i w S fV I OUR Armored Cruiser SHOE for Boys Wear is made from tho best selected upper stock tested for sorvico Tho solos mid hoels which nro tho host leather will produce lire filled with CHILLED STEEL OIHCLETS which protect tho bottom nnd assuro tho wear or double tho sorvico of any shoo mado for boys Davenport Bros THE NORFOLK SHOE HEN H He who has H Kb lost his l sight mtL best knows its value Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might have prevented it Examination free Satisfaction guaranteed 1 G F 01 BAllQimKDT OPTICIAN NORFOLK - - NEBRASKA NORFOLK t Steam Laundry o Only First Class Laundry In Northeast Nebraska - Ecrj efToit imulo to plcnso nations mill - Kho eatibfiction Latest itnprmcil ma- cliinory tieccl in nil Work J not eatibfuctorj will bo rolannilerctl fioo of clmrjro if returned unworn ROUtiH EDGES TAKEN X OFF COLLARS 1 l COAL- SCR ANTON -COAL o O O Our new Hard Coal is on Track T il ia iiii usaii nuu iiibb We guarantee quantity and price quality G If you burn Hard Coal see J O us and the coal together and I W am satisfied wo cau trade p H E HARDY o O COAL SCRANTON -COAL r ts Thompsons 3 Cash Grocery For Pure Cider Vinegar and Fancy Teas and Coffees Heinzes Preserves and Pickles The best of everything iu our line The Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a in to day Maximum temperature 70 Minimum temperature 40 Average G5 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for mouth 4 04 Earometer 2950 Forecast for Nebraska Fair tonight nnd Friday THURSDAY TIDINGS Clarence Rasloy is sick with tonsilitis A now roof is being placed on tho eating house at South Norfolk and other substantial repairs are beiug mado The ladies guild of Trinity church will meet iu tho guild rpom of the churoh tomorrow afternoon at 8 oclock Tho monument to the memory of the lato Dr Vergs was placed in position nt Prospect Hill comotory yesterday J Bonnet of Omaha superintended the work A largo number of local baso ball onthusiasts wont to Stantou today to soo tho finish game botweon Coloridgo and Stauton that was rocontly bpgtui at Wlusldo Mrs V W Roberts had the mlsfor tuuo to step on a nail last oveniug and ran It iuto hor foot Sho was suffering considerable pain from tho wound this morning Tho bullet which was accidontly shot Into tho foot of Goorgo Schwnrts sovoral days ago was located this morning and removed Tho Injured foot is now im proving nicely Members of tho MeKinloy Roosovelt olub should bo on baud at tho O A H hall this ovonlngnt 8 oclock as that Is tho hour at which tho program Is an nounced to boglu Tho Bryan club was addressed Inst ovonlng at tholr rooms by Congressman R D Sutherland of tho Fifth district There was n good attendance and Mr Sutherlands remarks wero woll roccivod Tho Stauton county fair was opened tit Stauton yostorday very successfully It will continuo in session ovor Friday Norfolk pooplo should improvo tho op portunity of visiting tho sistoronthoeast duriug this occasion Paul Fricbe tho popular clork In Oscar Uhlos grocery eolebrnted Ills lth birthday last night iu tho hall of tho German singing society About 75 guests wero very pleasantly entertained t jo greater portion of tho night with singing music and dancing W O Tolivor formerly of this city aud in 1S0 a supporter of Bryan and freo silver writes from Laurol under date of the lilth as follows John It Hays addressed a very largo audience here lust night Our largo hall did not begin to hold tho crowd John H is all right Mrs O H Reynolds aud Mrs V N Huso have been invited to represent Norfolk rs ladies of tho court at tho ball in Omaha on tho evening ofJSeptetnber 28 Miss Edith McOlary and Miss Fannie Norton have beou In vited to act as ladies of honor at the same function Prospects for a largo crowd at the Roosevelt meeting ou the 4th of October continue to grow Many people from neighboring towns have expressed their iuteutiou of attending Norfolk will be the nearest point for people living as fur away as Sioux City and