Tfaeftorffolkfieuas W K UU3K PubUflUnr DAILY KdtnWUlicl 1W Krr eV 15 coats For Vlro Priflilnnt TlllOUOKI 1IKK icit Preiildontlnl Electors Conirrtiititlniinl KorCoiiKronnmn Third District Jons It Hws j liny oxcnm minnay nr rnrrwrii Hy mutt lor yoar H WKKKIiV KftnMUlintl HSU KvetylTlmtnlnyjHy mwH lr r 1M Knlorod t tlin IVtolllc it Norfolk Nob n toceml clnts ninltnr ToloplionoNii 521 MEPUBLICAN TICKET Nntlonnl nr PrntliUiil - WllMAM Mt KtMKT OllUl Now York SUto or Cimiim II Dirtnicn Adaum 1or Ileittountit Omornur K P SWAOK Cunlor For Spcrntnry of Stato Oko W Mvrll Itlrlmrdson For Trrnsurnr William SrMiri KR Ctmilmi For Auditor Ghaulkh Wkhton Hhorlitmi For Attornn Onnornl Frank N Ihout For Lniul Cominlnlotior Okomiik I 1OIMIIH Niickolld For Siumriiitotiiloiituf Public Instruction W K FoMhtt Wnnliliirtlon fJoiiN F Nkhiiitt II II WINIMM KmVAItl KOtHK It I llAMUK H P llAVIIIItON laioii i jaiioiihon John Ii Kknnkdy John J lmuu Norfolk Iiullrlnl for JihIko Ninth DUtrlrt J K Hom Vulolopo Somo republican smart aleok dosig natos tho fusion national tioltot as A voice from Nebraska and a reminiscence fiom Illinois Oomo you fusion follows Kve somo real reason why Ioyntor should he re elected There have boon enough apol ogies already Does liin incompetency entitlo him to tho position V In March lSM tho average valuo of Nebraska shoop was 10 per head and there vyoro 2l7MS head reported In March 1000 tho Hocks had increased to 7t570 head at an avorago valuo of 177 Tho rocords show that tho avorago valuo of sheep in I8HI was 182 por head while this year tlioy roaohod an avorago price of 1180 por head Mr Bryan is a free wool man and bolioves in returning to tho condition of I81HI so far as shoop ownors are concerned What is more ho oxpoots thorn to full over themselves to vote for hi in Tho Elgin Review of whioh Kruost S Scollold is editor rocontly issued in pamphet form a vory lino souvenir odi tiou containing a very complete history of Antolopo county and Klgin The churches schools and private busiuoss institutions of Elgin are given glowing write ups whilo tho whole work is vory completely illustrated with hulf toua cuts If Mr Brynu was not so avorso to history ho would liud that tho United States as a republic has not as much to fear of imperialism us imperialistic ua tions have from republicanism Ever ainco the United States was first organ ized tho monarches of tho old world havo been carefully patterning after a re publican form of govorumout and tlioro aro but fow whioh havo not adopted eomo of tho best features of tho Uuitod States government Mr Bryau calls himself somo pretty hard names It was partly through his ollorts that tho Paris treaty of peace was ratified in which it was agreed to give Spain SiOOOOOOO for tho Philip pines In Indianapolis yesterday ho devoted 6000 words to coudomiug his action and yet in one of his speeches on his way to Indianapolis Mr Bryau said I am a cautious man People who are supporting him should forgot his tory nud past events as readily as ho for Bryaus sake There are somo things that do mako us feel rather imperial for a faot When old Europeau monarchies como to us for money on their bonds it shows that the time is not far distant whou all nations will bo bowing boforo the United States us tho greatest nation in tho world A republic that can make the other imperial nations knuckle under is not a realization to be de spised 23000000 of Englands war bonds fouud purchasers in this oouutry last week and the old countries aro rap idly learning that tho republio of tho United States is not to bo iguorod as a business proposition If tho populists can now discover that they have any interests in tho fusion national campaign they should be re warded with a silver medal for being able to comprehend something that is buried out of sight Mr Towno who was after a bitter fight made thoir candidate for vice president at Sioux Falls has very gracefully decliuod to run while Mr Bryau hangs to tho nomination ho received by that party like a drowning man to a straw Not only has Mr Towno withdrawn from the race for Bryaus sake but the free silver issue was completely buried by that gentleman in his spooch of ac ceptance The issuo which tho demo crats stole from the populists iu 1890 as tho 0110 tiling to aavo tholr pirty from utt ornuiilhllatlon hits bonn in complutuly hiildiui ns It Is possiblo for it to ha with tiu rolterntloii of it in tho Kniisiw City pint form A Kfent tunny populists Imvo hiul it tlrillwl into tlioin that tlioy imist support unythliiK for Hryiuiri snko but tlmro uro umloubtciUy many who will slop ninl consider whoro tlioy hIiiihI nnil what of tholr party or principles uro loft for thorn to support during tho national campaign When It comes to tho