The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 20, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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AiigitM riorr
It is a MirprldliiK furl stirs Prof
Houtou ilmt i my tnivols in nil ltrts
of tlio world for Iho ltiht ton jTare 1
hnvo nut tnoro iROplo hnvitiK used
Hroons August Flowor thnii ntiy other
rwnotly for dynpejwln ilornngiMl liver
nmltoiiinph nndlcouHtiiatlon 1 find
for tourists mid sulisinon or for pontons
filling olilco positions when1 hpiidnchoH
nnd gi nernl hud fotiilngs from irregular
hnhitH exist that Greens August
Flower in n grnntl remedy It dooM no
Injure the system liv frequent uso nnd
is excellent for sour stoiimelis und
Indigestion Wnniulo hot t Ion free at
Kicsnu Drug Co
Hold hy denlerH in all rivilied
Irro of Clmrge
Any adult sulToring fiom a cold
rattled out ho breast hronehitiH throat
or lung troubles of any nature who
Mill call at Klesiui Drug Co will he
presented with n Himiyilo bottle of
HoBoheoH German Syrup free of
clinrge Only onu hottlo nlvon to one
person and none to ehildron without
order from parents
No throat or lung romedy over had
such n salo as Uosehoos German Syrup
in nil partH of tho civilized world
Twenty years ago millions of hottles
wero given away and your druggists
will toll you its sueeuss wns marvelous
It Is really tho only throat and lung
remedy gonerally endorsed hy physi
cians Ono ir cent bottlo will euro or
provo its valuo Sold hy dealers in all
civilized countries
IlclityH Ctiliiry Nurvu Compound
for all nervous diseases neuralgia rhoti
matlfiiu neivous debility paralysis bil
iousness dyspepsia costivoness piles
liver complaint kidney troublos and
femalo complaints It goes to tho seat
of tho dlseaso and cures thoroughly and
speedily Sold by Geo H ChrJBtoph
Iho llruviiry r Woinnii
Wns grandly shown by Mrs lohu Dow
ling of Butler Pa in a threo years
strugglo with n malignant stomach
troublo that caused distressing nt tucks of
nausea and indigestion All romodios
failed to reliovo her until sho tried Kloo
trio Bitten After taking it two months
she wrote I nm now wholly cured
ami can eat anything It Is truly a
grand tonic for tho whole systom as I
gained in weight and feol much strougor
Hinco using it It aids digestion cures
dyspopsia improves appotito gives now
lifo Only 50c Gunrantoed at the
Kicsnu Drug Co
A Iockot Cold Cure
Krausos Cold Cure is prepared incap
buIo form and will euro cold in tho bond
throat chest or any portion of tho body
in 34 hours You dont havo to stop
work either Price fie Sold by Geo
B Christonh
Dont Tulmrro Silt nnd Miisku Yuur ltle Avtar
To quit tnliacco easily nud otovcr be nine
nctlc full of llfo nervo nml vlRor tulco No To
Inc Mu wnndnr worUrr tuut makes vcnli men
siroim All ilruixistH I CuroKimrnn
tccd llooltlot und sample frco Addretu
BerlliiR Ilcuiody Co ChKauo r New YoiU
rinluriil DiiithH AkoiiIi
Only a roaring lire enabled J M Gar
rettsou of San Autonio Tex to lie
down when attacked by asthma from
which ho suffered for years Ho writes
his misorv was ofton so irreat that it
Boomed ho endured the agouios of death
but Dr Kings Now Discovory for con
sumption wholly cured him This mar
velous modicino is tho only known cure
for asthma as well as consumption
coughs and coldB and all throat chest
nnd lungs troubles Prieo 50o nnd 1 00
Guaranteed Trial bottles free at tho
Kiesau Drug Co
Ladies if you want n refined and
brilliant complexion free from blemishes
use Kocky Mountain Ten Never fails
kbk your druggist
Washington 1 O Geuesseo Pnro
Food Co Lo ItoyN Y Goutlomen
Our family realizo so much from tho
use of Graiu 0 that I feel I must say a
word to iuduco others to use it If
people aro interested in thoir health and
tho wolfaro of thoir children they will
uso no otner uoverago i navo usen
them all but Grain 0 I havo found
superior to any for tho reason that it is
solid grain Yours for health
C V Myehs
Educate Tour UoweU With CuacnreU
Candy Catbnrtlc cure constipation forever
Oc26c If C C C fall urufBlsts rcf und money
To Cure Clonttlrtntloii Forever
TaUoOisrarets CandvCutluirtlc 10c or 21c
U C C C full to cure druggists refund money
Biliousness is caused by a Inzy liver
permits food to sour in your stomach
makes you cross Rocky Mouutaiu Ten
makes yon well and cheerful Ask
your druggist
Indies desiring n transparent com
plexion free from blotches blemishes
