l Theflottfolkrleixis VV N UU3E PubllnUiir Kvory ilnj ok ll CPIlt II A 111 KMnMUltPil 1W oxrupt Hundnr H r nrrlflCpor 11 mnll ior jnir 1W WKKKIY iMnlilliliit 1HM KveriTlmrdi It mnll lr your IM fKntorrd ai thn rnMulllcc nt Norfolk Nob wcemlclnM mntlor Tolephoun No 22 REPUBLICAN TICKET Nutloiml or Ii mIiUiiI Wimivm Mi Kimia Tor Men Iroslilnut Tiiionoiin UoosukIt For flniinrliitmiilnnl of Public- liiBlnirllim W K Howiku Vronlilontliil Kloctors Limit U mm n Ohio Niu orl Stnto or loiornnr CiiAtiiM II DiKTitini Ailrtim For lloiilonntit flmomor K P Swum Junior Ior Sccrotnrjr of Mtnto lu V Mvitill Hlclmrdmih William SriUFrrii Cumin For Auditor CiiAniMWisTON Bhorldiiu FnrAttnrnnj lonnrnl Kiiank N Iiiout limo For lnnil Comnitnloiior luoniiK I Koimiu Nuckolls Wiishinglnu f John K Nmiiitt Id II WINIMM ICdhahd IIothii It I tlAOIIH H P IlAMIIMON Jacoii 1j Jwioiihon John I Kknnkdv lOIINJ IANIIIilt Colli renklnunt For ConnronBninii Tlilnl District Jons It II s Norfolk Imlliiliil For IikIhp Ninth DUtrlct J P ItoM Aiitolopo MMHtOrllt Ior Stnto Senator Klowmtli district W W Uhmi Stiiulim County lit knl Ior linprnspiitntho Twontj Third Dlstilcl Madison For Attiirni Hurt Mn pox Norfolk Foi Coiiiiitlimloiior Soeoml District A I fin lor Norfolk Talk about history lopontniK itself Oliiy Scott Douglas Greoley Blulno and Hrynn nil wont on tho Htunip as candidates All wero defeated Hrynu 1h on tho stump Tho bouthorn democrats who are diH f tmichisiii tho uero should bo furnished with ti liberal qnantlty of Abraham Lincoln htoraturo It will do thorn rood Tho Woild Horald and tlio dem ocratic committees should attend to this Thoy show ovidenco of instruction on that hue Tho froe and uulimitod coinago of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1 must bo im mediately restorod This is tho domo i ratle program to bo carried out re gardless to tho lesnlts on business Aio you rondy for tho experiment1 In tho place of tho good money of today do you want a depreciated currency Can yon boliovo that a puna will not bo tho 10 bult If democracy would only furnish that guarantee that the countrys liuauces would not bo assailed that tho panio of 9J 7 would not bo lopoated that tho disfranchised oitions of tho south would bo again unfranchised that they can improvo on republican polioios in fact If thoy would show that every ono who votes thoir ticket is not voting against his bent iutorosts and tho best interests of tho country thoy might hope to win Brynuh oleotion is certain according to doniocratic figures based on tho re sults iu Vermont aud Maiue ludiami is to give u democratic majority Illi nois i000 Michigau iioOOO Kentucky 75000 West Virginia 20000 California 15000 Delawaro 3000 and North Da kota 2000 Theso states havo S5 eloot aril votes which tnkeu from tho MeKin loy column and added to Bryan gives tho latter gentleman 201 aud the former 181 Tho formality of an election is not necessary Democratic figure havo done tho business Tho Woild Horald makes a despeiato etlort to reply to President Molvinleys letter of accoptauce and usps Liugnago that would quickly call for lto suppres sion weio it published iu a country where imperialism prevails Iu no country in the world would a paper hko tho World Hei aid bo allowed to abuse the chief exeoutivo of the nation as it does nnd its imperialistic arguments au completely rofuted by the faot that it is allowed to open ith mud battery in this country Tho unscrupulous journal makes the utmost uso of the liberty that it derides Among lts fair minded readers the World Heralds baseless de nunciation of President MeKiuley will make republican votes At Philadelphia on September 211 lDti Mr Bryan made another declara tion tlmt is bound to crowd the free sil ver fallacy to the front No matter how much he may chooso to ignore the issue he has made it an inevitable part of Bryon as much as his head is In that bpeech ho said They say I am beggiug for votes Not at all I never asked a man to ote for mo Iu fact I have told some people to ote against mo That is more thau most caudidates do I have said that if there was uuybody who bellewd in tho main tenance of the gold standard until for eign uutious came to us and graciously permitted us to abandon it I said tlwt if uuybody 6hould believe that the gold standard was absolutely es3eutiil to the welfare of this country he ought not to vote for me at all I do uofe -want any uiuii to voto for mo niul thou object to my doing what I