The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 13, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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I i 4 4 4 J i I
l HAl
il dj
w cA
If ay A
LOaveftport Bros
Will Make
Big Cuts
All Summer
Eyes of
Should be
Says the Philadelphia Inquirer
In the public schools of Baltimore the eyes
of 53067 pupils were officially examined
The results showed 53 of the children
did not enjoy normal vision while
20 were found to be In no condition
to do school work at all
This Is a timely warning1 to parents
Ignorance ceases to excuse
Neglect is criminal Examination free
M G p ffl MQUflHDT
I Steam Laundry
Only First Class Laundry
In Northeast Nebraska
Every effort mado to pleases patrons- mid
sive satUfaction Latest improved ma-
cliinery used in all departments Work J
not satisfactory will be relaundered free
of cliarso if returned unworn
O Our new Hard Coal is on j
9 Track T
g It is fresh clean and nice q
H We guarantee quality
Z quantity and price
Q If you burn Hard Coal see
U us aud the coal together and I
V am satisfied wo cau trade
tJ Thompsons
3 Cash Grocery
For Pure
Cider Vinegar
and Fancy
Teas and Coffees
Heinzes Preserves
and Pickles
The best of everything iu our line
Tlie Weather
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hours euding at 8 a m to
Maximum temperature 70
Minimum temperature 50
Average 03
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for month 3 83
Barometer 2954
Forecast for Nebraska Fair tonight
probably followed by showers Friday
northwest portion Warmer tonight
The Sugar City Cereal mills is enjoy
ing a good business the demand for
Whentling being especially brisk
V S Swisher of South Norfolk moved
his household effects to Lincoln yester
day aud will make his home iu that city
It is said that the Woodmen of the
World lodgo with headquarters at
Omnlm lost o0 members killed in tho
Galveston dlsa9tor
Tiiuos Trlbuuo O E Sattorlco and
Mlis Mamie Mathor both of this city
stole a march ou thoir friends by quiotly
hieing themselves to Columbus -on Sun
day last whero they were married by
Tudgo T D Hoblsou
Arthur J Koenlgstoln pitched for tho
Stanton club yostorday In an lutorostlng
ball gamo with a team from Piorco nt
tho former placo Iiorco was shut out
with n gooso ogg while Stanton had 1 1
to her credit Only ono hit was mado
otT of Koouigstoiu by Iiorco
H 12 Moore a baukor from Narkn
Kansas Is In tho city Ho thinks this
is a vory protty country aud would like
to locate iu northeast Nebraska Ho
llkus tho climate much bettor than
whore ho livos He states that Kansas
winds blow when It is dry aud mako
life mlserablo to tho pooplo
Davenport Bros have a carriago nud
four negro singers at Madison advertis
ing their shoo business During tho
daytime tho entertainment is hold ou
tho fair grounds aud iu tho evening on
tho streets of tho city It is attracting
considerable attention and will undoubt
edly produce favorable results
Fresh oysters at Glissiuaus
Everybody keep an eye ou J D Stur
geons Colored Porters Sewing Machlno
contest Now is the time to vote
Mr James F Qreou tho well known
star aud comedian has abandoned his
Bturriug tour aud bocomo a member of
Tho Two Merry Tramps Co playing
one of tho principal comedy roles aud
introducing his over popular specialty
Fiesh oysters nt Voila
Before putting in your supply of
hard coal see C W Braasch I soil
the genuine Scrautou hard coal nud
will meet auy price made by other
dealers ou equally good coal
O W Bkaascii
Concerning 11 luhllr Library
A week since The News contained an
address to the public signed by the super
intendent of our schools ou behalf of tho
Norfolk Public Library association It
consisted essentially of three questions
and discussion of them was invited but
though a week has elapsed there has not
so far been auy response Whether it
be because the people are so occupied
with other and more pressing questions
or whether interest in a public library
has declined or whether it be because
of a lack of confidence in tho methods
of the association to secure oue the re
result is the same there is no response
to the address
Iu the last paragraph of the address
it is stated that the appeal is made in
