The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 09, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Ciumot somo tuslonlst prosont an
argument Hint will hold toRutltcrtturliiK
tho ciUHpnlpn For HrynnH Riiko try
Tho Kioatcst mlstako you follows lmvo
ivmdo Is tlmt you didnt fiivo wo follows
tho olllcos would ho logical democratic
Tho fmlonists udmlt CJovoruor Toyiw
ters term was full of error 11 ml do not
promise nchnngo for tho hotter If ho Is
ro elected It requires wisdom to guard
ugahtht error
Tho World Herald and lnpilllon
Times particularly want harmony
They scorn quite anxious that their can
didates should win The editors
both candidates
Fusion papers continue to apologlzo
for the mistakes of 1oynter Tho peoplo
have not yet Indicated that they are
ready to condone a record noted almost
Holely for Its errors
Tho only really safe peoplo to trust
with the liberty of tho Filipinos the
Vorto Means et al are tho democrats
Their record In tho solid south Is milll
ciont guarantee of this
A Rough Hider club of UK mombors
has been organized by tho young men
of Albion A pretty good showing for
a small town and tho homo of Governor
Krronlons Poyntor at that
Senator Pottigrew of South Dakota
threatens to become an out and out dem
ocrat Tho domoerats appear to bo hav
ing troublo enough without this addi
tional calamity It might drive them
to drink
Tho fuslonlsts appear to delight in
deceased issues They wont to tho
trouble of resurrecting froo silver in an
unmistakable manner and aro now
using their best endeavors to dodge its
While the fusion sheets have boon
having all kinds of fun with tho mid
road convention as a weak and unim
portant affair thoy aro at tho sumo timo
making vory vigorous efforts to keop
them off tho ticket
Woudor if circuses will follow tho
Fourth of July into a stato of dosuotudo
providing McKinloy is re elected pres
ident If Bryan would only inoludo
this in his list of prophecies tho pres
idents fato would bo sottled
It is annouueed lu houio of tho hoad
linos that tho Iowa Republicans nro
Paving tho Way to Success This is
not particularly now Iowa republicans
havo been doing that samo thing over
sinco Noah discovered tho ark
Tho following is stolen and suggested
us a fair substitute for tho Kansas City
platform Whereas wouns aro out
and youuns aro in thoroforo what
youuus aro for weuns aro agin Re
solved youuns must git out and lot
wouns in
Tho republican party favors a mon
etary systom fair aud satisfactory to tho
borroworas well as the lender Tho do
creaso in interest ratos and increase in
funds for loaning purposes aro
telling argumeuts in favor of the repub
lican policy
Tho cousont of the governed was
eagerly sought by the democrats in
North Carolina when tho negroes were
disfranchised Yeavorilydemocrats aro
tho only truo interpreters of tho declara
tion of independence and kuow tho full
meaning of tho word liberty
Tho Germans aro patted on tho back
by the fusiouists until thoy show evi
dence of republicanism whou like tho
mid road populists thoy bocomo every
thing disgraceful dishonorable and
mean Fusion friendship seems to bo of
a vory treaoherous quality depouding en
tirely upon a person b political beliof
Tho Journal furnishes additional ovi
douce that tho fusiouists aro prouo to
flights of the imagination in making
their claims and also directs thsm frnn
their star gazing to facts near Iioim
when it says that 5 kuights of tho grip
make their headquarters in Norfolk nnd
of these 51 are for McKinloy and live
for Bryan
Ex- Governor Boyds assertion that
imperialism is impossible with America
is eo truo that it will uot help tho fusion
cause n little bit Tho fusiouists must
learif m timo that tho peoplo aro not to
be frightened by sonseless fancies of
demagogic origin When thoy can pre
sent a real issue that will bear sonsiblo
argument thoy may hope to win occa
General Grosveuor Ins figured that
McKiuleys cortnin electoral voto will bo
U78 which is 51 more than euough to
elect Ho concedes Mr Bryan as cer
taiu of 132 votes He places in the
doubtful columu Nebraska Kentucky
Utah Wyomiug Colorado Idaho aud
Montana coutrolliug 87 votes It is not
doubted by Nebraska republicans but that
at least this stato will bo taken out of tho
doubtful column aud lined up for Mo
One term in the governors oftlco has
proven loynters Incompetency Ho
rattles around llUo a bean In a tin can
being entirely Inadequate to flll the pos
ition He Is weak and vacillating and
