fit itl w WiWV 8 Ml m Wi m b u 1 U V A Davenport Bros Will Make Big Cuts in All Summer Goods CALL THE POINT NORFOLK IS THIS Wo soil the best Roods iu our lino Wo giro ospccial attontion to our Repair Dopartmentr All Work Guaranteed G F W MARQUARDT JEWELER - NEBRASKA - ----- g Of course you naturally Keep Your Eye on Our Show Window for the newest styles of Photo Mounts aud latest in Medallions and Photo Nov elties Your likeness made to please you and your friends Have Your Pictures Framed where you cau get for them Finest Board iu the city mouldings suitable assortment of Mat -Art Materials and amateur supplies Yours for business C P MICHAEL wwWWwWWwwwW t NORFOLK Steam Laundry Only First Class Laundry In Northeast Nebraska Kvory oiTort mnilo to ploaso patrons and kIto Batiofaetion Latest improved inV chinory usoil iti all department Work not satisfactory will bo rolanutlered free of charno if roturnod unworn ROUGH EDGES TAKEN OFF COLLARS Z ts Thompsons 3 Cash Grocery For Pure Cider Vinegar and Fancy Teas and Coffees Heinzes Preserves and Pickles The best of everything iu our line THURSDAY TIDINGS The Ladies guild of Trinity churoli will meet for work tomorrow afternoon with Mrs H O Matrau The railroad company is putting a substantial new plank walk across its tracks on Madison avenue The city is busy placing the car of creasing Etoue recently received at points where it will do the most good A1 new crossing of this material is beiug plaeed on the uorth side of Main streot i at Second nnd nuothor ou Madison avo n uo and Kiguth A compauy of young folks aro oujoy ing a boating party this afternoon on tho North Fork rlvor Thoy will havo a picnic supper iu some shady nook thin evening A man and a woinou of questionable roputation wore arrostod aud fluod in polico court yesterday ou tho chargo of vagrancy Thoy paid a Quo aud costs amounting to about 3 apleco Tho Sunday school of tho First Bap tist church wout out to Tafts grovo to day to oujoy an all day picnic Carry alls aud othor conveyances wore used in transporting tho children of whom thoro wore a large nuuibor Tho tomporaturo yoatorday did attain its record tho mercury indicating 11 as the maximum It will get thoro agaiu today making a poriod of twolvo days iu which tho maximum tomporaturo has been over 90 dogrees Mrs Pheasant rocolved a dispatch Tuesday announcing tho death of Mrs J W Fonts of Bloomfleld who form erly resided here The dispatch also announced that tho funeral was to bo hold at 10 oclock yesterday Mr aud Mrs Fouts formerly conducted a bakory aud grocery store at tho place now oc cupied by tho Parish grocery and bak ery iu a ono story frame building Dressed catfish lake trout aud wall eyed piko at Qlissmans See all the new fall street hats at Miss Benders comprising all tho latost stylos Just received at Parishs now fancy shore mackerel Salted paauuts at Parishs Farm land aud city property for PERSONAL J S McClary returued last evening from a trip to Omaha Mrs H A Rowe was a passenger for Columbus this moruing Judge J B Barnes was a passenger for Minneapolis ou the afteruoou train Miss Grace Spear was a passenger for Columbus this morning where she will visit Mr and Mrs A J Durlaud aud little Jane returued this moruiug from a visit to Excelsior Miun Miss Francos Johusou departed this morning for a few weeks visit with re latives and frieuds in Toulou III Rev H S Bargeltleft this morning for Omaha to visit his son Clyde before returning to his home iu Olarance Iowa Mr and Mrs Andrew Teal have de parted on a mouths visit with friends in Fremont Council Bluffs aud Missouri Valley R G Smith of Chicago who for a time conducted the Macy photograph gallery here is iu town meeting old friends John Farley an old time resident of this vicinity is in the city greeting frieuds He has traveled considerably since leaving here J L Kinney aud wife of Rosebud agency S D are in the city on business couuected with St