the interest of the young men and
women of Norfolk But already there
is an iustitutiou for young meu would
it not if this is the scope of the associa
tions aim be better to enlarge the asso
ciation somehow already iu existence by
including young women aud a library
A public library will mean of course
other premises with a librarian but
why iucur that expense if it be possible
to utilize successfully said existing prem
ises aud an existing oilicer
To spend 250 iu fixing upou its pres
ent site the old Catholic church would
be very imprudent Iu 19 months it
must be removed and the removal must
involve uew fixing aud repairs Where
it is it would be unpopular ns a public
library True the school is close by but
the boys and girls do not live there
The library and its locatiou must I e
popular to besuccessful aud to be suc
cessful it must be central Tho building
cannot be brought into the business part
of towu For the purposes of tho asso
ciation the better plan seems to be to
utilize some of the vacant offices down
town aud for librarian the services of
some man whoso time now is ouly
partly occupied Citizen
Fresh fish at Glissmnns
September tho Month of festival Omaha
Tho Musical Festival at Omaha to
continue during the mouth is an as
sured success aud the music lovers of
Omaha are taking iu all they cau ab
sorb of Bellstedts famous baud music
This is tho baud so popular at the ex
position Nebraskaus should uot miss
the opportunity to again hear it
The Fremont Elkhorn Missouri
Valley railroad has announced low rates
from points withiu 75 miles of Omaha
The Knights of carni
val during the last week iu Septomber
24 to 29 will cap tho climax Impres
sive parades by day and night A mini
ature Midway with its various forms
of amusement goiug on all the time
The theatres have all booked special
attractions for carnival week
The Fremont Elkhorn Missouri
Valley railroad has announced low rates
from points within 200 miles for four
days during the carnival week limit
October 1st
Remember the month of September is
carnival and festival month in Omaha
Attend the Wesleyan male quartet
concert nt the M E church touight
Doors open at 7 i0 Concert begins at
We make loans on real estate at
lowest rates Elkhorn Building nnd
Savings association T E Odiohne Sec
Houses tor sale
T E OmoasK
IS 11 IK
Followers of Wesley to Meet
in Norfolk
Itelrfiiti From All pr North Ncbitu
k Will Attend Morrill I lo
Iroahle rrngrnni of Services itml Hint
nc of the Meriting
Tho North Nebraska Couferonco of
tho M 12 church which is to assemble
hero noxt Tuesday Is ono of tho Impor
tant yoarly ntootlngs lu Methodism
Tho couforouco district comprises tho
torrltory north of tho llatto rlvor from
tho Missouri to ONolll and contalus
many pastoral chargos which will bo
represented by tho minister and a lay
delegate Thoy aro to be tho guosts of
Norfolk for a week aud tho city should
accord thorn a happy rocoptioii aud nlco
Tho following Is tho program of tho
230 Mnotititt f Conference Hoard of Kxiim
luora U Main Chairman presiding
730 Aililrem of Wolcomo lij Major V M
HolmrUou and U M Thompson
Anniversary Tvvontictli Century Thank Of
lortnit D W C Huutliucluti D I pro
Address Iy Kdnmnd M Mills 1 D Cor
lospnudliiV Secretary Twentieth Century
Thank Ollcrlm Commission
WHDNlidDAY siptimmh lit
SiIlO TlioHacrunienlof tho Lords Supper ad
ministered hy Mm HUliopniid others fol
lowed hj Urbanization of Coufeionco and
Business Session
200 Sliitlsticnl Session
730 Aiuilversarv of Kreedtiienn Aldnnd South
urn IMiication Society David Manpietl
D 1 presiding
Address h MC I Ma on I 1 Cone
hpondini Secietary
th uusda y sninrM lllilt 20
S30 DoiotioimlSoriicu followed by lluslness
200 Anniversaiy of Womans Home Misslonaij
Society Mia Mel Uht preiiliiiK
h Mis Annio llobbs Woodcock
and Mrs Hhoides
730 Tcmpoiance Mass MiOtiiiu and Anniver
sary of Anti Saloon League J It Cains
D U presiding
Addnsi by I- 31 Sanderson I I and
Hiiv II X Spear Assistant State Superin
tendent of Anti Saloon ieauo
Kill DAY SiiTKMIliU2l
Si0 Dovutiotiil Meeting and llusinesa Session
20i Anniversary of Womans Foreign Mission
ary Society Mr- Ida J Mou piesidinu
Speaker lo ho piovided
100 Annual MUaioimi Sermon hj Tlios
Hithel D D
780 Anniversary of Conference Kpwoilli
