ft i f I E 1 i i r x wii i J 4 dULIUO I PCI Ill rn Cornelius Smith His Son-in-Law Does the Shooting RESULT OF A FAMILY QUARREL Victim or tho fehootlnj Cniiio Homo In tnxlcnteil mid Stnrteil In to lUlxc n HoiikU llour nit VTiid II In Wont and Wbh Shut In Scir Ilclrtiao From WpdnpsilnyV Dnlly Julius Bolofski a fnnner about 60 years of age was foully shot yesterday moruing during a family inarrel by his Coruclius Smith at hiB homo south of Meadow Grove Bolofski and fnmily ami Smith and family livo together in tho honso belong ing to tho old man The Bolofskis lived in tho east part of tho building while tho Smiths occupied tho west part The old man and the two young men eocli farmed a portion of tho land Tho old man had threshed His portion of the crop somo time ago and on Monday went to help a neighbor threBh Whilo absent he secured some liquor aud when he arrived homeiat oclock yesterday moruing he was in a bad humor aud went in to make trouble but uothing Herious happened until it caino time to do the morning choreB Smith was to thresh his graiu yester day and Bolofskis sou went to the bam to get tho teams ready His father ap peared with a pitchfork and drove hhn out As ho was running away tho yonng man fell over a barb wire fence injuring his leg quite severely Mrs Bolofski also went to the barn but was driven away by her infuriated husband Tho attention of tho crazed man was next directed to tho house which he entered and drove out tho threshers who were eatiug breakfast He then started into the rooms occupied by Smith in which were Mrs Smith and her eight weeks old baby The old man threatened to kill all of them and Mrs Smith called to her hus band and told him to shoot the old man Smith secured a 32 calibre revolver and lired at Bolofski three times all the shots takiug effect The first entered the old mans head at about the center of the forehead the second entered at the temple and the third bullet took effect in his throat The victim of the shooting didnt fall until the third shot hud been lired Any one of thohots would ordinarily mean almost instant death but up to the last reports heard Bolofski was still alive although his death was believed to be a matter of but a short timo and he is probably dead by this time Young Smith went to Meadow Grove where he gave himself up to the oflicers nud is now in charge of Sheriff Losey at Madison Public sentiment is almost unani mously in sympathy with young Smith Bolofski has the reputation of possessing a terrible temper especially when drunk and there have been numerous rows before He was in the county jail about a year ago charged with beating his wife aud abusing his family and at another time Mrs Bolofski was protected against him by being kept in jail by Sheriff Losey He was an ugly cus omer according to all occouu ts and t here will be few to mourn his loss Prepare Ueet Fields Now for 11101 A correspondent signing himself P D in the Chicago Beet Sugar Gazette gives the following valuable advice to farmers who contemplate raising sugar beets next year In order to prepare tho soil properly for tho season of 1101 beet growers ought to begin now Select a piece of good soil grain stubble and as soon as the grain is off burn it if practicable Then draw out all tho manure you have to spare or borrow some and spread it plow two or three inches deep only aud afterward keep everything green culti vated down going a little deeper each time so as to throw up to tho atmos phere new weed seed to sprout Tho oftener this is done the better until as late in the fall as you can safely risk the last deep plowing of about eight inches according to soil If n deep rioh soil loose below eight inches will do If a compact subsoil use a subsoil plow set so as to reach not lees than 10 to IB inches below the surface In all your work keep tho surface level do not allow any ridges in it Iu the spring use disk or cultivator only and about five inches deep aud sow the seed as early as possible bat not if too cold Remember your garden beets aud that they will stand early sowing and the sugar beet can be sowed just as early nud the earlier we can get them started the earlier we can begin harvesting them and the earlier you can get your money from the crop David City Neb April 1 1100 Genessee Pure Food Co LeRoy N Y Gentlemen I must say iu regard to Grain 0 that there is nothing better or healthier We have used it for yeara My brother was a great coffee drinker He was taken sick and the doctor said coffee was the cause of it and told us to use Grain O Wo got a package but did not like it at first but now would not be without it My brother has been well ever since we started to use it Yours truly Lillik Socnon COUNTY COMMISSIONERS A Ntiititirr of Hills Allan rit nud Triinir