The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 27, 1900, Image 1

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he Norfolk Weeexy
German Officials Say Waldcrscc
Will Not Give Ultimatum
Io i it Kxpfcctril tn Itiuimlu llurtutiuliiui
Com cniln Mi tun It pm I II IIiimr
CIiiiiik IIiih Outer o Attempt Ui uptiti u
of IVItl ik I onllriiH I It Mienu
London Sept -7 Tito Milmt ipies
tlun Is iifcaln the jihaso of tin ilNous
lon of lie Mnlillltv of tlic Fuiopeiiii
loiiccii niid tin likelihood of CiMiiiiiiy
llndltij It convenient to inotlifv Iter an
ticMsht attitude Aeeoidluj to tlie
Yukoliiiiuu eolioxpoildeiii of tlic Dally
Mull laiuiii iisspnts to tin1 mini
proposal hut at t lie same time Mtiomr
ly urges that tlieie should he no pro
longed delay in the negotiations Tim
nunc authorities say the Japanese
Mould decline to lollow lerinany in
V inn suing the imperial couit into the
Interior of tlilini 1ioin Shanghai
onies the announcement that an im
pel inl edict eonl els posthumous honois
on the atiti loieign coininlssioner LI
ling Hong who committed suicide
lifter the ev dentition of Tung Chow
and Duke Chung Yl the late empeiors
father-in-law who killed himself alter
the empeior and ompiess icgent lei I
The icrman ollielals deny energel
Ically the lepoit thit Sullshuiy has le
fused the iJeiiniin piupiwiW declar
ing that he only demanded a lesplte
lint they seem disillusioned hy the
long delay ot the English answer
They fmther deny tlio lepoit in the
Morning Tost that Von Waldeisee
Mould send an ultimatum to the Chi
nese government asking for d lively
of live heads or war would he de
clined It is assuted that Geiinany in
tends no separate action
Chinese papeis assert that older
liao been issued for the election of a
now impel ial pa Lice at Si Ngan Ill
They also lepoit thit I1 Hung Cluing
lias Malted lor Peking eseoited hv
Russian and Japanese t loops and tint
Li Clian Lin has been appointed vice
roy ot Canton
Shengs yanien conliiins the rumor
that Li Hung Cluing has locehed s
cret oiders to attempt to recapture
Heseiihing the dNoidyrs n the vicin
ity of Canton the Hong Kong ione
MliondTnttof the Tiilie snjs
American chinch In the Mihurlis ot
Canton has been destioycd and the
Catholic chin ih at To Ksini Hang and
tlio loieign cinctciy tlieie have been
Accoiding to a dispatch received
lieie Horn Ieilin he Uiissim and Lip
iinese leplles to Ccrmnnx s pi opn il
leiohod yesteiday asseited that Rus
sia assents in piinciple while In
Iians answer is an emphatic up
Vulteil stutes Will Tij to Ann it tin More
Ckii ly Plani til the IouLin
Washington Sept 117 It Is ippnent
that our goci niueut ih again in a wait
ing attitude alter having made the im
inn taut move tow nil a i eduction of
tlio Aineiiian tioops in China an
nounced Tuesday jeueial Chances
offer to escort Li Hung Chang was in
conloinilty with the expected pui
Iiosc of the state department to tacil
Itate in every pioper iininuer the Jour
ney ot the Chinese viteioy to Peking
Still It Is now legal ded as Just as
well that the offer was declined and
the lesponsibility tor Lih safety lol t
with the Russians
The instiuctloiih to Minister Conger
to establish lehitions with Li and
Prince Chlng Is still held up heie It
Is beginning to appear that the pin
om of the delay Is to ascertain mole
clearly the plans of the powers Intel
us well us our own in which Mr
Conger wus to endeavor to bring about
negotiations tor a settlement If it
hltill appear that tlieie Is a disposition
Oil the pait of any consltlciahlc poitiou
ol them to i eject in inhume the well