League O X Dawson 1 1 presiding
Short Addi4 bj K K alter S K
Wanick J J Hurloigh and llev John I
loiichct District
Address by D K Tindall D D on
gelistic Forward Movement
s 30 Devotional Meeting and Iltisiness Session
2 f Auniursiii of Methodist Hospital and
Deacone s Home Miss Allio Ifrimnier
piusiding Speakers to he provided
1 00 Anniversary of Chinch Intension Societj
A Hodgetts D D pie ldlng
Haul D D Assist
Addre s hy Manlej s
ant Corresponding Secretar
Love Feast led by llov Halt-
li y Illain
1030 Sei nion bj Itishop Merrill
200 Memorial Services Kev C V Heyvvood
300 Oidination of Deacons nnd Ulders and
Consecration of Deaconesses
730 Anniver ary of Mi jsionary Society Piei
dent Conference MUsiotiaiy Society pre
Address by H K Carroll D D Assist
ant Coiiesponding Secretary
s30 Comploting of Hiisiness and Heceiving
Beginning Tuesday September 4 we
will sell all stock now iu store at greatly
reduced prices to make room for uew
furniture that will begin to nrrive in a
few days Hofpmax Smith
Sturgeon is tho piano man
The Methodist church promises to be
crowded tonight wheu tho Wesleyan
male quartet entertains It is ono of
the first treats of the seasou aud un
doubtedly oue of the best in that line
that will appear here Tho quartet i9
strongly orgauized iu everj particular
Chaplain McCabe says of them The
Wesleyan male quartet havo fine voices
They harmonize beautifully and are
well worthy of largo audiences
Salted peanuts at Parishs
Changing to the Cash Hauls
Owiug to the increased price of all sup
plies tho increasing number of nccouuts
the diillculty of collecting tho same ou
accouut of removal and otherwise the
time and attention it requires iu book
keeping and collecting the small ac
counts which time aud attention we
could give to our work rooms aud
give our patrons much better service we
have concluded to adopt the cash sys
tem Therefore ou and after October 1
1000 all laundry will be cash with no
Dont ask the diiivkk foii credit
Laundry delivered und customers not at
home will be returned to this oflicec unless
customer holds a coupon book and de
livered once more the following day
By this method you can always keep
posted as to the extent of your laundry
work and preveut all misunderstanding
We hope you will look at this in a busi
ness like mauner aud trust you will
make provision for payment when
lauudry is delivered For those who do
uot wish to bo troubled with small
amounts coupon book of 1 d aud 3
can bo obtained from tho driver or at our
olllco by paying cash and got u discount
of f per cent
Hoping that this will nieot with your
approval and that wo shall continue to
rocolvo your piUronago and good will
wo remain
Yours for Husltioi
Cuavkn tfe McCoy
Wanttd A man
around house and
for gonoral work
barn Steady
Dus Sam Kit
I O Wostorvolt was a county fair
Albort Degnor Is attending tho Madi
son fair today
Edmund Gow has gono to Madison to
attend tho fair
H II Horbhon of Madison was a city
visitor yostorday
E Znt was a passenger this morning
for the fair at Madison
Mr and Mrs N J Hell of Madison
wore city visitors today
Dr W 11 Doorlng of Lincoln Is lu
tho city visiting friends
Charles Verges wiih ono of tho Norfolk
visitors to tho Madison fair
Mr and Mrs O J Johnson havo re
turned from a trip to Omaha
J H Couloy was a passougor to tho
fair at Madison this morning
O O Gow Is oxpectod homo from his
visit to Now York noxt week
MissSusloThoinp aon loaves for Omaha
tomorrow to teach in the schools
Mr and Mrs J D Knoasol of Battlo
Crook v ore in tho city yesterday
Halsoy Giluou and Olytlo Iiayos wont
to tho Madison county fair today
Mrs M B Myers of Stanton was iu
tho city yesterday doing somo shopping
C S llnyes has returned from n busi
ness visit to Tildeu and other towns
E W Bates went to Missouri Valley
yesterday to visit his daughter u short
Mrs A J Johnson nnd daughter
Miss Frauces roturutd at noon from
Fred Parker left today for Andover
Mass to resume his studies In Phillips
Tho Mioses Leuer and Miss Ida
Tauuuku of West Point went to Madison
this morning
Al Mudsen und Goorgo Davis wont to
tho fair at Madison today to enter tho
bicycle races
Mrs McBride aud Mrs O II Rey
nolds went to Madiou to visit friends