matter of trusts ask yourself this lnostlon What trust is supporting Bryan If you can natno one you will bo justified in voting against him Norfolk TiineSTrlbuue We know you didnt intend thatquos tlon for us Hro Ohllds but then wo fool llko naming at loivst one or two trusts supporting liryan Tlioro Is tho ico trust in Now York City and anothor of the same kind in Chicago then tlioro is tho copper trust represented by Mil lionaire Clark of Montana who is said to havo contributed 100000 towards Bryaus oloctlon Oh I yes wo had al most forgotton tho sugar trust tho one you howl so niuoh about wo bollovo it was one of tho Ilavomoyors the head and front of that most obnoxious of all trusts who testified boforo an investigat ing coimnittoo that his Octopus al ways contributed to tho suocoss of your party Thou tlioro is Androw Ournoglo tho man who controls tho stock of the groat Stool Trust the warmost kind of a supporter of your man Bryan and wo had pretty nearly forgotton Tom 1j Johnson of Ohio at the head of a groat street railway syndicate At this time wo wont jog your lax old niomory by saying anything about tho great silver initio ownors trust that furnished tho stuff that conducted Bryans campaign in 1801 If your readers will follow tho advico given above Bryans following will bo as insiguificont as that of Palmer and Hucknoriu ISM Wayno Republi can American Laurels Won In lurls One of the notable features of tho 1nrls exposition Is tho recognized merit of tho American art exhibit which Is pronounced to be superior to that of every other country save only France herself The Paris correspondents an nounce that seven American artists have already received first medals which Is more than have been awarded to any other nation excepting France No higher tribute to American art than this could be paid If tho British assert that It Is due to the In clusion of Abbey Sargent Whistler and others in the American section when England Is the land of their adoption yet these artists are truly American and owe their urtlBtlc Ideals largely to their eurly training In the United States Abbey almost wholly so and even Whistler In no small degree Honors In art won nt tho Paris exposi tion will be especially gratifying Tho Loudon exhibition and the first Paris exposition proved the superiority of the United States In agriculture tho Centennial ami tho Purls exposition of 1878 Its superiority In Inveutlon Tho last Purls exposition and tho Worlds Columbian exposition proved that America excels In manufactures When our superiority had been proved in all material things they said abroad that In art and culture we lacked that which could not be attained by a new civilization It will Indeed be a tri umph if this exposition shall show American superiority In art as In in dustry There would seem to be no more worlds to conquer Tho Massachusetts probation law is interestingly discussed In a recent num ber of The Independent by Herbert D Wnrd stato commissioner of prlsous This law which has passed beyond tho experimental stage in Massachu setts nud Is attracting tho attention of penologists iu other states authorizes the judges of tho several courts to ap point probation olllcers After n Judgb has sentenced a person for sotno of fense like drunkenness truancy or dis orderly conduct petty larceny for tho first time or any petty violation of law he may suspeud sentence and put tho offender under tho care of a probation officer At the end of the period of probation which averages five weeks the probation otllcer may appear be fore the Judge and recommend a dis charge of the probationer An adverse leport however will lead to his rear rest nud the Imposition of the original sentence Iu estimating tho value of this law In Massachusetts It must be remembered that this Is one of the few states In which drunkenness is a pun ishable offense Public opinion de mands n liberal enforcement of the law a lid this accouuts for the large number of arrests for Intoxication as compared with other states In 1S9S there were In the whole stato G7M arrests for drunkeunets of which 53 131 were referred to the probation otll cers for Investigation Of this number about 50 per cent were released 25 per cent were lined 10 per cent were imprisoned and liS22 were put on pro bation Tho total number of petty criminals put on probation In the state was 5111 According to Mr Wards statement the probative law lessens crime and conduces to the peace nud good order of tho commonwealth He declares In fact that It will mean tho closing of one half tho prisons In any slate In which the system Is well or ganized and Uioroughly extended Til K lSOllFOLK NEWS THURSDAY AUGUST J 1000 A STORYJOBBSTBR HE WANTED SOME MARINE INFORMA TION AND HE GOT IT