i f t f mi or SCHOOLS Interesting Facts Gleaned from Supt Crums Report FINANCES NOTHING EXTRA Itrport Miiiwk Cniiiuileriililn InitHitciliicn In Town mill Ciiiiuli IriiMt Micmit Gikln III Ton n but n lulu or lint Ono In Count v IMntrlrla CouiUr Siiviintaulont drum has lately fiL d las third annual report on the condition of the schools of Madison county with tho statu superintendent Tho following aro snmo of tho moro in teresting features of this report KXlOXSES Of tho six town schools 1SD7 S 21 it23 1S1I 100 SJW liJOlif In 1S7 S MKS10 was reooived by these schools from saloon licenses and state apportionment and in IS 1000 11 J101U0 In 1S08 those schools closed tho year with 052800 in tho treasury nud in 1900 with 1100 Of the ii country schools 1S97 8 213Sl3 lSlHMttOO 2522107 In 1808 theso schools closed tho year with 0545 in tho troasury and in 1000 with 570 THAClinnS SALARIES Tho teachers of tho couuty earned in wages 1S97 8 Hfi77o0i lSlliMiiOO fl3143fa0 Increase 0a7a3 The average monthly salary of tho following clashes of teachers have increased as follows Malo teachers in towns from 7 82 to b742 mole teachers in tho country from 2f 81 to 121 females in towns from 4U 50 to 1152 females in country from 2S47 to 0U3 school nisinu r isdeutrdsess 1S0S town districts 02810 0 coun try districts 272045 1100 town dis tricts 0540 10 country districts 2 51421 VVLUK 01 SCHOOL IKMTKTV 1898 town districts 7011000 coun try districts U17 05 1000 town districts 10504200 country districts 30m12 AVEIIAGE XlMlimt DAYS SCHOOL lEIt DIS TRICr 1893 town districts 1718 1000 town districts 174 3 1898 country districts 148 1900 country districts 1547 SCHOOL CENSUS 1S08 town districts 3044 country districts 8053 1900 town districts 5271 country districts 3054 This is an increase of 220 in town districts and only one in the 73 country districts KUMItEll OF PUPILS ENROLLED 1808 town districts 2300 country districts 2115 1900 town districts 2700 country districts 2208 The in crease in per cent of enrollment is greater than that of tho census which indicates an increased interest in educa tion both in town and country SUMMARY The town schools have increased their expenses 370000 their indebtedness 205000 and decreased tho amount of cash on hand 4532 00 This does not include the 1 125000 of bonds issued by the Madison district this year Tho country districts have increased their expenses 382300 decreased their debts 18200 and decreased tho cash on hand 117500 The general increase of teachers sal aries indicates an increasing desire on tho part of school boards to secure quali fied teachers and their willingness to pay reasonable wages for competent service In 1897 8 21 district paid 25 per month Last year only four paid so low wages During tho last three years 837500 of bonds have been paid off and 13 55000 issued uotcounting the 1125000 issued by Madison and to be reported next year The vauo of school property shows a substantial increase as does also tho nverage number of days school per dis trict especially in the country districts which have increased a third of a month On tho whole the showing of the coun try districts is particularly gratifying Financially they aro in better condition than tho towns they have decreased their indebtedness increased tho length of term increased the enrollment while tho census remains stationary and tho increase in teachers wages shows a grow ing desire to retain strong teachers in these schools O W Chum Couuty Superintendent Ituriul of Minnie Hubert The funeral services over the remains of the late Mamio Roberts held yester day afternoon were a fitting tribute to a puro nud perfect child life by a largo and sorrowiug circle of friends of tho little ono Perhaps no child in tho city had more frieuds and fewer enemies amoug her playmates than Mamie and her presence will be missed nud siu cerely mourned not nloue by loved and loving parents who did their utmost to stay the hand of tho destroyer but by nil with whom she came in contact Short services were held at the house by Rev G H Main assisted by Dr Fletcher M Sisson while the choir of the M E church furnished appropriate music Tho house could not accommodate