The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 16, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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1rro of CIiiitrci
Any mlnlt sntVeriiiK ftom n cold
nettled on tho breast bronchitis tin out
orlnnR troubles of nny nature who
Mill cnll nt Kicwiu Drug Co will be
nrtRentcd with n Munnlo bottle of
UoschcoH Oerinnn Symp free of
tthnrgo Only one bottlo Riven to one
pemm nnd none to children without
order from parents
Ko throat or Iuiik remedy over had
finch n halo as Hosoheon German Syrup
in all pattH of tho civilized world
Twenty years ago millions of bottles
wero given away and your druggists
will tell yovt its rucoufr wns marvelous
Jt is really tho only throat and lung
remedy generally endorsed by physi
cians Ono ir cent bottlo will ouro or
prove its value Sold by dealers in all
civilized countries
To Cnrr lonntllloo Iorovrr
TriUoCiM nictR CniidyCulliiirlle 10c orlto
i C C C lint to cure itniKKists refund money
story of Sluvr
To be bound hand and foot for years
ty the chains of dlseaso is tho worst
form of slaverylGeorgo D Williams
of Manchester Mich says My wife
has been so holpless for live years that
oho could not turnover in bed alone
After using two bottles of Klcctrio Hit
ters she is wondorfully improved and
nolo to tlo her own worlc This su
premo remedy for fcnmlo di leases
imieltly cures nervousness sleeplessness
melancholy hondacho baeliacho faint
ing and dizzy spells It is a godsend to
weak sichly run down people Cure
4naranteed Only fiOe Sold by Kiesnu
Drug Co
Tlmt TlirolihliiR UniKliKlio
Would quickly leave yon if you used
Dr Kings Now Life pills Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for sick and nervous headaches
They make pure blood nnd build up
your health Only a 5 cents Money
back if not cured Sold by Kiesau Drug
Dont Tobacco Spit nml M110I10 A our II To Amir
To quit tobacco easily ami foiever be mac
nctle full of life nervo nml vlttur tnlto No To
Mac tao wnmtcr worltor llint makes vrcnlc men
strong All ilruKilbtH fiOeorfl CuroKimraii
teed IJooklct nml munplo frco Address
Psrllnc Remedy Co Chicago r New Voilt
Ladies desiring n transparent com
plexion freo from blotches blutnishus
and blackheads should use Kooky
Mountain Ten Ask your druggist
AiiKtint Flow or
It is a surprising fact says Prof
Houtou that in my travels in all parts
of tho world for tho last ten years 1
have mot more people having used
Greens August Flower than any other
remedy for dyspopsia deranged liver
nmVstomaeh and constipation 1 find
for tourists and salesmen or for persons
lllliug oillco positions where headnches
and general bad feelings from irregular
habits exist that Greens August
Flower is a grand remedy It does no
injure tho system bv frequont uso and
is excollont for sour stomachs and
indigestion Sample bottles free at
Kiesau Drug Co
Sold by dealers in all civilized eoun
It Helped W tn Itiittli N
Twenty nine ollicers and men wrote
from the front to say that for Mjrutohbs
limlunu nnt wnnnilH sore foot and
stiff joints Bucklens Arnica salvo is
tho best in tho world Same for burns
skin eruptions and inles Ti ets n box
Curo guaranteed Sold by Kiesau Drug
Biliousness is en med by n lazy liver
permits food to four in your stomach
makes you cross Kocky Mountnin Tea
makes you well and cheerful Ask
your druggist
David City Nob April 1 WOO
Geuessee Puro Food Co LoKoy N Y
Gentlemen I must say in regard to
Grain 0 that thero is nothing better or
healthier Wo have used it for years
My brother was a grent coffeo drinker
lie wns tnkeu sick and tho doctor said
coffee was tho cause of it and told us to
use Graiu O Wo got a package but
did not like it at first but now would
not bo without it My brother has been
well over sinco we started to use it
Yours truly
lreventeil it Tragedy
Timely information given Mrs George
Long of New Straitsville Ohio saved
two lives A frightful cough had long
kept her awake every uight She had
tried many remedies nnd doctors but
steadily grow worse until urged to try
Dr Kings New Discover- Ono bottle
wholly cured her and she writes this
marvelous medicine also cured Mr Long
of a severe attack of pneumonia Such
cures are positive proof of its power to
cure all throat chest and lung troubles
Only SOo and 100 Guaranteed
Trial bottles free at Kiesau Drug store
Men can be cured privately and posi
tiyely at home of all weakness nnd
Write for new free book
Dr J N Hathaway
22 CommercialJBiock
Sioux City la
fhl I Your Opportunity
On receipt of ten centi cash or stamps