Marys Mission school of which he is principal Mrs Mellie Brewer and Miss Clara Taylor of Cedar Rapids Iowa who have been visiting at the home of C S Hayes departed this morning for David City to visit an uucle General Manager E C Howe of L03 Angel03 Cal aud Huery S Ferrer of Grand Island arrived iu the city yester day ou business connected with the sngar factory C D Jenkius aud Glenn Deeriug of Beatrice came iu from the Yellow Banks last eveniug leaving the boys composing the camping party there Thoy report that the campers aro hav ing a very enjoyable time Now is the time to put up your pears Extra flno Bartletts a Parishs Fine perfumes at Ohristopha Through Colorado The Deuver Rio Grande railroad with its numerous branches penetrating tho Rockies has two distinct and sep arate liues across the mountains Tickets reading via the Scenio Line Denver and Grand Junction iu con nection with the Rio Grande Western railway betweeu Grand Juuctiou and Ogdeu are available over the Denver Rio Grande either via its main liue through Leadville aud Gleuwood Springs or via the line over Marshall Pass and through the Black Cauou Tourists to aud from Salt Lake City Ogdon or Sau Fraucisoo will find it to their ad vantage to have their tickets read iu both directions via The Scenio Line of the World thus being able to use one of the above routes goiug aud the other returning Write S K Hooper G P T A Denver Colo for illustrated pamphlets A G Bohuert has beeu appointed sole agent for the celebrated Mellowrich roasted coffee Corn aud elevator oats for sale at Salters Sturgeon is tho piano iuau THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY AUGUST J 1000 sale by O R Seller We make loans ou real estate at lowest rates Elkhoru Buildiug aud Savings association T E Odiokne Sec DrFrauk Salter Diseases of children 0NTIIB1RWAY Houses for sale Twelve Recruits Go Through Norfolk Today THEY ENLI8TED AT SIOUX 0ITY Ono Aouiiu Man MIhaimI Cotitinotlntifl lull Will Soon lin Knroutn to Mm Fur Kant Klrnt Itrgliiinutiil Itiiml Ik HpcuumI by MailUoti County A company of lit recruits passed through tho city this morning over the Union Pacillo on their way from Sioux City to San Francisco whore thoy will be mustorod into tho service and sout to oithor tho Philippines or China Tho following are thoir uainos For infantry service W B Oorrigan Sioux City T A Couloy Emerson Nob C O Karnaugh Chicago E J Olevou Inwood la Wesley Carman Sioux City Geo Smith Charter Oak Iowa Harry Buck Covingtou Nobr B E Taylor Sioux City j J O Sumtuor Uto Iowa Light Artillory service Edward O Loggot aud Norman E Wiuuio both of Sioux City For tho engineering corps Dudley E Wilkius of Ponder Nebr Thoy were recruited for tho Borvico by Lieut C B Sweesoy at Sioux City After being sworn in thoy wore given transportation vouchers orders for meals aud 50 cents apioce iu cash Of auothor recuit the Sioux City Journal says It was not discovered until aftor Lieut Sweesoy had left for Dos Moines that tho papors of William S Swank had not beeu filled out aud tho young man iu his enthusiasm will pay his own faro to Des Moines this morning and got his oulistmeut papers Ho passod his examination aud was in every way qualified to enlist but was left out through an oversight First Lieut C B Sweesoy of the Eighth United States cavalry has been stationed at Des Moines for nearly a year nnd since tho trouble iu China begnu ho has enlisted over fifty new recruits He was ac companied by Private Tryou aud both tueu will return here about tho first of next mouth to coutiuue tho work Edward O Leggett is a brother of Mrs W N Huso of this city aud hopes to meet here iu Salt Lake City ou his way to tho coast Madmon nnd Norfolk Military Hand Col Killiau of Columbus has appointed Dick Forsaith of Madison as director of the First regimental baud Besides the Madison members of tho baud there will be a number from Norfolk and other parts of the county Mr