The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 16, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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    w a
Tlio Fouth wind
doth conllnno
linns Zinuner of Noligh was n city vis
itor yesterdny
Ins Fox wns n visitor in tho city yes
terday from Creighton
John Wnrncko n poultry ninn from
Aurora in in tho city today
A Moriimn preacher was botiiioiiIzIhk
to tho people on tho streots Inst night
A lurgo green worm pest is ravaging
thobeet fields intho vicinity of Hastings
August Lenz hns Bold 10 ncres of IiIh
land cnM of tho city to Willinm Klentz
Mrs Hrown and Mrs S Thnt oh of
Jlnttlo Greek were shopping in tho eity
Gnstiiv Mnchmuller hurt purchased bO
ncres of laud Just south of tho Junction
from 11 KohlholV
MiFfl Hunan Mueller eleik at Heeler
JlroH left this morning for n visit of
two weeks in Oniiihn
Mrs W i Hnrvoy nud Miss Martha
llnrtwick of Nowniuil Grovo wero Nor
folk visitors yesterday
Dr uuil iMrn W II Deoring eamo up
from Lincoln this noon for n visit of n
few days to Mr mid Mrs O I Jenkins
Miss Idelle B Taylor Mrs Win
Young and Mrs Richardson were vis
itors in tho eity yesterday from Bnttlo
K A Heeler departed this morning
for Now York City whore hu will pur
ehaso his fall and winter stock of dry
1 J Colo special pension examiner
who has been looking after pension
unit tors hero for some time left today
for Washington I O
Otto llellerman who 1ms been homo
on a vacation returned today to Marsh
Held Wis to resnino his duties as
teacher in a Lutheran parochial school
The now concroto pavomont boing put
in by John Koouigstein in front of tho
Pacific block is to bo u good ono judging
from the appearance of that portion
now completed
Six coats and vests recently stolen
from a Stanton storo wero fouud Tues
day in Smithbergers wheat Hold near
that town whero they had boon hidden
under n shock of grain
Mrs Ralph II Day concert pianist
and Miss Hildreth E Sisson soprano
will open tho amusement season Sep
tember tith with a piano and song pro
gram embracing selections from stan
dard composers
The choir of St Paul Lutheran church
gave Otto Hellernmn a farewell surprise
party last evening at his homo on South
Sixtli Htreet and an onjoyublo time re
sulted there boing a goodly company of
young people in attendance
Geo MoPherson formerly an employe
ut tho hospital for tho insane was in tho
city yesterday greeting frlonds He
wont to Omaha last evening whero ho is
learning tho barber business Ho hope
to return to Norfolk after ho has com
pleted his course of instruction
Mndison Chronicle Deputy Revenue
Collector Seely went to tho circus last
Thursday to feed tho elephant and make
a little collection for Undo Sam There
is a government license of 100 for a
circus and 510 for a side show in every
etato in which a performance is given
KiugliugB contributed 110
Walter Shroeder teacher of St Paul
parochial school returned today from
Znmbrodn Minn whero ho haB been
visiting Ho was accompanied by a
bride her former nnme being Miss Anna
Miller His friends will unito in extend
ing congratulations und will wish the
young couple much prosperity and
An A O U W and D of 11 picnic
will be hold in Wells park Oakland
on Wednesday tho 22ml A rate of
one and one third fare for the round
trip hns beu secured There will be
speaking music exhibition drills ball
game bicycle races and various other
amusements and sports Everylwly is
invited to participate
Company L is preparing to attend the
Ktate encampment nud will meet tonight
for drill practice The members ore to
be provided with blue llauuel shirts be
fore encampment time Captain
Gerecke desires n full attendance of the
company at drill tonight 60 that it may
become as proficient as possible nud
make a commendable showing
The enterprising little city of Wayne
is to have a street fair September 20 21
und 22 The citizens have appointed
committees which are now enthusiasti
cally at work They propose to have
band concerts races vaudeville street
performances bowery dances speaking
political demonstrations and other
things going toward the creating of a
good lively time
Mr and Mrs Jas Covert returned
yesterday from Ewing where they vis
ited Mrs Coverts parents They were
accompanied by her two aunts and a
cousin Mrs Wheelock and sou of Wis
consin and Mrs Swanton of Meno S D
who are on their way to Coster county
to visit a sister Mr Covert reports
that the populists of Holt are now com
plaining that they cannot obtain sufli
