The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 16, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Should Mr HryiuiN
nronhocv lin seriously
ooiwldoiod in
vlow of his uttir failure- as 11 prophet in
1S0J ami IMtit coiiooruiiiK Iho rohbor
Ifti UT untl the tfold standard
Populists aiut old lino democrats who
voto for McKiuley IhH year will un
doubtedly hii as proud of tho fmt in
tuturo years as thoy now am that thoy
voted for Unroll in tlio sixties
It was evidently ronrodod by all that
if anyone must withdraw from tho
tdoii ticket it should bo Towno Not
won Sotiator Allen Kroat nl good pop
ulist though ho bo had tho remotest
idoa of BUKKistliiK KtovousonH with
A correspondent from Irolaud to tho
3ruuil Island lndopondont Htatos that
President McKinleys tfroat grandfatlior
whs ImtiKod by tho KukHsIi down Wex
ford way for gtttiiiK mixed up In tho
revolution of 13 proving that tho presi
dents family has always boon identified
with tho welfare of tho common
And now it is said that Chairman
Jones of tho deinociatio party Ih a stock
holder in tho round lulo cotton trust
which is endeavoring to got control
of the souths cotton crop 1 lo probably
bollovos in doing up tho trusts by bono
voloiitly assimilating tho stock Tho
vay of Ronio democrats aro curiouB but
nro always best
grille reliable Now York Journal yel
low has figured out that Now York
lty and state is for Hiyan and will
probably havo tho rest of tho country
solidly for him insido another week
thus making Hryaus nsoition that tho
republicans will not carry a hinglo state
in tho union good Tho olectiou
returns will bo a more matter of form
Komo of Mr Hryaus soverost critics
uoncodo that ho thoroughly bolioves all
ho siys and consider that ho s there
fore very much more dangerous than
though ho were u demagogue pure and
simple How thoy account for his
change from free trade to free Bilver and
from froo silver to imperialism in a few
Hhortyear6isuotshownbutit is ovi
tlout that ho doesnt thoroughly boliovo
in any ono polioy for any groat length
of time
Tho deposits in Nebraskas 107 private
uudstatsbauks have iucroisod during tho
last threo months 1011IIU I If Mr
Uryau had destrod to do a really good
turn for his stato aud its citious ho
would havo mentioned this fact in his
Iiidiauapolis speech It would havo
been ajgood advertisement Ihsattontion
was so much attracted however by
imperialism and calamity that Iip
didnt daro do justico to a few truthful
facts If ho can wiu out by utterly ig
uoriug prosperity facts it will be ono of
tho wonders of tho oulightonod iiino
toenth century
Regarding tho Heomor story coucern
iug tho Bryan ratification Tun Nitws
lias no assuranco that it was not true
Tho item was written on facts gloaued
from an exchaugo which it had every
reason to supposo could bo relied upon
As tho sensation of telling or circulat
ing au untruth or anything elso for
that matter is probably uukuown to
tho Timos Tnbuuo its forgiveness is
humbly ueked aud sorrow is oxpressod
that its oditors koon souio of right and
wrong has suffered n shock If it wore
possible to rotaiu its subscribers Tin
New might oven couseut to pattern
siftor its enterprising aud patiiotio con
Fusion Congressman William Neville
of North Platto has at last furnished
the clue that will enable tho business
meu of Omaha and Lincoln to oxplaiu
uway tho decreased populations that
tho consus is alloged to givo thoso two
Nebraska cities Ho declares that it is
all tho doiug of Mark Hanna poor old
Mark Ilanna who has engaged In it
igautio conspiracy to decrease tho
population iu nil western fusion dis
tricts in order to lesson tho f usiou rep
resentation in cougress Congressman
Neville however fails to state whothe
Hanna has beeu using an ax nrsenio or
a baseball bat or whether ho has morely
entered into n conspiracy with Damo
Nature whereby tho stork is
his operations to republican districts
Omaha Daily News independent
Not all Germau Americaus havo been
frightened by Bryans imperial bogy
There are many who looking back over
the republicau partys forty years of
history can well understand that a
party which has stood for Americas
