8 trre nf ClinrRPi Any ntlnlt MiiTirltif fiom n cold nettled on tho orenM bronchitis throat oritur troullcs of itny nntuio who Mill call at KIcriui DniR Co will If rtrwontttl with n friunplo bottlo of UopcIhob Gennnii Syrup frio of clmrgo Only ono bottle kIvoii to ono perron nml nono to children without order from pnronts Ho throat or Iuiik remedy ever lmd cncli n wtfo ns BoscIicoh German Syrup in nil parts of tho olvllizod world Twenty years ago nilllioiiH of bottles wore Kiven nway and your druKKistH will tell yow itp HUccusH was nmrvulmiH It Ih really tho only throat and Iuiik remedy generally ondormid by physi cians Onalucout bottlo will ouro or prove its value Sold by dealers in nil rivilbed countries Wim II nMlmule The mnrvellous euro of Mrs Hena 1 Stout of consumption hasoroated intoiiKo wccUenumt in Cammaok Ind writes Marion Stuart n leading druggist or Muuoio Ind Slio only weighed lt pounds when her doctor in Yorktown nnltl she nnist soon die Lhcn slio t iH gnn to use Dr Kings Now Discovery nud gained I7 pounds in weight and ww cpmpletely cured It has cured thousands of hopeless cases and is pos itlvely gunrnnteed to ouro nil throat chest and lung diseases fiOc and 100 Trial bottles free nt Kiosnu Drug store Tii Cunt loimtliiitlnn Forever TnuufitHiiiictK Cnnilv CuUmrllc 10c orSSo 1IUC C full to cure triiKlNtN refund inunuy Ladies if you want a rcllued nml brilliant complexion free from blemishes use Hoclcy Mountain Ten Never fails jUk your druggist ltHucil III 1ik P A Danforth of Ladtange in suf forerd for six months with n frightful running soro on his leg but writes thnt ihioklons Arnicn Salvo wholly cured it in live days For ulcers wounds piles its tho best salvo in tho world Ouro guaranteed Only lift cts Sold by tho Kiesau Drug Co Biliousness is caused by a hty liver permits food to sour in your stomach Minkes you cross Rocky Mountain Tea makes yon well and cheerful Ask our druggist The Appetltti of ii limt Is envied by nil whoso stomach and liver are out of order But such should know that Dr KingH Now Life Pills givo a splendid appetite sound digestion and u regular bodily habit that insures perfect henlth and groat energy Only Lfio nt the Kiesau Drug Co s ding store tively gunrnnteed to cure all throat chest and lung disenses fiOo and 1 00 Trial bottles free at the Kiesau Drug Cos drug store A luttvr Frmii Nnwiiinn ro Mrs 1j Gutru Newman Grove Mad ison Co writes Lnst spring I used Jr Kays Keuovator for tired feeling and aching limbs It helped nio greatly Shnll use more this spring For Free Mcdicnl Advice sample book nddross Dr B J Kny Medical Co Saratoga Springs X Y Dr Kays remedies sold by Ivoonigsteins Phar xuncy and Kiesnu Drug Co I 1 47 Mvl It in ordir to provu la grout incut ot Eij c hi u Hum tio i i t iiomi c rt for Iatuili mid ol m Ilei 1 o lnio pn pared n gi iion trnl ur 10 cti ts Oct it of uir d n g or uti 1 1 i ts to EIA llOS rl ii runlU liy I sulorcil f om r i ih of i tvnr t linl ever suno n ti u I 1 lour h pid fi euro but il Ilfiui iilu scPMdto i even tbut M my aiij mint mci s iii uo t with exceluut rctiult Usiruiii 45 Wurrua Ae Cliiij i I TUys Cream lJnbn is tlio ncltnoMlfiigiM cure for cut mill nitl conduit no eoii i mercury nor imv injuuois drug Price Ct cents At Iruuuista or bv inul AiiRiiHt Flower It is n surprising fact snys Prof Houton that in my trnvols in nil parts of the world for tho last ton yours I have met more people having used Greens August Flower than any other remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver iimlJ6tomach and constipation I tind for tourists nud salesmen or for persons filling otllce positions where headaches and general bad feeliugs from irregular habits exist that Groons August Flower is a grand remedy It does no injure the system by froqueut use and is excellent for sour stomnchs and indigestion Sample bottles freo at Kiesau Drug Co Sold by dealers in nil civilized qouu tries Men enn be cured privately and posi tively at home of all weakness and dis ease Write for new free book Dr J N Hathaway 22 CommercialBlock Sioux City la sWt Tobacco Spit mil hmcke lour lire insy To quit tobacco easily and forever be mag Belle full of life nerve and tlgor tulte No To Sac rje wonder worker tliot males veul iner sarong All tlruKBlU SOc or II CureiMitsran teed Huoklet und sample free Addres Berling Stemedy Co Ctilt uco r New York Buchanan Midi May 32 Geuessee Pure Food Co Le Roy N Y Geutle