The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 23, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Any mlnlt MilToriup Horn n cold
willed on tho mwt bronchitis thront
orlnng troubles of nny nature who
Mill call nt Kiesnu lmj Co will be
presented with n t ntnplu bottlo of
BofldieoB Gernmii Syrup freo of
clinrRO Only one bottlo rIvoii to one
poreon and none to children without
order from parent h
Wo throat or lunR roincdy ever liad
unch a sale as Hoheheofl Gorman Syrup
in nil partH of tho olvllicrt world
Twenty years ano niillloiiH of bottlon
wore Riven away and your ilrnRRistB
will toll you its suceuFS wan nmrveloim
It in really tho only throat and Iuiir
remedy Renerally endorRcd by phyid
oinns Ono 7f cent lKttlo will ouro or
provo its value Sold by donlern in all
clvlli7ed conntrien
To Cnrn oimtlpntluit Vornvrr
Take CufmirnH Candy Cathartic 1 orSSo
11 C C C fall lo cure uniKKlfcts refund money
story r aHliivc
To bo bound hand and foot for yearn
ny thoohaiiiH of diseaRo to tho worHt
form of slavery GcorRo 1 Villliuun
of Manchester Mich nayfl My wife
has been no helpless for live yearn that
ho could not turn over in bod alono
After ufiinR two bottleH or Klcctrio Hit
tern nho is wonderfully improved and
nhlo to do her own work This su
premo romedy for femalo dleaneH
quickly cures norvousnoBS slcopleBRneRH
melancholy headache backaoho faint
inR and dizzy Rpolls It is a Rodsoud to
weak sickly run down peoplo Cura
guaranteed Only fiOo Sold by Kiesau
OruR Co
Tluit Tliroliblnjr llomliitlin
Would quickly leavo yon if you used
Dr KiiiRs Now Life pills Thousands
of RutVorers havo proved their matchless
merit for sick and norvous headaches
Thuy make pure blood and build up
your health Only -25 cents Money
hack if not cured Sold by Kiesau Drug
Dont Tobacco Slt nuil Mnoko uur life Anj
To quit tobacco easily ntul forever be nine
nctlc full of life uorvo nml vlgdr tnUc
the wnmlcr worker Hint innltcf roalt men
strong All Initxlsls ft CuroKuaran
tcrtL Hoolilet and sample freo Address
Pcrllnc Homcdy Co Chlcnco or New York
AiiKtiNt Flower
It is a surprising fact says Prof
Houton iliat in my trnvols in all parts
of tho world for tho last ton years I
havo met moro peoplo having used
Greens August Flower than any other
remedy for dyspopsia dernuged liver
nudjstoinnch and constipation I find
for tourists and salesmen or for persons
rilling ollico positions where hcadnchos
and genoral bad fooliiigs from irregular
liubits exist that Greons August
Flowor is n grand remedy It does no
injure tho systom by frequent uso and
is excellent fur sour stomachs and
indigestion Samplo bottles free at
Kiesau Drug Co
Sold by dealers in all civilized coun
It llolpnl W 111 Hut lien
Tsvonty mno otlicors and men wroto
from tho front to say that for scratches
bruises cuts wounds soro feot and
still joints liuoklenri Arnica salvo is
tho best in tho world Same for bums
skin eruptions and piles i5 cts u box
Curo guaranteed Sold by Kiesau Drug
Gosnnx 111 Geuesso Pure Food Co
Lo Koy N Y Dear Sirs Snmo days
Biuco a package of your Gmiu 0 prepar
ation was left at my ollico I took it
homo and gave it a trial nud I havo to
Bay I was very much pleased with it as n
substitute for colTco Wo havo always
used tho best Java and Mooha in our
family but I am treo to say I like tho
Graiu 0 as well as the best coffee I ever
drank Respectfully yours
A 0 Jackson M D
iuiuiutii ir Lijtiii It
Tn order to provo tLo groat merit ol
Elys Creiun Iiin iho ju t eilico ciri
for Catarrh and l old in Honl u lo jro
yiml a goturom trial m o fur U vi
Oct it of jour dm 1 cr h ml 10 lo
ELY IKtOK ri ii rou St I V i ity
I suSeiud f on i i rri of ti wnrt 1
evor siuco u ln u l 1 now r liiptd i
euro liut Liys vliim iuttii Hteim i
evon that M my in uriisjJ inivs havo use
with escr t v Vear Ostrui
45 Wnrrou Ao Clilcig III
THys Cream IJahn ii tio noknnvliiisi
curofor ctturih nud continue no cooiine
mercury nor ivtiv injurious drug Ptct
CO cents At dniKk1ta ur bv muiL
Tiik News jod aepartm out is com
plete lu every particular
Haw Are Tour KldnLs t
Zr Ilobbs Sparaeus Vllls cure all kidney Ule Sam
pie free Add Merllni UemedrCoCtWsBoor N V
Ladies desiring a transparent com
plexion free from blotches blemishes
