5 The Norfolk flccas Thostnto Institutions hnvo RufTorod nnlnlnntlr from PoYlltorlfllU nlld Will undoubtedly bo given relief November after Now that tlio Kitzslntmon Shurkoy contest is otr your attention is rcppoct fully directed to tho fact tlmt n great national campaign Is on Mnnyof the common pooplo are oiHovliitt excursions outings nud lmlH tiros nt summer resorts tblH your whloh tboy didnt dare tblnlc of unilor tho last democratic regime Prosperity V Well porhnps Tho fuslonlMs started the rumor re cently tlmt Governor Pingroo of Miolil gnn would support Hrynn Tho govor nor lu n published Intorvlow denies tho rumor nud unnouncoa his lutotitlou of voting for MoKlnley John It Hays Is building somo strong fences about tho Third district nnd will receive tho support of nmny who nro cnpnblo of tolling the dllTeroncobotwoon prosperity and calamity nml who fnvor optimism rather than pessimism Mr Bryan 1ms nil the stntos In tho union solid for him nml ho has lately been spending purt of his valuable tlmo lu talking for tho statu and congres sional tickets lie doosnt want to loso tho Unltod States sonntorship ovou though ho does lose tho presidency Tho fusion fakir who goes in to assort or prove that there is an alllanco botweon this country and Knglund is uudnunted by tho fact that tho constitu tion provides that no allianco shall be entered into by this country with another oxcept such allianco is approved by congress It seems that all this crazy talk about imperialism in a republic has boon directed ngiiiust a crazy republican in Iowa Such a hituatiou would bo posi tively humiliating to anyone but a fu sionist editor or orator but they simply buckle on a littlo more presumption and make more ridiculous assertions and comments If tho fusiouistB wilt kindly point out a fow ropublicnn enndidntes who favor imperialism thoy will havo the thanks of a large numbor of autis To mako a paramount issue thoy should produco something definite ovll prognostications and groundless assor tions will hardly nnswor for para mouutcy At Iudinuapolis Mr Bryau woro a wonderfully constructed anti imperial istic mask nt Knnsas City his woll known but somowbnt haggard freo sil ver visago was disclosed to his populist frionds Mr Brynu may bo honest nud his convictions may bo doop soated but ho has n surprising faculty of dodging on occasions It is claimed that ono of tho republican country weeklies of Nebraska has de clared for Hrynn nud fusiou ami tho World Herald and its satellites nro jubilant Dont blauio thorn for giving vont to their feoliugs Thoy dont often havo such an opportunity Whore a dozen or more papors hnvo broken nwny from fusion ono lias gone tho other way fiend out tho glad acclaim Whoop Lost Somowhore between Knusas City July and Lincoln Neb Au gust 0 a crown of silver on n cross of gold Somotimes it is known ns the crime of nud is of no vnluo to tho maker except as a reminiscouco of tho row of DO It is supposed to havo been jostled out of tho band wagon by a para mount Isbuo The Under will bo paid u small reward if ho will return it to W J B Lincoln Neb before his lotter of acceptance is written Kxohnngo Tho fusloniBts would like tho pooplu to ittnoro or forgot tho fact that to adopt n couBtltutionnl mouarchy would re iuire tho assent of tho pooplo through tholr stato legislatures Thoy nro got ting positively silly regarding imperial ism uud nro frenzied bocnuBothey can not make it or any other issuo para mount to prosperity If thoy would stop their ghost danco long enough to hunt up an issuo with oven a slight basis of fnct tho peoples opinion of them would bo materially iniprovod Tho Bee yesterday contained n fow prosperity items based on fncts gloaued from Omahn wholesalo ami mauufactnr inir firms thnt it will be impossible for the fusionists to deny Interviews with forty three different firms show that present bubiuess as compnred with 1890 has made galus of from 20 to 50 per ceut but ono firm reporting nu iucrenso of less thau 20 per cent Tho numbor of salesmen nud employes ougnged is from 15 to 200 per cent nud tho incrense iu salaries paid range from 25 to 50 per cent and yet the fusionists will continue to insinuate and try to prove that tho pooplo need n change Governor Poyuter has mado an euvi ablerecordafc pardouiug crimnals and has evidently attempted to exceed the reputation of the famous Altgold of Illinois in that line It has been done under commutations which is but another name for pardon Tho jury which convicts a criminal and thu judge who sentences him cannot be certain that their desire will not be ovorruled by the reform governor Two mur derers who wero sontencod for life lmvo hail their sentenco commuted to a few years Cattle