and blockheads should uso Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask your druggist
Men can be cured privately nnd poai
tWely at home of all weakness and dis
ease Write for new free book
Dr J N Hathaway
22 Commercial Block
Sioux City la
A rulr Mill Explosion
Removes everything in sight so do
drastic mineral pills hut both are mighty
dangerous No need to dynamite your
body when Dr Kings New Life Pills do
tho work so easily nud perfectly Cures
headache constipation Only 25 cents
at the Kiesau Drug Co
Dow Are Tour Kldnti I
Er HobcV
cle If to Add bttrlliif Ilei i
CpjrlRlit lnno by tloliort llirr
As Jennie rapidly hurried nway from
tho ollloo of Mr Cadhury Taylor there
arose in her mind some agitation as to
what tho detective would think of her
midden llight She was convinced that
up to the moment of leaving him to
abruptly lie had not tho slightest bus
plehn that she herself to whom ho wan
then talking was tho person ho had
been cearehlng for up and down Ku
rope What must ho think of one who
while speaking with him suddenly
without a word of leave taking disap
peared as if the earth had opened and
swallowed her and all because the han
dle of the door to tho inner room had
turned 1 Then tho excuse she had given
for not wishing to meet Lord Donul
must havo struck him lis ridiculously
Inadequate When she reached her desk
and rellected with nioro calmness over
tho situation sho found no causo to
censure herself for her hasty departure
Although she had acted on midden im
pulse sho saw there had been nothing
else to do Another moment and she
would havo been face tofaco with Lord
Donul himself
Next day brought a note from tho
detective which somewhat reassured
her Ho apologized for having made tho
appointment without her permission
and explained that Lord Donals unex
pected arrival in London and his stub
lioni unbelief that it had been the prin
cess herself whom ho met at the ball
seemingly left the detective no alterna
tive but to call on tho person who had
so persistently advanced tho theory to
explain it to the ono most intimately
concerned It had not occurred to him
at tho time to think that Miss Baxter
might object to meet Lord Donul who
was an entire stranger to her but
now ho saw where ho was wrong
etc This note did much to convince
Jennio that after all tho detective hnd
not seen the clews which appeared to
bo spread so plainly beforo his eyes
Cadhury Taylor however said nothing
nhout tho search being ended and a
few days later Jennio received a dis
qnioting letter from tho Princess von
My dear Jennie her highness
wrote I am sure the detectives are
after you and so I thought it best to
send you a word of warning Of couiso
it is only surmise on my part but for
days there has been a woman hovering
about the castle trying to get informa
tion from my servants My maid camo
directly to mo and told mo what sho
knew Tho woman detective had spoken
to her This inquisitive person who
had como from Paris wished particu
larly to know whether I had been seen
about the castle during the week in
which tho Duchess of Chlselhursts ball
took place and so this leads me to sup
pose that some onu is making inquiries
for you It must bo either Lord Donal
Stirling or the Duke of Chihclhurst but
I rather think it is the former 1 havo
written an indignant letter to Lord
Donal accusing him of having caused
detectives to haunt the castle I have
not yet received a reply but Lord Donal
is a truthful person and in a day or
two I expect to find out whether or not
he has a hand in this business Mean
while Jennie be on your gnard and I
will write you again as soon as I havo
something further to tell
The reading of this letter greatly in
creased Jennies fears for sho felt as
sured that stupid as the men undoubt
edly were they verged so closely on tho
brink of discovery that they were almost
certain to stumble upon tho truth if
the investigation were continued Sho
wrote a hurried note to tho princess
imploring her to bo cautious and not
inadvertently give any clew that would
load to her discovery Her letter evi
dently crossed ono from tho princess
herself Lord Donal had confessed said
tho letter and promised never never
to do it again He says that beforo
my letter was received ho had stopped
the detectives who were doing no good
and apparently only annoying innocent
people He says the tearch is ended as
far as the detective is concerned and
that 1 need fear uo more intrusions frcm