prone to err Tho best that can bo said
ts that tho state has heon fortunato in
not having encountered any crisis call
ing for vigor htamnla and executive
ability What would happen should
such a condition prevail with him In
tho chair Is open to serious question
Tho Douglas county democrats aro a
long time getting togothor Attention
Is attracted to tho discord among tho
fuslonlsts In that county becauso of Its
promlnenco as the metropolis but really
It is but little worsu than the confusion
among tho fuslonlsts in other parts of
tho state It will take an entire reor
ganization of tho maohlno boforo thoro
Is complete harmony that is evident
Tho mid roaders were wlflo enough to
get out from under fusion statomonts
to the contrary notwithstanding
Tho republicans of Jasper countyMis
sourl aro In a ohoerful framo of mind
judging from this plank in tholr resolu
tions recontly adopted Wo tho re
publicans of Jasper county In conven
tion assomblod meet choorful con
tented prosperous nml confident Wo
pause that wo may wolcotno back thoso
that moot in our convention today who
in I Slid mistook tho remedy of froo
silver for tho dlseaso of democracy
then upon tho country Wo ondorso
tho successful and statosnmnllko admin
istiatlonof Prosldont William MoKiuloy
and wo promise him and tho hero of
San Juan an incroasod republican voto
in Jasper county
Somo of tho fusion organs havo been
throwing dust in tho eyes of tho people
again They havo boon stating that tho
republican papers wore guilty of thoiior
rlblo practice of using plate matter fur
nished by tho committees Scarcely is tho
awful charge dellvored howovor until
their columns givo evldonco of tho samo
tactics and thoy go one bettor part of
the stuff furuishod them is priutod in
German Thoy slap tho Gormaus as a
beer guzzling saner kraut eating lot ami
then present their arguments to chaugo
his opinion to thoir way of thinking
Thoy havo boon making ropeatod
claims that tho Gormau Amoricans aro
for Bryan to a man but it is liable to
turn out Hlco thoir travoung mou
claims boforo tho campaign is over
Tho Ralolgh Advocato strikes tho key
note of tho trust question whou it says
Howl you anti trust mou howl
Curse tho blamed trusts aud then the
minute you got ten dollars ahead sond
In an order to Montgomery Ward ifc
Co Sears Roebuck etc and help sup
port one of tho biggest trusts in tho
country Thoso ore tho trusts that aro
doing moro to hurt tho country mer
chant and tho travoliug mons occupa
tion than all other trusts comblued aud
yet thore is not a fusion sheet scarcely
that will say a word against them Tho
World Herald that great friend of the
dear peoplo almost constantly carried
advortisomouts for Haydou Bros the
Boston storo aud other busiuess trusts
which might well bo considered very
Tho democrats aro having quite a spell
becauso Roosevolt said that tho demo
crats stand for a cowardly shrinking
from duty abroad Thoy quote tho
names of Dewey Sohley Lawtou and
Wheeler to disprove tho assertion and
it does disprove it as far as these gentle
men aro concerned Not ono of thorn
but that stands or stood for McKiuleys
oxpansiou policy Not ono of them to
say pull dowu tho flag But they had
uo eayso iu constructing tho Kausas
City platform and it is vory much
doubted if any of them staud on it or
will support tho Kausas City ticket
Governor Roosevelt is safo iu judging
the party by its platform aud not by the
acts or convictions of a fow who call
themselves democrats It would be just
as appropriate for tho republicans to
dodge tho oxpansiou issue by referring
thoir critics to Hoar Pettigrow and
others to provo that they are not expan
sionists It will not do for the democrats
to evade their policy by pointing to thoi
who do not concar in it
Tho Times Tribune published yester
day a record of business chauges iu Nor
folk during tho past year It is noted
that while there were seveuteen now
j busiuess enterprises established there
were but niuo closed out and but oue or
two of theso might be accounted as
failures tho large portion of them hav
iug removed to new locatious There
were 18 business ohanges proper where
all or part of the business was sold to
new purchasers aud is belug contin
ued Oue firm burned out Thus does
tho Times Tribune present a ratio nearly
as good as 10 to 1 iu favor of MoKiu
ley prosperity No such record was
possible uuder the Cleveland admluis
tratiou While there is now not n va
cant store buildiug in a positiou anyway
