The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 13, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Will be Here During the After
noon of October 4
Tim InteriitirUlM Anlo1 vpet Inti ruin
1roni tlio YVi t nt 1 i in ami ISoiiiiiln
nllHlt lliiur iiiiilolriMriitliiiilioulil
tin Miuli fur 111m lticitliiu
Chairman Whit la of the county ro
publican central coinmittie lias receivul
n letter from C M Rim of the state
central committee notifying him that
Governor Roosovi It will arrive in Nor
folk from Xolifth nt 1 m p m October
4 anil depart at 2 i m for Stanton
Hh will bo nccoiupanicd by Hon Curtis
Guilds jr of Hoston nnd lion John
Proctor Clark of New York pergonal
fiiends of the governor Senator Dol
liver of iowa will probably accompany
them also They will conio by special
train nnd Mr It 13 Schneider na
tional committeeman will be in chaise
of the party The speeches must be
made off the right of way as tho rail
road companies will not permit of
speeches from the rear ond of train or
depot platform Mr Higg advises the
erection of a small stnud ns near tho
track as possible so that little time will
bo consumed in getting from and return
ing to train Mr Rigg says the com
mitteo will bo glad to funnsh it good
speaker before the arrival of the train or
if thought best will furnish ono to con
tinue tho meeting after tho departure of
the train Tho train must leave piomptly
at the appointed time in oidor that nco
pie in other towm are not deprived of
the time allowed thorn
Tho mutter of making arrangements
for the Roosevelt meeting should bo
taken up by the McKinley club at it
meeting tomorrow night and tho place
where the meeting will bo held should
be auuouuced at once Arrangements
should bo made to have appropriate
banners strung noios the streets there
should be n liberal display of national
colors special trains should be secured
to accomodate those who desire to come
nud hear the next vice president of the
United States and ample provision
made for the entertainment of a large
crowd of people
Will In In Norfolk Octoliei I ut 1 In
tin Afternoon
The itiaerary announced for Governor
Roosevelt of New York gives Norfolk i
minutts on the afternoon of October 4
The only other towns on his trip for
that day to have 0 minutes are Valen
tino and Fremont except when Omaha
is readied whero ho will devote the
evening other towns get 15 minutes
The following nre tho dates for October
Valentine 700 7-
Aius worth 810 8
ONeill 11 K0 1 1 -
Neligh 121- 100
Norfolk 1j
Stanton 2r s00
West Point J r0 4 0
Fremont 5 00 580
Blair 010 i25
Omaha 700
E A Orum is in the city from Creigh
A P Childs ot the Times Tribune
spent Sunday in Wayne
Miss Elinor Coffeene leaves this week
for a visit in Omaha and Council Bluffs
Miss Jennie McCormick returned last
evening from a visit to Mrs Fox in
Frank Davenport and family are now
settled in the lies cottage ou West Nor
folk avenno
Durland Tracy have sold a quarter
section of land west of Meadow Grove
to J W McCallum
Mrs A K Shurtleff returned to her
home iu Omaha today after a visit at
the home of J B Muylard
Wm Butzke who hus beeu visiting
his brother-in-law Albert Degner has
departed for his home in Wisconsin
Mrs Sachtou of Baird this state is
expected to arrive in tho city today to
visit her parents Mr and Mrs I G
The hat k of D D Bransou broko
down last night during the storm in
front of the Lincoln school building on
Third street
Twonty young friends assisted Earl
Shurtz in celebrating his birthday yes
terday at his home on Park avenue be
tween Fourth and Fifth streets The
occasion was most enjoyable
Edward W Madseu and bride arrived
in towu this uoon from tho west to
spend n day or two at the home of tho
grooms mother before returning to
Missouri Valley where they will make
their home
R H Reynolds returned Saturday
night from Sibley Iowa where ho has
been erecting brick buildings during the
past thiee months for a short visit with