and horso thioves rapists burglars and other crlmnals have come under his bonlfleonco and baen again turned loose on tho public The Alnsworth Stnr Iournal also charges that tho pardons wero illegal Somo of tho critiumls wero sont up from that county Mr Hrynn seems from a rocont col loquy nt Wahoo to bo In doubt whother Mr MoKlnley Is tho onewhodonounced drover Cleveland or tho ono who Is following in his footsteps It Is certain that Mr MoKlnley did not sit lu oongress nml support Mr Cleveland as Mr Hrynn did and then turn about and assault nil notions of his own as well ns thoso of thu administration ni Mr Hrynn did Thero Is some question about MoKlnley following in Clevelands footsteps ho hnsnt been compelled to issue bonds in tlmo of penco ho hasnt hauled down tho flog in Hawaii be hnsnt been compollod to sign n Wilson bill under protest his country hnnt boon ntlllcted by froo soup housos nml Coxoy urinios but there is no quostlon but that Mr Hrynn supported Olovolnnd nud then denounced him Tho fusionists hnvo n toudonoy to go to ridiculous oxticmos in support of nu issue or ono that is claimed to be an Issue Just nt present thoy nro publish ing in display typo what purports to bo an extract from a republican pnpor which argues for a mouarchial form of government u largo standing army strong discipline etc Thoy are brought to any oxtromo for a bugnboo thnt will senro the voter Admitting thnt tho paper quoted contained tho article and that it was written with deep conviction doos it signify that it is the policy of tho republican party and the dosiro of nny number of people Thoroaro extremists of nil kinds in thp country This may bo ono of them On tho other hand thore nro aunrohists and anarchistic publications but is that an nrgumout that tho country is going to nnnrchy or thnt nny number of tho pooplo favor anarchy or that anarchy is tho policy of auy party Such bosh us the fusiou organs try to foist upon an intolligout public is an outrage on that intelligence and will oporato agaiust them In 1SD0 Mr Bryau assorted that the gold standard would stnrvo ovorybody excopt the money changers and money owners Quito tho contrary bus proven true If any set of people have n kick coming on tho results of tho past four years it is tho inouoy chnngers and money ownors Not only havo their rates of interest beou greatly reduced but it is a mutter of some moment for them to place loans As one broker said During tho Olovolaud adminis tration pooplo tlocked to us for loans ana wo una to refuse many who wero olVeriug good security Now wo havo to hunt up borrowors and oveu tho low rates of interest are uot an inducement Many pooplo are unsolflsh enough to want to soo tho money changers and money ownors make a profit on thoir work and investments bt thore nro few who ngnlu dosiro n condition of ntfnirs when the common people nro at their meroy and when thoy can force busiuoss at their owu rnto of interest as they could iu tho disastrous Cleveland times Tho borrowers should not desire a change William K Curtis is having somo fun iu tho Chicago Record over some of the recent converts to imperialism He says It would amuse tho peoplo of Chicago to see the importance that is placed upon tho dofectiou of Magnus A Hess who is advertised as a leadiug business man of Chicago the first to propose tho nomination of William McKinloy for presidunt a lifelong friend nud financial backer whoso fortuno as well as energies have been dovoted to tho udvnncemeut of the in terests of his patron It is represented thnt Mr Hess hns been compelled by conscientious scruplos to withhold further support from tho president became of his tendencies to imperialism an l the retention of tho Philippine islands by our government Webster Davis comes next iu prominence to Mr Hess and is the subject of an eloquent eulogy Without intending to reflect upon the motives of tho recalcitrant re publicans whoso names appear in tho published list it is significant that moro than a majority of them formerly held oillco under republican administrations nud failed of reappointment Several others hnvo personal grievnuces agniust the president as woll as a horror of in periahsm I noticed tho names of others besides Mr Hess who sought oguition at tor tho t inauguration in 18Q7 Tho average newspaper is ofton con fronted with tho fact that it is an utter impossibility to please all its readers and most of them go in to pleaso themselves nud let their patrons think what thoy niny Tho same difliculty confronts nu administration only that thu condi tions are greatly magnified Here at homo we are tolrt that tho Molvinley ad ministration is a cruel heartless imper ialistic government robbiug the Fili pinos of