desirablo there were many of them a
few years ago The Times Tribuuo has
the thanks of peoplo who admire cou
sistency iu thus presenting such a mag
mficeut tribute to improved business
conditions That it is not satisfied will
be proven by its editorial columns which
will iusist that tho people should desire
a change but theu it is perhaps ouly
joking when it scores McKinley aud
lauds Bryan
The fellow out of a job la nullity
scarce In Norfolk There are no volun
teers for membership in a Coxey army
A groat many of tho common peoplo
have grown into uncommon people slnco
McKinloy was elected If to bo common
people required poverty and distress
Tho big democratic viotory In Ala
bama also foretells tho robbing of lie
grocs of liberties which wcro accorded
thorn as a rosult of tho war of tho
it has cost William Harris of Hyaunis
a lino of l HK for shooting prairie
chickens boforo tho opening of tho sea
son IIolinriKOO of tho birds dressed
and in storage when arrestod
Tho total exports of American manu
factures In tho last fiscal year woro an
Incroaso of ill0SS0S over that of
1811 This is a small Item of prosperity
for tho consideration of voters
Tho domoerats of Douglas county aro
rather slow getting togothor in tho in
terest of tho World Horalda senatorial
beo Mr Hitchcock is accumulating a
choice collection of stings of
Tho Hastings Trlbuno wants to match
Fnrmor Morlan candidate for congress
In tho Sixth district for a joint debate
with Farmer Bryiin standing candidate
for prosidont upon tho topic Practical
Wo woro told in I SOU that froo coiuago
of silver at l to 1 was positively ossou
tinl to prosperity That wo woro told
falsely conditions havo done their ut
most to prove and yet there aro people
who ref uso to acknowledge It
From tho way nions shirt waists aro
being handlod by tho city press that ar
ticle of wearing apparel must bo com
ing into uso The advent of a reform
or fad in clothing Is usually best udver
tisod by tho caricaturists aud funny
Gen Rosser is a southerner who pro
poses to voto his real sentiment He
says I regard tho republican party as
tho only national parly now in tho
field It is entorprising oggressivo and
patriotic it has on hand and unfinished a
great work
Tho Omaha Daily News has found it
to advantage to apologize to a German
American lady for storios priuted iu it
about Mr Dietrich which sho cousid
erod an insult to her raco It stated
that tho nrticlo in question was of a
frivolous nature
Mary Ellou Lease has quit the fusiou
ists aud is tryiug to break into the re
publican party but has uot thus far
boon warmly welcomed Iu spite of
this however one cannot but admire
her coumno in acknowledging her uiis
tako of four years ago
Tho freeziug sileuco about tho trust
issuo on tho part of tho democratic ice
trust magnates of Now York is oppres
sive How they can expect to win with
thoir anti trust candidate aud platform
without fighting tho monsters is a
conundrum for tho solution of the
honest voter
At the aunual session recently held
in Chicago of the members of the central
uniou of the Gerniau survivors of tho
Frauco Prussiou war mention of Presi
dent McKinley was repeatedly cheered
which but sorves to show that all Ger
mans are not wild over Bryan as per
fusion claims
Down in North Carolina they are giv
ing an illustration of what tho unqual
ified liberty of democracy moaus
Pitchfork Tillman will uow read the de
claration of independence wliilo the
band plays aud will lay especial empha
sis on the phraso all men are created
freo aud equal
Last week hogs wereselllug iu Omaha
at 315 During the corresponding
week iu lSUU they sold nt f 383 Yet
there are probably a number of farmers
who will vote for a change If thoy
could havo it without injury to their
neighbors interests tho people would be
pleased to see them get it
Perhaps Mr Bryan might win addi
tional uotoriety by dolling the over
alls iu whioh he posed as a farmer aud
donning the new shirt waist It would
at least have the excuse of originality
while politicians who cant tell a coulter
from a hay rake posing as farmers is
somewhat frayed about the edges
The reception to Bryan at Omaha on
his way to Indianapolis was soinethiug
of a frost only a few huudrod people
belug at tho train to greet him Ono of
the company remarked that Youd
expect a man ruuniug for mayor to got
a heavier ovation than this Promi
ueut democrats were romarkable for
their scarcity
Tho World Herald is authority for