and attend tho lair
Judge D Cones of Piorco was in the
city this morning ou his way to Madi
son to attend tho fair
Paul Sissou Frank Beols Sydney
Robertson nud George Mudsen went to
tho Madison fair today
Mr aud Mrs A J Durlnud Mrs
Rutenber nud Miss Elvira Durlnud went
to Madison this morning
Burt Mapes Judge Powers J J
Clements Stcrrs MathcwHon und Harry
Rembe were part of tho crowd that
went to the Madihou fair
Messrs Fritz dander GusMarquardt
J A Donnell Max Asmus Will Ahl
man A G Bohnert and Geo Heller
members of the First regiment baud
went to Madison today to play at the
C E Doughty aud Carl Davenport
rotumed over the M O last uight
from Pouca where thoy had beou put
ting iu u furnace They went ou to
Tildeu whero they will place a furnace
iu one of the hotels of that town
J A Bonduraut of Lincoln is iu the
city iu tho interest of tho Bankers
Uniou of tho World a lodge of which
he will probably install iu Norfolk
Mr Bonduraut is a brother of J M
Bonduraut who died in this city home
two years ago
W E Rice representing the Two
Merry Tramps company was in tho
city today billing that attraction for the
Auditorium on the 1th of October The
company appears on a day when there
is certain to bo a good crowd in Norfolk
aud will almost surely draw a largo
Hardings creamery butter at diss
Farm laud and city property for sale
by G R Seiler
Farm aud city loans
The DurtLAKD Tnust Co
Union IuciliR Kxcnrslou
To St Louis Mo account St Louis
fair one fare for rouud trip selling
Sept JJOth to Oct nth Return finnl
limit Oct 8th
F W JuNESiAv Agent
Smoke the She She
fi cent cigar in town At E
is tho best
N Vails
DrFrank Salter Diseases of children
Coming Soon
mw aU v U IjVr
Wood Wards Two Merry Tramps
MdKlnley and Hoonntcll Itrpi evented In
Norfolk lij nil Aollv e l gaiilnl Inn
Tho first mooting of the MolCiuloy
and Roosovolt club held last oveulng lu
tho law olllces of Maprn iV Haon oil
oill of Secretary I tollman of tho old
club was vory much of a Hucross and
much onthuslasm was shown
1 E Slmpsjm was olootod temporary
chairman and M O Itaon temporary
Tho constitution and by laws of tho
old olub woro amoudod lusomo
lars and adopted
Messrs Simpson and llaon worn thou
mado tho permanent president and sooro
tary of tho club
A commlttoo ou Homriug a hall con
sisting of Mossrn M O Walker V N
Huso aud MD Tylor was appointed
with Instructions to report al tho next
W II Uuohol was olocted as treas
urer of tho club
A committee to nominate vice presi
dents was named as follows P V
Spreohor W II Wldaman II A Paso
walk 1 L Horshlsor and J F Hop
Tho oxooutlvo commlttoo with Presi
dent Simpson and Secretary Haou as
ox oftlolo members consists of tho fol
lowing M 0 Walker II M RobortH
1 II Vau Horn W H Rlsh 0 P
Byorly and L L McKlm
Tho meeting adjourned to meet again
Friday night at tho sumo placo when tho
organization will bo further completed
and when tho oxooutivo committee Is
expected to report on arrangontonts for
the Roosovolt mooting on October I
School supplies at Jhristophs
Fresh celery at GllHsinaus
Mayor ItoburlHon AaIh Conti lliiitlnnx lo
AIM the Milloilni
NouroiK Neb September II 1100
A terrible calamity has visited the
people of Galveston aud other points lu
Texas so that a large number of them
are homeless and HulVermg I thoroforo
call upon all tho charitably disposed
citizens of this city to contribute to
their aid You cau make your contribu
tions at oithor of tho banks of tho city
Will you act promptly
W M Ronriirsov
A Wise Woman tho throo act
musical comedy by Wilfred Clarice who
is also responsible for that great suc
cess Oh Susannah 1 has boon secured
for tho near futuro at tho Auditorium
This is a fortunate booking for Manager
Spear aud ono worthy of spoclal notico
as tho attraction is to bo seen In but
very few one night htands this senson its
time having been nlmost entirely booked
in the larger cities of tho country This
is strong evidence of tho strength of the
f Cor Summer Outing
The Rocky Mountain regions reached
via the Uuiou Pacific provide lavishly
for the health of tho invalid and tho
pleasure of tho tourist Amid these
rugged steeps aro to bo found some of
tho most charming nnd restful spots on
earth Fairy lakes nestled amid sunny
peaks and climate that cheers and ex