and blackheads 6hould uso Rocky
Mouutaiu Tea Ask your druggist
Bilioufuees is cnund ly a Inzy liver
permits food to sour in your stomach
makes you cross Rocky Mountain Tea
makes you well and cheerful Ask
your druggist
lreveutail u Tragedy
Timely information given Mrs George
Long of New Straitsville Ohio saved
two lives A frightful cough had loug
kept her awake every night She had
tried many remedies and doctors but
steadily grew worse until urged to try
Dr Kings New Discovery One bottle
wholly cured her and she writes this
marvelous medicine also cured Mr Loug
of a severe attack of pneumonia Such
cures are positive proof of its power to
cure all throat chest and lung troubles
Only r0o and 100 Guaranteed
Trial bottles free at Kiesau Drug store
Educate Tour iloweli Will Cuirareti
Candy Cathartic cure constipation forexer
40c 2Sc It C C 0 fall drueRists refund money
tCopyrtcht 1000 tiy llobf rt rurr 1
CotilliiiiPil CD
And so tho old tnmi nhnfllcd away
leaving ninny compliments behind hint
ovldontly not having tho slightest hub
picion that ho had met nny ono bnt tho
person ho pnpposed himself addressing
for Ills eyesight wns not of the best nnd
an omhnflnndor inectfl many fair nnd dls
tingnlshod women
Tho girl snt down with cnlm dignity
while Lord Donnl dropped into his
chnir an expression of cnmploto mysti
fication on his clear cnt honest face
Jennie slowly fanned herself for tho
heat made itself felt nt that elovnted
nltnntinn and for a few moments noth
ing was said by either Tho young man
was tho first to break silcnco
Shonld I bo pofortnnatons to got an
invltntlon to the Schloss Htcinheimcr
may I hopu that a red rocking chair
will bo nllotted to mo I hnvo not sat
in ono since I was in tho States
Yes ono for yen two for tho em
bassador said Jennlo with a inngh
I Hhonld like further to flattor my
self that your donblo generosity to tho
eiuhnsf ador arises solely from tho dig
nity of his ofllco nnd is not in nny
way personal
I am very fond of embassadors Thoy
nro courteous gontlomen who scorn to
hnvo Icrs distrust than is exhibited by
some not so exalted
Distrust I You surely ennnot mean
thnt I havo distrusted you princess
Oh I was speaking generally re
plied Jennie airily Yon seem to seek
n personal application
I admit princess that several times
this ovening I hnvo been completely at
And what is worse Lord Donnl
yon havo shown it which is tho ono
unforgivnhlo fanlt in diplomacy
You aro quite right If I had yon
to teach me I wonld bo an embassador
within tho next llvo years or at least a
Tho girl looked at him over the top
of her fan covert merriment lurking
in her eyes
When yon visit SchlossSteinheimor
you might nsk tho prince if ho objects
to my giving you lessons
Here thoro was another interruption
nnd the announcement was made that
tho United States embassador desired
to renow his ncqnnintanco with tho
Princess von Steinneimor Lord Donnl
made uso of an impatient exclnmation
moro emphatic than hointended to give
utterance to hut on looking fit his com
panion in aliinn ho saw in her glnnco
a quick Hash of gratitude as nnmistak
n lilt as if sho had spoken her thanks It
wns quito evident that tho girl had no
desire to meet his excellency which is
not to bo wondered at as sho had al
ready encountered him three times in
her capacity of journalist Ho not only
know tho Princess von Steinheimer
hut ho knew Jennie Baxter as well
Sho leaned back in her chair and said
I seem to be having somewhat over
much of diplomatic society this even
ing Aro you acquainted with the
American embassador nlso Lord Do
Yes cried tho young man spring
ing to his feot Ho wns a prominent
politician at Washington while I wns
there Ho is an excellent man and I
shall havo no difficulty iu making your
excuses to him if j ou dont wish to
meet him
Thank you so much You havo now
an opportunity of retrieving your dip
lomatic reputation if you can postpone
tho interview without offending him
Lord Donnl departed with alacrity
nnd tho moment he wns gone nil np
penrnncoof languor vanished from Miss
Jennie Baxter
Now is my chance sho whispered
to herself I must bo in my carriage
before ho retnrns
Eager as sho was to bo gone Bhe
know that sho should display no haste
Expecting to find a 6tuir at tho other