men My mamma has been a great coffee drinker and has fouud it very in jurious Having used several packages of your Grain O the drink that takes the place of coffee she finds it much bftter for herself and us childreu to drink She has given up cotfee drink ing entirely We use a package every week I am ten years old Yours respectfully z Faxxik Williams Sdorate Tour Boweli With Cttccsrets Candj Cathartic cure constipation feroer 6cc U C O C fall druggists refund mooey m mm A mm DY ROBERT ItAKR -1 Diamonds ol me runs ICopj right 1P00 by llobrrt ftilT1 Coiitliiuoil After luncheon tho princess came to Miss Bnxter who was Heated at her desk nnd hnnded her a letter There Is an invitation from tho Duchess of Chiselhnrst for a grand ball slio Is shortly to glvo It is to bo n very swell affair but I dont enro enough for such things to go all tho way to Englnnd to enjoy them Would you therefore nend her grace my regrets I I will do so nt once At that moiiHiit there enmo a mos senger from tho princt asking Miss Baxter to nuet him in tho library The girl glnneed up at the princess llavo I your permission to go she anid The princess looked nt her steadily for n moment just the faintest suspi cion of n frown on her fair brow 1 do not suppose yon need my per mission Her highness spoko with slow deliberation My htisbnnd condescends to take considerable interest in yon Passing along tho corridor this morn ing 1 heard your voices in most ani mated conversation Had you sufllclent interest In our discussion to stop and listen to what wo said Princess von Steinhelmer i Ah I Now yon are becoming Inso lent and 1 must ask you to consider your engagement with mo at an end Surely you will not dismiss mo in that heartless way princess I think 1 am entitled to a mouths notice or is It only a weeks U 1 will pay you n years salary or two years if that will content yon 1 have no wisli to deal harshly with you but I desirn you to leave nt once said tho princiBH who had little sense of humor and thus thought the girl was in earnest when she asked for notice Miss Baxter laughed merrily and re plied when sho was able to control her mirth 1 do hato to leave tho castlo just when things were becoming inter esting Still I dont suppose I shall need to go away in spitu of your dismissal for tho prince this morning ottered mo ten times the amount of money you are paying Did ho Bo assured he did If yon dont bo liovo me ask him I told him ho was a fool but alas we live in a cynical age and few men believe all they hear ho I fear my expression of opinion made lit tle impression on him I shall not keep yon longer from his highness said the princess with freez ing dignity Thank you so much I am just dy ing to meet him for I know ho has something most interesting to tell mo Dont you think yourself princess that a man acts lather like a tool when ho is deeply in love 7 To this there was no reply and tho princess left tho room Miss lennio jumped to her feet and almost ran to tho library Sho found the prince walk ing up and down tho long room with a telegraph message in his hand You are a most wonderful young woman he said read that I have been told so by more observ ing men than you Prince von Steinhei mer said tho girl taking tho tele gram It was from tho manager of the bank in Vienna and it ran- Special messenger leaves with package by the Meran express tonight Just as I thought said Miss Jen nie The diamonds never left tho bank 1 suppoi o those idiots of servants which tho princtss has round her didnt know what they took away from Vienna and what they left Then when tho dia monds were missing they completely lost their heads not that any oim iii the castlo has much wits to spare I never saw such an incompetent lot Tho prince laughed You think perhaps 1 have not wits enough to seo that my wife cares for me Is that itv Is that why you gave me my own letters V Oh you aro well mated 1 Tho prin cess now does mo tho honor of being jealous of me Think of that I As if it were possible that I should take any in terest in you for I have seen real men in my time The prince regarded her with his most feveie expression Aro you not nattering yourself somewhat young lndyn Oh dear no I I take it as tho reverse of llatteiing to be supposed that I have any liking for such a ninny as you are Flattering indeed I And sho has haughti ly dismissed me if you please The princess hnK What have yon been saying to her Oh I