hilarates Tho summer excursion rates
put in effect by the Uulou Pacific enablo
you to reach these favored localities
without unnecessary expenditure of
time or money
In effect Septeiuler -1 to 18 One fare
plus i200 for the round trip from Mis
souri river to Denver Colorado Springs
Pueblo Ogden and Salt Lake City
Return limit October Jilst 1000
For time tables and full information
call on F W Junemnn Agent
F I V hi V Hie Northwestern Line
Home Visitor Cxciirnloo
Fine opportunity to visit the old homo
or friends in the east by taking excur
sions leaving Norfolk on September 10
and 20
One fare plus J for the round trip
with return limit October 31 to points
in Iowa Minnesota Illinois Wisconsin
South Dakotn east of tho Missouri
river aud Missouri on nud north of tho
St L it S F It R including St Louis
aud Chicago
Information about train connections
etc will bo cheerfully furnished
H C Matbau Ageut
Special Excursion
The C St P M O Ry will sell on
Sept 10th and 2lth excursion tickets to
poluts on tho C St P M O and Chi
cago aud Northwestern railways to aud
beyond Lake Crystal Minn at oue fare
plus H for tho round trip For further
information call ou F W Juueman
Special Hates to the Kait
September 20 1000 Chicago St
Louis St Paul Minneapolis and other
points iu Iowa Illinois Michignu Min
nesota Wisconsin Missouri North
Dakota One fare plus f 00 for tho
round trip via the Union Pacific from
Nebraska poiuts For full information
call on or address F W Juuemau agent
A Mountain TourUt
In search of graud aud beautiful
scenery liuds such a profusion of riches
iu Colorado that before plauuiug a trip
it will bo well for you togain nil the in
formation possible The Denver Rio
J Grande railroad publishes a series of
useful Illustrated pamphlots nil of which
may bo obtained by writing H IC
Hooper General Passenger and Ticket
Agont Denver Colo
or Titt
Kedeinplloii fund with It S
TiiMHiirnr 1 per cent of
Citizens National Bank
At Norfolk lu tho state of Nebraska
at tho close of business
Soptoinbor r I ilK
Ioiiiih and illRdiimlt U1M 11
Overdraft neenred ami uiimiciunil AM 11
H Ilondit lit ncrnrit rircitlnllim 2irXI 00
Hanking lioiie furniture and lliltirei 1137 CO
Oilier real intnln and inorl
rtininn iiwiieil 11300 011
Due fiom National llntikft mil
Itenervo gentn f 1tOO 00
Due from Slate llankn ami
llmkiirA ail5 u
Due mm approved ieervn
annntn 17 177 m
I n tern n lllnvnnnn Slum pi 112 III
Clliirlm and oilier nauli Itenin HUM
Note of
I lull kn
other National
Krartlotiat paper currency
lllnVeln amleenU
lwvKiil MtiNKt ltlmuw in
IIvnk U
Lean I tender iiiilun
21110 mi
M t
1010 00
1000 00
lWMil 3t
I no oo
10701 B 04
Capital Ktock paid In r0X0 00
HuriiliM fund nr oil
Undivldeil iitnllt Ihm nxpeinteH and
paid riM3 9Ti
National Hank notm onlntaiidlim 2i0XI 00
Dun lo other Niitiounl ImnM IM 17
Due to Stale llaukn and
Hankem J VI VI fiO
Divldendn Cnpalil 3W 00
Indlvlilual depoilLs Hiiliject
to check tjoi III
Demand certificate of de
ponll 12i2 111
Tlineeertlllraten of depoult lllii2 II
I107r M
CalneiH clinekH
inx m co
Total irill7OIH 01
State of Nelunnka count of AladUoti m
I I A ltllkalt nnwlllilll nf llii
nained bank ilo Kolemulv nvveai that the aliovo
Htnleineiit Ih tine lo the hett of my kninvledipi
anil hlier I A llilllviu
Hubei iheil and hvvoi ii lo Indole inelhia 11th
dav of Seplemhei I IKX
Iiikd II Iuii
I Hi M Nolar Iliblie
Cllllldl I
Mil Ahvii M
Cm v- S lliiiiiin
CuiiiIiik Soon
i I J 41 tvHvfV fflJJwVWv
Wood it Wards Two Merry Tramps
AttornejN at Law
1 II limine
M D Tyler
Mast Block - - Norfolk Neb
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeoa
Ollice Cltireus National Hank Iluildiiifr
Telephone 101
Sanitarium aud Residence Mam anil 13th St
Telephone 9
Norfolk - - Nebraska
511 South Oth Street Norfolk
Olllce over Citi79un Nntiouiil Hmk Hosldeuca
ouu hloak north of CouKieatioual church
Norfolk - Nebraska
Olllco over Leonards Dru Store
Norfolk - Nebraska
Fashionable Dressmaker
Dp btalre lu Cottou block over Damns stora
Kkit clasd vvork uarauteed
Attorneys at Law
Hooins 10 11 ami 12 Mnstjliloct
Norfolk Nebraska
Undertaken and Eiubalinera
Seiious Hlk Norfolk AvoJ
Norfolk Nebraska
Attorney at Livt
Rooms I and 2 Robertson Wigton
Block Norfolk