i i 8 v i F t P TUESDAY TOPICS j Kov 1 P Mueller is a Madison itor todoy Kov II J lloflus is ft city visitor to day from Pierce O D Jenkins is visiting tho camperB at tho Yellow Banks H Warner is reported very sick at his hotuo in Wamervillc A sou was horn last night to Mr and Mrs Beuuet Seymour Dr J II Mackay mndo a professional visit to Columbus yesterday John Freythaler departed yesterday on a husiuesB visit to Omaha County Eugiueer W H Lowo went to Nownian Grove today to lay out an ad dition to tho town Rev II S Bargelt arrived yesterday from Clarence Iowa and will visit a few dnyB with relatives Misses Jennie and May Geitzen of Humphrey visited yesterday at tho home of C G Doleu Dr Stevenson superintendent at tho hospital for the insane went to Lincoln thiB morning on olllcial business Mrs Carrie Eliu who has been visit ing the Misses Luudquist left this morning for Cedar Kapids Iowa Sam Ikeubnrg of the Wide Awake departed this noon for Spirit Lake Iowa where he will bpeud a two weeks vaca tion J M Spates of San Francisco who has been visiting his daughter Mrs F A Beeler departed lor hiB home today liMrs Mellio Brewer of Cedar Kapids Iowa arrived here last evening for n visit at the home of her cousin C S Hayes Gus Marciuardt is called to Stanton tomorrow morning and consequently the jewelry store will bo closed during the day Mrs A E Chambers who lias been visiting Mrs Jack KoenigBteiu for the past few weeks has returned to her home in Fairbury 111 It B Dunn and wife of Denver are visiting his brother S F Dunn They expect their mother from New York the last o fthe week Mr and Mr A II Allinsou returned this noon from Blooinington 111 Mr Allinsou went there about a week ago and Mrs Allinson has been visiting theie several weeks Mr and Mrs Homer Caulfield have returned from Sioux Falls S D where they had been to visit Mrs Cauliields brother L McDonald who was re cently injured in a railroad accident Members of the G A It of this vicin ity are arranging to go to tho national encampment at Chicago in a special car Applications for passage are coming in rapidly and it will unquestionably be filled Peter Sigler D G Roll J L Roll and A Homan a quartet of Ewing citizens stopped in the city over night on their way to Seattle Washington Their final destination is the gold fields of Alaska Mr and Mrs Herman Buetow cele brated their fifteenth wedding anniver sary last evening at their home four miles west of the city There was a large gathering of friends and a very en joyable time resulted Mr and Mrs C S Hayes and a com pany of young people went to tho Yel low Banks this morning to picnic The picnic is in honor of Mr Hayes cousins Mrs Mellie Brewer and Miss Clara Taylor of Cedar Rapids Iowa who are visiting here Mr and Mrs W E Reed Mr and Mrs Peter Rubendahl Senator and Mrs W V Allen and Mr and Mrs John Horst arrived in the city from Madison this morning The party with the exception of Senator Allen will leave this evening for an outing at Hot Springs S D L L Heckendorf has returned from Storm Lake Iowa where he has been superintending the raising of sugar beets which is being done by the farmers of that vicinity with the idea of securing the establishment of a sugar factory Mr Heckendorf says this year is demonstrating that beet raising can be successfully done in that portion of Iowa Fremont Tribune Prof O V P Stout who holds the chair of civil en gineering in the state university was in the city today having come from Nor folk where he went in the interests of the Btate geological survey to make ob servation and get data iu regard to the water flow of the Elkhorn iu the vicin ity of that city This work is being done largely for the purpose of giving reliable information wheu questions of irrigation come np Rev and Mrs John Jeffries and boys Mr and Mrs O J Chapman and the choir of the Second Congregational church went out to the hospital for the insane last evening and entertained the patients with a choice musical program Mr Chapman having also taken hiB graphophone While the entertainment was especially for tke patients there were no more eager listeners than the officials and employes of the institution who appreciated the kindness of the entertainers very highly Rev D L Parker formerly of Nova Scotia is in the city consulting with the Baptist people in reference to taking up tho work hero Ho spoke at the chuich Sunday and will stay hero at least over next Sunday and preach Mr Parker graduated at Acadia university iu lbl and has taken post graduato courses at the university of Chicago and Coleguto Theological seminary He has lately been pastor at Dell Rapids S D and Abeliue Kas During tho past soven mouths he has been nsslsting the church at Wymoro to a sound financial basis Mrs Parker who is a valuable assistant in hiR church work is now in Kansas but will come and make Norfolk their home if satisfactory