I Mr t I A tt i 11 k t TUESDAY TOPICS Fred Asrnus is on the sick list G V Hill is reported ns very much improved iu henlth J W Ransom hnsgono to Sioux City on n mnttcr of business Will Darlington jr returned yester dny from nu extended Btny in Red Ouk Iown The peoplo of Valentine ivro discussing tho advisability of holding u street fair this full Jncob Haum nnd Julius Altsohnlcr drove down to Pierce this morning on business Miss Hazel Scoggiu is entertaining a number of little friends this afternoon at n birthday party The walks iu front of the Johnson dry goods store and Durland Sisters millinery are being repaired Miss lluth Mntruu leaves this evening for a two weeks visit with her friend Miss Clara Crusou of Custer S D The cottage belonging to Mrs Uudonz nnd occupied by C J Stockwell on Madison avenue is being reshingled Howard and Glenn Deeriug sous of Dr and Mrs W II Deeriug arrived this noon from Uontrico to visit Fred Jenkins Miss Ella Barrett nccidently fell from a chair this morning at her homo iu South Norfolk nnd cut quite a gash under her chin Thomas Lowe n laborer was fatally injured near Randolph last Thursday while digging n well by a bucket of sand falling on hiB head He lived over two days after tho accident Feroua Neuow who has been spend ing a short vacation visiting trieuds and relatives in Pierce returned yesterday and assumed her duties iu tho Johnson dry goods store this morning Corl Jenkins went to Omaha this morning to meet his grandmother Mrs Ashbaugh who will visit here She is 80 pears of age and has come from her home in Nevada Mo A farewell reception to Mr and Mrs Bert Hodge wns given at Railway hall South Norfolk last night Refreshments were served nnd the evening was very pleasantly passed with dancing and other amusements Members of tho M E Sunday school nre picknicking this afternoon at Tafts grove They were conveyed to that place this morniugin hayracks wagon ettes and other vehicles and a large number are atteuding s Ira It Higby and family were the guests of Mr and Mrs George Spenr of theOxnard over Sunday Mr Higby is manager of the Hotel Dolone of Omaha and i3 one of the pioneer and successful hotel men of Nebraska Sixty one farmers in the vicinity of Osmond have signed an agreement to prosecute to tho full extent of the law anyoro cnught breaking the state law in regard to hunting Stubble duck hunt ers will use discretion if they give Os mond a wide berth Five of Norfolk musicians went to Madison yesterday to rehearse with the the band boys from other parts of the county It is their ambition to get for Madison county tho First regimentnl band of the N N G The county un questionably hns tho musicians and all will hope that their efforts may be suc cessful Some of the city officials say that the young men who havo beeu practicing hypnotism must stop at once or the law will take a hand nnd mnke examples of some of them Their names have been carefully protected up to this time but if necessary will be presented to the public iu a proper manner The practice must stop and at once Frank Davenport is having a brick walk put in at his residence on North Eighth street Dr John Koenigsteiu is also having a brick walk built in front of his residence Permanent walks nre a feature of the seasons improvement and at the present rate it will not be long until board walks will be entirely superceded by brick cement or similar material Fremont Herald Mr and Mrs Geo Cadman are enjoying n visit from a nephew of Mrs Caduiau who beais the name of his cousin the president Mr MeKiuley who has been here about n week expects to return to his home iu Illinois today or tomorrow The senior McKiuley is a postmaster in the Sucker ttate The William now here is a young man just of age During the past few days a horribly sickening smell to which the sheep yards is rare perfume in comparison has permeated the atmosphere of Norfolk Just what it is no one seems to know but some believe that it is a burning re fuso heap If this is the cause a multi tude of outraged olfactory nerves de mand that it be immediately squelched The writer has not seen heard felt or smelled anything to equal it since ho last changed his socks At a special meetiug of Council No 10 Loyal Mystio Legion of America held at their lodge rooms in the G A R hall last evening the initiatory ceremonies were