The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 13, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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More Stone for Use
Street Crossings
lril III l IMpiIiIIkIkcI fur rropurtv
iHlirr DikItIiik to llnllil 0uitil WhIIih
IVoptn mi Mnlli SlriMl Wunt Wiitnr
LnrgK Nmitliiir of lllll Allouril
Jrom Iriitnyn Dully
A regular meeting of tho city council
-was held Inst evening when thero were
present Mayor Robertson Couneilmcn
Brunnnnnd Mullock Beck Degncr
Grant nnd Uhlo Absent Heckniiui nnd
Minutes of udlourncit reirulnr meet
ings of August I and August lit were
rend nnd approved
Report of treasurer for August wive
rend and referred to auditing coniinitton
showing balances an followH Wenornl
fund 100 112 interest fund ilUI j
wntor fund 111015 road fund 11075
inking fund flro department
Report of treasurer for July and Aug
ust nnd of polico judge for Inly and
August woro reported buck from audit
ing committee as correct
On recoinmondation of Olmirnmn
Hruinniund of tho tiro and police com
mittee A II Kiosuu wa granted per
mission to oroct a brick addition to his
Committee on streets and alleys re
ported that t hoy hnd received a car of
Btono and had placed soven crossings
mid laid tho sower pipe at tho east end
of Norfolk avenno and that tho streot
signs hnd been received and necessary
lwnrds ordered for thorn Upon tho
recommendation of tho committee nn
othor car of crossing Btono was ordered
S T Adams stated to tho council that
tho property ownors on west side of
Fourth street botween Park ami Paso
walk nvenues had concluded to build a
cement walk tho ontiro length of tho
block and requested that the city estab
lish a grade for thorn
Ou motion it wns ordered that tho
city engineer bo instructed to establish
curb lino and grado for any property
owner in tho city who will put in what
is called a coment sidewalk Tho city is
to pay for sanio when walk is laid
Walks to be not less than five and a
third feet wide Provided that when
walk is not laid proporty owner must
pay for survey mado
Chairman Bullock of public works
committee presonted bid for scraping
uud painting stand pipe froniF II Cor
nell for 175 and recommonded thntjthe
bid bo not accepted in its present form
On motiou committee on public worlcs
was instructed to go with Mr Cornell
und see sample of his work in scraping
tho stand pipe and if satisfactory to
accept or reject his bid
Tho cominitteo on publio works re
ported that tho residents on Ninth street
requested that tho matter of extending
tho water mains bo agnin taken up and
roported in favor of extending the mains
ns requested It wns moved that ns
soon ns possible tho extensions nsked for
will po mndo
Tho committee on publio works re
ported that the foundation of the bell
tower is in very bad shapo and recom
mended that it bo repaired
Communication signed by C G
Dolen complaiuiug of cess pool used by
1 Beck was rend and referred to com
mittee on nuisances
Tho following bills were rend and
W II Widainansalary i0
Oscar Uhlo salary 1250
John Krantz livery if 150
Aug Pasownlk repairs 270
Metal Stamping Co street signs
ffl M
Martin Kaue snlary 50
W II Livingstou salary 10
Nebraska Telephono Co rent two
telephones 1 25
Fred Klcntz street sprinkling 20
Norfolk Priuting Co printing 1 I0
less 75 cents Amount allowed 415
Burt Mnpes salary 50
Norfolk Auzeiger printing 1050
less 288 Amount nllowed s 12
John Kraut livery 1 50
S R MoFnrland express and post
age 275
Albert Degner hardware 1810
W N Huse printing and supplies
P F Sprecher printing 2021
L O Mittelstadt lumber 101 07
H H Patterson lessee street lights
M It Green unloading car stone and
hauling hoso cart 8 less 50 cents
Allowed 750
Ed Brueggeuian work ou street 7 50
H H Hoyt labor on street 2187
O W Bnbcock Co enr 6toue
W H Law labor ou street ami side
walk 507
W A King labor on street and cut
ting weeds 22 50
John Cleinmous labor on streets
Crane Churchill Co supplies 1115
J E Simpson snlary and postage and
repairs 27
L Wetzel repairing pumps 1
John Benniug excavating 150
O O Muuweller salary and repairs
D D BrunEOHf li -
1 71
II 15
Sldlor freight mid drnyng1
Hardy coul for waterworks
V V Rraasoh coal for waterworks
I I Hrunson livory t
