i i i s 4 FRIDAY FACTS Thou Chilveis wns n city visitor today from Pierce 0 S Smith was over from Madison yesterday H M Window wns in tho city yestor tiny from Columbus Curl T Secloy nml wife were over from Madison yesterday Mrs Ircd Kiehoidpon of Hnttlo Crock was n visitor in Norfolk today MifR Jessie Drobert wont to Madison thiH morning for n fow dnyB visit Misses Mnttie and Klsio Simons wero Norfolk visitors yesterday from Battle Creek J D Sturgeon went to Fullerton this morning to attend tho Epworth as noinbly It is reported that ninny Huh nro beiiiK caught in the waters nbout Norfolk sinco the recent rains A drunken bum occupied tho cooler last evening and wns this morning escorted out of town MIsh Idello n Taylor Miss Josio Avery and Mrs Win Young were visit ors yesterday from Battle Creek 1 A Stewart of Dch Moines Iown who has beon visiting J D Sturgeon a fow dnys returned to hiH homo this morning Tho Madison Ohrouiclo snys thnt E A Lawronco oxpootH to movo bin family to this city in tho near future and take chargo of tho Singer otllco Chap H Androws nged 7 years died this morning at tho homo of his parents in tho Heels block and tho funernl will 10 held from tho residence tomorrow morning nt 10 oclock Peoplo in various partB of tho city Teport depradatioiifl from chicken thieves Soveral coops have recently been robbed nud it is likely that an in vestigation will bo mndo as to tho parties concerned No business was transacted by tho city council last ovoniug President Brnmmuud cnlled to order but thoro was no quorum present and adjourn ment was taken until tho next regular meeting night Madison is after nn electric lighting ystom and a petition will bo presented nt tho next meeting of tho council nsk ing them to call an election to vote bonds in tho sum of 2800 for tho pur pose Tho nineteenth nuuual reunion of the Pioneers nnd Old Settlors association of Dakota county will be held in Clinton Park Dakota Oity on Thursday August BO An elabornto program is being pre pared for tho occasion Row C S Green district missionary of North Nebraska for the Baptist de nomination will arrive tomorrow and will ou Sunday preach both morning and evening at 1 1 and 8 oclock 1C very body is welcome to attend tho services Mrs David Kuhn roturued last night from Hot Springs S D whoro sho en joyed a very pleasaut outing In com pany with a party of 10 sho viewed the wonders of Wind cave Mrs Elliot nnd lUiss Gracia Kidder were members of tho party Tho concrete stop being put in by Miko Eiulers to tho business houses in tho Pncillo block will bo an additional improvement to the pavomout just com pleted Recently having the poorest walks in tho business part of tho city the Pacific block now has tho best nnd tho chaugo is very marked Madison Ohrouiclo 0 W Cruni has filed an answor to tho petition of Miss Edna Richardson in tho injunction proceeding which sho instituted against him soveral weeks ago to prevent him trom nunuling her teachers certificate The county superintendent is his own attorney His answer denies most of the allegations set forth by tho plaintiff Ho asks for dismissal without delay Miss Mao Chilvers daughter of Mr and Mrs W B Chilvers of Pierco died at her homo in that city Monday Fu neral services were hold Wednesday after noon from the Cougregationnl church and wero nttonded by a largo nudieuco Her pastor O D Gearhnrt assisted by Rev A G Brando conducted tho ser vices Tho deceased was sick but n few hours with n congestive chill Sho wos the first child born in tho town of Plain view tho year of her birth being 1874 She graduated from the Pierce schools in 1802 and from the Plainview Normal in 1MHI SATURDAY S1FTINGS Albert Pohlinan is in the city today from Pierce John Drebert of Pierco was a city vis itor yesterday R R Dickson of ONeill was a city visitor yesterday Sigmund Fnesler came in this morn ing from Hoskins S F Erskine and sou were Omaha visitors yesterday -Miss Edith Tatman was a passenger for Madison today Sheriff Geo W Losey is in the city today from Madison M Benedict and 0 Reed of Wiu6idt are in the city today Miss Julia Wort of Creighton is visit ing Miss Josie Hagie Ohas Rnlo of Niobrara was a city visitor here yesterday Wits Annie McBride nud Miss Bache lor nro expected over from Wnyuo this evening 1 O Higgins was a city visitor yes terday from Columbus Miss Minnio Norton arrived homo this noon from Wyoming Mrs Frrrt Koch of West Point is visit ing Norfolk relativtH and friends 0 Engol of Plain viow stopped in tho oity today on his way to Humphrey Id Madsen came up from