his family Ho will have work there
for some time yet as his contracts are
now juut half llnishf d
A party of young folks assembled at
tho home of Rev J J Parker Inst night
to bid farewell to Dwight Pieice who
returns to his home in Omaha and Fred
Parker who depart soon for Andovei
Mass to re enter school Tho o tiling
as very en joyably spent
Mrs S F Dornn and children arrived
lift night from Scribner nnd will mnko
this their home in futuio Mr Doran
is employed in tho Fair store They
will live in the Gerecko house on South
Fiftli street
Tho Norfolk club keeps open honso to
night nt their rooms in the Mast block
and all who possibly can should take
advantage of their goneiosity nnd view
their looms nud arrangements
The pay roll of Company L for the
per diem of tho olllcers and men while
attending tho state encampment at
Hnstings has been received by the
olllcers hero Tho total amount Ih
21111 18
Hon John R Hays addressed tho Mc
Kinley club at Neligh Saturday ovening
Tho club rooms were not adequate to
tho ciowd that wished to henr Mr Hays
nnd tho meeting was adjourned to the
opera house which wns well tilled The
icmnrks wore enthusiastically received
Tho Biynn club has opened headquar
ters in the old Jonas building recently
vacated by Walters second hand store
and tho hiom is being placed in readi
ness for nctive campaign work with E
A Lindenmn in charge Mr Lindeman
asserts that tho club now hns n member
ship of over 175
Tho Madison county reunion of old
soldiers nnd sailors will bo held in
Battle Creek Thursday Friday and Sat
urday of next week Good speakers
are promised for each day and evening
Fine music both vocal nnd instrumental
will be rendered Tents hay and wood
will bo furnished freo to those wishing
to go into camp Everybody is invited
to attend
The Madison county fair opens today
at Madison Quito a number of Norfolk
people have gone over to attend but th
attendance promises to bo much larger
from this city during tho other days of
tho week The rain of last night will
probably interfere somewhat with open
ing events but it is not unlikely that the
weather duiing the balance of the ses
siou will bo all that could be nsked ior
It will be in session Wednesday Thurs
dny and Friday Much interest is shown
in the special racing event for 2-year-olds
nnd it is likely that the Norfolk at
tendance on Friday will be large on that
Tho rainfall of Inst night was not
whnt would especially be desired by beet
groweis and the fnctory folks as it may
delay the harvest of the ciop and the
opening of the campaign for a week or
uioie although it has not jot been de
termined that such will bo the result
It is quite likely if the weather con
tinues warm that tho beets will be
started growing again in which case
tho ripening process will be delayed It
had been planned to stait tho faetoiy
going tho last of this week or the first of
next but that will now depend on the
effect of tho rain on the begets ns deter
mined by the tets between now nud
The first meeting of tho Norfolk Mc
Kinley club is to be held at tho law office
of Mapes Hnxcn tomorrow evening
Every republican interested in the out
come of the election this fall should be
present Reports will be received from
committees and steps tnkeu to open the
campaign in earnest Republicans here
as elsewhere have been too confident
and have been somewhat slow in mak
ing a movement but it is now high
time that something should be done
They have the best cause in the world
and should work for it with a will It
has been demonstrated that when Nor
folk republicans become thoroughly
nroued they accomplish wonders and
now is the time to arouse
Mayor Robsrtson has issued ail nppenl
to tho citixens of Norfolk for aid ior the
sufferers of the Gnlveston Texas dis
aster who iu one night were robbed of
their homes and property and in which
ninny citizens lost their Ilvps Tho ap
peal should be promptly generously nud
patrioticnlly met There has not been a