United States Supply Co supplies
M Kuokes work on sewer 1 50
J M Covert killing 7 dogs i
Councilman llrummund stated that
tho water commissioner had rofcrrod tho
matter of Mr D Roes claim against tho
city for expenses incurred by reason of
tho city allowing tho main to freeze to
the council On motion it was decided
that this mntter be referred to tho com
initteo on public works for adjustment
and tho water commissioner wns in
structed to make such credltH as arc
found reasonable
On motion tho third rending of ordi
nnnco No 25 wns deferred to tho next
regular meeting
Captain J II Brown and sou of
Omaha arc in the city
Mrs Werner of Nelluh is visiting
with Mrs 13 A Taylor
Mrs 13 W Stovons and son will leave
tomorrow for their now homo in Council
Bluffs Iowa
Mr and Mrs Win Smith of Burr
Oak Iowa aro visiting thoir son north
east of tho city
D M Owen camo in this morning
from Wyoming whoru ho is engaged in
railroad building
Mrs W II Riley and Mrs 13mil
Brummund aro both on tho siok list at
their homos in South Norfolk
Miss Edith McClary who began as
teacher at tho Washington school has
been transferred to the Lincoln building
Mrs N A Lockwood is in Omaha
where sho wont to attend tho wedding
of her sister Miss Edna Small which
took placo yesterdny
Frnnlc Davenport hns purchnsed tho
Uos cottngo on West Norfolk avenue
and will tako possession tomorrow It
is boiug vacated today by Mr lies
It is soini olllcially nunonnced that
Roosevelt will bo in Norfolk ou tho
afternoon of October 1 whou ho will
mako a speech Norfolk will proparo to
give him n warm welcome
O D Jenkins his brother Ed Jenkins
of Columbus and Dr Ludington of
Omaha returned last night from a
weeks hunt on tho Willow Creek They
roport oxcollont spot 182 chickens being
their record
W II Rish is completing a handsome
now cottngo in tho south part of tho
city botweeu Third ami Fourth streets
which ho has already leased The
main part of tho building is 21 by 21
with n kitchen 12 by 12
E 13 Adams hns received n letter
from his brother who is foreman of tho
paint department of a largo hearse
factory at Sterling 111 Hu writes that
MelCiuloy prosperity is very evident
there and thnt tho people uro very well
satisfied with conditions He states
that they hnvo difliculty in securing
help enough ut tho factory
Rev J P Mueller and wife of this
city and Rev Hofius and wife of Pierce
went to Battle Creek this morning to
assist in celebrating tho 25th anniversary
of tho entrance to tho ministry of Rev
Hoffman of Battle Creek and Row
Donniugor of Greon Garden Services
will bo held in tho church at Battle
Creek and a large crowd is expected to
Geo II Spear returned last night
from a visit to Omaha whero ho en
joyed threo of Bellstedts band concerts
which were of unusual excelleuco and
aro proving a great attraction to tho
peopio oi umaua no also called on
W II Wigton who is just recovering
from a sovero run of typhoid fever Ho
is not yet nble to sit up and it will bo
severnl weeks before he is able to bo out
Miss Roselln Colo entertained a com
pany of young friends at a bicycle party
last ovening Thoy met at tho Colo
homo at 7 oclock and started on their
ride enlivening the occasion with blasts
from hems and other instruments that
could be handled while enronte After
enjoying a spin through mauy of tho
principal streets of tho city thoy re
turned to tho house where refreshments
were served They hnd u most enjoy
alio time
Tho High School Athletic associntiou
held a meeting yesterday ami elected the
following officers for the ensuing term
Marshall Leavitt president Ernest
Jeneries vice president Paul Sisson
secretary nnd John Read treasurer
They organized an amateur foot ball
team but huve taken tho precaution to
strike Pierce from their list of proposed
games It Is understood that they con
template challenging Hemnu Walkers
school early iu the season
Geo L lies is moving with his
family to Sioux Falls S D Mrs lies
and daughter Louise aud Mr and Mrs
Bryant left for that placo this morning
Mr lies still remnins iu the city to fin
ish packing tho household goods and
closo up his business affairs hero which
will require a dny or two more Mr
lies work as general agent of an inur
nuce company is now all in the Dn