best interests is not now goiug to adopt
u mouarchiiil policy which has beeu
cast off by many of tho ompiros of
IJurope Ono of the loading German
daily papers of the oouutry tho Now
York Staats Zeituug has como out in
support of McKiuley Its editor Mr
Ottendorfcr is au anti expausiouist but
he fears far greater disaster from
Bryans freo silver aud other unbusi
nesslike propositions thau ho does from
imperialism eveu should it bo probable
that euch a polioy would bo adopted
and be does not seem to bo afraid that
it will
George F Washburn treasurer of the
notional rommltteo of tho peoples party
says The withdrawal of Mr Towno
without our partys consent Is both
humiliating and embarrassing To my
mind It Is a political blundor Our na
tional rommltteo will meet at at early
date and 1 believe will place a populist
vice presidential caudldato In nomina
tion Now now Mr Washburn
knuckle down Tho inipotlal William
has issued his mandate and you must
come under tho fence If you want to
play in tho democratic yard For
liryans sake you certainly cannot
expert to havo ideas of your own and
least of all expros them publicly Aud
you must know oro this that tho demo
cratic national ticket cannot afford to bo
disgraced by a candidate from your
party Your voto is all right but your
principles and candidates wollj theyll
do for township or county uso but keep
them within thoso boundaries Now
all together For Hryaus sake1
Hon James M Dill of liollovlllo 111
Is another of tho old school democrats of
Jefferson Jackson extraction who i eos
nothing in Bryan democracy to call for
his voto and has como out llat footod for
McKluley His roasons aro givou as
follows A careful study of tho sub
jert convinced mo that tho republican
party wits right on tho groat quostlons of
taritT and protection of Amorlcau indus
tries and tho disastrous results that fol
lowed tho democratic tariff tinkering
which cullmatcd In tho Wilson bill
loured all doubts in my mind as to tho
utter folly of the democratic policy
Tho right of tho nation to nqulro terri
tory is auinhoront absoluto right Our
fathers woro too wiso to undortako to
put upon it a constitutional limitation
Wo havo legally acquired tho Philip
pines wo must therefore govern them
If this bo Imperialism our nation has
been guilty of imperialism for a hundred
years past and I am in favor of it 1
shall thuroforo voto for McKiuley
Editor Oliilds of tho Times Tribune is
becoming quite desporato over the polit
ical situation especially concerning the
travoling mous McKluley club He
has been foud of assuring his readers
that all travoling men aro for Bryan
this year aud to spoil this choice assur
anco of his is provoking uudobutedly
Tho chief object of his hatred appears
to bo Mr Owen whom ho claims sup
ported McKiuloy In 1S1 and has always
boou a republican The Nrws has no
assuranco of how Mr Owon voted
thanks to tho Australian ballot that is a
personal mattor with himself but that
ho talked for Bryan in 1S915 is testified
to by several roputablo persons aud on
their sayso thjs papor is nlmsst tempted
to call on thoir subscriber for his 50
but that ho may need it to feed his
faco providing his pet candidate is
elected Contrary to tho tactics of tho
Times Tribuuo this papor not only tries
to say something but desires that it be
founded on fact and as near as can bo
ascertained Mr Owen did support
Bryan iu ISMS
Tho only danger that now sooms to
thi eaten republican succoss all along the
lino this fall is overcoufideuco Thoro
is a fear that voters may feel that thoir
presence at the polls is not needed and
will accordingly romaiu away unless
they are urged to cast their ballot Tho
experience of 1S2 should not bo repeated
That year few questioned the re election
of Harrison Times were prosperous
aud everyouo seemed to be satisfied
Tho republicans woro so coufidont of
success many failed to voto and Cleve
laud was elected Tho business depres
sion that followed was discouraging but
it could not be changed aud there was
great disappointment amoug democrats
as well as republicans Tho only pos
sible way for tho democrats to maintain
their organization was not only to ut
terly Ignore the Cleveland rocord but to