Missouri Valley today to spend Sunday with his mother Mrs Clins Kudnt went to Meadow Grove Inst evening to visit Mrs Pritch ard n fow days Mrs 13 P Woatherby and Mrs Warrick returned this morning from Snllda Colorado Misses Delia and Alice Hoskins of Plainviow nro visiting at tho homo of their undo I W Ransom Miss A llio Conloy returned last even ing from Fremont whore sho has been attending tho normal school Fred Jenkins hns gono to Buffalo Gap S D to visit with Bert OBaiilou and enjoy some hunting in tho hillH Miss Nellio Shenkborg who was west with T lSOdiomo nnd family returned to hor homo in Sioux City today Mrs Edward Tanner Mrs B L Best nnd Mrs S K Warrick wero city vis itors yesterday from Battle Creek Miss Martha Kloutz went to Des Moines Iowa this morning to resume her duties ns trimmor iu that city Miss Ohnrlotto Kuhl came homo this morning from LeMars Iowa where sho has been visiting tho past oight weeks Mrs Fneslor who has boon visiting hor daughter horo for three weeks went to Humphrey thiH morning for a visit of a fow days F II L Willisof Battle Creek was in the city today Ho is ou his way homo from Wnyuo traveling on a bicycle with a railroad attachment Misses M and C Balgnrdo of Roso Bud S D stopped in iho city today on their way homo from Wayne where they havo boon attoudiug the normal F A Huston formerly in tho dry goods business horo but now of Ewing is in tho city greeting friouds It is uudersteod that ho has retired from tho business August Kun who lives northeast of tho sugar factory has purchased 1IS0 acres of laud in Wnyuo county about nino miles northeast of this city paying iio an ncro for tho piece Ono party of campors from tho Yellow Banks came in last evening It wns composed of Harry Roinbo John Heil man Clyde Willinuis Myron Lambert William Oxnain and Clair Clark Thoro will bo no Sunday school hold at tho First Cougregatiounl church to uioirow owing to tho disarranged condi tion the building is ou account of tho repairs and improvements in progress Mrs Thoinns Hendershott of Plainviow died Thursday nt hor homo in that city aged ti years Tho cnuso of her death was typhoid fovor She has mudo her homo in Pierce county for the past 20 years That dolightful south wind slightly perfumed is in ovidenco again today endeavoring to force tho mercury above the 100 degree ninrk and giving an ex cuso for humanity to hunt tho shady sido of easy street 0 S Bridge is having tho old picket fence removed from iu frout of his resi dence ou We6t Main street Ho con templates putting in substautial cement walks nt an early date and otherwise improving his home A gentleman was in town today look ing for men to help in tho hny field but was not highly gratified with tho result of his quest Ho found a few out of employment but they didnt want tho kind of work ho had to oirer Tho now olllcer of the Salvation Army Captaiu Dopsou hns arrived from Blair nnd will conduct services this evening Tho old ollicers will leave for Cresco Iown as soon ns permits arrive but will probably remain here over Spuday T E Odiorno nnd family returned last evening from their trip west which inoluded a visit to Colorado Springs and Mauitou They report that these pop ular resorts nro literally crowded and tho hotels are totally inadequate to ac commodate all visitors They were for tunate in arriving before tho rush and secured accomodations Tho republicaus of Battle Creek have organized a club with Dr Edward Tan ner president W B Avery secretary W B Fuerst assistant secretary and Herman Hogrefe treasurer The fol lowing vice presidents were chosen Aug Steffeu F H L Willis O A Hedinau F W RichnrdBOu Heury Mussman and Win Biermau The Nebraska Saengerbuud convened in Stanton yesterday and will continue iu session over Sundny Large delega tions from all over the state are attend ing and the meeting promises to be of unusual interest A reception was held in Germania hall last night the mayor of the city delivering an address of wel come Many Norfolk people are attend ing and it is expected that the crowds will be unusually large tomorrow Madison Star Monday night Frank Weiubar while milking a cow on bis place southwest of town received a severe electrical shock He was thrown THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY AUGUST 23 1900 soino ten feet but not seriously injured Frank hns been puisued of late with the Nemesis of misfortune ho having sus tained injuries from tho kick of n horse a short timo since His eyo wnB blackened from the kick and when the blow was delivered ho saw Btars enough ho