conferred upon a coterie of new members and several others were elected thereto Supreme Deputy Harris being iu attendance hK M Gaylord ws elected worthy secretary vice H Mr Vangbtr resigned After the council ofoeed tbeniemberfl and a number of visitors were served with ice cream and cake by tho ladies and a good social tlmo was enjoyed W II Wlgton came in last night from Omaha Ho states that the app roaching season at tho Norfolk audi torium will bo of extraordinary interest and tho list of attractions will contain a largo number of the best ou tho road Walker Whiteside Otis Skinner Frank Keenan and other famouB entertainers havo promised to revisit Norfolk nnd will appear in now roles Tho famous Innes band so popular at tho Greater America exposition will bo hero ou November 27th and other equally good attractions havo been booked or havo a date under considera tion Oniuhn Trade Exhibit In tho July issue of Finaut o atteut ion is called to tho wonderful development during tho last few years of railroads ii Nebraska Tho article places the total mileage in the Btnto at tho beginning of the present year at 511 1 miles and tho net earnings nro given as amounting to 10201017 Tho total number of employes in 1809 was 1 1701 an iucreaso over 180 of 2oi8 nnd wages paid amounted to 4187521 Tho Union Paciic freight earnings were 17701181 greater in 18 than in 187 and tho increase in tile Burlington earn ings for tho snmo period was 2000000 Iu conclusion tho writer says that all this sounds very little as though Ne braska was n frontier stnte and it may no longer bo considered so perhaps Yet tho opportunities for settlement for investment for development and pro duction havo scarcely begun to bo util ized THE STREET FAIR Fiirtln r Opinion Obtained from Norfolk ItiiMliHKK Men A number of other merchants and business men havo been asked their opinion in regard to holding n street fair this fall nnd ns beforoJtho mnjority seems to bo highly in its favor There appears to bo a well defined sentimont that it is Norfolks turn to entertain and the street fair method is meeting witli much favcr Tho following nro the opinions David Baum It would be a first rate tiling if all would take an interest iu it W H Blakemau It is n very good way to advertise but rather expensive G A Luikart It would bo a source of profit and a splendid advertisement for the city Geo B Christoph If all ae willing to take hold and push it along I would 1 like to see it undertaken I M Mnoy It would be a good thing for the town financially We havo had no celebration for several years G M Thompson A good thing if not too expensive It would cost con siderable to make a good display O D Jenkins Would benefit some lines of business very much and would result in a great deal of pleasure N A Raiubolt Never had experience with that line of cutertniuuient and dont know the cost or the benefit of it C C Gow Would be a very good advertisement for the city Wo would have to raise at least lr00 to make it a success and I doubt if that can be done W H Bucholz We have not had as mauy celebrations as a town of this size should The business men should do something for the entertainment of their customers Free of Charge Any adult suffering from a cold settled ou the breast bronchitis throat or lung troubles of any nature who will call at A K Leonardswill be presented with u sample bottle of Boschees German Syrup free of charge Only one bottle given to ono person and none to children without order from parents No throat or lung remedy ever had such a sale aa Boschees German Syrup in all parts of the civilized world Twenty years ago millions of bottles were given away and your druggist will tell you its success was marvelous It is really the only throat and lung remedy generally endorsed by physi cians One 75 cent bottle will cure or prove its value Sold by dealers in all civilized countries Anoint Plotter It is a surprising fact says Prof Houton that in my travels in all parts of the world for the last ten years I have met more people having used Greens August Flower than nny other remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver nud stomach and for constipation I find for tourists and salesmen or for persons filling office positions where headaches and general bad feelings from irregular habits exist that Greens August Flower is