made the most innocent re mark und it was the truth too which shows that honesty is not nlwnvs the est policy I merely told her that yon nuu otterea me ten tunes the amount of money sho is paying me Yon neednt jump as if somebody had shot off n gun at your ear You know you did make such an offer Yon confounded little mischief maker I criod the prince in anger Did yon tell her what it was fort No She did not ask 1 will thank you to apply the clev erness yon Mia to poasean to the undo ing of the harm you have so light heartedly caused How cau It I am ordered to leave tonight when I did so wish to stay and eee the diamond denouement You are not going tonight I shall speak to the princess about it If that should be necessary Your mention of the diamonds reminds mu that my re spected Mr Briggs in forms me that a celebrated detective whom it seems he has engaged Cad bury Taylor I think the name is will be here tomorrow to explain the dia mond mystery so you bee you hayo a competitor Oil ie Cadbury comiutrt TU - THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY A IV UST 2 1900 too jolly for nnythlng I simply mtist rtny and hear his explanation for he ii u very famotiH detective and tho con elusions lie has arrived at must bo most Interesting In tho morning tho diamonds arrived per special imwcnger who first took a formal receipt for them and then most obsequiously took his departure By tho mimo train came Mr Cadbnry Taylor as modest as ever but giving some in dication in his bearing of tho impor tance of tho discovery his wonderful sys tem had aided him in making Ho blandly evaded tho curiosity of Mr Briggs and said it would perhaps bo better to reveal tho secret in tho pres ence of the prince and princess Jnst what I Hiispecied muttered Mr Briggs who had long been con vinced that tho prince had stolen tho stones Tho important gathering took placo in tho library the prince with tho din lnotids in IiIh coat pocket seated at tho head of tho long table while tho Jnoujii of fifs YooJnt Tlicrc arc the diamomln cried the prince cess sat at tho foot as far from her hus band as sho could conveniently get without attracting notice Miss Baxter stood near a window reading an im portant letter from London which had reached her that morning The tall thin detective and tho portly Mr Briggs came in together the London man bow ing gravolyMo tho prince and princess Mr Briggs took a seat at tho side of tho table but the detective remained stand ing looking questioningly at Miss Bax ter but evidently not recognizing her as tho lad who had como in upon him and his friend when they had entered tho train I beg the pardon of your highness but what 1 have to say had better bo said with as few hearers as possible I should be much obliged if this young person would read her correspondence in another room The young woman said the prince coldly is secretary to her highness and is entirely in her confidence The detective apparently mini filed by tho discourtesy ho met bowed pro foundly towaid the prince cleared his throat and began May 1 iuk your highness ho said addressing himself to the princess how much money you possessed just before you left Vienna Y The lady looked up at him inhurpriso but did not answer In heavens name what has that to do with the lo s of tho diamonds rapped out the prince his hot temper getting onco more the better of him Cadbnry Taylor spread out his hands and shrugged his shoulders in protest at tho interruption He spoke with def erence but nevertheless with a touch of reproach in his tone I am accustomed to bo listened to with patience and am generally al lowed to tell my story my own way your highness What I complain of is that you are not telling any story at all but aro ask ing instead a very impertinent ques tion Questions which seem to yon -irrelevant maybe ton trained mind most Bosh Trained donkeys Do you know where the diamonds nrot Yes 1 do answered Cadbnry Tay lor still imperturbable in spite of tho provocation ho was receiving Well where aro they They are in tho vaults of yonr bank in Vienna I dont believe it Who stole them thenr They were put there by her high uees the Princess von Steinheiaier doubtless iu security for money What roared tho prince spring ing to his feet his stentorian voice ringing to the ceiling Do yon mean to insiunate you villain that uiy wife stole her own diamonds 1 If your highness would allow me to proceed in my own