storm disaster Jo equal it in years nnd
the suffering will bo ncuto and terrible
if not relieved nt once President
McKinley has ordered 10000 tents and
50000 rations to tho stricken locality ior
immediate relief but tho generous peo
ple of the union should nssist in re-establishing
tho homes destroyed nud
Norfolk people will undoubtedly con
tributo of their prosperity to this end
The Wesleynn Mal quartet is to en
tertain tho people of Norfolk at the M
E church next Thursday evening
This quartet hns visited hero before and
gave exoelleut satisfaction to lovers of
muBio The personnel of the company
hns been somewhat changed Finca their
last visit but the changes are said to be
for the better D D Truesdell tho
new bass is highly recommended The
Lincoln Journal says of him Mr
Truesdell has n remarkably low voice
and the Washington Iowa Gnxetto
states that he hns one oi the richest
voices henrd in Washington The
other members are well kuown being G
F Irelaud tenor and whistler F W
Fnrmer tenor W E Roe buritone
and A Roy Israel impersonater After
this trip the quartet is to go east and the
people of the Jcuy may not have the
pleasure of hearing them again for some
time nud this opportunity should net
be missed
The rainfall last night wns a record
breaker for the yenr in this vicinity and
was probably unpiecedi nted in tho his
tory of the state in theninount of rainfall
in so shoit n space of tiinn During the
yenr since Match the recoid for 21
hours shows nothing to qunl it nnd lat
nights record wns made in much less
than 21 hours being but littlo longer
than 12 hours from the time it had
commenced to rain until it had ceased
Tho go eminent gnngo shows a preclpi
tation of thrco and thrco qunrter inches
last night Tho largest rainfall dining
21 hours in March shows 7S of nn inch
Apiil 111 Muy fill June II July
122 August 150 Comparison with
these tecords shows last nights precipi
tation to hne been more than twice as
heavy as the heaviest of any piecedlng
21 hours during the year It wasnt
what could be termed a downpour but
wns steady apparently nil night long
A gieut donl of the water soaked into
thoenith which was very dry but
much of it ran off and tho waterways
show a considerable nso It will bene
fit Into pastures and assist in fall plough
ing hut most of this years crops in o
past need of rain and its benefits will
therefore not be large It was welcome
however iu that it laid tho dual and
cooled the atmosphere
Miss McKnne of Sioux City is the
guest of Mrs 11 H Hull
Chns II Johnson returned Inst night
from a business visit to Oniitln
Ben Barshinger of the union depot
wn nu Oninha visitor yesterday
Rev nnd Mis F P Wigton of Os
mond are in the city meeting oldtime
Miss Kathenne Shaw will Wvo Sat
urday for Omaha where she will enter
Burt Mipes went to Oinnha today to
attend a meeting of the republican state
central committee
Mrs R II Day expels to leave the
lust of the week for a visit to her old
home in southern Iowa
Mrs Bowser is in the city from
Omahn She is on her way west over
tho F E A M V road
A substantial brick walk is bting laid
around tho residence of Dr 11 T Holden
on West Noifolk avenue
Chas Rliidall of Newman Grovo in
rived in the city Inst evening to attend
the senatorial convention today
Tns Henderson formerly a merchant
at Clenrwater is in the city lie is go
ing on a trip over the Short Lino to find
a new location
Mrs Sidle Dmel ald baby daughter
oid granddaughter ot G D Smith will
umivc tonight fiom Srnwbetiy Point
Iovvu to make a isit
Deputy Sheriff A J Koenigtem has
resigned the position and will take n
courno at the Noitwesteiu College of
Phatnincy at Chicago
Harry Sheldon of Omahn who has
been visiting his cousin Mus Minnie
Ciow stenographer ntthosugar lactory
returned to his homo today
A smnll party of erenaders were out
entertaining friends Inst evening with
mandolin and guitar music Just One
Girl was a fnvored selection
Tho fnmily of P J Connolly a fire