a grand remedy It does not injure tho system by frequent use and ia excellent for sour stomachs and indigestion Samplo bottles free at A K Leonards Sold by dealersin all civilized countries The complete service of The Ohio ngo Portland Special via Union Paoifio enables passengers to reach the princi pal cities between the northern Paciflo ooaBt and Missouri river not only in the shortest possible space of time but also in the most comfortable and enjoyable manner The dining cars on this train are 6tooked with the best the market affords All meals served a la carte Wanted Honest man or worn an to travel for large house salary 05 monthly and expenses with increase position permanent enclose self-ad-dressed Btamped envelope Manager 303 Oaxion bldg Chicago i THE NOltFOLK NEWS THURSDAY AlKJUST 1900 WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Miss Bertha Willo of Noligh is visit iug her sister Amanda Geo McReady of Pierce was a visitor to the metropolis yesterday W H Bridge will leave tonight for a business trip to the Black Hills Mrs Duffy of Greenwood S D is visiting with Mrs F G Coryell M 11 Singer nud Otto Hollerman were visitors yesterday in Stanton C W Urnasch was a guest at the Merchants hotel Omaha yesterday Master Graham Humphrey accom panied MisH Ruth Matron to Custer S D Mr and Mrs E B Kuiyon returned last night f i oin a visit with friends iu Iowa Mrs G W Schntt and Miss Gertrude Miller of Stanton were city visitors yesterday Jus Medley of Missouri Valley lown formerly of this city was a visitor in Norfolk yesterday A number of people with an eye to business nro preparing to conduct stands ou the stroets tomorrow J M Spates father of Mrs F A Beelor arrived in tho city yesterday from San Francisco for a visit Jus Kennedy formerly with tho American Express company here is down from Chadron visiting his mothor Johu Walters is preparing to miiko n considerable improvement on his resi dence property on South Ninth street Mrs W V Allen Mrs T F Mem minger and Mrs Mott came over from Madison last evening to visit Mrs D Jenkins Mrs Walton and daughter who havo been visiting at tho homo of W II Bridge departed this noon for their homo iu Lincoln Mrs M R Morris is expected from Omaha this evening She visited over Sunday with a cousin who is connected with tho Sells Foropaugli show Mr and Mrs Frank Powers of Omaha and Miss Ella Price of St Joe Mo are expected here tomorrow to visit Mr Powers nareutB Judge and Mrs I Powers Mr and Mrs George Wilson wel comed a nine pound girl at their home this morning while Mr nnd Mrs C H Cornell received a daughter of the snnio weight this afternoon A number of Volunteers of America from Sioux City nre holding some open air meetings in Norfolk these evenings which nro proving very successful especially in the matter of collections The merry-go-round steamed up last evening and took a number of custom ers through nu uxhiliratiug whitl Its real harvest is not expected to occur un til tomorrow when everybody will be on pleasure bent It is learned that tho circus grounds havo 1 eon changed from Edwards pas ture to tho Olney grounds on south Second street the man who is hero today having made the change for reasons unknown to the writer Geo Stalcop is engaged in moving the old Homo hotel from its old location iu the rear of Baums dry goods store to a lot in tho neighborhood of tho Heights where it will bo converted into a dwell ing house It is tho property of C W LeMout The loose rubbish haB been removed from Norfolk avenue in the business part of town improving its nppearance very much The man with tho scythe is also doing tho right thing by the weeds and circus day will dawn with Norfolks streets alloys ami vacant lots iu better condition thau they have beeu for some time past A novel advertisement in tho window of B W Fishers hardware store is at tracting considerable attention It is a diminutive ilgure of a young man with a bad case of rubberneck Ho appears to be presiding over the display of silver ware before him Another attractive window display is the nquarium with its minnows and fish iu the Trocodero The town has been lively today pre paring for tho advent of the circuB and the anticipaied crowd Delivery wagons have beeu burying back and forth The enrs have been removed from the sidings at the union depot aud many prelimin aries