Enough of this fooling There are the diamondsl cried the prince jerk ing tho box from his pocket aud fling ing it on the table There shouted old man Briggs bIigiug his clinched flat down oa tbs oak What did I tell you t I knew it all aloug The prince stole the dia monds and in his excitement yanks them out of his pocket and proves it I said so from the first Oh father father 1 moaned the princess speaking for the first time How can you say such a thinjt My husband couldnt do a mean action if lie tried The idea of his stealing the diamonds Not if they were worth a thonsand millions and detection impos sible Come come cried Miss Jennie Baxter stepping energetically forward I imagine everyliody has had enough of this Clear out Mr Briggs and take Mr Taylor with you I am sure he has not had nny breakfast yet nun ho cer tainly looks hungry If you hire detect ives Mr Briggs you must take enre of them Out yon go The dining loom is ever so much more inviting jnst now than the library and if you dont see what yon want ling for It She drove the two speechless men out before her and closing the door said to the prince who was still standing be wildered at having his hand forced In this manner There Two fools from four leave two Now my dearsIm not going to highness either of you yon aro simply two lono people who like each other Immensely yet who are drifting apart through foolish misunderstandings that n few words would put right if either of you had sense enough to speak them which you havent and flints why Im here to speak them for you Now niadnine I am ready to swenr that tho prince has never said anything to mo that did not show his deep love for you and if you find overheard us you would not need mo to toll you so Ho thinks Schauniberg not that I ever saw tho poor man but ho is bound to bo an idiot or tho prince wouldnt bo jealous of him As nobody had stolen tho diamonds after all this fuss so no ono has stolen tho affection of either of you f torn tho other I enn seo by tho way yon look at each other that I wont need to apologize for leaving you alono together while 1 run up stairs to pack Oh bnt you are not going to leave us cried tho princess I should bo delighted to stny bnt thero is no rest for tho wicked and 1 must get back to London With that the girl ran to her room and thero reread tho letter sho had ro ccived It ran Dkaii Minn IIaxtcii Wo are In n very roiiNUIcniblti Ullriiimn licru so I write to usk you to return to London without dulny ko lnj imclt to the Tyrol Inter on to finish thu inviHtlpitlon of tho dinnionil mystery Tho DurhiMs of Uhlxflluuit ix to lvo n rciit lnl on thu With It Irt to iu ii pry HwitKKfr ndnir Willi notables from ery pnrt of luropu nnd they semi Met mined Unit no ono connected with now simper shull bo ndmitted Wo liuve Ret nt work every influcnco to obtain nn invi ttion for ii reporter hut without rucccsm tint reply invnrinlily t lven bclni that nn olllcial Recount w ill bo sent to tho press Now I want you to set your iiiKenully nt work nnd Riun ndinittanco if posHiblo for I am dctcrminid to hnvo nn account of this ball written in bucli n way that every ono who rendu it will know that thu writer was prchcnt If you can limn iiko this I can hardly tell you how grateful tho proprietor nnd mytolf will bo Yours very truly Kaiinou Hauuwiok Miss Jennie Baxter sat for some mo ments musing with the letter in her hand Suddenly her eyes lit up and she sprang to her feet What a fortunate thing it is she cried aloud that I did not send on tho refusal of tho princess to tho Duchess of Chiselhnrst I I had forgotten all about it till this moment To bo continued next Thursday The movement to raise a subscrip tion for the gift of a punch bowl to General Cronje has the appearance of an effort to assist bliu In drowning his tribulations The recent SKlOOOOOO failure In Now York may be taken as another evidence of tho misfortune which accompanies tho unlucky number Wlitto Sinn Tinned Yellow Great consternation was felt by the friends of M A Hogarry of Lexington Ky when they saw ho was turning yellow His skin slowly changed color also his eyes and he suffered terribly His malady was yellow jaundice He was treated by the best doctors but without benefit Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters tho wonderful stomaoh and liver remedy nnd he writes After taking two bottles I was wholly cured A trinl proves its matchless merit for all