generous sample will be mailed of the
Boot popular Cutarrh nnd Hay Fever Cure
Ely Cream Balm sufficient to demon
Irate the great merits of the remedy
BC Wurreu St Kew York City
Ber JohnReld Jr of Great Falls Mont
recommended Ely6 Cream Balm to me I
can emphasize Iub stntemeut It is a posi
live cure for catarrh if used as directed
Bev Franci W Poole Pastor Central Pros
Church Helena Mont
Elys Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
ator any injurious drug Frioe CO oeoU
m mm
ICopyrlRht 1D00 by Ilobcrt nirr1
Continued 1
Her rapidly lcnting heart had now
opportunity to lessen it pulsations and
as she soon fonnd thnt nho was practi
cally unnoticed her natural calmness
began to return to her Hho remember
ed why she was there nnd her discern
ing eyo enabled her to stump on
There irn no recognition in he lnrg
frightened oic
tive memory tho various particulars of
so unaccustomed a spectacle whoso very
unfamiliarity imido the greater impres
Hlon on tho girls mind Sho moved
away from tho group determined to
saunter through tho numerous rooms
thrown open for tho occasion and thus
as it wero get her bearings In a Bhort
timo all fear of discovery left her and
sho began to feel very much at homo in
tho lofty crowded salons pausing even
to enjoy n selection which a military
band partly concealed in tho folingo
was rendering in a masterly manner led
by tho most famous impresario of the
day Tho remote probability of meeting
any ono hero who knew tho princess re
assured her and thero speedily cumo
over her a sense of delight in all tho
kaleidoscopic dazzlo of this great en
tertainment She saw that each ono
there had interest in some ono else nnd
to her great relief found herself left en
tirely alone with reasonable assurance
that this remoteness would continue to
befriend her until the final gantlet of
leave taking had to bo run a trial
still to bo encountered tho thought of
which sho resolutely put away from her
trusting to tho luck that had hitherto
not deserted her
Jennie was in this complaisant frame
of mind when sho was suddenly startled
by a voice at her side
Ah princess I have been searching
everywhere for yon catching glimpses
of you now and then only to lose you
as alas has been my fate on a more
serious occasion I May I flatter myself
with tho belief that you also remem
ber V
There was no recognition in tho lnrgo
frightened eyes that wero turned upon
him They saw a Voting man bowing
low over tho unresisting hand ho had
taken His fnco was clear cut and un
mistakably English Jennie saw his
closely cropped auburn head and as
it raised until it overtopped her own
the girl terrified as bIio was could not
but udmire tho sweeping blond mns
tnohe that overshadowed a smile half
wistful half humorous that lighted up
his handsome face Tho ribbon of some
order was worn athwart his breast
otherwise he woro court dress which
well becuuio his stalwart frame
I nm disconsolate to see that I am
indeed forgotten princess and so an
other cherished delusion fades nway
from me
Her fnn concealed tho lower part of
the girls face and she looked nt him
over its fieecy semicircle
Put not your trust in princesses
sho murmured a sparkle of latent mis
chief lighting up her eyes
The young man laughed Iudeed
ho said had I served my country as
faithfully as I havo been truo to my
remembranco of yon princess I would
have been nu embassador long ere this
covered with decorations Havo you
then lost all recollection of that winter
in Washington five years ago that
whirlwiud of gayety which ended by
wafting you nway to a foreign country
so that the eventfnl season clings to my
memory us if it were a disastrous west
ern cyclone Is it possible that I inuet
reintroduce myself as Doual Stirling
Nut Lord Donal Stirling asked
Jennie dimly remembering thnt she
had heard this name in connection with
something diplomatic and her guess
that he was in that service was strength
ened by his previous remark about be
ing an embassador
Yes Lord Donal If you will cruelly
insist on calling me so but this cannot
take from me the consolation that once
in the conservatory of the White House
under the very shadow of the president
von condescended to cnll me Don
You cannot expect one to remember
what happened in Washington five
years ago Yon know the administra
tion changes every four years and
memories seldom carry back even so far
as that
I had hoped that my most outspoken
adoration wonld have left reminiscence
that might outlast administration 1
have not fonnd forgetting so easy