have been looked after Mayor Robertson has prepared for an extra police force who will be co operated with iu preserving order by the deteo tives and policemen accompanying the show He has also ordered the officers to keep all teams off the streets during tho parad9 nud is taking every precau tion possible against accidehts and law lessness The coming of Ringllngs cir cus is not au unimportant eveut to Nor folk or any other city Lieutenant John B Barnes jr passed a moat creditable examination recently before the military board the results of which have juBt been made publio by Adjutant General Barry He stood second in the genernl avernge of umrkiugs with a per cent of 85 1 5 Arthur P Giun surgeon of the Second with a rank of captain stood first with a perfect marking of 100 Edward J Straight major in the Second had a marking of 74 fi 7 Of tho standing the State Journal says Major E J Straight of the Second regjment the onlyoflicer of his rank among those ex amined attained an average percentage of 74 5 7 which was not surpassed by nny except Surgeon Glnu of the Second legimeut who was not r quired to take military examination and First Lieu tenant Johu II Barnes of company L Second regiment who had less subjects than the major Each olllcer took au examination prepared for officers of his rank and the major was supposed to have the hardest of any Major Straight was inaihod 12 pir cent iu drill regulations by far tlio highest secured by any other olllcer who was examined on that subject Daniel S Fraser sec ond lieutenant of company P First regi metit of Madison did not appear for ex nmiuation and ou recommendation of the board was honorably discharged from service DESCEND ON BUCKETSHOPS IllllnKO InlliO nimni lim n Wnr if l trrmlnntloil Au nlnt Tlmlll Chicaoo Aug 1 Nearly -100 per foiim many of whom had never been in side of a pulico station before were captured in a wholesale raid on alleged bucket shops located in tho downtown district and carted off to tho police stations A dozen firms prominently connected with tho board of trade wrio visited by the police during tho raid which was so perfectly planned that hardly a person in all tho rooms raided succeeded in escaping A pnnio ensued in Wirsehlngs rooms when tho police appeared and several jiersoiiH were trampled on in tho mail rush to escape Chief of Police Kipley said raids would continue until every bucket shop in Chicago was driven out of ex istence The plages closed by tho police in cluded the following Johu Dickinson Co E A Wirsching Co Chi cago Commission company N M Nusly llotehkins Co Brown Co Wallace Co nnd F O Nolle Co Iu nearly every instance the telephono and ticker wires were cut and tho ser vice rendered useless The books and paraphernalia were also taken posses sion of by t lie police llrjnn anil Tonne Confer Lincoln Aug 1 Tho withdrawal of Charles A Towno from the Populist ticket as a presidential candidate is still an undetermined question Mr Towno sptiit nearly all of yesterday in Lincoln and most of tho time was with W J Bryan Populist leaders hero who talked with Mr Towno say ho is of tho opinion that ho should retiio Ho will ndvocato the election of Bryan and Stevenson Mr Towno is on his way homo to Dulutli and after ho reaches there it is believed ho will announce himself Mr Bryan yesterday niado a short address to tho Democratic state committee counseling and predicting harmony among tho fusion forces of Nebraska Yilliiv AiiiIii In Cimloily Hamilton O Aug 1 During tho carnival of tho Elks hero last week when Governor Nash aud Muff and many visitors wero present there wero several suspects arrested Yesterday Detective R L Corbel t who was look ing for an express robber in the group identified Charles Yancy It is stated that whilo on parole from tho Nebraska penitentiary last August Yancy shot a conductor on tho Chicago and Great Northern railway and was convicted at the November term of court in Story county Iowa On November 5 while being taken to tho penitentiary ho escaped from tho sheriff for whom ho is now held hero Xilftoii Dcfuult Michael Boston Aug I Johnnie Nelson the Chicago wonder defeated Jimuiia Michael the Welsh midgot by a bare 15 yards at tho tapo in tho 20 milo motor paced race for tho championship at Charles River park last night The finish was spectacular enough to satisfy everybody