Forsaith was iu the city yesterday enlistiug the Nor folk members Gus Marquardt Will Ahlman Geo Heller Fritz Glauder Jack ODonnell and Max Asmus aro among those who will join and go into camp with the regiment this month Hardings creamery ceuts at Glissmans butter 15 aud 20 The late Crawford Peach duo week is tho kind for preserving this Lot Parish show them to you The Weathor Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 01 Minimum temperature 71 Average 81 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for month 09 Barometer 2958 Forecast for Nebraska Occasional showers tonight and Friday Warm weather Notice to Palnierri Bids will be received up to C oclock p m of the ICth day of August 1000 by tho city council of Norfolk Nebr for the cleaning and painting of the staudpipo of the city water works Stand pipe to be all thoroughly cleaned of rust aud tar prior to any painting being done After the same has beeu cleaned same is to be iuspected by committee and work is to bo satis factory to them Then to be painted by bidder using asphatlum cut with turpentine or Dixon Graphite paint as the committee may decido E A Bullock Chairman of Committee on Public Works T E Odiobnb Summer Excursion to Salt Lake and Ogdeu The Uuiou Pacific will sell July 1st to September 30th round trip tickets via Deuver the Denver and Rio Grande or Midland aud RloGraudeaud Western one way returning via Union Pacific or vice versa with privilege of stopovers at and west of Deuver for 20 days tiokets final limit 00 days not exceeding October 31st 1900 Forrates or other information call at U P depot F W Junemav Agent Tho trip to Salt Lake City or the Pacific coast via Salt Lake City by way of the Rio Grande Western Railway iu conuectiou with the Deuver Rio Grande or Colorado Midland roads is the grandest in America No European trip of equal length can compare with it in grandeur of scenery or wealth of novel iuterest Then Salt Lake City itself is a most quaint and picturesque place aud well worth tho journey to see Its Mormon tomplo tabernacle tithing ofllco ami church institutions its hot and warm sulphur springs within tho city limits its dolightfully temperate sunny climate and its Jreitt Salt m doador and denser than tho Dead Soa in Palestine aro but a few features of Salt Lake Citys counties attractions Thoro are parks drives canyons and boantlful outlying mountain and lake resorts Imagine if you can a bath iu salt water a mile above sea level and iu water iu which the human body jcanuot sink Inquire of your nearest tlokot agent for low tourist rates to Silt Lake City or write for Information and copy of Salt Lake City tho City of the Saints to Goo W Holnt General Passenger Agent Salt Lake City Begin the day right with a cup of good coffee Thats Chase it Suiborns Parish has It Drink Mellowrioh ootloo EARLY INDIAN WAR SotttnrHof Antoloprt Country Had a IIiimIi With KmlftkliiH Tho souvoulr odltlou of tho Elgin Rovlew rocontly issued gtvos tho fol lowing interesting account of a battle somo of the pioneer sottlors of Antelope county had with Indians Iu tho early part of Novombor 1870 a party of oloven Brulo Sioux visited thohousoof Robort Homo on Cedar creek during the ubsonco of the inmates and carried off or destroyed everything of value Tho uoxt day tho men of that Bottlomont turned out aud after nearly a whole day spent in searching for a trail found toward night that the Indians had gone northwest Early next morn ing a party of five from Cedar crook started in pursuit while E R Palmer was sout to tho settlement ou tho Elk horu to get as many as possible from that settlement to meet tho party from Cedar crook at home point up tho valley When altogether tho pursuing party consisted of 1 1 as follows Jeptha Hopkins Alex Bolmor Orau dall Hopkins A H Palmer B True blood O M Soeley R A Rollins S P Morgan Frank Cottle L A Kim ball J O Cowiu Wm Hopkins Allen Hopkins A J Leach Tho Indians