The irrnl Dnnlrl INmcil he Skipper of n llontmi Hrlioonrr nn nn Kvpcrt Wlliiiin nnil One of llic Ablct Sen Cnptnlim Out of Thnt Port Old Boston schoolboys of a couplo of generations ago realize that no greater change has taken place In Boston than on the wharfs which In 1810 wero nil open with no sheds built on thotn ns at the present time Vessels In tho East India trade were docked nt India wharf W V Weld Co had their ships docked at Central wharf Lom bards and Ileinenway Coa Hhlps wero nt Commercial whnrf Long wharf was lined with vessels In tho coasting trade They had 4argo canvas signs attached to the yards Htntlug the port hailed from and tho port tlioy wanted freight for At that time there were no Btonm Hhlps and all transportation was done by milling craft For Instance a sign would read The schooner Eagle Cap tain Smith will sail on Saturday for Bath Sardlner and HallowoU The wharfs wero a favorite resort with the boys Wednesday and Saturday afternoons At that time school kept Wednesday and Saturday mornings and we had the afternoons for vaca tion In the morning nfter school we would decide where wo would spend tho afternoon and It was generally on tho wharfs Five out of ten boys went to sea after leaving school At the bend of Long wharf whoro the State street block now stands was nn old hulk of a vessel with a house built on Its deck It was fastened to the dock and this was used by tho Illnghnm Bucket company for a store house On the side of the house was a sign Illnghntn Station Packet It was a standing Joke with ns to ask the man who had charge of It If ho was the captain and when ho was going to sail as we wanted to ship before the mast It was a favorite amusement with the boys to climb up the rigging of ships and stump one another as to who would climb the highest There was one of these boys who could beat us all n climbing We nicknamed him Monkey Jack On one of the ships the duwnhntil of the signal hal yards broke short up to the flag at tho truck The captain pointing to the Hag said I will give any boy that will bring that flag on deck a nine pence We all started up the shrouds but Monkey Jack was up to tho roy als before wo got to the yardartu When ho left school he went to sea and became master of one of tho lar gest clipper ships that sailed out of Boston Captain Mahan of Long wharf had a fine schooner yacht In which ho took parties down the harbor He often In vited the boys to take a sail with him I remember once he told us a story about Daniel Webster as follows About C oclock In tho morning I was on deck putting the boat in shipshape order and swabbing up the deck I was going to take a party down sailing that day It was raining quite hard There was an old fellow standing n the whnrf with an old cloak and slouch ed hat on under a large cotton um brella no balled me asked If I was the captain and said he would like to come aboard I supposed he was some old farmer from the country who had never seen salt water before so I said Certainly Come right aboard He looked over the boat a spell and after awhile came up to where I was and said Captain If you were sailing n Bhlp down the bnrbor and another ship was coming up and tho wind was northeast which side would you sail of the ship that you wero going to meet I said I would put the helm hard to port and go to tho windward He seemed to understand and asked mo a great many questions I thought he was tnklug up a good deal of my time and answered him rather short Ho thanked me for the Information I had given him and bade mo goodby I had forgotten all about tho old country man when ono dnj nbout a fortnight afterward a constable came aboard and asked to see Captain Ma han stating that I must appear In court the next day at 10 oclock as a witness I could not think for the life of me of any case In court that I knew auythlng about You enn Judge my surprlso when I saw Daniel Webster and recognized him as my old friend that asked so many questlous lie wns laying down the Inw to tho court In great shape using all the nautical terms In Bowdltchs Navigator and to hear him talk boys youd thought hed been to sea nil his life It appeared that thero had been a collision in the harbor and the owners were settling which ship was to blame lu court Webster was counsel for ono of the merchants Ho Introduced me to the court as Captain Malum one of the ablest sea captains that sailed out of Boston Well boys you better be lieve that I turned red as a lobster as I wns only a skipper of a schoouer I answered all tho questions Mr Web ster usked mo In regard to sailing a ship under certain circumstances Ono of the boys said Well captain who beatV Why Daniel Webster of course Boston Transcript There U more catarrh iu this secitou of tho