cient help in putting up their crop of
A contest at trap shooting was indulged
in yesterday by a number of local sports
men at the grounds north of the city
JJ Jones of Sionx City was of tho
opinion that II K Glissman would bo
nn easy competitor and challenged him
to a live bin shoot in which tho lnttor
won nnd ho is now probably convinced
of HenryH quick oyo and sternly nervo
A party will go out again this after
noon to engage in n contest with bluo
rocks as targets
John Krnntz received ndlspnteh from
his brother-in-law H S Fritz thiB
morning announcing tho death of his
youngest daughter Kniina ngeil 15 years
at their homo in Gordon Tho telegrnm
gnvo no further particulars Mr and
and Mrs Fritz made Norfolk their homo
for a number of years nnd Miss Eininn
was qulto well known hero especially to
tho young people Mr and Mrs Fritz
and fnmllv havo tho sympathy of their
many Norfolk friends Tho funeral will
probably bo hod tomorrow and it is
prolmblo that somo of tho relatives from
hero will attend Kmma had been sick
for somo time and seriously ill tho past
few days so that her death was not un
Tin Nrws litis been informed by a
reliable business man that tho Canton
Bridge company which has somo eon
tracts in thlH county has been trying in
for sovernl days to got help in Norfolk
to nsslRt in their work but was uliablo
to do so nud llnnlly sent to Mendow
Grovo to securo tho help required
This same business man has also been
wanting help in his business but wiih
unnblo to securo it Tho Times-Tribunes
20 mon wanting work for their
bread and buttor can probably secure
work for somo cash bosido If thoy
aint got it hero they Ruroly enn by ro
furrimr to tho World Hernld want ads
in whico 100 men aro advertised for
today in two wis nt wages of lfi to
225 por itny
The boating pnrty on the North Fork
last ovoiung was indulged m by 21 young
peoplo and proved very onjoyublo Tho
party found it easy boating up stream
tho wind beiuK abont all tho motivo
power needed A picnic supper was
oaton nt tho old enmp mooting grounds
nt tho mouth of Spring Branch Tho
return trip was delightful tho moon
light boing splendid and tho boats were
lashed togothor nnd allowed to drift
whilo singing and instrumental music
wero enjoyed Somo important facts
wero ascertained by tho party Ono
was that hay fover causes red eyes and
another that moonlight may bo respon
sible for dizziness Roth facts aro ro
cdtninended to tho man who has beon
engaged in downing tho liquor ovil or
evil liquor Whon ho can scarcely
keep ou tho sidewalk ho can explain his
condition as moonlight dizziness and his
ed eyes in tho morning us an attack of
hay fover
JiliillurH KIpiIimI Srlioitl to Coiiinuiixo
Sopttimlxr 1th
Meeting of tho board of education
held on August liith 1M
Preeut Luikart Dean Salter Aid
and Mnt rnu
The meeting was called to order by
President Luiknrt at S p m
Tho report of John Friday treasurer
for the mouth of July showing cash ou
hnnd in general fund at close of the
month of S07 and unpaid outstand
ing warrants amounting to 1141411
was read and ordered filed
Tho following bills wero read and
ordored paid
W P Dixon mowing grounds 100
Albert Deguer repairs 25
John Friday salary nud supplies
M O Walker oil 405
C G Dolen repairs lr
L C MittelBtndt lumber for side
walks etc 102 25
American Hook Co books 5i8
Commit teo on supplies reported esti
mates of books and supplies needed and
the secretary was instructed to order
On motion the board proceeded to
ballot for janitors for the Lincoln and
Grant schools which resulted in the
electiou of S T Adams ns janitor for
the Lincoln school and C S McCnslin
as janitor for tho Grant school for tho
ensuing term
Committee on grounds buildings and
supplies was instructed to arrange with
telephone company tor telephono in
High school and Washington school
On motion it was ordered that the
janitors be required to wash all windows
and floors sweep down walls thoroughly
dust desks and furniture clean out
houses and closets cut weeds nud clean
up grounds and have the buildings and
premises of their respective schoolB in
clean orderly condition before the
opening of the schools without extra
compensation in consideration of which
no deduction will be made from their
pay account of holiday and spring vaca
On motion it was ordered that the
schools shall begin on Tuesday Sept
4th 1IXX
The board adjourned
H O Matkau
The complete service of The
land Special via Union Paoifio
euable6 passengers to reach the princi
pal cities between the north aud Pacific