arrangements can bo made Miss Etta Dnrlaud returned last even ing from a visit to tho camp at the month of the Niobrara She reports that tho camp is nicely situated and that tho campers are having a lino time They have five tents up and the party is composed of S0 peoplo Tho fishing there is not extra good at this season of tho year but they aro catching sonic The principal sport of the campers is bathing tho river at that placo being very well adapted to that recreation They have largo trees for shade and tho scenery of the Missouri is very beautiful at that point whero tho bluffs of chalk rock are niassivo and imposing Tho temperature is also cool and refreshing and taken altogether the campers have every reason to enjoy their outing An Iowa exchange gives a novel ubo for rodents which emphasizes tho asser tion that everything has its use The idea is not a bad ono at all Down at Waterloo and Cedar Falls rats aro being made useful in stringing wire iu con duits The rat is caught in a wire trap a ferret is secured and a string tied to its tail the rat is then lot loose at tho end of the conduit and of course runs for dear life to escape tho ferret when tho pair emerge from tho other end of the conduit the ferret has pulled the string through after it a stronger cord is attached to this and pulled through by hand and in turn the wire attached to the heavy cord In this way what would be a rather difficult piece of work is accomplished in a Eimple and easy manner People of this vicinity have been aston ished at the persistency of the south wind which has been blowing for a week or more They will probably also be surprised at the persistency of the theremometer in duplicating its high record day after day Dr Salters government theremometer has for tho past nine days registered above 10 as the maximum temperature but during that time has not reached the high record of the season which was above 100 The weather clerk has been pre dicting local thunder storms for the past few days but nothing but light showers have resulted It is to be hoped that tho weather will respect his wishes and give the country a good rain to night as it is qui to badly needed and a change of weather would be most ac ceptable to sweltering humanity WEDNESDAY WRINKLES C B Burrows and J E Oluey drove to Meadow Grove yesterday Emil Winter enmo over from Madison last evening to visit his folks W J Gow is iu Lincoln this week at tending the Epworth assembly EdOShea and Carl T Seely were visitors yesterday from Madison Geo M Dudley this morning com menced his duties as day clerk at the Pacific hotel Mrs Mary Elliot has gone to Hot Springs S D for an outing until the first of September Mr and Mrs F J Hale and two daughters were city visitors yesterday from Battle Creek The Ladies of tho Maccabees are ar ranging for a sociable at the Junction next Tuesday evening The local lodge Tribe of Beu Hur will enjoy an ice cream sociable in their hall next Saturday evening Fred Klug who lives just east of town has threshed hiB wheat which produced 15 bushels to the acre F A Harrison the well kuown aud popular Washington correspondent of the Lincoln Journal is in the city MiBS Kate Tawney of Pierce stopped in the city today while on her way to Neligh where she will visit Miss Bertha Wille The Mission festival of St Paul Lu theran church will be held next Sunday at Pasewalk grove Many out of towu visitors to the picnic are expected The Modern Brotherhood of America lodge is to have a picnic at Pasewalks grove on Friday followed by a grand ball at Marquardts hall in the evening Tho Third nine of WinEide drove over yesterday and played an interesting game of ball with the Kiesau nine of this oity The Kiesau nine won out by a score of 11 to 8 The child of Mr and Mrs Win Maroheson who died re cently at their home on South Fourth street was buried in the Lutheran cemetery east of the city yesterday Miss Robiua Powers who has been visiting relatives here for some time past left this morning for her home in Canada She will be accompanied as far as Chicago by her anut Mrs G U Salter Win Beswick writes from Council Bluffs that bis wife whom he took THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY AlClST J 1900 there for medical treatment is out of danger with a prospect of permanent re covery Tholr friends will bo glad to learn the welcome news Dixon is to havo a celebration on tho lfith of this month which it is expected will draw a largo crowd Speaking drills ball games wrestling matches and races of all kinds will bo features Musio will bo furnished by tho Ponca band Geo M Dudley clerk of tho lorul lodgo Woodmen of the World yesterday received from the head camp a draft for if 1000 to pay the beneficiary of tho lato Jas Kingman formerly of thiH city The draft was forwarded to Mrs King man at Carroll Iowa this morning Mr Kingman died May tilth