all who desired to attend and the ioral tributes from friends both present aud ftoseut were abundant and beautiful those presented by the Degree of Honor the public sohool class and by classmates of the Sunday school being especially beautiful At Prospect Hill comotory where in terment took place the services were very touching Tho grave had been carefully lined with white and decorated with sprigs of evergreen by thoughtful and sympathising friends After tho services of song and prayer each of tho little maldons classmates of tho public and Sunday schools dropped n single lower and tho sceno was thoroughly illustrntivo of the regard in which she was hold by her youthful associates Mary 13 Scott Roberts was 12 years I month and 12 days old Sho was born in Antelope county noar Crolghtonund canio hero with her parents seven years ngo last springand during her residence hero ties hnvo been formed that wero unusually strong and the grief folt by tho parents and relatives is scarcely moro keen than thnt oxporiencod by her youthful ncqualutaticcs Those who wero present at the funeral from out of town wero Mrs S A Baker of Lynch grandmother of tho de ceased Mrs Allio Harper of Brunswick n cousin Mrs Minnie Kelso of Grand Island daughter of Mr Roborts Mr nud Mrs A S Scott of Plnluviow nuut nnd uncle of tho docoasod MR SCOTT PASSES AWAY lMltor or tho lluttln Crook Rntorprlio IMril Shortly After Noun Tuiliiy Robert D Scott editor of tho Battle Creole Enterprise succumbed to Brights disease at his homo in Battle Crook shortly after 12 oclock today Tho funeral which will probably bo held to morrow afternoon will bo conducted under tho auspices of the Masonic fra ternity Robert Scott was born in Marion Vir ginia 12 years ago and when about 25 years old ho camo to this couuty aud locatod in Battlo Greek In 1S37 ho established tho Enterprise which ho has published continuously since with over increasing success Twelve years ago ho was married to Miss Brecheiseu who together with five children the eldest 11 years old and the youngest two mouths survive and mourn his loss Mrs Scotts parents still live at Battle Creek and upon them she leans in this hour of allliction He was a member of the Masonic order Knights of Pythias Modern Woodmen and Royal Highlanders and leaves friends where he had acquaint ances He was a kind father and loving husband and always spoke of his fam ily with pride He leaves his family well provided for in a iuaucinl way At the time the message came from Battle Creek tho hour of the funeral had not been definitely fixed but it was thought that it would be held tomorrow afternoon Not for a long time have tho types told a story with as much reluctance as the announcement of the death of Bob Scott Although the messago was not unexpected yet his manly fight ngainst the nugol of death has been so strong and enthusiastic that it did seem as though ho would win in the end But it was willed otherwise and bravo Bob Scott has gone to the great hereafter Until two years ago it is probable that Mr Scott had never known a sick day He was of a strong robust constitution hale healthy and happy In the fall of 1SDS he caught cold which developed into the grip aud remained with him nearly all winter This left him with premonitory symptoms of Brights dis ease which developed later and gradu ally exhausted his strong constitution until the end Many a less sanguine man would have given up long ago but ho was determined ho would not die and Dy sheer force of will ho undoubt edly prolonged his life many days The writer has enjoyed tho friendship of Bob Scott for nbout eleven years He was a man among men honorable up right just Through a long series of business transactions it was found that his word was as good as his bond what ho said he would do that ho performed Early in the business experience tho agreements were reduced to writing in the customary business way but during the past five years there has not been the scratch of a pen to indicate a contract and yet tho writer has never had cause to complain of oue single transaction on the part of Mr Scott Ho was a loyal conscientious straightforward man one whom anyone might be