meant elVoits ot the Pulled States to
bilng about a toiiteicuce and nego
tiations in which they could partici
pate on eipial teiins witli our own gov
ernment with the put pose ot termi
nating the Chinese dltllculties then
Mr Congers instructions may ieiulie
recasting It might he legaided as
useless for him to n range for a meet
ing of the powers with China which
the former do not caie to attend ow
ing to entirely different purposes from
those animating the United Stutes
uud tlieie piohubly is no disposition
to subject our minister to humiliation
by a tint fuiluic which might lie untie
It also Ih possible that the news i el
nth e to the advancement of Prince
Tuan to a position wheie he might
iiitluence the negotiations Is legarded
us worthy of attention and that our
government may delay pioceedings ns
Jong as he stands iu the way
Found Wat pry Riatr
Peihain Minn Sept U7 - W II
Iloscn and c A Italliuger both of
St Joseph Mo who hae been camp
ing on Luke McDonald have been
missing Kline Sunday Their boat was
found capsled In the middle of the
lake and a coat that wis woin by one
of them wus found on shore The sup
position is that they went nulling und
were drowned
LiihiiMiij He Mmlii Willi Willi li to Ilmr
Cllj sin
Jaheston Sept - Neuily UH0
men uie engaged cleuiliig the sheets
leinolng debt Is und disposing of deud
bodies Twenty the bodies weie te
eoveied yesteiday uud ti Tiicsdnj
ItiiMiuoi Suvcis lelt lor Austin wheie
lie will consult with the uttoincv gen
eiul leliitive to a pioposltlou fiom the
city government lor a fund with which
to o uate tie municipal government
fiom now until the end of the llseal
j ear IVb US Due InindiotMlinus uud
tl dints will be iciuilreil Ooveinor
Siveis dlscouiagi d the Idea ol Using
the telle fund tot this pm pose
NiIiiimIiii I uili linn Ai laluinni nt
or stun li iiiiililiu Attorney ini
tial Sill til SlKllUi
Nebtaska City Neb Sept 1- Hon
V 1 hi van spoke heie to a huge
crowd lust night The speech hud
been looked lorwuid to with much In
teiest because Mr Hi van had an
nounied that he would deal with the
tiust question as allected hy the suit
Instituted by Attorney lieneial Smyth
to annul the sale of the Aigo Stnicli
woiks of tills city to the National
Stnicli company populaily known as
the stun li tiust Mr llivun was met
at the iiilioad station bv two or tluce
nmi Hilng clubs and by a huge numbei
of other aduiiieis who esioited the
party to the Ciand Pacllic hotel
When the meeting began at Slid tlieie
was n light 1 t in tailing and the weath
er was etieinely chilly I he unln
votable weather did not hovvevei
have the cflect of dispeising the
ciovvd They held on biively most ot
them lemaliilng to the end Tlieie
weie not many unliiendly inteiiup
tions but evidently some laid been ex
pected for pievious to the meeting the
mayor ot the citj issued an oidei say
ing that thcie had been minors of
trouble ami warning against it The
meeting was held in the mint house
gi omuls and the people stood under
the tiees and much of the time in the
lain while Mr Hi van spoke lie
plunged into the local tiust question
at the eiv beginning of his speech
Mr Hi van congiatulalcd the people
upon having an attorney geiieiil who
has 1 outage enough to inlng the suit
and said that If the Pnited Slates at
tin iey geneial had done his dutv then
would have been no necessity tor the
state aathiii 11es to tale up the ques
tion He said that it he should he
elei ted the ledeial admlnlstiatiou
would be tound moving asaliist all
miubiuntioiis coiitiuy 10 law He as
seited that to support the tiusts