end of tho gallery sho sought for it
but found none Filled with apprehen
sion that sho would meet Lord Donnl
coming up sho had difllculty in timing
her footsteps to tho slow mensuro thnt
was She reached tho bottom
of tho stair in safety and unimpeded
but once on tho main floor a new prob
lem presented itsolf Nothing would at
tract more attention than n young and
beautiful lady walking the long dis
tance between tho gallery end of tho
room and tho entrance stairway entire
ly nloue nnd unattended Sho stood
there hesitating wondering whether
sho could venturo on finding a quiet
tide exit which sho was sure must ex
ist in this large house when to her
dismay sho found Lord Donnl again at
her side rather breathless as if he bad
been hurrying iu search of her His
brows were knit and there was an anx
ious expression on his fuce
I must have a word with you
alone he whispered Let me conduct
you to this ulcove under the gallery
No I am tired I am going home
I quite understand that but yon
must come with me for a moment
Must I she said with a suggestion
of defiance in her tone
Yes he answered gravely I wish
to be of assistance to you I think you
will need it
For a moment she met bis unflinch
ing gaze steadily then her glance fell
and she said in a low voice Very
When they reached the alcove she
inquired rather qnaverlngly for she
eaw something had happened which
had finally settled all the young mans
doubfcj Is it the American embas
No there was little trouble there
He expccti to meet you later inth
evening Dutn telegraphic message hns
come from Mernn signed by tho Prin
cess von Steinheimer which espressos a
hope that the ball will bo n success nud
reiterates tho regret of her highness
thnt shuconld not bo present Luckily
this communication hnn not been shown
to the duchess I told tho duko who
read it to me knowing I hnd been with
you nil tho evening thnt it wns likely n
practical joko on Uio part of tho prince
hut tho duko wLo is rnther n serious
person does not tnko kindly to that
theory nnd if ho know tho princo ho
would dismiss it an absurd which it id
1 hnvo nnked him not to show tho tolo
grnm to nny ono qo thoro in n llttlo
time for considering whnt hnd best Is
Thero In nothing for mo to do bnt
to tnko my lonvo ns quickly nnd ns
quietly ns possible snld tho girl with
My lord excuse inc
a nervous little lnngh bordering closely
on tho hysterical I wns about to
mnko my way out by somo privnto exit
if 1 could find one
Thnt would bo impossible nnd tho
attempt might lend to unexpected com
plications I suggest that you tako my
iirm nnd that yon bid farewell to her
grnco pleading fntiguo us tho reason
for your enrly departure Then I will
seo you to your carriage nnd when I
retnm I shnll endeavor to get that un
lucky telegram from tho duko by telling
him I should like to find out whether it
is it hoax or not Ho will havo forgotten
about it most likely in tho morning
Therefore all you havo to do is to keep
np your courage for n few moments
longer until you nro 6nfo in your car
You nro very kind sho murmured
with downcast eyes
You are very clever mj princess
but the odds against you wcro tremen
dous Some time you must tell mo why
you risked it
She made no reply but took his arm
nnd together they sauntered through
tho rooms until they found the duchess
when Jennie took her leavo of tho host
ess with a demure dignity that left
nothing to ho desired All went well
until thoy reached tho head of tho stair
when tho duke an ominous frown on
his brow hurried nfter them and said
My lord excuse me
Lord Donnl turned with an ill con
cealed expression of impatience but ho
was helpless for ho feared hiB host
might not havo tho good senso to nvoid
it hceue even in his own hall Hud it
been tho duchess nil would havo been
well for sho wns n lady of infinite toot
but tho duko as he had said wns n
stupid man who needed tho constnnt
eye of his wife upon him to keep him
from blundering Tho young man whis
pered Keep right ou until you nro in
your carriugo I shnll ask my man hero
to call it for yon but plenBO dont drivo
away until I come
A sign brought a serving man up tho
Call the enrriago of tho Princess
von Steinheimer snid his master
Then as tho lady descended the stair