and it seemed surprising that not an existing record fell Tho time wns 5t0i i 5 but Michael con tinues to bold tho record for the dis tance of 3111 1 5 Mfltlni union fur JJnvU Lincoln Ang 1 Governor Poyntcr has been petitioned by nbout 50 citizens to pardon George Washington Davis now serving a life sentence in the pen itentiary for wrecking a Rock Island passenger train near Lincoln several years ago On the first trial of Davis the jury disagreed aud failed to return a verdict and it is claimed that he was unjustly convicted LESS THAN ONE THOUSAND Kerond Jtennrt Oonnlilerably Moillflri loril Hubert Victory London Aug I A dispatch re ceived at tho war office from Lord Roberts materially modifies yesterdays statement of the surrender of 5000 rebels under General Priusloo It now appears that Generals Priusloo Villieii aud Orowther surrendered with 981 men 1432 horses 055 rifles and a Krnpp nine pounder Some of the leaders in more distant parts of the hills hesitate to como iu on tho plea that thoy are independent of General Priusloo Lord Roberta adds that he has directed General Hunter to rcsumo hostilities forthwith and to listeji to no excuses The Loureuzo Marquei correspondent of the Daily Express says Tho Boers are preparing to mtreat from Waterval bovon Prank Pettigrew son of United States Senator Pottigrow has arrived there and has joinod Cornmaudaut Gen eral Bothas staff ITiteil Uncle Hitlii Cah Cedar Hapiiw Aug 1 J S Mil lard tho deposed Marion postmaster was arraigned yosterday charged with appropriating government funds to his own use and was held to await tho ac tion of the grand jury in tho sum of 1000 Iruiulueut lown Commrtor Killed Boone la Ang 1 Halver Lund a prominent Swedish contractor was throwifrprrrhhj whftd by runaway team and died In a few uon Klllllpy FATAL ECONOMY m VERY old maxim declares that it isnt econ omy to pick up pins the time is worth more than the pins Similarly it is not true econ omy to do without Ivory Soap your health requires the daily removal of the bodily excretions which arc discharged through the pores of the skin These tiny mouths must he kept open and they should be opened only with a pure soap IVORY SOAP 09fS PER CENT PURE WOR A STRRRT FAIR Some Interviews With Norfolk Business Men MAJORITY BEEN WOULD SUPPORT IT Sitmci Itcllcwi II In TIiiiii lor Norfolk lo Wnlcii lip II Hit Muvit In JHiiiIii It IM iimI Ho ill turn A Im Who m Not lrn Mirulily I inpi cHBCil It is the opinion of u good many iesi dents of Norfolk that tho oily should undertake something uh a city for the entertainment of tho peoplo of tho terri tory of which it is the metropolis Not for yean has anything been under taken to attract t ratio or friendly re lations witli those upon whom tho mer chants depend for a portion of their patronage Tho street fair proposition has been discussed at some length anil many look upon somo such entertain ment with high favor Many places whoso resources cannot bo compared to those of Norfolk are preparing for a fair this fall and will undoubtedly suc ceed in drawing crowds from their surrounding territory aud interesting them in visiting the city If Norfolk undertakes anything of the kind preliminary steps should be com menced at once as there is much to tlo and the golden fall with its entertain ments and enjoyments is -rapidly up pronching At Omaha the Knights of and at Fremont the Knights of St Kobrngns aro doing much to advertise their towns and provide fall festivals To bo up to date Tin Niws suggests that Norfolk bustlers might organize into the Knights of Klo Fron and lo something in keeping with the name that would be surprisingly de lightful Knowing that a fall festival had been discussed more or less tho reporter for this paper while ou his rounds this morning interviewed a number of re presentative citizens and although no effort was made toseo all it seems that a large majority aro in favor of the project The following aro tho opinions of those seen 13 B Ovelman It is something of n chestnut Geo Davenport It would be a very good thing J 13 Maylard Its n good thing Push it along O P Micheal I would like to see one very much It would bo a good thing for the city Robt Utter Am very much in favor of it It would be both entertaining and money making F A Beoler It would be n good thing for the town aud would certainly drnw a big