Columbus to see and hear tho governor A telegram from tho state committee this morning cancels the date for Presi dent Shurmau of Coruoll university who was billed to speak hero ou the evening of the 2ith It is suggested that tho speakers department of the state committee should know what it is talking about before it aunouuees speak ers of tho prominence of President Shurmau The committee lias definite replies from all the railroads entering Norfolk in regards to the rates which will bo iu effect on Roosevelt day October 4 All roads have made a rate of one and one third fare for the round trip On the Elkborn this rate will apply to Oakdalo and Verdigreo and all intermediate points On the Uniou Pacific and C St P M O the rate applies to stations distant 7i miles and less from Norfolk Tho committee is now at work tryiug to arrange for trains to take people home who live on the O St P M O and Creighton line of tho F E M V after the Roosevelt meeting aud it is probable that this will be done Cranberries honey grapes apples and nuts At Uiiles Houses for sate THE NORFOLK NKWS THURSDAY SKPTKMIWK 20 1000 T E Odiornk PERSONAL Mrs W V Allen of Madison spout yesterday with Mrs Desmond Mrs Washburu aud Mrs Eden of Verdigro are visitors in the city Knox Tipple who uow registers from Stantou was a city visitor today Mrs W II Butterfield aud daughter Josephine departed atuoon for Chicago Earnest Bridgo and Norris Huso went to Lincoln today to attoud tho univer sity Miss Louise Doleu of St Joe Mo is visitiug at tho homo of her uncle O G Dolen Mrs Prichard of Meadow Grovo and Mr aud Mrs Ed Bartlett of St Paul were city visitors yesterday Mrs Bessor of Kearuey who has been visitiug her cousin Mrs C D Jenkins returned to her homo today Miss Gladys MoIIaffey of Hartsville Ind has accepted a positiou as clerk with the Johnsou Dry Goods compauy Mrs O I Jenkins has accompanied her mother Mrs Ashbaugli who has been speudiug the summer here to her home iu Nevada Mo Miss Floreuco Holdeu who has beeu speudiug the summer nt the home of her brother Dr H T Holdeu returned to her home iu Omaha today Choice veal at Glissmaus Wasted Good capable girl for geu eral house work no washing or baking 100 per week 0 P Paiush UrFrauk Salter Diseases of children iniK Presiding Elders Report Work in Their District DR MASON DID NOT OOME Autllnim IbM Nltflit nn Ilrippohit1Ml lint win liitortuluml li itntpiiriititoti Aiitl Siiliinii linguti Will lmo UIimiro or M mil I lie Thin lltoiilttK A disappointed nudlonee at the E church waited in vain for tho oloiuont negro Dr M B Mason last night For some reason ho was not able to be present and a largo congregation was tie tiled tho opportunity of listening to one of tho best orators of tho church Tho occasion last night was tho anni versary of tho Kreodntans Aid and South om Educational society Dr Marquette presided While tho audlonco was waiting for Dr Mason tho chairman called on tho different ministers for ex temporaneous speeches relative to Hit work hi tho south Dr Chase pastor of First church Oinalih gave his rocolloe tions of tho underground railroad tltat oxistod in slavery times His fathei was one of tho engineers Dr 1 lodgetts who had a daughter engaged iu the work among the negros of tho south spoko of our duty to our brother in black It was a fervent speech Dr Gorst and Robinson and others also mado short addresses Tho choir kept up tho enthusiasm of thu meeting by hinging sovoral selections between tho speeches Win Gorst of tho NVligh district read his report to tho Methodist confer ence yesterday morning Tho repnit shows tho district to be in it flourishing condition Agent Hart of the Methodist Church Insurance company was intro- Carns state supMintendont presiding Addresrs will be made by lr Sander son of Fremont and II N Spear assist ant superintendent of the state Antl S doon leagun Following is tho program for tomor row niiiAsiiTiMiitii2i MOIIMMI S30 Doliitlniinl Miwlilitf mhI lltnlnim NokIoii Ulliitvms 2 11 Atnilvorntyiif