kotns with headquarters in Sioux Kails
aud with his family there he can see
them much ofteuer than ho has hereto
fore been able to do
D W Darlington of this County
is the Candidate
CiiliKrimloiiiil oiiviMtlnn AilJmiriiK for
Tour V Without MnldiiR n Nomina
tion -Will Mitnt A Kill n mi Octolmr III to
Nil inn n Ciuiilldiiti
Kroin KrlilnyN lnllj
Tho populist stuto senatorial conven
tion finished up its labors last evening
by placing D W Darlington in nomina
tion as candidate for state senator from
tho eleventh district The congres
sional convention did not mako a nomi
nation but adjourned for four weeks
until October l nt 2 oclock In tho after
Ex Congrcssinan Howard gave a talk
of an hour which was about tho most
stirring proposition that tho populists
of this section have been up ngninst for
a long timo Ho discussed tho situation
which confronts populists without
gloves and showed in figures which aro
luwnilil nntttrnrltnHnti flint flin nnmiltuf
with democrats is losing numbers every
dny whereas provious to four years ago
boforo it began to morgo itBolf with tho
dcmoorntB it wns growing faster than
any party that was evor established in
this country
Iu tho courso of his romnrks Mr
Howard characterized tho democratic
party as a party without priuciplo Ho
stated that ono man is responsible for
tho ratification of tho treaty with Spain
and that man is Bryan who resigned
his commission as colonel in tro army
to go to Washington and urgo tho ac
ceptance of tho treaty by which tho
United States acquired tho Philippino
islands and without whoso iutluenco
tho treaty would not hnvo boon ratified
Now this same Mr Bryan tolls us that
tho great issuo of tho campaign is im
perialism if McKinloy is ro elected wo
will straightwuy become an empire
Wo aro nttomptiug to govern tho poor
Filipino without his consent and that
is imperialism At tho very hour thnt
thoy aro howling so loud about tho
iquities of govoruiug a pooplo without
their consent this snmo democratic
party is enacting and onforcing laws
throughout tho south which disfran
chises nearly all the negroes and many of
tho poor whites and theso nro people
who hnvo a right under tho constitution
to participate in tho government and
yet say tho democrats tho issuo of tho
wholo campaign rests upon nlittlo group
of islnnds thousands of miles away and
which could not have been acquired ex
copt for the assistance given by tho
democrats I tell you you are fusing
with a party that hns no fixed prin
ciples apnrty in fact without prin
At tho closo oT Mr Howards nddress
tho senatorial convention was called to
order by the chairman Dr Bryant
Tho cominitteo on permanent organiza
tion recommonded that tho temporary
organization bo made permanent which
wus dono
Tho committee on credentials reported
giving tho names of those entitled to
seats in tho senatorial convention The
report wns adopted nud rend
Motion prevailed thattho convention
now proceed to nominate a candidate for
senator from the eleventh senatorial
district Tho name of D W Darling
ton of Madison county was proposed
and there btiug no other names
mentioned he was mado tho unanimous
choice of tho convention
Mr Darlington nccepted the nomina
tion iu a neat speech outlining bis be
lief and stating what ho will undertake
to do if elected
A central cominitteo wns elected ns
follows Stnutou county J E
Nicholns Pierce O C Wilson Mudi
son L S Simpson The conimitteo
wns empowered to nppoint n member
from Wayne county
The candidato was authorized to select
his own chairman and secretary
The congressional convention was
then called to order aud tho report of
tho conimitteo on credentials was re
ceived without reading
Tho committee on permanent organ
ization recommended that tho tompo
rnry organization bo made peruiauont
and the recommendation was adopted
The recommendation was mado that
tho convention adjourn for four weeks
or until October 4 and after discussion
the suggestion wns put in form of a mo
tion and carried
Free of CliHrte
Any adult suffering from a cold
settled on the breast bronchitis throat
or lung troubles of any nature who will
call at A K Leonardswill be preseuted
with a sample bottle of Boscheos
German Syrup free of chnrgo Only
one bottle given to one person and none