their homos their lives and THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY AUGUST 30 1500 their freedom In tho Philippines u dif ferent view Is taken thus expressed by the Manila Times A local paper ad vocntes vigorous trontment for nil Insur noto cut throats who nro horenftor cap lured All foreign residents of Manila eudorso this idea Outside of tho pnlnco olllcials ovory olllcer soldier and civilian in thu Philippines believes that hemp is tho romody for brignndngo nml tho devil work of n miscellaneous lot of vlllians nuisquornding ns insurrectos Tho Spanish wont to ono oxtromo thoy wore fiendishly cruol wo hnvo gone to tho other extreme wo nro too ensy our treatment of the native brigands is idiotlo When tho insurrection com menced u locnl pnpor referred to the In surgents as nlggors Oen Otis lm meillntoly sent an ofllcor to tho editor of tho paper In question and gnvo orders that no opprobrious epithets wore to bo used in speaking of tho blaokhoartod wretches who woro tiring on flags of truce nud mangling our soldier doad And an aid in General Otis olllco told the wrltor thnt tho papors of Miuiln woro giving them more troublo than tho Insurreotos Sad indeed It is quite evident that brignndngo will not coaso until it is made odious It is not odious in Luzon today Ah thou tho republican party didnt leave Charles A Towuo Wobstor Davis ut nl ns hns beou ropontedly asserted by tho fusion press They are plnln dp sorters Tho Times Tribuno lias fur nished tho correct definition Thoy cannot bo cnlled republicans they nro democrats At least it is a poor rule that will uot work both ways and when that papor was cornered in tho oldest domocrat uinttor it wiggled out by call ing Mr Powell a dosorter and there fore no longer u democrat Ho wns a deserter in tho sixties when ho voted for Abrahnm Lincolu nud Is a deserter because ho didnt support Bryan in 1SD0 and wont do so in UlOt All domocrnts that cant swallow tho Bryan vngnries nro deserters tho Times Tribuno hns said so It is u mighty poor argument to induce any of tho dosertors to re turn to tho fold Mr Brynu himself would hnvo been u deserter somo yenrs ngo if ho hadut succeeded in forcing freo silver down tho democratic throat ho snid so Therefore tho demo cratic party is composed iu largo part of deserters Tho gold men deserted and tho silver men would have douo so had the gold men prevailed Tho Times- Tribuno further says it did not call Mr Powell a fako or fakir What is this taken from its dally issuo of August 15 By tho way tho News has claimed and so does linr Harrison that the oldest democrat in tho county is supporting McKinloy This is another fake sluco tho oldest democrat in the county who commenced voting for Van Buran is still a democrat and if ho lives to November will vote foi William J Bryan And his name is Johu Bohaunon of Madi son Mr Bryau is about as consistent in his plnn for tho future of the Philippines ns ho is on other matters Ho promises if elected to call congress in extraordi nary sossiou establish a stable form of government iu tho Philippines give tho Filipinos independence nud protect the islands from outside iuterferouco by so extending the Monroe doctrine that this portion of the far east shall come under its protection Tho champion of auti liuperialism aud anti militarism is likely to meet some akwnrd tituations whon he comes to put his policy into effect if ho is ever permitted to try In the first placo he promises a stable form of government to the dusky itauts of the Philippines A stable government menus ono that will last and when he establishes it he must pro tect it from rebollion aud internal as saults of whatever character He must strengthen it with militarism Thou to protect the government from outside interference he must be ready with a navy that can whip the fleet of auy Kuropeau or Asiatic country which may assault it nud this too regardless of what insults his stable government may offer to tho powers If it chooses to kill missionaries or consuls Mr Bryau must stand leady to protect it trom the outside interference of tho out raged governments And all this is to be accomplished without this govern ment having a foothold on the islauds Tho operations must be directed from this country Mr Brynn is very gener ous nud it would uot bo surprising if the next time he stretched the Monroe doc trine it would bo mndu to cover China or the Boxers the Kast Indians or ovou the Boers He is to bo the champion of auy country that needs protection All to be dono under anti imperialism or auti militarism Then ho is to es tablish the tree nud unlimited coiungo of silver nt the ratio of 10 to 1 without tho aid or couseut of auy nation ou earth While he is