Woman lirni ii MImIiui Mf SooliitJ Mtn Mi 1 Mum pltiniilliix Spimkiir to lm piotlilinl I Allium Mlntloniiiy Stnmoii bj Thin llllliol I II immmi 7 HO AniilMHtr5 nt CiinfiHiiirn Ilmnrlli liiitfiin t N Iiniii I I iiinxlilliiK Slioit ililricii b I II niter S K Wiiiiick 1 1 Hurlnluli mill Km Julin I Iuuclinr llinlrlrt Iliwlilonl Aililtn fili 1 KTImliill 1 1 mi Kmiii Utllntic IiiiuuuI MininniHil Farm land and city property for sale by G 11 Seller Vu niitko loans ou real estato at lowest rates Elkhorn Building nnd Savings association T E Odiounk Seo All plays and players have tholr fol lowing and piouoitucod favorites in their u sportive sections but Wood Aj Watd believe in establishing themselves in all parts of the country so that all may become familiar with theiii and their excellent company which is fast boconiing a household word iu every ity Salted peanuts at Parishs Farm aud eity loans Tint DmtLAND Thuht Co CIiiiiikImk to tlm Cimli Mni Owing to the increased price of all suit plies the increasing number of accounts the ditllculty of colleoting tho samo on account of removal and otltorwisu the time and attention it requires in book keeping and collecting tho small nu coums which time and attention wo could give to our work rooms and give our patrons much bettor horvioo wo have concluded to adopt thu cash nys Vi1 ft i 1 I IHH viHBbX fSH lr li Dy rorinlsjion of tuos Mains dured and he addicted tlio preachors on tho subject of insuiug in thir own company Mr Hart said that this com pany now had nine millions of dollars worth of property iiisured aud that they had done more business than thirty pt r cent of tho old line insurance companies Dr Tyndall the presiding elder of tho Grand Island district was tho recipient of a happy surprise from the preacher of his district this morning Iu a neat speech Dr Robinson said that they had treated Dr Tyndall right during tho six year term of his presiding eldership nnd they intruded to watch him still and with these words he presented tho doc tor with a handsome gold watch the gift of tho preachers who have served uudor him Dr Tyndull expressed his appreciation of the gift iu a very feeling way Tho wife of tho presiding older was not forgotten iu this surprise and Mrs Tyudnll was presonted with a handsome gold pin Dr F M Siflson reported the condi tion of tho Norfolk district He mado a glowing report of tho condition of tho Norfolk church aud said it was neces sary that the Main mau of tho con ference be sout to such a place Dr J W Jennings a former pastor of tho Norfolk churoh but now presiding elder of tho Omaha district keeps up his debt paying record aud reported 10i7i raised iu paymeut of churoh debts ou his district Dr Jenuiugs paid a touch ing tribute to tho memory of John B Maxfleld his predecessor who died September 11 1100 Dr Minefield was one of the charter members of the con ference aud was the best kuowu Metho dist preacher in the state of Nebrar ki Dr Jenuiugs reported 35000 iu the treasury of the Omaha Methodist bos pital and Deaconess homo after the pur chasing of u sito for a new hospital at a cost of 15000 Omaha dibtrict bus made a progress ou alljliues under Dr Jenuiugs leadership The afternoon sossiou was devoted to tho interests of the Womans Home Missionary society Mrs Ulil of Omaha presiding Addresses were made by Mrs Aline Hobbs Woodcock nnd Mrs Rhoades The evening meetiug is to bo iu charge of tho Anti Saloou league with J B sk yftez teni Therefore on aud after October 1 lioo all laundry will bo cash with no exceptions Dont ask un mtivrit roit ciikdit Laundry delivered and customers not at homo v ill be returned to this oflicof unless customer holds a coupon book and do hven d once more tho following day By this method you can always keep posted as to the extent of your laundry work aud prevent all misunderstanding We hope you will look at this in a busi ness like manner and trust you will make provision for payment when laundry is delivered For those who do not wish