to children without order from parents
No throat or luusr remedy ever had
such a sale as BoscheoV German Syrup
iu all parts of tho oivilized world
Twenty years ago millions of bottles
were given away and your druggist
will tell you its success was marvelous
It is really tho only throat and lung
remedy generally endorsed by physi
emus Ono 75 ceut bottle will euro or
prove its value Sold by dealers in all
civilized countries
Miss Jennie- Waddel has gono to
kins for a visit with her folks
B and Dr P H Salter have
South Kihth Btrect
party under its present method of fusion
turned from Lynch Boyd county
Mrs U 13 Foster of Plnlnview wns in
the city this morning ou her way to
Jamio Larrabeo is very Bick at tho
homo of his parents on West Madison
Charley Smith of Lincoln is visiting
his parents Mr and Mrs J Smith of
this city
L M Thomas who has been laboring
iu tho interests of the K O T M hero
returned to his homo in Lincoln this
Dwight Plerco and Clyde Hayes vis
ited tho campers at the Yellow Banks
Mrs O S Bridge and daughter
Melllo nro both on tho sick list at their
homo on West Norfolk avenue
Miss Clara Spotman of Omalin who
hns been Visiting at the homo of Rev J
Parker returned homo this noon
About 20 of tho tchoolmnteS of Miss
1 luzel Leo gnvo her n very pleasant sur
prise party last ovouing at her homo
I Mrs Tlirnnv nf RnviMin ivlin linu lmnti
sick ut the homo of her sister Mrs Wil
liams for tho past threo months was
able to bo out last night for tho first
Tho ball ganio nt Stanton yesterday
afternoon between a team from that
city and ono from Wisner resulted in a
victory for tho Stantouites by a score of
11 to 4
Mr and Mrs Irviu Gcrocke aro mov
ing from the houso on South Fifth street
heretofore occupied by them to tho
Verges houso on South Tenth street re
cently moved iu from Queeu City placo
Geo E Kilsou ticket und freight
ngent at Snticoy Cnliforuin nrrived
last ovenmg over tho Union Pacific to
visit his sister Mrs J T Thompson
They hitvo not seen each other for 20
Doctors Kiesnn and TiiBhjean this
morning performed an operation for
cancer on August Neitske au old settler
living northeast of town near tho asylum
removing his lower lip Dr Hagey ad
ministered chloroform to the patient
Yesterday afternoon n jealous hus
band was looking for a Norfolk man
with a gnu in his possession and blood
iu his eye Ollicer Kane took the
weapon away from him but later in the
evening ho secured another and it is
snid fired n shot at tho citizen which
however didnt take effect
The Knights of tho Maccabees held
another very pleasnnt nnd successful
meeting Inst night initiating ten more
candidates into tho mysteries of the
order under the direction of State Dep
uty L M Thomas of Lincoln Tho L
O T M again appeared with refresh
ments and tho balauco of the oveniug
was most enjoyable
The musical entertainment given by
Mrs Ralph Hoiiry Day aud Miss Ilil
dreth E Sisson at tho Auditorium last
evening drew a fair nndionce of music
loving people Tho concert was high
class in tho strictest sense of the
word aud tho many critics present pro
nounced it faultless Mrs Dny is
wholly at home with tho piano and the
manner in which she rendered the
classics called forth her greatest genius
She has a wonderful delicate touch a
soul to interpret and power to execute
which makes be thorough musician
Miss Sisson has a pure sweet voice
which shows tho strength and refine
ment of intelligent cultivation Miss
Sissons numbers were received with
merited applause and she was obliged
several times to respond to nu encore
She has a bright musical future before
Tin News has received n copy of the
Missouri Valley Iowa Daily Times of
cho ith containing a very excellent
write up of tho marriage of Miss Lulu
May Edgecomb of that city to Edward
W Madsen formerly of Norfolk The
services were the first weddiug ceremony
performed in the new Presbyterian
church which had been beautifully
decorated for the occasion Rev J
McAllister performed the rites Tho
bridal pnrty nppeared while Miss Loin
Chapman sang O Promise Me
Tho bride was accompanied by her
cousin Miss Blache Edgecomb of Kan
sas City while tho groom wns attended
by his brother Charles Madsen of this
city The paper says of the bride that
