i L p J 3 o WKKKIV itnillliol 1HSI KtaryTlmrnlny ly mull l1 your M0 fKnterml nl llio rntoHlco nt Norfolk Noli n ocutidcliiita iimttnr Toloplioun No 22 HEPUBLICAN TICKET Niitloiml or lrntiilwit WlMltM McKlSIIIY For Vloo Irwdilmit Tnuonoiti Hihmiivimt Proflilontiiil Kloctors Colli riiHHlnniila ForCoiiKroHSinim Tliinl Dinlrict John It Ilna Ohio Now York Slut or lnPNinr Oimiiiim II luritit u AiIhiub For Miuitunmit OoMirnor K lHwvm For Seciuluiy of Slnto Oro V Mminii ForTioiiBiiior Wiiii vm Shihkiu For Auditor CuMiicH Wisros For Attornoy liiinrul Fkanu N Ilicwr For Lund Oommlesloiior 1ioiiiii I KniMtm ustor Hlelmiditon CiiiuIiik Shmldiui 11 HBO Nuckolls For Httpm iiitimdontof Public Instruction V K Iowiku Wiitdiltmton f John V NiisiiiTr 11 II INIHIM Kiiwaiiii Honi It lj llMlllU S P DWIDHON lACOII li JltOlllON John 1 Khnnii JoiinJ LNiiit For Statu Suimtor Kluwmtli diatrlct V W YoiMi Norfolk Judicial For JiiiIkii Ninth lllntrirt J V lluwt Aulolopo Smmtorliil Stiititou County Tlukut For IlnprobOiitiittvn Twonty Tlilril DIM riot IaiuIh i llloy MmlltMm For Attornoy Hurt MnpoB Norfolk For Coinmitislonor Socond District A I Ciirlor Noifolk It Is n to you isnt your own uiul your neighbors prosperity paramount to any vagary about imperialism Dont for a moment think that itn perialisin can bo thrust upon this country without your permission If tho question is over raised you will know about it and then will bo time for you to say whether or not you want it Tho same cry was raised during tho campaigns of tho sixties and imporial i9 n has uot yet been thrmt upon tho country When n man tulles imperial ism it but goes to show that his cause is weak and lie lias nothing better than n ghost story on which to base his claims for your support Democrats are now claiming major- tes in most of tho largo cities but tho conservative ones concede that rural p mions of tho stto3 will go republican This has the most consistent sound of anything yet noticed from a democratic source Tho farmers and those directly dopoudent upon thorn havo boon greatly favored during tho past four years and if tho republicans havo reason to look to nny one class for strong support it is from raril peoplo and by that peoplo in cities of tho sio of Norfolk uro included as they directly depend upon tho farmers for their prosperity Tho city pooplo who pay moro for their food supplies and thus benefit tho farmers would probably prefer that they should b brought back to lSU prices but they are short sighted in that many of them becnuse tho farmers demand increasod products of the mauufactoring districts and many moro are employed in tho cities than would bo if tho farmers could not allorJ to patronize faotories Norfolks Cash Showing There is 0110 kinl of prosperity in evidence that tho fusiouists cannot deny A denial would be very ridicu lous almost as ridiculous as somo of their arguments for tho facts aro buck of it in honest tested bold faced figures and can bo proven from democratic sources if need bo and that is bank de101i1s and bank business These in stitutions are the barometero of business and their indication is aover misleading Tho showing iu Norfolk is perfectly astonishing In July 1S00 the combined deposits of Norfolks two bauki were SiOOO In July 1000 the depositn iu the Bame institutions hud increased to ViQ a gain of -500000 or mora than double the figures of ISOO iu July 1S00 the cash on hand iu the banks wns lia000 In cash was tJ iaOOO or TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Helle Mingle Archer the actress T1IK NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY SKPTKMIJKR 20 1000 4ftA66MHHHHOOH4HM44fHHnHHt44M66f4n6nHUHH SEMl HNNUKL OPENINGS July 1100 tho tut incroaso of t tAtfCiftA4UttaUkJMAJI 180000 Tho showing on tho formor business is an increase of moro than lilt por cent while tho lattor makes a Bhowing of increase of almost 100 por cout Tho farmorH in this vicinity aro largely responsible for this incroaso as they control tho greater share of tho money socurod by Increased prices for their products Tho inorchants also havo an interest in tho showing and it Is probable that nine out of tho ton of tho business nion can show a gratify ing incroaso in their cash bank accounts and business ovor lSilfl It is a great showing and no mistake GOOD WORK AT GALVESTON Noriiml Conditions lil lining Itrnliil ml lii III WricKd City iiilvtsttin Sept 120 -Normal condi tions uiv fast being restored In Hal vest on Tito work of clearing the streets of debris continues unabated mill all relief work Is now thoroughly systematized Several human bodies were found yesterday No attempt was mi to Identify them and they were liuiiedlately cremated lolin Scaly the chairman of the lluanee committee made the follow ing statement What we are looking after now Ih the Immediate relief of those in distress such as fiirnishlm clothes footwear