were found by tho smoke of their camp fire just before suudowu the second day in a bond of tho river about three miles below tho present towu of Ionian They wore attacked and a sharp little fight ensued lasting about three minutes iu which the chief aud one of his men were killed aud at least threo more badly wouudod Crandall Hopkins wasshot through tho right arm with an arrow S P Morgan was wounded in tho right hand with an arrow aud Jack Cowiu received a slight arrow wound Jeptha Hopkins had a fine span of grey horses one of which was killed and A B Palmer aud Crandall Hopkins oach had a horse wounded The party re turned to tho settlement that night and the next day a call was made for a public meeting to organize a military company and A J Leach was sent to Omaha to procure arms and ammuni tion and if possible a company of cavalry to protect the settlement General Auger then in command of tho depart ment of tho Platte declined to furnish any cavalry but promptly gave orders to have 50 stand of ueedlo guns and 2000 rounds of cartridges sent to Fre mont from which point Mr Leach took them to Antelope county by team Before the 1st of December the Elkhorn guards were organized officered and equipped for service with eight officers and 32 men K K A M V It It Kxcuralon To Lincoln Nob account State En campment G A R excursion tickets on Aug IS to 10th To Detrost Mich account Biennial Conclave Knights of Pythias excursion tickets on Aug 25 25 and 27 To Colorado Springs Colo account Farmers National Congress excursion tickets on Aug 19 and 20 To Oakdale Neb account District Camp meetiug excursion tickets on Aug 0 to 10 ToStantou Neb account Sangerbuud Fest excursion ticlcets on Aug 10 to 19 Excursion to Hot Spriugs S D July 21 28 and Aug 2 7 and 21 To Chicago account national G A R eucampmeut ou Aug 21 to 27 To Lincolu Neb account Epworth League on July 30 to Aug 9 To Long Pine Neb account Chan tauqua excursion tickets ou Aug 2 to 13 Will bo glad to furnish particulars of abovo oheap excursions to all interested H C Matbau Agent Pullman Ordinary Sleeping Cr for ToutIhU Are the most comfortable commodious means of travel for large parties iuteud iug settlers homeseokors hunting parties These cars aro run on the Uuiou Pa cific daily from Nebraska points to Cali foruia aud Oregon points and aro fitted up complete with mattresses curtains blaukets pillows eto requiring nothing to bo furnished by tho passougers Uni formed porters aro in charge of these cars who are required to keep them iu good order nud look after the wautsaud comforts of passengers These cars are uew of modern pattern and are nearly as convenient and comfortable as first class palace sleepers Persoually cou duoted excursions overy Friday For full information call ou or address F W Junkman Atrent Ilntr ltitln iciilnm lo tllnli While thoro aro tourist ratei to Halt Lake City aud Ogdeu nnd return iu effect overy day a npooial opportunity is afforded to visit tho worlds greatest sanitarium and hoalth and pleasure resort through a series of cheap excur sions to leave Chicago and St Iouis Juno 5 11 20 July it I 17 August 1 7 21 Thoso oxonrsions leave Omaha St Joseph Kansas City etc etc ou luuo 5 lit 21 July 1 7 s 11 in s August 2 8 22 These dates are subject to change if found advisable No place iu tho universe presents nuuh a complement of attractions as Salt Lake My It Is theplacoofthegreit Mormon temple and tabernacle the seat of ecclesiastical authority of tho saints and the homo of their prophot It is quaint curious and picturesque In environment The sum mer ollmato Is incomparable There are cool mountain and lako resorts near by the greatest of which is Saltair Boaoh ou Great Salt Lake Hero you can loat upon tho surface of the water almost a mile above sea lovol Within tho limits of the city aro Warm Sulphur and Hot Springs parks drives and beautiful canyons Furthermore the trip to Utah by way of Deuvor