protecting his stable governments from tho powers he will at the same time make an assault upou their fitiauces with a debased cur rency or bo will comer nil tho silvor in tho world and put its price up to 123 nu ounce regardless ot tno tiuauctnl condition of this couutry Mr Bryan is a wonderful persno principally won derful for his prophecies nud promises It will be a sight worth seeiug whon he comes to carrying out his plans if he ever does Meanwhile some peoplo are wondering how the busiuess of the couu try would bo affected As tho enmpnign progresses democratic hopo of victory does not appear auy brighter Tho npuu season for prairie chicken shooting begins next Snturdny and Johnny can get his gun without fenr of running into tho cold nud cruel clutches of the lnw Tho Omahn Nows Independent snys thnt If Brynu can enrry a fow more Htntes than thoso nccrodltod him by un prejudiced obsorvors ho will bo elected Tho News is however particular to add Noto tho IK Tho WorldHoruld hasBonslblybncked wntor on tho ovidouco of imperialism contained in tho Dos Moines Globo Somo of its satellites however Boom to think the matter is too good to drop oven though it was written by a orazy man Tho paramouut issuo of tho campaign is prosperity for tho Amoricau peoplo based on facts and history and it is use less for tho fusionists to oudonvor to substitute tho bogoy imperialism based solely on fiction nud prophecy in its stead The republicans of Dodge county shot it into tho party of inconsistency in this manner Wo challenge tho sin cerity of domocrnoy in pleading for govornuiont by tho consent of tho gov erned while it is deliberately and felon iously disfranchising a race set freo by Abraham Lincoln Tho Germans havo decided to omit the Sedan colebrntiou inasmuch as German and French troops nro now fighting side by side No such proposition hna beou made by tho pro- British admin istration of this country iu regard to tho Fourth of July nlthough Amoricaus nud Britons are fighting side by side nud tho fusionists havo repeatedly ns sorted thnt there was a secret alliance What is more no such proposition will bo made Tho Fourth of July is n firmly established Amoricau holiday and if tho British are offended by our cele bration of tho oveut thoy must grin and bear it When you assume to believe that democracy is not closely allied with plutocracy you must close your eyes to fncts Besides Senator Clarks contribu tion to the fusion campaigu fund there nro othor millionaires giving of their hoard to elect Mr Bryan nud it is posi tively asserted that Tammany hall alone will coutributo 2000000 to the poor mans party Could it bo possible that tho millionaires want another series of democratic hard times so that they may loan their money nt their own rates and invest in property at pnnic prices If they Jo it is just ns certain that no poor man enn afford to assist them in carrying out their purpose When another issue is uot at hand the fusionists accuso President MoKlnley of almost anything to fit the occasion There is ono issuo however on which they do not dare accuse him of chauge of heart aud ho has that much advantage of Candidate Bryan Mr McKiuleys lifo fight one might say has been for a protective tariff to home iudustries and he has won out for tho question so often that Mr Bryau does not dare oppose him although he did so when Cleveland was tho democratic candidate MoKiu leys position is impregnable while Bryan switched from free trade to froo silver aud from free silver to auti imper ialism McKiuleys paramount issue has always been protection The following from the Times Tribune is especially recommended to the con sideration of free silvor or Abraham Lincoln republicans to tho pipulists who intend to vote for tho democratic national tickot to the democrats who iuteud to vote for Poyuter and other populist state olllcials nud to tho demo crats or populists who propose to vote for n freo silver republican The TiuiPS Tribune believes in partisanship nnd honors the mau who is u partisan but it has no use for tho uamby pamby individual who chums to be one thing nud constantly votes the opposite ticket Such people are just mugwumps pure audsimple and are tho class Christ spoke of as being Pnnrisees aud hypocrites They wear broad phylacteries and a sort of I am holier thau thou lcok nud aro a credit to no party When Mr Brynu wns n congressman his speciul plea was for free wool That tho wool aud sheep business did uot prosper uuder his policy isnotsuprising That it has prosped uuder the McKinloy policy of protection for the wool is boyoud question Tho Dawes Couuty Journal speakiug of conditions iu that couuty says Iu tho development of tho sheep mdustry n number