to bo troubled with small amounts coupon book of f 2 and i can 10 obtained from tho driver or at our office by paying cash and get a discount of 5 per cent Hoping that this will meet with your approval and that wo shall continuo to receivo your patronage aud good will we remain Yours for Business Ciiavks 6c McCoy A Winn Woniuii The brilliant musical comedy farce by Will red Clarke the talented author of Oh Susanuah will shortly bo seen at the Auditorium with a remarkably strong cast headed by Mario Lamour for thu past two M asons u prominent member of Augustin Dalys company aud Fredorlo Murphy for tho past six seasons a prominent member of tho Julia Marlowe compauy Choico veal at Glissmaus One Pure tlm rouml trlji to OiiihIih nntl return viit Union Iliilllr The TJniou Pacijic will sell round trip tickets September 3 Q 3 112 7 aud 2Sth lutuining good on or before October 1st IMio festivities F W JiKEMAN Agent Ciiiilnn soon i TWO HOT TArtALtf AT KLDfflYKC Wood tfc Wards Two Merry Tramps A BRILLIANT WEDDING Iiliiriiiiiii Ciiltur NuplliiU IioiioIIIHImI Ho fmo it lnrKn Allillmirn III Trlliltj Clilllcli I ml IviiiiIiii The fragrance of many out flowers and potted plants filled tho microti tidllloo of Trinity Episcopal church yesterday afternoon and was tho first pleasing Im pression of the I hreo hundred guests of the liinoinau Uutler liuptlalu as they handed to tho ushers their Hiunll while cards of admission Within lavish but skillful bunds had converted the altar and chancel into u bower of beauty Long boforo tho hour set for the cere niony every neat in tho chureh was oc cupied nnd the gentlemanly ushers Messrs Ralph Hruuttoh W H Eddy M 0 Gentle Leo Pusowalk Hut unco Salter and II A Wiluiordiug had no small task in providing seats for tho many guests of tho occasion The full vested choir entered tho ohiiroh from the street entrance singing The Voice That Breathed oer Eden and promptly at 5 oclock tho carriages containing tho wedding party drew tip at tho churoh otitrauoe and to the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin deftly lingered by Miss Ruth Mutrau proceeded slowly up tho main aisle of the churoh in tho following order Mr Max Ahiiius Mr Corl Ion kins thu maid of honor Miss Annie 10 Cutler a sister of the bride Ml s Mat tie MoNish Miss Minnie Norton the bride Miss Clara Louise Cutler preceded by little Dorothy Rudut the Mower girl Tho bridal paity wits met at the chancel slops by the hridogioout Mr Frederick William hiiiemiiu and Ins best man Mr Julius W Hull From this point while tho choir sung Perfect Love the Initio and bride groom accompanied by Miss Annie Cutler and Mr lltilll and tho Mower girl proceetlod to tho altar rail wlieie the Rev I J S Woills awaited them and spoko tlio holeinu yet joyous words which linked together forever two lov iug hearts Aftor tho short lm impiessivo mar riage service to the notes of Mendel ssohns Wedding March tho harming littlo flower girl who added so much to tho Hiuiotity of tho occasion by hor childish innocence and beauty leatl the way down tlio aisle which was embel lished on oither side with white sut in ribbon and rosettes of the same mater ial to tho outor door whore tho party took carriages for t lie reception at tlio Pacific hotel And thus ended the first marriage coremony in tho history of Trinity lOpiscopal Tlio bride looked charming in a gown of white duchess with silk tulle veil caught with tuboroso she carried bride roses nod tuberoses Tho timid of honor carrying Jiiciuu nienot rosei and tlio bridesmaids carrying pink and white carnations wote pink silk organdio over pink Miss Cutlers handsome silver favors to tho maid of honor and the brides maids and Mr lunemnns favors to the ushers and best man beautiful gold stick pins will long be treasured as inonientos of tho occasion The many beautiful and useful wed ding presents proved tlio high esteem in which tlio recipients are held Mr and Mrs J lineman amid showers of rice aud old shoes took the oveniug train