crowd Captain A N Gerecke A good money making thing for tho city A baEinees proposition Asa K Leonard Very favorably im pressed with the idea and consider it would be un excellent thiug for tho city Al Degner It would be a flue thing for Norfolk but as Ringliugs circus is coming that may unnwer the amuse ment purpose P A Shurtz It would be a very nice thing The people should get together and do somethiug to indicate that Nor folk is ou earth Frank Daveuport We ought to get u crowd hero some time This town ought to le advertised a little If wo could huve a good one it would be a tine thing W H Johnson It is a good thing but require lota of money It will take 1 at least from one to two thousaud dol lars to make worthy showing Past experience Iimh shown that the burden of tho expense lulls on a few which in unfair FAST TIME ATHEDRICK Ilmt Dny or lltt M l Opmin Willi iil Iiokikiii mill Attiiiilimco lIlllltlfK III Allg 1 Tho 11101 meeting tin tho llcdrick nnlo track opened with n large first day allnntlanco n fid with splendid contest- over a last track Four heats went to tho half in 101 105 ami 100 and live heats wero i ven in In iter than 12 Contralto was stiongly played to win tho JJ7 tint in which the entry list 57 de veloped eight still ters and sho wan never headed Plum Lino wan a win ner over Garuettii in tho LI0 pacing although thu latter sold in the auctions at 0 to 5 Country Girl anil Lou Vaughn weio sold evt n against tho Hi Id in t In- 1H pacing but Oak Grove a beautiful stallion by Asgruvc won after a haul light Ilnim ill rijillltlniiltv Dr sMoiMS Aug 1 Rev O D Elicit ol 1 meviUe clinit ltiiui of tho state central Piohibitiou committor was iu I Jch Moiiiin yesterday Mr Kllctt haul Weaielo hold n grand rally ol Pioliibitioiii ts in Des Monies Aug 0 It will bo at the Auditorium ami most of the national committeemen will bo on hand Another new thing iu thu way ol campaign work is that wo mo In have two special trains going over tho state with our head ollicera and candidates SlllnJllllllllll IMvilICO Il lllloll Foiit Doixik la Aug 1 A petition in a sensational divorce caso has been filed by Mrs Mary Faiferhck asking for a divorce I rum her hiinbaud Matt Faiferhck Tho petition charges her husband with adultery with her own 12-year-old sister who has been mak ing her home with them The peoplo ure well known Webster county farmers VIoIhIIoii of Clnini Inw North Platte Neb Aug 1 Sher ilf Keliber is keeping a sharp lookout for pei jnK suspected of shooting prairio chickens aud other birds out of season There has been a good deal of burning going on in this part of tho state but so fur no one has Im oii caught with any game in his possession IollUlon Injure Ilvn OUMIIKH1ANU Md Aug 1 During a heavy fog yesterday the Baltimoro and Ohio Duqnrsne limited from Pitts burg collided with a local freight at Mount Savago threu miles west of hero Five persons were injured Dbs Moikks Aug 1 Governor Shaw says lie will not upoiut a United State seuatcr before Aug 10 M days after tho death of the late Senator Gear fftWWWWWWWfti are noted for hanging on They weaken your throat and lungs and lead to serious trouble Dont tnHe with them Take Scotts Emulsion at once It soothes heals and cures Ml- nil 41 All druvslil IWrWrWWKWMW Onlrr of lleurtut u I k n nf kiliiul - r v M1 miiMin i iuiijr i Ti lliu riiiit w riiiirl of Mfitllfctn rinfitr Kit lirnciil to jiiiii I Amino Kl znAmlnis Sirub lockf nnd Mary Tubornuci all pertoiib inlnr ettcil in tlio eoUUu of M K AtiilriiK deceuscd On rtiailfiiH mid Minn i vet U inn of Hurt thuwiuK that tliiriicu Mcltriilo former udmlnie trnWir of lliU twtittu died leavlnK suitl eatntn uiitctllol unit nruyiut for tlio npiioiiitmuiil of mi id Hurt Mhiii hi lulmiuibtrctor do tonu lion of niiWtttuln It If licroto orileml that on mid nil person in tercted in i ulit matter may unit do upjiear it the comity court to Ih hold iu and tortui t coun ty on llioaotlnliiy of June llOJlitoiiooclooVii u to i liow cine if nny tlierooe why the pray er of the Ictjtioutr btinuld not bu Krantwl iiuit Hint notice of tlio iKHiduur of mid petition unit Urn uenriim tlwwuofbe Kivci to nil orwrnn in mill matter by aliliiliiiK n copy of llii order to the Neuronic Weuhli Nkwj a itMepMir1iriiited Au aid county for tbreo eurcfrclvo week prior to HUl day of hearlug Dated Mr afot Wn u IUite Coutty Jud