meant to support the Republican pol
icjes Im luding militarism Imperial
Km high tarill etc lie took up and
lKiiissid In Icily the geneial Issues of
the campaign The speei h was liber
ally applauded in maiy plu es and
theio weie levver shouts lor opposing
candidates than at 111 st niei tings
Mr Ilryan was followed by Attoiuuv
Get1e11l Smyth who said he had been
inloimed he would not be peimitted
to speak lint lie had not believed this
He explained ids pill pose in hiiugim
the action which he hud instituted
saying he had done nothing moie than
attempt to euton e the law ol the
state His pm pose was not to close
the stnicli factoiy but his only object
was to pieseive it as an independent
enteipiKo Mr Smyth reiehed le
spectlul attention He was followed
hy Hon 1 Hamilton Lewis who made
a geneial political speech
Colonel Iavon of the Cuban army
was killed at Santiago by a diuiiken
cleik named Octuvlo Menu
The Demociats ot the Tliiid LonKi
una nKtiiet nominated it P lliotis
siul to succeed himself in cougiess
The HID sti iking mineis at Coal
Cieek Tenn letiiined to woi k
Wednesday The wage M ale demand
ed bv the mineis was ucieded to
Zeiuis L Maitu of Iowa has been
chosen to have ciiaige of the Priemh
mission wink in Cuba The junkets
will establKli many missions tlieie
The tiustees of the Carthage Ills
college have ele ted T V Slginund of
Titlin 0 to fill the vacancy caused
bv the lesignatlon of Pioshlent Until
A geneial strike was oideied in the
cigar lactones at Tampa Phi ot San
chez A Hey a and Aigelles Lope A
llio about 1000 peisons being thiown
out of work
A passenger tiain on the Hio iraude
and Port Worth lailioad ran into a
washout near Peishlng Te Wednes
day One pel son was killed and eight
badly Injured
The Catholic Young Mens National
union in convention at New Voik de
cided to form a fedeiatioji torTfe pur
pose ot Influencing legislation ami fur
theilug the claims of people who em
ulate the Catholic faith
The toipedo boat lest 1 oyer Decatur
one of the hngiM vessels of Its class
In the navy wus launched Wednesday
ut the William It Tilgg company ship
yaids ut ltlchmoml Vu iu the pies
erne of seveial thousand peisons
Huitholoinew Kost who was extia
dlted fiom Chicago in October ot last
j ear on ehuige of robbing and killing
Maile Vodhkn a cook whom he had
uiairleil ami throwing her hod In the
Kibe has been sentenced to death ut
1 10 IB Rill
Governor Has Exciting Exper
ience at Victor Colo
I 111 1 uf Itoimli Itlitiii 1iiilt t 1 1 tin Il inn
Illitliri Atxiiult tit tlio Moli Pin II
runt IiiiIiiIkc In lhilt llnt l iiIIh iiii
Minim iiiiips si ct
Clippie Cieek Colo Sept J7 Oov
einor Koosivelt laid a most cm Itlug
epeiience yesteidav at litoia few
miles iioiu Clippie Cieek among the
mines wheie a demonstiutlve iiowd
had assemhled I he gov ei nor had a
1111 low escape Iioiu sei Ions peisotial
violence The Im idetit was the onlv
one ol the kind that has oicmied dur
ing the Hip and it is suhl that the
tumble was ociasioned bv a small
body of loughs who had been oigan
lcd ami iuid for Hie put pose of hi cak
ing up the meeting The men engaged
weie lew In number but vci violent
In their attack
Ooveinor Hoosevclt spoke at Aitnory
hall which was tilled He hud haidly
begun speaking when he was Inter
rupted b nohy demolish ntlcus He
In my state the men who weie put
011 the committee on platlorm to diuw
up an untitiiist plnttoim at Kansas
City convention had it that time their
pockets stulleil with he tiust stock
The Democintlc leader in New Voik
Kichaid Ciokcr upon whom you base
jour only hope and It Is a niiglitv slim