proud to call friend Anoint Flint er It is a surprising fact says Prof Houtou that in my travels in all parts of the world for the last ten years I have met moro people having used Greens August Flower than nny other remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver and stomach and for constipation I find for tourists aud salesmen or for persona filliug office positions where headaches and geueral bad feelings from irregular habits exist that Greens August Flower is a grand remedy It does not iujure the system by frequent use and is excellent for sour stomaohs and indigestion Sample bottles free at A K Leonards Sold by dealerajn all civilized countries The complete service of The Special via Union Pacific ennbles passengers to reach the priuci pal cities botweeu tho north and Pacifio coast aud Missouri river not only in tho shortest possible space of time but also in tho most comfortable nud enjoyable imiuuur iuo inning cars on tnw train are stocked with the best the market affords All meals served a la carte Til K NORFOLK NEWS TlirUSlUY SKPTKMHKU 1U000 hiit turn Bookings of Exceptional Merit for the Auditorium LAST LIEN HAS BEEN PAID TlmSriiHiin of 1100 01 lit tlio A llillliit llllii Ilnler MiihitKcr Spmr It tiinlc to Itn ol it IIIbIi Onloi mill ol PlonMni iulH lltlclit Outlook lor Tliciilio lomit It is rumored that money has been sent to cancel ho Inst lion outstanding against tho Norfolk Auditoriututhntof Ij C Mittlostadt and that settlement was niiide Saturday thus clearing tin building of indebtedness for material nnd labor What promises to bo an ex traordinary amusement reason thoro for opons with no weight of local in debtedness to combat and all tho atten tion of tho luanngoniont can bo dlrectod to booking first class attractions secur ing nttoudauco and enriug for the dally needs of tho building Mr Spears first season as manngor showed Ills capabilities in that direction and with other woighti ronioved and his oxporionces of a past season to guide him thoso who anticipate a rich soason this yoar havo something bettor than surmiso on which to baso tholr boliof Manager Spear has already booked a largo nunibor of first class city attrac tions and has all of them under iron clad contracts undor which no foolish ness goes and he will therefore havo no fear of guaranteeing tho entertainments The list is not yet complete as ho is still in correspoiidoucoiwith a nunibor of companies but4thoso secured will give an idea of tho class of entertain ments he has to oller and it will bo soon that almost overy tasto in tho entertain mont lino is catered to Tho beasou opens October I with A Wise Woman a threo act musical comedy by Wilfred Clarke in which Miss Mario Lauiour and Frederic Murphy aro tho stars Readers of Tin News aro moro or less familiar with this attraction as its merits are discussed each day through these columns October 3 Booked by Maunger Bealo of Sioux City Company not named October 0 May Smith Bobbins aud company who como highly recom mended as entertainers October 17 Booked by Bealo October 20 and 27 Victor Leo A second Hermann will entertain with legerdemain nt popular prices October 30 Belle of Honolulu November 8 Lecturo by William Hawley Smith November 12 Martins Undo Toms Cabin Company Said to bo the larg est attraction of similar character in the world Popular prices November 13 II 15 I Gaud 17 War ners Comedy Company nt popular prices November 2S I nues baud with 12 great operatic singers Readers of Tun News also know tho merits of this at traction as it has been extensively de scribed December 1 Booked by Bealo December 12 Slay tons New York stock company of IS people December 27 Walker Whiteside December 31 Now Railroad Jack January 15 Hauaford in tragedy Jauuary 18 Booked by Beale February 0 Frank Keeuaus Poor Relation February 0 La Tosca February 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 Kilfylo Stock Company March 4 Booked by Beale April 1 Tho Two Johns a comedy of errors which has heretofore enter tained Norfolk people April 5 Si Pluukett aud his hay seed baud April 20 A Breezy Time II I Scott1 Funeral Tho f uuernl ceremonies over tho re mains of tho late Robert D