Lord Dnuiil turned with no very thank
ful feeling in his heart to heur what
his host had to saj
Lord Donnl the American embassa
dor tays that woman is not tho Princess
von Steinheimer whom ho hns met
several times in London Ho cannot re
member her name Now who is sho
and how did you come to meet her
My lord duke it uover occurred to
me to question tho identity of guests I
met under your hospitable roof I knew
tho princess tlvo yearn ago in Washing
ton before she wns married I havo
not seen her iu tho interval but until
you showed mo tho telegrnphic messngo
there wns no question in my mind re
garding her
But the American embassador is
Then he has moro confidence in his
eyesight than I have If such a ques
tion like international difficulties is
to be Battled by the embassies let us
refer it to Austria who held a long
conversation with tho lady in my pres
ence Your excellency he continued
to the Austrian ernbaesadcr who was
hovering near waiting to speak to his
host my lord duke has some doubt
that the lady who has just departed is
the Princess von Steinheimer You
spoke with her and can therefore decide
with authority for his lordship seems
disinclined to accept my testimony
Not the princess Nonsense I I know
her very well indeed nnd a most churin
ing lady she is I hope to be ber gneet
again before many months are past
There my lord duke you seo every
thing is as it should be If you will
give me that stupid telegram I will
make some quiet inquiries about it
Meanwhile the less said the better I
will bm the American embassador and
convinco ha of his error And now 1
must make what excuses I can to tho
lady for my desertion of her
Placing tho pnper In hiH pocket ho
hurried down the stair nnd out to tho
street There hnd been somo delay
nbont tho coming of tho enrringo nnd
ho saw tho hidy ho sought nt thnt mo
ment entering it
Homo nt onco iib fast ns yon cnnl
ho heard her say to tho conchmnn Sho
hnd evidently no intention of waiting
for him He sprnng forward thrnst hiB
arm through tho enrringo window nnd
grasped her luuid
Princess ho cried yon will not
leave mo like this I must seo you to
morrow I
No no sho gasped shrinking into
tho corner of tho carriage
You cannot ho so cruel Tell mo nt
least where lotter will reach yon I
Hliull not relenso your hand until yon
With n quick movement tho girl
turned back the gauntlet of her long
glove Tho next instant tho enrringo
wns rnttling down tho Htreet whilo n
chagrined young man stood alono on
tho curb with u long slender whlto
glovo iu his hand
By Jovol ho snid nt Inst ns ho fold
ed it carefully nnd placed it in the
pocket of his cont It in tho glovo
tliia time instead of tho mitten I
To bo coutiimoil uoxt Tlmieilny
Commit Sulilili On Prtufiitfcr Triiln
Oelwolii hi Aug J3 When the
morning passenger train on the Great
Western road reached Oelwoln from
Chicago It bore the remains of a man
who hail drank two ounces of carbolic
ncld A porter discovered him in a
dying condition Tho dead man
proved to be Clarence Rich whose
homo was In Red Wing Minn and to
which he was returning having been
to the Paris exposition
lliiialinn WIiihIIIr Stake
Boston Aug Ji Tho feature of the
grand circuit meet nt tho Readvllle
track yesterday was the big Massa
chusetts stake 10000 tho fifth re
newal for 121 trotters and Thomas
W LnwsonH Borulma won In straight
heats Despite the fact that the geld
ing was noticeably lame In his oft hind
leg he made n new mark for himself
ns well ns for the event 2M
laverwtlitlicr Will Ciird Again
New York Aug Ut After eight
years of litigation when the Fayer
weather will case was thought to be
practically closed Judge Lncoinb yes
terdny rendered an opinion and signed
orders which in effect open the case
again and allow tho question of tlic
validity of the release executed by
the widow and next of kin to be gout
Heat Drives Tlirm Crnzy
Cedar Rapids Aug Ill Changing
winds and showers yesterday broke
the terrible hot spell that has hung on
for 2 days Within 21 hours three
men have irono insane from the heat
Two are under restraint and O J
Prune formerly a wealthy wagon
manufacturer of Maquoketu commit
ted suicide
Yctterilnys lluspliall Itchiilti
Omnlia 1 Dfnvrrfl
Drs Moines IS- St Toepli 2