for Hot Springs aud points in tlio Black Hills and after a short visit there will mnko this city their homo Wastiiii A man for general work around bouse and barn Steady em ployment Dits Saitkic School supplies at Ohristophs Mrs Sadie Hart Miller Osteopath Rooms over the Hayes jewelry store Hours from 10 a m to 1 p m Con sultation nnd oxnmiuutiou freo To tlio laillen Miss Shelley has roturued from Chi cago where sho spent two weeks iu studying tho latest styles in dressmak ing most of tho tinio beiug put in at the popular establishments of Marshal Field and Stevens Sho is uow pro pared to gown her Norfolk customers iu tho most npproved fashiou Hor ability to please is well recognized nnd hor en deavor to bo up-to-date on subjects pertaining to her trade will undoubtedly bo appreciated Wastkd In a good christain family a good sized bed room and board ou first or ground Moor by an elderly gontlo man iu poor health who will need some care Will pay a fair price for a good homo Must bo within four blocks of the Methodist church or a good sued room unfurnished without board ou the grouul fk or Address lock box ill Norfolk Will Adilrimt ltiiilill n Club W W Youugof Stauton caudidate on tho republican ticket foi state sena tor from the Eleventh district has prom ised to nddress tho MoKtuley and club of this city at its meeting to be held in tho G A II hull this evening at b oclock A good program has beeu arranged for the meeting and all will 13 well repaid by uttouding Every member of tho club aud all who intend to become members should atteud the meeting tomorrow uight Setill Kate to tile Eit September 2U 1000 Chicago St i Louis St Paul Minneapolis and other points iu Iowa Illinois Michigan Min nesota Wisconsin Missouri North Dakota Ono faio plus 2 K for tho round trip via tho Union Pacific from Nebraska points For full information call on or address V W Iiinotiian agent sto l7e memcha N D I S E Mlorn ill ItolitlKt A WIIIIiihoiiHoiiIIi Nor fulli Itohliml I lint NIkIiI The general mercliandiso Htoro of Roland ami Wilkinson of South Norfolk was robbed last night of some hIiooh gloves and a bolt of cloth tho goods apptoxlmatiug iu vnluo between flft and fail Tho robber whoever It was worked most cleverly as there Is nothing to Indicate how bo gained admittance The store was carefully locked al eltw lug time last night and the only way iu which entrance might have been gained would be through 4the use of a skeleton key A number of empty shoo boxes wero found under the sidewalk but no trace of the robber has been Uncovered It is probable that the raid was made by some tramp who stopped olf between trains Tlio olllcers are still winking on tho case with the hope til finding a duo to tho porpotrntms Everybody keep an eye on 1 D Stur geons Colored Porters Hewing Machine contest Now Is the time to vote CoiiiIiik Miuiii Wood Al- Wards Two Merry Tramps Goods Delayed on account of the strike But now wo are able to show A Full Line of up-to-date Hats You must seo our New Panne Velvets iu the pop ular shadings JEDURLAND BARNES -- TYLER i lj il I Tylur AtloiiiejH ill I an Norfolk - - - Nebraska JR C S PARKER UKXTIST Mast Block - - Norfolk Nob R II T HOLDEN Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Olllcu Citizyiis National HaiiL Tolniiliiiiii 101 Sanitarium anil KdiIiIoho Maui ami Htli St TulllllOllD J Norfolk - - Nebraska JR I E SCOBEE OSTEOPATHIST Ml South lh Strijot Norfolk 1 COLE DENTIST Olllco oor Citizens National Haul Honiilouc onu block norlli of CotiKnwitioiial church Norfolk Nebraska JyJAPES HAZFN Attorneys-at-Law Olllco our leoiiiiril Dnik Storu Norfolk - - - Nebraska yISS MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker Cp stains In Cotton block over Haumii etora Firl clu work uuratituoil Norfolk Nebraska POWERS HAYS Attorneys at Law Hoom 10 11 ami 12 Mudtblock Norfolk Nebraska glCSSIONS BELL and Einbaliuers Senium Hlk Norfolk AvoJ Norfolk - - - Nebraska M ROBERTSON Attorney at Law Room I and 2 Robertson Wigton Block Norfolk