and the payment of the men who are working on the streets clearing up the debris and burning dead bodies On the lSth lust we began paying these men lrl per day and furnishing supplies for their families Men who are not working anil who cannot show tickets to the effect that they have been employed get no supplies The question of J 11 dlclotis distribution of all funds will be taken up by the central committee and 11 plan worked out for the best In terest uiul beuelitto all Houston Sept 110 fiovernor Sayors wired the following statement to the Associated Press The los of life occasioned by the storm in lalveston ami elsewhere on the southern coast cannot be less than lJ000 lives while the loss of property will probably aggregate J000iitlli Notwithstanding this severe ntllictiou 1 have every confidence that the stricken districts will rapidly revive and Siilvestou will from her present desolation and sorrow arise with re newed strength and vigor To the people of the United States whose iniiuillcleut generosity has con tributed so much to the relief of the sufferers I as governor beg to tender my most profound and most grateful acknowledgments assuring them that their generous benefaction would be held in lasting remembrance by the people of Texas We have uot been left to stand alone In our trouble but messages of earnest sympathy accompanied by large contributions In money and sup plies and also in personal assistance through the Red Cross and other be nevolent socio ies have had the ef fect to relieve the situation of much of Its sailness and misfortune died ut Warren Pa Wednesday Dr Hunter McCulro who was Stone wall Jacksons medical director died In Richmond Va Wednesday The lust of the Halaklava survivors lames A White is dead lie had lived near Upper Sandusky O since S 7 Tho Republicans of the Klrst Colo rado congressional district nominated Robert W ltonyug of Denver for con gress Marcus Daly who has been 111 at the Netherlands hotel New York for some days Is reported considerably Im proved John ft Springer secretary of the American Southdown Rreeders asso ciation died at Springfield Ills Wednesday The Democratic convention for the Klghth district of New Jersey nomi nated I M ward A S Mann of ltayonno for congress The plant of the Union Compress company at lexarkann burned Wednesday with J000 bales of cotton Loss iroooo The soelnllst congress nt Mainz aftei a heated discussion adopted res olutions protesting strongly tigalust jcruiiinys course iu China The navy department has reeelvci Hc ortnial report on the recent spccC trial of the battleship Alabama Wit the cMcptiou of a few minor ilela of Imperfection the Alabamas trial trip proved her In all respect coiuplett und rcudy for instant sea service IK I Gil Miners Chief Says That More Than 126000 Are Idle MAKOHERS ARE EFFECTIVE Surcnml In IntlucliiK Nnvnrul llunilreil MIiiiim t iloln tint ltunU i nl tlio ill ort Show No DNponlllou to IMiitin tom cftitloiiii Philadelphia Sept UO An Interest ing feature of yesterdays develop ments In the coal miners strike was meeting nt leddo near llazleton of the miners employed Iu the four collieries of O It Markle These men nro In a ilillerent position from the others as they have an agreement with their employers to submit any grievance mid to wait ten days for an adjustment When tho strike was or dered they had not presented any com plaint but the day the tie up began the United Mlnu Workers olllclals bad the union men In Mnrklos mines formulate grievances similar to the strikers and demand adjustment Since then Mnrklos men have been In operation but at yesterdays meeting President Mitchell and some of his lieutenants obtained a resolution call ing for a strike at once The Markles claim the meeting was a packed one and that their men will be at work today us usual They of fered to submit to arbitration but President Mitchell said there could be no arbitration without recognition of the union The Rending company is getting ready to reap the harvest presented to it by the tie up In the other coal dis tricts Nearly all of Its collieries were placed on full time and henceforth all the mines will be operated to full ca pacity Meanwhile reports are coin lug iroin nil parts of the country of large Increase in the price of coal to consumers to keep the orders down All was quiet In the i ntlro coal Held Even the much advertised clash in tic Iykens region was sidetracked through the dei felon of the strikers at Lykens that It would be unwise to march on the non strikers at Williams town and force them to quit work Nevertheless there were fewer men at work than on Tuesday President Mitchell claiming that more than 1Jii 000 men are now idle Contradictory Icimrts come from the Schuylkill re gion one to the effect that the strik ers nt Morea after being out two days had decided to return to work but this Is received