inquiry agents nialo or female Ho
apologized very nanusomely but says
he has not given up hopes of finding
tho lady who disappeared And now
Jennie I hope that you will admit my
cleverness You see that I only had a
word or two from my maid as a clew
but I unraveled tho whole plot and at
once discovered who was tho iustigutor
of it So I think I wouldnt nniko a bad
detective myself I am tremendously
interested in episodes like this I believe
if I had known nothing of the imper
sonation and if the caso had been put
in my hands I should have discovered
yon long ago Cant you think of some
way in which my undoubted talent for
research may bo made uso of Yon
dont know how much I envy yon in
your newspaper ofllco always with
sonio mystery on hand to solve It must
be like being the editor of a puzzle de
partment I wish you would let mo
help yon next time you have something
important to do Will you promise T
When yon write ugain please send
your letter to Vienna as we are going
into residenco there my hnsband hav
ing been unexpectedly called to tho cap
itnl Ho holds an iniportnnt position in
tho government as perhaps yon re
Jennie was delighted to know that
all inquiry had ceased and 6he wrote a
long letter of gratitude to tho princess
She concluded her epistle by saying
It is perfectly absurd of you to envy
one who has to work as hard as I You
aro tho person to be envied It is not
all beer and skittles in u newspaper
office which is a good thing fori dont
like beer and I dont know what skit
i i
tles Is or aro But I promise you that
tho next time I have an interesting cafe
on hand 1 shall write and give you full
particular and I am sure that together
wo shall bo Invincible
But ono trouble leaves merely to glvo
place to another in this lifo Jennio
was distut bed to notice that Mr Hard
wick was becoming more and more con
fidential with her Ho sat down by her
desk whenever there was a reasonable
excuse for doing so and he consulted
her on matters Important and on mat
ters trivial An advance of salary came
to her and she knew it win through
his Influence with the board of direct
ors Although Mr Hardwlck was sharp
and decisive in bnsinms matters ho
proved an awkward man where his
affections were concerned and he often
came and sat hy tho girls desk evi
dently wishing to say something and
yet quite as evidently having nothing
to say and thus the situation became
embarrassing Jennio was a practical
girl and had no desire to complicate the
situation by allowing her employer to
fall in lovo with her yet it was impos
sible to go to him and ask that his at
tentions might he limited strictly ton
business basis The crisis however
was brought on by Mr llardwick him
self Ono day when they were alone
together ho said abruptly
That romance In high life which
you were investigating with Mr Cad
hury Taylor did not come to anything V
No Mr Hardwlck
Then dont you think wo might en
act a romance In high lifo in this very
room It is high enough from tho street
to entitle it to be called a romance In
high lifo And this editor grinned un
easily like an unready man who hopes
to relievo a dilemma by i poor joke
Jennie however did not laugh and
did not look up at him but continued
to scribble shorthand notes on the paper
beforo her
Ah Mr llardwick 1 the said with
a sigh I see you havo discovered my
secret although I hoped to conceal It
oven from your alert eyes I am in
deed in tho situation of Ralph Rack
straw in Pinafore I lovo and love
alas above my stntion and now that
you know Halt yon may as well Know
It arose out of that unfortunate
given by tho Duchess of Chisel-
a xW TV
I rs
Dont joit think wc vilyht nuict a ro
munvu In Ulijh Utc In this rvry rooinf
hurst which will haunt me all the rest
of my life I fear said Jennio still
without looking up
Mr llardwick smothered an ejacu
lation and was glad that tho girls eyes
were not upon him There was a pause
of a few moments duration between
them He took the path that was left
open to him fondly flattering himself
that while ho had stumbled inadver
tently upon her romance ho had kept
his own secret safe
I I have no right to intrude on
yonr confidence Miss Baxter ho said
finally with an effort and I hope you
will excuse me for for
Oh I have been sure for some days
that you know it interrupted the girl
looking up but not at him I liuvo
been neglecting my work I fear nnd so
you were quite right in speaking