Scott of Battlo Creek hold Saturday afternoon was ono of the largest attended funeral exorcise and more genuine sorrow was evidenced than atnny funeral services ever held in the history of the village All business houses were closed nnd the citizens turned out en masse to do honor to the memory of a fellow citizen and business mnu highly esteomed by all Tho business of tho republican county couveutiou was speedily trnus acted and the convention adjourned giving all the delegates an opportunity to attend the fuuoral Tho services were held in the Baptist church which was full to overflowing Rev R C Miller the pastorassisted by Rev Geo W Damon a Methodist min ister of Meadow Grove had charge of tho church services The remains wero followed to tho cometery by a largo procession of friends aud neighbors and busiuess associates At the grave the Masons ot which tho deceased was au honored member had tho entire charge of tho services and ho wns laid to rest by his brethren accord ing to the beautiful ritualistio burial code of that order Tho floral decora tions at tho church and at tho gravo were abundant and magnificent The pall bearers word Jos Osborue W O Day Win Bates Danford Taylor David Whitla aud W F Reavis The age of Mr Scott was gtveu in Fridays Newo at 42 He was but 17 years of age at the time of his death whntever for this Reprice State of Nebraska Mnriisou countV On this 22nd day of June 11W0 beforo mo the undersigned a notary puouc duly commissioned and qualified and residing in said county personally ap peored the abovo named George II Spear and D Williams and II 11 Pat terson who aro personally known to me to be the identical persons whoso names aro affixed to tho above instrument and they acknowledge tho same to be their voluntary act and deed Witness my hand and notorial seal the day last abovo written W H BlCHOIz shaM Notary Public Notion ol Clntttol piortKHRo fHln Notice is hereby given that by virtuo of a chattel mortgage dated July 7 IDOOAivonbv Lewis Browii and L Kenersou to Frank 12 Reed and W Reed aud duly filed in tho office ot Uie county clerk of Madison county No braska about the Dth day of July 1100 to secure tho payment of tho sum of 200 nnd on which there is now duo the sum of 20333 on tho following de scribed property to wit Ono J 1 Case threshing machine including one 12 horso power a J5250 separator aud at tachments thereto belonging aud tho undivided two thirds interest in forty 40 acres of corn iu section nine and the undivided two thirds interest in forty 10 acres of com iu section sixteeeu all in township twenty three 23 range ono 1 in Madison county Nobraka default having been made in the payment of said sum wo will on the 25th day of September 1100 at two oclock in the afternoon at tho office of tho Norfolk Foundry Manufacturing company iu tho city of Norfolk in Madison county Nebraska sell said de scribed property at public vendue to tho highest bidder for cash or so much thereof as will be necessary to satisfy tho said sum with interest costs and expenses Dated this 1th dav of September 1100 Fiiavk 12 RrKD W RFr1 Mortgagees Washington- D C Gonessee Puro Food Co Lo Roy N Y Gent lemon Our family realize so much from tho use of Grniu 0 that I feel I must say a word to iuduce others to uso it If people aro interested ill their health and tho welfare of their children thoy will uso no other beverage I havo used them all but Grain 0 I hao found superior to nny for the reason that it is solid grain Yours for health C F Myek To nrp I rlpjie lliTvtn Take Lnxntive Brouio Quinine Tablets All druggists refuud the money if it fails to cure 12 W Groves signature on overy box 25c in tuiu ei is uie lesuu hi a ticilci tcil lioil Keep the blood puie and it will keep the skin eleni of all lite inhaling inipttiities thai cause these painful disfiguiing discmes S S S elites hoih nud rntblliules cnsll nnd DCrUUtttcUtlv bv leltlfoirliii tint if tmr niul lkr m a IS J l II hW iK II Ms rTi mm- H A I Ii TZZ BOILS CARBUNCLES These unwelcome isitors usually appear in the spring or numtner when the blood is mnking an extra effort to ftcc ii uil iiniii mi- ninny iiiiuniiei iinu nave aiTUtuuinieil Hilling tile