and Colorado Springs over tho Rio Grande Wostorn railway lu connection with oithor tho Denver Rio Grande or Colorado Midland railroads is ono of unoqualod splendor Tho scenery is tho most mag nificent in America Send two cents postago for copy of Salt Lako City the City of the Saints to Goo W Hointz Gouoral Passenger Agent Rio Grande Western Railway Salt Lake City Farm aud city loans TlIK IJUItlAND TltUST Co Thic Nmvs jou uopartiuont is com ploto in ovory particular EYERS Invites you to Compare Prices Tomatoes per can 8c Peas per cau 5C Corn per can 8c Java Coffee best per lb 15c Oat Meal per lb 2c Soap 10 bars 25c L j pound can Baking Powder 20c Best Prunes per 11 8c Blueing 4c Soda por lb 3 ijc Starch per lb 3Cc Crackers por lb IKq Clothes Lines c Lye por cau 4c Mixed Candy por lb 7 c Pearline per package 4c Rico per lb 7c Lamp Chimney 4c Wo havo a big lino of Tinware Grau itoware and Crockery which wo are selling very cheap B MEYERS LUDWIG KOENIGSTEIN Teacher of Artistic Piano Playing Mutlioilrtof Hint Authorities including M sosm Touch and TxriiMr Hrif iwtiks Ilirimlinr nnd Inturprotatlon from hngiimliiK to ndvnncud MiiHiril lictnron nnil liarnioiiy an an aid to piano playing TIiiiikiiiK and inoinoriziiiir mindc Tho soul of music umotiotiiil ulumoiit ittylo uxpru irfion and aiialjfis Tuelinic n nmaiiit not an and For iMrticuIiir apply to Hid KOENIOSTEIN STUDIO North Eighth Street f H Placing an advertisement in a well circulated newspaper is an outward act that betrays an intention It indicates that the adver tiser is bound to be at the head of the procession that he is up to date The merchant who has confidence in his goods ami honestly and plainly states his case begets confidence in prospective buyers The place for such a state- I ment is the advertising columns t of the local newspaper For t this community these are the columns iwIJITJrrT For IlumbiDg Sleini Fittinc Pumps Tanks Wind Mills And all worV iu UiU ltua call ou W H RI5H StUfactiou Quariutooil Klr South of Thk IHiiy Nuwa Ouico J3ARNIM TVLER Norfolk Mail Muck Vltortinjfl ill Law DRO S PARK Ell IJKNT1NT E SCOHEE OSTEOPATH I ST 511 Mouth Jlli Striiol Norfolk 1 11 Ilrtrnon M I Tjlor Nebraska Norfolk Noli DR II T HULDKN llomiopatliic Physician juiil Surgeon Olllco Citloin Nalinmil II ink lliillilluir TiiIi1ioihi IDI Hitiltrirliitn and Itiulilimrn Main nnd 111th HI- Toliiilionol Norfolk - - NobrimUiu DR I Will ImiiiCrnluhlon Monduy Wodnoiday nnd Friday aftiiriiooni of mcli wewk H 1 COLE DKNTIST Olllco ovnr CltlrntiK Niitlonit llink Itnxidnncn ono block not tli of OoiiiirtiiMlioiiiil cliurcli Norfolk - Nobnwkn MISS MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker UimlnliH in Collon block nvnr Hiiiiiiih Htoru Flint cliai work trniiinlixvl Norfolk Nebraska POWERS HAYS AllornoyH at Law Itooiiix 10 It iiml 12 Mnstlilock Norfolk - - - Nebraska SESSIONS BELL Undertakers mid FmlialinerH Simiih llll Norfolk vo3 Norfolk Nebraska W M ROBERTSON Attorney at Law Rooms I and 2 Robertson WlgtOT Block Norfolk WIIKN YOU WANT A J00I SHAVE or BATH -GO TO- W 0 Halls Barber Shop MAIN tH TUlltl UOOK EV8T OK POUHTII PURE GROCERIES Are essential to health UHLE handles only pure groceries free from adulteration and sells them at FAIR PRICES You get what you pay for at Uhles ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Hie 5 Minute Breakfast Food L L RE1YIBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Mrers For Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right and Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work First door West of Post Olllco NOVELTY Iron and Brass Works JNO E CRONK Manager All UiuiU of nuchiues from a Uwu mnwor to a priutiin ira niiccefully rdpairoil Hot air otoam iiml hot witor huitlui Special nttuu tiou niwMi to IioUiir and Ktnino ItopairiuK Opp laDtjttill o Impiumuut Houio NORFOLK NEBRASKA MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths Over Hayes Jewelry Store