she made a bewitching picture in her
gown of white tucked India mull and
long tullo veil She carried a large
bunch of brides roses The maid of
honor wns nt tired in white organdy aud
carried white roses Ohas Madsen
also helped receive at au informal recep
tion held at the home of the brides
parents after the ceremony about 100
guests being present A featuro of tho
receptioii was the distribution of wed
ding favors iu tho form of tiny littlo
boxes of white satin paper tied with a
true lovers knot of white ribbon Five
of the boxes contained additional fnvors
to tho oues fortunate enough to receivo
them Mr nnd Mrs Madsen have gone
to Denver nnd Hot Springs nnd will be
in Norfolk next Wednesday They will
make their homo on upper Erie street
Missouri Valley aud will be at home
after September 25th
County Delegates Met Today
at Battle Creek
Hurt Mitpr nf till City CIiohcii iih Ciuittl
iluti fur County Attorney A I Curler Ik
din Nonilnti fur Coinnilnnltinor In tin
Second lllfttrlct
from Snttirrfnrfl Dully
Tho republican county convention was
held this afternoon at Battlo Creek mid
was called to order promptly at 1 oclock
by D Whitln chairman of tho county
central committee
M D Tyler of this city wns elected
tompornry chalrmnn and Jus Nichols of
Madison temporary secretnry
A conimitteo of threo on credentinls
wns nppointed consisting of P F
Sprecher F P Princo and C A Ran
dall and n short recess was taken to al
low tho conimitteo au opportunity to
Tho coiumitteo reported no contests
aud tho delegates present were accorded
seats in tho convention
Tho temporary organization wns mndo
Delegntes to tho seuntorinl convention
of the Eleventh district which is to be
held iu Norfolk next Wednesday were
selected ns follows
M O Wnlker O A Randall O F
Moutross S O Campbell Geo N
Beols W It Martin John It Christie
Geo D Smith F II Palmer A N
McGiuuifl J S McClary M W Cnr
mody F W Richardson Jos Kil
Patrick Chris Schavlaud
Alternates W N Huse 11 Pryor
S M Dowling A B Richardson Henry
Massmnn S W DouelF P Prince C
J Hickson Chas Clark Clyde Eiseley
Henry Wetzel Win Parkinson A L
Carter A O Daniels Matt Clausen jr
aud O xV Sleeper
Louis G Bloy of Madison was nomi
nated for stnto representative from the
Twenty Third district by ncclamatiou
and acknowledged the compliment in a
nent speech thanking the convention
and promising his active endeavors in
the interest of the ticket
There was something of a contest for
county attorneyship F L Putney of
Tildeu having a strong following but
the nomination went to Burt Mnpes of
this city by a good majority The first
ballot stood Burt Mapes 84 and F L
Putney 10 Mr Mapes iu a few well
choson words expresed gratitude for the
honors that had been thrust upon him
aud returned his thanks to his support
ers nnd tho convention
J F Boyd of Oakdalo candidate for
district judge was present nud made a
very capable nddress though brief on
the issues of the campaign
Tho following resolutions were pre
sented read and adopted
Whereas It has pleased Divine Provi
dence to call from lite to thnt homo on
hidh our e teonied fellow citizen Rob
ert D Scott therefore be it
Resolved Thnt in the death of Mr
Scott Madison county loses au honest
upright and progressive citizen whose
usefulness will be missed by the com
munity and whose memory will bo
cherished by his many friends and be
it further
Resolved That the republicans of
Madison county in convention assem
bled extend to the bereaved wife and
children of the deceased their heartfelt
sympathy iu their hour of bereavement
The delegates from the Second Com
missioner district met for tho purpose of
placing a candidate iu nomination the
ballot resulting as follows A E
Campbell lSt A L Cartor 32 Mr
Carter was therefore declared the
T P Meraniinger is in town from
A large number of people from Pierce
spent Sunday in Norfolk
Mrs P F Sprecher and Miss Luella
Remy spent Sunday in Omaha
Miss Willa Allen aud Miss Leach of
Madison were city visitors Saturday
Clyde Eiseley has takeu a position in
tho hardware store of W B Fisher
W O Hall has sold his fine white
faced driving horse to W II Blnkemau
II Miller nud O Baruell have gone
to Pierce to work on the Chilvers houso
Mrs J W Edwards has roturued