stomach liver and kidney troubles Only TAc Sold by tho Kiesau Drug Co Ladies desiring n transparent com plexion free from blotches blemishes nnd blnckheads should use Rocky Mountain Tea Ask your druggist How Are Your Ktdnii Dr nobbsSiUraau iMIIscurenll kidney Ills Bam ole freo Arte sierlliin IlcinPdrCoCrVcaKoor N v WOMEN CURED AT HOME THE GREATEST OF SPECIALISTS OFFERS TO THE SUFFERING HIS SERVICES AND REMEDIES For more than twenty five years Dr J Now ton Hathaway Ikis made a specialty of Female llseasea During that time ho has hnl amoui ins patients oter tea thous and women sunerluK from all those many Ulilcrciit com plaints iecullar to the sex aud has completely and perma nent cured more than so pel ccut of thu cases he lias treated Ily Ills exclusive method which he hat perfected durlDK the twenty five jear of his most extensive practice he Is enabled to cure all of these different diseases Including painful prnttisor suppressed meusti nation prolapsus all ovarian trouble t union and ulceration lu fact everv form of those disease which make a burden of life to the treat majority ot women He has so perfected this sytem of Ills that he can treat these eases by mall without any per sonal examination to which eery sensltho womau naturally objects and without any oper ation with its cousenueut palti and necessary dancer His rystem of treatment Is taken In the pri vacy of the home tho cure is painless and It Is postthe ONE LOW FEH Write lilin a letter statlne brifly your condi tion and he will send jou a blank to bn tilled nut He will ghe your ca e his personal attention and care and make his fee so moderate IncludhiK all medMiKS necessary that ou will not feel the burden of thu pajnient aud he will guarantee ou a positive cure Addres J NEWTON HATHAWAY M D Dr llulliuuifr ii Co Commercial Itlotk blouz CltrIowa WUilWU THIS IArltH H U WiUTUtfl IPs worse or a mmm To suffer with skin disease thnn It is for n man for a smooth skin nnd a clear complexion arc essential elements ol female beauty So called skin diseases are in general blood diseases because they nre commonly the tesult of nn impure condition of the blood What light is to the lnndscnpe the blood is to the check Light is the great landscape painter nnd the hues of his palette transform n dull world into a fairyland So pure blood touches the lips with cherry and the check with rofc gives the ears a tint like the Sea Shells briolltetlS tlm vm nml u liitrne llin hands until it transforms homeliness into actual beauty yjucu a imr nice win oe marreti uy erruptions pimples or some disfiguring rash resulting from a scrofulous taint of the blood When the tnint of scrofula is in the blood it will be sure to show itself soon or late and its manifes tations may be as repulsive as they arc painful Many people have been cutcd of scrofula in its most malignant forms by the use of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discov ery This remedy is remarkable for its jiower to purify the blood It absolutely eliminates the corrupting de ments It makes the blood clean and rich It increases the action of the blood making glands and so increases the lunutilv of mire blood sutmlied to the bod v It is n true bcautifier giving a hue to the complexion ami a sparkle to the eye which can only come when there is a bountiful supply of pure rich blood There is no alcohol in Golden Medical Discovery neither does it contain opium cocaine or any other nnrcotic There is nothing just as good for blood diseases ns Dr licrccs Golden Medi W C AHLHAN I UP Mr rf i E J -1 t 1 i J f iiiL i7Uj iflLBL cal Discovery therefore do not be imposed upon by a substitute medicine sold only for the sake of making nn excessive profit out of you It you want the Discovery insist on getting it Chronic Scrofula Cured I will forever thank you for advising me to take Dr Pierres Ooiilcn Medical Discovery writes Mrs Jns Murphy of Fonda Pocahontas Co Iowa It has cured tnc ot chronic scrofula of twelve years standing 1 had doctored foi the trouble until i was completely dii courngtd I nlo had chronic diarrhea for twelve years I am in good health now better than I ever was in my life owing to Ir llctces Golden Medical Discoveiy I took tcveril Lotties of the Discovery1 before I slopped Dr Pierres Common Sense Medical Adviser containing 1008 pages Is a work for every woman It Is sent FREE on receipt of 2i one cent stamps to pay cost of mailing ONLY for