New York H Philadelphia 2
noton 8 Brooklyn 10
Uniiis City 0 Milwaukee 3
Cleveland 11 Indianapolis 12 Second game
Cleveland 3 Indianapolis 2
Buffnlo 4 Detroit 3
Chleutro 7 Minneapolis 3 Second Game
Chicago J Minneapolis 2
Games Today
Western Lracup Denver at Omaha St
Juf ephat Dps Moineg Pueblo nt Sioux City
National Leapue Brooklyn at Boston Phil
adelphia at New York Cincinnati at Pittsburc
Chicago at St Iouls
American League Minneapolis nt Milwnn
kee Cleveland nt Buffalo Kanpas City ai
Chicago Detroit nt Indianapolis
Foreign Iluylng nml tnfninriililn Weatlin
Cniites n Siilixtnutlnl AiUauee
Chicago Aug 21 Wheat advanced todny
under tho inllneneo of unfavornWn harvesting
weather anil foreign buying September clos
Ing fi7o higher Cornnndonts eloped eneh
Vte lower Provisions eloi ed with but llttli
change Closing prices
Wh cat Sept 1c Oct 743
COHS Popt 036c Oct SV3tti
OATS Sept 2H Oct 220
PoitK Sept 1090 Oet 1097i
LAHn Sept IU70 Oct Jrt75
Rins Sept 1700 Oct 0 05
Cash quotations No 2 red wheat 7375c
No 2 Hprinif wheat flc70o No 2 corn 40Ha
No 2 oats 22f22ic
Cllirngn Ilve Stock
Cnnuno Auk 25000
10 to lo lower natives best on sal to
day eight carloads nt Ifl 00- good to prima
steers 4Vfr100j poor to medium MOOffiS30
Heleeted feeders steady 11004471 mixed
Rtockers 32AMPI cows 2rtV9425 heiforp
8O0t4 0 canners 12 00t260 bulls 2501
440 eaives 4 WttilM Texas fed steers JJlVfl
fiOO Texas grass steers 13 1V44 00 Texas bulls
S250dS2V Hogs Hecelpti today 25000 to
morrow 21000 estimated left over 6000
mixed and butcher 1500 157 good to eholc
heavy 50OttS40 rough heavy MOOrttSMi
light I51V5 574 bulk of sales tSlVdSaV
Sheop Uceints 2J000 1015o lower good
to choice wethers f3flVj4O0 fair to rhoic
mixed 33Vci380 western sheep 380Tt375
Tew sheep UMVftS H native Iambi 14133
625 western lambs I47VS15
South Omaha Lire Stock
HotTn Omaha Aug 22 Cattle Receipt
JM0 10c lower native beef steers f400rf57V
Western utear J4iyt7i Texa s steers 137513
140- cows and biifors slow to 10c lower
18044 40 cannen I1V2 9 itockers and
teedura 105c lower 3 704403 calvaa 13001
1 50 bull iitag etc 2 lOil 23 Hogi Kfr
celpts 8200 steady on light lower on heavj
Cradei heavy f4OTiVJU5 mtxwd 497Hr4
JOS light I4W9510 pips 14 50iU 90 bulk ol
tales 1500 Shp Receipts 11000 25c lowei
than Monday wethers and jfrlini8l38Yi
J65 stock sheep J 25 3W lambs 14203490
Kama City Lire Stock
Kansas City Aug 22 Cattle Reoelpta
iB3M steady to a shade higher natlvo steen
I4705M stookers and feeders 3 300400
kiutchera cows and heifers 430OJt515 can
ners I241300 fed weoUrni 43003 85
wintered Texans 3 00430 grass Texani
t36V3T veal calrni 15 003550 Hogt
liecelpts rJ0 shade easier heavy 13201
b 27j mixed I510jj25 light 14135 93 pic
i4hO510 Sheep Receipts B00 slow al
slightly lower values lamb 4 7tK32i mut
tons I3t0j370
r iflrsjej
The surest way to keep the
womanly health is to use Dr
Pierces Favorite Prescription
at the first symptom of local
disorder There is no other
preparation for the peculiar
diseases of women which has
so great a hold on womans
esteem Favorite Prescrip
tion differs from almost all
other medicines offered for womans ills in
that it contains no alcohol and is absolutely
free from opium cocaine and all other nar
cotics It promotes perfect regularity It
dries the drains which weaken women It cures inflammation
ulceration and female weakness It soothes and strengthens the
nerves drives away despondency and gives a healthy appetite and
refreshing sleep It makes childbirth easy and nursing mothers
will find in it a strength giving tonic
There is no substitute for Favorite Prescription because there
is no other non alcoholic and non narcotic medicine for women
which always helps and nlmost always cures Dont let the dealer
turn you aside from Favorite Prescription to any so called just
as good medicine
Women suffering from disease in chronic form are invited to
consult Dr Pierce by letter free All correspondence is held as
strictly private and sacredly confidential Replies to letters are
sent in plain envelopes Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y
I never courted newspaper nototitv writes Mrs K A Bender of Keene
Coshocton Co Ohio yet I am not afraid to speak n pood word for your Favorite