hojie too was another gieat stock
holder and if iu lai t you weie to lead
through the 1 i -1 ol stockholder iu
that tins it would sound like lending
the loll of the unmbeis ot Tammauv
A vohe died How about the rot
ten heefV
The gov ei nor replied 1 ate it and
you will never get near enough to be
hit with a bullet or within live miles
of it
Ooveinoi Hoosevclt succeeded in tin
ishing his lemnrks though tlieie was
nil evident intention among those pies
cut that he should not do so When
the gov ei nor left the hall with his
party to go tovvaid the tiain he was
suiiounded hv a company of lough
Ooveinor Hoosevclt and his party
weie on loot A ciovvd of bovs and
men began blowing stones and shout
ing toi Hi van The rough ildeis
mounted ami unmounted closed in
mound the gov ei nor to piotect him
fiom assault by the mob One made
a pel sim il uttai k upon Coventor
Hoosevclt and sin ceeded in sinking
him a blow in the breast with a stiik
The assailant was immediately
knocked down by Daniel M Sullivan
postmaster ol Clippie Cieek A
iti h was made by the mob to ding the
men In khaki uniforms fiom their
The men on toot also In khaki closed
ntllllllfl till -Ill OPIWil mill hlr 1 ilp
which pushed thiough the ciowd and
they llnilly succeeded In gaining the
tiain which was surtounded by the
mob Hy this time tlieie were pi oh
nbly 10H or lri00 excited people In
the vicinity and tistlcuns weie e
chiiiged mi all sides Many of the
mob weie uued with stiiKs and clubs
some with rotten potatoes stale eggs
and lemons Th itiie party gained
the tiain however without seiious in
1my and it pulled out of the place with
the lough ildeis 011 the leur platroim
loveruor Hoosevclt while icgietllng
the ocelli 1 cine was not dlstmbed br
the Incident ami was icadv to pio I
with ills speei lies In Cilpple Cieek
Itmllliiu uf ln Imti ik
Pails Sept U7 It Is asserted fiom
c client diplomatic souues that us
ttla ami llalv an the only poweis who
have icpllcd lavoiably ami uncondl
tlonallv to Oeinianvs note It Is 1 cr
I a Inly a tad that the icplles of Hits
sla and Piame ate iilmost ideutaal
Involving the puulslimeul ol the oiig
liiatois ol the autl totelgn assailltM
but not uuiklug t licit smieuihi an
solute mudltloil ol the peine piilim
Jlirj inN II Im lultlv or IIiIiik the shot
U I1I1I1 li II I 1 lioclul anil I ivcu
Il null III lliulli
Pianklml Ky Sepi 7 I lie luiv
In the 1 ase of lames Unwind on it ml
for altegid conspliaiy iu the Ooeln I
inuidei t use vesletduv letmuedu vei
diet of guilty with the peualtv Used
at deatli
The urv idlied at 11 to a 111 ami te
tin lied with its veidict at i 11 I lie
Ottit loom was ciowdcd with speda
tors almost ticmbllug with stippiccd
excitement l oieinan Ciuliherot Hie
Juiv passed the wiltteu vetdld up to
Hie del I Deputy Cleik Dlliott lead
the vetdid v hh li louuil the defend
nut guiltv and iKed his punishment
at death
llowaid oci upled a seal bv his allor
ney lie did not displnv the least agl
tatioti and wus appuicnlly title on
oineil Tliveidht wasnsuipilse as
the geneial public was led to believe
that the imv was divided on the ques
tion ol the guilt or iunot ence of the
defeuduut It developed that the de
lay In iciihliig a veidict was ovrr the
degiee ot punishment some ol the
Julius piddling the lite impiKnu
llleut Willie duels stood out Im the
death penalty and finally won their
nssociates over
I iitiKiiiul tlllli lull sail
Louieno Maiqtle Sept 7 The
fieimiu steamer lleiog w hh h sailed
for Hut ope vesteiday had among its
passcngeis the Ttatisvaal postmaster
geneial Van Alpheu the assistant
secietaiy ol state Otoblei the stale