last D P Collins agent for the Klnyton Lyceum bureau of Chicago is in the pity endeavoring to make arrangements with tho High school for n courso of lectures tho coining fall and winter Everything now points to u deacon of amusing and instructive entertainments this fall and winter of more than ordi nary merit and interest For ten days now tho thermometer has registered abovo 110 degrees huttho record will probably bo broken today as it is considerably cooler than for some time past Tho splendid showers this afternoon have done considerable to overcome tho oppressive weather and have laid tho dust in good shape Tho crops will profit considerably in the territory covered The unprecedented demand for Wheatling has compelled the Sugar City Cereal mills to start up in that depart ment somewhat earlier than usual It has been tho custom for tho mill to man ufacture euough of tho popular break fast food in cool weather to last during tho summer but this year it wns not ample to supply tho demand and the mill iB uow turning out an additional supply of tho product to last nutil the usual fall campaign begins For some time past a disk valve has been doing the duty of the regular valve in one of the mains of the water works system at tho corner of Tenth street nud Koenigstoin avenue and tho lino run ning west on that avenue has been shut oil Last night tho disk valve was re placedby a regulation valve and the efficiency of the system has beon im proved thereby the pressure throughout the city having been equalized aud the west end service has been especially improved Press and Printer If the peoplo who complain of what the reporter writes of them would only consider what ho does not write about them says a bright newspaper man they would enshrine him in the dearest corner of their hearts The waste baskets of tho daily news paper iu any town do more to keep its citizens in good repute than nny other agency except the fear of the law and the hereafter Not all that a reporter writes is true He is not infallible himself and of those who are the source of his information many men can not tell a straight story The man who tells a story to the reporter is usually an interested party He has a purpose to serve in metamorphosing this or sup pressing that The reporter has no desire except to get tho truth accurately and completely and to writo it quickly and entertainingly WARNERVILLE Garfield North of Essex Iowa is vis ting Fred Chandler Roy Woolcroft of Centralia Kansas is stopping with C W Pettitt Fred Pettitt took the train Monday morning for Genoa Ho expects to re turn home Saturday The Open Window club held its weekly meeting last Thursday at the residence of W K Pettitt Mrs M Dorsey of St Joe Mo is the guest of her sisters Mrs John Couley and Mrs Charles Lodge Mrs O M Moore came down from Verdigro Tuesday and will make her home with her brother O D Munson H E Austin of Norfolk has contracted with tho school board to teach ihe fall term of school commencing tho first Monday iu September Burr MoBeathcoptured a pickerel in Antelope Run the first of tho week that tipped the scaleB at two pounds A good sized fish from so small a stream A uumber of farmers in this vicinity have threshed their small grain It is not turning out as well as expected Oats are going from 30 to 80 bushels per acre and wheat from five to 10 bushels Geo W Hills who has been sick for three weeks with typhoid fever is still seriously ill The M B A lodge of this place have furnished watches at hiB bed side for two weeks past and last Satur day the men turned out and stocked his grain and the lady members cooked din ner and took it to tho field The many friends of Mr Hills hope for a change for the better soon Buchanan Mich May 22 Genessee Pore Food Co Le Roy N Y Gentle men My mamma has been a great coffee drinker aud has found it very in jurious Having used several packages of your Grain O the drink that takes the place of coffee she finds it much better for herself and us children to drink She has given np coffee drink ing entirely We use a package every week I am ten years old Yours respectfully Fankik Williams C T TO NTILBrSIXKK Adjourned Meeting Held Last Saturday Evening THE REGULAR BILLS ARC ALLOWED Coliinilttrti mi Street nml llr Mil ken lliil ltepmt IIIiIk Axlul for Clrim liiK mill rulnllug the Sttmil llpo AmimimI Inr MiItmiiIIik City council met in adjourned regular session August lth with Mayor Hubert son and Councilnien Hruniniund Heck Dcgncr Grant llecknian and Uhle present Absent Cotineilmen Bullock and Spelltunn Minutes of meeting of July fi and 111 August 2 and wire read and on mo tion approved as read Hepnrts of police judge read anil re ferred to the auditing eninniitrco Report of treasurer for June was road showing the following balances Gen oral fund si interest fuiidil0tl water fund il I sn road fund ltl Tfi sinking fund I7SS 