of meu hnvo made a competency during the pnst four yenrs The Agnows Dr Kouiiuo Tim Morrisoy A M Bnrtlett II M Wilson Wallace Wilson nnd a dozeu others who might bo meutioued bnvo doubled aud some of them thribbled their wealth Meu that were worth two to five thousand dollars four years ago aro rated at from four to twenty thou eaud now Will auy one contend that uuder Bryan and a MO flto 1 Mexican dollar aud free trade policy such re sults could uot be shown Iiettcr Apologic I see by nu articlo in your valuable paper that you claim Mr White to be tho oldest domocrat iu Madisou county but I claim that distinction James Powells lotter lu The News July 27 Tin News hns claimed nud so does linr Hnrrison thnt tho oldest democrat iu tho county is supporting MoKlnley This is nnothor fuko Timos Tribuuo I wns born Juno 22 1815 nud voted for Van Buren lu 1831 and lu 1810 nud nm still a domocrat I voted for Mc Kinloy iu 1 801 nud shall in 1000 if living on election dny Who is tho fako ho editor TtniosTribuno talks nbout lu his nrtlclo James Powells lottor iu The News of August 21 If The News can find nny grnmmn rlnn In Norfolk who will sny thnt in tho item quoted by it Moudny night tho Times Tribuno cnlls Mr Powoll oither a fako or fakir wo will bo porfoctly will ing to offer thnt goutlomnn nu apology Times Tribune August 20 All A Crazy Miuih Whim The fusioulst papors that havo been publishing a quotation from tho Dos Moines Globo iu display typo for tho past fow days nro tho victims of n most cruel hallucination Iu their ardent desire to mako imperialism tho para mount issue thoy seized with hungry avidity upon the Globo article aud pub lished it broadcast ns tho policy of tho republicnu administration nud republi can party Tho articlo lu question asserted that tho republic was somowhnt out of dato and should bo superceded by a constitu tional monarchy It was tho thing baldly needed to fill an aching void iu fusion logio aud It was worked day and night for all it was worth The News at once pronounced tho nrticle ns tho views of nn extremist a crnnk but it wns worse Tho article wns written by n paroled inuiata of an insane asylum whose papor is a weekly and hns a circulation of perhaps a thou sand in the city of Des Moines The editor E Ohavanues ran it first as a populist or democratic paper but after ward changed it to n republicnu sheet He started in for imperialism in his issuo of Mny 11 Tulk about the paper being n life long nud lending republicnu paper is ridiculous It wns for Bryuu nnd freo silver iu 1800 The Des Moines Eveuiug Capital of Inst Friday has this to say concerning it It is not a pleasant task in attempt ing to explain to tho outside world the true attitude of the Globe to be com pelled to discuss the fact that Mr Ohavennes the editor while he has not a known enemy has onco been an in mate of an iusano asylum for a period of several mouths only being released by the express understanding that he wns to be under the guardianship of his wife It is snd that the exigencies of politics makes this disclosure uecessnry Republicans in other states who have been horrified at the widesprend quota tion given these editorials are entitled to know the facts and wo believe the law of the land permits the Capital without malice to state these facts be cause in no other way can these un reasonable aud perfectly Indefensible editorials be explained The Peerless Prophet In 1890 W J Bryan said If we have a gold standard prices are as cer tain to fall as the stone which u thrown in the air This ia found on page JiOl his own book The First Battle At Baltimore he said If we are defeated in the campaign there is uothiug before tho people but four years more of harder times First Battle page Aud again Businessmeu complniu that busiuess conditions nre bad I warn them that busiuess conditions can not bo improved by following out the finnnoial policy which has brought busi uess to its present condition First Battle page 104 At Minneapolis The gold stnudnrd nienns dearer money dearer money means cheaper property cheaper prop erty means harder times harder times menus more pooplo out of work more peoplo out of work menus more people destitute more peoplo destitute menus more people desperate more peoplo despernto means more crime First Battle page Sot At Horuellswllo NY Aug 2 190 The gold standard encourages tho hoarding of money Aud Jnow the polioy of hoarding is driving thousands nud teus of thousands aud hundreds of thousands of working men out iu the streets when thoy beg for the privilege of working for their daily bread At Monmouth 111 I canuot uuder stand how a man living on a farm cau be deluded with tho idea thnt the gold standard has anything but