winter mouths Carbuncle which ntc mote painful nud dangerous come most frequently on the Imek of the neck citing giral holes in the llesh exhaust the sttenglh and often prove fund lloihiirireinnliil lviii people ns blessings and they patiently nnd tiiieompliiiiiliiily endure the niiu mid iiirniiTiilMr iimiW m in I it ii mi i u i m i i i o a - the mistaken idea that their health is being benefitted Hint their blood is too hit k iiiivwuv and UIIH IT NittiiiKaitlitii f I IioiI II Tin 11 I I l il il 11 i i -V J h n iii umi inn in iihi lllllK Hill 14 tllHlMSll IS Kill Ol IKIIHOII lltlll w iniiii null I nil Inca nfiifi1 lli ilj o i Ill cir iM I II i i -- v -inn i in- boll hi ciiniiiiH II troubles which are only waiting fornfuvotnhhwippottuiutv lodevelnp Baneful Boiis Mr K M rrntt Cmt S C write lnr twinty 5 eat 1 was smelt nflllctnl ultfi IkiIU niul cittliiinrle cixtueil liv Imimre lilnoil It it impoi ullilc toilectllnMiiy MilTrilm putt of the time belli tumble In wmk or lt p Bet rmliloctontrrntril me nnd I tiled nil Hie su culled blood ieliietttc hut tiothliiK sectttril to ilo me nil ioml During thcuimtnerof isss I wmpcr niiHileil to try HSS nndnlti i titWItuj ereral hottfe win cut Itetyctiteil niul lime hiul no return of tliec mlnlul pest up lo the present lime I he gives warning of m rimii Internal many im old mue running ulcer building tip the blood and lidding the Hysleni of nil iinuuiulnted waste nmttci 8 8 b is made of tools and herbs which ml ilitecllv on the blood mid nil poisons ti matter How deep seated nte soon oveteotue nnd driven out by this tiowctful purely vegetable medicine n vi o im iiiu it new iiiiuieii tetueily hut lor uuy jenrs uns oeeu ciiting all unilsol blood atiiliikiu diseases It hns cured thousands and will cure jou It is a picas nit tome ns well ns blood purifier - im ptoves the appetite and digestion builds up your general health and keeps youi blood in order Our physicians have mnde blood and nkiu 9 II life study Wlilo till III fllllv nlmnl eases wanted will be cheerfully given V tul nny infonnntion or advice we make no churie 8cnd for our book on Hlood nnd Skin Diseases Art III ol liiriirpiiriitlnn iiT the NoldilU Toiitlmi Sat Iiikh Annorliillon Know all Mon by Theso ProHonts That we George 11 Spear H 11 Pat terson aud D Williams all of tho city or Norfolk county of Madison state or Nebraska havo associated ourselves to gether tor tho purpose of forming and becoming a corporation in said state of Nebraska for the transaction or busi ness hnrolnufter described 1 The name of this corporation shall bo Tho Norfolk Tontino Savings Asso ciation Its principal place of transact ing business shall bo in said oily of Nor folk Nebraska 2 Tho nature of tho busiuoss to be transacted by said corporation shall bo tho buying and selling of merchandise stocks bonds aiil other securities t Tho capital stock of said company shall bo thirty thousand dollars to bo issued in shares of ono hundred dollars each to bo issued as required by tho board of directors and paid up in full at tho time of issuance I The oxistnnco of this corporation shall commence on tho twenty second day of June 1100 anil continue until the twenty second day of dune IKiO unless sooner dissolved by tho mutual consent ot its stockholders 5 Tho busiuoss of said company shall bo conducted by a board of direct ors not to exceed threo in number to bo elected by tho htocicholdors nt such time and in such manner as shall bo prescribed by tho by laws 0 Tho officers of said corporation shall bo n president n secretary and a treasurer who shnll bo chosen by tho board of directors and shall hold office for it period of ono year or until their successor shall bo elected and qualified 7 The highost amount of indebted ness to which said corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not bo moro than two thirds of said capital stock 8 Tho manner of holding stock holders meetings and the method of conducting the business of this corpora tion shall be as provided by tho by laws of said corporation In witness whereof tho undersigned have hero unto sot their hands this 22nd day of Juno A D I W0 D Williams Urn II Sikaii II 11 Pattkuson ss Dangrous