Are you qnite sure of that Lord
Donal asked tbe girl archly closing
her fnn nnd giving him for tho first J
time a fnll view of her face
The young man seemed for a moment
perplexed but she went on uivlng him
little timo for reflection Hnvo your
diplomatic duties taken you nway from
Yes to tho other end of tho enrth
I nm now in St Petersburg with ulti
mate hopes of Vienna princess I hap
pened to ho in London this week and
lienring you wero to bo here I moved
heaven and earth for an invitation
Which yon obtained only to find
yourself forgotten How hollow thin
world is isnt it
A Ins yes I A innn in my profession
sees a good deal of tho seamy side of
llfo and 1 fully beliovo thnt my rapidly
lessoning dependence on human veracity
will bo shattered by my superiors send
ing mo to Constantinople But let mo
find yon a seat out of tills crowd where
we mny talk of old times
I dont care so much nbont tho past
ns I do about tho present Lot ns go np
into thnt gallery whero yon will point
out to mo the celebrities I suppose you
know them all while I am an entire
stranger to London society
Thnt is a capital ideal cried tho
young man enthusiastically Yes I
think I know most of tho people hero
nt least by name Ah hero comes tho
royal party I We shall just bo in timo to
have a good look at them
The band played the national nuthem
and Lord Donal got two chairs which
ho placed at tho edgo of tho gnllery
well hidden from tho nronieunders by
spreading tropical plants
Oh this is jolly I cried Jennie
quite forgetting tho dignity of n prin
cess Yen told mo why yon came to
tho ball Do you know why I am hero
On tho remoto chnnco of mooting
me whom you pretended to havo for
gotten replied tho young xnnn auda
Of course laughed Jonnle But
nsido from that I camo to seo tho cos
tumes Yon know wo women aro libel
ously said to dress for each other
Away from tho world in tho Tyrol I
havo little opportunity of seeing any
thing fine in the way of dress nnd so I
nccepted tho invitation of thoduchess
Havo you tho invitation of tho
duchess with yon
Yes 1 am going totako somo notes
on tho back of it Would you like to
seo it Sho handed him tho letter and
then leaned back in her chair regarding
him closely The puzzled expression on
his fnco deepened as ho glancod over
tho invitation and saw that it was ex
actly what it purported to be Ho gave
tho letter back to her saying
So yon are here to see the fashions
It is a subject I know little about but
judging by effect I should say that the
Princess von Steinheimer has nothing
to learn from any one present If I may
touch on a topic so personal your cos
tume is what they call a creation is it
not princess
It isnt bad said the girl looking
down at her gown and then glancing
up nt him with merriment dancing in
her eyes Tho diplomat had his elbow
resting on the balustrade his head
leaning on his hand and quite obliv
ious to everything else was gazing at
her with Mich absorbed intentness that
the girl blushed and cast down her
eyes Tho intense admiration in his
look was undisguised Still sho rat
tled on somewhat breathlessly ono
gets many hints from others and tho
creation of today is merely tho old
clothes of tomorrow Invention has no
vacation so far as ladies apparel is
concerned Take no thought of tomor
row wherewithal ye shall bo clothed
may have been a good motto for tho
court of Solomon but it has littlo rela
tion with that of Victoria
Solomon if tho saying is his was
hedging Ho had many wives yon
Well as I was about to say yon
must now turn your attention to the
other gnests and tell mo whos who I
hnvo already confessed my ignorance
nnd yon promised to enlighten me
Tho yonng innn with visible reluc
tance directed his thoughts from tho
one to tho man and named this person
and that while Jennie with tho pencil
attached to her card in ado cabalistic
notes in shorthand economizing thus
both space and time When at last she
had all tho information sho desired she
leaned back in her chair with n little
sigh of supremo content Whatever
might now betido her mission was ful
filled if she could orico get quietly
away Tho complete details of the most
importnnt Bociety event of tho season
wero at her fingers ends She closed
her eyes for a moment to enjoy the sat
isfaction which success leaves in its
train and when sho opened them again
found Lord Donal in his old posture
absorbed in the contemplation of her un
deniablo beauty
I see yon aro determined I shall
havo no difficulty in remembering you
next timo we meet she said with a