coast and Missouri river not only in the
sbertest possible space ot time but also
in the most comfortable aud enjoyable
manner The diuing cars on this train
ore stocked with the best the market
utfords All meals served a la carte
Geo Fox of Creighton was n Norfolk
visitor yesterday
F IS Llliednhl was n city visitor yes
terday from Wnusn
II H Shaofer of West Point was a
Sugar City visitor yesterday
Dr W II Dccring nnd son Glen loft
this morning for their homo in Lincoln
Mr nnd Mrs Leo Hrown of Missouri
Valley lown aro visltlug in tho city n
few days
Shori 11 Geo Ixisoy and Deputy Rev
onuo Collector Carl T Sceloy wero in
the city yesterdny
Miss Roo Ilnminoutl who has been
visiting Miss Sisson returned to her homo
In Fremont yesterday
Tho Hon Ton restaurant put up n very
handsomo illumuatcd sign today II
Truman doing tho work
Mr and Mrs Kd Murphy departed
thlfl morning for Missouri Vnlloy whero
they will visit for a week
Dr and Mrs 11 T Holdon returned
today from Hot Springs S 1 whero
thoy huvo been enjoying an outing for
a week
Mrs F M Sisson returnod this morn
ing from Lyons where sho has been
attending tho Norfolk district camp
Miss Mary Shelly has closed her dress
making parlors and gone to Council
Blulls Iowa to Bpend a fow weeks
Prof Notz of Avoca Minn arrived in
tho city hiBt ovoning nud will preach at
tho St Paul niissioufebt in Pusewnlk
pnrk tomorrow
Miss Mnudo Schellen camo down
from Croighton this morning to visit
her sistor who is Bicloat tho Shultz homo
on North First street
W R Braasch leaves tomorrow
morning for Omnhn to take a position
with tho Swift Packing company hnv
iug resigned his position nB nssitnut
cashier of tho Citizous National bank
Rev F W Lcavitt and wifo of West
Point and Mrs McGrow of Geneva aro
visitiug at tho homo of Rev and Mrs
Wm Leavitt Mr Leavitt is absent
from his ministerial duties at West
Point on a fow weeks vacation
Roy Read who has been visitiug his
parents horo for tho past two weeks
dopartcd this morning for Spokane
Wash to accept the position of chemist
in n now sugnr factory Ho came hero
from Chicago whero ho and his brother
Tom own a business enterprise of whicli
Tom now has ohnrge
It is said that tho Mormon mission
aries who aro working in this viciuity
nro making n house to house cauvnss
Thoy will appear at tho house with the
announcement as to who they are ex
plaining that some peoplo will not allow
them in their houses If favorably re
ceived thoy enter aud explain thoir re
ligious beliefs to tho family nnd if not
wanted will pass along
Mr and Mrs John Quick Dr O A
McKim S R McFarlaud Mrs M F
Redman Mrs Winnie Biggs and Mrs
Sarah Jackson drovo to Pierce Inst even
ing nud nssistod tho Hen Hur lodge of
that place initiate five candidates after
which thoy drove homo The meeting
was nlso attended by Orvillo Sntterlee
aud Miss Mamie Mather of this place
Tho visitors report having had n very
fiuo time and successful meeting
A company of nbout 80 members of
the St Paul Luthern church called on
and surprised the teacher of thoir paro
chial school Walter Schroeder and his
bride lost evening and had a very en
joyable time until past midnight when
the company dispersed The ladies
brought refreshments with them which
were served during tho evening The
happy couplo was presented with a fine
new range from members of the church
while the choir left n handsome couch
to remind Mr and Mrs Schroeder of
their friendship
Tho weather hns today taken an
agreeable change Although there was
nothing better than a slight shower
this morning tho atmosphere hns been
perceptibly cooled While tho temper
ature reached OS degrees yesterday it is
doubtful if it registers above i0 todny
nnd will be the first day in more thau
two weeks that it has not none so The
wind has changed from tho south from
which direction it has been blowing a
regular gale every day for nearly two
weeks and is now coming from the
southeast with a good prospect for rain
Bicyclists are again urged to do their
part iu obeying and enforcing tho bicy
cle ordinance The city has been kind
enough to allow them sidewalk privil
eges when necessary and they should
uot nbuse them With the condition
the streets nre now in there is no excuse
whatever for using tho sidewalks and
occasional reports that they are being
used by oyclists is discouraging to the
riders who appreciate aud do uot abuse
the privilege Those who do not desire the
bicyclists to have any sidewalk privileges
whatever would be pleased to have the