Carbuncles sss froe Adiltess The Swift Snnolfln Co AllnnU dm ft imfMifMfc li 1 mi MMmmk t I V lil X iiVIVM l l ViMllP Ji ii I J W rA mwra h mi m w xmi wm i i rTTfie - is ht - J v- -- -- ry f - ii r itfZ - SHE WAS PLIND A blindness rumor to me now ami th mi I have it now It is queer I can see your eyes but not your nose I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark spots cover them it is very uncomfortable I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it A Kipans T abide TANTPl AcApnf tmcl lienlth that n IT A N fl will not linnt llt Tif j liitnlnh piln n1 pmlonullffc Vr OuoHlvm rellif NdIii llii woril K I 1 A N M mi tin- niul cctit niiiulntllula Ill I An H 10 forlwiitn nr twi li iicln tt fur Hi i iiti iwtr Im liml nt hmj ilriiK tnm Tn mimil mini one tlio ami U ntlmiiiiliilH w III u iiiullttl to any iKlilrum lor 5 taiiUs forwarutd U Uie lllptaus Cliauiloul Co U Bbruie St Nuw YurU KIDNEY TROUBLES PURE BLOOD Free from All Disease Breeding Germs Important- Important Important It is not only important but absolutely necessary to have puro blood if you wish to got rid of Kidney Liver or Bladder Troubles Kill the germs purify tho blood and the cause is eradicated tho disease cured and health returns Theso little diseaso breeding germs float about in impure blood and traveling throughout tho body alight on any spot that is wfnlt and when the Kidneys Liver or Bladder havo such spots thoy become aflected Unless killed at ouco aud tho blood redeemed lrom theso germs of death they multiply rapidly until rho tissues become so involved that tho organs failing to do their duty tho wholo structure suffers Swarms of theso living germs finally get the upper hand dotroy theso deli cate organs altogether and the result is death One of t lie greatest remedies antiseptic nnd a germ destroyer is Cramers Kidney and Liver Cure Safe but sure it goes to tho root of tho evil A vegetable compound icieutificilly made especially to act on tho blood becoming a component part of it destroying all tho living germs of any kindit goes right to the seat of tho trouble killing the little pests and restoring and stiengtheniug the tissues until relief and a euro is affected The bright eye tho appetite and ambition will again bo yours OMMIV Nob April 2 IiOO flMMIUl ClIlHK l Co- iDiitu I luiw Iippii ii Kroul siillorer from Uilncj triiiililid for mini timu I um to Imd I coulil not lift aiitliini or i toop ul all M AiliM N IVIi - IC 00 IMMII HIMir l Co lii nu I limi Im iIi ii sim it from kill - ililllciiltiij foi a iitinilx r of ji am Hivii ltk mi all k of iiiiiiilii ttitliout IiimiiIH un til I liinnl ul r iiniTr Klilni t Inri 1 lionuliL nppnlitowiib poor anil I n cinniiluiiil run J Uw lyailu urmj an ilin ctiil with tlie inml ilottn I took- two ImiUIi of tnimur f Kilncy clii from wlncli I ttm a coiittrit nf Curi ami now I am nblo to ilo a lu ilayo work I fomr anil ran ifulj i tliat by tlin cuiiliiiiicil I luiMMiKooil appotitu anil I can recommend J ir tuiuiinio n miM tim ttorl lormoi jour inuilicini to iiiioiio aillictul with knlnt niiuuj iiisuuru vr in iimiiiiiii3 iviiiuii libOiieu IIumh hoiiii North ili ht I luiifii Jl ux liiinl lothiur Insist on having CHAMKHS Take no substitute Sold by all druggists Manufactured by CRAMER CHEMICAL CO Albany N Y BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaAW LbbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfv V3Lmmml VxTammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml J77A Beecher Higby City clerk of Omaha Nebi favorably and widely known as a man of integrity and ability writes 1 beliovo that Dr- Kays Renovator and Dr Kays Lung Balm aro worthy of tho jmblicd confidence having known of bomo truly remarkable euros of Omaha people effected by their use Shun bubstltutes HemeJies Just as Good as Dr ivays Kcaovaior anu ut Kays i unB Halm are not made or sold anywhero If not at tirugguta wowillbuiul tliein poit paldoa receipl of price Ur Kar s Hcnovator ti cts undtl Six for ib Ur Ivnru Iunu Halm lOandcts Kreo Medical Ad ice Samplo aud Hook for the nskimr Address Dr BJ Kay Medical Co Saratoga Springs N Y SOLD BY KOENIGSTEINS PHARMACY AND KIKSAU DRUG CO TRY THE Daily News Job Department