No your work isnll right It wasnt
that exactly lint nevermind We wont
speak of this any more for I see it em
barrasses yon
Thank you Mr nnrdwick said
Jennie again bending her eyes on the
desk beforo her
Tho man saw tho color como nnd go
in her cheeks and thought ho had never
beheld any one so entrancing Ho rose
quickly without makiug further at
tempt at explanation and left tho room
One or two teardrops stained the paper
on which tho girl was scribbling She
didnt like giving pain to any one but
could not hold herself to blame for
what had happened Sho mado up her
mind to leave Tho Daily Bugle and seek
employment elsewhere but next day
Mr Hurdwick showed no trace of dis
appointment and spoko to her with that
curt imperiousness which had hereto
fore been his custom
Miss Baxter ho said have you
been rending the newspaiwrs with any
degree of attention lately K
Yes Mr Hurdwick
Have yon beeu watching the drift
of foreign politics
Do you refer to that speoch by the
prime minister of Anetriu a week or
two ugoY
Yes that is what I have in my
mind As yon know then it amonnted
almost to a declaration of war against
England almost but not quite It
was a case of saying too much or of not
saying enough However it wus not
followed up and the premier has been
as dumb as a graven imago ever since
England has many enemies in different
parts of the world but I must confess
that this speech hy the Austrian premier
came as a surprise There must have
been somethiug hidden which is not
visible from tho ontbida The premier
is too astute a man not to know exuetly
what his words meant and ho was un
der no delnbion as to how England
would take them It is n case then of
when I was so quickly done for I
wonder whnt I wns begun for That is
what nil Europe is asking
Is it not generally supposed Mr
Hardwlck that his object was to con
solidate Austria mid Hungary I un
derstood that local politics was nt tho
bottom of his fiery speech
Quito so but tho rousing of tho war
spirit in Austria and Hungary was ubo
less unless that spirit Is given some
thing to do It needs a war not n
threat of war to consolidate Austria
and Hungary If tho speech had been
followed by hostilo action or by another
outburst that would make war inevita
ble I could understand It Tho touo of
the speech indicates that tho prime
minister meant business at tho time ho
gave utterance to it Somothlng has oc
curred meanwhile to change tho situa
tion and what that something isnll tho
newspapers in Europe havo been trying
to find out Wo havo had our regular
Vienna representative at work ever
since the words wero uttered and for
the past two weeks ho has been assisted
by one of tho cleverest men I could
send him from London but up to
date both have failed Now I propose
that you go quietly to Vienna I shall
not let either of tho men know you are
at work on tho afTnlr nt which they
havo labored with such little success
for both are good men and I do not
want to discourage either of them
Still above nil things I wish to havo
the solution of this mystery So it oc
curred to me last night that yon might
succeed where others had failed What
do you think of itV
I am willing to try said Miss
Baxter as there flashed across her mind
an idea that hero was a caso in which
Princess von Steinheimer could he of
the greatest assistance to her
It has been thought went on the
editor that tho emperor is oxtromely
averse to having trouble witli England
ornny other country Still if that were
the case a new cabinet would undoubt
edly have been formed after this intem
perate address of the premier but this
man still holds his oflice nud there has
been neither explanation nor apology
from court or cabinet I am convinced
that there is something behind all this
a wheel within a wheel of some sort
because the day after tho speech thero
came a rumor from Vienna that an at
tempt had been made on tho lifo of tho
emperor or of the premier It was ex
ceedingly vague but itwusnlloged thnt
u dynamite explosion had taken placo
in the palace This was promptly con
tradicted but wo all know what official
contradictions amount to Thero is in
ternal trouble of sonio kind in the court
at Vienna and if wo could publish tho
full details such an article would give
us n European reputation When could
you bo ready to begin your journey
Miss Baxter
I am ready now
Well in mi affair liko this it is best
to lose no time You can leave tomor
