived 150000 for Insisting upon the Bilver plank of the Kansas City plat form und he suld It Is hardly worth while to deny tho chnrge of a innn who hides behind a woman whose name ho will not give but in order that the most unscrupu lous Republican may have no reason for repenting the charge 1 will say that It Is absolutely false in every partic ular No one ever offered promised or gave me that sum or any other sum for urging that plank or any other plunk lu the Kansas City platform or any other platform I do not know anything of Mr Kingman but It Is said he Is n cousin or Senator Ciillom und 1 do know something of Senator Cullom Tho senator ought to know whether his cousin Is trustworthy or not and If the senator will state over his own Hlgnaturu that he believes what his cousin says nud is willing to represent him in an Investigation of the charge I will make him n propo sition which will give liltn an oppor tunity to produce his evidence Set of Spur for Roose clt Dendwood S D Oct 4 When Gov ernor Roosovolt mounted the platform nt Chadron whero a 20 mlnute stop wns made to allow him to address the people who had ussombled there State Senator Van Dusen of South Omaha presented Governor Roosevelt with a set of spurs of the cowboy type TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Emperor Wllllnm Is now deerstalk ing nt Rominten his hunting lodge iu Western Prussia The St Paul presbytery at Hustings Minn has voted for u revision of the Westminster confession of faith Tho Great Northern railway hns Is sued a circular announcing a big re duction in hnnieseekers rates to points on its Hue Marshal Ieonhod von Blumenthnl the lust surviving prominent general of the Franco Prussian war Is danger ously ill In Berlin The resignation is nnnounced of Au gustus Newman for 28 years assist ant general freight agent of the Chi cago nnd Alton railroad Reports received from all parts of Georgia Indicate that the Democratic majority in Wednesdays election for state officers will be about 50000 The Hallway Clerks Mutual Benefit association elected Henry E First of Cincinnati president Milwaukee wns chosen ns the next plnce of meeting The Peruvian cabinet has resigned becjjusepf the scandal in connection with the purchase ofnrrhs In Belgium nnd the misuse of government funds The session of the live stock boards at Louisville adjourned Wednesday to meet next yenr in Nashville Colonel C P Johnson of Illinois was re elected president Advices from Havana Indicate that much apprehension exists among tho Americans there regarding the yellow fever ns the condition grows worse Instead of Improving C K Galloway aged 89 years died in Denver Wednesday from Injuries re ceived by being struck by a tramway cnr He Is believed to have been the oldest newspaper editor in the United States General Leonard Wood commanding United States forces in Cuba has made his annual report to the war depart ment It contains his previous recom mendation thut nil troops lu Cuba be mounted Kansas City and Orient Hallway TT Mexico City Oct 4 The conces sion for building the Chihuahua nnd Pacific railway hns been formally transferred to the Knnsas City Mex ico and Orient Railway company The stamps on the document nmounted to 0000 The Kansas City and Orient will build from Kansas City to Topalo bumpo bay now called Port Stilwell In honor of the chief promoter of the enterprise The government hns given much encouragement to tho enterprise Walnut nails Futurity Lexington Ky Oct 4 An Interest ing card drew n large crowd to the second days races held under the auspices of tho Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders association Tho futurity for 2-year-olds purse 5000 was won by L V Harkness Walnut Hull At the conclusion of the 212 trot the Judges fined Fred Noble Geor glanas driver 500 for laying up tho first two heats Itciluco the Irlce of Sugar New York Oct 4 The sugar mar ket Is domornVcd The American company has reduced Its prices for re fined 15 points Arbuckle Bros havo reduced their list prices 20 points for fine granulated This Is 5 points un der the American and other refiners and it Is rumored that other Independ ent refiners are making reductions of 25 points Elliott Again Dsfeats Gilbert Kansas City Oct 4 J A R Elliott again defeated Fred Gilbert at Exposi tion park yesterday the score being 09 to 07 The shoot was for the Sportsmans Review cup the condi tions being 100 birds to each man SO yards rise for 100 a side Suicide at Clinton Clinton la Oct 4 Jobn Krohu aged 66 committed suicide yesterday morning by drowning In the Mississip pi Ho was one of the pioneer set tlers of the county aud had resided here 35 years He was despondent fovr continued U uess A i s i i