1 1 lire department fund 1211 SO Heferred to auditing committee Fire and police committee icported that they bad rejected Mr Kiesans petition to orect an iron covered build ing and report was adopted Tho committee on streets and alleys reported that tho hydrants on Koeuig stcin avenuo had been removed to their proper place and that they had ordered a car of stone and recommended that the cleik and mayor be authorized to is sue a warrant for freight on same They also reported that they had built a six foot sidewalk along tho llney prop erty also that the sidewalk on North Ninth street wasin bar condition and asked for instructions concerning same Also that most of tho sidewalks on Fourth treet complained of wero re placed and the rest would be very soon Also recommended that Prospect avenue be graded Councilman Bullock entered at this time The committee on streets and alleys further reported that they had ordered iron pipo for sewers On motion tho report of tho commit tee on streets and alleys was adopted On motion the clerk and mayor wero authorized to draw warrants for freight one car of stone and piping for sewer when it came JOn motion the committee on streets anc alleys was given power to act on all recommendations in their report The committee on public works pre sented two bids for painting tho stand pipe us follows S G Dean fcr 27 and A E Shields for il On motion the above bids were rejected and tho com mittee was authorized to advertise for bids lor painting the stand pipo PetitionofAil Kiesau to erect a brick veneer addition to the rear of his drug store wos presented and lelerred to the committee on fire and police with power to act On motion the following bills were approved and allowed as read V H Widamun salary for June Martin Kane salary for June and supplies 5150 Perry Fleming special police for June if 3i no W H Livingston special police for June 20 S It McForland first quarter salary postage and express 7150 John Friday first quarter salary and postage 3775 II W Winter first quarter salary s12fi0 Julius Degner first quarter salary 13 o F W Beck first quarter Baltary IU250 Edward Grant first quarter salary 1250 Aug Brummund first quarter salary 12n J M Covert killing 14 dogs 7 Frank Salter janitor at city hull iKj II H Patterson lessee electric lights ifUOO Ludwig Wetzel keys 55 cents W P Dixon special police 250 J S Morrow special polico 2 no W H Law special police 2 50 Fred Leu special police if 2 no O F Liermau sjiecial police I J 50 L M Wolfe special police sf2no C W LeMont insurance premium I 05 Fred Klentz street sprinkling 20 A N Eddy hauling hose cart to Mitchell fire 50 cents Asa K Leonard supplies i 155 Nebraska Telephone Co telephones for Inly 12 John Beuniug work on streets sflno John ClemmouB work on streets 12n W H Law work on streets aud side walks sJSO BO John Friday treasurer interest on bonds W5046 Frank Radle work on streets 1125 0 O Manwiller salary and extra work on hydrants 5250 Fred Sidler freight and drayage 51 cents J E Simpson salary and stamps 27 H E Hardy coal for waterworks 118788 C W Braasch coal for waterworks 114151 Wm Queen drayage 75 ceuts John Benning work on hydrants 5 t0 Bill of O A Reichey for sf2 was on motion rejected The official bond of W H Livingston as special policeman was presented ap proved and accepted A resolution was read and adopted levying a special tax on certain proper ties for new sidewalkssidewalk repairs cleaning snow from walks and mowing weeds on lots On motion Ordinance No 258 was laid over until the next regular meeting for its third reading Council adjourned 5 rf t II 1 III J ris v r ll ITTn 1 t wllih fell u 1 J k0M li cj W llllp3 i U lUl 11 J vim DIRT CLEARANCE T c a crrr4 nl in fnr cverv tvifher in Irnnw l something of the soap he uses There is a well founded objection to using a floor-cleaning soap upon the human body Ivory Soap is the bathers soap It costs more than common soaps but the difference is in the ingredients and making Why not treat yourself with a little respect Is not the human skin with its marvellous delicacy entitled to pure soap Ivory Soap it floats OOPtfldnt 11 M l rant 1I tiut tf iMlMI MKINLKY TRAVKLKKK Propose to Organize a Club in Norfolk COMMERCIAL MEN NOT TOR BRYAN Morn Tliiiu Ililrlv Miivn Aliiiuly MkkiI iiii AkiiiiiiiIiI OikiiiI llni OiuiilrH n Sllllllicli llrjilli Mull In iKIMI IIo IIIkh MK Inh y Ilnxpcrlty The commercial men who make their headquarters in Norfolk or whoso terri tory requires frequent visits to this city do not tako kindly to tho repeated asser tions of tho ftisiouihtH that tlioir class will support Bryan almost without ex ception this fall and they propose to placo their posit ion on political questions in a light that all may read and under stand In conformity with the Journals as sertion last week that of 5 knightsol tho grip who make Norfolk their headquar ters 51 are for