with Incredulity at strike headquarters The mine operators after generally maintaining u silence for several days are showing a disposition to talk for publication und as a result several statements from their side are printed All breathe tho same spirit No recog nition of the United Mine Workers and a light to the finish with Presi dent Mitchell and his followers Marching makes the timid men and women in the llazleton region nervous because of the terrible result of that sort of campaign Iu 1S07 when the deputies shot down marchers and marching begnn In earnest there yes terday The marchers were peaceful however and they succeeded In get ting several hundred men to quit work ltooMVi ll4 Tour III Iilulin Pocatello Ida Sept JO -The Roos velt special train arrived at Pocateolla n few minutes after li oclock last pvouing During the day stops wen made at Rexburg St Anthony Idaho Falls and Ilhickfoot Short speeches were made by Governor Roosevelt and others Senator Shoup and Senator Carter accompanied the party through tho day Governor Roosevelt ad dressed two meetings here Both were largely attended lllttiii liy it Spider Chndron Neb Sept tiO ll K Hums ono of the wealthiest men of this region wus seriously If not fatally bitten by a spider while asleep on his ranch east of town He wus nt once removed to the Chndron hospital where It was found that bo had been bitten In three different places over the liver It was at first thought that ho could not live but at a later hour there Is some hope for his recovery BANK ROBBERS DO POOR JOB Villon or Clnlrr In SUitli cl lrnin lt sluinluMs li Ttiiillr Kxploklmi Fort Dodge Iu Sept M Auiateui bank robbers have created great ex citement iu the village of Clare 1 1 mills northwest of here by attempt ing to rob the State bank of dure They secured an entrance to the bank Tuesday night and sought to blow fl AUAXJAAJWdk i ajC SRTURDKY SEPTEMBER 22 Our SEMIANNUAL OPENING takes place on the above date You and your friends are invited to be present C W Mr--- T open the vault by punching out rivets In the dliil on the vault door The ci7lces were tilled with powerful ex plosives und totichod off The result evidently surprised the robbers as much as the people of Clare The dial and a portion of tho vault door were blown through the front window of the bnnk aiid ucross a 70 foot street and through the window of the hotel The noise awakened every one In town and the frightened rob hers made good their escape but with out a penny of the expected booty 15000 BANK ROBBERY Tim it Mm llolil Ip the Klrst National nl WliiiiiMiiiHTiiCltlriit Kxclinngre Shots With thf Fleelin Dosporuttoot Wlnueuiucca Nov Sept 10 Ulm First National bank was robbed of about l00 at noon yesterday by three men who entered the front door of the building and with revol vers made jtll present throw up their hands There were live persons in the bunk at the time Cashier Nixon As sistant Cashier MeRrlde Bookkeeper III1I Stenographer Calhoun and a horse buyer mimed Johnson The rob bers threatened with Instant death the first man who made a show of resist ance One robber at the point of a pistol made Cashier Nixon open the safe and take from it three sacks of gold coin They threw this In an ore suck together with all tho gold coin In the otllce drawer The robbers then marched the five men out through a back door to an alley where three horses were waiting Tho men wore kept covered with guns until the des peradoes mounted their horses and es caped The whole affair occurred In but live minutes An alurm was quickly given and several shots were llrcd at the desperadoes as they sped through town but without effect The robbers returned the shots but no one was hit Officers and armed citi zens have started In pursuit of the robbers who took a course up the river A posse bus also started from Golconda to head them off and it Is thought they cannot escape if 100 ItOUIlIll 100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to loam that there is at least ono dreaded diseaso that science has been able to euro in all its stages and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is tho only positive cure now known to the medi cal fraternity Catarrh being a con stitutional disoase requires a constitu tional treatment Halls Catarrh Curo is taken internally acting directly upon tho blood and muouous surfaces of the systom thereby destroying tho founda tion of tho diseaso aud giving tho patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting nature in doing its work Tho proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that tlioy offer ono huudred dollars for any case thut it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials Address P J Cheney Co Toledo O Sold by druggists 75c Halls Familv Pills nro the best Sturgeon is tho piano man Agents Wanted For Galveston Tho Horrors of a Stricken City by Murnt