from an extended visit at Henderson
F M Hoyer is in thonuty from Mis
souri Valley Iowa greeting old Norfolk
Miss Hildreth Sisson will depart Sat
urday for Delaware Ohio to resume
her studies in tho Ohio Wesleyna uni
Miss Grace Campbell begnu her duties
as teacher in the Stanton public schools
this morning
Frod Parker leaves Wednesday for
Andover Mass to rouow his studies in
Phillips ncndeniy
A Inrgo number of boats were used on
tho river yesterday tho boating nmusi
proving very popular
Aug Neltzko who wns operated on
Friday for tho removal of a cancer from
his lip is getting along nicely
Frank Eble has resigned his position as
second cook nt tho Oxnnrd aud has gono
to Fremont to attend tho street fnir
Miss Martha Parker will go to Omahn
Friday nnd will tench in tho public
schools of thnt city the coming yenr
I M Macy tho photographer iB re-
pniutingjnud papering his studio throughj
out greatly improving its appearance
Mrs 0 A Blakely nud dnughter
Lotn returned Saturday evening from
au extended visit at Concordia Knusas
Dwight Pierce who has been visiting
Fred Parker nnd other Norfolk frieuds
will leave tomorrow for his homo iu
Henry Kruse hnd a dance nt his homo
on West Norfolk avenue Inst night
which wns enjoyed by a large number of
his friends
A blue rock shoot was held ongroundB
up the Northfork river yesterdny which
was participated in by a number of
local sports
A number of young folks participated
in u plensant hay rack ride Saturday
night taking ndvautngo of tho delight
ful moonlight of thnt evening
Miss Wiunio Hnrtley has received
word that the diphtheria epidemic nt
Tildeu has spread and that her school
will not begin for nuother week
E H Luiknrt was down from Battle
Creek visiting his pareuts over Sunday
preciated by Norfolk humanity that has
been fairly sweltering the past few days
The light showers this morning
threaten to be followed by more and
heavier ones before the weather again
clears Tho cooler temperature is
The sidewalks in front of the Bear
block are being torn up and dirt filled in
preparatory to putting down cement
walks which will be laid November
Mrs R F Bruce went to Sioux City
this afternoon in response to n telegram
announcing the serious illness of her
granddaughter the child of Dwight
A number of race horse people with
their animals passed through the city
today on their way from Ci eighton to
Madison where they will enter the
Madison county racing events
A niissionfest was held by the Ger
mnu Luthernns at Stanton ytsterday
aud many from Norfolk and vicinity
attended Rev J P Mueller preached
in the morning and Rev W Hoeltzel
in the afternoon Tho two choirs from
this city attended
Fields Brewer and Perry Law were
up before Police Judge Hayes this
moruiug on tho charge of drunk and
disorderly conduct Each was fined 10
aud costs Brewer could not pay and
will lay it out in jail W H Law
promised to pay his sous flue and costs
aud he was given his liberty
Ed Wegner has disposed of his restau
raut at Alliance aud returned to Nor
folk Friday with his wife He will en
gage in some kind of business here
though he has not yet determined just
what it will be He enjoyed n good
patronage at Alliance but was not ex
actly pleased with western methods
W J Gow and J W Gibson poultry
fanciers of this city have made some
entries of their 6tock at the South
Dakota state fair to be held at Yankton
Mr Gow made eight entries of Bull
Wyandotte and bull Plymouth Rock
fowls while Mr Gibson made six en
tries sf white Plymouth Rocks and white
Robert J Mole and Gusta Christian
were united in marriage yesterdny
afternoon by Rev J P Mueller of
Christ Lutheran church nt the home of
the brides parents in Edgewnter Park
A large number of friends of the con
tracting parties were present and tho
evening was thoroughly enjoyed in cele
bration of tho event
Salted pnnuts nt Parishs
Look for the advertisements of tho
parades at Omaha and tho
ad for the Omaha Musical Festival in
this paper
Knights cf
and Oriental Garnival
OMAHA Sept 24 29
One week day and night Bigger Brighter and Bettei
than ever Grand Carnival day Wednesday 26th
Orand Daylight Parade Wednesday 20th Grand
Night Electrical Parade Thursday 27 Every day a spe
cial day Reduced ratu on all railroadi