Prescription and Pleasant Pellets 0er a year ago I buffered terribly for nearly
four weeks with prolapsus ami weiknos After using one bottle of Favorite Pre
scription and one of Pellets I was a well woman I have taken no medicine
since and have had no symptoms of my forniet ttouble Have used the Favorite
Prescription at different times for more than four years and find it has no equal
Biliousness and ssckhcadscho are cured by
the use of Dr PiQPcevs Pleasant Pellets the
simplest and safest laxative far women
zrA iet
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the
best in the market
Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE Ol
nrj3xtvxixizNX jpzxiijs
Tho great remedy for nervous prostrati6n and all diseases of tho generative
organs of either sex such as Nervous Prostration Palling or Lost Manhood
Impotency Nightly Emissions Youthful Errors Mental Worry excessive uso
of Touicco or Opium which lead to Consumption and Insanity With every
5 order wo guarantee to cure or refund tho money Sold at 100 per bos
G boxes for 500 DIE iTIOTTS ClIiiTIICAl CO Cleveluud Ohio
A Dictionary of ENGLISH
Biography Geography Fiction etc
What better investment co iM 1 i vo than in n pojy of thrt
International V This royd qunrto viuiuo l a v t f
valuable information arranged ii nw iverintrji i r hnd eye
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other dictionary in the world It bo ri every 1
i t rir r
AIfo Vebsters Collegiate Dictlorary with n f ottfh iMj
Glossury etc lirst clss in vilty f ei rid 5 i li - I V sj J
A Mountain Tourist
In search of grand and beuutifnl
scenery finds such a profusion of riches
in Colorado that before planning a trip
it will be well for yon to gain all the in
formation possible Tho Denver Rio
Grande railroad publishes a series of
useful illustrated pamphlets all of which
may be obtained by writing S K
Hooper General Passenger and Ticket
Agent Denver Colo
For more than twenty dvo years Dr J New
ton Hathaway has made a specialty of Komalo
Jllsoasos During that time ho has had amung
ins patients over ten thous
and women sintering from all
those many different coin
plaints peculiar to thesoxaud
has completely anfl perma
nently cured more than 0 pet
cent of the cases ho has
By his exclusive method
which he has perfected during
the twenty fiyo years of his
most extensive practice ho Is enabled to cure all
of these different diseases Including painful
prof uso or suppressed menstruation prolapsus
all ovarian trouble tumors and ulceration In
fact every form of those diseases which make a
burden of life to the great majority of women
He has so perfected this system of his that he
can treat tlioso cases by mall without any per
sonal examination to which every sensitive
woman naturally objects and without any oper
ation with Its consooueut pain and necessary
Ills system of treatment Is taken In the pri
vacy of the homo the euro Is painless and Ills
Write him a letter stating brloSy your condi
tion and lie will send ou a blank to bo tilled out
Ho will give your caso his personal attention and
care and make his feo so moderate Including all
medicines necessary that you will not feel the
burden of the pa men t and ho will guarantee
you a positive cure Address
Ur Uatliuuny Co
Commertlul lilock Muux City Iowa
Ladies if you want a refined and
brilliant complexion freo from blemishes
use Rocky Mountain Tea Never fails
sk your druggist
Lazy Liver
I havo been troubled a ercat deal
with u torpid liver which produces constipa
tion I found CASCAUETS to bo all you claim
for thorn and securod such relief tho tlrst trial
that I purcnaied another supply and wa com
pletely cured I shall only bo too elad to rec
ommend Cascarots whenever tho opportunity
Is presented J A Sunn
8920 Susquehanna Ave Philadelphia Pa
nISant Palatable Iotent Tnste Good Do
Good Never SlcHcn Weaken or Gripe 10c 25c Mc
BterlUf Itrotdr fonpin Ctlc0 Moolrttl Kn Tori KO
NO TOBAC B nlev5rJnce1 by rug
gids to CUltE Tobacco llabiu
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison MtdU
cine Co Madison WU it
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 3S cents Never sold
tconrontTiDitia tute Ask your druggist
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