Halstoad a fearful tulo of a beauteous city swept into tho soa De maud enormous Splendid book Only 150 Agents selling from 10 to 100 daily and clearing from 0 to 75 daily A bonanza for agents Only endorsed book Freight paid Credit given Outfits free Soud six two ceut stamps for postage Big commissions Send for outfit nud territory today Tho Dominion Compauy Dept A Chicago A Itoiuedy from NuturuV Laboratory Lichtys Celery Nerve Compound is a scientific combination of uatnres henlth restorers celery cocoa cascara sagrada hops dandelion buchu mandrake sar saparilla aud chamomile Sickly child ren weary women aud tired and broken down men find in this great compound health strength and happiness Sold by Geo B Ohristoph KriiUauit tiuaduulio Cupmiles tire unlike nuythiug prepared iu Amer ica They were first prescribed by Dr Krauso Germauys famous court phy sician long before- antipyriuo was dis covered nnd nre almost marvelons so speedily do they cure the most distress iug cases Price 25c Sold by Geo B Ohristoph Notice of Ailuiliilotriitiirit Siiln Ill the matter of tho estate of M E Andrus deceased Notice is hereby given that in pursu ance of an order of the Hon Douglas Cones uiado on the 17th of September 1900 for the sale of the real estato hero- T i iunftor described thero will bo sold in front of J S Hersliisers drug store iu Norfolk Junction in Madison county Nebraska on tho lJth day of October 1100 at 2 oclock p in at public ven due to the highest bidder for cash tho following described real estate towit Lots One I Two J Three II Four 1 nnd Five li of block Ono 1 of Reos subdivision of block Fifteen 15 of Dorsoy plnco addition to Norfolk Junction in Madison county Nebraska Said sale will remain open ono hour Datod this ltli day of September 1000 Hurt Mapks Administrator do bonis uou of the estato of M 13 Andrus deceased First Publicntioti Soptombor 19 Of course you naturally Keep Your Eye on Our Show Window for tho newest styles of Photo Mounts and latest in Medallions and Photo Nov elties Your likeness made to please you and your friends Have Your Pictures Framed whero you cau get mouldings suitable for thom Fiuestassortmeut of Mat Board in tho city Art Materials and amateur supplies Yours for business CPMICHAEL WHEN YOU WAXT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH GO TO W 0 Halls Barter Shop MAIN 6T TIUHD DOOU EAST OF FOUIITH NOVELTY Iron and Brass Works JNO E CRONK Manager All kinds of mncldnos fromn lawn mowor to u priutiiiK pros succocnfully lopairod Hot nir htoum und hot will or Spucial tittou lion Kivnn to Hoilor unit Knidno Repairing Opp lueuwalko Implement liouso NORFOLK NEBRASKA For lluinVing Steam Fitting Pumps Tanks Wind Mills And all work iu this lino call ou W H RISH Satisfaction Guaranteed First door Soutli of Tnc D tiLV News Ofllca MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths Rooms on North Ninth Street PURE GROCERIES Are essential to health UHLE handles only pure groceries free from adulteration and sells them at FAIR PRICES You get what you at Uhles pay foi L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Myers Force anr5 Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wmk First donr West of Post Ofllce pa FT n i tmmm T 1M d 1 15 15 HD CI 7VTTT T TTJliro pa i xw taj -x w iv i a r Aired X SHTURDKY SEPTEMBER 22 Ths Norfolk fleuas W N IIUHK Publlnhor Kvnrr ilny oflV lTi conl DAILY KMiilitlidind HS7 axrnpt Suiidiiy Hy lit mull lir your u rnrrlor 100 por B MEYERS Invites you to Compare Prices Tomatoes per can 8c Peas por can 6c Corn per can 8c Java Coffee best per lb 15c Oat Meal per lb 2HJ0 Soap 10 bars 25c l pound cnu Baking Powder 20c Best Prunes por lb 8c Blueing 4c Sodn per lb 3jc Starch por lb 30 Crackers per lb ic Clothes Lines 9c Lye per can 4c Mixed Candy per lb 7Kc Pearline per package 4o Rico peril 7c Lamp Chimney 4c We havo a big line of Tinware Grau iteware and Crockery which wo nro selling very cheap B MEYERS B W JONAS FINE TAILORING Suits mnilo to order and in tho latest stylo Ho pnirini uoitIyClone Shop on Soutli Fourth St t outhof Uiuiii llros M C WALKER DEALER IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE Braasch Avenue and Third St THE NO 33 EiLEi Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold Commission on PHONE 44 North Western LINE p E 1YI V R R is the best to and from the SUbrAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska lP W iVsJ giniSyc vfM feT TfcV The Quick Trains AltE RUS VIA TUB Union Pacific 10 Hours Quicker to Salt Lake City 13 Hours Quicker to Portland 15 Hours Quicker to San Francisco mOM MISSGIMU ItlVKB THAN ANY OTHER LINE All Trains Wido Vestibuled Splendid Equipment Pulluiau Palace Sleepers Dining Car Servico Pulluiau Ordinary Sleeping Cars Daily nud PERSONALIA CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS EVERY WEEK For full information call on F W Juncman Agent i 4