man on the F E 6c M V rond will re
move to Fremont tomorrow Mr Con
uoly now having a ruu out of that city
Last night seemed nlmost cold enough
for a frost but nothing more than n
heavy dew developed Tho coolness
was however a gentle warning that
the frosty nights are ot far in the
A F Maltby of Denver Col will
move into his house on South Tenth
street now occupied by Robert Utter
Mr Utter will move into the house re
cently vacated by Frank Daveupoit on
North Eighth street
W II McNeal editor of tho Wayne
Herold is in town on a double mission
to attend the senatorial convention and
to advertise tho Wayne street fair
which iH to be held on September 21 nnd
22 aud which is promised to be the
best ever
Lynch Journal Yosteidny nioining
Dr P II Salter of Noifolk assisted by
Dr Irn performed an operation on Mrs
S P Hight for enncer Though Mrs
Hight is 0 1 years old and tho operation
was quite critical she stood the ordeal
nicely and is now doing well
L M Deans son has sent him from
Fresno California n photograph of one
of tho harvesting machines used in that
country It requires 10 horses and four
men to operate it aud not only cuts the
grain but threshes it as it proceeds It
is said that 40 acres per day can be
handled by the machine
A large number of the friends of Clyde
Adums surprised him last evening nt the
home of bis parents on South Fifth
street the occasion being in celebration
of his birthday A very pleasant tune
was enjoyed till after midnight The
unexpected callers brought along re
freshments of enke and fruit
The Biyau club held n meeting in its
campaign headquarters last night v Inch
was very well at tended Short addresses
wero made by various members of the
club which wero well received by thoe
in attendance Tho fusionists of Nor
folk are very much nhve and active and
takiug a deep interest in the campaign
to be held tonight at otlok at the law
olllco of Mapis A Haen Piepaiatlons
for the Roosevelt meeting on the ttli of
October me to be made nnd plans for at
tending to the big crowd that will turn
out to hear tho governor should at once
bo perfected and mUeitlsed
Politics nre getting Humid up in Nor
folk and political conversation is becoiu
ing the absoibing theme It lacks con
slderableof being as intense as In lSHil
and there is not the liino devoted to
political argument that there was nt
that time It will probably be lively
enough however before the campaign
closes tu November to satisfy the most
tabid politician
1 he Noifolk club which has u mem
beishipof 0 u ty pleasantly enter
tained a number of ft lends last evening
at their looms inhe Mast block Tho
rooms aio veiy nicely furnished and
will be n convenient and pleasant place
fur inembeis to spend spare bonis dur
ing the winter Ills nuticipited that
tho membeihhip will bo iucicnsul when
the benefits me fully undet stood
Fred Rutheiford of La Giand Oiegon
and Miss Knio Pohlnian of this city
who united m mariiage at II ill this
morning at the Catholic paisonngc aud
left this noon for tliegon whcie
thev will make ther home The wed
ding wns a quiet atlair but lew ot the
immediate lelntivesiind fiiends ot tin
contracting patties being present The
groom is a ruihonl man and was lor
ineily employed in tho shops of the l1
I A- M V company at this place The
btule is well known here having lived
with the family of her uncle Jos Pohl
nian during his long tesulence in Nor
folk She is an attractive young ludy
of prepossessing manners and pleasing
disposition and lias a host ol fnends in
Norfolk who will uinto in extending
their most felicitous cougratul ilious to
tho happily muted couplo
Ir J B Mnxlleld forntetly presiding
elder of the Norfolk distntl M K
church but more recently presiding
elder of tho Oninha dit tiict aud for
years n leader in tho Methodist chinch
of Nubiaska died yesterday at Moulder
Col wheie he had been taken hoping
for benelit to Ins failing health The
body will bo taken to Ohio for interment