place themselves in opposition to it nud
new issues were created for this pur
pose that many thought threatened even
woroo disaster than had prevailed uuder
Clevelaud Mckinley was elected by
hard aud porsisteut work and business
conditions woro improved Tho repub
licans should prepare for a hard fought
campaign agaiu this yearas therein only
lies certainty of success
Positivenets aud doubt aro very har
moniously blended by tho Times Tribune
vhou in speaking of F A Harrisons
iticleln tho Stato Journal it says
It is composed of a mass of lies from
begiuuiug to cud and if there is a jjrain
confining 0f truth in i What n gentlemanly
and telliug argument that is It is a
positivo lie if it isnt the truth Un
questionably that s truo Nothing like
boiug certaiu of your ground1 Mr
Harrisou should pattern after tho truth
ful Germain Towle of tho World Herald
who gets others to provaricato for him
or places tho words iu their mouths
Ha quotes a soldier as saying that tho
i 000 or 10000 Philippine soldiers re
turned to this country will defeat Mc
Kiuley not by thoir votes alone but by
tho votes of their families as well
Norfolks ouo returned soldier is the sou
of Dau Owen whom the Tunes Tribune
acknowledges to bo working tooth and
toe nail for the republican ticket and
there is therefore a Cjhanco of 100 to 0
that Mr Towles soldiers statenieut is a
mistake us far us Norfolks returned
soldier is concerned iu Mr Harrisons
article he makes nine or ten positive
statements and the Times Tribune only
denies four oftheui nud doesut appear
to know eveu that uumber to be lies
The Consorvativo has discovered iu
Bryans Indianapolis speech a new ratio
eight thousand woids and but n single
Tho roport comes down from Croigh
ton that 13 A Orum is offering iJU n
head for every Nobraskan who Is In
favor of nn American omplre Ho Is of
tho evidout opinion that tho imperialism
bugaboo is nbotit as washy ns
could bo mado
Tho Nobraska Socialist notos a for
ward movement In social democracy in
Nobraska Tho Sargeant Now 13ra a
former populist paper has espoused tho
cause since tho turning down of Towno
and the Hayes County Times Isunothor
Iu that county thoy waut a porfect organ
ization of social democracy
Thoro aro somo fusion papers that aro
not uverso to stating facts occasionally
Tho Dakota City Herald a Bryan paper
says Thoro aro 10 democrats iu
Jackson who voto against fusion by
voting the republican ticket Thoro
aro 100 more who do not voto at all on
Its account That tho fusion combine
is on its last legs is not opou to question
Tho Douvor Republican ono of tho
two leading papors of Colorado that sup
ported Bryau in 1805 says So far as
wo aro ablo to learu after careful inquiry
in many quarters not ono silver republi
can in a hundred iu Colorado is willing
to accopt either tho ticket or tho plat
form adopted at Kansas City Nobody
need bo surprised to see Colorado give a
majority for McKluley
Tho Buffalo County Pilot published
at Koarnoy in tho interest of tho pooplos
lndopondont party said last week
Tho Lincoln Journal of Mondny con
tained a most caustic write up of tho
Industrial school and its management
ovory word of which is true Such con
ditions as are found to exist there are a
disgrace to tho state and as tho article
states tho fountain of tho wrongscouioi
from tho states executive
Some of tho fusion papors aro ap
proaching very closo to tho argument
mado by a promiuout republican iu 1S00
for which they scored him unmercifully
Ho stated that what laboring men
wanted was cheap farm products so that
they might llvo cheaply This may bo
truo but high prices for tho farmer
means more omploymeut for labor even
though it may not mean nu increase of
wages for those already employed
Tho Nobraska Socialist published at
Omaha characterizes both tho republicau
aud democratic parties as tho parties of
plutocracy and is convinced that the
only ticket worthy of being voted is
Debs nud llarriinau Iu hpeakiug of
Townes withdrawal it says After
mature deliberation Mr Towue has de
cided not to staud as a candidate for vice
presidency Now watch the roubeus
swallow their chagrin and incidentally