the btatoment that the Kausas City cou
veution mado no attempt at a straddle
The editor must have mislaid his copy
of tho proceedings and should immedi
ately be furnished with one by tho na
tional committee He should not be
allowed to grope around in tho dark nud
make such disastrous errors
The World Herald gives tho number
attendlug the Bryan reception at Omaha
Monday evening as between 1500 and
2001 Tho non partisan News says
that loo people would bo a conservative
estimate It must not bo understood
from this that tho World Herald would
Ho That Is solely tho provinco of re
publican papers at which tho houoat
W H stands aghast
Tho Atlanta Constitution is lu favor
of imperialism or oxpansiou ami is
endeavoring to luterpert tho democratic
platform as consistent with its policy
Tho Constitution should do like a vory
largo uuuibor of fuslonlsts closo its
oyes to princlplo ami support anything
for Uryans sake Ho Is tho party
and all it stands for
Tho fuslonlsts would glvo consider
able for a fow follows whohavo discov
ered that they mado a nilstako in voting
for McKinloy hi IS1M1 Their repeated
assertions that there aro such peoplo is
somewhat trying whou thoy can dis
cover no Hoppers to back up tho asser
tion The Web Davis gag is becoming
somewhat shelfworn
Tho fuslonlsts aro not endeavoring to
deny that tho McKinloy administration
has boon all right for tho pooplo of tho
Uultod States Their ono fear soems to
bo that peoplo of other lauds may bo
forced to onjoy tho civilization prosper
ity happlnoss nnd liberty of tho pooplo
of tho United States They aro most
compassionate for political effect
Tho democrats prosout as a para
mount issue not even a romote prob
ability The republicans ask an en
dorsement of tho prosperous times and
improved busiuess conditions that havo
obtuinod under tho McKinloy adminis
tration which aro in indisputable evi
dence to all possessed of a spark of com
prehension Tho voter should not make
a uiistako that ho will live to regret
Ringliugs records show that the at
tendance at their show the other day
was over 1000 moro than whou thoy
woro last here about four years ago
another vory good indication of moro
prosperous times It is not necessary
for peoplo to uso a teloscopo to fiud an
issue The paramount issue is ap
parent to everybody who has eyes to see
aud ears to hear
Tho Crete Democrat says Prob
ably tho worst gang of political hypo
crits and frauds over congregated at any
place in the stato mot in Grand Island
on the 20th It is very evident that
the Democrat is mad elso how could it
call its former friends such despicable
names They were nice fellows as long
as they aided the fusion trust bosses into
office but their declaration of inde
pendence galls
There is now no question but that
sentiment iu favor of the republicau
ticket aud republican policies is in the
lead and care should bo taken that it is
kept so Strong and vigorous clubs
should be organized nnd prepared to
meet the fusiouists at every turn Dis
cretion should also be used in method of
campaign so that those who have come
over to the right side may have no ex
cuse for changing their opinion Tact
is of great importance to campaigners
and should bo abundautly used There
is no question but that if election was
to be held tomorrow thoro would be
republican victory all along the line
Members of that party should not allow
a change of this condition
The fusiouists seem to be as thor
oughly disorganized as tho republicans
could hope for aud thoro are increasing
evidences that there is a surprise await
ing them this fall in Nebraska Hou
Smith Caldwell of Nuckolh county has
this to say of corditions at his home
It is not long ago that the republicans
were snowed under bv a fusion major
ity of suO in Nuoholls but hut fall we
elected five of the county oilicura and
are going to civo them n run for their
money this fall Tnere are on an aver
ago from a dozen to fifteen populists iu
each precinct who are sick nud dis
gusted at tho course affairs havo taken
in tho ranks of the fusiouists aud a good
uiauy of them are going to vote tho
republicau ticket
W 13 Kibbe a farmer of Franklin
county Kansas who has been a leader
iu tho populist party for years and was a
delogate to tho Sioux Falls conventiou
has announced his iuteution of support
ing tho republican ticket in the future
Amoug other things he snyB I prefer
to be a citizen rather than a partisan
and instead of still staying over in the