paper edition Cloth bound 31 stamps Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y J C AHLMAN AHLMAN BROS The Norfolk Bicycle Men Proprietors NORFOLK BICYCLE WORKS Manufacturer Jobbers nnd Dealers in Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs Auoncy for Waltlinm Manufiicturinn Vs Orient Hicjcles the Finest and hntlest llicjclo in thu World Wo nlt o bundle the Acme World Tnlm hjciiniore rnttecjiml our own make either cIuum or chainlets which will be thu Amman bpecmls iih We do Repairing Promptlyland Reasonable Stroncest liune Jieebo known ib 1 t Railroad and Business Directory H CO 5 S J u tn as 5 W -3 cu tr 3 LU 11 aS c SCOf colli S corjcc SQ O Of i ui a O 3 - S MOTTS R R TIME TABLE Fremont lkhorn Mo Valley EAST Omiilm Pnsnenser ChiciiKii Exprei e LAST ChiciiKo Kxprci R Oiiiiilin IibBLiiBer w es r DEIART tf oiani 1210 pm amiiw T ov m U40iun I1VV1PT Hlack HiIIr lixjiretu 740 pm VerdiRrn Inusenner 1210 i rn VenliKro Accommodation S00ani WKST AIRIVE Hlack Hilln KzpresB 12n p m VordiRrn Passenger ti05nui Vordiuro Accommodation 720iim Tho hiciiKo nnd Hlack Hills Kxprfps ai rivcB anil departs from Junction depot The Omaha aud Verdiitre trains arrivo bu1 depart fiom city depot H U Matuav A ent Union Pacific SOUTH DDlAET ColuinbuB Accommodation 680 p m Omaha Denver and Pacific Coast 1100 a in NORTH AIIHIVE CohiinlitiB Ace mmodation 1030 pin Omaha Jiemerand Pacific coast 900 pm Connects at Norfolk with F E M V going west nnd north and with tho C St P M A O for points north nud oaet F W Juneman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha EAST DKPABT Sioux City and Omaha Passenger il J0 n m Sioux ltyPaseenger 1 00 pm WEST ABniVE SIodx City PasBonniT 1085 am biocx City and Omaht PaBHenger 730 p m Connects at Norfolk with F E M V going west and north aud with the U P for points olth F W Junkman Agent 11 t 1 ncept Sunday PENNYROYAL PILLS C S HAYES for a generona IO CENT TRIAL SIZE Elys Cream Balm rontaina no cocaIm mercury nor any other I injurioiiauras It le quickly Abeorhed Jlves Kellef at once - Fine Watch Repairing Spencer Ovclman Boots and roes Repairing Neatly Oc e J B HERMANN Contractor and Builder 117 Fourth Street UPKEEPS luILLINEflY Cheapest and Best Norfolk Avenue JWEDWARDS The Norfolk Horseshoe ALL WOBK llAKANTEED Cor 4th St and Hransch A t They overcome Weak ness Irregularity and omissions increase vip or ana banish painB of menstruation They are LIFE SAVERS to girls at womanhood aiding development of organs and body No known remedy for women equnls them Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure 100 PER BOX BY MAIL Sold by dnifftfists DU MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio For Sale at KEONIGSTEINS PHARMACY BAD BLOOD OAICABKTI do all claimed for tbaai and are a truly wonderful medicine 1 bare often wlitied for a medicine pleaeantto takeandatlait bare found Itln Catcarels Blnce taking them my blood bi been purlded and my compleiion bat Im proved wonderfully aud I feel raucb belter In every way Mm HalLib U Billahs Lmtrell Tdh yk CANDY M CATHARTIC i kw rwaoi mmn wmmmm Pleaiant Palatable Potent TaiU Good Do Oood Never Sicken Weaken or Gripe 10c 2Jc 50c CURE CONSTIPATION Iitrlii B rpj raWata olcal Hw yra ll 8oldaod euarantred by all drug- I UMb mau to CUKE Tobacco Habit ilretta with you whether you coollau Vimm Brv kllMulobaiiobablt lanorti the dair for tobaco tUwaTaaBBBI out arrvouidiitrva eipclf ulcorvV Vk tlae purlfiaa tb blood iJM I k Itij torca lol maabodJXBl Aiaobotri aaakM you alruog M1 u I AUtold 4000O in bealw ne rveBT M ki KwXPt asra curcuUu and Pocket MVBJI HBaNOVTU lt A f ror Look -Taw Xjrour own druptlit wn Vwlllyoucb form Take It will mWKwUawlllpatlrullyrrUwntly On JkvBvbozd uimlly turoat SLoitSM fVAruaranlreittoriirr or wi refund mnnry JtMrUoi turn U tfclaaca waauaal a Im4 Aak your Druggist CATARRH rbbPPTvibS IkffiiO BB71 sZm BK LtsBrtsl r v i otfwiwssBBi fl iiwiib anu - JstessJTfc COLD HEAD Heals and ProtetU the Membrane Itentoree the geneea of Tarle and Mnell Full Size UM Trial fclzelOc at DriiL ulfita or by nail iiLyBROTHEirs6 Warr Dont Be Fooledi Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made arily by Madtaon Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold In bulk Accept no aubitl ceoaTioiaaa tutc Ask your druggist I le Bans I w Kidneycura CTJUKS nil Kidney jjnjfuvrc uacK nche etc IbIk or liv mull 1 Free book ad- vloe etc ot Dr D J Koy Eorutogn N Y h k 1 1