country thau all other diseases put together aud until the last few years was supposed to be iucurablo For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease aud pre scribed local remedies aua by coustautly failiug to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease aud therefore requires ronstitu tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional cure ou the market It is taken I uolly in doses from 10 drops to a tea- spoonful It acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system They olTor ono hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure Send for circulars and testimonials Addroso F J CltilSKV Co Toledo O Sold by druggist 7ro Halls family pills aro tho best KARO BROS Meats Sailsaoe Fish Game Everybody wants the best of moats Wo make a special effort to please tho trade Our Shop is the Neatest in the City M C WALKER w DEALER IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline PELEPH0NE S pirvrnRU NO 33 B W JONAS FINE TAILORING Salts mmlo to onlor and In tho lntoat stylo Ho IKiiruic niiitlj jMom Shop on South Fourth St Buutli if tliiuiii ltroa T WILLE City - Scavenger Water Closets and Cess Pools Cleaned All work neatly nud promptly dono according to City Ordiniuico No 217 Loavo orders at llrauachd coal otllco GRSEILER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold Commission Brauch Avenue and Third St on PHONE 44 fl InVtjo I H rw H H k t The Quick Trains ake nrs VIA TUB Union Pacific 10 Hours CJaickor to S tfc Ik Oity 15 Hours juiker to Portland 15 Hours tuitker to Situ Fraucisco FROM MlaoOUHI UIVCR THAN ANY OTHER LINE All Trains Wide VestUraled Splendid Equipment Pullman Palace Sleepers Dining Car Service Pullmau Ordinary Sleeping Cara Dally and PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS EVERY WEEK For full information call on F W Juxeuak Agent THE North Western LINE F E V R R Is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska TRY THE NEWS FOR UP-TO-DATE PRINTING it m iHAinnm I Ml ADUMnu A familiar expression often beard in Norfolk Hotels THE PORTER Thus giving notice of each departing train is a frien of all travelers and other patrons of the hotels To All Concerned I will give free of charge a Fine Oak Cabinet Sewing Machine to the most popular Colored Porter of any Norfolk Hotel said popularity to be determined by the number of votes each one receives Contest Opens August 6 and Closes October 31 1900 Tickets may be found at mv store and on the desks of the Pacific and Oxnard Hotels The Ballot Box will be at my store Each Monday evening the count will be pub lished in tho Norfolk Daily News after having been de termined by the judges Postmaster P F Sprecher and Grocer Oscar Uhle Sewinir Machine on exhibition in Window Yours for the Porters J D STURGEON The Norfolk Piano Man Norfolk National N J AL W K n rvnrT i n a t A UA10UU1 CIlMlUOUIi ALEXANDER BEAU Vloe Proalrtarl tl uuuuulzi uaauiflr WZUTZ AaiistaatCashlsr Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IH NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sella Exoliango Interest Paid nn Time Deposlta Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europa A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIREOTOB3 BEAB F P HANLON F J HALE W H NA BAINBOLT JOHN B HAYS F VEBGEd BOOHOJZ WM ZDT 8 B COTTON SKK5v33kJkkxJ WE HAVE RECEIVED AN ADVANCE SHIPMENT -OF THE- New MidhSiunmer and Fall Oiling Hats IN FELT AND OTHER MATERIAL AMONG THEM The Popular Ladysmith Mafeking Pretoria Del Norte And others iu a variety of colors and scarfs Please I call and see them as they are Bright Fresh and Catchy t You can always depend on rinding here the dependable t things in High Class Millinery W C AHLHAN BABIES INSKEEPS MILLINERY Hjes3 i ---------- V--------1 AHLMAN BROS C V AHLAIAN The Norfolk Bicycle Men Proprietors NORFOLK BICYCLE WORKS Manufacturers Jobbers nud Dealers in Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs Asmicy for Wnlthnm Mnnufncturliii fos Orinnt Hlcyclo tho Finest Strongest nnil FiiHtudt Hicyclu in tliu World Wo also liuuilla tlio Apnia World Tributio Heobo Sycamore Pat tee and our own make either chain or chululoss whioh will bo kuowu us tuo Ahlmaii Specials We do Repairing Promptly land Reasonable Wg ----------- wi ------ jj WHEATLING FOR CRY AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR OITY CEREAL MILLS FOR Q00D LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary O A LUIKART PuMrDEXT CHA3 S HU1DGE Vice President W H JOHNSON CASntEB W U BEAASUU AssT Casujeb The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Bay and sell oxekaoge on this country and all parts of Barope Farm Loaui mrectori CAM Asmcb W H Joumson Cuas S Bridge O W Ubaascb BlTAMK i A LUIKABT T F MUMUINUBB L BUtiSIONB I 1 - I