expect to do If you uloet mi niul If I en u prevent tho niiiln toimtiru of tho gold Htnmluril you can roly upon my ilohiK U tho vory first pos sible oppoi tuiilty Klvon ino Tho United States Kovernmout doos not never has and novor will live up to tho full and complete sense of tho phrases no taxation without teprescnta tion and no Koornniont without tho consont of tho Kovomod To llvo up to thoso phrases fully and literally would ineui an entiro i evolution of novom iitont poliolos and would undoubtedly result In serioufl trouble We havo thou sands of womou property ownors who aro taxed without representation who aro governed without tholr oonsout un loss such consent bo obtained by tholr llogo lord boforo ho proceeds to tho mak ing of tho laws Tholr only rcconrso Is to petition and still thoy aro not tyrrau nlrodovor and tho laws aro uniformly favorable to thorn In fact It Is doubtod If thoy could ho moro favorably governed had thoy tho right of franohlso Thoy havo always boon troatod as tho host friond of man and tho laws havo always boon in tholr favor but with tho rights of franohlso thoy would bo on a moro equal footing and would bo compelled to enter tho turmoil of politics aud fight for whatovor reform thoy doslrod Then there aro the Indiana who havo always boon tho virtual subjects of this government and govomod without tholr cousout A criminal who sorvos a form In tho peuutontLiry is disfran chised and houcoforth govornod without his consent aud taxed without ropro soutation If ho bus anything to tax And negroes in tho south aro govorned without their consent aud taxed without representation and southoru domosrath holiovo It Is just right that thoy should bo If tho democrats wero at all con sistent tho would tako up the light for these disfranchised classoB at homo in stead of oxpoudiug thoir energies in favor of distant peoples who have not yet arrived at a state when It Is known whether or not thoy will bo governed without tholr consent and taxed with out ropresontatiou It is uot improb able that anyone of these classos espec ially tho first montiouod aro moro fit for onfrauohlsomont aud more entitled to the full rights of cltionshlp than tho classes for which thoy aro making their great fight Why dont thoy becomo consistent 100 ltourd 110 Tho readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least ono droaded disoaso that Bciouco has beou able to euro in all its stages and that is catarrh 1 tails Catarrh Ouro is tho only positivo euro now known to tho medi cal fraternity Catarrh being a con- htitutiouil disease renuiios a constitu tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting diiectly upon tho blood and mucuous surfaces of the system thereby destroying tho founda tion of tho disease aud giving tho patient strength by building up tho constitution aud assisting uaturo in doing its work Tho proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that thoy otler one huudied dollars for any caso that it fails to euro Send for list of testimonials Address P J Cheney tc Co Toledo O Sold bv uruggiits me IlullbPamilv Pills aro tho best IhroiiKli Colorado The Denvor Rio Graudo railroad with its numerous branches penetrating tho Rockies has two distinct and sep arate hues across the mountains Tickets readiug via tho Scenic Line Denver aud Grand Junction in con nection with tho Rio Grande Western railway botweou Grand Tuuctioii and Ogden are available over tho Deliver Aj Rio Graudo either via its main liuo through Leadville aud Gleuwood Springs or via tho liuo over Marshall Pass and through tho Black Canon Tourists to and trom Salt Lako City Ogdeu or San Francisco will find it to their ad vantage to have their tickoN read iu both directions via Tho Scouio Line of tho World thus being able to uso one of tho above routes going and the other returning Write S It Hooper G P ir T A Denver Colo for illustrated pamphlets Summer KxcuisIoiih to hull Lake niul Ojjten The Union Paoifio will sell July 1st to September 80th round trip tickets via Denvor tho Denver and Rio Graude or Midland and Rio Graude and Western one way leturuiug via Union Pacific or vico versa with privilege of stopovers nt and west of Denver for 20 days tickets flual limit 00 days uot exceeding Octobor 81st 1900 Porrates or other information call at U P dopot F W Junkman Agent 1 lint Itt KllUtllt llllllll Tho First Regiment Nebraska Na tional Guards baud cousisting of 25 members has been secured by the