Mnilti trout Various Ituiil Madison Nob August II WOO 1 p m Board of county commissioners of Madison county state of Nebraska met pursuant to adjournment Present 11 W Winter J 1 Hughes and Christ Sxhmitt Minutes of last meeting wero read and on motion wero approved On motion u warrant was allowed Clans Young on Soldiers Relief fund for r0 00 On motion tho followiug bills wero allowed A Rubendall medicine for prisoners 5 on Phil Banch postage express etc paid from May 1st to August 1st 2115 John It Edwards II wolf sralps 1S applied on personal tax IK 7M bal ance 10 OS L W Lyon operating grader 182 00 Wm Parkinson gasoline etc 270 C W Crutn salary for luly 10000 On motion board adjourned to 7 oclock p m Board met at 7 p in On motion tho following bills were allowed Gust Kaul salary for July sJSOOO Horst Bros hardware etc 1125 Perkins Bros Co rubber stamp iio W II Lowe surveying 7 50 applied on personal tax Ohas Walter land for road 1000 Aug Willo work on grader t 10 applied on porsoual tax 18 05 cents balance 215 II W Winter cash for sick pauper 2 15 State Journal Co blank book etc 2875 Wm Wolfgrani bridge work 21 0 Norfolk Auzeiger folding in treas urers statement etc 550 Fremout Tribune stationery 255 Gross Marsh iron rods for bridge 25 WN Huso GOO copies of treasurers statement furnished Auzeiger 200 W N Huso publishing commissioners proceedings treasurers statement etc 100 5 J B Hume lumber for bridges G0 75 J B Hume coal for jail 80 5 Report of W H Lowe of surveying done for county was on motion accepted On motion board adjourned to S a ni August 15th Board met at 8 a m On motion the following bills were allowed J B Donovan blauks etc 1115 Edwards Bradford Lumber Co lumber for bridges 1125 Edwards Bradford Lumber Co lime etc for jail 5 S5 It C Miles postage exchange etc i92 Nebraska Telephone Co rent to Oc tober 1st etc 725 There being a surplus of lij 12 in the U P It It bond fund the same was in accordance with statute provi sion transferred to the road districts from which it was received as follows District No 18 Fairview precinct 5 12 District No 2 Fairview precinct oo District No ill Norfolk precinct 53S District No 8 Norfolk precinct 25 00 District No 1 Norfolk precinct 2500 District No 81 Madison precinct 1541 District No 82 Madison precinct 15 00 District No 25 Madison precinct 1500 District No 83 Union precinct 585 District No 21 Union precinct 12 00 District No 17 Union precinct 800 District No 20 Green Garden pre cinct 2 12 District No 111 Green Garden pre cinct 112 District No i Waruorville precinct 200 District No 10 Warnerville precinct 18 On motion tho following transfers were made from the township fund to tho several road districts from which Baid money waB received District No 8 1 Norfolk precinct 40 47 District No 8 Norfolk precinct 2800 District No 1 Norfolk precinct 2i00 District No 2 Valley precinct 201 District No 7 Valley preoiuot fSOO District No 8 Deer Creek precinct 1201 District No 0 Deer Creek precinct 4 00 District No 81 Burnett precinct 1010 District No 4 Burnett precinct 000 District No 5 Burnett precinct 900 District No 12 Grove precinct 200 District No 18 Grove precinct 170 District No 11 Highland precinct 100 District No 14 Highland precinct 878 District No 85 Battle Creek precinct 1088 District No 10 Battle Creek preoiuct 900 District No 16 Battle Creek precinct 1000 THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY AtKJUST 2 lflOO District No I Warneivillo precinct 8 00 District No 10 Warncrvillo precinct 2 41 District No Hit Union precinct S5 District No 17 Union product 12 to District No 21 Union precinct 1800 District No 18 Fairview precinct 22 00 District No 28 Fairviow precinct 27S1 District No 22 School Craft precinct 150 District No W School Craft precinct 500 District No 87 Shell Creek preoiuct 1500 Distiict No 28 Shell Creek precinct 1500 District No 2l Shell Creek precinct 21 IW District No 27 Kalamazoo precinct 100 District No 80 Kalamazoo product 154 Distiict No 21 Green Garden pre cinct 88 conts District No 81 Green Garden pre cinct 82 cents District No 88 Madison precinct 1488 District No 25 Madison precinct 1200 District No 82 Madison precinct 1200 On nioIon the county treasurer was ordered to transfer from tho High Bchool fund 1021 from tho est my fund 50 cents from tho county judgement fund 8 17 ond from tho miscellnnous fund 05 cents all to tho 18S1S cosh fund From tho 1898 cash fund to the lMiilgon eral fund 1500 From tho KSIH bridge fund to the IS bridge fund 200 School district No 25 having a surplus of 11887 in the bond fund the treas urer was on motion ordered to transfer same to district fund School district No OS having a surplus of 415 iu tho bond fund the treasurer was on motion ordered to transfer samo to district