thinks to illuminate several heavens Pierco Leader Mr and Mrs 13 W Ruhlow are preparing to movo to Nor folk next week where it will bo more convenient for 13d to reach tho territory covered by him ns ngont for tho Buck oyo Mnchino company Mr nnd Mrs Ruhlow will bo greatly missed by mnny warm Pierco friends whoso best wishes will go with them Tho Roynl Neigh bors of which Mrs Ruhlow is an teomed member gave her a farewell reception Tnesday afternoon nt tho homo of Mr nnd Mrs W 13 Cnstell O W Rish returned yoBterday uoon from a trip over the Black Hills division of the F E A M V road Ho wns ex amining tho soil nt vnrious points with regard to tho question of putting in piping for water supply for depots sec tion houses and stock yards Ho con tracted to put in about 2f00 feet of pipe and will leave next Saturday and com meuco work Monday morning with two mon to asBist Ho will use his patent hydraulic pipo laying mnchino and hopes to comploto tho work in two or three woeks Ho hns recently made sonio improvements on tho machine nnd cau uow handle any size pipo from ono half to two inches THE STANTON SUICIDE CoiiMiluntliln MjHtory Surrounding Diitli or Fred 1uterH Tho Beo contains tho following ac count of tho mysterious suicide at Stan ton Thursday being a specinl dated yes terday Early this morniug Coroner Louis Doru impauelod n jury nud held an inquest over tho body of Fred Peters who died vory suddonly last night from tho effects of poison Tho jury wns at work on tho enso all forouoon and were nnablo to find any cause for or anything lending up to tho nccidont whereupon it rendered n verdict to tho effect that deceased caine to Iub death by accidental poisoning Tho decensed was a member of tho Methodist church of exemplary habits and boro an oxcellent reputation Ho ougaged iu tho restaurant business nbout a year ago in which ho was assisted by his father mother and two sisters and ho was ninking a good living Ho had no indebtedness of any couse quonce pnid cash for his supplies and had no known enemies nnd no cause cnu bo attributed for such a deed All the week ho has beou planning and work ing to hnudlo tho business which he anticipated from tho Nebraska Saenger bund which convenes hero today Ho never hud much to say to anyone and had fow companions Tho ouly thing unusual prior to his death was that ho took a guitar which ho owned to a friend and asked him to tako it His friend replied thatlunlid not want itaud suggested that ho tako it home where upon Peters replied that ho did not want it throw it dowu ou tho walk and jumped on it with his foot and then left without making explanations Within a half hour from that time ho was dead Tho funeral will probably be held Sun day Subscribo for Tin News Noki olk Weekly SOLDIERS LEAVE FOR CAMP Company L N N O will Knjnj the Week Ht IlimtliiKK Compnuy L Second regiment N N G consisting of three oflicers and 29 men left this morning over tho F E M V road for Hastings where the two regiments of the guard will go iuto camp for n week for a school of instruc tion Captaiu Gerecke was in command nud the boys wero nccompauied by Lieuton ant Colonel E H Tracy Quartermaster Sergeant Fred Gerccko with George Coleman nnd Bert Gordon ns company cooks went down Saturday to draw ratious and have things in read iness for tho reception of tho company The people of tho city were pretty thoroughly apprised during tluv night of the companys intention of departing this morniug at on enrly hour ns tho occasional uniBket shots and the sound- iug of the bugle nt intervals had this effect The assembly call was sounded early this morniug ami tho boys took posses sion of a coach and baggage car that had been side tracked for their use at the Creighton depot Tho cars were attached to the early morning train from Creighton and were takeu to Fre niout where they were transferred to the Hastings line beiug scheduled to arrive at their destination at noon today The members wore campaign hats blue flannel shirts and serviceable trous ers and leggings and were fully equipped for the weeks stay The Norfolk members of the Second regiment baud weut down on the 11 oclock train over the Union Pacific and wee joined by the balance of the baud boys at Madison The complete service of The Ohio-ago-Portland Special via Uuiou Pacific euables passengers to reach the princi pal cities between the north aud Paeifio coast and Missouri river not only in the shortest possible space ot time but also iu tho most comfortable aud enjoyable manner Tho dining cars on this trnin are stocked with the