Mad isou County Fair association aud will furuish musio at the Madison fair Thursday and Friday September 13th aud 1 1th This is the best baud in the state and no one should miss the chauce to hear tho concerts at the fair ICU11S10K HATES The Uuiou Pacific railroad w ill give excursiou rates to the Madison county fair at Madison Neb fiom all poiuti witluu 75 miles September 11 12 U and It good ret in mug 15 W I Roe is tiie bantoue in the Wesieyan Malo quartet which is to en- THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER V 1000 tot tain nt tho M 12 church next Thurs day evening Tho Doadwood Uvontug News saj s of tho baritono Tho solo by Mr Rose was well received as was shown by tho hearty encoro given hlin Ho has u flno voice Tickets i and S3 cents on sale at Thompsons Cash grocery Iliillun 1iirni Limit Ior Siilo In northern Wisconsin tho Chicago St 1iiul Minneapolis As Omaha railway has for sale at low rates and easy tonus of payment about 100000 aoros of choice farm lands Iarly buyers will secure tho advautago of locations on tho many beautiful streams aud lakes which abound with fish mid furnish a nover ending aud most excellent wator supply both for family uso and for stock Land is gonorally woll timbered tho soil fertile and easy of cultivation Chicago Mllwaukeo St Paul Minne apolis Duluth Suporlor Ashland and numerous othor thriving cities and towns on tho lino of tho 0 St P M O railway and othor railroads in tho samo torritory furnish good markets for farm produce Por further particulars address Oito W Brctt Laud Commissioner Hudson Wis or G H Mac IUk A 0 P AStPaulMlun Tlckots for tho Wosloyau Mulo quar tet entertainment at tho M 13 church uoxt Thursday ovoulng aro on sale at Thompsons Cash grocery Tho admis sion is vory low being U5 couts for adults aud So couts for children uudor 1 J years of ago You cannot afford to misa it An Iiloiil Cllniute Tho first whito man to sot foot on Utah soil Father Sllvestro Velo de Hscalauto who reached tho Great Salt Liko on tho ailrd clay of September 1771 wrote in his diary Hero tho climate is so delicious tho air so balmy that it is a pleasure to breatlio by day and by night Tho climate of Utah is ou6 of tho lichost endowments of nature On tho shoros of tho Great Salt Lake especially and for fifty miles there from in every dirootiou the climate of climates Is found To onablo persons to participate iu these scouio and climatic attractions and to reach tho famous health bathing aud pleasure resorts of Utah tho Union Pacific has made a rate to Ogdou and Salt Lako city of ouo faro for tho round trip plus 200 from Missouri river to bo iu effect Soptombor I to IS Return limit October ill 1000 Por full information call on or address P W Juuoman agent WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH 50 TO W 0 Halls Barter Shop MAIN rVr TICIKD DOOH EAST OF FOUKT1I For numbing Steam Fitting Pumps Tacks Wind Mills Anil nil work In this liuo call ou W H RISH Satisfaction Quuriiutooil Pirat iloorbouth of Tin Dui Ntws Oflics NOVELTY Iron and Brass Wofks JNO E CRONK Manager All Uimls of machines fromn luwa mower to n tticcossfullj ropaliod Hot air ami lint water liiMtinir hpeciit iitteu turn kImmi lo Holler ami Kutino Hop limit Opp lasoualkti Iinpluiiiuut House NORFOLK NEBRASKA PURE GROCERIES Are essential to health UHLE lmnrlloc rmlv nnio uuiiunw viwj U I- free from adulteration sells them at FAIR PRICES You pet at Uhles aud vdiatyou pay foi M C WALKER DKALEH IN FLOUR FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 33 MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths Rooms ou North Ninth Street Of course you naturally Keep Your Eye on Our Show Window for tho newest styles of Photo Mounts and latest In Medallions and Photo Nov elties Your likeliest mado to pleaso you and your friends Have Your Pictures Framed whero you can got mouldings suitable for them Finest assortment of Mat Board in tho city Art Matorials and amateur supplies lours for buslnoss C P MICHAEL B MEYERS Invites you to Comparo Prices Tomatoos por cau 8c Pooh por can 5c Corn jor can 8o Java Coffee best por lb 15c Oat Moal por lb 2lC Soap 10 bars 25c 1 1 J pouud cau Baking Powdor 20c Host Prunos por lb 8c Blueing 4c Soda por lb 3SjC Starch por lb 3JuC Crackers por lb 7 liC Clothes Liues 9c Lve per cau 4c Mixed Candy per lb 70 Poarliuo par package 4c Rice por lb 7c Lamp Ohimuey 4c We have a big hue of Tinware Gran itewaro aud Crockery which we are selling very