fund On motion tho clerk was ordered to cancel assessment against lie i 4 sej 111- 21 1 for 18SS the samo being a double as sessment On motion tho trensurer was ordered to correct delinquent tax list as to the wa uwjf aud iiwj sw for the year 18S0 said tax having been paid On motion board adjourned to Septem ber 11 WOO at 1 p in Phil Baitii Comity Clerk TUESDAY TOPICS Sol G Mayer went to Lincoln today on business Mrs Maggie Storey of Meadow Grove is in the city today Mrs Mnckey and daughter Pearl of Stanton were shopping iu Norfolk yes terday Ohas Emmich of Bazilo Mills is in the city on his way to Hot Springs South Dakota Mr and Mrs W H Blakemau re turned last night from a visit at Council Bluffs aud Omaha Mrs D ltees and daughters Maude and Bufort left this morning for a visit to Denver and Colorado Springs The family of Geo L Whitham de parted yesterday for a visit to frieuds ill Illinois Mr Whitham accompanied them as far as Omaha The Nrws acknowledges tho receipt of a complimentary ticket to tho Boone county fair which is to be held at Albion September W 20 and 21 Superintendent D C OConner and family returned yesterday from their outing trip They traveled overland through north Nebraska aud were absent about six weeks Dr P H Salter went to Creighton on the noon train to give professional at tention to Judge Rice a prominent citi zen of that town who was badly burned Suudny by the explosion of a gasoline stovo A J Koenigsteiu Mrs Asa K Leonard MiBs Nellie Gerecke Miss Ella Clinkert Mrs Jack Koenigsteiu and a friend who is visiting her composed a party which left thiB morning to camp out at the Yellow Banks The famous Weslejau Male Quartette will appear at tho M E churoh Septem her 13 under the auspices of the church choir They will bo accompanied by their impersonator Roy Israel Those who anticipate a rare treat will not be disappointed L M Beeler and family Joseph Bar nett and family Geo B Christoph and family and tho Misses Fannie aud Mat tie Davenport enjoyed an afternoons outiug and picnic supper at Tafts grove yesterday Bathing was one of the chief enjoyments Frank J Hoydar and family contem plate leaving the last of the week for an extended trip along the Pacific coast and through old Mexico Mr Hoydar was formerly in the union depot here hut is uow a brakemon on the M Obetween this city and Emersou Master Lorren Hoffman entertained a party of 21 boys last evening at his home on North Eleventh street in honor of his 12th birthday anniversary The time was pleasantly spent with games aud other amusements aud an eleguut lunoh was given appreciable attention Rev G II Main is busy finding enter tainment for the annual conference which meets at Norfolk September 18 About 2Kt including some of the preiichcis wives nre to bo entertained Those who arc disposed to help by fur nishing rooms or meals or both can ie port to Rev Main T1m old tennis court is being removed from the corner of Main and Ninth streets and a new one Is being con structed at Eleventh and Main prepara tory to tho tournament which is to bo held in this city September Ith and Mil The enthusiastic admirers of tho game expect an interesting meeting A company of 30 or 10 votoriuiH will occupy a special car which is to leave hete Friday for the national A It reunion at Chicago The excursionist s will be veterans of tho civil war from this city Madison Battle Crook Tildcn Meadow Grove and other neighboring places A line time iH anticipated President MoKinloy and Mr Brian are to visit the reunion This paper has been complimented by a pass to tho Wth annual fair of the Madison County Agricultural society which is to be held at the fair grounds at Madison September 11th to I Ith The fair this year promises to be one of tho most interesting held in recent years especially in regard to the speed depart ment and every citizen of Norfolk who possibly can should plan to spend at least one day on tho grounds A F Kiel of this city who has tho agency of several comities for the Im proved Dry Compound Firo Extin guisher unnouueos that he will make a public exhibition test at the old Ituuo lot corner of Fifth and Main streets this evening at 7 M or in case of rain tomorrow evening at tho same hour Ho will build a lire with tho iiiomI in llainniablo materials obtainable and his special effort will bo to use materials not readily extinguished by water This extinguisher is manufactured by the Improved Firo Appliance company of Now York City is highly endorsed by prominent liremeu It seemed to be the unanimous senti ment of peoplo that yesterday was the hottest day of the year but the govern ment thermometer failed to sustain them in their belief m it only indicated a maximum temperature of l degrees while on Juno 27 the maximum temper ature was