best the market affords All meal6 served a la carte MONDAY MENTION 13 A Bullock went to Tilden morniug ou business Miss Mamie Roberts dnughter of this W W Roberts is quite sick Mrs 0 13 Green went to Scribner thin morning for n short visit Miss Minnio Brnmmuud of Tun News forco 1b ou tho sick list Mrs Ferdinand Koltermauu of Pierce is visiting friends in Norfolk today Deputy Trensurer Arthur Pilger was over from Madison visiting his mother yesterday A carlond of melons from Muskntine Iown waB disposed of to Norfolk dealers Saturday Miss Lizzio Hoes returned yesterdny from an extended visit with her sister nt Blencoo Iowa Ray Hayes camo iu from tho Yellow Banks last night nud returned to camp this afternoon II E Owen enmo homo from Chey enne Snturdny evening to spend Sunday with his family S McClary left yesterday for a ten days trip to Salt Lokn City Utah and Piedmont Wyo Ned Wilkinson camo in from Lusk Wyo Snturdny noou for n ten days visit with friends Miss Auuie McBrido returned this morning from a weekB visit with Miss Bachelor at Wnyuo Chns Piatt aud family mid O W Rish and family camo iu from tho Yel low Banks yesterdny Miss Theo Sprechor returned Satur day from a two weeks visit with her grandparents in Omaha A lusty 0 pound sou was born this morning to Mr nnd Mrs Fred Sidler at their homo on South Ninth street Miss Margaret Morrow returned last night from Woodburn Iowa where sho has been visiting friends for sonio time Superintendent Stevenson of tho Nor folk hospitnl and B Bnrshinger of the uniou depot wore Lincoln visitors Satur day Miss Mino McNoeley returned Satur day uight from Omaha where she has beeu eujoyiug a six weeks visit with friends Miss Holdeu very plensautly enter tained Trinity Social guild nt tea Sntur dny eveuiug nt the homo of Dr II T Holdeu Miss Hammoid of Greencnstle Iud is hero for a weeks visit with her brother E D Hammond of the Norfolk nursery Miss Nora Conwny left this uoon for Niobrara to tako a short vacation from her duties ns clerk for the Johnson Dry Goods company Dr W D Gibbon with his wife and daughter who have been visiting at tho homo of C F Shaw returned to their homo iu Beatrico Saturday Paul Peterson who has beeu employed nt tho Norfolk foundry as molder has been transferred to the Sioux City plant and left this uoon for that place Rev nud Mrs S F Sharpless came up from Oinnhn Saturday and Mr Sharpless continued through to ONeill where he conducted services yesterday C S Hayes who has been looking after business at Tilden for tho past week spent Sundny with his family and returned to that village this morning The Norfolk publio schoolB will open for the fall term two weeks from tomor row September 4th The reason for not opening Mondny is that it is Labor day Mr nud Mrs August Fischer who live in the Heights welcomed their 14th child and first son Saturday afternoon Mr Fischer is au employe of the F 13 M V company The German Lnthernu Hndar held a missioufest which was lnrgely attended vices were very interesting church of yesterdny Tho ser- and mnny Norfolk people wero in ntteudauce Advertising matter for tho Fremont street fair and carnival to bo held the week September 10 15 has been distrib uted in Norfolk The eutertniumeut will be under tho direction of the Knights of St Eeb Ragus The infant child of Mr and Mrs Frank Schwede who live six miles enst of the city died lat evening nnd wns buried in the cemetery east of town this afternoon Rev 1 P Mueller offlci iug nt the services Wm Ahlman sr hns been laid up for a week with a sore foot caused by a scratch from a rusty wire The wound has shown symptoms of blood poisoning He was able to be about today for the first time since the injury was received A cor of merchandise ou the Creighton freight caught on fire Saturday evening betweeu Plainview and Foster and there was some lively scrambling to ex tinguish it which was successfully ac complished before serious damage was done The fire caught in tho roof from a spark Miss Mable Stevens nud Miss May Templin left this morning for Fremont and Missouri Valley where thoy will visit about a month At the end of this time Miss Stevens will go to Couucil Bluffs to make her home her parents having preceded her Tho Creighton freight Saturdny eveu iug consisted largely of cattle enrs loaded with animals from Butterfields ranch part of which were shipped to the Omaha market nud part to Chicago Tho shipping from this rnnch has just bepuu and it is said that thero are now 2f00 head ready for market Rov J P Mueller M B Singer nud B W JonaB will leave tomorrow