and will pasH through Omaha tomnrinw
The doctor his nmuy ti lends in Noifolk
and wll be leniembered us a veiy abli
preacher having spoken hero a niiuihci
of tunes and always to good audiences
Asaiesultot an apoplctic stroke the
deceased has not been actively engiigi d
iu cliuich wotk for a number of yens
anil wns tetired at tho 1 ist session of the
Noith Nebraska conference held in
Omaha last year He was a liieuibei of
tho first board ot ngentsof the Nebraska
state university
It is said that a town never indulges
m the second street fair Fremonts
street fair is in progiess tins week and
from the complaint heud by n gentle
man who was then yesteiday it lb not
probable that that town will have an
other street fair iu tho near future
The expense of tho entertiinnient is
running about 2000 more than had
been estimated and subscribed while
tho benefits accruing aio merely nom
inal Tho town is full of midway shows
of a questionable character and gam
bling is being conducted under various
guises in prominent places on the streets
The rain of Monday night destroyed
many of the expensive decorations and
tho enterprising people of that city who
are trying to enteitain crowds of thdr
neighbors feel that evon tho elements
are against them and with weary ex
pressions upon their faces they are
anxiously wnitiug for tho week to end
Wherea0 It has pleased our heavenly
Father in his wisdom nnd lovo to call
from our Sabbath school ftionds and
loved ones our beloved associnte Mamie
Scott Roberts wo bow iu humblo hub
mission to His diviuo will und say He
doeth all thngs well
Be it resolved That in her gong
from us to tho better world wo shall
all miss her interesting nnd helpful
association her sweet songs and loving
life nnd shnll better appreciate tho
words of the Muster w ho said of such is
tho Kingdom of Heaven
Be it further resolved Thnt these
resolutions be sprpad upon the record of
the Sabbath school and n copy presented
to her parents
Adopted by the Sunday school of the
Methodist Episcopal church Noifolk
Nebraska Suuday moruiug September
0 1000 by a ununinions rising vote
M O Hazen
Lottji Kuhl Superintendent
Kxjmlillciin MeetliiRH
Hon John R Hays republican candi
date for congress from tho Third con
gressional district is billed to speak as
Nowman Grovo Soptember 15
Wakefield September 17
Wausu September lb
Osmond Septemlier 10
Laurel September 20
Leigh Soptember 21
Albion September 22
Dim tor Vonritnlt Ht Home
Send for a freo copy of Doctor
Humphreys Manual giving treatment
and euro ot tho sick in nil ailments
Humphieya Company P O Box 1810
New York
JteptiuJicans snoultl keep in -mind tho Chns II Johnson was n passenger
meeting of the McKinley clubwhich is for Omaha this morning
Vi iV
f fnri - 1 I
I J ml n - Ufc I ri lri Lit - -
kTi t vl -
i virS
v YwBftrr 71 i
sr rm
P i i
i i
W i
i a Ml
HERE is only one kind of Cleanliness but
there arc many kinds of soap There is
only one destination but there arc many
paths that lead to it If you want the short
est and safest road to Cleanliness it is paved with
Ivory Soap Neither man nor clothes ever get
beyond the cleansing power of Ivory Soap Its rich
creamy lather extracts every particle of dirt but
it stops at the dirt Ivory Soap- - it floats
coFtftHtHt v ti rot fim rumi r i ticiNAti
The Nomination Made by Ac
Miintfin Mini Will llipi ihiIiI llin lliMiilli
IIUlilil In tint t Stnlu IikIhIiiIiii
Niiiiilniitloii Aiiiptril In ii Slim t iiihI
Ill Illll S h
W W Young ol Stanton was nom
inated as candidate foi state senator
from tho Eleventh seuntoiial distiiet at
tho lepuhlicau convention thirl after
noon by acclamation
The republican convention tot the
Eleventh senatniiil ilistiict met at the
city hall The convention was called to
oidei at I 15 by Hon John I Biesslei
oi Wayne ehaiiiiimi of the central com
On motion O A liindall of Madison
county was elided temporary clmiimtm
and Thos Chilveisol Pierce toniporuy
secretin y
A committee of tlnee was iippoiutcjl