registered at 103 degrees It is uot unlikely that tho temperature yes terday was tho moro oppressive how ever owing to the humidity of the at mosphere which was scarcely stirred by a breeze A most agreeable change took place this morning when a cooling healthy breeze sprang up from tho north east carrying with it large quantities of refreshing invigorating ozone which soon put the atmosphere in n condition to make life worth living Sonus show ers also accompanied the change and wero far from being despised by the populace Meadow Grove Press Quito a num ber of our citizens were badly shocked Tuesday night during the electrical storm tho lightning striking the liberty pole and running both ways on the wiro that runs from McDonalds storo to their house shaking the peoplo in tho house and destroying the phones at both places On striking the storo it ran from the main building down into tho salt house tearing a few boards loose At the same time tho lightning struck the blacksmith shop of Geo Mills aud did somo queer work Btarting iu at the stovepipe running along his work bench scattering his tools right and left and moving tho opposite side of the building out about 4 inches It also welded two iron wrenches together that were laying side by sido on tho bench Aside from this no other damage was done in townbut Joe Ober living north of town lost a valuable row from being struck by lightning It is hardly to bo supposed that any law will protect a brutes life against that of a person A man is justified in killing another in self defenso provid ing it can bo proven and it is highly improbable that any law wonld condemn a person for protecting himself or an other against the attack of n brute even though his lifo might uot bo en dangered If a ferocious bull should charge a person and was shot it is not believed that any jury would convict the one who killed him of any offense against the law of tho laud aud so with a vicious dog It is not believed that any law or jury would condemn a man for protecting his person or that of his wife or child from even a threatened attack especially if the brute has before shown vicious tendencies The law would undoubtedly presume that every endeavor to avoid such an attack would be employed as it does in the postoflice service a carrier need not deliver at a house where a vicious dog is kept but if the animal comes onto the street aud attacks the carrier without provocation he would undoubtedly be justified in killing it oven though it were persoual property and its owner had paid a tax Thk News has heard many complaints of vicious dogs in Norfolk and would be the last to con demn a person for openly defending himself or his family against their attacks A family pet is all right but a virion one allowed to run at large unmuzzled is not and it is the opinion of the writer that a person is no more justified in leaving a vicious dog run at large than he would be to harbor a linn or tiger CTTJ j rt 3 jKlPf LiC CVVK ritcflf cninrihf ir ii inrl 1 TO THE MAN WHO THINKS - - vvai yutowi ovjwui t j iti uiw w tins Jbw mm if you arc not half ashamed to be without Ivory Soap in your house Worse than this your wife is without it It is bad enough for a man though a man often doesnt care how his comfort is mis spelled But a woman misses all these little helps to housekeeping And Ivory Soap is one its great potency makes it actually cheaper than yellow soap for general work It floats WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Miss Agnes Wunner of Stanton was a city visitor yesterday Miss Maud Wilson of Pierce is visiting at the homo of C P Michael A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs F W ItobertH of this city yesterday Miss Ethel Doughty returned yester day from a visit to friends at Wayne Mrs W i Baker wili entertain a few young peoplo of tho Heights this evening Mr and Mrs Thos Klliot of Madison wero transacting business in Norfolk yesterday Fred Burnett of Pago lias accepted a position with I M Mary to learn photography E C Harris passed through the city this noon over the Elklioru on his way from Chadrou to the east Miss II C Wood returned yesttirday from Valpariso Ind where she has been attending summer school J N Buudick acting manager of the sugar factory went to Omaha today on business connected with that institution Mrs Wm Killeu has gone to Belmont Iowa in iesponse to a telegram from her brother announcing that her sister is dying Mr- A D Colo and sons Harold and Paul returned this noon from Cody where thoy have been visiting for about two mouths Mrs W Baldwin nee Edna Tracy who has been visiting at the homo of her brother Col E H Tracy for more than a month left today for her home iu Ripan Wis Miss Lillian Luikart entertained the class ol 8 