for Thayer county to attend tho nnuunl Bynod meeting of tho Germnu Lutheran church They will bo absent for a week This couferenco is nn importnnt nlTalr therejbeiug I25 accredited dele gates It was held in Norfolk two years ngo Tho fonr niontliSOld dnughter of Mr nnd Mrs Ferdinand Uttetch died yes tereny morning nt their homo 10 miles north of tho city of cholera infnutnm nnd will bo buried tomorrow from Hndnr Mr and Mrs Uttetch formerly resided on first street and their Norfolk friends will henrtily sympathize with them in their loss Tho Omaha Illnstrnted Bco of yester day published nu excellent full page half tone likeness of John R HayB of this city candidnto for congressman in tho Third district on tho republican ticket It also contained a splendid re view of his life and nchiovemeuts The Beo hns beeu iu great demand by the friends of Mr Hays who wish to pro servo it as a choico keepsake Tho writer aud family returued Sat urdny evening from a trip with mem bers of the Nebraska Press association to Salt Lake City Utah Grand Junc tion Snlidn Colorado Springs Manitau nud Denver Colorndo Tho trip was nrranged through the courtesy aud ns sistauco of Mr E L Lomnx general passenger agent and Mr A Darlow ndvertisiug auent of tho Union Pacific Mr D E Burley general passenger agent of tho Oregon Short Line Mr Geo W Heiutz goueral pnsseuger ngeut of the Rio Grande Western and Major Hooper geuernl passenger agent of tho Denver aud Rio Grande The excursionists were gone nbout two weeks traveled 2400 miles nud passed through sonio of tho grandest scenery on the American contiuet At Salt Lake City three days were spent viewing the Mormon buildings and historic places a pilgrimage to the graves of Brigham Young and a fow of his wives and a bath in the dense waters of Salt Lake At Grand Junction were seen the great peach orchards for which that section of Colorado is now inmous Salida is principally noted as a railroad town aud for being under the shadow of Marshall Pass over which the rnilroad climbs to a heighth of more than 10000 feet in crossing the mountains Colo rado Springs nud Manitau are situated in tho midst of grand nnd picturesque scenery at the foot of Pikes Peak up which one may go by rail to the top a heighth of over 1400 feet for the small sum of 00 Denver is a beautiful progressive city of 170000 people on the foothills of the Rocky Mountains into the laps of w hose business men is poured tho wealth of the mines and fields ot Colorado As though demonstrating how small the world really is at every stopping place was fouun oue or more persons from Norfolk At Cheyenne E C Harris and family wero visited aud here was found Neil Horrisky working in the train dispatchers oflico At Salt Lake City Gerry Light and George Killeu have good positions and like the location very much At Grand Junction S H McClary holds the posi tion of superiutendeut of the new beet sugar factory and ho is well pleased with his surroundings At Salida Joe Shoemaker is au important factor in the oflice of the superiutendeut of the Denver and Rio Grande railway At Colorado Springs nnd Mnnitnu the f amily of T E Odiorne were found who had been thero a week on an outiug At Denver the party fell in with Mrs War rick and Mrs Weatherby who were on their way home from Salida where they had been visiting Mr and Mrs Shoe maker At no distant future it is hoped to gain time to give a detailed account of this visit to the great west and the impressions formed of tho conntry but au accumulation of work which has piled up duriug tho absence of the writer precludes this being done at this time Iu the DUtrlct Court of Madison County Nebraska In the matter of the estate of M E Audrus deceased This cause came ou for hearing upon the petition of Burt Mnpes administra tor de bonis non of the estate of M E Andras deceased praying for license to Bell the following described real estate situated in tho county of Madison in the state of Nebraska to wit Lots oue 1 two 2 three four 4 aud five 5 of block one 1 of Rees subdivision of block fifteen 15 of Dorsey place ad dition to Norfolk Juuotion or a suffi cient amount to bring the sum of 44110 for the payment of debts allowed against said estate aud the costs of adminis tration there not being sufficient per sonal property to pay the said debts and expenses It is therefore ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear before me at the office of Mnpes and Hazen in the oity of Norfolk in Madison county Nebraska ou the 17th day of September 1900 at one oclock p m to show cause why a