riders themselves furnish a pretext for
repealing the ordinance that will be
convincing to the average citizen and
riders should not give them this pretext
77 Cure Hy Feer
Dr Humphreys Specific 77 i b al
most an infallible remedy for hay fever
At all drug stores or Eent on receipt of
price 25 cents Humphreys Medicine
Co New York
Ralph Brnnsch is a visitor to Omaha
Louis Storm of Spencer wnsaclty vis
itor yesterday
Kd Znelow was in from Wayuo ou a
visit yesterday
Miss Anna Lobuow came homo from
Madison this morning
J R Cookus wns n Sundny visitor in
Norfolk from Vviusido
Miss Nellie Cnrey went to Oninha
this morning ou a visit
Miss Opal Coryell was a passcngor for
Dakota City this morning
Miss Annotto DeHoer of Oninha is n
guest of Mrs It R Smith
Born this morning to Mr nnd Mrs
Ohas Flores a 10 pound son
O A Vickers aud daughter of Madi
son were Sundny visitors iu Norfolk
11 C Bromo of Omnhn spent Sundny
with parents nud friends in Norfolk
O S Smith tho Mulisou renl estuto
mnn was a Sunday visitor in Norfolk
Miss Agues Thompson returned from
tho Lyons camp meeting this morning
C II Krnhn aud family drovo to
Pierce yesterday to attend a church pic
Rov J J Parker returned this morn
ing from his vacation in lown nud
Miss Catherine Sisson came down
from Creighton to spend Sundny with
her parents
Congressman Robinson of Madison
and Judgo Cones of Pierce wero Sunday
visitors in Norfolk
Mrs Carrie Rasloy and sou Clarance
departed this morning for Marion Iowa
to viBit her parents
O Wunner came up from Stnuton
yesterday and wns accompanied homo
today by his younger brother
Deputy Muster Workmnn Miller of
the A O U W cnnie in from his work
to spend Sundny with his family
Rev and Mrs G H Main returned
this morning from Lyons where they
have been attending camp meeting
Wm Hemlebeu was a pnsseuger for
Omaha this morning where he goes to
begin anew in the poultry business
Superintendent D C OConnor who
is enjoying an outing with his family is
home looking after business interests
J P Wright has accepted a position
in Fridnys hardware store succeeding
C E Eiseley who resigned Saturday
O W Briustend btate Baptist mis
sionary wns nu arrival in Norfolk last
evening nud left this morning for Omaha
Lewis Johnson of tho Johnson Dry
Goods company will enjoy n vncation
this week nud will spend tho time fish
Charlie Ahltnnn and Theo Walters
left this noon for Omaha on their bicy
cles They expect to be absent several
Mrs J W Edwards and daughter
May left this Jmoruing on a visit to
Mrs Edwards old home at Emorson
W E and Charles Williams who
havo been visiting Geo Fox tor a few
days returned to Schuyler today accom
panied by Mr Fox
Mrs C M Hurtmau who has been
visiting Norfolk relatives and friends
for a few days returned to her home in
Sioux City this morning
It is urged that all members of Com
pany L attend the drill meeting tonight
as this will be the Inst drill before the
state encampment which is set for the
The watch rallied off at the hospital
lor the insane Saturday evening was
won by M W Speuuer the lucky num
bei being 65 The one milled off a
week ago Saturday was won by John
A severe rain and hnil storm is re
ported from Randolph and the country
surrounding having taken place yes
terday about noon There was every
evidence of a severe storm east of Nor
folk also but little rain fell here
Yesterdny wns the first dny since
July 21 that the maximum temperature
registered below 00 degrees Today it
has apparautly reached the old standard
Thirteen days of hot sun nud a wnrro
south wind is enough to try the temper
of anyone
The West Point fire bug is said to
have started five 6epnrate fires in thnt
town last week but in each case they
were discovered before any damage was
done In three iustauces the fires were
started in broad daylight and the Repub
lican is inclined to believe that it is be
ing done by an imbecile
Earl Perry of South Norfolk wbb
badly injured yesterday while riding a
bicycle He was going at quite a rapid
pace when he lost routrol of the wheel
and ran into a lamp post A spike in
the post caught him on the iuside of the
thigh lacerating the flesh severely Dr
Tasbjeau was summoned and did what
he could to ease the sufferings of the
injured boy
West Point Republican Mrs O P
Parish came down last Wednesday
morning from Norfolk accompanied by
her mother Mrs Blenkney from Iowa
to visit the formers little daughter and
son Jeanette and Guy respectively
who ore visitiug their aunt MIeb
Parish Mrs Parish accompanied her
mother back to Iowa on the afternoon