old mule lot with its gloom aud mud
listening to the eternal braying of nssts
aud croakiug of frogs and making faces
aud throwing mud nt tho great proces
sion moving oloug I am going to jump
tho fence get out into the broad suuuy
highway join it and help make uot mar
our prosperous progressive country
During the past five years since popu
lism began to make fusion alliances I
have witnessed more schemes moro
disreputable political trading moro cun
uiug amoug fusion managers aud more
dishouesty among fusion officials than I
found luring all tne thirty years l was
a republican
O M Clark a Lincoln populist has
challeuged Geo W Berge caudidate
for congress to a joiut debate He re
cites that he is only a workiug man
while Mr Berge is a lawyer and can
didate for office yet ho is willing to
tion of secrotary of agriculture under
tho Olevelnnd administration
Ex Governor Hoyd
James 15 Boyd the only democrat
over elected governor of Nebraska is nil
othor who rofasos to support Bryan in
his endeavor to frighten tho peoplo aud
thereby bo chosou as thoir president
While he may not voto for McKinloy
ho will not voto for Bryan In an inter
view with tho Omaha Bee among other
things Mr Boyd said
With America imperialism is im
possible Wo have been acquiring terri
tory ever since tho government was
founded yet this is not nu empire To
say that new territory added from time
to timo will bo followed by tho acclama
tion of an emperor to rule over us is ab
surd Bryau may deceive somo of tho
people by his far fetched cry of imper
ialism but tho scare will not of long
Tho greatest mistake Bryau over
mado was to require tho Kansas City
couvoution to roitorato tho 10 to 1 silver
freo coinage plauk He emphasized it
beyond nil others thus doing what the
republicans would have him do It will
cause Bryans defeat under heavier ma
jorities than were given four years ago
It was sheer idiocy Money was never
so plentiful and the interest rate never
so low Prices of farm products were
uover better aud tho producers aro get
ting gold money for their products
Prosperity everywhere in evidence can
not be talked down It may not be due
to McKinley but it is possible under the
policy for which McKinley stands
Imperialism in 18U8
The Decorah Iowa Republican has
discovered a striking similitude between
the utterances of the Kansas City con
vention and the one held by tho same
party iu 1803 just after the closo of tho
civil war History repeats itself aud
unfortunately for the democratic party
it has the failing attributed to history
That it is a bad habit espeilly for
parties is not to be denied as it has
frequently led to disastrous blunders
The following is the Republicans review
of the situation in 1SG3
Pendleton of Ohio had converted a
large body of democracys followers
into a craze for cheap money in the
form of an unlimited issue of green
backs It mattered not that when the
greenbacks were first issued as a war
necessity the copperhead end of tho
democratic party roso up en masse and
cried unconstitutional The green
back cry was a catchy one and Pendle
ton rode it aa Bryan has since ridden
freo silver because it appeared to be
popular and a winner
The national nominating conven
tiou of that year barely escaped making
Pendleton and his fallacy the sole issue
of tho campaign by nominating Horatio
Seymour ngaiust his very prononuced
refusal to accept Theu it was that
while placing the greenback fallacy
into the platform the effort was to make
another paramount issueby settiug
up tho bogy man of military despotism
More than half of the platform was
devoted to a cry of alarm amouutiug to
a wail at the unparalleled tyranny a id
oppression that had marked the career
of the radical party It was charged
that it had
subjected ten states in time of pro
found peace to military despotism and
negro supremacy
It has converted tho American capitol
into abastile
Under its repeated assaults the pillars
of tho government are rocking in their
base and should it succeed lu Novem
ber next and inaugurate its president
we will meet as a subject and conquered
people amid the ruins of liberty aud
the scatterod fragments of the constitu
It was also declared as tho solemn
opinion of tho democratic party that the
act of tho radicalparty
if sanctioued by tho people will sub
vert our form of government and can
only end iu a single centralized aud
consolidated government in which tho
separate existence of the states will bo