row morning then
Oh certainly but I must leave tho
ofllco at onco and yon must get some
ono to linish tho work I am on
I will attend to that said tho
Thus relieved Jennio betook herself
to a telegraph office She know that if
bhe wrote u letter to the princess who
was now in Vienna bhe would probably
herself reach that city as scon as her
note so bhe telegraphed that something
important was on hand which would
take her to Vienna by next days Orient
express and intimated that it was a
matter in which sho might need tho as
sistance of tho princess Then bhe has
tened to her rooms to pack up That
evening thero camo an answering tele
gram from Vienna Tho princess asked
her to bring her ball dress and all the
rest of her finery Tho lady added that
sho herself would bo nt tho railway stn
tion and asked Jennio to telegraph to
her en route It was evident that her
highness was qnito prepared to engage
in whatever scheme there was on hand
und this fact encouraged Jennie to hopo
that success perhaps awaited her
To bo continued noxt Tlmrediiy
Kdltorn Awful lUclit
F M Higgins editor Senecn 111
News was atllicted for years with piles
thnt uo doctor or remedy helped until he
tried Buckleus Aruicn Salve the beBt
in tho world He writes two boxes
wholly cured him Iufallnble for piles
Cure gnnrnuteed Only Ufio Sold by
the Kiesau Drug Co
Union 1urlllo Kxrurxliin
To St Louis Mo nccount St Louis
fair one faro for round trip helling
Sept JtOtu to Oct oth Return linul
limit Oct 8th
F W Junkman Agent
fli iui uiity
On receipt of U n euitG utihh or stnmpB
a geueioiiii siv pie v ill be mailed of the
most popular turh and Hoy Fever Curt
Elys Cienm l tlm sufiicimt to demon
etrato tho grout u rij ot liio remedy
CO Wirrcu fci Itw York City
Rev Johnlteid Jr of Orcat Falls Mout
recommended lVya Cream Balm to mo I
can emphasize h statement Itisaposi
tive cure for catarrh if nnd rb directed
Kev Francis V 1oole Pastor Central Pres
Church Helena Mont
Elys Cream Balm Is tho acknowledged
cure for catarrh nnd contains no mercury
nor any iuiuriouH dnii Price 60 cents
amd tMi rSr
ouvmion sy
orau V
l v
attc crrccTb
kM pl n rfc
S IIMfllllllrirn
wwr fc r
f CN0OttIW1
For Sale by George B ChriBtoph
The little child is safe from ordin
nry dangers in the care of the faith
ful dog Hut neither the dogs
fidelity nor the mothers love can
guard n child from those invisible
foes that lurk in th nir water and
food the germs of livasc Chil
dren nued to be specially watched
nnd cared for When there is loss
of appetite lassitude and listless
ness in n child nil attempt should
be made to revive the appetite ami
rnlly the spirits In this attempt it
is to be liorne in mind that the first
step to health is lo put the stomach
digestion nnd nutrition into perfect
The childs nhvsicnl life is sunnortiil 1
Tried Them
Th2C2 y
Ask your
for a generous
4 10 CENT
Elys Cream Dslm
rnuiaini no rocn nc
mercury nnr any oiliir
liiurioiif drnij
Jtle quickly AbsorlCd
Olvci Kelltf at once
ulo NiU iaMs COLD N H EAD
Allays Inflammation VW
Ileal Mid lrotdU tho Membrane Itettorce tin
Sentes ot TaMe end Mnell Full Slaudc iru
6Ue lOc at llni fl t or Hr raiL
Jit VUHUTUUKa M Wttfieo t1
ami organs of wWjLvJtf e
orking order 3mfS
benefit received from the food depends entirely on
ability to digest and nssimilnlc the nutrition the I
the fAki U
contains J lint is why n child miv wit nnd vnt be frnil nnd
scrawny It is not getting the nutrition out of the food it cats In view
of these facts the folly of feeding a child nauseous oils or the modified misti
ness of their emulsions is apparent These also nte foods They claim to be
foods easily assimilated But what is needed is not to bring the food down to
the level of the weak stomach but bring the stomach up to the level of
strong nutritious food
The value of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery lies in the fact that it
strengthens the weak stomach and heals diseases of the other orirnns of diges
tea If oioms J
Kct - ffl l
lit r II till
tion and nutrition Its purely vegetable charac
ter and absolute freedom from alcohol and
narcotics commend it to every thoughtful per
son It is plenwint to the taste unlike the foul
oils and their emulsions offered for childrens
use Golden Medical Discovery makes pure
blood and sound flesh and absolutely eliminates
from the system the poisons which feed disease
Mrs Hlla Gardner of Wuterview Middlesex Co