train tho snnie dny for a two weeks
Fred Christmnn nged 15 years was
instantly killed by lightning Saturday
morning at 2 oclock at the farm home
of Mrs T Sullivan eight miles east of
Madison Ho was sleeping on tho lloor
between two doors Tho bolt nlso
damnged tho hou60 to 6omo extent
The deceased wns an orphnn and hnd
no relatives Mrs Sullivan secured tho
lnd nine years ngo from tho Catholic
Brothers homo of Chicago
Tho St Paul Lutheran missioufest held
nt Pnsewalks grovo yesterday was a very
successful affair in every particular n
crowd being in attendance nnd tho col
lections wero lnrgo There wero three
choirs to render tho singing which was
very excellent Rev Klug of Hndar
spoko in tho afternoon nud Prof Notz of
Avocn Minn also addressed tho nudi
once Thocollection tnken resulted in
tho sum of 120 whilo 102 was taken in
nt tho stands
Tho resting place of tho late Dr F
Verges of this city is to be innrked by n
hnudsomo monument tho followiug
from Sundays Stnto Journal concerning
it being explanatory Kimball Bros
of this city have just finished a boauti
monument for tho late Dr Verges of
Norfolk Nob Dr Verges was well
known throughout tho state and his
many friends will appreciate tho excel
lent work shown on this stono While
simple in design tho perfect Hues nnd
large polished faces make the monu
ment very hnudsome It is mnde of
dnrk Bnrre Vermont granite nud upon
it are engraved tho inscriptions of Dr
Verges and his wifo The monument is
of sarcophagus stylo nud weighs about
2000 pounds
Geo N Beels returned yesterdny
from a ten days trip to the Black Hills
mining district He reports it very dry
in and about tho Hills All small
streams aro kept dried up nud larger
ones ruuuing at very low ebb In the
agricultural districts crops are a total
failure Hay is shipped in and sold at
15 per ton Mining interests are gen
erally waning whero previously prosper
ous except the Homestake mines where
they seem to have unusual combination
of means and methods The city of
Lead is the most prosperous of any por
tion of the Hill country A lnrge crowd
is nt the Hot Springs but they suffer
considerable inconvenience from the
heat and dryness Many ranchers are
talking of taking their herds to the
eastward for feed during the winter
Four young men of Pierce who are
inclined to consider themselves as the
bloods hired a team from one of the
liverymen of thnt place yesterduy os
tensibly to drive n few miles into the
country The liveryman afterward
learned however that they hnd been
abusing the team nud hnd driven to Nor
folk where they tied up and were proceed
ing to enjoy themselves iu a manner that
they considered bDth smart and enter
taining He nt once telephoned to the
officers hero asking them to get the
team for him but the young sports
hearing of tho arrangement drove
nwny ou their return to Pierce The
livery mnn nrmed himself with a shot
gun and met them cbout seven miles
from home whero he compelled them
to unlond nnd walk home It is con
sidered by those here who kuow of the
circumstances that the punishment was
a just one and it is likely that they will
not Eoon apply to the same person for a
S L Gardner moved Saturday after
noon from his old home on South
Eleventh street to a cottage on South
Sixteenth During the process Sam had
an exemplification of what the powers
want to do with the celestial empire
anyway china was broken up without
a doubt the horse attached to the wagon
acting the part of the powers and he
wa powerful enough to accomplish the
purpose Tho buggy was loaded with
dishes and standing in front of the old
home on Eleventh street when one of H
E Hardys ponies passed by frightening
Mr Gardners horse and he started to
run away Hugh Gardner was in the
buggy but was thrown out on the 6tart
nnd the horse ran to Main street aud
west on Main at a lively clatter scatter
ing dishes broadcast Mrs Gardners en
tire service being broken The buggy
was also badly damaged The horse
waB stopped near the residence of G A
Luiknrt but the damage was done be
yond repair
K Boltz of Niobrara is in the city
O M Henderson went to Newman
Grove this morning
Louis Nelson was a city visitor yester
day from Plainview
E Van Lorn was a city visitor yester
day from David City
A K Curts returned to bis home in
Sioux City this morning
N F King the Stauton miller wns a
Norfolk visitor yeBterday
Mrs Josephine Hal was a passenger
for Madison this morning
Misses Minnie and Mollie Fricke of
Madison are in Norfolk today