smile at the same time flushing slight
ly nuder his ardent gate
I was just thinking ho replied
shifting his position a little that the
five years which have dealt bo hardly
with mo have left you five years youn
Age has many privileges Lord
Donal she continued laughing out
right but I dont think you can yet
lay claim to any of them The pose of
the prematurely old is not in the least
borne out by your appearance however
hardly the girl you met in Washington
dealt with you
Ah princess it is very easy for you
to treat these serious matters lightly 1
H laughs at scars who never felt a
wound Time being above all things
treacherous often leaves the fac un
touched the more effectually to scar the
heart The hurt concealed is ever the
most dangerous
I fancy it has been concealed so
effectually that it is not as deep as you
Princess I will confess to you that
the wound at Washington was as noth
ing to tho one received in London
Yes you told me you had been
hero for n week
The woek has nothing to do with it
1 havo been hero for a night for two
honrs or threo I havo lost count of
timo sinco I met you
What reply tho girl might havo mndo
to this speech delivered with all tho
fervency of a man in thorough earnest
will never x known for at thnt mo
ment their was interrupted
by a messenger who said
Ills oxcellency tho Austrian em
bassador begs to bo pormitted to pay
his regards to tho Princess von Stein
Lord Donal Stirling nover took his
eyes from tho faco of his companion
nnd ho saw a quick pallor overspread it
Ho leaned forward nnd whispered
I know tho embassador If you do
not wish to meot him I will intercept
Jcnnio roso slowly to her feet and
looking with n calmness sho was far
from feeling nt tho young man Raid
coldly -
Why nhonltl I not wish to meet tho
einbnH6dor of my adopted country
1 know of no reason quite tho con
trary for he mnst bo an old friend of
yours having been your guest nt tho
Schloss Steinhoinier a yenr ago
Ho stepped back as ho said this nnd
Jennie had difficulty in suppressing tho
gasp of dismay with which sho received
liis disquieting information but sho
stood her ground without wincing She
wns fnco to face with tho crisiB sho had
foreseen tho coming of ono who know
tho princess Next Instant tho aged
Htutcsmnu wns bonding over her out
stretched hand which in courtly fash
ion the old man raised to his lips
1 am delighted to hnvo tho privilego
of welcoming yon to this gloomy old
city Princess von Steinheimer which
you illumino with your presence Do
you stay long in Loudon
Tho period of illnniinution is short
yonr excellency I leave for Paris to
So soon without even visiting the
embassy I am distressed to hear of so
speedy a desertion und yet knowing
tho charms of tho Schloss Steinheimer
I can hardly wonder at your wish to
return there Tho prince I suppose is
ns devoted as over to tho chase I must
censuro his highness next timo wo meet
for not coming with you to London
Then I am sure you wonld hnvo staid
longer with us
Tho princo is n model husband your
excellency said Jennie with a sly
glance at Lord Donal whoso expression
of uncertainty increased as this colloquy
went on and ho would havo couio to
London without a murmur had his wife
been selfish enough to tear him away
from his beloved Meran
A model husband 1 said the ancient
count with an unctuous chuckle So
few of us excel in that respect but
there is this to bo said in our exculpa
tion so few havo been matrimonially
so fortunate as Prince von Steinheimer
I have never ceased to long for a repe
tition of tho charming visit I paid to
your delightful home
If your excellency but knew how
welcome yon are your visits would not
hnvo such long intervals between
It is most kind of you princess to
cheer an old mans heart by such gra
cions words It is our misfortune that
affairs of stato chain us to our pillar
and indeed diplomacy seems to become
more difficult as the years go en be
cause we have to contend with tho gen
ius of rising young men like Lord
Donal Stirling hero who aro more than
a match for old dogs that find it impos
sible to learn new tricks
Indeed your excellency said his
lordship spoaking for tho first time
since tho embassador began tho very
Next instant the aged statesman wat
bending over her outvirctchvd hand
rpvprtu nf thnt in thn para Wn sit hnm
bly at your feet ambitious to emulate
but without hope of excelling
The old man chuckled again and
turning to the girl began to make his
Then my former rooms are waiting
for me at the castle he concluded