tieasiiKi Multifile and a huge quan
tity ol bai gold
ill Im III lllllliv Clilli
Knipoila Kan Sept l7 Hpismpal
HNhop Piank It Millspaugh an
notned that Pelix l Hiuno and vv le
of Plttshuig had given M to the
college ol the Sisteis of Hetlianv at To
la ka
Xaiuo iiiinor fur Conri kk
Port Dodge la Sept 17 ludgft
Connor was uoiuinatcil on the Idtli
ballot as audidate lor cougiess to sue
miiI DolIIvcr Humboldt county blcu
ing uud Winnebago following
Ut 111tiu IliiN or Yi llow IVur
Havana Sept 7 Dr Laear one
of time medical experts who tine to
Havana to study yellow lever died
vesteidny of that disease of the
other two Dr Carroll couti acted the
lever hut has iccoveied and Dr H 1
has leturned to the United States
Hn ntlliiK Tiiiirniinriit
Des Moines Sept 27 In a vviestling
toiiinament heie last night Iu which
I aimer Hums Prank Ootseli I A
McMillan Hrnest Hoeber and Owen
Sliellcnberger participated Gotsch
uud liurns cuiricd oft the honors
Absolutely MACiAG
Pure W
No inferior or impure ingredients are
used in Royal for the purpose of cheapen
ing its cost only the most highly refined
and healthful
Royal Baking Powder imparts that
peculiar sweetness flavor and delicacy
noticed in the finest cake hiscuit rolls
etc which expert pastry cooks declare is
unobtainable hy the use of -any other
leavening agent
Alum is Ukcd in milltij cheap ImUiiij o iters II
jiui warn in Vnow ilie rflnl til alum okii the
limit 1 litHUKS ul tlu Mtimarli Itiutli a puic Iu
tui niueut Von tjii Misc lusruit with alum
baliui uilcr but nt vvluit a cost to health I
w9iIit MBtMjnMiMiiMTTiii7riioHHJfJJffffffff tjPtfl
The Man Who Couldnt Take a Hint
When he saw a loaded iackass lay hack his ears col tlm moverhial
kick and the mini who dont take the hint when we say buy lumber
now is going to gel lelt Prices at 0111 yiinl are at the hot lout
Next change will he upwind That new bain youve been Iguilng
011 so long wont cost a cent more light now than allot a w lulu
Let s talk it over
National Bank
AtKXANDICIt llhAU Vlcii Prixuilou
VV II IllK llt iti liter
It VViZ ArtlhlnnlCiiHliliir
Capital 10000000
Surplus 2000000
Bobs a General Banking Business
Buys und SellH Exchange
Interest Paid n Time Deposits
Drafts and Mnnev inlers Sold on any Point In Kumpo
A General Stcnmshlp a no Foreign Passage Business TrnriHiiotetl
4 iuah k v iianlon v j iialk w h iiucikmv wm VAm
X 1C
2E 0 lEtJllS
The Norfolk Bicycle Men Proprietor
Exclusive ugent r the Celebrated Sweetwater Hock Spring Coal the
best In the market
cniitoii Hard Cml In all slvcs TKIKIMJONK J1
MmiiifiKturtrf JuIiIm is iiiiiI Dial rs hi
Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs
KPiir for Vultliiini MiiiiiifnrturiiiK f rn nt IUccl h tlm I Inr t l Slroiupet
mid hifrtt i t lticc In 111 tlm Vtirltl W 11 hImi I111111II11 tlm At inn Worlil Triliiiiu Umilio
SvrMiniiri Inlti 11111I mil own imtLo iiitlmr i lunn in i liiiliili i s vvlili li will Imj kliouii as
tlm Akl mail Speciale
We do Repairing Proraptlyantl Reasonable
-- aMMHM
IV It HKAASCir Ahht Cahiiieb
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5 000
Bay Ami nll eiclmiiKn 1111 tlnx count i 1 mi till pitrtH of Eumpn Kami Idbub
Olrccton -1 aim Ahvlh W If Iohnkjn iiah S Uio wit V IIuaamii 0 M
Time is Money
Missouri River to Salt Lake City
tin hours quicker than any other link
flissouri River to San Francisco
Missouri River to Portland
Buffet Sinokiiip and Lihnuy Cin with Barber Shops and Pleasaut
Rndirju Rooms Double Dravviup Room Palm e Sk epers DiuiiiB Cars
Meals a la Cart Phitsch LiKt
Por full iuformatiou cull on or address