Miss Bessie Kidder came home this
morning from St Cloud Minn
W O Hall went to Ewiug last even
ing to bring back his two horses Burt
wood aud Lady Hunter
Mr and Mrs G A Luiknrt have
returned from their outing at Long
An enjoyable diuco wns held Sundny
evening nt the homo of Herman Roehrko
on South First street
E A Bowermaer Nonh Tnylor nud
P G Fancher n trio of Emerson people
wero in tho city yesterday
Mrs Roberts sister Mrs Sam Hook
who has hns been visitiug here left this
morning for Ottumwa Iowa
Miss Auun Seymour and Mrs J B
Maylord hnve gone to Red Onk lown
for a visit of two weeks with relatives
Miss Amanda Shellen who has been
tho guest of Mrs Ferdinand Shultz
where her sister is sick returned to her
homo in Creighton today
MisseB Blanche nud May Kearney of
Melbourne lown wlio have beon visiting
tho Misses Wilkinson of South Norfolk
returned to their homo today
Tho report is out that Norfolk is to lose
Its Salvation Army post Tho officers nt
presont in charge expect to leave Thurs
day for a field of work in Cresco Iowa
Tho water commissioner is getting
after somo patrons of the water works
system for allowing water to run con
trary to regulations nnd is shutting off
their supply of aqun pura
Mrs Mnry Ellis nnd dnughtor Mable
departed todny for Ssattle Washington
whero thoy expect to make their future
home Mrs Ellis son Carl nnd daugh
ter Mrs Ed Brackett nre residing in
thnt state
A report was received here yesterdny
to the effect thnt Editor R D Scott 0 f
tho Battle Creek Enterprise was very
low at his home in that city and it was
not expected that ho would live through
last night Tim many Norfolk friends
of the genial editor will hope that tho
report is exaggerated and that he will
yet regain his old time vigor
H W Christoph general agent for
the Osborno company at Terra Haute
Indiana arrived iu the city yesterday
aud visited a short time with his brother
Geo B This morning he went to Win-
sidowhere he and Miss Emma Kuebel
formerly clerk in the Johnson dry goods
store will be married tomorrow Mr
aud Mrs Geo Christoph will go over to
morrow to attend the wedding
S N Bond a brakeman on the Union
Pacific passenger is taking a four weeks
vacation and expects to attend tho
untioual G A R reunion nt Chicago
this month He wns a member of the
Second Wisconsin regiment during the
civil war nnd was captnin of one of the
five companies that constituted the
famous Iron Brigade He hopes to
meet many of the surviving members oi
his commnnd aud regimeut
An excellent rain fell in this vicinity
last night the precipitation nmouutiug
to about half an inoh The earth so
quickly and thoroughly absorbed the
welcome moisture that this morning there
was but tho evidence of a light shower
The storm wns nccompauied by a vivi 1
nnd almost constant electric disturbance
nnd there wns probnbly some damage
doue by lightning although none has yet
been reported The rain will benefit
corn to Eome extent and be especially
beneficial to vegetables and pasturage
A couple of younsters whose homes
are on Mndison avenue were much
impressed with tho appearance of some
goslings being raised by Mrs C H
Krahn and in reply to one of their
many questions they were informed
that the young geese live m water
They concluded to prove the assertion
and captured a couple of the fowls nnd
put them in a pail of water holding
them under The birds bobbed up
several times when the boys would leave
loose but were finally drowned and the
boys are now firmly convinced that they
wont live in wnter
Women suffer
ing from female
troubles and
weakness and
from irregular
or painful men
ses ought not
to lose hope if
doctors cannot
help them Phy
sicians are so
busy with other
diseases that
they do not un
derstand fully
the peculiar ail
ments and the
delicate organism of woman What
the sufferer ought to do is to give
a fair trial to
Fomlo Rvgvtator
which is the true cure provided
by Nature for all female troubles It
is the formula of a physjeian of the
highest standing who devoted his
whole life to the study of the dish
tinct ailments peculiar to our moth
ers wives and daughters It is made
of soothing healing strengthening
herbs and vegetables which have
been provided by a kindly Nature to
cure irregularity in the menses Leu
corrhcea Falling of the Womb Nerv
ousness Headache and Backache
In fairness to herself and to Brail
fields Female Regulator every
suffering woman ought to give it a
trl A large i bottle will do a
wonderful amount of good Sold bv
The Bradfield Remlator Co Atlanta Ga