McKinley and fivu for Mryiin agreements have been posted at the Pacific hotel headed with the following We the undorsigned do hereby agree to join and organize ourselves into what shall be known ns the Norfolk Travel ing Mens McKinley club subject to tho rules and regulations of tho state organization To these agreements thero aro already attached more than thirty signatures as follows Geo Moeller Norfolk D P Owen Norfolk H A Carpenter Lincoln C E Saunders Chicago P L Cole Norfolk A S Hamilton New York Geo A Brooks Bazile Mills J T Thompson Norfolk F fi Campbell Norfolk B C Nichel Lincoln J M ONeal Lincoln Fred J Cashin Norfolk L E Stebbens Chicago A P Brink Omaha J H Featherstoue Sioux City L H Painter Omaha G A Stavely Council Bluffs H A Armstrong Fairfield O F Shaw Norfolk C E Green Norfolk J H Brice Chicago Chas Young Norfolk 11 0 Frederick Omaha D N Hume Chicago D M Neiswanger Dakota City J C Maun Council Bluffs J G Alexander Norfolk ChaB Taylor St Joe 0 D Cameron Omaha W F WilliauiB Buffalo S S Glasgow Lincolu R M LeGore Chicago It will be noticed that many of the signers give tho address of their houses instead of their home town in conformity with their usual style of registering They are also giv ing the names of the firms they repre sent to iudicato that they are genuino commercial travelers and the effort will be to have the organization composed of this class and not of book agents light ning rod peddlars and others outside the line of commercial men of whom it iB said some of the Bryan Traveling Mens clubs are largely composed The idea originated aud is being pro moted by Messers Geo Moeller D P Owen and 0 E Saunders popularly known as Dad Mr Owen by the way is an old tune democrat and supported Mr Bryan in 1800 Asked by a friend as to the reason for his change he Bignificently patted his pocket and lemarked that he v as now making sf JOO a year more thuu he was under the last democratic trit ion To another friend at Lincoln after going mil to the Bryan home and listening to a speech by I he silver hum- piou he confided the intelligence that men sometimes have to become pretty old and gray before limy learn what i to their and I heir countrys interests but some of them will leiirn iu time Mr Owen and his associates aro popu lar with the boys and that tho Nor folk McKinley Traveling Mens club will be a success is beyond question Thus one by one the claims of the fiisionistH go glimmering and they will in time learn that it were bettor to ud hore strictly to fads Inough small than to picsiuuo too much EXTEND SYSTEM 11 rlilc Ilglil iiiiiiutii lioiiiini4 1 1- IlCUHIll IlllIHl llH The Norfolk Electric highland Power company held a mcuting Fiiday night and decided on some extensive improve ments lo tho system which will cost about SNOOOn ml will give better and more extended service than huietofnrc A line will be extc nded west on Nor folk avenue to Sixteenth street nnothci will be constructed south on Fourth street to the Junction while yet another line will be built through The Height thus giving additional advantages for street as well a- residence lighting Kesidenco lighting will be done on the metie system when desired The company has also planned to given midnight service aud a morning service in the winter from tho hours of 5 to 8 The contemplated improvements will be welcomed by the people of Norfolk especially in regard to residence lighting as this has been desired by property owners for a long time Tho lighting on winter mornings will also bo welcomed as many patrons of the system have in tho past found it necessary to rescrt to lamps or other methods of lighting during the dark winter morniugs Tho exteution of the lines will admit of the city lighting streets which aro now entirely dark and replacing the gasoline lamps with electric lights Ot86rt Nursing Ethers HroH tir Hrnoflipr Tim know how it weakens and M how this affects the ban All such mothers need yl Scotts Emulsion It gives y them strength and makes the babys food richer and more abundant fide nml SI AllilrupslsU I i55t HUMPHREYS Witch Hazel OH TUN PILE OINTMENT One Application Gives Relief It cures rile or Hemorrhoid External or ner tittl Hllml or UlroillntrIlciiUiitorHurnlOKilMurM uil rutulu Jtellef Immediate cure certain it curt Hurst Scald and Ulcerations and Con traction from Iluru The Heller instant neaUnc wonderful It curt Torn Cut or Lacerated Wound and liruliwen It cure Boll Carbuncle Felon Runroond Uloer Old Sore luhlui Eruption ScurV or ficald Head It cure Inflamed or Caked Hrenu uud Sore Nl4e Invaluable It cure Salt Hlieuin Tetter Scurfy ErupUonc Cuapped Hand- Fwer lllleter Sore Up or Nottrll Corns Hun leu Sore and Cbafed Feet Sting of lutweta Mojulto Illtet aud Sunburn Three Sizes 25c 60c and 10O cu k rii a u v r vj viwgglltf V tent pc paiu vtl IGVCipiVI pmu IWW HUMPHREYS MED CO Cr William A Jobu feu KKW YORK