misery and suffering for him Havent you inde pendence enough to leave your party iu order to Fava ynur houipsj aud families from tho gold standard Mark my words If the gold stand ard goes on and tho peoplo coutiuue to complain tho gold standard advo cates iustend of trying to improve tho ooudition of the people will be recom mending that you close your schools so thut people wiil uot realize how much thoy are suffering First Battle page 572 At Erie Pa Aug 25 1890 Do not let the republicans beguile you nbout the future the future is written iu blood crushed out of you by gold The democratic party lias begun a war of extermination agniust tbo gold stundard Wo ask no quarter wo glvo no qunrter Wo will prosecute our war fare until there Is not an American citi zen who dares to advocate tho gold standard First Bittlo page TOO At Boston I tell you that nglta tiou will never stop until the gold stand ard is wiped out of exlstouco In this country First Battle page WW At Lincoln on July 7 1000 In this campaign wo havo at Issue tho principles which Ho at tho basis of our government Tho fight this year will bo to carry out tho Bontiinout of that song you havo so oftou ropoated My Couutry Tis of Thee If wo loso our chlldrou and our childrens children will not succeed to tho spirit of that song nud celebrations of tho Fourth of July will pass away for tho spirit of ouipiro will bo upon us Oilier Whys In 1802 Mr Bryau traveled about tho couutry with a collection of tnble cut lory and other merchandise telling tho laboring man aud farmer ho was taxed to death by tho robber tariff Why Tho laboring man aud farmer believed him elected Grover Clovelnud to the presidency aud a reigu of panic freo soup houses and Coxey armies prevailed Why In 1800 Mr Brynn almost totally Ig nored the tariff Issue Why In 1800 he told tho laboring men nud farmers that they were being crucified ou a cross of gold aud that relief would never come uutil this couutry was blessed with the free nud uulimitcd coiuage of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1 without tho aid or couseut of auy nation on earth Why He said prices uuder the gold standard were as certain to fall as a stouo throwu iuto the air Why Mr Bryau supported Mr Cleveland in congress and out with all his best elo quence and af terwnrd condemned him nud his policy unmercifully Why Mr Brynn used his influence iu get tlrg the Paris treaty through tho senate nnd is uow abusing the administration for complying with the provisions of thnt treaty Why Every prophecy made by Mr Bryan In 1890 proved fnlse Why Mr Bryau forced free silver ou tho Knusas City convention and afterwards declared that imperialism was tho paramount issue Why Mr Bryan utterly ignores free silver iu the east but mentions It lu the west Why Mr Bryan eucourages the Tagals of the Philippines to coutiuue their as saults ou the United States soldiers and the American flag Why Mr Bryans friends declare he Is honest sincere aud patriotic Why Mr Bryau accepted a commission as colonel and weut to Cuba with the Third Nebraska regiment and resigned his commission with his command still in the field Why Mr Bryau devotes his entire time to criticising and coudemuing the adminis tration rather thau disclosing a remedy or showing results Why Because It Is easier for some men to bo critical thau it is for them to be either logical argumentative or consistent Adapted from the World Herald YOU ARE CORDIALLY TO VISIT INVITED Michaels Studio We shall bo pleased to see you even if you do uot need nny work iu our Hue Come iu aud get acquainted and see our lovely line of photos where you will find the very latest in styles of mounts aud finish All work guaranteed satis factory We hnvo a flue line of Oil Paintings Water Colors Pnstel nud Crayon Work A large stock of Pic ture Frames and Mouldings Amateur supplies always ou hand nnd your work done prompt nnd reasonable Your trade is wanted at the finest gallery in this country Yours for Business C P MICHAEL HUMPHREYS Witch Hazel Oil THE PILE OINTMENT One Application Gives Relief It euros Iiles or Hemorrhoids External or Inter nal Wind or WeedlnKltchlugorUurulngKUsurw and Fistulas Heller Immedlato cure certain It cures Hums Scalds und Ulcerations and Con tractions from liurus Tho Hollef IirulST TrU ClU r IaeeraUJ wl3 and It cures noils Carbuncles ivions Hunrounds SoWHMrt 1UlK ErU1 or It cures Inflamed or Cikcd leasts nnd Soro Nipples Invaluable It euros Salt Hbeum Tetters Scurfy Krunllons CIarpHl Hands Kever WUcrs bor U s or Nostrils Corns llunlous Sore und Chafed n mf f 1U1U 1us Sunburns Throo Sizos 25c 50c and 100 Sold by Druggists or sent pre paid on receiptor price HUMPHREYS MED CO Cor WllILm d Johu hu RBW ViUI 1