entirely absorbed and an unqualified
military despotism be established iu
place of federal uniou of co equal states
Iu spite of all this tremeudous dan
ger Graut was elected Jthe country
went on its way in reconstructing the
rebelliou states the peril of cheap mouoy
was avoided the fear of a military
despotism faded oilt in the face of
krauts declaration Let ns havo peace
aud the country began the career which
has siuco made us the greatest republio
of the world The pessiuiistio nonsense
about militarism aud imperialism has
just the reality aud no more that these
fears of au unqualified military despot
ism possessed iu 1803
univn nil rHTnroiirf nml mnM nil nnnnl lUU Allli
terms Mr Clark proposes ns oue of
tho Issues of debate That William J
Bryan Instead of being the greatest
American christian statesman ns you
said in a speech made iu Bohauaus hall
four years ago is what I then said ho
was ontyif tho greatest political frauds
that over figured in this country or any
other and to which I uow add that
ho Is politically or as a statesman an
ignoramus aud a snob Mr Clark puts
tho question lu pretty strong languago
which would not bo tolerated for a
moment from a republicaubut as ho is n
fellow citizen and of tho samo political
faith tojwhich Mr Bryan professes his
views will probably bo mot with somo
degree of tolerance by tho fusiouists
It is certain that Mr Bryans severest
critics aro or woro niombors of ono of
tho two partios to tho fusion deal no
ono boing moro sovoro than J Storllng
Morton who was honored with tho posi
Michaels Studio
Wo shall be pleased to see you ovou if
you do not need any work in our lino
Come iu and get acquainted aud see our
lovoly lino of photos where you will
find tho vory latest in styles of mounts
and finish All work guaranteed satis
factory Wo have a lino lino of Oil
Paintings Water Colors Pastel nud
Crayon Work A largo stock of Pic
ture Frames and Mouldings Amateur
supplies always on hand and your work
dono prompt aud reasonable Your
trudo Is wanted at tho finest gallery iu
this country
Yours for Business
Illinois Genital R R
Tho Illinois Control desires to cull nttimlion
to tins iiiiMxcollml nurvlco that is olTorod by 11b
linos to tlio south for tho Buason of lsiU UHX
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
Porsonnlly conduct
oil Huns through to
Los Aimoloa nml Hun
Francisco via Now
Orleans in connection
with tho Southern Pa
cific leaving Chicago
on the Centrals fast
Now Orleans aim-
clnli connection nico mane oy mis iraui wim
daily trains out of Now Orleans for tho Pacific
Coast Tho Limited from Chicago overy oven
itur connects on Mondays nnd Thursdays at
Now Orleans after December 1H lsyj with tho
of the Southern Pacific kIvIiik special through
service to San Francisco
Double daily serv
ice is maintained out
of St Louis via tho
Illinois Central and
connecting lino3 to
Bii nnd Atlanta thro
sleotiiuir car to Jack
sonville Florida being carried on tho
leaving St Louis every evening This train aa
well as tho Day Kxpross leaving St Louis in
tho morning nro both solid trains to Nashville
having through coaches aud sleeping cars run
ning through Martin Tenn and the N C St
L liy Connection via this lino for all princi
pal points in too aouineasr sucn as t iiinesmii
Wilmington aikm uuu oavaumui ami tor
poiuts iu Florida
Daily from Chicago to Memphis and Now Or
points iu the South on the lines of tho Illinois
Central and Y M V railroads will bo run on
tho first and third Tuesiluy of each mouth dur
ing tho winter season
Full particulars concerning all of tho abovo
can bo hail of agonts of tho Illinois Central or
by addressing A H Hanson O P A Chicago
i i
Free eclining Chair Gars on all
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
em and Eastern points
Unexcelled time and accommodations
to tho
Famous Hot Sorincs of Arkansas
For moro corapleta information descriptivo
pamphlets etc address
A OK and P A T P A
Southeast Cor 14th and Douglas Sts
Is that traversed by the
Oriat Centrrl Southern Trunk Line
in Kentucky Teunessee Alabama Mis
sissippi Florida where there are splen
did chances for everybody to mako
Come and see for yourselves
Half Paiu Excursions First and
Third Tuesdays of Every Month
Printed matter maps and nil infpruia
3ti free Address N
Immigration nnd Induhtria
Louisville KY
n I
To PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured by
our aid Address
Bubucrlptlon to Tac latent Record lwpTr iaii