Vi whose diitKliter suffered from malarial poison
ing nnd catarrh writis My little daughter is
enjoying vpkiuliil health I am Rind I found a
doctor who could cure my child She took twelve
bottles of Golden Medical Discovery eight bottles
of Pellets and one bottle of Dr Sages Catarrh
Remedy and she is well We thank God for your
- -
Dr Ptcroca Common Senao Medtcml
Advfacr la sent frco on rocolpl of at am pa
to pay couf of mailing ONLY Send 21
one cant atsmpa fcr paper or 31 atampa
far cloth binding to Dr R V Ptarco Buf
falo M Y
mam m m am
The Rrcit remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases ot tho generative
-- iw w hv m
v m irnwA
V anp
mgrjrm wit rrn j wi rxtr
95 order wo guarantee to euro or rotund tho money Sold at 100 per box
G boxes or 500 lilt iUOTTS CHKJIICAI CO Clevcluud Oblv
The Norfolk Building and loan Assrt
C B DURLAND Secretary
A Iettrr Jrnin Miiiiin Grove
Mrs L Gutrn Newmmi Grove Mad
ison Co writes Lait spring I used
Dr Kays Renovator for tired feeling and
nchiuKlimbs It helped me greatly
Shall use more this spring
For Freo Medicnl Advice sample
hook address Dr B J Kay Medicnl Co
Saratoga Springs N Y Dr Kays
remedies sold hy Koenigsteius Phar
macy nud Kiesau Drug Co
For more than twenty flvo years Dr J New
ton Hathaway has made a specialty of Komalo
7lsoascs During that tlmo ho has had among
his patlenU over ten thous
and women suirerlnp from all
thoso many dlllereut com
plaints peculiar to tho sex and
has completely and perma
nently cured more than t U per
cent of tho cab es tie has
lly his oxcluslvo method
which ho has perfected during
tho twenty five years of his
most extenslvo practlio ho Is enabled to euro all
of thoso different diseases Including painful
profusoor tupprossed menstruation prolapsus
all ovarian trouiile tumors and ulceration- In
fact uverv form of thoso diseases which make a
burdon of llfo to tho great majority nf women
Uo has so perfected this system of his that ho
can treat those casos by mall without any per
sonal examination to which every sensltlvo
woman naturally objects and without any oper
ation with Its consequent pain and necessary
Ills system of treatment Is taken In tho pri
vacy of tho homo tho euro Is painless and It Is
Write him a letter stating brlo3y your condi
tion nud ha will send you a blank to bo filled out
Ho will give your case his personal attention and
care and make his foo so moderate Including all
medicines necetsary that you will not feel the
burden of tho payment and ho will guarantee
you a positive euro Address
Dr Ilutliuwuy Si Co
Commercial lllouk Hloux City Iowa
Ijinflfcred the torture of tio damned
with protruding piles brought on ly constipa
tion with which I was afflicted tor twenty
years I ran across your CASC AKETS in tho
town of Newell la and never found anjtnlnfj
to equal them To day I cm entirely free from
piles and feel llko a now wan
C H Keitz 1411 Jones St Sioux City la
PlMAtmnf PAlittithla Pnfnnt Tftfttn flnnd Do
Good Mover Blckou Weaken or Gripe 10c Sic UX
Hrllpf Htmdy Compuj Uilcito Bonlrttl EtwTort 118
linTORAP Bold and pnaranteed by all drug
HU I UUAU gim to CVUB Tobacco Habit
Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madieon Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never aold
in bulk Accept no substN
tute Ask your druggist
produces the above results In 30 days It act
powerfully sad quickly Cures wben all others til
Young men will regain their lost manhood and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
BEVIVO It Quickly and surely restores Nertous
cess Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions
Lost Power Falling Memory Wasting Diseases and
all effects ot self abuse or excess and Indiscretion
which nnfits one or study business or marriage It
not only cures by starting at the seat of disease bnt
Is a great nerve tonto and blood builder bring
ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re
storing the lire of youth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on bating KEVTVO bo
other It can be carried In vest pocket Sy mall
100 per package or six or KB 00 with a posi
tive written guarantee to ears or reran
the money Book and advise free Address
For sale iu Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B ChriBtoph druggist
llnita with you wbeter yon eontlnne thr
BfTTe himuv uibucni nauii n u I vu ai
riouTM oe arnrc lor luDirco VI
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