license should not be granted to the said administrator to sell so much of the above described real estate of said estate as shall be necessary and pay said debts and expenses Dated this 4th day of August 1000 Douolab Conks Judge of the District Court Mrs M Cliue has removed to corner Main nud Eighth streets where she will contiuce to do washing and plaiu sewing STANTON SANGERFEST Sixth lllrniilal Meeting CIommI Sunday With a Ilinlc In Klkliorn Park Tho Stantou correspondent of tho Stnto Jourunl states thnt the sixth bieu uinl saugerfest held thero Friday Satur dny and Sundny was in ninny respects the most pleasant gathering ever held by the Nebraska Snngerbuud uot iu num bers but in tho good fellowship thnt pre vailed nnd the quiet enjoyment thnt was hnd by all Tho seion wns formally opened last Fridny evening at Germnnia hall Tho following societies wero in ntteudnuco Orpheus of Omnhn Prof Persen diri gent also fost dirigont Schuyler Man uerchor W A Nathsnck dirigent West Point Liederkrnnz Prof P Pollot dirigeut Germania Gesaug Verein of Stnutou Prof J Meyer dirigent The exercises were opened on Snturdny by a parade which wns composed of the visitiug societies from Omnhn West Point Schuyler nud also represeutn tiveB from many of the neighboring towns Tho Stanton fire department Anniu lodge No 8 Herman Sohue and visiting brethren aud Germania Ge saugvereiu G A Eberly was fest marshal In tho evening n grand con cert was held in a large tent which furnished accommodation to one thou sand people The exercises wero under tho direction of Prof Charles Petersen of Omaha whose work duriug this ses sion haB received not only the commend ation of the spectators but all of the singers ns well The society was as sisted by the following Prof Hans Albert of Omaha violinist and Mrs Wnguer Thomas of Omaha soprano It is needless to say that the efforts of Prof Albert and Mrs Wagner Thomas were highly appreciated Every num ber was eucored The concert was a grand success in every particular And too much praise cannot be accorded the visiting singers for the excellent manner in which they rendered the varius selec tions The exercises were closed Sundny by n picnic at Elkhorn park The program and orders of tho day were a general good time About two thousand were precent The Stanton military baud furnished music for the occasiou Yellow Hank Notefl The boys are all singing Only a bird iu a limb of a tree A crowd from Meadow Grove visited the campers Sunday Parker makes a good soldier for they say ho soldiers most of the time It is rumored around camp thnt Parker and Davenport are ladies men Charles Gerecke says that chopping wood is not what it is cracked up to be There was quite a crowd of visitors to the campers at the Yellow Bauks Sunday Gerecko claims the destinction of beingthe only man who can go to sleep when at work Dixon sny3 camping is all right he dont like to be woke up by the only boys firing the cannon Davenport has started a new fad in Yellow Banks society He goes ont to afternoon dinners dressed in a swim ming suit Hugh Mulleu is getting to be quite a dish washer He says he is going to try and get a job of the same kind when he getB home Parker was mite a base ball man when he went to camp but is dis couraged lie objects to going after the ball in the river with his clothes on ns he did twice in one day especially as he has to stay in bed until his apparel dries Tna News ud aepartment is com plete in every particular Pretty Mtdren We have three children Before the birth of the last one my wife used four boh ties of MOTHERS FRIEND If you had the pictures of our children you could see at a glance that the last one is healthiest prettiest and finest looking of them all My wife thinks Mothers Friend is the greatest and grandest remedy in the world for cxpect ant mothers Written by a Ken tucky Attorney at Law r i i HI 1 H jntui umcicmus oi mc suuertng Incident to child birth The comlne mothers disposition and temper remain unruffled throughout the ordeal because this relax ing penetrating liniment relieves the usual distress A good natured mother is pretty sure to have a good natured child The patient Is kept in a strong healthy condition which the child also inherits Mothers Friend takes a wife through the crisis quickly and almost painlessly R assists in her rapid recovery and wards off the dangers that so often follow de livery Sold by drujgliu for SI a botUe THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA OA Send for our frt e illustrated book wHttm exprewly for eipmant motbtrg t t 4