Yes yonr excellency with the ad
dition of two red rocking chaira import
ed from America which yon will find
most comfortable resting places when
you are free from the cares o dtate
Ah I The rocking chairs remem
ber now that you were expecting them
when I was there So tbey have ar
rived safely I hope but I think you
had ordered an incredible number to be
certain of having at least one or two
No only a dozen and tbey all came
through without damage
You young people you young peo
ple I murmured the embassador bend
ing again over the band presented him
What unheard of hygf TnT flfil
To bo continued ueit Thursday
its Worse lor a woman
To suffer with skin disease than it is for ainan for a
smooth skin and a clear complexion are essential elements
of female beauty So called skin diseases are in general
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with cherrv and the cheek with rose trives the ears a tint
like the sea shells brightens the eyes nnd whitens the j
imiiua uiuii 11 iTiiiiMurins Homeliness iniu Hciuai ucuuiy
Often a fair face will be marred by crruptions pimples or
some disfiguring ra3h resulting from a scrofulous taint of
the blood When the taint of scrofula is in the blood it
will be sure to show itself soon or late nnd its manifes
tations may be ns repulsive as they arc painful Many
people have been cured of scrofula in its most malignant
forms by the use of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discov
ery This remedy is remarkable for its power to purify
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ments It makes the blood clean and rich It increases
the action of the blood making glands and so increases
the quantity of nure blood supplied to the bodv It is a
true beautifier giving a hue to the complexion and a sparkle to the eye which
can only come when there is a bountiful supply of pure rich blopd
There is no alcohol in Golden Medical Discovery neither docs it contain
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There is nothing just as good for blood diseases as Dr Pierces Golden Medi
tflni ul N vari Or I
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Chronic Scrofula Cured
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doctored for the trouble until I was completely dis
couraged I nlo had chronic diarrhea for twelve
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The great remedy for nervous prostratl6n and all diseases of tho generative
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The Denver ci Rio Grande railroad
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In search of grand nnd beautiful
scenery findB such a profusion of riches
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it will be well for you to gain nil the in
formation possible The Denver Rio
Grande railroad publishes a series of
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Agent Denver Colo
The fat undertaker
Who plants hy the acre
Poor victims of cough and cold
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For weve alf stopped dying
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Not just yet to go higher
It is worth its weight in gold
For more than twenty flvo years Dr J New
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and women guttering from all
those many different com
plaints ecullar to the sex and
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lie has so perfected this system of his that he
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sonal examination to which every sensitive
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ation with Its consequent pain and necessary
Ills tystera of treatment Is taken In tho pri
vacy of the home tho cure is painless and It Is
Write hlin a letter stating brie3y your condi
tion and he will send you a blank to be tilled out
He will give your case his personal attention nnd
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you a positive cure Address
Dr HuUiMWujr A Co
Commercial Illock Hlufiz City Iowa
EducnteTour ltowcls With Cmcaretg
Candy Cathartic curo constipation forever
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Ladies if you want a refined and
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Dr Holds Sparacus fills cure nil kidney Ills Sam
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Pleasant Palatable Iotent Taste Good Do
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Bltrllng Itrmrd Unpin llfgo Monlrfil Sf York 318
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