plutocracys candidate Stevenson
Fusiouists are begiuuiug to desiguute
whatever employs labor requires capi
tal and works up raw material ns trusts
They havo lately attacked tho largo
packing houses where the farmer dis
poses of his Hocks aud hords as trusts
aud will probably propose their aboli
tion They havo no proposition for
creating a market for the farmers
cattle aud hogs after tho packing
dustry is destroyed but evidently pre
sume that the farmer will look after his
own interests
If it could bo supposed for a moment
that imperialism were a possibility
in America there are many who would
accept it providing it was accompanied
by prosperity aud healthy business con
ditions Au empire with well fed and
happy people might reasonably bo pre
ferred to a republlo with gaunt hungry
ragged and dissatisfied people What
the great majority of the American
people will iusist on and havo is both
republic aud prosperity under the
guidanco of Wm Mckinley
For fear that Brynn when quoting
Abralnm Liucolu may forgot some of
his expressions it is desired that the
following be kopt on record It is feared
that Mr Bryau failed to uso it in his
Indianapolis speech That some may
be rich shows that others may become
rich and henco is just oncourageiuent
to industry nud enterprise Let uot
him who is homeless null dowu the
house of nuothor but lot him labor dili
gently ami build one for himself thus
by example assuriug that his own shall
be safe from violence when built
Caswell T Poo who bigus himself
An Old Bourbou who has beeu a voter
for 50 years has como out for the re
publican tioket in tho Grand Islaud In
dependent Ho bays The original
Jeflersouiau democracy had a purposo
vu In tho words of the father of de
mocracy Equal aud exact justice to
all men Its motto The greatest good
to tne greatest number But alas
This party is defuuet nud its once un
varying principles of honor equity nud
justice have been absoibod nud today
are demonstrated only by the repubhenus
While there has arisen from auother
standpoint a party democratic only in
name a party only seeking a counter
hold on the public pap who offer the
people hypothetical uothiugs nnd which
wheu accurately aualyzed aro simply
fallacies uothiug mora or less j
gated by men who aro consuming thoir
time finding fault with tho present re
publican administration which to say
tho least has replenished tho national
exchequer causing good times aud al
so has defended and upheld tho dignity
of tho nation r
A short tlmo ago Tun Nrws recited
tho fact that tho fusion caudldato for
representative in Burt county had joined
a McKiuloy aud Koosovolt club nnd re
fused to havo his uamo strlckou from
tho rolls ovon for tho honor of represent
ing tho fusiouists iu tho stato legislature
Tho Tekaniah Burtouiau peoples iudo
poudetit has stricken his namo from its
ticket giving tho following reasons for
doing so- Ho T A Miner allowed
ms namo to bo put down on a Iloosovolt
club list and refused to havo It taken off
Wo aro iuformod that ho iutonds to re
sign Ho should havo dono so at tho
tlmo ho was nominated if lio did not
want tho nomination Truo ho was
not present but Irn Thomas who thinks
ho knows it nil said in convention that
it was all fixed that Mr Minler would
tako tho nomination Mr Minlor says
ho was novorconsulted In tho mattor
and would not havo taken the nomina
tion if ho had boon prosont The
Burtouiau bolioves that Mr Minler could
have won out with a good majority had
ho stuck to his party aud uot allowed
his namo to become connected with a
republican organization Under these
circumstances wo cannot support Mr
Miner if ho stays on tho ticket and
furthermore tho fuslou party should
hold Ira Thomas personally accountable
for this fatal error for ho nloue Is re
sponsible for it
Dr Pretorius editor of the Westlicho
Post of St Louis is auother promineut
German American not frightened by
the Kansas City bugaboo Ho supported
McKiuley iu 1SH3 nud will support him
in 1000 While ho is a democrat he
says I havo not abandoned my views
nor do I consider it necessary or possible
for any man to shape his principles to
full conformity in order to support a
candidate or platform Especially