on ciedentuils consisting ot Chaeo of
Wayne A F Knos of Stanton and Win
Paikinson of Madison
fter a short recess the omuiitteo on
ciedentuils repoited the unities ol those
entitled to seats in the convention aud
the report was adopted
The temporary organization was then
made permanent
Tlie convention being ready foi the
business for which it was called the
chair announced that nominations of
candidates were in order
On behalf of Madison county feo
N Becls placed the name of W W
Young of Stanton before theconvention
This was seconded by a Wayne county
There being no other nominations the
rules weie suspended and Mr Young
was declared tho unanimous choice of
tho convention
Mr Young was called for and in a
short forceful speech said that while
he had not sought the nountintiou and
would have been better pleased had it
gone somewhere else yet ho would ac
cept tho trust and do his utmost for suc
cess He said ho had never been u
moral coward nor a political coward
and he is prepared to take defent cheer
fully if need be but when I am de
feated in this campaign it will be at tho
end of ono of the hardest fought battles
ever seeu in this district Mr Young
thnnked the convention for the manner
iu which the nomination came to him
and promised that if elected ho would
endeavor to represent the wholo district
in tho state senate next winter
The following named wero selected
members of tho senatorial central com
Madison county P F Sprecher
Stantou county A F Kuos
Wnyuo county D C Main
Pierce county Dr J M Alden
1 fa
Mr Young was inithoiled to elect
the chiiiimini and secidniy of the com
The een 1 1 tl committee waseiupowen il
to 1111 any viunncy that niiy ireui
Mr Young has minimi A K ICnos ie
fhnii man of the coiumiltcn and P K
Spiecher as seerelaty
lit i iii ol niiMllrnii Ciiiinly
N liriiHliii
Iii the matter ot the etalo of M h
A iiili us ilei eased
This cause ctntn on foi lietiiiug ii on
the pinilinii ol Mart Mlp s v
lie liouis noil ol the estate nl M 10
Am ill ceased praylp lor license to
sell the liiHow nig di i i lni ienl
HIM tin the i utiiy l MwJt m in
the stale ol Nubriivkn to wit Lots one
I wvo 2 thtee CI l ut I and live
5 ol lik i k one 1 1 ol Kens subdivision
ot lib k Ileeii lnoi DiiHey jiliici jid
dititui to Noilok Junction ir a
lent union it to li ug I lie sim ofc I II
for the v iiienl ofdihs illowed against
f il es iiu und thncolol a liuinis
t on tin ic not being snlllient pr
i I ipei ry lo j iv th said debts and
e lensc
It is ficulo c ord ltd that nil pei oiih
inleies ed in sni eslnt nppe ir before
me at Up cilice el M i nnd Ihen m
ibocilvpf Noilok in Mi hst ii poimlv
Neliraslii on the ITrh d iv I Snpn ml r
TOO nt one oclrrk p in to show eausp
why n lieiises1oili I not be ginited to
the said iidiniiistintor to soil mi iiiui h of
the above disci ibed ieil estate of said
eil te as shall be necessaiy and p ij said
debts mid i pi uses
Dated tins 1th dnv ol ugust liino
Hoi ILs VMs
Judge of the IJis rid Court
A vt ry deciiublu SO a liis H cl ly hud
for sale m miles southeast of Norfolk
Make mo in oiler for it quick
1 Dl tIASU
Does the
Baby Thrive
If not something must be
wrong with its food If the
mothers milk doesnt nour
ish it she needs SCOTTS
EMULSION It supplies the
elements of fat required for
the baby If baby is not
nourished by its artificial
food then it requires
Scotts Eifsylsioi
Half a tcaspooniul thtzc
or four times a day in its
bottle will have the dsiircd
effect It sccrns to have a
magical effect upon babe
and children A fifty cent
bottle will prove the truth
of our statements
Should be taken In summer as
well as winter Y
IOC jmt Jl a II lrusvlit T
S OTToi II M i i c ii vv Yoi
9 7 t2d BBrPB
At Pavilion 15th Street and Capitol Avenue Omaha
Stptsmbor 3d to 30th Inolusiva
IlBELLSTEDTS oonqert band
This famoiii Band was at the Exposition taut yrar and charmaA
everybody ib Miulclana each a mr Or and Parade
icalAdiulMlouc Low rvM ion illBKi Excellent side attraction