Norfolk public schools at her homo on West Norfolk avenue last evening iu a most enjoyable manner Tho special car to convey the G A It veterans to tho Chicago reunion will leave hero Saturday noon over the F E M V road instead of Friday as stated yesterday A company of 25 or 30 members ot tho Y P S O E of Madison enjoyed a pic nic yesterday at Tafts grove Several of the picnicers improved the oppor tunity of coining into tho city Rudolph Freeso a farmer living ten miles south of Tilden started home from that village with a load of lumber last evening As ho was driving down a hill a portion of the harness broke nud the team ran away throwing Freeso uuder tho wagon aud crushing him to death A male passenger for Sioux City boarded tho Verdigre train yesterday and his mistake was not discovered until the sugar factory was reached when the crew accommodatingly backed up to town and allowed him to rectify his mistake by tukiug the train at the M O depot Elies Marqnardt who has been an inmate of tho hospital for the insane at this place and at Hastings for the past eight years died at the lut tar institution last Monday evening His remains were brought here and the funeral was held from St Pauls Lutheran church this afternoon The parents of the de ceased Mr uud Mrs Julius Marqnardt reside on a farm northeast of the city John Ohm who is in the employ of P J Fue6ler had an exciting experience aud narrow efcnpe from serioas Injury last evening He was riding along on his bicycle when he came in contact with a loose runaway horse thnt was an proaohing at n rapid gait When the horse encountered Mr Ohm it jumped clear over him one of its feet stnkuig the bioyclu aud breaking it all to pieces Ohm was thrown to the ground aud those who witnessed tho accident j thought he was killed or seriously in jtired Investigation proved that his injuries weio neither fatal nor serious although he was quite severely bruised Miss Lydia Olive Green sister of Mrs M Diirland of Omaha aud well known to many Norfolk people is gaining an enviable reputation as u composer of music One of her most popular com positions is The Bed White and Blue march arranged for bands It was played at the Dewey military ball with immense success and will be played by the Pliinny band in the Coliseum at Chicago on the 25th One of her latest compositions is Tho Soidicis Lovu dedicated to the blue and gray and played by the American band Miss Greens eompoMtinns ant handled by Ihu John Chuich company of Chicago Tho public exhibition of Ihu efftetivo ucnH of tho Improved Dry Compound Fire Extinguisher made last evening at the corner of Fifth and Main streets by A F Kielil was a success iu every particular A large box was coated with tin- and saturated with gaolino and then set on fire It blazed fiercely the Haines leaching a great height and the smoke ascending in dense clouds When well aflame Mr Kielil applied the powder and tho offer t was surpris ing tho II unes being extinguished in an inciedihly short tune Tho lire was lighted a second time with oil and as promptly and effectively extinguished as before Tho Norfolk tennis enthusiasts are taking considerable interest in tho games preliminary to tho tournament to be held here on the 4th aud 5th of next month L P Pisewalk and F II Beels ngaiiist W M Rainbolt and H A Wilmerding are at present contesting for tho honor of representing Norfolk at the tournament They have met for three evenings The first game was a victory for Pusowalk and Beels by a score of 8 0 0 1 The second evening Raiubolt and Wilmerding were tho vic tors by n count of H 0 Last evening Rainbolt and Wilmerding won the first set scoring 0 2 and Pasewalk and Beels carried oil tho honors in the second set 0 3 Is Babyl this summer iffix a Then add a little SCOTTS ElUIULSinrJi I to his milk three times a day It is astonishing how fast he will improve If he nurses let the mother take the Emulsion socandli oojalldrucBist HUMPHREYS Witch Hazel Oil TUB PILE OINTAIKNT One Application Gives Relief It curt HIm or Hemorrhoid External or Inter nal Illltid or lllnxllnjr ltchlngor HurnlnglrlMure and Ktnlulas Itvtlef Immediate euro oertaln it cure IlurniBcaldi and Ulcerations and Con traction from llurue Tno Itvllef Instant beating x unclrrf ul It curvn Torn Cut or Lacerate Wound and llrulMw I It cure Holla Carbuncle Felons Itunround Ulcers Old Soreii Itching Kruptlou Scurfy or Scald Head it cure Inflamed or Catol Hreaita and Sore Nlrijilee Invaluable I It cures Salt Hheum Tetters Scurfy Eruptions Chacl Hands Fever misters Soro Ltpd or Nostrils Corns Duslons Sore and Chafed Feet B tings of Insects MomjuUo Ultes and Sunburns Three Blzes 25c 60c and 100 Sold by Druggitts or sent pre paid on receipt of price HUMPHREYS MED CO Cor William Jvbu u NEW VOttK