am I opposed to free silver at 10 to 1
No more dangerous political heresy has
been promulgated iu receut years aud
the Westlicho Post will look upon it as
au imperative duty to fight it until it is
squelched Expansion is comparatively
an academic question freo silver is prac
tical As to tho declarations of the two
platforms on the South African war I
understand that it is necessary for tho
republicau party to take a conservative
position it being the administration
party As far as tho government is con
cerned it cauuot nctively interfere in
that contest and the only thing that
can be done by it or any party is to give
tho Boers moral support The adminis
tration acted with kindness iu causiug
its representatives to transmit to the
Transvaal tho funds of which I had
charge and it should be remembered
that it was President McKiuley who
ouerea tne good omces ot tris govern
ment in settling the quarrel
Ah how thoy squirm and blunder
around when they get up against it
Tho Times Tribune has discontinued its
waut ad for men at anything that will
bring bread and butter and now says
that some could have got work but did
not waut it except for a compensation
they consider their services worth The
News does not blamo the men for this
but does blame its contemporary for its
calamity plea for work for bread and
butter Calamity items should at least
have a semblance of fact to back them
Tho Times Tribune waut d to insinuate
that the men and their families were ac
tually suffering for the necessities of life
when what they wanted was not bread
aud butter wages but pay for what
they considered their services worth
Starving men do not usually stop to
ask tho wage but are w ilhng to work
for bread nud butter Tho candid ex
planation of the morning contempo
rary that tht y havo not yet arrived at
that stago will be pleasing to its readers
who doat believe calamity essential to
happiness And then it f jrtl T insists
that the Woild Herald wnut
partake of the character of it
page and are ulout h ilf futa
tises for men at 171 aril Si
when it i romur
It adver
i per day
in ono of
tho common people ha finds that
tho wages aro a mere pittance on which
ho cnunot live It is of value to tho
laboring men that thoy may learn how
tho World Herald would assist in bunco
ing them There is considerable consol
ation in getting Childs riled up up al
ways makes such delightful disclosures
concerning his party and his associates
He goes on to admit that mon with
teams nro unemployed which is cortaluly
not bad In a dull season when a host of
politicians aro doing tlioir best to con
vince the people that business is threat
ened with auother domocratio adminis
A Fiihlun 0erljlit
Tho editor of the Times Tribuuo is
probably something of a political econo
mist anyway ho would desire to create
that impression Ho also desires to bo
kuowu as about the only truo frieud of
labor and the farmer iu Norfolk Per
haps be will consent to explain just how
his party proposes to help these classes
should it bo successful at tho polls Mr
Bryan aud other speakers seem to have
been wofully lucking in these particu
lars and the people should be informed
Iu 1692 thoy were grouud iuto tho
dirt by tho robber tariff nnd tho demo
emtio party proposed to do away with
It nud thus assist tho laboring man nud
farmer Thoy cat rled out their inten
tions but thoir action proved most dis
astrous to tho producers nnd laborers
In I SOU It was positively asset toil that
tho farmor nud laboring mini would bo
crucified under n gold standard but
tlioir conditions unquestionably im
proved and high instead of low prices
What Is to bo tho remedy this cam
Tho Tiuios Trlbuno nsserts that thoy
aro not prosperous how does It pro
poso to mnko thorn so
Is nuti tmporialisin to employ meu
nud creato a demand for farm products
Are prices to bo raisod or lowored
Is tho farmer to enjoj high prices aud
the laboring man buy his products nt
small cost
Havo thoy any assuranco that condi
tions similar to thoso uuder Clovolaud
with Coxoy armies free soup houses 10
cent corn aud S coutoats will uotjjpre
Are the wages of laboring meu to go
up and pricos for all they havo to buy