cheap B MEYERS GRSEILER Sale and- l Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold Commission Brnasch Avenue and Third St i tln OftCT0V en PHONE 44 L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Mvers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wnk First door West of Pobt Olllce B W JONAS FINE TAILORING Suits mailo to onlor and iu tho latost st lo Ro paii iim uiiiitl done Shop ou South Fourth St south of Ilium liioa THE North Western LINE p E 19 V R R is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska WLU tTM I m DAILYTOURIST CARS I1ETWEUV NEBRASKA POINTS UTAH CALIFORNIA AND OREGON AUK ATTACHED TO The Pacific Express FOR UTAH AND CALIFORNIA AND TO The Chicago Portland Special FOIt OREGON ANDPUGETSOUND These Trams Leave Norfolk Daily at 11 a in Personally Couducted Ouce a Week F W JUNEMAN AtfQUt ltreti wttb you whctnr 70a continue tb QerYCSlUlUtf lUUtVLU UUll ilV lUA TtOXOfv too ut aire lur vuuctUt wi OUl utrTuumn ciuviimcup puriucs tue uivuj torei lo mnboud ccakei tou friroar Inhelttl tad pocket- DaoK a MvLTi pPlMiKI fc Hp r m m minM m iai h m 1 1 m HJ oia ffe j 11 k WimlMV boifi WO 000 tei tirtJ UU7 TOUACfrum jour owd drurijrilt wbr Touchforui Tkritwith UIDAtlfctlyrertiliteallr One 1 uuailf curti 3 baxritl 60 ivrcnteed tucuri or werefuod moner Hl 1411tt 9BlTMl Jliw Iff Norfolk National Have You Tried Them u o o u O CD z ----- BABIES CRY FOR N A HAINI10LT PrMuUut ALEX4NDKI1 BKAU Vlco Prelrtea W H HDCHOLZ CiuUler E W ZUTZ AmlaUut Ashler Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys apd Sella Exohango Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In fluropa A General Stcatnahlp and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIREOTOH3 BKAU F P IUNLON F J UALK W U BUGHPLZ WM ZOT7 NA BAINBOLT JOHN II HAYB F VBBOKd 88 COTTON We have opened today another big invoice of NEW GOODS We think now that we have ALL the desirable things for early fall INSKEEPS MILLINERY - V C AHLHAN AHLMAN BROS C W AHLMAN The Norfolk Bicycle Men Proprietors NORFOLK BICYCLE WORKS Manufacturers Johhcrs aud Doalers lu Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs Auoucj for Waltlnm Manufacturing Coe Orient tho Finest Strowrobt and riatost Ricjclo in tho World Wo also h mdlo thu Acme World Tribune Iteebo Sjcanioro Patteu ami our pun make either chaif or chaiuless ulueli will be known as the AklniHU Speci lis -- We do Repairing Promptlyland Reasonable M WHEATLING AND BREAD MADE FROA1 BON TON FLOUR SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS SEE- The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary 0 A LUIKAET Pbksidet CHAS S BRIDGE Vice Pebsidevt R R TIMEJABLE Fremont Elkborn Mo Valley EAST DEPART Omaha Passenger BKftam CUicao Exprese 12 10 pm EAST ABBHE Milcuso Kzprese 73 p m Oiiuilm Passenger 12 10 pm WtST DEPABT Mack llilla czpreas 710 pin Vonllro Passenger 1240 p m VerdiBro Accommodation PiOOam WEST ABBIMS HIack HilU Express U 20 pm Vordisre Passenirer faOSam Verdigro Accommodation 20pm The Chicago and Black Hills Express arrives and departs from Jnuction depot The Omaha aud Verdir trains arrive aud depart from city depot H 0 Matbau Asant Union Pacific BODTn DEPABT Columhus Accommodation b3Jpm Omaha Denver aud Pacific Coast lluOum NOBTH AKBIE Columbus Ace mmodation 1030pm Omaha kcuter and Paclnccoant 9 o0pm Connects at Norfolk with F E it M V oiug west and north and with tho C St P U A O for poluts uorth aud east F W Jcmmav Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha EA8T Sioux Cit aud Omaha Paisenger Sioux llt Passenger 1ST Sioux itr Passenger W H JOHNSON Cashibb W B BBAASUH AsaT Casiheu The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Has and soil exchange on thia conntrj nd all parts of Europe Farm Loans Directors Carl Asmub W H Joiinson Chas S BBfOOE C V Bbaasch tiwANK G A Lcikabt T F Meumisoeb L Sessions nrrAKT o o h in lUpm asiie 10 S a in biocx Citj aud Omalu Pahhenifrtr 730 p m Conuects ut Norfolk witht E A Si Biiiutr west and north an with the U P for polnte scinth F W Jut EUAN Agnt Dalj except Snndav OJA Railroad and Business Directory C S HAYES Fine Watch Repairing MISS MARY SHELLY DRESSMAKER Over Baum Bros Store Spenoop Ovtlmto Boots and roes Repairing Neatly Done JBHERMANN Contractor and Builder 117 Fourth Street M C WALKER Flour and Feed 411 Norfolk Avenne IPSKEEPS JYMiblNERY Cheapest and Best Norfolk Avenue JW EDWARDS The Horfolt Horseshosr All Wokk Ocabantekd or 1th St and BraaschAv o i f W j mm IW