go dowu
If all manufactures arc to bo tormed
trusts aud closed down how aro tho
laboring men and mechanics to be em
ployed nud whore is tho farmer to dis
pose of his raw material
Undor the McKiuloy admluistratiou
there has been nu Improvement Will
Mr Bryans control of nffalrs still
further improve or will it make them
Discussion of imperialism militarism
trusts aud other propositions do uot
argue for prosperity and tho people
should know whore their interests come
Thus far the fact seems to bo that tho
Times Tribuuo represents n party very
profuso in criticism but not worth a
hill of bonus iu accomplishments or in
presenting a better way
Tho republican party is backed by
its record aud tho people insist upou
some assurauces from the fusion side of
the feuco even though there be no
record to back them
Come Mr Times Tribuuo supply the
A Goort Man
Under date of August 10 the State
Journal contains tho following write
up of Johu R Hays Norfolks caudi
dato for congress The republicans
of the Third congressional district have
selected as their candidate for congress
a mau of ability aud integrity aud who
at tho same time is a thoroughly self
made num That he has beeu success
ful iu life is owing to his owu honest
efforts nnd to his good standing in the
communities where he has lived
John It Hays was bom iu Clinton
county Ohio His father who was a
cabinet maker died before he wa3 a
year old The mother remarried aud
the family removed to Livingston
county Illinois where they lived on a
farm During the harvest season of
1S37 when John was about twelve
years old harvest bauds were scarce
aud he was set to work helping drive a
four horse team ou a reaper He was
riding one of the horses when the team
took fright aud rau away John was
thrown iu front of tho sickle and had
his right arm cut off near the shoulder
His left baud was crippled aud he sus
tained niauy other painful injuries
This ended his farm work
After he had recovered from his
injuries he went to school for some
time and having a desire for an educa
tion better than could be furnished by
the common schools ho commenced to
work his way through Cornell college at
Mt Vernon la He taught school
part of the time nud attended the col
lego when he had money saved up
This was a slow process and it took
him six years to get through At tho
age of twenty one he graduated and
came out owing 33 which debt ho said
looked bigger thau a mouutaiu Tho
first money he earned went to pay this
After his graduation Johu taught
school nt Nevada la and a vacancy
having occurred in tho county superin
tendency ho was appointed by tho
commissioners without having mndoau
application Tho uet fall ho was
elected to tho ofllce aud served the
followiug year Ho was then unani
mously elected county auditor and hold
that place for ten years During this
time ho had takeu up the study ot law
and was admitted to the bar He
praoticed law thoro for a few years
after leaving the nudttors ofllce
In 18S0 Mr Hayes camo to Norfolk
with tho idea of beginning law practice
hero Ho was offered the positiou ns
cashier of tho Norfolk National bank
and hold tho place a year nud a half
until he was able toformJa desirable
partnership in tho law business
Since theu he has practicod his profes
sion aud has a high standing amoug
tho members of tho bar of Madison
county He hns hold several local
ofllces but uovor wont into politics as n
profession Iu loJS he was nominated
for stato senator but was unable to
take any active part in tho cauipnign on
account of tho sickuess of his daughter
whose death occurred a few days before
election Although the adverse major
ity had beeu laige Mr Hays was
beaten by only fifty five votes his
oppoueut haviug made nn active can
The republicans of the district nom
inated Hws for congress this year
bollovlng him to bo tho strongoit man
for the place It Is his Intention to
mnko a vigorous cainpilgn and tho
signs of victory nro already in tho air
Michaels Studio
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sleoninir car to Jack-
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umoxs First Avn
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